Who is going to leave medicine. Aesthetic cosmetology, SPA. Why an IT doctor is a rarity

"This day came! I left medicine. I sit and think, why did everything happen this way? Years of study, practice, sleepless nights Was it all in vain?

I worked as an ambulance assistant for 5 years. With each passing year, my enthusiasm for work became less and less due to working conditions and pay.

What is an ambulance job?

This is constant contact with dangerous infections. This is constant hypothermia and sleepless nights. And also in 70% of cases these are street calls to the homeless, drunks and brothels. Constant smell blood, urine, vomit, etc.

Somehow at the beginning of my work on the ambulance, I met my classmate. We got to talking, she said that she works in a beautiful office in the city center, as an assistant to the head. studies English language the costs of which are covered by the company. The salary is good, enough for a new wardrobe and for holidays abroad. She then asked how I was doing and where I worked. I proudly answered that I work in an ambulance and save people's lives (at that time I believed in this). She asked with a little disdain: “Are you picking up homeless people and drunks from the street? Doesn't that disgust you?"

Honestly, even then I was offended by her. Well, in the end, not only homeless people, about 20% are calls to apartments, but about 5% of accidents. I will clarify that this is purely my statistics, based on my work experience, perhaps other ambulance employees given statistics a little different.

What happened next?

As time went on, I began to notice that nothing was changing in medicine. Salaries are not increasing, and working conditions are only getting worse. In addition, sleepless nights and constant hypothermia began to leave a negative imprint on my body.

Last year I went to work, like hard labor. I went to the call alone, as there was a shortage of personnel. Constant stress, because you never know what awaits you on the next call and whether you will return from this call at all. At each substation there were cases of attacks on doctors. Has anyone been compensated for this? Of course not!

Are we just expendable?

I get the impression that the doctors and paramedics who work in the ambulance are considered by the higher management to be consumable. Like, you knew where you were going, no one is forcing you to work.

I increasingly began to think about what if the next victim of the attack was me. How can I, a fragile and young girl, stand up for myself? And then what? to my parents in best case say condolences. Even if nothing happens, then my further destiny is to live in poverty, acquire a bunch of diseases (colleagues will understand me) and grow old before my peers.

If I had not met my good friend a few months ago and had not heard what he told me, I probably would have continued to work on the ambulance. I would still go to work, which brings no pleasure, but only disappointment.

“I want to note that I like helping people, I want every patient to be healthy. But, unfortunately, our state is doing everything to discourage doctors from the last desire to work and help people.”

So my friend just told me a few phrases: Do you really not love and appreciate yourself so much that you are plunging your life into this swamp with your own hands? You can change everything and live differently. Get out of here before it's too late! A couple more years will pass and you won't be able to leave. The ambulance sucks you in, taking everything vitality. Over time, the desire to change something disappears, because there is a fear of something new and self-doubt. In any case, the ambulance is not the place where a woman should work, and even more so a sweet and pretty girl like you.

To be honest, his words made me radically change my life. I quit the ambulance the next morning, right after my shift ended. By the way, in the personnel department, I listened to a whole mountain of tricky instructions addressed to me like: “You will still run and beg to be taken back. Do you think you can find something better? Well, well, look at your failure. run“Run away, you won’t find anything better anyway!”

You know their mockery has become a powerful stimulus for me. After 3 days I got a job in a pharmacy. Probation was only 2 weeks old.

Now what?

And now I work, warm, clean, sleep at home in a comfortable bed, and besides, I get 2 times more salary. Entered the correspondence department for a pharmacist. Life is getting better. I go to work as if I were going to a holiday, because I know that finally I am in a place where my work is paid at its true worth and my work brings me pleasure.

To all my former colleagues I wish you to have the courage to rethink your life and decide to change it.

"I understand that Ambulance this is not a job for a fragile young girl. And in general, women should not work in such conditions.

Wanted to write this post later. In the meantime, relax and enjoy your vacation. But the circumstances are different. Rumors, speculation… I won’t be able to rest in peace, watching from the side how they married me without me.

So. Why I decided to leave public medicine.

A small introduction. How I Became a Doctor.
I am not from a medical family. I did not bandage dolls in childhood and did not give them injections. But as long as I can remember, namely from the age of 3, I wanted to be a doctor. And I was driven by the desire to help others.
Further, I didn’t even imagine myself as anyone other than a doctor. Only specialties changed, sometimes she imagined herself as an ophthalmologist, sometimes as a neurologist.

Many teachers and acquaintances said that it was difficult to enter the medical profession, they suggested that other professions be considered. By the eleventh grade, my mother joined them. But the realization of the dream did not interfere. And she even paid me for preparatory courses at two medical universities at once. For which I am still very grateful to my mother!

I did not expect to enroll right away, and decided that I would enroll until I enrolled, even if it took several years. And I do not have perseverance.
I failed the first exam for the medical faculty of the Second Medical School - chemistry in writing. But I was lucky, this year the Moscow Faculty was opened - the exams were oral, and I passed.

The Moscow faculty prepared therapists for the polyclinic. And by the 5th year, I realized that this was fate. I want to be a local therapist. I was interested in everything, I did not want to engage in any one specialty. I wanted to lead the patient from and to, adjust the treatment, see the dynamics and results.

Since the end of the internship this moment 13 years have passed. And there was not a single moment in my life when I regretted my choice of profession. I don't regret it even now. District doctor, family doctor(call it what you want) is mine. And this is not just my opinion. This is the opinion of colleagues, patients. At least most of them. No one will say that I'm bad outpatient cards or inattentive to patients. And the recent award as one of the 10 best district therapists in Moscow in 2017 on Active Citizen is proof of this. For which I am very grateful to my patients. So my work as a local doctor was not in vain.

So why, in spite of all this, am I leaving public medicine? Am I getting promoted? No. On the new job will the salary be higher? No. Less.

But I can't stay. It took me six months to reach this decision. And I can not say that it was easy for me. I got used to my patients, my beloved district nurse, to my site, to my colleagues, even to the stupid EMIAS and my cards. Many of my patients and colleagues have become like family to me over the years.

However, everything has a certain limit. And there is objective reasons for which I can no longer work in a public clinic. And this is by no means a low salary (the salary of doctors general practice now worthy), or an inconvenient work schedule for me. And in the role of a hospital doctor - I just do not see myself. This is a completely different work, not providing for dynamic observation of the patient.

I will list the reasons as they are, in order of importance:

1. Under the conditions of a 15-minute appointment without a nurse (the Moscow polyclinic standard, introduced in 2015, brought nurses outside the reception area, now nurses essentially perform the functions of administrators), combining several specialists at once (as a result of “optimization” in 2014-2015, many specialists were reduced), in most cases, filling in alone a ton of documentation, both electronic and paper, substantiating in the map, and carrying for the signature of the manager, every sneeze (from blood biochemistry to ultrasound) - it is impossible to work efficiently so that it is not to the detriment of their own health and family. And the family for a woman cannot be in last place.

I'm tired of working 10-11 hours a day and doing homework with my child at 5 in the morning.

Many health officials will say that a general practitioner in many countries has only 10 minutes per patient and nothing. But this is deceit. The lion's share of the work is done there nurses. This is partly an examination, and the appointment of tests, and recommendations on lifestyle and nutrition. Calling and recording is conducted in many countries by a secretary. Now our doctor does everything himself, and examines and fills out all the documentation, including test forms, and the doctor writes down all the studies, losing precious minutes of time.

Doctors in other countries also have time for documents. The lack of time for other work in the working day of our doctors provokes overtime. Many of the paperwork is done outside of the reception at your own time. Because it is physically impossible to do this during a 15-minute intake. It takes about 40 minutes to complete a disability mailing list. MRI - 20 minutes. Referrals and discharges to other healthcare facilities - 15 minutes. And no one has yet canceled medical examinations, site passports, etc.

Patients often come with several problems and everything needs to be solved in 1 appointment - again, there is no way to keep within 15 minutes.

AT official letters when asked about 15 minutes of taking DZM, he answers that the doctor can spend as much on the appointment as the situation requires this patient. However, in practice, for waiting time in the corridor of patients for more than 20 minutes, fines are imposed.

How can you spend more than 15 minutes per patient, but not have others waiting in the hallway, with a full appointment for every 15 minutes? If the record is not complete - a penalty for not fulfilling the plan.

Given the above, there are two options for the development of events:
– If you stay, worsen the quality of work (creating the appearance of medicine for the poor, and this is exactly what the current healthcare organizers need),
– Continue to work efficiently and process every day for 2-3 hours.

None of these options suits me.

As a result of constant overwork, emotional overload and lack of rest, I have already become mentally devastated. Nothing makes me happy, I have neither the strength nor the desire to do anything at home, every day for the past few months I went to work with disgust and looked forward to the end of the working day. A little more - and the point of no return will come. When the only way out is to leave the profession.

And I don't want that. This is my profession. Favorite profession.

2. There is no opportunity to grow professionally in a 15-minute reception:
- already existing knowledge does not fit into the existing conditions,
- overwork does not leave time for self-learning.

Please do not confuse this case professional growth with career. It's not the same thing. Career in medicine, this is an administrative job. I'm interested in medical.

3. It may not be nice to say this, but I'm tired of doing the work for some of my colleagues. Someone goes to smoke 20 times per appointment, but the cards are empty, and the result of the intake is zero. And my appointment was filled 2 weeks in advance, and the entire 9-hour appointment proceeded without a single break. And then - more filling out the documentation. Almost every patient from someone else's area is a blank slate. It is necessary to collect an anamnesis, describe the underlying disease, background, concomitant ones, understand examinations, treatment, give recommendations on lifestyle and nutrition, and treatment. And this is despite the fact that the patient has already visited his district police officer or several doctors several times this year.

4. The patients also contributed to my decision to leave. For two years, appointments with general practitioners worked in the “all to all” mode - i.e. patients could choose whom to go to and make an appointment with any doctor.

The result of this was the loss of the district principle and the uneven workload of doctors. Patients from my site could not get to me, because. half of the intake was made up of patients from other sites. At some point, there were so many patients that I could not even remember their faces, let alone diagnoses and treatment. And I'm used to remembering all this. It was then that my examination protocols in an electronic map became the prosthesis of my memory. And that is why I began to fill out the cards as carefully as possible. For only from them I could remember information about patients.

When this year they came to congratulate me on March 8, and I couldn’t remember who it was at all, I realized that that’s all, this is the end.

Recently, the record was returned according to the precinct principle. But patients from other sites continued to sign up, persuading or deceiving administrators, wrote letters to the DZM that they did not want to attach them to me. Yes, according to Federal Law 323, the patient has the right to choose a doctor. But with the consent of the doctor. I can understand patients. But they could not understand in any way that one doctor cannot work for three. Thus adding fuel to the fire of my burnout.

5. I'm tired of hypocrisy. Guides. DZM. Some colleagues. Aside from answers. Missing answers in responses. Ignoring problems and replacing problem solving with a picture of fake stability and well-being.

I can understand. I can understand a lot. Because there is an explanation for it.

But to accept - no, I'm sorry, I can not. And I do not believe that it is impossible otherwise.

I think this is enough to understand my decision.

Thanks to everyone who was with me and supported! This is not the end. This is the beginning. The beginning of a new round of development. I believe that is exactly what will happen!

Sad and fabulous news came from Moscow: the minister of its government, the head of the health department of the capital's mayor's office, Mr. Golukhov Georgy Natanovich, is resigning in order to calmly meet his old age in Switzerland, where he bought some real estate for himself and his family members. Which members have already moved there and are resting from hard work for the good of Russia.

This is the main medical news in Russia for recent times. It explains a lot in Voronezh medicine as well. In its light, the recent personnel pandemonium in the regional government also looks funny, when the heads of the health department were changed like gloves: in two years, as many as six! Either they all turned out to be too decent, or vice versa - no one explained the reasons for the Voronezh residents. But the reasons themselves climb out, like an awl from a bag. And where the bags come from, you need to ask Alexander Vasilyevich Trubnikov, another big boss.

Be healthy, boyar!

So, the chief physician of Moscow with many children (four children) Georgy Natanovich Golukhov resigned for family reasons. And all because of his law-abidingness: the law prohibits big bosses from having real estate abroad, and Golukhov bought such real estate. In Switzerland, where two years ago, immediately after receiving the post of head of the department, he received a residence permit - a very prestigious one among Russian officials. The heartbreaking news has taken the internet by storm.

The Moscow mayor's office was upset by Georgy Natanovich's statement, because he considers him very qualified specialist, a politically literate, brilliant auction organizer, a true patriot of his city and a wonderful family man; the medicine of the capital with the departure of Golukhov will suffer a heavy loss. The mayor's office at first announced that it had not yet accepted the resignation of the specialist and was thinking how it should be now. Moreover, someone should master the program for the modernization of Moscow healthcare with a budget of 100 billion rubles. But Mayor Sergei Sobyanin did accept the resignation of his chief physician.

The journalists, obviously incited by the US State Department, found out that Georgy Golukhov and his wife Oksana Panina own a luxurious apartment of 233 sq. m in a brand new house in the village of Choulex near Lake Geneva. And since he is also a devoted son, he also bought his parents a neighboring apartment of 188 square meters. m. And how much the chief physician of the capital managed to put aside from his salary to accounts in Swiss banks, no mayor's office or prosecutor's office knows about that.

Golukhov's wife, pediatrician and individual entrepreneur Oksana Valentinovna Panina, by her very existence, completely refutes the complaints of Russian doctors about their salaries. In the declaration for 2012, she indicated her white income of 41 million rubles - 3.4 million rubles a month! And their total family income was 67 million. By the standards of the Russian “elite”, they are mere pennies, but Golukhov had enough for two apartments priced from 2.2 to 3.4 million Swiss francs. Or, if in rubles, then 89-136 million rubles apiece.

Like other Russians, who are ready to save on everything, just to find a roof over their heads, they probably were malnourished and lacked sleep, they took on any part-time job in order to bring the kids into people. And brought out. The son of the Golukhovs, Mikhail, has been living in Switzerland for 20 years, studying hotel management at the university, where education costs 55,000 Swiss francs, and willingly talks in in social networks about his travels along elite routes - Monaco, London, Cannes, Venice, etc.

A good wife, wealthy children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, well-fed and well-groomed parents side by side - what else is needed to calmly meet old age?

No, the head of the department Georgy Natanovich and the individual entrepreneur Oksana Valentinovna did not go hungry! For in the declaration of income in 2012-2013, they own three apartments in Moscow with a total area of ​​462 square meters. m and a cottage in the suburbs with an area of ​​571 sq. m. That is, not a cottage at all, but a real estate.

Only the property found by journalists turned out to be 140 million rubles more than all the income of the Golukhov family in their foreseeable declarations. But Switzerland and its strict prosecutor's office are not embarrassed by the glory of the guardian of what Russian officials mined from budgetary rivers in their homeland. And about our Office of Public Prosecutor and speech is not present.

I'm not talking about Moscow. And not about Switzerland. I'm talking about Voronezh. It was such a celebration here of purchasing very expensive equipment for hospitals and clinics!.. Until now, many chief physicians have a headache.

However, traces of those purchases probably remained in different countries peace. Maybe on the shores of Lake Geneva.

Counted and did not shed a tear

On January 21, 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin demanded to continue and deepen the healthcare reform: “The main thing is to improve the quality medical care population".

The president told the officials to improve, and they answered: yes!

On April 17, on a direct line between the president and the people, he announced the following figures prepared for him by officials: the increase in the salaries of medical specialists amounted to 141% for the year, nurses - 80%, juniors - 47%.

And here are quotes from the report of the politically illiterate Accounts Chamber RF on development modern medicine in Russia (as of 31.07.2014):

“In 2013, 76 polyclinics and 302 hospitals were reduced”;

"AT public hospitals 35 thousand beds were reduced, and in rural hospitals reduced 14 thousand beds”;

“The volume of paid medical care has increased by 14 billion rubles. The number of patients treated in hospitals for a fee increased by 12%”;

“The number of doctors working in state medical organizations has decreased by 7.2 thousand. The number of doctors of clinical specialties decreased by 5.1 thousand and the number of paramedical workers decreased by 3.6 thousand”;

“In 2013, the remuneration of physicians practically did not increase, and in the first quarter of 2014, compared to the first quarter of 2013, in 21 regions, the salary of doctors of federal medical organizations decreased by 2-17% due to a decrease in their funding in 2014”;

“The volumes of medical care provided in 2013, in comparison with the standards and data of 2012, indicate a decrease in its availability and quality.”

The sad picture was confirmed even earlier by the prosecutor's office of Voronezh, which checked the activities of the Voronezh ambulance station medical care and stated:

“Emergency medical teams are not formed in in full force. Often they do not have paramedics and orderlies. Not all medical kits are allowed medicines... The city prosecutor submitted a proposal to the station management to eliminate violations of the law and bring the perpetrators to disciplinary responsibility.”

And where to get medicines, if no money has been allocated for them, and where to get paramedics and orderlies for meager salaries, the prosecutor's office did not say. None of her business.

By the way, about paramedics. To the report of the Accounts Chamber, many touches were added on the Internet by ordinary medical staff, who had the patience not to immediately swear at the lying officials, but to lead concrete examples. For example, this one - from a novice ambulance paramedic: “At the rate (seven days a month and 20 calls daily), the salary is no more than 12,000 rubles. How can a young man build his life and support his family with that kind of money? And if we talk about FAPs in countryside, then the salaries there are completely fantastic - about 6,500 rubles a month. Accordingly, young (and mature) people take one and a half to two rates, which, with a load of up to 20 calls per day, leads to severe physical and moral fatigue, to psychological burnout, fatigue from life, neuroses and somatic diseases- heart attacks, strokes, etc.

People driven into the grip of material need work for wear and tear, burn out morally, and by the age of forty, as a rule, they are completely sick and cynics who have lost faith in everything ... and cannot properly relate to the problems of patients, which causes constant conflicts and scandals.

You will laugh, but even before the report of the Accounts Chamber last September, the government of the Voronezh region announced that it intends to raise the average salary of doctors in the region from 27,792 to 73,818 rubles in the next five years! Due to "a more flexible approach to the remuneration system and an increase in incentive payments."

In short, the average temperature in our hospital is growing by leaps and bounds, "and all other countries envy us!"

What is allowed to Jupiter

Golukhov and his family have already left for Switzerland, leaving the Russians to discuss his affairs passionately and family values. The capital minister was not interested in the law enforcement system. She is much more interested in ordinary doctors, whom law enforcement officers put forward to the forefront - that's, they say, who are the most notorious and malicious corrupt officials in our country!

In Voronezh, the list of corrupt doctors in 2014 was opened by a 65-year-old doctor of the city polyclinic, against whom a criminal case was opened on taking a bribe of 2,400 rubles for a fake sick leave for eight days - 300 rubles per day.

Next, on a bribe of 35 thousand rubles, the vice-rector was caught red-handed medical academy named after Burdenko, breaking the reputation of the head of the department, professor and doctor of medical sciences.

Then in Voronezh, the general practitioner of the main bureau was convicted medical and social expertise, which for 15 thousand rubles issued a third degree of disability to the client. Her guilt turned out to be much worse: the court gave her a fine of 25 times the amount of the bribe - 375 thousand rubles - and a ban on working as a doctor for three years.

In contrast, the loudest in Voronezh was the criminal case of the former head of the department for renting and privatizing municipal property, Elizaveta Gromova. The case is funny: the official demanded $ 4,500 from the businessman for the renewal of the lease, intimidating him with the termination of the contract, although in fact nothing threatened the contract. She was caught red-handed, and she fully admitted her guilt, but the presence of higher accomplices did not. The court gave her two years probation, a fine of 25,000 rubles, and a ban for a year and a half from working in the state or municipal service.

Naturally, the verdict caused a strong reaction on the Internet and comparative arithmetic: why is a 25-fold fine for a doctor’s bribe of 15,000 rubles, and for an official 4,500 dollars the multiplicity is 150 times less, and even the term of the ban on professional activity half as long? Does this mean that officials and security forces are their own for the judicial system, and doctors-teachers are strangers?

A great resonance was caused by the collapse of the criminal case on fraud (theft of 1.1 billion rubles in Rosagroleasing) of the ex-deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma (“ United Russia”), founder of the Masloprodukt group and ex-deputy head of the Ministry of Agriculture Alexei Bazhanov. He and two associates were put in a pre-trial detention center, and the court regularly refused to transfer them to house arrest. But the day before the New Year, the investigation suddenly reclassified the accusation to more soft article with the possibility of an amnesty (such a decision is worth a lot!), and the Tverskoy Court of Moscow released the whole trio on bail. But Bazhanov treacherously and immediately left somewhere, and the investigation suggested that he flew to Switzerland to reunite with what he had acquired by overwork in Russia, and put him on the international wanted list. Later, Bazhanov was also charged with a new charge, adding money laundering to embezzlement and fraud on a particularly large scale; the court even arrested him in absentia, causing hysterical laughter on the Internet: are you guys kidding me? First, they are released “by a very good agreement”, and then they are arrested again, but “in absentia”, when the accused has already fled. The search for wind in the field did not give any result, but about the fate of those who released the ex-deputy minister to freedom, investigative committee said nothing.

They are surprised on the Internet: officials who steal are not imprisoned here. In the worst case, when there is nowhere to put samples, they give conditionally. He kind of repented. Here's a man robbed a bank (or the budget, it doesn't matter). He was caught. He confessed everything, returned the loot and promised that it would never happen again. And he was released with the wording "in connection with active repentance" - a typical result of a whole series of criminal cases in Voronezh as part of the "fight against corruption."

And the fight against corruption in Voronezh goes on as usual: the general practitioner was charged with five bribes for issuing sick leave both the real sick and those just wanting to relax. The therapist did not confess to the crimes, but the court sentenced her to a fine of 50 thousand rubles and deprivation of the right to work as a doctor for two years.

Curtain? No, the show is on.

Why I left medicine
Doctor's confession. Part 1. Why I left medicine

I am a doctor, a surgeon. More than 20 years in medicine. In short, strokes, then most of life is a prosperous, one might say, standard course of events. "Average" family: father is a military man, mother is a doctor. School, medal, honey. institute, diploma with honors, 3 years of work on distribution in the "outback" in a small district hospital and in the specialty and plugging holes in staffing. I had to visit both a therapist and a neuropathologist-psychiatrist, a blood transfusion doctor, and to establish ophthalmology, and to be on duty at night for all the specialists. It was not easy, but very interesting. I remember those three years fondly.

Then work at a world-famous research institute and the realization of a dream - surgery, microsurgery. PhD thesis defense. A lot of interesting work, unique operations. Wonderful people nearby - teachers, colleagues, patients. When meeting her new patients, she always said: “There are three of us now - you, me and the disease. Who will you be with? If with me, then there will be two of us at the same time, and it will be easier to cope with the disease.” In general, I loved my job, considered my vocation. Never regretted my choice. I couldn't imagine life without surgery.
A few years ago, I left my beloved and successful surgery, an unfinished doctorate and perplexed colleagues. She left deliberately, calmly, without regret. I am not ashamed of the life I have lived, but I have begun a new one. My beloved mother, my friend and adviser, watching the changes in me, in my life, not yet understanding what was happening, said: "I have the impression that you have been going to this all your life." Yes, now I know for sure that this is the case.
What has changed my life so dramatically?
The fact is that my considerable experience, mindset and simple observation have long made me draw several disappointing conclusions about my profession.
1. Medicine forces you to constantly violate the main commandment of the physician - do no harm ("non nocere")! Where is the exit?
2. The whole history of human diseases and healing has a disappointingly constant vector (character): despite all the new achievements medical science, outstanding issues there are more and more people suffering, more and more healthy newborns are less and less, long-forgotten "defeated" diseases are returning, completely new ones are emerging. I would say, some kind of infinitely bleak vector: the farther, the worse. Why? When and how will it end?
3. All medicine is built on imperfect diagnostic methods. None are 100% reliable. And on such "floating" data, the physician has to draw conclusions, give recommendations, and make responsible decisions. I have the right?
4. Pharmaceutical business with an avalanche of new drugs itself constantly leads to new problems in treatment, causing drug incompatibilities, side effects and complications from these drugs. Is there an alternative?
5. Every physician faces: sometimes with "miracles" of recovery, when a obviously doomed patient "suddenly" recovers, then with "fatal" cases, when a successful course of treatment "suddenly" acquires an uncontrollable catastrophic character. Where is the explanation for all this "suddenly"? How to counter this?
6. Remains unresolved main question treatment is the cause of the disease. Microbes, viruses, genes, atherosclerosis...for some reason, they infect some and "do not touch" others. Immunity, stress, ecology, age and heredity - these are the "universal", for all occasions, explanations that are sometimes like a magic wand for a doctor. But then why, for example, during a flu epidemic, a strong one with normal immunity can get sick, while a frail one with a reduced one is healthy. Why, with equal data, one has a heart attack after a heart attack (tumor, diabetes), while the other has nothing. Why does a boy who saves a baby drowning in ice later have neither bronchitis nor pneumonia, but a seasoned kayaker athlete who fell during training in cold water, dies "of hypothermia". Why are all the efforts of modern medicine in the fight against infertility so often futile? Here is a young woman after several miscarriages, in order to give birth, she lay in the hospital throughout her pregnancy. BUT next pregnancy completely safely spent on the run and caring for her first child. And she gave birth to a second child, "without noticing." Why do healthy spouses have a baby with a disability. Or no children at all. And the "lady" with bad habits, with health problems, having no family, no comfortable housing, no desire to raise numerous offspring, - child after child. How many unanswered "why".
7. Narrow specialization- both the necessity and the misfortune of medicine. The understandable desire to deepen knowledge in a certain area has its own reverse side- loss of the overall "picture" of the disease. And a cool narrow specialist, figuratively speaking, "surgeon thumb left leg" is simply physically unable to see (remember, know) other health problems of his patient. But in the body everything is interconnected.
8. The "zone of interest" of medicine is limited and does not cover all health problems. Do not fall, for example, in the field of influence of medicine such centuries existing problems, like the evil eye or damage (as esotericists and psychics say - energy implantation). Whether medicine wants to admit it or not, completely different "structures" cope with such a misfortune. And honest doctors, not finding the slightest deviation in a young healthy, but "withering" person, admit that only God knows what the reason is and what to expect next. And more and more often they send the patient to the "grandmothers" or the priest.
And what really did not fit in my head was a new "explanation" of the cause of the increasing cases of unexpected death of people (children), death against the background of a prosperous state. "Sudden (infantile) death syndrome" - this is how the doctors' confession of their helplessness now looks. Simply put, doctors write that a person suddenly died for no apparent reason. This is what is called - arrived.
9. Vaccinations are a full-scale disgrace to medicine, put in a number of countries, including ours, at the state level. Active and groundless intervention in the nature of a person, a child, with grave consequences. Who will answer?
10. Every physician more than once in his life is forced to say: "we are powerless." And it does not matter whether he says this to a hopelessly ill person, to the parents of a sick child, or to himself, while maintaining the illusion of help in a person so as not to kill hope. White lies? And how to look into the eyes of this person or the parents of such a child?
11. As an ophthalmologist, I have long wanted to understand what "good" or "evil" eyes mean. By what criteria are they identified? And what is the difference between a "soulful" person, with whom it is so comfortable to communicate, and a "soulless" person, contacts with whom you avoid with all your might? How to respond to such statements of patients as: "It became easier on the Soul", "A stone fell from the Soul"? Or "cats scratch on the Soul", "it's hard on the Soul"...? And what does "mentally ill" mean? What is Soul? Where is? Why in medical institute not a word about it, if human life is so connected with it?

And then there is the statement of academician N. Amosov, respected by me: "... Do not rely on medicine. It cures many diseases well, but it cannot make a person healthy ..." Then I read from L. Tolstoy: "taking care of your body has no end and ... people who take care of their body with the help of medicine not only forget about the lives of other people, but also about their own" (!!!)
Having no answers to these questions and not seeing an alternative, I pushed these problems "for later". Like Scarlet O'Hara in the novel gone With the Wind" (I will think about it tomorrow)
True, she tried to recommend "non-traditional" medicine in some cases, but retreated, making sure that the possibilities there were limited, and paragraph 10 was no exception. Yes, and charlatans - darkness!

I have always wanted understanding in everything, especially in my profession. I do not recognize thoughtless, stupid adherence to "norms". Put everything on the shelves, and then act. This is for me.
I have always wanted to be able to help anyone who asks for help.
Still - mutual understanding and kindness in relations between people.
And also - supports, such that nothing is ever scary.

It's amazing, I found all this: understanding, support, opportunities, and people who are at the same time. Probably, according to the principle "who wants, he will achieve, who seeks, he will always find."
Now I know how to really help to cope with any disease, there are no restrictions on the diagnosis. And for this you do not need to hurt, poison with anesthesia, drugs, deprive the joy of life with prohibitions fresh air and sun or strict diets.
True, for the sake of such opportunities, it was worth shaking up your life, finding the strength in yourself for cardinal changes. And leaving work, from a prestigious place is not a victim. And not a betrayal of their patients. Against. Now I have incomparably more opportunities to help.
Yes, for this I had to rearrange a lot from head to foot, which, without hesitation, I followed long years. To do this, I had to honestly look at my entire past life. I had to sort out my priorities. Re-form your life position. And try to stand firmly on it.
Of course they helped me. I am not alone, I have like-minded friends with me, people who hold the same positions.
And now in my vocabulary there are no words "suddenly", "lucky", "why", "amazing coincidence", "terrible injustice", "for what" ... Because everything in our life is natural. And there are no accidents. Everything has its reason. And you can always find it. Find and fix. And cause and effect. And more importantly, be warned.
The understanding of the causes of diseases has changed. Assistance has changed.

I realized that medicine is trying to eliminate not the causes, but the consequences of diseases.
That's when my views on diseases, their causes, on the possibilities of help came into conflict with those in medicine, I left it. I do not want to live by double standards and I will not.

Why I left materialism

My understanding of the world

Man is a unique creation. Surprisingly "thought out" body and incomprehensible Soul. The body is our physical, visible part. Tool for the Soul. It needs to be treated with respect. Rest, food, temperature regime- all according to known "operating conditions". But our main part, invisible - the Soul. Everything begins and ends with the Soul.

Life on Earth is a school for the Soul. On earth we learn.

We all have common Parent. The one who created us. Who created the Earth, nature, the Cosmos - everything. This is the Creator, Creator, God, Father. The word Father is closest to me.
We are all his children. (Not slaves. And not workers. But children! For me, the difference is fundamental).
Different in appearance, differing in character, abilities, skin color ... we are basically the same: we have a Soul.
For the upbringing of the Souls of his children, the Father created a school - the School of Life. In order to grow "young" Souls into "adults" in it, to prepare followers of their Deeds. Here, children will master the physical world, gain knowledge, experience, find application for their abilities. Learn to distinguish good from evil. They will learn to preserve their world with their own strength, to live in harmony with it, in peace and harmony with each other. They will learn to enjoy life and love and cherish everything that the Father has given for this - the earth, nature, plants, animals. And each other.
And all in order to "ripen" (take place) by the end of the School to continue life, but at a different level of opportunities, in a different capacity ("to go to college").

Learning outcomes will be determined at the "final exam". They will evaluate both knowledge and experience, and the level of maturity (consistency), and realized or unrealized opportunities. A sort of fraction, where in the numerator - what he managed to do in his life, and in the denominator - what he could do. The exam will decide whether we are ready for the rest of our lives.

Like a tuning fork, as a kind of standard, to help us, the Father has put into the Soul of each his own piece - a spark of God. We can navigate it in our lives. (If I feel that “it’s hard on my Soul”, then my vibrations did not coincide with the tuning fork. And if “it became easier on my Soul”, then everything is right)
The highest vibrations of GOD, FATHER correspond (are close) on Earth to only one state - Love.
Indeed, it is the strongest human feeling. I'm talking about LOVE. She is like a driving force. Everything can be done with love. And nothing can resist her. Because there is no other such feeling, but with the opposite sign.
Hate is weaker than Love.
Relatively recently, I realized that every person is endowed with this feeling from the very beginning. Now, if you "get" it from within yourself, or, more precisely, get to the bottom of it through all our "troubles", then everything that "comprises" it will become normal and natural: compassion, and patience, and forgiveness, and understanding, and creation and help and kindness...
To achieve it, the FATHER gave us a "hint" - "Live in goodness, treat everything and everything that surrounds you with kindness."
This is the only RULE of successful study, or, in other words, the condition normal life.
At the School, we will be constantly taught and tested for compliance with the Rule, for compliance with the Standard, forming circumstances for choosing between good and evil (a kind of tests for consistency).
Everyone has an individual program, but the problems are common - those human qualities that do not fit into the concept of "Good". Those that prevent you from getting to the bottom of your Love.
Pride, envy, anger (anger), laziness, deceit, melancholy (despondency), resentment, greed ... - a complete negative. Rough, low vibrations. Here from them also it is necessary to have time to get rid during study-life. And this is very difficult. And you need to do this all the time, every day and every minute. As the poet N. Zabolotsky said: "The soul must work day and night, day and night ...". Because you might not be able to.
The first time I understood what it means to "not be in time" was when I lost my mother. Yes, I didn't realize it right away.
And immediately, to the information: "She is leaving," there was only a shock - it can not be. Already almost put on her feet, restored after a huge "bouquet" of diseases. There seemed to be very little left. We'll make it. Did not have time.
I will definitely tell about my mother. Should have told a long time ago.

Apparently we are not very diligent students, we do not have time to cope with the program in one life. The father gives us the opportunity to finish our studies - we come to Earth more than once (among esotericists this is called reincarnation). At the end of each life - physical death: the body to Mother Earth (debriefing), and the soul - to the intermediate exam (as we say, "debriefing"). Everything, everything, down to the briefest thought, we will see about ourselves in our entire past life. And there it will no longer be possible to blame your mistakes on someone or "fall through the ground" from shame for your actions, thoughts. And the accumulated experience will be deposited in the "personal file" for the future.
If there is a "go-ahead" for the next implementation, its plan is drawn up.
And the conditions of the next coming to Earth (place of birth, nationality, social environment, parents) now already depend on the results of the previous life. How tried.
We will drag all the problems unresolved in the previous life, all the "unsurrendered tails" into the next life (to the next class). And there is already a program. Plus unworked out past life. It can be very difficult ... For example, an exam that has not been passed for tolerance to another person or his choice, can return in a more difficult version, when you yourself find yourself "in the shoes" of such a person and feel for yourself what it's like. That is quite possible variant when an anti-Semite is born into a large and friendly Jewish family. And the "fighter" special rights whites - in an African tribe.
It's the same as in the allotted time I didn't learn how much it would be twice or two, but the time had already come to solve three times or three.
But unsolvable tasks are never given to anyone (we complicate them ourselves). And there is always a solution. Cover the evil done with good. As my friend Zarema said: "There is no need to fight evil. We must expand the boundaries of good."
I think that our attitude towards people is one of the main indicators of solvency.

In order not to limit us in our endeavors, opportunities, creativity, HE gave us all the FREEDOM OF CHOICE. Each of us has the right to our own opinion and our own mistakes. And everyone is responsible for it.
Please live, create, make mistakes, improve, grow, learn...

To live, to put it simply, to act, speak and think, you need energy. And we get it all the time.
We are all in a single energy and information space, in a single system of energy supply and energy exchange.
Energy supports everything - the Earth rotates, rivers flow, clouds float, flora grows, blooms, fauna runs, flies and swims, eats and multiplies. Man is born and lives: he speaks, thinks, does. And all this with the help of energy - the Energy of the Creator, Creator, God!
HE provided us with constant sources of his Energy - the Sun, Air, Water, Earth. They are always there, always with us. Everyone somehow feels this energy support - "the sun, air and water are ours." best friends". And - the children to the river, to the sea, and themselves - lie down in the sun and sit in the air. Recover.
The energy that comes to us for life, through our actions, words and thoughts "returns" to the surrounding space, to the "common cauldron". Such a "cycle" of Energy in nature. And each person with his energy affects both himself and the state of the entire system. Can save, strengthen. Or maybe the other way around: to bring discord, to destroy their own and the general energy.

The ability to freely choose between good and evil, to live as you wish, does not mean that our whole life is chaos, anarchy and uncontrolled lawlessness.
The Creator placed his LAW over everything and everyone.
Life in all its manifestations is subject to this Law. He guards our common space. He protects everything that contributes to our existence, everything that is aimed at strengthening and developing the entire civilization and every person. In other words, it protects everything that is good, progressive, positive. And it supports energetically. And vice versa, everything destructive, "evil" returns back, including the "author". To understand that it is impossible to "cut the branch on which you sit", "spit in the well", without thinking about the consequences of your life. And an earthquake with human casualties is also our common negative returned by the Law, in which, quite possibly, there is also my "drop".
The action of the Law can be expressed by the well-known proverb - "what you sow, you will reap."
The duration of the Law is decided strictly individually, taking into account the capabilities and efforts of each person, taking into account the plan of his life.

Hence it turns out that the problems that arise in our lives (fire, illness, accident, brick on the head, sudden production complications ...) are our own negative, which the Law has returned to us in one form or another. That is, on a physical, understandable level, we are given to understand that a RULE has been violated - a condition for a normal life - in order to live, you need to live in goodness.

So it turns out that the question: "Who is to blame?" in all cases, you can answer with one simple action - go to the nearest mirror. There will be the culprit of all my problems.

Now "What to do?" When the normal course of life has been disturbed.
Stop - look around. "Rewind" time and find where, when, how I introduced evil-negativity into the world: offended, envied, condemned, offended, deceived, proud, angry. Where did you get under the law? (Or where, when, and how I “subscribed” another person to the Law. For example, it became easier for me to cope with my stupid manner of being late when I realized that by being late, I force the person waiting for me to be nervous, angry, offended, etc. i.e. to give out negativity "into the common pot" and violate the Rule of human society. And the fact that he himself does not remember the Law does not change anything for me.)
Finding the cause is the first step towards eliminating the consequences.
But to realize and accept it as your mistake! Now that's heartfelt work. To understand and accept that what has been done (said, thought) is bad, this cannot be done in any way and never again, because I, people, the world will suffer from this. Realize this and apologize to those whom you offended. And before the Father. Apologize sincerely, from the bottom of my heart. The Father always sees the degree of our sincerity.
One of many, real life example. In search of the causes of the serious problems, found the moment of violation, where she violated the Law. She knelt down, turning to the Father with an apology-repentance: "Forgive me for upsetting you again ..." But I can't resist: as if someone is pushing me off my knees. After the third attempt, I decided not to repeat it again. But I didn't understand anything. Why? After all, I found the cause correctly. Later, information came: I found the reason - I figured it out with my brain, but internally, I didn’t accept it with my soul. The main thing, for the sake of which this whole "school" system was created, did not happen. There was no change in the soul (I didn’t learn the lesson, I answered according to the cheat sheet). And the Law is set for that, to help learn to become a Human.
Therefore, it is possible to stop the operation of the Law only by understanding and sincere repentance.
And it is very important, having understood your mistake, to learn this lesson for the rest of your life. And try not to repeat it. Take the knowledge gained to help you in the future. This is the meaning of study - our experience and internal changes- spiritual growth. Because otherwise - it will not be a school, but Kindergarten: "Daddy, I won't do that again." And in a minute I completely forgot about my "Skoda" and I live on as if nothing had happened: they will forgive me again next time.
One can, of course, live without knowing any such law, in constant bewilderment and chagrin - for what? why did this happen to me? where does this injustice come from? what an absurd accident, etc. But ignorance of the Law, as you know, does not exempt from responsibility. The option of a blind kitten that pokes, bruising, in the corners is not my option. For me, it is better to live consciously, in understanding where my troubles come from. And how to eliminate them. Better yet, avoid it.

I know that there is nothing new in my worldview. These concepts were given to people from the very beginning. These are like guidelines for those who went to the forest for a walk, for firewood or for another purpose, and then do not want to stupidly wander in search of a way to the house, but use the well-known knowledge as a compass, that, for example, moss grows on trees on the north side, and starlings begin to sing at 4 o'clock in the morning, etc. And the only question is how much a person wants about them, about landmarks, to remember and be guided by them in life.

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