Auditor of the Accounts Chamber Alexander Filippenko. Alexander filippenko - biography, information, personal life. Alexander Filippenko: biography

Filipenko - 65

What is remembered about the first governor of Ugra on the eve of his anniversary

Filipenko, like his fellow governors of the Yeltsin era, always had his own opinion on all issues, although, perhaps, he sometimes had to forget about it.

This Sunday, May 31, the former governor of Yugra Alexander Filipenko turns 65 years old. Alexander Vasilyevich remains the first and only popularly elected head of the main oil-bearing region of the country, which he headed for 19 years, from 1991 to 2010. In 1996, more than 70% of voters cast their votes for him; in 2000, he received the support of about 92% of the Ugra residents who came to the polling stations. There is no doubt that he would have shown similar results in the next elections if they had not been canceled in the country.

Nevertheless, for two more terms, the Kremlin trusted him with the governor's post, realizing that there was no alternative to Filipenko in Ugra. He is associated with all the positive economic and social baggage that the district has accumulated during his work as governor. But by the end of the 2000s, strong business executives, independent regional leaders with their own opinions, were no longer needed by the federal center. Within a year, the Kremlin carried out a massive purge of them, dismissing a whole pool of heads of the Yeltsin era. Eduard Rossel, Yuri Luzhkov, Yuri Neelov, Mintimer Shaimiev, Murtaza Rakhimov, Petr Sumin - all of them were forced to leave the leadership of the regions in 2009-2010. Alexander Filipenko was no exception.

1998 Then Mikhail Khodorkovsky was the head of the country's most successful and richest company.

In the 90s, many issues were resolved over a glass of tea

One of the reasons for dissatisfaction with the Ugra governor on the part of the center is his excessive "independence". There is a story that at the beginning of Dmitry Medvedev's presidency in the summer of 2008 at the Russia-EU summit, which was held in Yugra, the head of state did not like Filipenko's speech, in which he spoke about successes (either in the economy or in the social sphere) Yugra and compared them with the all-Russian indicators. Those, for obvious reasons, seriously lagged behind the Ugra. At the beginning of the 2000s, the “separatism” with which the Yugra citizen was associated in his struggle with Tyumen for the independence of Yugra was still forgiven by the federal center, but by the end of the decade, this trait of regional leaders automatically placed them in the “death group”. By the end of 2009, it became clear that Filipenko would join the other Yeltsin governors.

After his resignation and moving to Moscow, those with whom he worked in Ugra for many years personally congratulate Alexander Vasilyevich on his birthday

Although, according to one of the legends, he was sure to the last that he would be reappointed for the next term of 2010-2015, and learned about President Medvedev's decision to replace him from television news. Even if this is a tale, it clearly illustrates the attitude of the Kremlin towards the "political bison" from the 90s.

According to one of the legends, before the resignation, Filipenko Sr. managed to agree with Natalya Komarova that his son Vasily would remain in the city government of the capital of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Natalya Vladimirovna kept her word. Filipenko Jr. today is the head of the city ... nominal

Of course, Filipenko had his shortcomings. His opponents found reasons for criticism, which could not always be called unfounded. The governor was scolded for his excessive attention to Khanty-Mansiysk, which under him turned from a village into a kind of dream city. True, behind the facades of the palaces in the center of the city one could see the wooden two-story buildings that had not gone anywhere. The head of the region was criticized for pompous construction projects (an island in the Black Sea) and expensive international festivals, the guests of which, having cost substantial sums for the region's budget, are still difficult to discourage today. They talked about the bloated apparatus (before leaving office, the chairman of the KhMAO government had 17 deputies) and the appointments of Muscovites and St. Petersburg residents, who, after working a little in the district government, disappeared, and after their departure, criminal cases were initiated on corruption.

In honor of Filipenko in Ugra, the Winter Sports Center is named. It was under him that KhMAO became known to the world as the capital of Russian biathlon. Today Tyumen is trying to take this title, and apparently, it can succeed

One of the political mistakes Filipenko's opponents call his participation in a separate alliance against the Tyumen governor Leonid Roketsky in order to bring Sergei Sobyanin to power. In 2001, thanks to the support of the Yugra governor and head of Yamal, Yuri Neelov, Sobyanin won the second round of elections and headed the Tyumen region. From this platform, a person who is called one of the creators of the political system that operates in the country today went to lead the federal level. Perhaps Filipenko was remembering that 2001 when he was watching a news story in his head in February 2014. On the other hand, did Filipenko have a choice then, at the beginning of the 2000s? It is obvious that the decision to appoint the former deputy plenipotentiary to Tyumen came from the team of Vladimir Putin, who had become stronger in the post of president over the year.

Filipenko does not come to Ugra often. But the locals are always waiting for him there. Eyewitnesses say that visitors to the Khanty-Mansiysk airport, seeing the first governor who flew to his native region, applauded him

In general, there were probably miscalculations in certain decisions of Alexander Vasilyevich. But what is difficult to blame Filipenko for is the pursuit of personal ambitions and the search for material wealth. Even his enemies admit that Filipenko is a patriot of his district to the marrow of his bones. By the way, Filipenko, perhaps, became the only governor in Russia, after whose resignation, the inhabitants of the region went out to rally demanding that their head be returned to them. There is a version that this protest action could have been sanctioned by Filipenko's entourage, but it is hard to believe in it. The inhabitants of the region had to be reassured by Alexander Vasilyevich himself, who, through the press, asked the population not to protest.

The resignation and relocation, judging by the photographs, affected the health of Alexander Vasilyevich

Filipenko has always been called a true patriot of Ugra. He is one of the few in the leadership of the region, and even in the Duma, who knew the words of the anthem of his own region

Regarding Filipenko's attitude to Ugra, a funny fact is recalled, which was witnessed by colleagues. When at the beginning of 2010 the Okrug Duma voted for the replacement of Alexander Filipenko, the Yugra anthem was played before the meeting of the deputy corps. The deputies listened to him standing and silently. Nobody knew the words. Only Filipenko, who knew these words, sang selflessly.

Filipenko after a meeting of the Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, which deprived him of his powers as a governor. Leaving the building alone

Another telling story concerns his employment. Even then it was known that many of Filipenko's colleagues in the governor's corps were moving to the Federation Council, which resembled a sanatorium for pensioners and former political heavyweights. It is known that Alexander Vasilyevich refused the post of senator and chose the job of an auditor in the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

In 2008, at the Russia-EU summit in Yugra, Filipenko spoke about the successes of Yugra and compared them with the all-Russian indicators. Those, for obvious reasons, seriously lagged behind the Yugra. This did not please President Medvedev

Opponents of Filipenko call one of the political mistakes his participation in a separate alliance against the Tyumen governor Leonid Roketsky in order to bring Sergei Sobyanin to power.

Since then, the federal press has been publishing the results of tough reports from the Accounts Chamber on inspections in such corruption-intensive areas as healthcare, education, culture, and sports. These are exactly the industries that Filipenko checks, and having checked, he does not hide under the cloth the numerous violations revealed during the audits.

Despite the fact that Filipenko "did not renew the contract" during the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev, everyone understood that the decision to resign the Yugra governor was made by another person

For example, a few months after his appointment to the Accounts Chamber in 2010, the new auditor presented a report on the effectiveness of the use of state funds (6 billion rubles) for the pre-Olympic training of Russian athletes for the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, which went down in history as the most disastrous for our country . Then, following the results of the inspection of Filipenko, several criminal cases were initiated on 12 episodes.

Under Filipenko, the most original and capital-intensive projects were implemented in Ugra. True, from the outside, the appearance of some of them was difficult to understand.

At the beginning of March of this year, the Accounts Chamber presented a serious report, which stated that due to the reduction in medical expenses, a certain part of patients in 2015 will not wait for referrals for expensive treatment in federal centers. Their funding was cut significantly, AiF reported. The Ministry of Health did not like the report very much.

Almost the entire secular party during the governorship of Alexander Vasilyevich went to Khanty-Mansiysk and not for a day, and more than once ...

... It is clear that not because of the ardent love for the region. But Filipenko received these people with bread and salt. After all, they were returning to Moscow, and rumors about Ugra and how people live in it scattered all over the world.

In the same spring, Filipenko presented another report that dealt with the optimization of education in the Russian regions. In it, he stated that "measures to optimize the education system were launched without a proper analysis of the network, taking into account the planned opening of institutions, as well as assessing the needs of the population."

They say that the governor of Ugra endured the betrayal of his team members hard. In 2004, after it became clear that Tyumen received a blessing in the Kremlin to be the eldest in the matryoshka, two deputies Filipenko went to work for Sobyanin

As you can see, at 65, Filipenko is still a strong man and continues to work actively, not without reason giving reason to be nervous for many federal ministers and officials. Everything is fine with Alexander Vasilievich's work. It remains to wish him good health and family well-being.

Father - Vasily Fadeevich, mother - Tatyana Romanovna. Alexander Filipenko is the fourth son in the family.

  • 1967 - graduated from high school with a gold medal and went to work as a radio equipment controller at the plant. Kirov in Petropavlovsk.
  • 1968-1973 - student of the Siberian Road Institute. Kuibyshev in Omsk, received the specialty "engineer-builder of bridges". After graduation, he goes to work in Surgut. For four years he has been working on the construction of a bridge across the Ob as an engineer of the production and technical department, a construction foreman, and a senior engineer of bridge train No. 442.
  • 1977 - receives a job assignment to the Khanty-Mansiysk District Committee of the CPSU, first as an instructor, and then as head of the construction department.
  • 1982 - becomes the first deputy chairman of the Khanty-Mansiysk regional executive committee.
  • 1983-1988 - works in the Berezovsky district as the first secretary of the district committee of the party. At the same time, he graduated from the Higher Party School in Sverdlovsk in absentia and worked as the second secretary of the Khanty-Mansiysk district committee of the CPSU for a year.
  • 1989 - approved by the chairman of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug Executive Committee, in 1990 - elected as a deputy of the Tyumen Regional Council of People's Deputies.
  • 1991 - By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed head of the Administration of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.
  • 1993 - the district receives the status of a full-fledged subject of the Russian Federation, and the inhabitants elect A. Filipenko to represent the interests of the region in the Federation Council.
  • 1995 - appointed governor of the district, and a year later wins the gubernatorial election, receiving more than 70% of the vote in his support.
  • March 26, 2000 - re-elected to the post of Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, having received 90.82% of the vote in his support. Solemn ceremony of the official inauguration of the Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.
  • 2003 - went through party lists to the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the United Russia party, but after the elections he refused the mandate.
  • February 21, 2005 - President of Russia V.V. Putin nominated A.V. Filipenko for consideration by the Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra to empower him with the powers of the Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.
  • February 24, 2005 - The Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra approved A. V. Filipenko as the Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra. Solemn ceremony of the official inauguration of the Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.
  • February 15, 2010 - In connection with the expiration of the term of office of Alexander Filipenko as the governor of Yugra, an extraordinary meeting of deputies of the district Duma was held. The candidate nominated by the president, Natalya Komarova, was unanimously supported for the post of new governor. During his appeal, Filipenko himself supported the choice. Presidential Envoy to the Ural Federal District Nikolai Vinnichenko also said that the incumbent governor was presented with a state award and after the expiration of his term of office he would receive a high federal post.
  • In March 2010, he was approved for the position of auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

In 1996 -2000 - Deputy of the Federation Council, member of the Committee of the Federation Council for the Affairs of the North and Indigenous Peoples.

From March to September 2001 - was a member of the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation, headed the working group on improving the state policy in the field of subsoil use (nature management) of the State Council of the Russian Federation.

Married, has a son (Vasily Alexandrovich Filipenko) who holds the position of Mayor of Khanty-Mansiysk. The second son (Filipenko Alexander Alexandrovich, born in 1975), being in a state of intoxication, died in an accident on 04/19/98. Has five grandchildren.


  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (February 17, 2010)
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (April 25, 2000)
  • Order of Honor (1995) - for services to the state and many years of conscientious work
  • Honored Builder of the Russian Federation (1999)
  • Medal "For the development of subsoil and the development of the oil and gas complex of Western Siberia" (1982)
  • Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (1997)
  • Order of Friendship of Peoples (Bashkortostan, February 22, 2000) - for a great personal contribution to strengthening friendship and cooperation between the peoples of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug
  • Honorary Builder of Russia (1998) - for many years of fruitful work, a great personal contribution to the development of the construction complex of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug

Academic degree

  • January 24, 2002 - defended his thesis, awarded the degree "Candidate of Sociological Sciences" (Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation).

Date of Birth: May 31, 1950

Born in the city of Karaganda, Kazakh SSR. He was the fourth son in the family. In 1967 he graduated from high school with a gold medal and went to work as a radio equipment controller at the plant named after. Kirov in Petropavlovsk. In 1968 he entered the Siberian Road Institute. Kuibyshev in Omsk. Graduated as a bridge engineer. After graduation, he left for Surgut. For 3 years he worked on the construction of a bridge across the Ob as an engineer of the production and technical department, a construction foreman, and a senior engineer of bridge train No. 442.

In 1977, he was assigned to work in the Khanty-Mansiysk District Committee of the CPSU, first as an instructor, and then as head of the construction department. In 1982 he became the first deputy chairman of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug Executive Committee.

From 1983 to 1988 he worked in the Berezovsky district as the first secretary of the district committee of the party. At the same time, he graduated from the Higher Party School in Sverdlovsk in absentia and worked for a year as the second secretary of the Khanty-Mansiysk district committee of the CPSU. In 1989, he was approved as the chairman of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug Executive Committee. A year later he was elected a deputy of the Tyumen Regional Council of People's Deputies.

In 1991, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed head of the Administration of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. In 1993, the district received the status of a full-fledged subject of the Russian Federation, and the inhabitants elected A. Filipenko to represent the interests of the region in the Federation Council.

In 1995, he was appointed governor of the district, and a year later, on October 27, 1996, he won the gubernatorial election, having received more than 70% of the vote in his support.

On March 26, 2000, he was re-elected to the post of Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, having received 90.82% of the vote in his support. Since 2010 - Auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

In 2002, he was among the seven leaders of the regions awarded the title of "the best governors and heads of the republics of the Russian Federation", established by the Russian Biographical Institute. He achieved that the district received the status of a subject of the federation and the right to dispose of a part of the natural resources extracted on its territory, as the owner of the subsoil. Under his leadership, a university was opened in Khanty-Mansiysk.

Known as a skilled business executive. In the Okrug, despite all the difficulties, health care, education, culture, and sports find financial and other support. There were new hospitals, schools, oil refineries, timber, consumer goods.

Awarded with state and public awards, honorary titles.

The title was awarded on September 06, 2002 by the Decision of the Duma of the city of Khanty-Mansiysk No. 114 "On conferring the title "Honorary resident of the city of Khanty-Mansiysk""

Surname: Filipenko

Name: Alexander

Middle name: Vasilevich

Job title: Former Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug


Alexander Filipenko was born on May 31, 1950 in Karaganda. In 1967 he graduated from high school with a gold medal and went to work as a radio equipment controller at the plant named after. Kirov in Petropavlovsk. In 1968-1973 he studied at the Siberian Road Institute. Kuibyshev in Omsk, received the specialty "engineer-builder of bridges". After graduating from the institute, he worked on the construction of a bridge across the Ob as an engineer in the production and technical department, a construction foreman, and a senior engineer of a bridge train. In 1977, he was assigned to work in the Khanty-Mansiysk District Committee of the CPSU, first as an instructor, and then as head of the construction department.

In 1982 - First Deputy Chairman of the Khanty-Mansiysk District Executive Committee.

In 1983-1988 he was the first secretary of the district committee of the party in the Berezovsky district. At the same time, he graduated from the Higher Party School in Sverdlovsk in absentia and worked for a year as the second secretary of the Khanty-Mansiysk district committee of the CPSU.

In 1989 - approved by the chairman of the Khanty-Mansiysk regional executive committee.

In 1990, he was a deputy of the Tyumen Regional Council of People's Deputies.

In 1991, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed head of the Administration of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.

In 1993, he was a member of the Federation Council.

In 1995, he was appointed governor of the district, and a year later he won the gubernatorial election, receiving more than 70% of the vote in his support.

March 26, 2000 - re-elected to the post of Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, having received 90.82% of the vote in his support.

February 21, 2005 - President Vladimir Putin submitted Filipenko's candidacy for consideration by the Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra to empower him with the powers of the Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.

February 24, 2005 - The Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra approved Filipenko as Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra.

In March 2010, he was approved for the position of auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.


Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2010)

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2000)

Order of Honor (1995)

Honored Builder of the Russian Federation (1999)

Medal "For the development of mineral resources and the development of the oil and gas complex of Western Siberia" (1982)

Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (1997)

Order of Friendship of Peoples (Bashkortostan, 2000)

Honorary Builder of Russia (1998)

2002 - defended his thesis, awarded the degree "Candidate of Sociological Sciences" (Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation).

Married, has two children and five grandchildren

Source: Wikipedia


In 2005, criminal cases appeared against the closest associates of Alexander Filipenko. When the governor met with Vladimir Putin in Moscow, the district prosecutor's office announced the initiation of a criminal case against the mayor of Nefteyugansk, Viktor Tkachev. As soon as Filipenko returned to Yugra, information appeared in Khanty-Mansiysk that his deputy Vladimir Karasev was put on the federal wanted list.

In addition to Vladimir Karasev, the head of the Nizhnevartovsk region Viktor Pichugov, the mayor of Pyt-Yakh Valery Vesnin, the director of the oil and gas department of the district government Veniamin Panov and the head of the Ugra department of investments, science and technology Gadzhi Amirov were named as potential defendants in the criminal cases. These people were part of Filipenko's inner circle, and the administration considered a blow to them a blow to the head of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

Source: Vremya novostei, February 17, 2005

In 2007, in Khanty-Mansiysk, work began on the construction of the tallest building in the Asian part of Russia designed by architect Norman Foster - a 56-storey skyscraper 280 meters high in the shape of a diamond crystal. It was not customary to talk about how ridiculous such a colossus looks in the Yugra taiga in the local media. According to Filipenko, "one cannot do without such business centers." The total cost of this project was estimated at 150-200 million dollars. However, due to the crisis of 2008, the construction was frozen.

Another ambitious project is to build a residential microdistrict in St. Petersburg. According to preliminary calculations, the Yugorsky Krai microdistrict with an area of ​​207 hectares could cost $1 billion. The head of St. Petersburg, Valentina Matvienko, could only thank her colleague Filipenko for the "governor's gift."

Name: Alexander Filippenko

Age: 74 years old

Activity: theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia

Family status: married

Alexander Filippenko: biography

Alexander Georgievich Filippenko is a famous Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia. Known for complex character roles in the films The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta, It's Hard to Be God, The Master and Margarita, ". Will".

Alexander was born in Moscow, but his childhood and youth were spent in Alma-Ata, where his parents moved - Valentina Ivanovna and Georgy Yakovlevich, professors at the Mining and Metallurgical Institute. It was in Kazakhstan that the boy became interested in theater.

Back in his school years, Sasha studied in the studio at the local House of Pioneers and even managed to take part in the "adult" play "The Soldier and the Snake". Filippenko studied well at school, received a certificate with honors and a gold medal. There was an idea to enter a theater university, but at the insistence of relatives, the young man chose the more prestigious profession of an engineer in the 60s.

At the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Alexander studied at the Faculty of Molecular and Chemical Physics and received the specialty "Physics of Fast Processes". But almost from the first days of student life, the young man spent all his leisure time in the KVN institute team, with which he even became the club champion in 1963. Filippenko also participated in the performances of the variety studio of Moscow State University, both as an actor and as a director.

According to the mandatory distribution after the university in 1967, Alexander Filippenko began working at the Institute of Geochemistry, but did not leave the stage. Moreover, in 1969, Filippenko, without any special education, got into the troupe of the Taganka Drama and Comedy Theater and even made his debut in cinema.

Saying goodbye to his career as an engineer, the actor decided to get a specialized education and entered the Boris Shchukin Theater School, after which he became an actor in the sought-after Academic Theater named after him, where he served for exactly 20 years. By the way, at the same time, the actor made his debut on television, becoming the first clown named Sanya in the children's educational program "ABVGDeyka". Filippenko starred in the first 20 episodes of this show.

Alexander Georgievich left the Vakhtangov Theater only in 1996 to head his own temple of culture. Filippenko began to direct the Mono-Duet-Trio theater, whose repertoire included literary and musical shows, concerts and solo performances. In productions, Alexander is realized as a stage artist.


The extensive filmography of Alexander Filippenko includes 120 roles. The first picture in a series of filming was the drama "I am his bride." In the early 70s, the actor received the role of the Whites in the films "Burn, Burn My Star" and "Bumbarash". In the children's film Blue Hares, or Musical Journey, Alexander played the clown Sasha.

This was followed by the tapes "Walking through the torments" and "Born by the Revolution", which were loved by the audience. In 1975, Filippenko played the protagonist Arslan Gubaidulin in the oil exploration drama Klad. In the late 70s, the artist appeared in a minor role in the drama On the Day of the Holiday. Also with the participation of Filippenko, the musical film "At the Bottom", the medical drama "Morning Round" was released.

The very first years of the next decade were marked by the main roles in the adventure thriller "Who Will Pay for Luck", in which the actor appeared in the guise of a counterintelligence officer, and in the drama "Throw", where Filippenko got the role of a retired ensign-border guard.

Alexander played Koshchei the Deathless in the fairy tale "There, on unknown paths ...", Death in the film adaptation of the rock opera "The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta", the jester Wambu in the historical adventure film "The Ballad of the Valiant Knight Ivanhoe". Also during this period, the actor had several interesting military dramas - "Battle for Moscow", "Torpedo bombers" and "I did everything I could."

Alexander Filippenko turned out to be an extremely psychologically plastic actor, so the directors were not afraid to entrust him with roles of different genres. Even looking at the photo of the artist, the audience was amazed at the external differences in the images recreated by Filippenko. The actor transforms into an English aristocrat in the drama "Companions", into a thief in law in the action-packed film "Proceed to Liquidation", a police commissioner in the film "Copper Angel", an engineer in the melodrama "From the Life of Potapov", a witness of the investigation in the detective story "Confrontation".

Personal life

The first wife of Alexander Filippenko was the music critic Natalya Zimyanina, the daughter of the famous politician Mikhail Zimyanin. The actor lived with Natalia for three years, and during this time the couple had two children. Daughter Maria trained as a philologist, is engaged in journalism. But son Pavel went into show business. He is a musician, known in the underground party under the nickname "Pate". Pavel was the vocalist of the rock band I.F.K. , and now became the frontman of the F.A.Q.

In 1979, the actor's personal life underwent a change. Filippenko married a second time. The new chosen one was the television director Marina Ishimbayeva, for whom this marriage also turned out to be the second. In 1985, the couple had a daughter, Alexandra. The girl graduated from MGIMO, and now she is engaged in sound engineering.

Interestingly, Alexander Filippenko has an unusual hobby - the actor collects license plates and match labels.

Alexander Filippenko now

The last film with the participation of Alexander Filippenko was released in 2011. But in the following years, the actor fruitfully works in the theatrical field. Since 2015, the actor has entered the stage of the Mossovet Theater with a solo performance "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" based on the work. Also, the artist can be seen at the School of Dramatic Art in the role of Colonel Richard Cantwell in the production of "The Last Date in Venice."


  • 1969 - "Burn, burn, my star"
  • 1974 - "Born of the Revolution"
  • 1977 - "Going through the throes"
  • 1982 - "There, on unknown paths ..."
  • 1983 - "Proceed to liquidation"
  • 1985 - "Battle for Moscow"
  • 1986 - "From the life of Potapov"
  • 1988 - "Kill the Dragon"
  • 1990 - "Steps of the Emperor"
  • 1992 - "Demons"
  • 1994 - Master and Margarita
  • 2003-2004 - "Poor Nastya"
  • 2005 - Brezhnev
  • 2008 - "My Fair Nanny"
  • 2011 - “Peter the First. Will"
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