Scandinavian menu. Scandinavian cuisine. Norwegian creamy fish soup

  • 1 kg of lean beef;
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil;
  • 3 sweet potatoes;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 2 carrots;
  • a few stalks of celery;
  • 2 large tomatoes (or 1.5 cups of juice, or 2-3 tablespoons of tomato paste diluted in water);
  • 1 liter of broth (or water);
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of dried parsley;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of basil;
  • 2 teaspoons of salt;
  • ½ teaspoon ground black pepper;
  • 3 art. spoons of starch (or flour);
  • 1 bay leaf.

Cooking process:

Preparation for stewing takes about 20-30 minutes, I do not fry the meat in a slow cooker, but in a pan. Although you can use the "Frying" mode and fry directly in the multi-pan. But I want the beef to be well fried, but at the same time that the stew contains less fat (I will have butter in the pan).
I cut the washed meat into cubes, pour 2-3 tablespoons of oil into a deep frying pan, then fry the pieces over medium-high heat, periodically turning them over.

In the meantime, I peel the sweet potatoes, cut them into fairly large cubes and put them in a multi-pot.

I add the diced onion on top.

I spread the meat fried in a pan on top of the vegetables.

I cut the celery stalks finely, cut the carrots into slices, and also finely chop the garlic cloves. I spread everything on top of the meat.

I blanch the tomatoes (30 seconds in boiling water, then 3 minutes in cold water). After that, the skin is removed from them very quickly. I cut them into small cubes and send them to the pan.
If you use tomato paste, put 2-3 tablespoons (depending on the concentration of the paste), you do not need to add sugar, because potatoes and carrots are already quite sweet.
I sprinkle all the ingredients with salt and spices: dry parsley, basil, ground black pepper.

I pour about 3 cups of broth over all the ingredients, and pour the remaining (cold!) broth into a cup.

Add 3 tablespoons of starch (or flour) to it and beat well with a fork.

I pour in the diluted starch and add a bay leaf on top.

Next, turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 1 hour 20 minutes.

This time is enough for the meat to be completely cooked and soft. Well, the vegetables will just melt in your mouth.

Fragrant hot sweet potato stew with beef is ready! This is the best hearty meal for the cold season.
Enjoy your meal!


As I already wrote, sweet potato can be replaced with pumpkin - you get about the same dish. You can also add those spices that you like, such as a mixture or. Bay leaves can be omitted if you don't like the smell.

How to choose

The skin of a sweet potato is thinner than that of a regular potato, and therefore vulnerable. To make sure that the sweet potato is healthy, you need to feel it like a sick one. Under the skin should not be any soft areas and diaper rash. And on it - seedlings, scratches and wrinkles. Feel the elongated tips of the tuber - they should be elastic, not soft and elastic.

Names and manners

Sweet potato is considered to be the birthplace of South America - the territory of Peru and Colombia. But today most of the sweet potatoes are grown in Asia, the champions in the harvest of sweet potatoes are China and India. But there is a place on Earth where they literally pray for sweet potatoes, this is the Japanese province of Okinawa. Unlike the rest of the Land of the Rising Sun, rice did not take root here for a long time. And sweet potatoes brought from China became a real salvation for the locals. The inhabitants of Okinawan called the sweet potato "imo", in the province since the middle of the 17th century there has been a temple dedicated to the sweet potato. And although rice is already growing in Okinawa, the temple is not empty.

How can I help

Sweet potato can be attributed to the so-called superfoods, that is, to food with outstanding beneficial properties. It contains enough fiber to normalize metabolic processes and a lot of vitamin A. But, which is especially nice, you can cook sweet potatoes without salt, pepper and oil - the taste of red sweet potatoes is already quite bright. Sweet potato - for those who follow the figure.

12 varieties of sweet potato were bred by Soviet breeders for cultivation in the warm regions of the USSR. Among them are "Vinnitsa Rose", "Sukhumi White" and "Southern Muscat".

5 rules for getting along with sweet potatoes:

1. Do not put the sweet potato in the refrigerator - there it will change texture and color. Better put in a wicker basket and put in a dark place.
2. You can’t freeze raw sweet potatoes, but you can mash it, put it in a container and send it to the freezer. And then use for soups, pies and as a side dish.
3. Sweet potatoes are easy to peel if you douse them with boiling water and then with ice water. The skin will be removed with a stocking.
4. Peeled sweet potato, like regular potatoes, fill with water - so it does not darken.
5. If you are cooking sweet potatoes for puree, wrap it in foil and bake in the oven. And to get sweet potato slices with a golden caramel crust, you don’t need foil, you just need to grease the slices with butter or vegetable oil.

Sweet Potato Recipes

Great winter soup. Bright, satisfying can replace both the first and second.

Sweet potato soup with lentils, sour cream and bacon

An original dish both in composition and taste. Sweet potatoes are baked in the same way as regular potatoes. If you exclude cheese, then the dish will have a taste even for vegans.

Baked sweet potato with avocado and smoked suluguni

Gratin with sweet potato and spinach

Gratin can be made from just about anything. We chose potatoes - sweet and regular. under a creamy garlic sauce, sprinkled with grated parmesan - it's very tasty. The main thing is not to burn the crust, but so that the core of the dish is baked.

Gratin with sweet potato and spinach

Chocolate muffins with sweet potato

For a family or friendly tea party, muffins are ideal because they are prepared quickly and easily. Offer your guests original and guaranteed to hear a compliment.

Chocolate muffins with sweet potato

Sweet potato is a sweet and very healthy potato, from which you can cook just a huge number of a wide variety of dishes. The vegetable spread from America, where it is very popular. This is not surprising, because it has a pleasant soft and sweet taste.

Sweet potato dishes are easy to prepare. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the above recipe. Thanks to this, both experienced and novice cooks can cook it. Sweet potatoes are just perfect with sour foods (orange zest, lemon juice, etc.) and various spicy seasonings (paprika, pepper).

Sweet potato: cooking recipes

Stuffed sweet potatoes


  1. Sweet potato - 1 kg. (4 things.)
  2. Butter - 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Salt - to taste
  4. Grains of green canned pepper - 1 tbsp. l.
  5. Zest and juice of half a lemon
  6. Sour cream - 100-150 gr.


  • Sweet potatoes must first be thoroughly washed and pierced a couple of times with a fork, and then brushed with olive oil and placed in a preheated oven. Then it should be left on the grill.
  • As soon as the sweet potato is well baked, you need to give it time to cool. Then cut off a small piece of potato in the form of a lid and carefully remove all the pulp from the inside.
  • In a separate container, sour cream, fresh lemon juice are mixed, zest is added, grated on a fine grater. Next, grains of green canned pepper and a small pinch of salt are introduced. Everything is well mixed.
  • Already prepared sweet potatoes are stuffed with the resulting mass, and then butter (1 tablespoon) is added on top.
  • Stuffed sweet potatoes are placed in a preheated oven and left for about 5 minutes.


  1. Sweet potato - 0.5 kg. (2 pcs.)
  2. Vegetable oil - 1 l.
  3. Cayenne pepper, salt - to taste
  4. Egg - 2-3 pcs.
  5. Plain water - 5 tbsp. l.
  6. Wheat flour - 2-3 tbsp. l.


  • First you need to wash the sweet potato well, and then boil it. Approximate time - 15-20 minutes. depending on thickness.
  • In a separate container, wheat flour is mixed with water, after which it is left for about 30 minutes.
  • Eggs are beaten with salt, a little cayenne pepper is introduced, and then mixed into the dough.
  • Sweet potatoes should be peeled, cut into not very thick slices (each about 0.5 cm thick), season with curry (can be replaced with cayenne pepper).
  • A slice of potato is pierced on a fork and dipped in the dough.
  • A small amount of vegetable oil is heated in a frying pan, after which the slices are fried in small portions. As soon as the sweet potato acquires a pleasant pale golden hue, it is transferred to a warm oven and left there until cooked.

This side dish can be served with any type of meat.


  1. Sweet potato - 800-900 gr.
  2. Butter - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  3. Lemon juice - 1-1.5 tsp
  4. Angostura bitter - 1 tsp
  5. Maple syrup - 100-125 ml.
  6. Salt - 0.5-1 tsp


  • First you need to thoroughly rinse the sweet potato. Then transfer to a saucepan, cover with cold water and cook for about 30 minutes. until it becomes soft. The readiness of the sweet potato can be checked with a knife.
  • As soon as the potatoes are ready, you need to drain all the water from the saucepan and allow it to cool. Next, the sweet potato is peeled and cut into approximately 4 equal parts, lightly sprinkled with salt.
  • Maple syrup is mixed with bittersweet angostura, butter and lemon juice and then heated. It is important to constantly stir the mixture so that it does not burn.
  • On low heat, sweet potato slices are soaked in hot syrup, while they must be mixed frequently and glazed in parallel.


  1. Sweet potato - 1 kg.
  2. Honey - to taste
  3. Chestnut syrup - 2/3 tbsp.
  4. Dessert wine - 3-4 tbsp. l.
  5. Sugar - ¼ tbsp.
  6. Chestnuts (canned) - 400-500 gr.


  • Sweet potatoes are peeled, boiled, and then left for a while to dry slightly.
  • Cooked sweet potato is laid out in a blender and crushed until the mass becomes a homogeneous consistency.
  • Sweet potato is mixed with honey, sugar, wine and cooked for about 10 minutes. on medium fire. Canned chestnuts are introduced and everything is thoroughly mixed.

Sweet potato in syrup


  1. Sweet potato - 700-750 gr.
  2. Sesame oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Hawthorn jelly - 50 gr.
  4. Cucumbers - 40-50 gr.
  5. Canned flowers osmanthus 0.5-1 tbsp. l.
  6. Liquid honey - 50 gr.
  7. Sugar - 250-300g.


  • Sweet potatoes are well washed, peeled and cut into not very large cubes.
  • Oil and sugar are heated in a wok pan over low heat, while constantly stirring. The result should be a syrup.
  • Already prepared sweet potato is laid out in the syrup and water (about 750 ml.) Is introduced, the remaining sugar, honey, and osmanthus flowers are added. Everything is cooked together on a slow fire. The syrup should become thicker and the sweet potato tender and soft.
  • The finished vegetable is laid out on a dish, then diced jelly and cucumbers are added. Can be served at the table.


  1. Sweet potato - 900-1000 gr.
  2. Salt, spices, vegetable oil - to taste
  3. Onion - 1 pc.
  4. Minced meat - 450-500 gr.
  5. Fresh tomatoes - 4-5 pcs.


  • First you need to clean the sweet potato and wash it well, then cut it into small cubes. Then wash again. Then the sweet potato is transferred to a sieve and left for a while so that all the water is completely glassed.
  • Sweet potatoes are fried in a pan with well-heated oil. As a result, the fried sweet potato should acquire a pleasant golden hue.
  • The onion is peeled, cut into small cubes, and then lightly fried in hot margarine until soft.
  • Minced meat, some spices and salt are added to the pan with onions, and then lightly fried over low heat until the meat is completely cooked.
  • Fresh tomatoes are washed, a deep cruciform cut is made on top and scalded with boiling water. Now the skin is carefully removed and the tomato is cut into small cubes, added to the pan with onions and meat.
  • Tomatoes with minced meat are fried until it is well saturated with tomato juice.
  • Sweet potato is laid out in a cauldron, and fried minced meat is placed on top and all the remaining sauce is poured from the pan. Everything is thoroughly mixed and the dish is brought to full readiness over low heat.
  • Sweet potatoes should be served hot with boiled rice.


  1. Sweet potato - 800-1000 gr.
  2. Salt - to taste
  3. Butter - 40-50 gr.
  4. Fresh dill greens -10-15 gr.
  5. Melted butter - 50-65 gr.


  • The sweet potato is peeled like a regular potato, then washed well in cool water and cut into thin slices (not thicker than 1 cm). It must be left for a while so that the sweet potato dries slightly, season with salt.
  • The prepared vegetable is lightly fried on both sides in a well-heated pan with oil or fat.
  • Sweet potatoes are placed in a preheated oven and stewed until fully cooked.
  • Immediately before serving, it is transferred to plates and a cube of butter is laid out on top, sprinkled with chopped herbs.
  • If desired, you can serve this dish with sour cream sauce.

Sweet potatoes pair perfectly with those types of meat that require a pleasant sweetish accompaniment. It can be fried, boiled, stewed and baked. Dishes from it are prepared extremely simply. A vegetable can be prepared without much difficulty by both a beginner and an experienced chef.

I told you about my new favorite - this is sweet potato, we learned about its beneficial properties for health, now it's time to talk about how it is best to use it. So, sweet potato recipes for every taste!

Sweet potato cooking recipes

Sweet potato, which is very useful for us, can be consumed in various ways:

Raw , many note its fresh similarity to ordinary carrots, which means that salads and snacks can be prepared from it, in which all the benefits of this wonderful product will be preserved.

Dried , sliced ​​sweet potatoes can be dried in a dehydrator, in this form it will retain most of the vitamins. The resulting chips can be eaten as an independent dish, or can be added to vegetable salads.

Baked , this is the most useful way to cook sweet potatoes using heat treatment. By itself, it has an amazing taste: sweet, velvety, and if cooked correctly, you can get an amazing dessert. At the same time, such a delicacy will cheer you up without raising blood sugar levels. You can cook sweet potatoes as follows: dip the cut pieces in honey, sprinkle with cinnamon and put in the oven for 10 minutes. The resulting caramels can be not only a homemade treat, but also one that you can take with you to work.

in boiled form , sweet potato can act as a side dish, or it can serve as an excellent basis for a puree soup, which is very easy to prepare at home. Now I will tell you how to do it.

sweet potato soup recipe

First you need to boil the sweet potato and prepare the coconut milk.

We puree the finished soft sweet potato until smooth using a blender.

Add coconut milk, tasting occasionally. Sweet potatoes and coconut milk have a sweet taste, so we choose their ratio according to our own taste, given the fact that coconut milk makes the soup puree fatter and therefore more nutritious.

Ready sweet potato soup turns out to be very tender and sweet, you can eat it just like that, or you can add it with crispy croutons.

As a hot drink this is a very unusual way of eating sweet potatoes, however, it is very popular in some countries. Pieces of sweet potato are dried in the oven (as if fried), and then ground in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder is brewed with hot water like regular coffee. This is a healthy and unusual alternative to a not-so-healthy drink! - read my article.

Sweet potato recipes from it are very numerous and varied. I think that each of you will be able to choose for yourself your own way of preparing this miracle root crop and make friends with it for many years to come. Personally, for myself, I put sweet potato in my list of useful products that may be present in my kitchen. I will only add that sweet potato is not compatible with persimmons and bananas, so keep this in mind when preparing it.

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