CTP benefits if the child is disabled. Who belongs to the preferential category for registration of OSAGO. How to obtain a mandatory OSAGO policy if the family has a disabled child

Liability is provided for driving vehicles that are operated without OSAGO. Such a violation is punishable by a fine. In 2018, its size ranges from 500-800 rubles. For an overdue policy, a similar penalty can be applied, since an invalid document is a situation equivalent to its complete absence.

Registration of the OSAGO policy for the disabled is carried out on preferential terms. This is due to the fact that a vehicle is not a luxury, but a necessity for citizens with disabilities. A personal car for the disabled allows you to avoid uncomfortable movement in crowded public transport. Often this is the only way to travel in the village.

What benefits are provided for a disabled person of group 2 when concluding an OSAGO agreement? At a minimum, this is compensation for half the cost of the insurance policy. You will have to pay for the insurance yourself, and compensation can be obtained after contacting the socially authorized bodies.

Compensation for OSAGO for disabled people in the amount of 50% of the amount of the insurance contract is not the limit. The final decision on its size is made by the local social security authorities. Regional offices have the right to independently determine the amount of compensation.

Useful information! Sometimes, when a car that has been damaged in an accident and owned by a person with special needs needs to be repaired, the regional authorities will provide full compensation for the cost of the restoration work.

Consider the main categories of citizens of the Russian Federation who are entitled to benefits in relation to the conclusion of an insurance contract for a vehicle.

Benefits for the disabled

OSAGO benefits for the disabled are provided in accordance with the regulations of the federal and regional laws for persons with any group - 1,2 and 3, regardless of the percentage of disability. A separate point is the need to clarify the availability of benefits for specific categories in local authorities, since in some regions the indicators may differ slightly.

For 2018, the PM is planned at the level of 12,302 rubles, and for the next 2019 - 12,783 rubles. You can see for yourself that the minimum wage today is significantly behind, and if in the next two years it levels off in the PM, then this will be a big plus for our government.

Let us remind those who have forgotten and tell those who do not know - a lot depends on the level of the minimum wage in terms of raising wages. Also, many different social payments and benefits depend on the level of the minimum wage, including for mothers, the disabled, and so on.

An increase in the minimum wage level entails considerable financial costs for the state pension and other social funds. For example, an increase in the minimum wage by only three hundred (300) rubles from 7,500 to 7,800 from July 1, 2017 will entail expenses in the amount of about 6.74 billion rubles, some of which will have to be borrowed from the federal budget.

The total amount payable will be: 89,250 rubles. The tax for all owners of vehicles is paid in accordance with the tax order sent by the tax authority to individuals, owners of the vehicle.

3 art. 363 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Typical mistakes in establishing benefits Option 1: A preferential disability group has been assigned, but the tax office sends a notification with the tax amount in full.

What to do: Contact the Federal Tax Service at the place of residence with documents establishing the right to a benefit. The inspector will recalculate from the moment when the benefit came into force.

But no more than for the last three tax years. Option 2: A notification was received with an error in tax calculation.

For property that does not belong to you. What to do: Submit to the Federal Tax Service documents that confirm the theft, sale, liquidation, disposal of the vehicle.

In what case can a disabled person receive OSAGO benefits? In accordance with the law, people with disabilities have the right to receive OSAGO benefits. For this, it is important to fulfill the following conditions: 1) a person with a disability must have a vehicle that must comply with his medical indications.

He must use the machine himself. If it is impossible to fulfill this condition (for example, we are talking about a disabled child), then his legal representative may be driving; 2) together with a driver who has a disability (or his legal representative), a maximum of two people can drive a car.

Keep in mind that car insurance benefits cover 50% of the cost of insurance. Only the amount that is written in the insurance policy is taken into account.

And the insurance premiums themselves must be paid without delay.

New bills awaiting consideration in the State Duma provide for the consolidation of benefits for this category of citizens at the federal level. Disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3 People with disabilities - (the first in the list of applicants) to receive benefits when purchasing a policy.

What is the discount for OSAGO for the disabled? 50% of the cost of the policy is returned from the federal budget, subject to the provision of all necessary documentation to the local social security authorities.

Federal Law of December 25, 2008 N 281-FZ) In order for compensation to be provided, it is necessary to collect and provide the following set of documents:

  • Photocopy of the passport (main and registration);
  • Statement;
  • Certificate of disability;
  • OSAGO policy;
  • Receipt of payment for the insurance contract;
  • Medical certificate confirming the need to use the vehicle;

This is a list of basic documents, however, just in case, you should check the complete list with the insurance company in your city, as they may require additional information to process compensation.

A disabled person who has had an accident stipulated in the insurance contract, or who wants to receive compensation for a issued policy, must apply to social authorities with a package of certain documents. They must confirm that the vehicle belongs to him and is used in accordance with the regulations. Full list of required papers:

  • Contacting local social authorities. You can find out which organization is responsible for compensating insured events from the insurance company or the department of social assistance. The appeal is submitted in the form of an official application, it must contain brief information about the accident or the act of signing insurance papers.
  • A document confirming the payment of the insurance premium. This must be a cash or bank transfer certified by the insurance company. Until the payment of insurance premiums, the policy is considered invalid.
  • OSAGO insurance policy.
  • Documents on ownership of the vehicle by the applicant. The car must be registered to the disabled person or the person responsible for it.
  • Vehicle passport.
  • Identification document of the applicant (passport, driver's license).

In certain cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, monetary compensation of expenses is provided. This is permissible only in the case of a car repair, and not after issuing an OSAGO policy.

When starting a car repair for a disabled person of the 2nd degree, the following points must be taken into account:

  • does the cost of repairs exceed the amount according to the European protocol (it is equal to 50 thousand rubles);
  • does the insured event go beyond the maximum OSAGO budget (400 thousand rubles);
  • where the repair organization is located relative to the place of the accident or the place of residence of the disabled person (the distance is calculated in kilometers).

If the amounts specified in the first and second cases are exceeded, the disabled person has the right to refuse compensation through repairs. In case of excess, the owner of the car will have to pay from his own budget, which not everyone can afford.

The amount according to the European protocol is assigned if the insurance is less than it. If the amount of OSAGO coverage exceeds 50 thousand rubles, then a disabled person can apply only if the total amount of repairs is more than 400 thousand rubles.

The legislative act of the Russian Federation concerning insured events states that when directing insurance funds for non-targeted needs, the state has the right to confiscate them in full. This applies both to local authorities that distribute compensation, and to the disabled themselves.

If they used the subsidies they received not for repairs, but for other purposes, it would be legal to return all the money spent. You can use the funds at your own discretion only in the cases indicated above.

The last reason to refuse repair service and take money for your own use is dissatisfaction with the service center that carries out repairs. It must meet the following requirements:

  • carry out repairs within 30 calendar days from the moment the disabled client contacts him;
  • have a license to repair a used car;
  • be at a comfortable distance from the disabled.

“Convenient” is considered to be a distance of no more than 50 km either from the accident site or from the place of residence of a person with a disability. If he is at a greater distance, moving a disabled person to his vehicle and inspecting his condition before and after repair will be difficult. This is sufficient reason to demand compensation.

Exceeding the repair period applies to all repair cases. Regardless of whether the vehicle was damaged severely or slightly, it must be returned within the above period.

Otherwise, the disabled person is considered limited in mobility. He can demand monetary compensation already on the 31st day.

Before this, it is necessary to provide evidence that the repair service did not fulfill its obligations within the specified period, and also notify the repair service of the decision made.

READ ALSO: Do I need to change the OSAGO policy when replacing a driver's license

Watch a video about disability benefits.

The payment of funds cannot exceed the amount of insurance, although in some cases local governments can legally overstep this rule and provide greater benefits. The rule on the amount of payments applies more to the disabled person himself: he is not entitled to demand more than the specified one, the decision to increase compensation is made only by a person authorized by social authorities.

List of required documents

Benefits when applying for OSAGO are not provided for all pensioners. Must be in a privileged group. Compensation is calculated according to a special scheme. In 2018, there are no discounts on insurance for the second category of citizens. Until then, an applicant of retirement age can count on compensation for a third or half of the cost of the policy.

And if the budget for motor third party liability insurance does not cover benefits for pensioners, then when applying for OSAGO by disabled people, the discount is valid. They are compensated for part of the amount they pay when fulfilling the requirements of the legislative act on OSAGO.

Attention! So, those pensioners who have a disability are entitled to receive discounts on insurance in 2018. Benefits are provided in the form of compensation.

Features of providing a compensation payment for OSAGO insurance as a benefit to pensioners with disabilities in 2018:

  • Half of the amount paid under OSAGO is returned.
  • Retirement status is not enough to qualify for benefits. The calculation of the amount of the insurance premium, taking into account the discount, is made for persons who have a confirmed disability.
  • The presence of 1, 2, 3 groups is the basis for providing compensation.
  • The amount of the discount depends on the value of the policy.
  • Relief is granted no more than once a year.

Almost all articles talk about typical methods for calculating the price of a policy. It uses a complex, multi-level formula. But on most websites of insurers, calculators are available to customers, which are calculated according to the standards laid down in the program.

Parameters that are taken into account:

  • the age of the driver;
  • applicant's driving experience;
  • engine power of the vehicle;
  • vehicle category;
  • the number and type of violations of the applicant;
  • car age;
  • general experience of insurance and the number of contracts in a particular company;
  • accident-free driving period;
  • the amount of the insurance premium, which depends on the region of residence.

For reference! Bonus "malus" - a coefficient that characterizes the driving experience and the driver's accident-free period. Its good performance guarantees the applicant a discount when applying for insurance. The indicator is assigned not to the vehicle, but to the driver.

The document on compulsory OSAGO insurance has certain registration rules. In this case, for disabled people, they do not differ much from ordinary citizens of the Russian Federation.

Let us consider in more detail how the OSAGO policy is obtained:

  1. The owner of the vehicle contacts the insurance company.
  2. Writes an appropriate application for the issuance of an OSAGO policy.
  3. If necessary, the car undergoes a technical inspection.
  4. All required documents are attached to the application.
  5. If a citizen is disabled, then he provides an appropriate certificate.
  6. The next step is to pay for the insurance policy and receive it.

As a rule, when applying for an insurance policy for the disabled, there is a significant discount, which often reaches 50% of the total amount of OSAGO.

Terms of compensation

CMTPL benefits for disabled people of group 3, as well as for groups 1 and 2, are issued by local social protection institutions.

But to confirm your passage through these parameters, you should submit a complete package of such documentation:

  1. Statement on behalf of the disabled motorist himself.
  2. An application from a legal representative, if the first paragraph is not fulfilled, is brought only with a notarized power of attorney.
  3. Photocopies of the completed pages of the passport, if necessary - a representative.
  4. Certificate with a medical report on the assignment of a disability group.
  5. Permission to drive a vehicle from the medical and social examination.
  6. Valid OSAGO policy.
  7. Documentation for the car, including registration certificates, a technical certificate stating that this car is suitable for use by a disabled person, a detailed conclusion on the suitability of the car.

A similar list of documentation is required from citizens and families with disabled children. For combat veterans, a similar package of documents is provided, but there are no requirements regarding the technical suitability of the car.

CMTPL benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group, as well as representatives of other disability groups, are received after applying for insurance, if they have provided the documents and certificates listed above.

But we note that the procedure for purchasing a policy is carried out on the basis of general rules: the client contacts the selected insurer with a personal visit or using online requests, a package of required documents is provided.

Even in a remote format, it is envisaged to provide scanned copies of documentation. The direct conclusion of the insurance contract is made during a personal visit to the institution.

Payment is also made in a convenient way: for cash or cashless payments at a bank branch, through a terminal or a virtual account of the bank.

After that, the motorist receives the policy itself and its accompanying documentation (copy of the contract, etc.).

The exemption for registration for the groups listed above is provided if you have previously applied to the relevant local government organization (for example, social security institutions).

To do this, you need to write an application according to the model. The application must indicate the appropriate method of receiving compensation - transferring funds to a bank card or handing over cash.

Absolutely all motorists also have the opportunity to receive benefits directly when applying for the next OSAGO policy.

To do this, you should be a regular customer of the company and not be the cause of accidents occurring over a long period of time.

A coefficient is accrued for each client, at the first purchase it is 1, but every year of accident-free driving it can be reduced by 0.05.

Such privileges are provided by many insurers to encourage exemplary drivers and expand the base of regular customers.

The availability of such benefits should be checked with each insurance company where you apply.

Because the legislation does not provide for this, but practice shows the opposite, that in some cases you can save your benefits if an overdue policy has been purchased.

Note that insurers even go for such incentives in order to regularly expand the base of regular customers and constantly attract new motorists.

Disabled persons of any disability group - I, II, or III, are legally entitled to certain benefits, including a discount when purchasing an OSAGO policy. That is, the degree of disability is not taken into account. The amount of the discount will depend on the decision of the regional authorities, therefore, in each subject of the Russian Federation, inquiries should be made at the Administration or the Department of Social Security.

Beneficial categories of persons are subject to conditions, the observance of which guarantees the receipt of benefits. Requirements for applicants are also set at the discretion of the authorities of the region, but in most municipalities the following conditions apply for receiving compensation for part of the costs of OSAGO:

  • reimbursement of part of the cost of the policy can be issued only after full payment of OSAGO, it is impossible to receive funds in advance (when applying for compensation, you will need to present the purchased insurance policy);
  • the amount of the benefit does not depend on the disability group of the applicant, disabled people of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd groups will receive exactly 50% of the policy cost as compensation;
  • not only a disabled person can use the vehicle, but also other 1-2 people (but no more);
  • the car can be driven not only by the disabled person himself, the issuer of the benefit, but by a trusted person (in cases where the disabled person himself does not have a driver’s license due to the lack of physical ability to drive transport);
  • if a car is necessary for a disabled person due to the fact that he cannot move independently, or violations of the musculoskeletal system create difficulties in movement, this fact must be confirmed by providing a conclusion of a medical and social examination.

If parents are raising a child with disabilities who needs to be transported by car, the mother or father is also given a benefit when paying for OSAGO. Like adult applicants, a disabled child will need to prepare a conclusion of a medical and social examination.

An applicant on behalf of a child may be a parent, adoptive parent, guardian or custodian who has a driver's license and who will actually drive the vehicle. The amount of compensation will be 50% of the cost of the insurance policy.

To date, the legislation does not indicate the need to provide benefits for paying for an OSAGO insurance policy to combat veterans. However, a bill is currently being developed, after the adoption of which the benefit will still be in effect. This is due to the fact that the payment for OSAGO exceeds the amount of insurance payments in case of harm to the health of drivers and the car by 50 times.

The benefit in paying for OSAGO for labor veterans is not approved at the federal level, therefore it is valid only in those regions in which the budget allows the payment of compensation. You can find out about the availability of benefits for labor veterans at the office of the insurance company or at the USZN authorities.

When applying for compensation after purchasing OSAGO, you must have the following documents with you:

  • applicant's passport;
  • a valid OSAGO policy, for the payment of which compensation is due;
  • receipt of payment for the policy (for cashless payments);
  • the conclusion of a medical and social examination on the assignment of a disabled group;
  • a certificate giving the right to a benefit (certificate of a labor veteran, for example);
  • a certificate from the hospital about the need to use a car for transportation;
  • general power of attorney to manage the vehicle (if any);
  • documents on the ownership of the car, on the registration of the car in the traffic police;
  • a technical coupon proving the suitability of the car for transporting a disabled person;
  • conclusion on the serviceability of the equipment that is installed in the car to create conditions for a disabled person to drive a car.

READ ALSO: Buy OSAGO in Ingosstrakh. OSAGO calculator

Question number 1: Is it possible to issue compensation after purchasing an OSAGO insurance policy through a trustee?

At the same time, additional opportunities are provided for a disabled child. So, for example, the amount of maternity capital, starting from 2016, can be used to pay for services and goods for the adaptation of such a child in society.

Pensions for disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3 from January 1, 2018 In the pension policy of Russia, there are two types of disability pensions:

  • insurance pension for disabled pensioners;
  • social pension for disabled pensioners.

An insurance pension is assigned when a disabled pensioner has an insurance record. In those situations where there is no experience, a disabled pensioner is assigned a social pension.

The size of the pension of the first type (insurance) is determined by a number of pension indicators, which are different for each citizen recognized as disabled. At the same time, there is one fixed pension indicator as part of the overall pension structure.

When applying for compensation, the following documents are required:

  1. An application for compensation from a person entitled to compensation or his representative. If the application is submitted by a representative, his authority must be confirmed by a notarized power of attorney.
  2. Passport and a copy of the main pages of the passport. In the case of registration of compensation by proxy, it is necessary to provide passports and their copies both for the person entitled to compensation and not for his representative.
  3. Certificate from the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise. The certificate must indicate the group of disability, the reasons for the decision on disability.
  4. A certificate from a medical organization indicating the need to use a vehicle (a copy of an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person).
  5. OSAGO policy.
  6. A payment document confirming the payment of the OSAGO insurance premium. This can be a receipt (for cash payment), a payment order (for non-cash payment), any other document confirming the fact of payment.
  7. Registration documents for the car (documents confirming the ownership of the car).
  8. A technical ticket, on the basis of which it can be concluded that it is possible to use a car for the movement of a disabled person.
  9. Conclusion on the serviceability of additional equipment intended for driving a car by a disabled person independently (if such equipment is available).

Each of these values ​​has its own impact on the cost of your policy. I propose to consider each separately.

Base rate.

However, there are still ways to reduce the cost of OSAGO, but it is already calculated separately for each driver of the vehicle. Are there any discounts for pensioners on OSAGO? Calculation and accrual of discounts upon receipt of insurance is made once a year. The following parameters are taken into account:

  1. Driver experience and age.
    The calculation takes place according to the following principle: the greater the age and experience, the greater the discount.
  2. The size of the discount is also affected by the power of the motor installed on your vehicle.
  3. The type of insurance has a significant impact on the price.

So, we found out that by law pensioners are not entitled to auto insurance benefits, 50% compensation is provided only to people with disabilities. But, regional authorities or specific insurance companies can offer discounts and preferential rates. Carefully study the acts of local authorities and the proposals of motor insurers.

To confirm the right to the benefit, prepare a package of documents:

  • Russian passport;
  • driver license;
  • pension book;
  • previous OSAGO policy;
  • inspection ticket.

Question: Are there any benefits when applying for an OSAGO policy for a pensioner with a driving experience of more than 40 years? A driver of venerable age and with a huge driving experience can only rely on his own strength. Study the offers of insurance companies and find those that offer discounts for pensioners. Carefully check the calculations made by the insurance agent, paying special attention to the CV and KBM.

In all other cases, the victim will be compensated for the damage in kind, i.e.

the car will be repaired at a car service.

To receive the legally required monetary compensation (reimbursement), you must follow the step-by-step instructions written below. Step #1. We inform the insurance company about the occurrence of an insured event.

Get compensation and benefits

There are legitimate reasons for refusing to pay compensation under OSAGO. It could be one of the following reasons:

  • incomplete package of documents;
  • fake papers;
  • cancellation of the privilege of the corresponding category;
  • the application was submitted after the deadline.

Question 1: Can someone else get a discount on OSAGO instead of a disabled person? Answer: Refer to Art. 17 of Federal Law No. 40, it states that the disabled person himself, his legal representative can issue compensation in the amount of 50% for the vehicle, which is due to the applicant for medical reasons.

Question 2: Do veterans of military operations and labor veterans have a discount on OSAGO? Answer: In 2018, the list of benefits for veterans does not provide for a corresponding relief. They can get a discount on the policy on a general basis for an accident-free ride.

Question 3: If the denial of compensation is unreasonable, what steps can I take? Answer: Complaint to higher management. You can also file a lawsuit.

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In 2017, the President of the Russian Federation signed the Federal Law, which indicates the need to provide insurance compensation in material form instead of cash payments. This is justified by the fact that vehicles of privileged categories of the population (in particular, disabled people) require special intervention, since such vehicles are equipped with additional technical means.

The refund procedure is as follows:

  • fixing a traffic accident;
  • collection of all papers testifying to the circumstances of the accident;
  • transfer of the vehicle for inspection by a specialist;
  • calculation of estimates of future repair costs;
  • collecting and sending documents to the insurer with a request to issue compensation for damage.

When the social security authority makes a decision not in favor of a disabled driver of group 2, it is obliged, within 10 days from the date of acceptance of the application, to provide him with a refusal to pay compensation in writing. The reason for refusal may be one of the following:

  • numerous gross traffic violations;
  • driving under the influence of alcohol;
  • deliberate concealment of the presence of technical malfunctions of the vehicle.

One of the most common reasons for refusal to pay is incorrect documentation of an accident. Immediately after the accident, the driver must immediately call the traffic police and not move the car until the arrival of the traffic inspectorate.

What to do in this case

If a payment is denied, it is necessary to pay attention to a letter from the social service. There should be a description of the procedure for challenging the decision.

The most effective way to protect your rights is to contact the prosecutor's office. It is also possible to file a lawsuit against the department of social services that denied payment, but it is not easy to sue a government agency. Therefore, it is best to write a statement to the local prosecutor's office.

Federal Law No. 40 provides for the possibility of receiving payments by a disabled person in monetary terms. For example, the cost of repairing a car exceeds the thresholds for the European protocol or OSAGO (50 and 400 thousand rubles, respectively). Thus, the car is considered beyond repair, as the owner is unable to repay the missing difference.

Another reason for applying for an insurance payment in kind is damage not to the car, but to other property. If the driver is killed or seriously injured, the insurer is also obliged to pay compensation. Disabled persons of the 2nd group can demand monetary compensation no more than once in a three-year period.

Many citizens are interested in the question of whether monetary compensation is due to people with disabilities when applying for OSAGO, and what needs to be done to receive it. This issue is regulated by the provisions of Article 17 of the Federal Law "On Compulsory Insurance ...". As a result, people with disabilities, including disabled children, who own cars based on medical reasons, are entitled to compensation.

Its amount is 50% of the paid insurance premium in accordance with the terms of the insurance contract.

At the same time, in Moscow, until recently, the amount of compensation was 50% of the amount of the insurance premium, but not more than 1980 rubles. Compensation payments were made from the city budget. The basis for the payments was the order of the Moscow government dated November 3, 2004 No. 2202-RP and dated April 27, 2005 No. 699-RP.

However, these regulatory legal acts became invalid on the basis of the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated November 10, 2015 No. 743-PP.

Under what conditions is it paid

Compensation is paid on the condition that the car is used by a person who is entitled to receive such compensation. In parallel, two drivers can apply for payments. The main condition for the provision of OSAGO compensation to disabled people who have purchased a technical device for personal savings is the presence of medical indications for the provision of special transport.

Such conclusions are usually issued by the branches of the FKU "Main Bureau of ITU ...".

Another reason is the traffic police mark in the vehicle registration certificate (PTS) that the vehicle was issued by the executive authorities.

In this article, we will consider what OSAGO benefits are for people with disabilities of groups 1, 2 and 3 in 2019. But first, you should learn about the OSAGO policy in more detail.

Third party liability insurance in the Russian Federation is mandatory for all car owners. A document confirming the availability of such insurance is the OSAGO insurance policy.

The Government of the Russian Federation sets the base insurance rate for OSAGO. The cost of insurance is calculated for each case individually by multiplying the base rate by special coefficients.

In what case can a disabled person receive OSAGO benefits?

In accordance with the law, people with disabilities have the right to receive OSAGO benefits. For this, it is important that the following conditions are met:

1) a person with a disability must have a vehicle that must comply with his medical indications. He must use the machine himself. If it is impossible to fulfill this condition (for example, we are talking about a disabled child), then his legal representative may be driving;

2) together with a driver who has a disability (or with his legal representative), a maximum of two people can drive a car.

Keep in mind that insurance benefits cover 50% of the cost of insurance. Only the amount that is written in the insurance policy is taken into account. And the insurance premiums themselves must be paid without delay.

By the way, compensation for disabled people for OSAGO can be more than 50%. There is even full compensation. The authorities of each region decide this issue separately.

How is this benefit for the disabled processed?

Such benefits are issued on the territory of the Russian Federation by the bodies of social protection of the population. In order to receive them, interested persons must submit the following documents to the mentioned body:

  • identity documents of the applicant;
  • statement;
  • documents confirming the ownership of the car;
  • insurance policy;
  • receipt of payment of the insurance premium in accordance with the contract;
  • car passport.

Don't forget: to receive compensation for the current year, apply by December 10th. When the application is considered, the person will receive compensation at the place of residence.


Currently, a large number of privileged groups of the population live on the territory of the Russian Federation. In this case, the disabled deserve special attention.

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A lot of programs have been specially developed for this stratum of society, which should make the life of disabled citizens at a decent level.

Benefits for the disabled are present everywhere, including for disabled citizens of motorists.

Main Aspects

Every year in the territory of the Russian Federation there are more and more motorists. In accordance with applicable law, each car must be insured.

In other words, every car owner must issue an OSAGO policy without fail. In this case, the disabled are no exception.

However, for disabled citizens, in the case of the acquisition and use of an OSAGO policy, there are some benefits and discounts, which once again emphasizes their status on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Due to the fact that persons with disabilities have social benefits, compulsory insurance for them is provided at a discount, but only if a number of conditions are met.

Required Concepts

Before considering how OSAGO is returned to people with disabilities and the purchase of a policy by these citizens, you should familiarize yourself with the basic concepts:

OSAGO Compulsory car insurance policy that acts as insurance in the event of a traffic accident
Benefits and privileges State-established incentives for a certain category of the population who are legally entitled to assistance from state municipal authorities
Disabled person A disabled citizen of the Russian Federation who, for health reasons, cannot provide for himself, which is why he needs state support and constant care
Competent authorities Administrative apparatus through which the interaction of the governing authorities with the population takes place
Citizen of the Russian Federation A citizen of the state who has the right to count on certain rights and protections presented at the legislative level

Based on these concepts, it is possible to study in more detail the essence of the issue regarding OSAGO for the disabled, and what rights disabled citizens have while driving without this document.

In what cases will you need

Making an OSAGO policy is mandatory for any motorist, and it doesn’t matter at all whether a citizen has health restrictions or is completely healthy.

Without this document, you cannot drive a vehicle. As a rule, a compulsory insurance policy is required in the following cases:

  • when registering a vehicle with the traffic police;
  • in the event of a traffic accident;
  • during a routine check of documents by a traffic police inspector.

In all these cases, even the disabled cannot do without a compulsory insurance policy. Due to the fact that the document is becoming more expensive every year, the authorities decided to cut the cost of the OSAGO policy for the disabled, but on the condition that the vehicle belongs to a disabled citizen, and he personally will be driving.

The only exceptions are children with disabilities, who are also entitled to a benefit, only a legal guardian receives it for them.

The legislative framework

Compensation for OSAGO for children with disabilities, as well as other issues related to compulsory insurance of vehicles for disabled people, are regulated by the following regulatory legal acts:

Federal Law No. 62 of May 31, 2002 "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation"
Federal Law No. 178 of July 17, 1999 "On State Social Assistance"
Federal Law No. 195 of December 10, 1995 "On the basics of social services for the population of the Russian Federation"
Federal Law No. 181 dated November 24, 1995 "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation"
Federal Law No. 143 dated November 15, 1997 "On acts of civil status of citizens of the Russian Federation"
Federal Law No. 40 dated April 25, 2002 "On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of Vehicle Owners"

On the basis of these laws, as well as the amendments applied to them, an OSAGO policy is provided for ordinary citizens and beneficiaries in the Russian Federation.

Rules for issuing a policy

The document on compulsory OSAGO insurance has certain registration rules. In this case, for disabled people, they do not differ much from ordinary citizens of the Russian Federation.

Let us consider in more detail how the OSAGO policy is obtained:

  1. The owner of the vehicle contacts the insurance company.
  2. Writes an appropriate application for the issuance of an OSAGO policy.
  3. If necessary, the car undergoes a technical inspection.
  4. All required documents are attached to the application.
  5. If a citizen is disabled, then he provides an appropriate certificate.
  6. The next step is to pay for the insurance policy and receive it.

As a rule, when applying for an insurance policy for the disabled, there is a significant discount, which often reaches 50% of the total amount of OSAGO.

Terms of compensation

Compensation under OSAGO for the disabled includes some conditions that are not available to ordinary citizens in the Russian Federation, namely:

  • before issuing a policy, a disabled person will definitely have to visit the municipal social security authorities and write a corresponding application;
  • further, after consideration of the application, he is provided with social insurance contributions that cover up to 50% of the cost of the OSAGO policy;
  • you can use the preferential insurance service only once a year for a personal car, or for a vehicle of a legal guardian, if we are talking about a disabled child;
  • a disabled person has the right to claim the entire amount in his hands, provided for in OSAGO for payment, if the car was seriously damaged in the event of an accident;
  • disabled persons of groups 1 and 2 can make a request for the provision of a full insurance payment no more than once every 3 years.

As a rule, when applying for OSAGO and its subsequent use, people with disabilities may encounter these conditions.

OSAGO for disabled people of the 2nd group

The compulsory insurance policy for disabled people of the second group, as a rule, is provided with a 50% discount, which allows them to significantly save on the purchase of an insurance document.

The remaining part of the funds is compensated to the insurance company at the expense of the municipal social protection authorities, but only on the condition that a disabled person of group 2 has previously applied to the competent authority with an appropriate application for benefits.

Discounts for 3 groups

Disabled persons of any of the groups, including disabled citizens of the third category, are entitled to receive a discount or compensation for half the cost of an OSAGO insurance policy.

In this case, the disability group does not matter much; in any case, a citizen with disabilities has the right to request compensation in the amount of half the cost of the policy, if the appropriate discount has not been previously issued.

The amount of payment benefits

When paying for an OSAGO policy, disabled people, as a rule, pay the full cost of insurance, depending on the driving experience and the duration of the period of accident-free driving.

If they previously requested support from the municipal social welfare authorities, then disabled persons of any of the groups, as well as legal guardians of children with disabilities, are entitled to receive a discount of up to 50% on an insurance policy.

In the case when an appeal to the municipal authorities of social protection of the population is made after the purchase of an insurance policy, then in this case the applicant can count on a compensation payment of up to 50% of the cost of the policy.

However, in this case, the amount of benefits when paying depends on the following points:

  • driving experience of a disabled person or a legal guardian of a disabled child;
  • the age of the vehicle;
  • accident-free period of use of the vehicle;
  • power of the engine installed in the car;
  • market value of the car.

Depending on these indicators, a disabled person can count on OSAGO compensation up to 50% of the full cost of the policy.

Do you need a car

Regardless of the fact that the disabled are a privileged category of the population, the acquisition of an OSAGO policy for them is a mandatory task when using a vehicle.

Otherwise, according to the current Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a car for which an OSAGO policy is not issued cannot travel on the roads of the country.

If a violation is detected, even on the part of a disabled person, the traffic police inspector will be required to issue an appropriate fine for the lack of a compulsory insurance policy.

The owner of any vehicle for use on roads and highways must be registered under this policy. It is known that when concluding an OSAGO contract, an insurance premium is paid, which gives rise to the insurance contract. When the term of the policy is extended, the fee is paid again. Are there any OSAGO benefits for disabled people of groups 2 and 3?

The size of the insurance premium sometimes turns out to be so high that certain groups of citizens are not able to make up for it. The Government of the Russian Federation took into account that part of the population is characterized by a lack of funds, and provided for discounts and benefits. In particular, persons with disabilities of the 2nd degree who either independently drive a car or simply own it fall under the preferential insurance program.

The discount program is not valid for all disabled people and their vehicles. To receive officially established compensation, it is necessary that the vehicle and its owner meet several requirements:

  • The vehicle must be driven by a disabled person. If he is not able to drive, the right is transferred to his legal representatives or relatives: wife or husband, and in the case of children - guardian or parent.
  • In addition to the holder of a disability certificate, the car can be recorded for no more than 2 people. This measure was taken in response to an increase in scams, where the property of a third person was attributed to a disabled person in order to receive additional payments in the event of an accident. The 2-person limit is based on the fact that there are usually no more than 3 drivers in one family.
  • The car must be registered for a disabled person of the 2nd group for medical reasons. It is necessary that he use it for his own needs, and not provide it to third parties.
  • In other words, all points are trying to protect insurance companies from fraud by relatives of a disabled person. The requirement to use a car for medical reasons narrows the circle of disabled people who are entitled to insurance benefits.

Benefits can be obtained only after self-payment of the insurance contract. You need to pay the full cost of its conclusion. After that, you can apply to local socially authorized bodies for compensation.

The officially established minimum amount of compensation is 50%. This is spelled out in the legislative collection of the Russian Federation. However, people with disabilities living in different parts of the country receive different payments. The regional administration can independently decide on the amount of preferential compensation. In some cases (in case of an accident and the need for repairs), the state can fully cover the cost of repairs according to insurance, but for this you need to start a separate process of contacting local authorities.

Reference: when compensated in a regular situation, the authorities do not take into account additional costs under the OSAGO insurance contract. All calculations and payments are made solely on the basis of the amount specified in the official document.

Documents for issuing a discount

A disabled person who has had an accident stipulated in the insurance contract, or who wants to receive compensation for a issued policy, must apply to social authorities with a package of certain documents. They must confirm that the vehicle belongs to him and is used in accordance with the regulations. Full list of required papers:

  • Contacting local social authorities. You can find out which organization is responsible for compensating insured events from the insurance company or the department of social assistance. The appeal is submitted in the form of an official application, it must contain brief information about the accident or the act of signing insurance papers.
  • A document confirming the payment of the insurance premium. This must be a cash or bank transfer certified by the insurance company. Until the payment of insurance premiums, the policy is considered invalid.
  • OSAGO insurance policy.
  • Documents on ownership of the vehicle by the applicant. The car must be registered to the disabled person or the person responsible for it.
  • Vehicle passport.
  • Identification document of the applicant (passport, driver's license).

It is not necessary to submit a certificate of disability: a social worker can enter the applicant through the database and independently find out information about his health group. Any cases of fraud are stopped at the stage of contacting authorized persons.

Consideration of documents takes the shortest period. The main thing is to contact the necessary authority in time. You can cover the insurance only during the calendar year during which the contract was concluded. December 10 is considered the official end date for payments for the current year. Applications submitted later are considered invalid. The exception is compensation payments under contracts concluded later than the designated date.

Is it possible for a disabled person to refuse repairs and take insurance in money?

In certain cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, monetary compensation of expenses is provided. This is permissible only in the case of a car repair, and not after issuing an OSAGO policy.

When starting a car repair for a disabled person of the 2nd degree, the following points must be taken into account:

  • does the cost of repairs exceed the amount according to the European protocol (it is equal to 50 thousand rubles);
  • does the insured event go beyond the maximum OSAGO budget (400 thousand rubles);
  • where the repair organization is located relative to the place of the accident or the place of residence of the disabled person (the distance is calculated in kilometers).

If the amounts specified in the first and second cases are exceeded, the disabled person has the right to refuse compensation through repairs. In case of excess, the owner of the car will have to pay from his own budget, which not everyone can afford. The amount according to the European protocol is assigned if the cost of repairs is less than it. If the amount of OSAGO coverage exceeds 50 thousand rubles, then a disabled person can apply only if the total amount of repairs is more than 400 thousand rubles.

The legislative act of the Russian Federation concerning insured events states that when directing insurance funds for non-targeted needs, the state has the right to confiscate them in full. This applies both to local authorities that distribute compensation, and to the disabled themselves. If they used the subsidies they received not for repairs, but for other purposes, it would be legal to return all the money spent. You can use the funds at your own discretion only in the cases indicated above.

The last reason to refuse repair service and take money for your own use is dissatisfaction with the service center that carries out repairs. It must meet the following requirements:

  • carry out repairs within 30 calendar days from the moment the disabled client contacts him;
  • have a license to repair a used car;
  • be at a comfortable distance from the disabled.

“Convenient” is considered to be a distance of no more than 50 km either from the accident site or from the place of residence of a person with a disability. If he is at a greater distance, moving a disabled person to his vehicle and inspecting his condition before and after repair will be difficult. This is sufficient reason to demand monetary compensation.

Exceeding the repair period applies to all repair cases. Regardless of whether the vehicle was damaged severely or slightly, it must be returned within the above period. Otherwise, the disabled person is considered limited in mobility. He can demand monetary compensation already on the 31st day. Before this, it is necessary to provide evidence that the repair service did not fulfill its obligations within the specified period, and also notify the repair service of the decision made.

Watch a video about disability benefits.

The payment of funds cannot exceed the maximum amount of reimbursement under OSAGO, although in some cases local governments can legally overstep this rule and provide greater benefits. The rule on the amount of payments applies more to the disabled person himself: he is not entitled to demand more than the specified one, the decision to increase compensation is made only by a person authorized by social authorities.

Are there any benefits for pensioners when renewing the OSAGO policy?

So, we found out that by law pensioners are not entitled to auto insurance benefits, 50% compensation is provided only to people with disabilities. But, regional authorities or specific insurance companies can offer discounts and preferential rates. Carefully study the acts of local authorities and the proposals of motor insurers.

To confirm the right to the benefit, prepare a package of documents:

  • Russian passport;
  • driver license;
  • pension book;
  • previous OSAGO policy;
  • inspection ticket.

Question: Are there any benefits when applying for an OSAGO policy for a pensioner with a driving experience of more than 40 years? A driver of venerable age and with a huge driving experience can only rely on his own strength. Study the offers of insurance companies and find those that offer discounts for pensioners. Carefully check the calculations made by the insurance agent, paying special attention to the CV and.

Until January 2019, the “autocitizen” tariff policy did not provide for discounts for people with vast driving experience and advanced age. There were only 4 coefficients combining these indicators:

  • Number of years up to 22 inclusive, rights less than 3 years - 1.8
  • Number of years older than 22 inclusive, driving license less than 3 years - 1.7
  • Number of years up to 22 inclusive, rights over 3 years - 1.6
  • Number of years over 22 inclusive, driving license over 3 years - 1

After the adoption of a number of amendments to the law on "autocitizen", as well as, having gained considerable experience in the process of settling losses and paying compensation as a result of road accidents, the values ​​of the FAC have changed significantly. For example, a 60-year-old driver with more than 3 years of driving experience receives a 4% discount on the initial cost of the policy.

Now the coefficient table, taking into account the driving experience and the age of the people driving the car, looks like this:

0 1 2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 Over 14
16 -21 1,87 1,66
22 -24 1,77 1,04
25 -29 1,77 1,69 1,63 1,01
30 -34 1,63 0,96
35 -39 0,99 0,96
40 -49 0,96
Over 591,6

Reimbursement procedure

There are such situations: the car owner applied for a subsidy, but did not receive the due amount (for example, 50% of the insurance payment from the federal budget). You should not give up, you should understand the reasons for the refusal. Perhaps your disease does not require the mandatory presence of a vehicle, or you have been erroneously removed from the disability. In any case, it is necessary to collect a package of supporting documents and re-apply to the social protection authorities.

If disagreements regarding the appointment of compensation or discounts have arisen with a representative of the insurance company (for example, on the issue of accruing KBM for accident-free driving), then you should contact the management of the insurer company. You can assess the situation only if you have full information about the insured (the presence of a policy, the PCA rating, the age of the driver, guilt in an accident).


Disabled people of the second group can receive significant compensation in the event of an accident or after the conclusion of an insurance policy. This is explained by the desire of the Russian Federation to support a group of the population with limited opportunities. The amount of payments depends on the region, but on average they are at least 50% of the funds spent.

Important: A disabled person cannot receive monetary compensation without special reason. Fraud and misuse of insurance funds is punishable by law. At the same time, preferential terms for persons with disabilities are beneficial, and in most cases, the state subsidy covers the resulting damage or insurance premium.

Unfortunately, the Federal Law “On OSAGO” does not provide for compensation for pensioners and labor veterans. Since 2019, only the coefficients have changed that allow people of advanced age and significant driving experience to get a discount on the initial cost of the policy, this happens on a general basis, without presenting pensioner certificates or other regalia. Local authorities are vested with this right, they can independently establish and finance payments. The state returns 50% of the cost of the OSAGO policy only to the disabled. It makes sense for other drivers to drive carefully, avoiding unpleasant stories, this will help reduce the cost of paying for insurance and reduce the values ​​of the calculated coefficients.

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