Row money with a shovel? How much do Russian officials receive. Latest news on the issue of wage payments to civil servants of the Russian Federation

The presence of statehood implies the presence of trusted people who help the authorities in governing the country. Historical documents confirm their presence - for example, governors, posadniks - even in the Old Russian state. However, the concept of a civil servant, closest to the modern form, appeared during the time of Peter I. In 1722, the Table of Ranks was signed, regulating the activities of employees, depending on the assigned rank. After the revolution, such officials were replaced by civil servants themselves - representatives of the legislative, judicial, and executive authorities.

The modern civil service is regulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, or rather, by the relevant laws of 2003 and 2004. It is military and civilian. Civil servants include people who perform work at the federal level or the level of subjects of the Russian Federation. The difference between such workers in the area of ​​responsibility and in the source of wages. In this article, we will take a closer look at the activities of federal employees, their remuneration, as well as related to them. latest news: salary increase for federal civil servants in 2017 in Russia.

Federal civil servants: place in the structure

A federal civil servant is an employee who serves in government bodies and receives monetary remuneration for this from the federal budget. In fact, this is a representative of the authorities who has certain rights, duties and powers within the framework of the corresponding position. It is believed that the employer is the state. Since 2005, there has been an up-to-date register of positions belonging to this category, with a full description of job responsibilities.

This service imposes a number of restrictions on the employee. Among them, the inability to engage in other activities for money (with the exception of science, pedagogy, creativity), to be members of political parties, to participate in strikes, demonstrations, etc. But in most cases, these are decent salaries, social package, guarantees and benefits. And also really important work for the benefit of the state.

Changes 2017: wages.

Before discussing the increase in the salary of federal state employees in 2017, let's look at the average figures and the method of accrual for today. The wages of federal civil servants are calculated according to the scheme: the amount of the official salary, allowances for qualifications, for certain special conditions of service, for length of service and possible bonuses.

In fact, the situation with income is as follows. In 2014, 39.1 thousand federal civil servants received an average salary of 75 thousand rubles. In total, in 2015, according to Rosstat, in Russia there were 39.8 thousand people with an average income of 77.1 thousand rubles in the positions of federal civil servants. In 2016, the number of employees decreased to 38.5 thousand with an average Russian salary of 79.9 thousand rubles.

Maximum allowances in this case can reach 200 thousand rubles.

Of course, the income is quite high. However, do not forget about the importance of the work performed. In addition, the best way to increase accountability, improve the quality of work and fight corruption is to create good working conditions and make the employee afraid of losing a good job, appreciate it.

In recent years, the country has been undergoing significant budget cuts. It also affected federal civil servants. Thus, in 2016, there was no annual planned increase in the salaries of federal civil servants in line with inflation - a moratorium was introduced until 2017. This is due to the economic situation - a consequence of the crisis of 2014-2015. According to the promises of the authorities, the freeze was introduced for 1 year. The improvement of the economy allows us to hope that indexation will still be carried out. Anecdotal evidence confirms this fact. Also, in the draft budget for next year, the necessary funds for indexation have already been planned.

The salary increase for federal civil servants in 2017 in Russia will be carried out not by changing the method of accrual, but by indexing to inflation.

Changes 2017: reductions.

Of course, the attentive reader has noticed that the number of federal civil servants is declining. This is not an accident. In 2012, a reform was carried out that affected many areas of activity in our state. The purpose of its implementation was to improve the quality of work and services provided, increase wages through optimization, fight corruption and increase the attractiveness of professions that are important for the country.

Federal civil servants were not left without attention. There were 2 stages of reductions: in 2013 and 2016. So, in 2016, the President set the task: to reduce the number of staff by 10% in 2 years. Due to this, it was planned to free up funds for indexation and additional bonuses for the remaining employees. Which is what was done. Reductions will continue in 2017 until the required figure is reached. Will the expected indexation of salaries for federal state employees in 2017 be carried out due to this? It's hard to say for sure, but definitely the savings will be a plus in the budget for next year.

As a result, we note that within the framework of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, by the end of 2017, a reduction of about 1.5 thousand federal civil servants is expected.

Changes 2017: increase in the retirement age.

The changes for officials did not end there. Like all employees, they are entitled, upon reaching a certain length of service - 15 years - to a well-deserved retirement. In 2016, amendments were made to the relevant law on pension provision. From 2017, the required length of service will increase, every year by six months. As a result, in 2016 it will reach the required mark - 20 years.

Also, starting next year, the age of receiving old-age pension payments will increase according to the same principle: as a result, it will be 60 years for women and 65 for men. The accrual of pensions will now depend on the length of service at the time of departure: 3% for each year in excess of length of service, up to a maximum of 75% of work allowance.

Significant changes await civil servants in 2017: an increase in the length of service for care by seniority, old age, and a new way of calculating pensions. The government tried to mitigate the transition as much as possible by a phased increase, annually for six months.

Changes 2017: labor veterans

A veteran of labor in the all-Russian sense is a citizen who began to work for the benefit of the state during the Second World War without being of legal age. At the same time, having a work experience of 35 years for women and 40 years for men. This category also includes people who have received special awards.

To celebrate their work, the state provides them with special conditions for a number of services. Thus, benefits for federal pensioners and labor veterans for 2017 include free travel, medical care (including prosthetics), benefits for certain types of taxes, utilities, and a discount on Russian Railways tickets.

In addition to the federal benefits listed above, the regions also offer assistance to such pensioners from their own budget. Thus, cash payments to labor veterans of federal significance are planned in 2017 in Russia. The size depends on the possibilities of the regional treasury.

Our country has been undergoing dramatic changes for several years now. They also affected federal civil servants: layoffs, a moratorium on indexation, changes in retirement conditions. Of course, any changes in the scale of the country are not easy. But, as the authorities assure, the most difficult period is behind us.

The salaries of federal civil servants in 2017 are of concern not only to this category of citizens of the country, but also to ordinary people. And in principle, this is true - civil servants do not contribute any surplus product to the country's GDP (to use the language of Marxists), that is, they live off our taxes. Therefore, to know and understand how much we pay officials is not only not shameful, but also necessary. The next stage of this awareness will be demand for the quality of their work.

What happens to the salaries of federal civil servants in 2016

2016 was the year of total savings. Finally realizing that the president’s words about having to “be patient for a couple of years”, which he said in 2014, were nothing more than his incompetence or talking about the problem, the government began to seriously learn to live in the new realities. In these realities, there are no longer and in the medium term the previous oil prices are not expected. It is no longer possible to sit carelessly on the stove and spend income from the sale of hydrocarbons abroad, there is a catastrophic lack of money in the budget.

The government even had to start actively spending the funds set aside in the form of a reserve, and if you do not save on expenses, then the reserve can be consumed very quickly, after which very bad times will come.

The result of total savings in 2016 was, for example, a very weak increase in pensions for older Russians - in February they raised their pensions by four percent instead of the prescribed thirteen, and in the fall the traditional increase in pensions did not happen at all.

As for the apparatus of officials, they were told in advance that indexation of wages in 2016, in principle, should not be expected, the budget for this does not include money. Therefore, throughout the year, this category of state employees received their salaries at the level of 2015, while rising prices spare no one - neither a pensioner from a remote village in the outback of the country, nor an employee of the presidential administration.

Whether there would be an increase in the salaries of federal civil servants in 2017, at the time when they were frozen in income, such a question remained open - it all depended on how favorable the situation would be for the budget and whether there would be money to maintain the living standards of all citizens of the country.

Latest news on federal civil servants' salary increase in 2017

As a result, there will still be an increase in the salaries of federal civil servants in 2017 to the delight of them and their families. Firstly, the economic situation has more or less stabilized, and funds for indexing pensions for pensioners, as well as the salaries of state employees, including civil servants, have nevertheless been found. Secondly, traditionally, on the eve of the presidential elections, the authorities additionally pay for the loyalty of officials by raising wages for this category of Russians.

In 2017, about 50 billion rubles were allocated in the budget for raising the salaries of federal civil servants, and another 450 billion were allocated for the rest of the category of civil servants. This will please them with a good increase.

However, the good news for officials is side by side with more controversial decisions from their point of view. So, from 2017, a gradual increase in the retirement age for civil servants begins - every year this age will increase in relation to them by six months. Firstly, this will allow the budget to save significant amounts in the future, and secondly, starting with officials, the government accustoms citizens to the idea that raising the retirement age will one day affect everyone, and the state will simply start with itself.

Thus, in 2017, in general, the situation of civil servants will improve, their salaries will be slightly increased. This will restore its real value, offsetting the inflation that has accumulated lately. In addition, before the presidential elections, it is important for the authorities that the officials do not grumble, but are satisfied with the current political power and know which side to play on at the right moments of the presidential race.

For those officials whose retirement is approaching, her expectation will be a little longer, but experts say that this is not so bad for the country, since the most experienced and competent personnel will continue to work for some more time and will be able to benefit the state at a difficult moment in its development. Critics may say that such cadres may turn out to be the main carriers of the vices of the bureaucratic environment, but the authorities most often do not consider these vices to be their particular problem.

The average salary of civil servants in federal government agencies in 2017 increased by 2.7% and amounted to 118 thousand rubles. per month, according to Rosstat. The fastest growing salaries were among employees of the Federal Treasury, the TFR and Rosreestr

Photo: Evgeny Pavlenko / Kommersant

The average salary of civil servants in federal government agencies in 2017 amounted to 118.8 thousand rubles. per month, which is 2.7% more than in 2016, follows from the materials of Rosstat. The number of federal civil servants at the end of last year amounted to 38.3 thousand people (data on employees of the central offices of ministries and departments were taken into account, taking into account the territorial bodies, the number would be higher).

The leader, despite a decrease of 0.5%, as in the previous year, was the government apparatus, whose employees earn more than 227 thousand rubles a month. According to the results of 2017, the monthly salary in the presidential administration amounted to an average of 217.5 thousand rubles, having decreased by 0.5%. In third place is the Accounts Chamber with an average salary of 180.7 thousand rubles. (not changed by 2016).

The average salary in the Federation Council at the end of 2017 amounted to 180.2 thousand rubles. (an increase of 2.3%), in the State Duma the average level of wages increased by 3.6% and reached 160.5 thousand rubles. per month.

Salaries of employees of the Federal Treasury became the highest among ministries and departments (160 thousand). This is followed by the Ministry of Emergency Situations - 151.7 thousand rubles. (an increase of 10%), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - 148.7 thousand rubles. (an increase of 1%), the Ministry of Finance - 138.2 thousand rubles. (down 1.4%).

The fastest growing average salary was in the Treasury: the growth was 33% (after a reduction of 27.5% in 2016). In second place is the Investigative Committee of Russia (plus 32.8%), according to the results of last year, the average salary in the UK reached 76.5 thousand rubles. Next comes the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) - 134.4 thousand rubles. (growth 23.8%).

A large increase in salaries in these federal government agencies is due to the need to retain qualified personnel and reduce possible corruption risks, says Nikolai Kalmykov, director of the RANEPA expert and analytical center. “A specialist who works in the Federal Treasury, as well as a specialist in the cadastre, if they receive low wages, this will raise many questions. On the one hand, we will lose qualified personnel, we will not be able to have high-quality specialists. On the other hand, of course, there will be corruption risks,” Kalmykov told RBC.

In 2017, in 50 federal ministries, services, agencies (74.6% of their total number), the average monthly salary was below the average in Moscow (94.9 thousand rubles), Rosstat notes. According to the results of the past year, the lowest paid civil servants were employees of Rospechat with an average salary of 59 thousand rubles, Rosnedra - 60.2 thousand rubles. and Rostourism - 61.3 thousand rubles.

The Rosstat data does not contain information on average monthly salaries, the number and staffing levels of the FSB, SVR, FSO, the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (FSTEC) and the Main Directorate of Special Programs of the President (GUSP).

At the end of December 2017, the Ministry of Finance for the first time average monthly salaries in federal government bodies for 2016, including the salaries of most ministers became known. According to the Ministry of Finance, the highest salary in 2016 was with the Minister of Finance - 1.73 million rubles. per month, the Minister of Economic Development and the Minister of Energy received 0.5 million less - 1.27 million and 1.16 million rubles. respectively. The salary of the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2016 amounted to 954 thousand rubles, the minister of industry and trade - 921 thousand rubles. According to the Ministry of Finance, in 2016 the average monthly salary of Russian government officials in public positions amounted to 693 thousand rubles.

Since January 1, 2018, the salaries of officials, including those holding public office, have been indexed by 4% for the first time in several years.

The average nominal salary in 2017 increased by 7.3% and amounted to 39.1 thousand rubles, follows from a preliminary estimate by Rosstat. Real wages increased by 3.5% last year. Wage growth in both nominal and real terms continued in 2018. In January of this year, nominal wages increased by 8.5% compared to January 2017, and real wages by 6.2%.

In Russia, at present, all employees of the department who are in the public service are called officials. Until 1917, this was an official position for persons with rank and employees at the court or for the state. But after the revolution it was cancelled.

Civil servants now include employees of the presidential administration and the government apparatus employed in the service of the Constitutional Court and the Federation Council. Officials are deputies of the State Duma, representatives of the executive and judicial authorities, municipal government. In total - about 3% of the employed population, which, you see, is quite a lot.

The last few years of civil servants have been affected by certain changes. This also applies to salaries and staff optimization. They are the first who in the country began to increase the retirement age. What is in store for them next year? what will be the salary increase of officials in 2017 in Russia? The latest news voiced different, sometimes radically opposite points of view. Let's try to figure it out.

current situation

The current situation with the salaries of officials was formed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2012. This Decree, known as the May Decree, regulated a whole range of measures, lasting 6 years, aimed at optimizing and reorganizing all the most important areas of activity. Among them are medicine, culture, education and many others. These, of course, include state employees employed in management - civil servants. The purpose of these innovations was to improve the efficiency of work with the optimal number of staff.

In the part concerning civil servants, such innovations as changing the amount of wages and the method of calculating them, issues of pensions and retirement age, revision of job duties and qualification requirements, and staffing are identified. All these points, as well as the salaries of officials in 2017, are also subject to a planned review.

All officials in our country can be divided into 3 groups: municipal, federal executive and employees in federal state and legislative bodies. The lowest incomes of civil servants in the regions - a little more than 35 thousand rubles, from 16 thousand in the North Caucasus to 90 thousand rubles in the northern and Far East. The average salary of federal civil servants, according to the official statistics service of our country - Rosstat - today is 80,000 rubles. Officials of the State Duma, the Federation Council and the Presidential Administration receive monetary allowances from 100,000 to 210,000 rubles.

Reform 2012

The changes planned by law in 2012 affected primarily federal and municipal officials. With regards to the deputies, it must be said that they have never been distinguished by low incomes. But the reform also affected them: salaries in the presidential administration have now grown from 132 to 201 thousand rubles. In the Federation Council and the State Duma from 89 and 81 thousand rubles to 117 and 106 thousand rubles, respectively. However, during this period, 2 significant increases and 1 decrease in wages were carried out, related to the well-known situation in the country in 2015. Also, the annual indexation of the salary part was suspended until the beginning of 2017 in order to save money in the country's budget. But as a result, incomes still increased, and quite significantly.

The main changes in relation to the reorganization took place among the federal employees of the department. Let's turn to statistics. Since 2011, 2 waves of reductions were planned among them: by 2013 by 20% and by 2018 by 10%. Of course, this affected the wages of the remaining employees, but unevenly. The government apparatus remained with similar incomes, in the Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs they decreased from 81 to 64 thousand rubles, and in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs they increased from 60 to 122 thousand rubles.

Plans for 2017.

Since it has already been said about the reduction of officials in 2017 - since 2015, according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, it is planned to reduce the number by 10% in 2 years - we will not dwell on this issue in detail.
The other most anticipated information about future plans is, of course, indexation and salary growth. Despite the regular increase in the salaries of officials, the moratorium on the indexation of salaries "eats" him. That is, in fact, salaries remain the same. It was this goal that the President of the Russian Federation set himself when planning anti-crisis measures: to maintain sufficiently high incomes for officials.

The question of whether the wages of officials will be indexed in 2017 remains open today - this largely depends on the future economic situation: there are quite a few categories of state employees with low incomes who need indexation. Whether there will be enough money in the state treasury for everyone is not yet known. According to statements by government officials, the lifting of the moratorium on indexation is possible only with a significant improvement in the situation in the country.

Among officials, if there is a need for someone to revise salaries for inflation, then for municipal employees who have average Russian incomes.

An increase in the salary of officials in 2017 in Russia is also questionable. The latest news on this topic has no information yet. Although the necessary amount of funds in the budget was reserved for the implementation of the planned measures to double income before the crisis. Of course, so far the obligations have been fulfilled. But given that the budget forecast for this year is negative, it is quite possible that the increase in the salaries of officials in 2017 will not happen.


Officials are one of the few categories of citizens in the country who, for the most part, have fairly decent incomes relative to the Russian average. Some analysts believe that in this way the authorities gain loyalty. Although, objectively, it is unlikely that people who have not satisfied basic needs will be able to adequately manage the country. It must also be remembered that increasing capital coefficients are applicable to almost all of them, which a priori makes the average income higher.

However, civil servants were also affected by changes: layoffs, revision of salaries and job responsibilities, an increase in the retirement age, a moratorium on indexation - all this is a consequence of the reform and anti-crisis measures. The only unambiguously positive moment is the continuation of compliance with the obligations to raise wages.

Of course, what will happen in 2017 is not yet clear. But the wait was not long. The end of the financial year and the adoption of the budget will determine possible measures regarding the salaries of officials.

In fact, the most pressing issue in the whole situation today is the increase in the salaries of rural municipal officials in 2017, since their incomes are obscenely low compared to federal employees. And they have to make responsible decisions that affect citizens in their region, sometimes bringing into the family about 20 thousand rubles.

Let's hope that this year will bring economic stability to the country, allowing in the very near future to raise the salaries of state employees to the proper level.

Officials are preparing for new changes in the system of remuneration of their labor. Thus, the government promises to increase salaries of civil servants in 2018.

However, in addition to an increase in salary, or, to be more precise, only a guaranteed part of it, a whole system was prepared for employees of the state apparatus, aimed at identifying the dependence of wages on the performance of a single civil servant.

Let's see how the next innovation will come back to ordinary officials and what they will need to do in order not to lose a good share of their salary or not to lose their place at all.

Raising the salaries of civil servants

The government apparatus notes that the increase in the guaranteed part of the salary fits perfectly into the action plan for the development of the Russian civil service, designed for the period 2016-2018. The percentage of salary increases for officials was also named - 38%.

According to experts, such a measure was forced, since the salary of this segment has not been indexed since 2014.

Now let's count. According to Rosstat, in 2016 the average monthly salary of federal civil servants amounted to 99,900 rubles. That is, with an increase by the notorious 38%, salaries can grow to almost 140 thousand rubles. And only a little later, the government announced that it was an increase in the guaranteed part of salaries, without affecting other payments.

The head of the Agency for Political and Economic Communications, Dmitry Orlov, put forward his thoughts on this matter. In his opinion, the increase in the salaries of civil servants is a necessary measure designed to somehow compensate officials for the negative effect of inflation.

In turn, the former deputy head of Rosprirodnadzor Oleg Mitvol spoke out. In general, he adheres to the same position as Orlov, with only one remark - you can’t treat all officials with the same brush, because someone earns miserable pennies, and someone turns “mad” thousands.

“Ministers and employees of the presidential administration have high salaries. Thus, the average salary in the presidential administration, according to Rosstat, is 208,000 rubles, while specialists in the first category in Moscow receive a salary of 26,000 rubles. Today, it is difficult for young professionals who are married and have children to support their families on such a salary. As a result, conditions are created for such people to seek various informal incomes. Special attention should be paid to the salaries of specialists of the lower categories, where their labor income will not be ten times less than the salaries of the first managers, ”Mitvol shared his vision of the situation.

In addition, the politician added that officials received the highest salary in 2014, and then, in view of the current situation in the country, the salaries of civil servants were greatly reduced. Recently, the reduction in salaries of those employed in the civil service has amounted to about 20%.

Work performance and salaries of officials

In 2018, in order to receive a full salary, as well as additional payments, an official will need to fulfill a number of requirements from month to month. In other words, very soon the salaries of civil servants will directly depend on how much they, roughly speaking, have “earned”.

The government apparatus promises to make appropriate amendments to the law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" by December 2017.

Such innovations imply the active implantation of the civil servant performance contract system. The contract itself is an ordinary employment contract, in which some indicators are mandatory prescribed, which the official should achieve in a certain time, acting within his authority, as well as criteria for assessing the productivity of his work.

Based on whether the employee has fulfilled these indicators, it will be decided whether he will receive a full salary or a cut salary, of course, without any allowances and bonuses.

In addition to the essence of an effective contract lying on the surface, it also implies an increase in salary, which has already been mentioned above, in relation to the bonus part of the salary. Many politicians find such a move to be the only right decision in the current conditions of relative instability in the country.

Currently, the salary of a civil servant consists of the following parts:

  • official salary;
  • salary for class rank;
  • additional payments.

At the same time, the first two salaries create the basic salary of monetary maintenance. But the additional payments include: a seniority allowance (paid monthly), an allowance for special conditions of civil service, sometimes a monthly allowance is paid for work on classified materials and bonuses for performing particularly complex and important tasks.

This also includes the payment when granting paid leave (once a year). Sometimes the fixed part can be one-eighth of the entire wage. That is, the increase in the main part of the salary will occur due to a decrease in additional payments.

Also, the scheme of transition to a new system of contracts will entail a reduction in the number of civil servants. The government proposes to revise the powers and functions of state bodies, as a result of which duplicating functions will be eliminated and, in fact, there will be a reduction in staffing.

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