Iodine deficiency in children: a tiny problem with catastrophic consequences. Why is iodine deficiency dangerous for pregnant women? If this happened you need

Iodine is one of the most important trace elements necessary to maintain the health of our body. First of all, it is necessary for normal operation thyroid gland, the hormones of which have a direct effect on the functioning of the brain and immune status organism. In Russia, more than a third of the population has signs of iodine deficiency, but do not even know about it, because on early stages changes in well-being are very small.

Causes of iodine deficiency

Pregnant women experience an increased need for iodine, and a deficiency of this trace element is very dangerous for the fetus.

Deficiency is not always the result of poor nutrition, since food is not the only source of this trace element for our body. We get iodine with water and air, so the problem of iodine deficiency is relevant in areas where soil and water are poor in this substance (European part of Russia and European countries). Increased need for iodine in children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency

Iodine deficiency primarily affects the functioning, since iodine is part of the hormones that it produces.

The condition of the skin signals a lack of iodine, it becomes dry, loses elasticity, acquires a waxy tint. Due to metabolic disorders, in which thyroid hormones also take part, appears overweight. There are violations in the work of the intestine, manifested in the form of constipation. With severe iodine deficiency suffers the cardiovascular system, decreases arterial pressure, arise . In women, it may be impaired menstrual cycle, infertility is often diagnosed, in men - impotence.

Due to the lack of iodine, the brain also suffers, intelligence decreases, the ability to concentrate, and memory is impaired. A person whose body is experiencing iodine deficiency, complains of fatigue, weakness, becomes lethargic, indifferent to what is happening, sometimes even depression occurs. Over time, iodine deficiency can cause the thyroid gland to enlarge (endemic goiter), which begins to compress nearby organs, causing coughing, difficulty swallowing, and choking attacks.

Signs of iodine deficiency in children

In a growing organism, the need for iodine is increased. Children who are deficient in this trace element often get sick. colds, they have reduced appetite, they quickly get tired of physical exertion, school performance in such children is poor. Iodine deficiency in children most often occurs hidden. An increase in the thyroid gland in size and the development of goiter indicates that the child's body has long been experiencing iodine deficiency. With the development of severe hypothyroidism due to lack of iodine, the child begins to lag behind in physical, mental and mental development, in the most severe cases cretinism develops.

If the symptoms described above appear, you should consult a doctor. The first symptoms of iodine deficiency are non-specific, therefore, to establish true reason deterioration of well-being on their own is difficult.


In order to eliminate iodine deficiency in the body, it is necessary to contain this trace element. by the most useful products with a lack of iodine, seafood is considered: seaweed, squid, shrimp, caviar, hake, pollock, cod, etc. In smaller quantities, iodine is found in river fish, eggs, beef, milk, cereals, mushrooms, vegetables (spinach, sorrel, green onion, asparagus, eggplant, beets, tomatoes, radishes, garlic, potatoes). This trace element is present in berries and fruits (bananas, oranges, lemons, melons, pineapples, persimmons). When cooking, it is recommended to use iodized salt. In addition, a number of foodstuffs additionally fortified with iodine are produced (milk, bread, eggs, mineral water and etc.). For children, dry milk formulas are produced, which include iodine.

Prevention of iodine deficiency

Iodized salt should be substituted for salt ordinary people living in regions of iodine deficiency.

To prevent iodine deficiency in the body, it is necessary to include foods rich in iodine in the diet, and also periodically take preparations containing this trace element in a prophylactic dose.

To prevent iodine deficiency during pregnancy and lactation, doctors recommend that all women take drugs containing iodine at a dose of at least 200 mcg / day. Antenatal prophylaxis will help expectant mothers to avoid the occurrence of a deficiency of this microelement in the body. At the stage of pregnancy planning, six months before its onset, it is recommended to take iodine preparations in a prophylactic dose. This will help prevent diseases associated with iodine deficiency in a newborn baby.

Which doctor to contact

If you have symptoms similar to signs of iodine deficiency, you should consult an endocrinologist. After research hormonal background the doctor will be able to draw a conclusion about the lack of this trace element. Expectant mothers should be told about the prevention of iodine deficiency by an endocrinologist. In a child, symptoms of iodine deficiency are usually detected by an observing pediatrician. For the prevention of this condition, it is useful to consult a dietitian for proper nutrition.

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Iodine is one of the most important trace elements in the body. It is responsible for several kinds of functions of the human body.
Iodine deficiency that occurred in childhood or adolescence, leads to the formation of goiter, delayed physical and mental development. Such children lag behind their peers in growth, study poorly, they slow down sexual development. Particularly high risk of iodine deficiency in adolescents, when the need for thyroid hormones increases due to their faster consumption in the process active growth and more quick use iodine ingested.

Iodine is one of the most important trace elements necessary for normal growth and development of the child's body. The main role of iodine is participation in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Iodine enters the child's body with food and drinking water. Lack of iodine in food and water can cause iodine deficiency in the child's body. Against the background of iodine deficiency, the formation of thyroid hormones decreases and diseases such as iodine or hypothyroidism develop.
The main measure to prevent iodine deficiency in children is to eat foods with high content iodine and taking special medications containing iodine salts.

Importance of iodine

Throughout life, the human body needs various microelements and vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of organs and tissues. One of these trace elements is iodine (other essential trace elements are iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, etc.). Yod performs important features in the human body. One of the main functions of iodine is participation in the formation of thyroid hormones (thyroxine, triiodothyronine). Iodine enters the human body with food and water. The source of iodine are products of plant and animal origin and drinking water.

Fetal iodine deficiency can cause: miscarriages, stillbirths, birth defects development, mental retardation, deaf-mutism, strabismus, hypothyroidism, dwarfism, psychomotor disorders.

Iodine deficiency in a newborn calls: increased mortality, neonatal goiter, hypothyroidism.

Iodine deficiency in children and adults causes: endemic goiter, hypothyroidism, impaired or reduced mental and physical development, thyrotoxicosis. Symptoms of iodine deficiency are also fast fatiguability at physical activity, a decrease in body temperature, constant chilliness, a tendency to infections, the appearance of headaches and pain in muscles and joints, frequent forgetfulness, decreased vision.

Iodine deficiency in women childbearing period can cause: goiter, anemia, infertility, miscarriage, premature birth, the birth of a child with endemic cretinism.

Main products that contain a large number of iodine, are:

  • Fruits - apples, grapes, cherries, plums, apricots
  • Dairy products - cheese, cottage cheese, milk
  • Vegetables - beets, lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, cabbage
  • Fish, fish oil
If your baby does not gravitate towards the above products, pay attention to. It will help you maintain the balance of iodine in the child's body and protect him from diseases.

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Iodine- this is important trace element, which is essential for the child's body to normal functioning endocrine system.

It must be remembered that iodine is not produced by itself in the human body. Therefore, it is very important that iodine enters the enough with food and water. The main cause of iodine deficiency in the body of a child is an unbalanced diet of a child or a pregnant and lactating mother.

How much iodine does the body need daily for normal functioning?

Children under 2 years old, including infants and newborns - 50 mcg.

children preschool age(2-6 years) - 90 mcg.

Schoolchildren - 120-150 mcg.

The reasons why children have a lack of trace elements:

genetic predisposition.

Unfavorable radiation background.

Insufficient intake of iodine-rich foods.

Iodine is supplied in sufficient quantities, but for certain reasons it is not absorbed.

According to WHO, approximately one in three people suffer from iodine deficiency. In Russia, there are regions where this trace element is sorely lacking. These areas include North Caucasus, Urals, Altai, Siberian plateau, Far East, Upper and Middle Volga regions, northern Russia. Residents of these regions need to more eat foods rich in iodine.

What foods are rich in iodine?

· Laminaria or seaweed, perhaps, occupies a leading position in terms of iodine content - 500-700 mcg. per 100 gr. It is enough for a child to eat 10 grams of seaweed salad daily to fulfill daily allowance. Seaweed can be given to children over 2 years old and is best not pickled, but dry.

Seafood (shrimp, squid, oysters) - up to 300 mcg. per 100 gr. fresh product.

· Fish. Most of all iodine is in hake and cod liver.

· Dairy. In whole milk 19 mcg., in fermented milk products up to 11 mcg. per 100 gr.

· Meat. Meat does not include sausages, sausages, ham. Pork and beef contain about 50 micrograms. per 100 gr.

· Chicken eggs contain 18 mcg. per 100 gr.

Mushrooms - up to 18 mcg. per 100 gr

· A lot of iodine is found in broccoli, greens, legumes, feijoa, persimmon and other vegetables, berries and fruits.

Cereals are not very rich in iodine, about 10 micrograms. per 100 gr. product

· The most common way to prevent iodine deficiency is the use of iodized salt. Remember heat treatment reduces the amount of iodine in the product. It is best to steam foods rich in iodine.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency in a child:

Bad memory

Failure to master the material

Frequent colds,

growth retardation,

Late teething (after a year),

Sluggishness, slowness, lack of initiative,

Undeveloped fine motor skills

Difficulties in social adaptation.

Prolonged iodine deficiency in a child's body can lead to sad consequences:

1. Endemic goiter. A disease of the thyroid gland, in which there is an increase in the size of the gland. If left untreated, this disease develops endemic cretinism.

2. Hypothyroidism - congenital disease in which an insufficient amount of hormones is produced.

On the modern pharmaceutical market, there are drugs for the treatment of iodine deficiency. These drugs are actively advertised as absolutely harmless additives. Self-administration of these drugs to your child without consulting a doctor is fraught with the appearance of an excess of iodine, which also negatively affects the work of the child's endocrine system.

Most The best way prevention of iodine deficiency in children is a balanced proper nutrition mothers at the time of pregnancy, and then the nutrition of the baby himself.

There are trace elements in the body, the deficiency of which seriously impairs the growth and development of children. One of the basic substances is iodine, which is necessary for the tissues of the thyroid gland to form its hormones. They, released from the tissues of the gland into the blood, exercise control over the metabolism, especially energy and protein, the most important links in growth processes. Equally important is the functioning of the thyroid gland. nervous system and her coordinated work. What symptoms of iodine deficiency can be an indication for taking drugs, how do they affect thyroid function?

If the child's body lacks iodine, the thyroid gland suffers, the processes of hormone synthesis are disturbed in it. It is iodine that is the basis for the basic hormones of the body - triiodothyronine and thyroxine, which include, respectively, three or four iodine atoms. These hormones regulate protein metabolism (the processes of its synthesis and consumption by the body), as well as the processes of energy production, body growth in length and accumulation muscle mass, as well as the formation of the nervous system and its active functioning. It becomes clear what iodine deficiency can result in if thyroid hormones suffer. First of all, in conditions of iodine deficiency, the thyroid gland activates its work, compensatory increase in volume, which can lead to endemic goiter. In addition, iodine is actively absorbed from all food and water, stored in the tissues of the thyroid gland, but also actively consumed. If all the reserves of the body are not enough to ensure the full functioning and synthesis of hormones, hypothyroidism is gradually formed, a state of reduced activity of the thyroid gland.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency in children

>Often children do not give severe symptoms iodine deficiency for a long time, all manifestations are similar to many other pathologies (infections, somatic neurological pathologies). Therefore, it is possible to determine that it is iodine that is to blame for poor health in children, based on data on the endemicity of the region for iodine deficiency, as well as the determination of some specific laboratory indicators, or by a combination of indirect data and general manifestations.

Often, children with chronic iodine deficiency get tired quickly, lack energy, are slow or irritable, touchy and nervous. They have stubborn anemia, skin dry and prone to trauma, swelling in the eyelids can be detected in the morning throughout the day (while the kidneys are healthy and there are no other visible reasons). In addition, children complain that they are constantly cold, often catch colds and eat poorly, while their weight may increase. There may be a slowdown in growth in length, hands and feet are cold all the time, although it is warm at home, they do not absorb well. school curriculum are often tired in the evening. Such children cannot additionally attend circles, sections, as there is simply not enough energy and strength for this.

If it is found out that the reasons feeling unwell iodine is to blame, it is important to replenish its reserves in the body through a special diet or medications. Unfortunately, children are not very willing to eat foods rich in iodine due to their palatability or allergies (seaweed, seafood, fish). In such cases, after consultation with an endocrinologist, the use of iodine preparations in tablet form will be indicated. Sometimes in the case of a combined deficiency of not only iodine, but also many vitamins and minerals, they resort to the use of a special vitamin-mineral complex.

With subclinical iodine deficiency, if all manifestations are minimally expressed, or with preventive purposes iodine preparations are used in a prophylactic dosage. This allows you to nourish the body with iodine, create a reserve of it in the tissues, and the thyroid gland improves its work on the production of hormones.

If there are signs of endemic goiter, metabolic disorders are expressed quite clearly or are long-term, it will be recommended to take therapeutic dosages, which allow you to quickly and actively normalize the work of the gland, and activate the processes of hormone synthesis. Use iodine preparations only as prescribed by a doctor, and only the medication that was recommended. In the absence of it in pharmacies or its high cost, you should consult a doctor in order to replace the medicine with another one. But you shouldn't do it on your own. Various drugs iodine may contain different dosages of the drug, have different fillers or additional substances, and can harm the child's body if the substances are used incorrectly.

Things to remember when choosing a medicine

First of all, the doctor will assess the degree of disorders associated with the thyroid gland. Often it is in childhood iodine deficiency manifests itself in serious disorders of the functions of the organ, and to restore its normal functioning, it is no longer necessary to take iodine preparations, but to prescribe small doses of hormones.

This is necessary when identifying signs of hypothyroidism, if the level of TSH is elevated, and the thyroid hormones themselves in the plasma are lowered. Then it is necessary to bring the child into a state of euthyroidism, when the work of the thyroid gland reaches a stable production of hormones with simultaneous iodine supplementation. In addition, the doctor should always prescribe iodine preparations also because it is important to exclude hyperfunction of the gland, nodes inside it or other pathologies in which taking iodine preparations may be contraindicated.

Reception should be carried out strictly according to the instructions, using exactly those forms of the drug that were recommended. In addition, the combination of drugs with food and drink is important.

When prescribing drugs and choosing dosages, depending on the age of the child, the doctor should take into account additional non-drug sources of iodine intake. These can be attributed, first of all, in babies special products nutrition (drinking water, milk, cookies) and mixtures enriched with iodine. In addition, salt will also be an actual source of iodine. But it is worth remembering that in childhood it is recommended to salt food very moderately and thus iodine is supplied in very limited quantities.

In the children's body, iodine plays a significant role. First of all, this element is important for the functioning of the thyroid gland and the formation of its hormones responsible for metabolic processes. Also, daily consumption is required for the functioning of other organ systems of the child.

Needs in childhood

Since iodine is not formed in the child's body, it must be supplied to the child's body daily with food or as part of supplements. Depending on the age, the child needs the following amount of iodine every day:

Deficiency symptoms

Babies with iodine deficiency are more likely to get sick, become lethargic and nervous. The child will have weakness, headaches, complaints of discomfort in the throat (feeling of coma and perspiration), difficulty swallowing. He is declining physical activity may develop a dry cough.

Prolonged lack of iodine in food can affect the mental development of the child and the state of the thyroid gland. The result of a deficit is mental retardation, goiter and hypothyroidism. Thyroid increases in size, knots can form in it, and the level of hormones decreases.

Lack of iodine in the body of a child is a serious problem, as it can affect the mental development of the child.

Most often, iodine deficiency is associated with unbalanced diet children, so the task of parents should be to control the diet of their son or daughter. The child's menu should contain the following products:

  • Seaweed.
  • Hake, salmon, haddock, flounder and other fish.
  • Calamari and shrimp.
  • Whole milk, hard cheese and dairy products.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Dishes of pork, beef and other meats.
  • Broccoli, greens, peas, beans and other vegetables.
  • Persimmon, melon, grapes, banana, apples, strawberries, citrus fruits and other fruits or berries.
  • Buckwheat, millet, oat groats, bread made from rye and wheat flour.
  • Champignons.

It is important to remember that heat treatment reduces the amount of iodine in the product, so it must be gentle. The best option called steaming. Great importance in the prevention of the lack of this element, iodized salt also has.

Who needs vitamins with iodine

  • Living in an area where this trace element is scarce in soil and water.
  • With hereditary predisposition to thyroid diseases.
  • With diseases digestive tract that impair absorption nutrients from food.

Drug Overview

To supplement the children's diet with iodine, supplements based on potassium iodide are used. Its dosage for the prevention of goiter is 50-100 micrograms of iodine for children under 12 years of age and 100-200 micrograms of iodine for children over 12 years of age. The duration of use should be agreed with the doctor, since in some cases prophylaxis is carried out for only a few months, and sometimes such supplements need to be taken for life.

Preparations in which iodine is the main component are:

  • Iodomarin 100 or 200.
  • Yodbalans.
  • Yod Vitrum for children.
  • Iodide 100 or 200.
  • Potassium iodide.
  • Yodostin.
  • Microiodide.

The most popular preparation containing iodine is Iodomarin, which can be given even to children.

Most of these drugs are produced in tablets and used from birth - for the smallest, the tablet is dissolved in a small amount of water.

To prevent iodine deficiency in childhood, iodine-containing products are also often used. vitamin complexes. Iodine in them is often represented by potassium iodide or sodium iodide. Here are the most popular multivitamins:

Name of the complex

Vitamins Multi+

20 mcg in 1 lozenge for a child over 3 years old

Alphabet Our baby

35 mcg in 1 sachet for children 1.5-3 years old

Alphabet Kindergarten

50 mcg per 1 orange tablet for a child 3-7 years old

Alphabet Schoolboy

78 mcg per 1 orange tablet for 7-14 year olds

Alphabet Teen

150 mcg per 1 orange tablet, ages 14-18

Vitrum Baby

80 mcg per 1 fruit tablet for 3-5 year olds

Vitrum Kids

150 mcg per 1 strawberry tablet for 4-7 year olds

Vitrum Junior

150 mcg per 1 fruit tablet for children 7-14 years

Vitrum Teenager

150 mcg per 1 chocolate tablet for 14-18 year olds

Jungle Kids

70 mcg in 5 ml syrup for a child 1-6 years

Jungle with minerals

150 mcg in 1 chewable tablet for children over six years old

Complivit Active

100 mcg in 1 coated tablet for a child 7-12 years old

Complivit Active chewable

50 mcg per 1 chewable tablet for children 3-10 years

75 mcg in 5 ml suspension for a child over three years of age

Multi-tabs Kid

70 mcg in 1 tablet for a child 1-4 years old

Multi-tabs Kid Calcium+

70 mcg per 1 tablet for children 2-7 years old

Multi-tabs Junior

150 mcg per 1 tablet for children 4-11 years old

Multi-tabs Teen

130 mcg per 1 tablet

Multi-tabs Immuno Kids

80 mcg in 1 tablet for a child 7-14 years old

Pikovit Unique 3+

16 mcg per 2 chewable tablets

Pikovit Plus 4+

40 mcg in 1 banana tablet

Solgar Kangavites Multivitamins & Minerals

22.5 mcg per tablet for children 2 years of age and older

Solgar U-Cubes Chewable Multivitamins & Minerals

30 mcg in 2 lozenges for a child over 2 years of age

Supradin Kids Junior

60 mcg per tablet for children aged 5+

In the video below, you can see what Dr. Komarovsky says about the benefits of iodine for child's body, and how iodine deficiency can affect the development of the child.

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