Periods do not come after a miscarriage. When can I expect my period to start after a miscarriage? Recovery period for the reproductive organ

Menstruation after a miscarriage, their nature, duration and accompanying symptoms are the main points that will be discussed in this article.

Let's sort it out in order. A miscarriage is a spontaneous uncontrolled termination of pregnancy that can occur for various reasons. After that, a woman naturally gets injured, both psychologically and physiologically. Firstly, the stress of losing a child, and secondly, changes in the reproductive system. Therefore, it is extremely important, after a miscarriage, to help the female body fully recover. Monthly in this case carry two functions. First of all, they are harbingers of spontaneous abortion, since it is by bloody discharge from the vagina that a woman learns about the possible risk of losing a child or about a fait accompli. But, menstruation also indicates a woman's readiness for a new conception.

How long does the menstrual cycle take?

Spontaneous abortion in the early stages (without cleaning) is usually accompanied by bleeding, since endometrial rejection occurs. Late miscarriage requires surgical intervention in the woman's body, as curettage is required. This procedure naturally affects the blood vessels, so bleeding is observed after it.

In principle, the menstrual cycle, in women after a miscarriage, begins a new countdown. The day when the abortion occurred is the beginning of a new cycle. Its duration depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and many related factors. As a rule, it is twenty-three to thirty-five days. Therefore, menstruation begins on the twenty-third, twenty-eighth, thirty-fifth day of the cycle. This is the norm.

Bleeding after a miscarriage has nothing to do with menstruation, as such.

The duration and nature of menstruation

In principle, menstruation after a miscarriage should last as long as the days they went before it. On average, this is three to seven days.

However, you should be prepared for the fact that the first menstruation will be quite painful. But this fact also has its limits. If the pain is unbearable, besides, the discharge is too abundant, then you should not wait and endure. It is necessary to immediately come to the doctor for an examination, since this condition may be caused by the fact that particles of the fetus remain in the uterine cavity.

If the menstruation began earlier than the due date, then this should also alert the woman, especially if they are brown and have a rather unpleasant odor. This also indicates an incomplete cleansing of the uterus from an interrupted pregnancy.

Not only are heavy periods dangerous, but scanty ones also pose a threat to women's health. Therefore, you should watch. If minor periods go on for more than two cycles, see a doctor immediately. The reason for such small secretions may be an adhesive process, hormonal failure, or a strong emotional shock. In any case, you need to consult a specialist.

When menstruation does not come in due time, then ovarian dysfunction and, of course, a new pregnancy can be assumed. Although all doctors strongly recommend abstaining from sexual intercourse for one to two months, and getting pregnant no earlier than six months later, this is the amount of time that the body needs to fully recover.

And as a result. Menstruation lasts exactly as long as before pregnancy. Their character is normally the same as it was before. Deviations are possible, but these are signs of pathologies in the body that require medical intervention.

Failure of pregnancy is a serious hormonal blow to the woman's body and immediately after a miscarriage, menstruation will not come. During this period, the mechanism of regulation of the menstrual cycle starts, a new egg begins to mature. When the first menstruation comes after a miscarriage, it is necessary to analyze the nature of the discharge. According to such criteria as the smell and abundance of fluid, the duration of the new cycle, the severity and how many days the menstruation lasts, the gynecologist assesses the state of the woman's reproductive function.

What is a miscarriage and its types

The term "miscarriage" refers to the inability of the uterus to "hold" the fetus or developing embryo until the end of the pregnancy. The woman feels with, bleeding opens, spontaneous rejection of the product of conception by the organ begins. The blastocyst or embryo is then pushed out of the organ cavity through the prematurely dilated cervix. When menstruation comes after rejection, it depends on the type of miscarriage and the individual characteristics of the woman's body.

Doctors distinguish two types of spontaneous, and they differ in the term of pregnancy failure. This factor affects the duration of the recovery period after a spontaneous miscarriage. Menstruation should come with the resumption of normal functions of the reproductive system.

Types of spontaneous abortions:

  1. Miscarriage during biochemical pregnancy. This is a spontaneous abortion of the product of conception, when the fertilization of the egg is determined only with the help of the hCG test. With an early miscarriage (up to 14 days of delay), women perceive bleeding for menstruation as a result of a cycle failure. Therefore, many do not go to the gynecologist for treatment.
  2. Complete and incomplete spontaneous miscarriage. This is a spontaneous abortion of an embryo weighing up to 400 g between 3 and 21 weeks of pregnancy. With a complete miscarriage, the entire product of conception is removed from the uterus. The second subspecies is characterized by the decay of the biomaterial with the retention of fragments in the cavity of the organ.
  3. There is a miscarriage in the period from 21 to 37 weeks. Doctors classify such a miscarriage as an early delivery of a live or dead child.

The nature of the discharge and the first menstruation in the event of a miscarriage

It happens that after a miscarriage, fragments of the embryo remain in the uterine cavity. The complication disrupts reproductive functions and is dangerous for a woman's life. Therefore, it is important to assess the nature of the discharge after a miscarriage and menstrual blood when the first menstruation begins. Their smell, color, abundance and composition indicate the presence or absence of functional disorders and a pathological process in the reproductive organs.

The nature of the first menstruation

The first menstruation after a miscarriage in 95% of cases changes its characteristics in comparison with menstruation before conception. Often the new cycle coincides with the previous chart, but its shift is also considered the norm. It is not a violation of the change in the volume of allocated blood, the presence of PMS and other criteria, if the indicators fit into the medical standard.

The norm of the first menstruation and the cycle after a miscarriage:

  • duration of menstruation - 3-7 days;
  • the amount of blood - 90-150 ml (approximately 4 pad changes per day);
  • the composition of the secretions is dark red or red-brown in color with no clots larger than 1.5 cm, without an unpleasant odor;
  • restoration of the cycle - for 3 months after spontaneous abortion;
  • PMS - moderate or moderate severity of symptoms;
  • the duration of the follicular and luteal phases - 14-16 days each;
  • - complete.

How long menstruation will appear depends on the severity of the woman's condition after a miscarriage. According to the standard, gynecologists take the day of spontaneous complete abortion as the beginning of the follicular phase. With a favorable prognosis, the first menstruation occurs 24-35 days after the miscarriage. Deviation of the nature of the following cycles from the norm by doctors is regarded as a sign of functional disorders and pathologies.

The nature of the discharge before the first menstruation

After a spontaneous abortion, bleeding goes up to 10 days and can resume for a short time until the periodicity of the cycle is normalized. This is a consequence of the failure of pregnancy, which a woman takes for menstruation. The first full-fledged periods after a miscarriage without cleaning appear at least 3 weeks after the day of spontaneous abortion.

Differences in discharge after a miscarriage:

  1. Bleeding is characterized by a sudden onset, an abundance of fluid, scarlet discharge, the presence of loose clots up to 2 cm in size. It can periodically open in any phase of the cycle. Stops during therapy with hemostatic agents with a gradual decrease in abundance.
  2. Dangerous discharge appears after post-abortion bleeding stops. They are characterized by an unpleasant or fetid odor, dark brown and black color, mucous green-yellow blotches, the presence of large dense fragments.
  3. The first monthly discharge begins and ends with a red-brown daub at 4-5 weeks after the miscarriage. The characteristic of critical days should correspond to the norms of the menstrual cycle.

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Arbitrary abortion is a strong stress for the body, disrupting the functions of the reproductive system. Therefore, there are no clearly established boundaries when, after a miscarriage, menstruation will appear or how long it will take. A woman should be observed by a gynecologist for the first six months. They are urgently examined in case of non-compliance of menstruation with the norms of the cycle, bleeding, the appearance of dangerous secretions.

Reasons for the delay

There is a delay in menstruation after a miscarriage due to dysfunction of the reproductive organs and endocrine glands. The second reason is the complications of spontaneous abortion. It happens that there are no periods due to the side effects of medications in the treatment of the consequences of a miscarriage. It is forbidden to induce menstruation and self-medicate during a delay. The exact cause is determined using laboratory tests and hardware diagnostics.

What secretions can be considered dangerous

The gynecologist determines the absence of complications of a miscarriage by the number of critical days and the volume of menstruation. What secretions are considered dangerous?

The threat is profuse menstruation after a miscarriage, in which a woman changes more than 4 pads per day or critical days last longer than a week. They indicate an incomplete spontaneous abortion, inflammation of the reproductive organs, the onset of bleeding. Against the background of heavy menstruation for more than 3 cycles, iron deficiency anemia develops.

Danger is also caused by meager periods after a miscarriage. This is a symptom of cycle disorders (oligomenorrhea, hypomenorrhea, and so on), tuberculosis of the reproductive system, anemia, stress, endocrine diseases, early menopause. After a spontaneous abortion, scanty periods also indicate adhesions in the uterine cavity, which provoke repeated failures of subsequent pregnancies.

Doctors' opinion

Gynecologist-obstetrician E. P. Berezovskaya

“After a miscarriage, before the onset of the first menstruation, a woman undergoes serial ultrasound every 5-10 days, observing the process of uterine cleansing. Scraping without fail with dangerous secretions, severe bleeding, severe symptoms of inflammation and the risk of sepsis. Curettage causes a number of complications: infection, Asherman's syndrome, damage to the growth layer of the endometrium. Modern clinical observations confirm the inadvisability of cleaning the first 14 days after a spontaneous incomplete abortion, if there are no direct indications for curettage.

Gynecologist-obstetrician N. P. Tovstolytkina

“Often in the first cycle after a miscarriage, scanty periods are accompanied by discharge with an unnatural odor. This is a sign of inflammation of the endometrium or other pathology of the uterus. You can not wait for the end of menstruation - you need to immediately be examined by a qualified gynecologist. With untimely treatment, an abscess, pyometra or infertility is possible.

Spontaneous termination of pregnancy (miscarriage) is always accompanied not only by a huge psycho-emotional stress, but also by serious hormonal disorders in the female body. The most common indicator of such an imbalance is a menstrual cycle disorder. Some women experience heavy periods after a miscarriage, others complain of a delay in menstruation, and others note the appearance of very unpleasant sensations during this period. We will try to understand the causes of each of the described situations and talk about how to normalize the menstrual cycle after a miscarriage.

Menstruation after a miscarriage: when to expect them?

The first signs of a miscarriage, or spontaneous abortion, are bloody discharge from the vagina and cramping pains in the lower abdomen. After the complete expulsion of the fetal egg, the pain disappears, however, hemorrhagic discharge may disturb the woman for some time. This state of affairs is considered normal, because the uterus needs to get rid of the overgrown layer of the endometrium.

It is this period - from the appearance of the first signs of spontaneous abortion to the complete cessation of bleeding - in medicine that is considered to be the beginning of a new menstrual cycle. If the process of cleansing the uterus went smoothly, the first menstruation after a miscarriage should occur at the usual time for your body (after 26-35 days).

However, such a time period is a very approximate figure, because in each individual case, the normalization of hormonal levels can take from several weeks to 2-3 months. Often, patients note a significant delay in menstruation after a miscarriage, their abundance and soreness. On average, the menstrual cycle returns to its normal schedule 3-4 months after the abortion.

Abundant periods after a miscarriage: causes and consequences

The procedure for curettage of the uterine cavity is a common medical practice that is performed to maximize the complete release of the uterus from all elements indicating the recent stay of the embryo in it. However, in some cases, gynecologists consider it unnecessary to perform this manipulation, for example, when an ultrasound of the internal genital organs shows the absence of remnants of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity.

But sometimes ultrasound is mistaken, not noticing small areas of hypertrophied endometrium, the presence of which is the cause of heavy periods after a miscarriage, and in some cases becomes the result of inflammatory processes in the uterus. The only right decision in such a situation is an immediate visit to the gynecologist. If the patient complains only of spotting, she is prescribed diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity, hemostatic therapy and iron preparations (for the treatment or prevention of iron deficiency anemia).

Delayed menstruation and endometritis

But if a woman who has recently had a miscarriage complains of fever, pain in the lower abdomen, vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor, the doctor should suspect endometritis (inflammation of the uterine mucosa). Treatment of this pathology is more complex and includes:

  • Therapeutic and diagnostic curettage;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • The use of anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • detoxification therapy;
  • Taking iron supplements.

And the third most common complaint is a delay in menstruation after a miscarriage. This situation occurs due to a sharp hormonal surge in a woman's body. We remind you that pregnancy is accompanied by the production of a large amount of progesterone, and after its sudden termination, the production of estrogen again increases. Until the ratio of these hormones returns to normal, menstruation after a miscarriage will not occur. Most often, the body copes with this problem on its own, but sometimes the help of a specialist is required.

If the delay in menstruation is more than 35-40 days, you should consult a gynecologist. The doctor in this case prescribes a blood test for hormones, and only after reading the results of this study, decides on the need for hormone therapy.

I would also like to warn women who delay the visit to the doctor, observing one of the above unpleasant situations associated with menstruation after a miscarriage. Remember, even the slightest delay threatens you with the development of serious complications (myometritis, uterine bleeding, infertility). Take care of yourself and seek medical attention in time.

Text: Victoria Makaluk

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is a spontaneous abortion. It causes not only a strong psycho-emotional shock, but also physical ailments and hormonal disruptions. Among the consequences of a miscarriage are menstrual irregularities.

The first sign of a miscarriage is bloody discharge, sometimes with clots, from the genital tract, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. After the expulsion of the embryo, the discharge persists for some time - from 4 days to a week. If there was a surgical intervention (cleaning), then the discharge can last up to 10 days. This bleeding is of a different nature and is not menstruation.

Real menstruation will come about 25-35 days after the miscarriage. Sometimes hormonal failure in the body is so strong that menstruation can be delayed up to 45 days. If even after this time, menstruation did not come, this is an occasion to consult a gynecologist.

If a week and a half after the end of the discharge associated with the termination of pregnancy, menstrual-like discharge began, then this is hardly menstruation. Rather, particles of the membranes of the fetal egg and endometrium come out of the body. It is necessary to do an ultrasound of the uterine cavity, especially if the discharge began against the background of an increase in body temperature, pain in the abdomen and other symptoms of a deterioration in well-being.

The effect of cleaning on menstruation

The duration of menstruation after a miscarriage depends on whether surgery has been applied. If it was, then the discharge is longer than usual. If a woman has not been cleansed, then menstrual flow is short-lived. This picture persists for 2-3 cycles, after which menstruation acquires its usual character. If this does not happen, then hormonal correction is needed under the supervision of a doctor.

The abundance of discharge also depends on the presence or absence of surgical intervention. If it was, then menstruation is plentiful, if not, then it is scarce. Clots may be present in the secretions - these are particles of the endometrium, vaginal epithelium, blood clots.

The color of the discharge is normal, but lighter or darker, brownish-brown discharges are also normal. Fears should cause scarlet discharge: this is a sign of uterine bleeding. A cloudy color, green or black blotches, and an unpleasant odor indicate a uterine or vaginal infection.

Restoration of the menstrual cycle

After an early miscarriage, the menstrual cycle is restored within 2-3 months.

After surgery (cleansing), the cycle is restored longer due to the fact that in addition to a failure in the hormonal sphere, the body suffered a complication unforeseen by nature in the form of curettage of the uterine cavity. The uterus needs to recover physically after such an impact.

What to do in case of delay

The onset of menstruation is acceptable 45 days after the miscarriage. If 45 days have passed, and menstruation has not come, you need to be examined for inflammatory processes, endometritis, ovarian failure, adhesive processes and other abnormalities.

You also need to do a pregnancy test, a woman can become pregnant immediately on the very first ovulation that occurs after a miscarriage, even with an irregular cycle, so a delay in menstruation due to pregnancy cannot be ruled out.

It is unacceptable to take any drugs on your own to restore the disturbed menstrual cycle. They should be prescribed by a doctor after a comprehensive examination. For any violations in the sexual sphere, you need to visit a gynecologist. He will conduct an examination, take the necessary tests, send you for general blood and urine tests, ultrasound and other studies, record all complaints and prescribe treatment. If the problem is caused by malfunctions in the hormonal sphere, then observation by an endocrinologist is mandatory.

The loss of a fetus in most cases causes great psychological trauma. Unfortunately, miscarriages are becoming more common these days. In addition to psychological problems, a woman's body is under great stress at the physical level. Therefore, it is important to follow the cycle and notice how long the periods go after a miscarriage, because their violations are the first symptoms that the body has not recovered.

How long does it take for a cycle to recover?

The day the miscarriage occurs "resets" the cycle counter. Therefore, if the cycle is stable, you can expect the first menstruation after the prescribed 21-35 days (the exact number of days for each woman individually).

Bleeding can also occur in the first days after a miscarriage. But it's not monthly. This phenomenon is caused by the fact that the body gets rid of the internal mucous membrane of the walls of the uterus, which contains many blood vessels. The process of such rejection is considered normal, because this cover, also called the endometrium, changes during gestation. Therefore, when the fetus leaves the uterus, the cover is no longer needed in a new state, and must be restored to the state it was before pregnancy. Also, bleeding should be expected if the woman underwent a cleaning procedure. After all, curettage is associated with direct invasion into the uterine cavity, and this damages the blood vessels.

The first period after a miscarriage may be different from what a woman is used to. There may be several reasons:

  • if scraping was carried out, they will be more abundant than usual;
  • if the uterus was cleaned poorly, a large number of blood clots may appear;
  • during a miscarriage, the body, which has already begun to produce certain hormones, suddenly stops doing so. As a result, a hormonal surge occurs, which also affects the cycle in different ways (usually also in the direction of increasing the amount of discharge).

Different profusion of discharge and an unstable number of days in which they go can last up to several months after a miscarriage.

It is by what menstruation after a miscarriage that one can draw conclusions about how the body recovered from the loss. Excessive abundance is usually not a good sign. As well as the duration of critical days. The norm of how much menstruation goes after a miscarriage is from three days to a week, as with normal menstruation. The inherent soreness in the first months is also somewhat normal, since the body is still under stress, and it needs more resources for proper cleaning.

Even if the cycle is restored as expected, it is better to abstain from sexual activity in the first month after a miscarriage.

In order for the ovaries to function normally again, they must fully recover. It depends on several factors:

  1. at what time the pregnancy was terminated;
  2. did you clean the uterus after a miscarriage;
  3. Do I need additional treatment with medications?
  4. what led to the miscarriage;
  5. how did the woman feel during pregnancy, whether she has obesity or other aggravating factors;
  6. what is the psychological state of the woman;
  7. whether there were pathologies of fetal development;
  8. the period of treatment, which is determined by the gynecologist.

Speaking of cleaning - after a miscarriage, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound scan. If the diagnosis reveals that the uterus has cleared itself, then additional manipulations with it are not necessary.

Menstruation after an early and late miscarriage

The cycle is restored the better, the earlier the pregnancy was terminated. Menstruation after an early miscarriage, as a rule, does not require additional therapy for full recovery. Special hormones are not yet fully produced, changes in the body have not gone full cycle. In this case, you can recover faster and without complications. Physiologically, if the body was healthy before, the cycle will begin and end on time.

If the pregnancy was terminated after the fourth month, the body will perceive the miscarriage as labor. Menstruation after a miscarriage in this case will be more abundant and painful. Significant cycle disturbances are possible. Indeed, in the later stages, the hormonal background is already completely different, and physiologically the body has changed. The sudden interruption of the natural course of pregnancy will prevent you from quickly bouncing back.

The nature of the discharge

This indicator can tell a lot about the state of health of a woman after an interrupted pregnancy. It depends on several possible reasons:

  • when cleaning is carried out, the discharge is plentiful and blood clots are mixed in them;
  • if the discharge has an unpleasant odor, and the color differs from the norm - for example, it turns brown - this is an indication for visiting a doctor. This happens when parts of the fetus remain in the uterus, usually after an early abortion. The situation can turn into the fact that a woman is diagnosed with inflammation, which, in turn, can give many unpleasant consequences;
  • too heavy periods after a miscarriage is also a sufficient reason to see a doctor. If a woman loses a lot of blood, she begins to experience weakness, headaches, and as a result, anemia develops. The processes following it are most often irreversible, so a doctor's consultation is required. As a rule, a woman is given an ultrasound on it and find out the reason why such discharge occurs. By the way, discharge is considered abundant when you have to change a hygiene product (pad or tampon) every three hours or more;
  • too little discharge is also not a positive symptom. If there are unusually few periods, this is a sign that adhesions have formed inside the uterus, which do not allow the separated endometrium to pass further.

In general, any deviation from the norm that lasts longer than two cycles is a reason to contact a gynecologist. The body is quite fragile, and its disorders can turn into serious troubles if they are not treated in time.

Possible problems after a miscarriage

First of all, it must be said that everything is treated - but it is treated the better, the faster the problem was noticed and localized. Therefore, do not neglect the advice of a gynecologist, even if outwardly everything is in order.

The most common problem is iron deficiency anemia associated with large blood loss. You can talk about the presence of a disease if:

  1. the woman gets tired quickly;
  2. constantly want to sleep;
  3. the body feels a lack of strength, often there is a desire to lie down and rest;
  4. headache;
  5. face is paler than usual.

If these signs are present, a blood test is necessary. Blood balance, as a rule, is restored thanks to special hematopoietic preparations.

If there are no pronounced problems, it is necessary to undergo a scheduled ultrasound every week. This procedure is done in order to make sure that the recovery processes in the uterus are normal, there is no threat to health or even life. If everything is clear within a few weeks, you can prescribe medications that will help you recover - for example, prostaglandins. They must also be taken under the supervision of a gynecologist and in accordance with a given schedule.

A delay in menstruation most often does not indicate a new pregnancy, but the presence of adhesions in the uterus. This requires separate therapy, and the sooner the better. Old adhesions harden and create new pathologies in the uterus.

Hormonal failure also causes disruptions in the menstrual cycle. First of all, strong stress affects this. In this case, the fallopian tubes are examined, and, depending on the problems identified there, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Statistical evidence suggests that during a spontaneous miscarriage, the uterus cleanses itself quite well, and there is no need to carry out curettage. In this case, in the absence of additional aggravating circumstances, menstruation after a miscarriage will begin according to the schedule and without complications.

Pregnancy after a miscarriage

It is quite natural for a woman to want to get pregnant again after a miscarriage as soon as possible. In the first months, the chance of fertilization is even slightly increased, so doctors advise using protection. If pregnancy does occur, and the body does not have time to recover by then, the risk of another miscarriage is more than likely. Therefore, for some time it is better to wait and allow yourself to move away from stress.

The use of a condom in the first months after a miscarriage performs another useful function. The endometrium during fetal rejection is severely damaged and becomes vulnerable to various infections. During menstruation after a miscarriage, unprotected intercourse is especially not welcome.

Adhesions also become an obstacle to pregnancy. They must be eliminated without fail, because if you do not respond to adhesions, in the future a woman may even become infertile. As a rule, doctors in such cases prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs. But you should not buy them yourself, because the gynecologist selects the best drug in accordance with the history, tests and general condition of the body of a particular woman. Some people need stronger medicines, others don't. Self-diagnosis is also not the best way to recover from a miscarriage.

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