Itching in the anus causes and treatment. Overweight is obesity. Psychoses and neuroses

For many, the anus is a very delicate area. When itching, pain, discomfort, or other discomfort occurs, most people are embarrassed to seek medical help. Because of this approach, you can miss a serious disease, which will lead to severe and long-term treatment in the future. If the anus itches for a long time, then you need to seek help from a doctor. This symptom has many causes that are associated with poor hygiene, infection, mechanical damage, or an allergic reaction. Prolonged itching in the anal area can lead to a decrease in quality of life, poor sleep and irritability.

Not everyone knows which doctor is best to contact if anal itching occurs. A doctor who deals with rectal problems is a proctologist. This specialist diagnoses and treats almost all diseases affecting the large intestine.


The causes of anal itching are varied and depend on many factors, both physiological and pathological in origin. There are a number of diseases that cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa, manifested by unpleasant sensations in the anal area. Many of them are accompanied by additional symptoms that further complicate the life of patients.

Organic pathology of the rectum

The rectum is the terminal part of the digestive tract. In its wall there are many receptors that are involved in a complex reflex responsible for the release of feces. Anatomically, the rectum is part of the large intestine. If a person, when contacting a doctor, complains of itching in the anal area, then the first thing to do is to suspect an organic pathology of the rectum. This category of diseases includes a number of pathological processes, some of which can threaten the patient's life.

If the anus itches and at the same time there is a bloody discharge, then there is a high probability of developing anal fissures or hemorrhoids. In addition, in many people, during instrumental diagnostics, benign neoplasms are found on the mucous membrane of the rectum. Large tumors located in the distal part of the digestive tract can irritate the nerve endings and cause discomfort. With the appearance of bloody spots on toilet paper and underwear, as well as problems with defecation, you need to think about internal hemorrhoids.

Schematic representation of an anal fissure

The most dangerous disease of the rectum is carcinoma. This type of tumor refers to malignant neoplasms that threaten life. Carcinoma is formed from mucosal epithelial cells. Over time, malignant cells begin to actively divide, grow into the deeper layers of the intestine and even into other organs. Together, all this leads to undesirable conditions that are manifested by bleeding, pain, impaired defecation and itching in the anal area.

Worm infestations



The large intestine is inhabited by a large number of all kinds of bacteria that take part in the digestion of food. With their deficiency that occurs after antibiotic therapy or frequent cleansing enemas, there is a violation of the digestion and absorption of nutrients. This condition is called dysbacteriosis and can lead to intestinal upset and diarrhea. Frequent bowel movements cause irritation of the rectal mucosa.


Proctitis occupies a special place among all diseases that cause itching in the anus. Inflammation of the inner wall of the rectum can be combined with pathological processes in the sigmoid colon. Proctitis is caused by alimentary reasons, for example, after drinking alcohol, spicy or coarse food. This disease affects people suffering from constipation. If there is a delay of fecal masses in the large intestine, then a number of undesirable phenomena develop:

  • Circulatory disorders;
  • Formation of venous stasis;
  • Traumatization of the inner wall of the intestine.

Skin diseases


Poorly fitting underwear can irritate the skin in the perianal area. Synthetic underwear, thongs are a common cause of anal itching, especially in girls. With regular irritation on the skin of the intimate area, an accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms occurs. In the course of their life, bacteria are able to secrete various substances that increase the severity of inflammatory reactions.


To clarify the source of itching, it is necessary to conduct a series of studies, including visual examination, laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods. During the survey, the doctor specifies the nature of the symptoms, the intensity of the itching, at which time it occurs, after which it intensifies. It is necessary to find out the presence of concomitant symptoms (diarrhea, constipation, pathological discharge in the feces).

When examining the anal area, pathological pigmentation, discoloration of the anus, the presence of cracks and bleeding can be detected. With a digital examination of the rectum, changes are felt on the inner wall.

To clarify the diagnosis, it is recommended to conduct sigmoidoscopy. This technique involves the use of a special device called a sigmoidoscope. It can be used to examine the inner surface of the entire rectum and distal sigmoid colon. The technique is rather unpleasant, but is indispensable in the diagnosis of neoplasms in the final sections of the digestive tract.

Laboratory research methods include a complete blood count, urine and fecal analysis. A complete blood count may indicate the presence of chronic bleeding or an inflammatory process. To analyze feces, a laboratory assistant needs to take biological material and use a microscope to determine the presence of helminth eggs.


In medical practice, there have been cases when people suffered from itching in the anus for several years. With a long course of the pathological process in the anal area, traces of scratching, inflammation of the skin, and sometimes bruising are noted. On visual inspection, you can notice the typical signs of irritation (swelling, redness, soreness when touched).


The tactics of treatment directly depends on the nature of the disease. For example, if itching in the anal area is caused by a bacterial infection, then treatment is mainly with antibacterial drugs. With an allergic origin of the pathology, ointments containing glucocorticoids at their core are more effective. Histamine receptor blockers, cromones and prednisolone can be used as a systemic application.

To relieve inflammation are used:

  • Cooling compresses;
  • Soothing ointments containing menthol, lidocaine, or anesthesin;
  • With mycoses, drugs with antifungal activity are used (Clotrimazole, Triderm).

The information given in the text is not a guide to action. For more detailed information about your disease, it is recommended to seek the advice of a specialist.

Treatment of hemorrhoids is a rather laborious process, which includes the use of pharmacological drugs and surgical treatment. Medicines against hemorrhoids are aimed at strengthening the venous wall and reducing blood clotting. In severe cases, patients are shown surgical removal of hemorrhoids.

Itching in the anus is a very delicate and unpleasant symptom that can appear in both men and women. In female patients, such symptoms are more common and are associated mainly with an allergic reaction to intimate and personal hygiene products. In men, itching in the anus can occur with poor hygiene, as well as various diseases, some of which are not related to the functioning of the intestines. Diagnosis and treatment of itching is carried out by a proctologist, a narrow-profile specialist dealing with the health of the anus, rectum and colon, as well as the pararectal region - the space located around the rectum.

If the pathology is of an infectious nature, the help of an infectious disease specialist or a dermatovenereologist will be required. With a latent course of underlying diseases, the patient can also be referred to a surgeon, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist and neurologist. It is undesirable to self-medicate because of the large number of reasons that can cause itching in the rectum and pararectal region, and the inability to independently establish a diagnosis at home.

The prostate (prostate gland) is an exocrine (external) sex gland, which has a tubular-alveolar structure and is responsible for the formation of seminal fluid, its chemical composition and the process of ejaculation. If the prostate becomes inflamed, increases in volume, swells, the patient is diagnosed with prostatitis. Prostatitis- a very common and dangerous disease, which in 18% of cases causes male infertility, if the man did not apply at an early stage of violations and did not fulfill medical values. The risk group includes men over 40-45 years old, as well as people with bad habits who do not follow the principles of a healthy, balanced diet and lead an inactive lifestyle.

Itching in the anus and around the anal ring appears in about a third of men suffering from prostatitis and other pathologies of the prostate. Such a symptom is considered secondary, since the disease only provokes its exacerbation, so treatment always includes therapy for the underlying disease. A visit to a urologist or andrologist (a doctor who treats reproductive and sexual disorders) is necessary if anal itching is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • burning during the passage of urine through the urethra;
  • change in the color of urine (usually - darkening);
  • false urge to empty the bladder;
  • sharp stabbing pain during the beginning of urination and after its completion;
  • soreness in the inguinal zone (the maximum pain syndrome is usually localized in the head of the penis).

In acute inflammation, a man may have a fever, provoked by the ingress of toxic substances into the bloodstream. Hyperthermia can also be observed on the skin of the genital organs (testicles, scrotum) and in the lumbosacral zone.

Note! A similar clinical picture can occur with prostate adenoma - a benign proliferation of organ tissues.

To reduce the risk of infection with worms, you should also wash all vegetables, herbs, berries, even if they are collected in your own garden and grown without the use of chemicals. If the family has pets, 2-3 times a year it is necessary to give them anthelmintic preparations (" Pirantel», « Decaris”), because you can get infected not only from people, but also from animals.

Symptoms of itching, which is a manifestation of helminthic invasion, will also be:

  • increased itching sensations at night (especially with enterobiasis, since pinworms enter the rectum at night and secrete secretory fluid onto the skin that stimulates the activity of histamine receptors);
  • hyperemia of the skin around the anus;
  • irritation, increased dryness and peeling of the skin and mucous membranes of the genitals;
  • frequent migraine attacks, headaches;
  • general deterioration of well-being;
  • acne, boils, comedones, pimples.

In some men, a red rash may appear in the buttocks and abdomen. With chronic helminthiasis, the patient will often suffer from colds due to a persistent decrease in immunity. To diagnose the disease, it is necessary to pass a fecal analysis and scraping for enterobiasis, after which the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment, which consists in taking anthelmintic drugs.

Medicines for the treatment of helminthiasis in adults

Name of the drugImageWhat protozoa does it destroy?How to use?Price
roundworms, hookworms, necators150 mg once in the evening after meals. In the absence of the necessary therapeutic effect, the reception can be repeated after 1-2 weeks.62 rubles
Pinworms, pork and bovine tapeworm, hookworms, whipworms0.1 g in the morning and evening for 3 days (with enterobiasis, the dose is taken once). If necessary, repeat the treatment after 21 days83 rubles
Roundworm, hookworm, trichinella, echinococcus100 mg morning and evening for 3 days134 rubles

Important! Treatment of itching caused by worms will be effective only with enhanced personal hygiene, as well as the simultaneous treatment of all family members and animals living in the same area.

Bowel disease

Most diseases of the colon or rectum are accompanied by itching, which can take a different course, occur at any time of the day and have different intensity. The most common intestinal pathologies with similar symptoms include the following diseases:

  • anal fissure- damage to the mucous layer lining the walls of the anus (rectum);
  • - varicose veins and thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal veins, which occurs against the background of impaired blood circulation and slow circulation in the vessels of the hemorrhoidal plexuses;
  • polyposis- multiple benign formations that appear with the growth of tissues above the mucous layer, which may have a long stalk or a wide base;
  • fistulas (fistulas) anorectal- narrow channels in the form of through holes, the walls of which are lined with epithelial or granulation tissue, connecting the cavities to each other.

The treatment of polyposis and fistulas is most often surgical, but in some cases the doctor may choose expectant conservative tactics, provided that the patient does not have anal bleeding and other signs requiring emergency surgical intervention.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures, compresses with sea ​​buckthorn oil and healing candles, for example, " Relief», « Proctoglivenol" or " Ultraproject».

Video - 3 causes of itching in the anus in people

Other reasons

Provoke itchy sensations in the anorectal space and burning near the anus can be other factors that are not related to the state of health of the man. One of these factors is insufficient hygienic care for the skin of the genital organs, so it is necessary to start treatment with a correction of the hygienic regimen. The use of fashionable toilet paper with coloring and flavoring additives also negatively affects the condition of thin skin in the pararectal area and can cause irritation and itching.

Among other causes of pathological symptoms in men, the following factors can be distinguished:

  • use of a rough washcloth for washing the body;
  • wearing tight, unsuitable underwear;
  • washing clothes using low-quality powder or conditioner with a lot of fragrances;
  • allergic to new foods.

In case of violation of the intestinal microflora, itching is one of the main symptoms, therefore, for a therapeutic or prophylactic purpose, a man can be prescribed prebiotics: Linex», « Bifidumbacterin», « Normobact". The intake of drugs of this group is also required after antibiotic treatment, since they destroy not only the pathogenic flora, but also their own beneficial bacteria that form local and systemic immunity.

Important! Sometimes itching in the anus and around it can appear when there is a violation of the synthesis of insulin and other hormones, vascular diseases, neurological disorders. Its intensity is usually low, and the course takes a chronic form.

Itching around the anus in men: treatment

For the treatment of itching, drugs are usually used in the form of ointments and rectal suppositories. You need to apply them 1-2 times a day (some ointments and gels can be applied up to 4 times a day) on thoroughly cleansed and dried skin. The most popular remedies include the following drugs:

  • "Glycerol";
  • "Candles with glycerin";
  • "Relief";
  • "Levomekol";
  • "Bepanten";
  • "Proctosan";
  • "Aurobin";
  • "Ultraproject";
  • "Bezornil".

The duration of treatment depends on the underlying disease and the severity of the symptoms present, but usually therapy does not exceed 7-10 days. During treatment, it is necessary to regularly take a hygienic shower and remove dirt from the skin after each bowel movement, as fecal residues irritate the inflamed anus mucosa and can increase pathological symptoms. Underwear and bed linen should be changed daily, washed at 90°C or above (if the type of fabric allows), and ironed on both sides after washing using the steam setting.

Important! In order for the itching to pass faster, it is also necessary to follow a diet that excludes any provoking foods: spices, alcohol, spicy foods, sugar, sausages. Fatty foods and canned foods with the addition of vinegar should be limited to a minimum - these products adversely affect the condition of the skin and mucous membranes and slow down their healing.

Alternative treatment

To quickly eliminate itching, you can also use traditional medicine recipes that are not inferior in effectiveness to medical preparations.

Video - How to treat anal fissures with folk remedies

Compresses with sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil is the most effective remedy for the treatment of diseases of the rectum and anus, which is even included in many medicines for hemorrhoids and anal fissures. Before use, it is recommended to slightly warm the oil to a temperature of 30 ° -35 °, but only if there are no signs of purulent inflammation.

The compress is made as follows:

  • apply a small amount of oil on a cotton swab or cloth (depending on the area of ​​​​the lesion);
  • apply the product to the anus;
  • keep the compress for 10-15 minutes.

You need to do the procedure 1-2 times a day for 10 days. If the pathological symptoms do not go away during this time, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Baths with decoction of calendula

For 150 g of raw materials, you need to take 2 liters of boiling water. Boil the product over low heat for about 20 minutes, then insist for an hour and strain. Pour the decoction into a small basin and take a sitz bath for 15 minutes. You need to do the procedure daily for 5-7 days in a row. After the bath, it is recommended to lubricate the skin with calendula ointment.

If alternative methods and increased hygiene regimen do not help, or the itching intensifies after 2-3 days of therapy, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause, since disorders of other systems not related to bowel function can cause such symptoms.

Such a symptom as itching in the anus is an unpleasant condition that irritates the human nervous system. This symptom does not allow you to focus on doing any work, it causes a lot of inconvenience and ultimately leads to negative consequences.

We'll try to figure it out:

  • what causes itching in the anus;
  • how to get rid of this condition;
  • as evidenced by the back in the anus;
  • in which cases you should consult a doctor.

This material is for informational purposes only. Self-treatment of itching in the anus, based on the proposed data, is not recommended.


Most often, itching in the anus has very prosaic causes. Among the most likely factors that can cause this condition are:

  • hemorrhoids, including internal;
  • rectal fissures;
  • rectal polyps;
  • helminthic invasion by pinworms.

Not infrequently, intestinal dysbacteriosis is also the cause of itching in the anus. Violation of the microflora leads to the fact that

That the acid-base balance in the rectum is disturbed. This leads to irritation of the mucous membrane and causes a burning sensation in the anus. But the first thing to exclude when this unpleasant phenomenon appears is worms.

A distinctive symptom that a person has worms that cause severe itching in the anus is the appearance of symptoms at night and in the evening. It is at this time of day that pinworms crawl out of the anus in order to lay their eggs in the folds of the external opening of the rectum. Subsequently, as the pinworms emerge from the eggs, the butt can appear at any time of the day.

For diagnosis, it is enough to take tests immediately after the appearance of itching, scraping for eggs of worms. To do this, you need to contact an infectious disease specialist.

Treatment and prevention

Constant itching in the anus requires treatment to begin immediately. If with helminthic invasion itching is periodic, then with more serious pathologies this phenomenon can be permanent.

Most often, itching causes internal and external hemorrhoids and rectal fissures. These diseases are a constant threat to your health. The fact is that even a slight itching in the anus indicates that there is a constant process of epithelialization and healing. Consequently, you have wounds and wound surfaces in the rectum. This can cause both extensive bleeding and blood poisoning.

If you are concerned about constant itching in the anus, treatment should begin with a visit to the proctologist. This specialist will conduct a series of examinations and rule out the presence of hemorrhoids and anal fissures. He will also be able to see the presence of polyps, which can subsequently cause the development of rectal cancer.

After an examination by a proctologist, you can get a referral to an infectious disease specialist and a gastroenterologist. There you will be given an accurate diagnosis and will be given the appropriate and correct treatment for itching in the anus.

Burning and itching

Symptoms such as itching, burning in the anus can only be caused by an exacerbation of hemorrhoids and the appearance of rectal fissures. In exceptional cases, this is due to a violation of the diet. In particular,

If you like spicy food seasoned with chili peppers, then itching burning in your anus may be due to the irritating effect of food residues that are framed in feces. In this case, itching burning appears after the act of defecation and persists for no more than two hours.

If you are concerned about the constant itching, burning sensation in the anus, then you should urgently contact a proctologist. Only a specialist can give you an accurate diagnosis.

What does itching in the anus mean?

Constant and intermittent, severe and not very itching in the anus can tell a lot about your diet, your lifestyle and your habits. But, first of all, itching in the anus area suggests that:

  • you have a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane in the rectum and anus;
  • you have a tendency to form hemorrhoids;
  • you have stagnation of blood in the pelvis;
  • you have a violation of the intestinal microflora on your face;
  • you are likely to have a helminthic infestation with pinworms (enterobiosis).

At the first appearance of itching in the anus, seek medical help. Especially if it concerns your child. In children, itching in the anus causes not only somatic, but also mental illness. As recent studies by British scientists show, it is helminthic invasion and constant itching in the anus in childhood that leads to the fact that a person in adulthood has problems with sexual and sexual orientation.

In children, itching in the anus is also negatively reflected in school performance, perseverance and the ability to concentrate.

Treatment with ointment

In order to effectively cure itching in the anus, the ointment should be selected taking into account which disease gives this symptom. If your itching in the anus is caused by helminthic invasion, then the most effective remedy is meticulous personal hygiene. After each bowel movement, the anus should be thoroughly washed with baby soap with warm water and treated with glycerin. All underwear should be thoroughly washed in hot water with laundry soap and ironed with a hot iron. This will eliminate the possibility of re-infection. But, first of all, in this case, treatment of enterobiasis should be carried out. Such drugs as decaris, pyrantel are quite effective.

If itching in the anus is caused by hemorrhoids and cracks, an ointment can be recommended such as:

  • heparin ointment;
  • ointment from hemorrhoids relief;
  • troxevasin gel.

Perfectly relieves itching burning sensation in the anus menovazin. This drug also anesthetizes and relieves irritation with external hemorrhoids.

Itching in the anal area can be a symptom of a serious illness or a consequence of poor hygiene. In the presence of any pathologies, it is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms. In isolated cases, it is the only sign of an inflammatory disease in the rectum. His treatment is carried out by a proctologist, who prescribes a number of necessary tests and studies.

The manifestation of anal itching depends on the causes that caused it. In an acute course, itching is distinguished by a special intensity. A person cannot sleep and lead a normal life. Around the anus, irritation and swelling appear. Bleeding may occur. Discomfort most often appears abruptly. The skin around the anus may start to get wet.

Chronic itching develops gradually. At the initial stage, a person most often ignores this symptom and only when the disease becomes acute, seeks help. Most often this occurs with hemorrhoids. Itching with it may subside, and then appear again.

Prolonged itching often leads to infection and viral lesions of the anal area. As a result of scratching, the risk of pathogens and the development of inflammation increases, which can go to the rectal area and beyond.

Important! Acute anal itching most often occurs with inflammatory diseases of the rectum.

Some suffer itching for years, embarrassed to see a specialist. This attitude to one's health makes subsequent treatment longer and more expensive. In order to establish the cause of the itching, it is necessary to visit a proctologist who will conduct a visual examination of the problem area.

A digital examination will be carried out, which will detect the presence of inflammation, nodes, bumps and fistulas of the anal area. If these research methods are not enough, it will be proposed to carry out additional procedures aimed at examining the intestines:

  1. Colonoscopy.
  2. Sigmoidoscopy.

Using these techniques, you can examine the intestinal area for 20 cm. They are most often prescribed for internal hemorrhoids and suspicion of tumors in the intestinal region. In addition, it is necessary to take a blood and urine test to identify or refute the presence of inflammatory diseases. To study for the presence of helminths, stool tests are taken.

In some cases, it is enough for the doctor to interview the patient to determine the cause of the itching. For example, malnutrition and adverse environmental factors and poor hygiene very often lead to itching, which is quite easy to eliminate.

There is no universal remedy for anal itching. In infectious inflammatory diseases, antibiotics are prescribed. If fungi are the cause of itching, fungicidal agents are selected, helminths - anthelmintic drugs. Regardless of the cause of the disease, all medications should be prescribed by the attending physician. Otherwise, allergic reactions and individual intolerance to drugs are possible.

Important! Enemas, baths with herbal decoctions and the use of nourishing oils to eliminate irritation and itching have a good effect.

Proper nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of diseases. During treatment, you should refuse:

  1. Carbonated drinks.
  2. Alcohol.
  3. Salty, smoked and spicy dishes.
  4. Fatty meats.
  5. High calorie food.

It is advisable to include fiber in the diet, which will avoid constipation and regulate the digestion process. You need to eat often, but in small portions. Do not eat citrus products and chocolate, which can irritate the intestines. It is advisable to reduce the amount of tea and coffee consumed.


At the initial stage, hemorrhoids are manifested by itching and discomfort after defecation. In the future, itching is almost always present. The chronic type of the disease is characterized by periods of remissions and complications. Manifestations of hemorrhoids depend on the stage of the disease, of which there are 4.

At the 1st stage, a person practically does not feel any discomfort. Mild irritation and itching may occur. Pain occurs after defecation. Sometimes unpleasant symptoms can disappear, and a person is in no hurry to contact a specialist, aggravating the course of the disease.

Stage 2 is characterized by the appearance of bloody discharge. At this stage, they appear on toilet paper or underwear. With physical exertion and straining, hemorrhoids begin to fall out, which are easy to set on their own.

The third stage is severe itching, pain and bleeding. Quite often, a secondary infection joins the main disease. Dropped nodes can be set manually. When the knots are pinched, a person can be in a state of pain shock. Immediate medical attention required.

In the fourth stage of hemorrhoids, the nodes are almost always outside. Inflammatory bowel diseases develop, anal fissures and fistulas appear. Pain is always present. Due to heavy bleeding, anemia can develop. In some cases, sphincter incontinence is observed.

Hemorrhoids can be external, internal and combined. The most difficult to diagnose is internal, which is most often manifested by itching and pain, there is no bleeding with it. Combined hemorrhoids combines the symptoms of external and internal.

Important! Hemorrhoids are diagnosed by a proctologist and in most cases a visual examination is sufficient.

Treatment of hemorrhoids is combined. The use of drugs to relieve swelling and pain is shown, as well as a diet that excludes harmful foods. Stage 3-4 hemorrhoids may require surgery. The operation lasts only a few minutes and does not involve a long recovery period.

The most popular candles for hemorrhoids

Name of the drugProperties
ReliefThey relieve itching, eliminate pain and promote the healing of nodes. Made from shark oil. Effective at all stages of hemorrhoids
ProctosedylShown in the last stages of the disease. Relieve pain and swelling. Promote healing of cracks and resorption of knots
NatalsidCandles on a natural basis, which can be taken during pregnancy. They help against inflammatory processes in the rectal area, eliminate itching and have wound healing properties.
BetiolRelieve spasms, heal and relieve other unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids
Hepatrombin GContribute to the normalization of blood circulation in the pelvis, relieve swelling and pain. Help knots dissolve
Sea buckthorn candlesThe most popular drug with low cost, which is recommended for hemorrhoids of the initial stage. Have few contraindications

The course of treatment for hemorrhoids is determined by the doctor depending on the symptoms of the disease. Basically, its duration does not exceed 14 days. Some drugs begin to act after the first use, but in any case, it is necessary to complete the course of treatment.

Video - Description, symptoms and treatment of hemorrhoids

Worm infestation

There are about 300 human helminthic diseases. They can be contracted from domestic animals, by eating poorly processed food and through the soil. Even if you follow all the rules of hygiene, it is almost impossible to protect yourself from infection with worms. The only thing a person can do is to take anthelmintic drugs every six months for preventive purposes.

Main signs helminthic invasion:

  1. Decreased or increased appetite.
  2. Diarrhea or constipation.
  3. Indigestion.
  4. Nausea and vomiting.
  5. Itching and burning.
  6. Skin rashes.

Itching in the anus most often occurs when pinworms are affected, which are active at night. The discomfort may be so severe that the person cannot sleep.

Important! To diagnose the presence of worms in the body, you can use the analysis of feces, which is desirable to carry out several times.

Treatment is carried out with the help of anthelmintic drugs, which are prescribed by a specialist, depending on the type of helminths that have been found. Self-medication in this case can be harmful - tablets from worms have severe toxicity and negatively affect the liver.

Popular tablets for worms

PirantelIdeal for the treatment of worms in children. They are detrimental to most types of helminths. After 2-3 weeks, the course of treatment is repeated.
VermoxGood pills that are most effective against pinworms and roundworms. Disadvantage - must be applied within 3 days
DecarisNot only have a detrimental effect on most types of helminths, but also have an immunomodulatory effect. It is undesirable for children to use. Have severe side effects
WormilTake with food. Indicated for the treatment of nematodosis, giardiasis and strongyloidiasis. Contraindicated during pregnancy

Most drugs have a negative effect on adults and do not affect their larvae, so after 2 weeks it is necessary to repeat the course. Some drugs require the use of laxatives to enhance their effectiveness.

Video - Helminths: ways of infection, diagnosis, treatment

Anal fissures and fistulas

Anal fissures are violations of the integrity of the rectal membrane. Quite often accompanied by hemorrhoids. Usually occur due to trauma with hard feces during constipation. In some cases, anal fissures appear after childbirth, during heavy physical work and as a result of weakening of the pelvic muscles.

Anal fissures often cause bleeding, pain and are accompanied by itching. Due to the constant injury of the mucous membranes, there is a high risk of infection and the development of inflammatory processes in the intestine. If fissures are left untreated, fistulas, which are "tunnels" in the intestinal area that extend outwards near the anus or into the vagina, may develop.

The proctologist is engaged in the treatment of cracks. Stages of therapy include:

  1. Anesthesia.
  2. Normalization of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Removal of intestinal spasms.
  4. Restoration of damaged tissues.

The doctor selects suppositories and ointments that have antiseptic, wound healing and normalizing blood circulation properties. If therapy does not bring a positive result, excision of cracks is carried out using minimally invasive technologies.

As painkillers means you can use candles:

  1. Ultraproject.
  2. Aurobin.
  3. Procto-glivenol.

Normalization of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract is carried out with the help of special diets and medications, if necessary. The diet excludes the use of salty, smoked, fatty, spicy and high-calorie foods. In case of constipation, fiber must be included in the diet.

Recovery medical supplies bowel function:

  1. Duphalac.
  2. Motilak.
  3. Linaclotide.

Removal of spasms intestines is carried out by means of drugs:

  1. Spazmalgon.
  2. No-Shpa.
  3. Papaverine.

Restoration of damaged tissues is possible with the help of ointments and candles:

  1. Bepanten.
  2. Solcoseryl.
  3. Proctosan.
  4. Relief.
  5. Candles with sea buckthorn oil.

Important! Treatment of anal fistulas is possible only surgically.


Signs of the disease:

  1. Diarrhea or constipation.
  2. Pus or blood in stools.
  3. Pain during bowel movements.
  4. False urge to defecate.

Diagnosis requires:

  1. Inspection with an endoscope.
  2. Proctography.
  3. Finger research.
  4. Sigmoidoscopy.
  5. Mucosal biopsy.
  6. Fecal analysis.

In the treatment of proctitis, medications are used that are effective against the causative agent of the disease. The most commonly used antibiotics are penicillins, tetracyclines, metronidazole, cephalosporins.

The most popular medicines:

  1. Ciprofloxacin.
  2. Candles with methyluracil.
  3. Rother.
  4. Mesacol.

Only the attending physician, who has the test results indicating the cause of inflammation, will be able to choose an effective drug.

Removal of spasms is possible with the help of a drug such as No-Shpa. Antihistamines can help relieve pain and relieve stools. medicines:

  1. Tsetrin.
  2. Diazolin.
  3. Claritin.

The treatment regimen often includes herbal enemas and baths. Be sure to follow a diet that excludes smoked, salty and fatty foods.


Itching of the anus can be caused by the Candida fungus. The disease occurs due to:

  1. Worm infestations.
  2. anal fissures.
  3. Hygiene failure.
  4. Decreased immunity.
  5. Wrong nutrition.
  6. Oncological diseases.

Symptoms similar to proctitis:

  1. There are pains after defecation.
  2. Possible discharge of blood and mucus.
  3. Swelling around the anus.
  4. The appearance of a white film around the anus.

For diagnosis, it is necessary to take a smear of the mucous membranes of the anus. Treatment carried out with the help of antimycotic drugs:

  1. Nystatin;
  2. Pimafucin;
  3. Diflucan.

Only the attending physician can choose the correct dosage of the drug.

Video - Anal itching: should I be worried?

Rectal injuries

Occur due to mechanical or chemical effects. In most cases, they are the result of:

  1. Falls from a height.
  2. Strong blows.
  3. Compression of the peritoneum.
  4. Unconventional sexual intercourse.
  5. Some medical procedures (enemas and bowel examinations).

Chemical burns are most often the result of the mistaken administration of a chemical by means of an enema. A minor burn can be obtained by using improper hygiene products. A sign of any injury and burn is severe pain, the defecation process is disturbed, blood or mucus discharge from the anus appears.

Important! In case of serious damage to the rectum, urgent surgical treatment is necessary.

Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs

Anal itching is accompanied by almost all proctological diseases. It appears with fecal incontinence, cryptitis and paraproctitis. The cause of discomfort can be HPV and the appearance of genital warts in the anal area. They can be seen by visual inspection.

Itching is provoked by inflammatory diseases intestines:

  1. Ulcerative colitis.

What is the exact cause of inflammation in the intestinal area has not yet been established. Scientists believe that the hereditary factor and nutrition play the greatest role in the development of diseases. Symptoms pathologies:

  1. Frequent diarrhea.
  2. Bloody issues.
  3. Nausea and vomiting.
  4. Rise in body temperature.
  5. Abdominal pain.
  6. Loss of appetite.

For diagnosis, blood, urine and feces are analyzed. An endoscopic examination of the intestine and a biopsy of the mucous membranes may be required. Treatment is with anti-inflammatory drugs.

With inflammation of the female genital organs, itching in the anus is also quite often observed. The reason is that pathogenic microorganisms, viruses or fungi enter the anus and provoke inflammation. Treatment of itching in this case comes down to eliminating the cause that caused it.

Treatment inflammatory processes are carried out with the help of antibiotics:

  1. Ofloxacin.
  2. Metronidazole.
  3. Trichopolum.
  4. Lomefloxacin.
  5. Azithromycin.

scabies mite

For the treatment of scabies, preparations based on sulfur and hydrochloric acid are used. Benzyl benzoate, acaricides and Permethrin give a good result. When treating the disease, bed and underwear must be boiled and ironed. After a course of treatment, itching may persist for several weeks.

Pubic lice

Pediculosis develops as a result of infestation with pubic lice. Infection most often occurs during sexual intercourse, but it is also possible through bedding and clothing. The risk of infection is highest if hygiene rules are not observed and other people's washcloths and towels are used.

Lice live on the hairs that are located on the body. They are very strongly attached to them that they cannot be washed off with water. The itching intensifies at night. On visual inspection, you can notice the presence of nits on the hair located on the body.

Left untreated, lice move higher up the body and can cause irritation in all areas of the skin where the hair is located.

Do not use folk remedies that will only complicate treatment. Currently, pharmacies have a large list medicines:

  1. Spray Pax.
  2. Xylene.
  3. Serum ointment.
  4. Butadion.

After treating the body, it is necessary to boil bed linen and soda solution for 40 minutes. All underwear must be ironed on both sides. Surfaces that an infected person has touched are treated with an antiseptic.

Video - Pubic pediculosis (lice): definition, causes, symptoms, treatment, treatment of the patient

Chronic itching

Itching of the chronic type often has psychogenic causes and is caused by neurosis. Its treatment can take a long time and is not always effective. In chronic skin diseases, this symptom is also observed.

Psoriasis, eczema, lichen, and dermatitis can spread to the anus, causing discomfort. Chronic skin diseases require a complex treatment regimen.

Itching can be eliminated only by using medications for the underlying disease. Metabolic problems can also cause itching. This unpleasant symptom often accompanies diabetes mellitus and pancreatitis. It can appear with serious liver diseases.

Chronic itching is a sign of a serious malfunction in the body. In some cases, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination to identify the cause of the discomfort.

Other causes of itching

Itching in the anal area can cause:

  1. Allergic reactions to hygiene products.
  2. Hygiene failure.
  3. Increased dryness or moisture in the skin.
  4. Use of hard toilet paper.
  5. Rubbing the anal area with a hard washcloth.
  6. The use of certain medications.
  7. Improper hair removal.
  8. Spicy food.

Despite the large number of causes of anal itching, this symptom is a sign of a malfunction in the body. In no case should you ignore anal itching and refuse treatment. The sooner the cause of discomfort is established, the more effective the treatment of the underlying disease.

Video - 3 causes of itching


In order to protect yourself from itching in the anus, you must follow simple recommendations:

  1. Timely treatment of inflammation.
  2. Proper nutrition and the rejection of junk food.
  3. The presence of moderate physical activity.
  4. Compliance with hygiene rules.
  5. Rejection of bad habits.
  6. Drinking at least 2 liters of water per day.
  7. Strengthening the body's immune system.

In most cases, itching occurs due to hemorrhoids. A sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet contribute to the development of this disease. Hemorrhoids can cause inflammatory and infectious diseases of the intestine due to frequent injury to the mucous membranes. It is very important to monitor the work of the intestines, eat right and lead an active lifestyle.

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We all communicate to a greater or lesser extent with the people around us: colleagues, family, friends. But there are topics that are not customary to discuss even with the closest. One of these delicate issues is itching in the anus.

What to do if the anus and the area around it itches? What does this indicate and is it necessary to take special measures? In the article you will find the answer to these and other questions.

Causes of itching in the anus

Hemorrhoids are of two types: internal and external. During the first one, the anus itches for several days in a row, there are no other special symptoms. But in the absence of proper treatment, it goes into the outside. It is characterized by the appearance of which soon become engorged and burst. Such formations can interfere with the normal process of defecation, which leads to constipation.

anal fissures

In the presence of cracks during bowel movements, not only itching is observed, but also pain. In case of inflammation of the mucous membranes, the situation can worsen even more, so you should not delay solving the problem.


Despite the fact that Western medicine has long denied the existence of this disease, our doctors continue to diagnose "dysbacteriosis" or "dysbiosis". It appears as a result of imbalance in the gastrointestinal tract of pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms. The disease can be accompanied not only by itching in the anus, but also by other unpleasant symptoms: nausea, vomiting, flatulence and stool disorders.

Prostatitis, urethritis and gynecological diseases

These three types of diseases were combined into one group, since they all belong to the intimate area. Infections that are in the genitourinary tract can easily get into the anus. At the same time, patients begin to complain that they itch near the anus or inside it. As a rule, other symptoms in such situations are not observed.


Polyps are soft tissue growths on mucous membranes. During their appearance, the anus itches or there is a feeling of discomfort. Due to the fact that polyps can grow, the patient may begin to be disturbed by constipation. The problem is eliminated exclusively by surgery.

Indirect causes of itching

The feeling when it itches around the anus or directly in the anus itself does not always indicate the occurrence of a disease.

The most common indirect causes of itching in the anus are:

Finding the cause of itching

To take all measures to get rid of the problem that has arisen, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis. Which doctor should I contact if the anus itches? For starters - to the proctologist. It is he who will examine the anus and perineum, and also conduct a short survey.

It will be important for the doctor to know the answers to these and some other questions:

  • where exactly itching is felt: in the anus, around it, or in the entire perineum;
  • itching is felt only in intimate areas or spreads throughout the body;
  • whether the appearance of itching is associated with the use of certain foods in food or with a change in personal hygiene products (soap, gel, etc.);
  • how often it starts to itch in the anus (permanently or briefly) and how severe itching;
  • Whether the discomfort is accompanied by other symptoms.

It is possible to conduct not only an external examination, but also a proctological examination, which will help detect the appearance of possible neoplasms, polyps, papillomas, hemorrhoids, cracks or inflammatory diseases.

Additionally, stool and blood tests may be ordered. Their results can tell about the presence of worms in the body, as well as allergies, diabetes, infections, and so on.

Getting rid of the problem

To begin with, I would like to say that in such a situation you should not self-medicate, since in most cases only a doctor can determine the cause of itching. And this happens after a professional examination and obtaining the results of the necessary tests.

To successfully get rid of the problem, first of all, you need to take care of proper hygiene. It is necessary to wash daily, and after using the toilet, use wet antibacterial wipes.

If itching occurs after eating certain foods, then you should stop eating them. It would also be nice to limit the number of spices, alcohol, too salty and spicy foods in your daily diet, as they have a noticeable effect on the digestive organs.

Another important point is choosing the right underwear. It is necessary to abandon synthetic materials that create a greenhouse effect. It is better to give preference to cotton and other natural fabrics.

Local pharmacological preparations in the form of creams and ointments help relieve irritation and itching. In addition, you can make lotions or baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs.

If the presence of itching in the anus is associated with the appearance of worms, then it is recommended to take anthelmintic drugs. The most popular of them are Vormil, Albendazole, Mebendazole, Nemozol, Vermox, Pirantel, Dekaris. It is important to remember that when worms are found in one of the family members, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment for everyone else. If there are animals in the house, then they also need to be given

Another diagnosis that can be determined independently is hemorrhoids. To eliminate it, doctors usually prescribe funds in the form of ointments or suppositories. The most famous and effective drugs: "Relief", "Bezornil", "Detralex", "Ultraprokt", "Aurobin", "Gepatrombin", "Proctosan".

In all cases, the use of medications is possible only after visiting a doctor and establishing an accurate diagnosis.

Finally, I would like to say: do not be shy to consult a doctor in case of such a delicate problem as itching in the anus. She cannot disappear on her own. Only an experienced specialist will be able to identify the cause of its appearance and choose effective methods of treatment.

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