How the signs of the zodiac are distributed by months and dates. Cancer zodiac sign what month Until what date is the zodiac sign Cancer

Horoscopes surround us every day: we read them in newspapers, listen to them on radio and TV. Nowadays, it is important to know not only your zodiac sign, but also the signs of friends, relatives, colleagues. Thanks to astrology, we better understand another person, we can find the right approach, choose a good gift for the holiday, and much more.

First, let's find out what is the sign of the zodiac? Here are a few facts that will give a complete answer:

PERSONAL HOROSCOPE - now available on our website. Compiled according to YOUR individual birth data, that is, for you PERSONALLY. You will learn what the planets say about your personality.

  1. There are only 12 signs in the zodiac circle - these are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
  2. To put it simply, they are parts of the celestial sphere equal in size. And they have no direct relation to the constellations in the sky.
  3. Ophiucus is a constellation, not a zodiac sign, which is why it's not on the list.
  4. When we talk about “our” zodiac sign, we mean the sign of the Sun. It makes a journey during the year - it seems to us as if it revolves around the Earth. So, depending on what stage the annual movement of the Sun is at, this is our zodiac sign.
  5. Since the Sun completes its cycle in exactly one year (while the seasons change on Earth), it repeats its position on the same days of each year.
  6. Therefore, we can determine the signs of the zodiac by the months and dates of the year.
  7. Below you will find a table that indicates from what date to what date the Sun is in different signs.

It should be noted that, in addition to the Sun, astrologers analyze the position of the Moon and planets in the sky at the time of a person's birth. Each of these celestial bodies is in any sign of the zodiac. But these signs and their mutual influence are taken into account only in individual horoscopes, which are built personally for a particular person.

Table of zodiac signs by month and date

Sign Period Element
Aries 21.03 — 19.04 Fire
Taurus 20.04 — 20.05 Earth
Twins 21.05 — 21.06 Air
Crayfish 22.06 — 22.07 Water
a lion 23.07 — 22.08 Fire
Virgo 23.08 — 22.09 Earth
Scales 23.09 — 23.10 Air
Scorpion 24.10 — 22.11 Water
Sagittarius 23.11 — 21.12 Fire
Capricorn 22.12 — 20.01 Earth
Aquarius 21.01 — 18.02 Air
Fish 19.02 — 20.03 Water

Please note that the change of signs of the zodiac does not occur exactly at midnight, but in different years at different times. Similarities in my article about .

Planets by horoscope

Each zodiac sign has a patron planet. She conveys her qualities to the sign and endows with specific energy. Consider the planets in the table.

Zodiac signs calendar

In this article, I propose to consider a calendar by months. It will help in determining the sign of any person, based on his birthday.

Aries month

  • In what month are Aries born?
  • At the end of March and April.
  • From what to what number?
  • From March 21st to April 19th.

Aries are active and adventurous from birth. They often become pioneers in various areas of life. Many of them find themselves in business.

By nature, they are quick-tempered and self-confident. They often insist on being right even when others argue and prove the opposite.

Aries are impatient, but determined. They will not spend a week thinking about how to start a business. They just take and do, so they achieve a lot. Yes, they have mistakes and unsuccessful projects, but Aries do not give up. They try again and again until they find their way.

This zodiac sign does not like compromises. He achieves the realization of his desires and pays little attention to the desires of other people. In a sense, Aries is selfish. But he is so positive and sincere that he is forgiven.

As they grow up, Aries learn to listen to other people, learn from their experience and sometimes even agree to a compromise, but not to the detriment of themselves and their ideals.

Taurus Month

  • Taurus are born at the end of April and in May.
  • From what to what number?
  • From April 20th to May 20th.

Taurus from birth are peaceful, calm and prudent. They do not like haste, they act prudently and leisurely. Thanks to this, they often achieve stable results both in work and in personal life.

This zodiac sign is distinguished by love for beauty. Taurus appreciates art and beauty in a variety of ways. It can be found in an art gallery or in a philharmonic society.

Practicality Taurus helps them to manage the household, save and save money for large purchases. They are sure that money loves an account. Almost all representatives of this sign have a bank deposit or investments of a different kind.

Taurus are sensual natures. They love delicious food and good wine. Appreciate comfort and life's blessings. Many of them know how to cook wonderfully, even men.

Creativity occupies an important place in the life of Taurus. Some of them sing, others draw, others embroider. They want to surround themselves with beautiful things, including those created by their own hands.

Month of Gemini

  • Twins are born at the end of May and in June.
  • What numbers?
  • From May 21st to June 21st.

Gemini are considered the main scholars of the zodiac. They grasp on the fly any information, aware of all the latest events. They have a strong intellectual curiosity.

Therefore, Gemini love to learn and learn something new. So they, firstly, get rid of boredom and, secondly, replenish the treasury of knowledge. Their abilities and interests are versatile.

It is pleasant to communicate with Gemini, they will support a conversation on any topic. At the same time, they will be polite, friendly and pleasant. These are great friends. However, the mood of this sign often changes, so sometimes they become harmful and caustic.

The work of Gemini is also often associated with communication. Many of them find themselves in sales or public relations. However, they can handle any intellectual activities. And Gemini often go to work in a school or kindergarten.

Gemini is always young at heart, regardless of their passport age. They are curious and full of enthusiasm. They like to chat on the phone and communicate on social networks.

Month of Cancer

  • Crayfish are born at the end of June and in July.
  • What days of the year?
  • June 22 to July 22.

Cancers are emotional and impressionable from birth. They are characterized by caution and shyness, which are smoothed out as life experience accumulates.

This zodiac sign has a need to take care and patronize. Cancers make the most devoted and caring parents who intuitively feel what a child needs.

Cancers are great hosts in their home. They know how to put things in order, create a cozy atmosphere and cook a lot of delicious food. And not only women, but also men. Some of them even become chefs.

Those born under the sign of Cancer are sensitive and imaginative. Therefore, creativity is important for them, where you can throw out the accumulated emotions. Cancers are suited to work in the arts, but more often in search of security, they become accountants or choose another "reliable" profession. The need to care leads some of them to medicine.

This zodiac sign is also associated with collecting. They can collect stamps, figurines, paintings and anything. The main thing is that it resonates in the gentle soul of Cancer.

Month of the Lion

  • In what month are Leos born?
  • At the end of July and in August.
  • More precisely, from July 23 to August 22.

Leos are generous and kind to others. They demonstrate self-confidence and love to be the center of attention. They are flattered by the interested looks and admiration of other people.

This zodiac sign pays a lot of attention to appearance. Leos pick up elegant, stylish clothes that make them stand out in the crowd. Create spectacular hairstyles. Lionesses skillfully use cosmetics.

Leos are cheerful, but do not like criticism. They would rather have others keep silent about their shortcomings than openly declare. At the same time, the Lions themselves often criticize others without a twinge of conscience.

However, their warm disposition and friendliness make Leos favorites in any team. It is pleasant to be friends with them, they are honest and open. They love fun and parties. Always ready to go out to have a good time.

For Leo, love is of great importance. They are rarely happy when they are not in love. For joy, they need these wonderful feelings. Lions love both moonlight walks and romantic evenings.

Virgo Month

  • Virgos are born at the end of August and in September.
  • What numbers?
  • From August 23 to September 22.

Virgos are hardworking and efficient. In everyday life and in work, they prefer order and method, clarity and strict performance of duties. Clutter infuriates and irritates them.

This zodiac sign has a developed analytical mind. They are excellent at scientific work. But their abilities don't end there. They make excellent craftsmen working with their hands. These are woodcarvers, and needlewomen, etc.

Virgos are extremely attentive to details. They will notice a speck of dust on the interlocutor's suit or a drop of wine that has fallen on the tablecloth. Therefore, in household use they prefer perfect cleanliness and order, because they cannot bear to look at dust and scattered things.

Representatives of the Virgo sign are restrained in their manifestations. They do not like anything flashy: neither clothes, nor behavior, nor things. They hate vulgarity.

Another important trait of Virgo is the love of criticism. She is critical of herself, but also of those around her, setting her own high standards for them. Of course, rarely anyone manages to match them. Therefore, sometimes Virgos become grumps. However, life experience teaches them optimism and the ability to turn a blind eye to minor flaws.

Month of Libra

  • For Libra, this is the end of September and October.
  • What days of the year?
  • September 23 to October 23.

Libras are diplomatic and charming. They do not like quarrels and conflicts, they prefer peace and harmony. Therefore, in order to maintain good relations with other people, they often agree to compromises.

This sign of the zodiac loves communication, Libra loves small talk and interesting society. In communication, they try to be fair and impartial. They often remain neutral, being able to understand both sides of the conflict.

Libras are sensitive to beauty. They love beautiful things, elegant clothes. They care about their appearance and strive to look well-groomed. They also love art, including good movies, music, and photography.

Representatives of this sign love to give and receive gifts. They are especially pleased with the choice of gifts for friends. And when it turns out that they guessed the desire of a friend, Libra experiences special joy and pride.

They can open up fully in partnership with another person. Therefore, Libra seeks to marry or organize a business partnership.

Month of Scorpio

  • Scorpions are born at the end of October and in November.
  • From what to what number?
  • From October 24 to November 22.

Scorpios are naturally determined and energetic. They are passionate in all manifestations. If work, then with full dedication. If love, then to the depths of the soul. For this they are loved and for this they are hated. It is simply impossible to treat Scorpio neutrally.

This zodiac sign seeks to get to the bottom of things. If there is a mystery in front of him, he will not stop until he finds the truth. If he has a difficult task in front of him, he will not calm down until he achieves a result.

At the same time, Scorpios are very emotional and sensitive. It is easy to hurt and offend them, but they will not give a look. However, they will remember the offender for a long time and, if possible, will repay him with the same coin.

Scorpios are perceptive, they perfectly feel the moods of other people. At the same time, lies are distinguished from the truth. It is almost impossible to fool them. Therefore, Scorpios become excellent psychologists.

This is a sign of will. They are willing to put in a lot of effort, to the point of being able to achieve what they want. And their desires are very strong and passionate. They are one of those who are able to work day and night to achieve the goal. But they won’t even lift a finger when they are not interested in the matter.

Sagittarius Month

  • In what month are Sagittarians born?
  • Late November and December.
  • More precisely, from November 23 to December 21.

Sagittarians are the idealists of the zodiac, they are independent and freedom-loving. Freedom for them is perhaps the most important thing in life. They do not like circumstances where increased responsibility is required of them or where they are forced to do something.

Sagittarius also highly value the truth and are ready to carry it to people. Even in cases where these people would prefer sweet lies. Sagittarius hates gossip, innuendo and intrigue behind their backs. He is direct and honest with others.

Representatives of this sign have a passion for travel. Sagittarius dreams of traveling around the world, visiting different countries and learning their culture. Such trips enrich his worldview.

Sagittarians love to learn. They are very inquisitive and want to know about everything in the world in order to better understand the structure of the world in which we live. And after they have gained knowledge, Sagittarians are happy to share it with others. Therefore, they are considered excellent teachers.

Friends love Sagittarians for their cordiality, directness, enthusiasm and moral principles. This sign is an enthusiastic nature, can achieve a lot in those areas that are really interesting to him.

Month of Capricorn

  • Capricorns are born at the end of December and in January.
  • What days of the year?
  • From December 22 to January 20.

Capricorns are hardworking, persistent and diligent. From childhood, they set goals for themselves, which they achieve step by step. This sign does not like haste, it achieves its goal gradually, but moreover, it often overtakes competitors who, due to haste, forget something important.

Representatives of the Capricorn sign love to plan. They schedule their time by the clock, they know how to organize activities so that they can do everything.

Sometimes it seems that Capricorns are cold and insensitive people who have only business on their minds. But this is completely false. They sincerely love and value family and friends.

But Capricorn's care is different from Cancer's. He will not show unnecessary emotions, will not sympathize. On the contrary, it will immediately begin to provide practical assistance. Husband Capricorn is unlikely to confess his love for his wife every day. But by his actions he will prove his feelings to her.

The behavior of Capricorn is restrained and even a little constrained. Over the years, it opens up, excessive coldness disappears, and pleasant warmth appears in the character.

Month of Aquarius

  • In what month are Aquarians born?
  • At the end of January and February.
  • More precisely, from January 21 to February 18.

Aquarius is an original and independent person. He does not accept conventions and is interested in the latest achievements of science and technology. He is also fascinated by the social sciences, he wants to understand the laws by which society develops.

This sign is very objective. He is able to step back from emotions and from his own opinion in order to express an impartial assessment of the event. It is difficult for others to understand this, because they do not know how.

Aquarians do not like when someone commands them. They have their own view on any issue and their own understanding of what should be done and how. Often they prefer not to go into disputes, proving their case, but simply act according to their own understanding.

This is the intellectual sign of the zodiac. Many scientists are Aquarius. They find themselves in science, technology, public relations, and also where you need to communicate with a wide variety of people. Aquarians think broadly, so they won't judge anyone.

Aquarians are the originals. They love unusual clothes, do unusual things. They are not easy to guess because they are unpredictable. They enjoy surprising people.

Month of Pisces

  • For Pisces, this is the end of February and March.
  • What days of the year?
  • From February 19th to March 20th.

Pisces are compassionate, sensitive and dreamy. They have a developed inner world, which is replenished with impressions through films, music, books and other works of art.

The nature of this sign is changeable. Then they are passive, lethargic, melancholy. Then suddenly they become energetic, punctual and efficient. They need inspiration to work effectively.

Pisces are generous, their compassion is manifested in the desire to help other people and all living beings. They participate in charitable projects, are arranged by volunteers. Helping animal shelters.

Cancer - under this sign of the zodiac go people who were born from 22.06 to 22.07. Such people are quite sociable, they have well-developed thinking, especially logical. Cancer people also have a romantic streak. With imagination and fantasies, cancers are all right. They will always come to the aid of people, they will not leave them in trouble. Like everyone else, crabs have their flaws. They can be narcissistic and suspicious. Often changeable in their opinion, emotions can overflow.

Cancer children generally have exemplary discipline, diligent study. Such children need to feel love for themselves and need affection. Small crayfish value the hearth very much and it is difficult to tear them away from it. The child is very sensitive to everything that happens around. Such children should be protected from his fears, as well as from the worlds he imagines. A small cancer is quite easy to manage, this child will eventually grow into a rather compassionate person. You can trust him and shed light on your secrets, even on the shoulder of a child you can cry, he will pity you.

: June 22 - July 22

The date of birth of representatives of the zodiac sign Cancer is from June 22 to July 22. They are under the control of the Moon, and the element that affects Cancer is Water. White and silver colors contribute to success. Aromas of Cancer - lily, bergamot, acacia. The talisman is a silver month. The middle of summer, the warmest, most fertile time of the year.

We present to your attention a detailed description of a person born under the sign of the zodiac Cancer.

Cancer Happiness Secrets

You are not always able to maintain smooth happy relationships, because you are a person of moods with a tendency to indecision. This is especially noticeable in "crayfish" men who tend to change their assessments of what is happening, despite the fact that they are zealous defenders of people dear to them and have a noticeable sentimental streak.

You are a wonderful "get it", you are persistent and reliable. You have an instinctive, almost telepathic understanding of your partner's feelings and moods, but you certainly need to learn to be firm and decisive, as well as to curb your tendency to grumbling and dislike criticism. Do not attach excessive importance to the opinion of your parents about your family life and do not resort to odious comparisons that can destroy family happiness.

However, you can be called a good, if not bold, lover. Learn to intelligently manage sudden changes in your mood. As a rule, representatives of your sign tend to naturally calm down and settle down soon after the start of family life. Home and household mean a lot to you.

Astrological characteristics of the zodiac sign Cancer

Symbol: crab.

Ruling planet Cancer: Moon.

Characteristic sign Cancer: water-cardinal-negative.

The sign of a teacher, a prophet.

The nature of the owner of this sign: sensitive and compassionate, prone to mood swings, stubborn, ambitious, attentive and accurate, susceptible to the effects of subtle energies.

Positive qualities of Cancer: perseverance, sensitivity, compassion, heightened mental susceptibility, the gift of persuasion, law-abiding and idealism, vivid imagination.

Negative qualities of Cancer: changeability of moods, a pronounced inferiority complex, indecision, inability to forgive, pessimism, vulnerability.

Cancer Personality

According to the traditional view, "crayfish" people are great lovers of the hearth. For all their great devotion to family and home, other special features of their personality are known. So, they crave to be seen and the center of attention.

You are unusually receptive; your susceptibility borders on hypersensitivity. Your main desire is the desire to be loved, despite the fact that your personal freedom is also dear to you. You have great determination and are able to hold on stubbornly, clinging tightly (not in vain your symbol is a crab) for your loved one, your idea or property. You have the power to achieve the impossible. Your attitude to the world truly makes you remember the crab, moving first forward, and immediately after that backtracking.

We also note the grandiose desire to earn and save a lot of money, which you realize in life only to a very small extent. This drive makes you a hard worker in large organizations and corporations. However, the original reason for your desire for money is rooted in an unnecessarily large sense of insecurity.

Sometimes this makes you overcautious and timid, discourages taking risks and seizing a good opportunity. Learn to be more entrepreneurial, it's in your best interest. You are a person of strong likes and dislikes, as well as great loyalty.

Another of your passions is associated with a strong sexual attraction - perhaps largely due to your affectionate and grasping nature. You need completeness and completeness, otherwise you tend to suppress and prohibit; it all stems from the same feeling of insecurity. It is an undoubted fact that you are sensitive and sentimental and at the same time love money and good food. You have a very strong intuition.

"Cancer" as a friend

The people of your warehouse are worth their weight in gold where loyalty and love for people are important. You are always ready to give, but you are disappointed and upset if it does not bring reward. You will never end a relationship, but don't expect too much from a friendship either.

"Cancer" as a father

You have the excellent qualities of a father, but you feel best in this capacity while your children are very small. Keep up with them and their vision of life as they grow. Don't be intolerant and don't reprimand them too harshly. Your imagination can be very rich and you can encourage the creativity of your children. Pay special attention to seeing life through their eyes.

"Cancer" as a mother

You have the highest maternal power over the family and the hearth, you are an example of self-denying maternal love. You are gentle and loving, you collect your chicks closer to the nest, and yet you are too inquisitive about the deep, spiritual feelings of children and worry too much about them. Only by paying tribute to these inclinations, you are able to experience the serene happiness of motherhood.

A look at the decades:

Although all those born between June 22 and July 22 were born under the sign of Cancer, a closer examination, taking into account the characteristics of your decade, will help you to better appreciate the qualities of your character.

If you were born between June 22 and July 1 (first decade), then you are ruled by the Moon, and the traits of a typical "cancer" are very prominent in character. You are tenacious and stubborn, compassionate, loyal and idealistic, but you can be fickle, suspicious, pessimistic and insecure. Try to build more on the positive traits of your personality.

If your date of birth falls between July 2 and 12 (second decan), then your ruler is the planet Mars with all its power and prowess, and he transmits these qualities to you.

You are an even stronger "cancer" and are capable of becoming almost a dictator. You have tremendous energy and mobility and will gravitate towards fame and people's attention.

If you were born between July 12 and 22 (third decade), then you are ruled by the "great benefactor" Jupiter, and you are guaranteed fame, good luck and a considerable amount of money. You were born happy, except for the unfortunate tendency to be overweight! Education and travel bring you the most benefits.

About people of dual nature - for those born on the days of changing signs

If you were born between June 20-23, then your date of birth fell at the time of the Gemini/Cancer transition.

Extraordinary people. Possess psychic abilities, witty, easily amenable to mood swings; attractive and somewhat evasive at the same time, and sometimes reserved and cold; in some cases, there may be a wonderful interplay of mind and heart and, unfortunately, confusion (when one falls under the power of the other), in others, however, whatever the real reason, they are undoubtedly captivating and charming creatures, often living in their own world. . These people are either very sociable or very taciturn and calm. Like water, they are able to take any form, to be almost anything they want to be - and this is their specialty, their distinguishing feature. If only they would understand this and make a sustained, sincere, focused, and sustained effort!

Diseases of the chest, stomach, intestines, nervous attacks, colds, allergies, skin diseases can pose a threat to health.

The most important years will be 2, 5, 7, 11, 14, 16, 20, 23, 25, 29, 32, 34, 38, 41, 43, 47, 52, 55, 59, 62, 65, 68, 70, 74 , 77, 79, 83, 86, 88, 92, 95, 97, 101 years.

As a rule, these are somewhat pompous, but inexplicably pleasant people. "Your Grace" would have suited them perfectly. True dignity is different from pomp and pomp - that's the lesson you should learn in life. Admittedly, you are amiable, often generous, law-abiding, beyond the ordinary gifted with creative abilities; you are a good father (or mother) to your children, a wonderful host (or hostess), artistic, often gifted with psychic abilities. Your sensitivity is well-known, and this feature can poison your life. Don't bring it up. This is undoubtedly your "fatal mistake", "flaw", as in Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet". Another contradiction is that although you are artistic and endowed with great creative imagination, you are also traditional and conservative, even if you are a bohemian. All this is you. A certain magnetism and the ability to attract and captivate people are inherent in you from birth. You can be a very "closed" person, and at the same time have a brilliant public image. This is you too.

Health problems can present the condition of the stomach, chest, heart, circulatory system, back and spine.

Especially important will be the years: 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 19, 16, 20, 22, 28, 29 (critical), 31, 34, 38, 40, 43, 47, 52, 55-56 ( turning points), 58, 64-65, 67, 73-74, 76, 82-83, 85, 91-92.

Know what's good for you:

- Lucky number of Cancer: 2, 7, 11, 20, 29, 25, 34, etc. (series of twos and sevens).

- Lucky colors for Cancer: pink, pale green and white (mostly).

- Happy Cancer Day: Monday and Thursday.

- Lucky flowers and herbs of Cancer: white rose, white lily, poppy, honeysuckle.

- Lucky stones of Cancer: rubies, pearls, moonstone.

The sign of the water element is under the auspices of the night star. The control of the Moon affects the character of the representatives of this sign, making them vulnerable and sensitive people. The moon and the water element of the sign give Cancer the ability to empathize, the ability to instantly guess the thoughts and aspirations of other people. These are decisive and noble people, often patriots. But if the life of Cancer has been full of deprivation and injustice since childhood, then they have the deceit and charisma of a gangster. They influence other people, can subjugate themselves for the sake of achieving a common goal or survival. Tough and shrewd leaders.

The nature of the mark

Cancer is the most emotional sign in the entire zodiac. But he does not like to share personal emotions. Cancer understands the feelings and mood of those around him instantly, but is rarely frank. The problem with expressing one's feelings is associated with protective mental mechanisms. From an early age, Cancer builds a personal system of protection against inadvertent penetration into the soul, overgrown with stereotypes and prejudices. He is very attached to his family, especially to his mother. Cancer absorbs the feelings and emotions of others, but tries to keep his own. He likes to take the initiative both in work and in personal relationships, unmistakably choosing associates and useful people. Cancer is a born psychologist, with a deep understanding of the causes of phenomena, a strong desire to get to the bottom of the problem. They are difficult to deceive, but easy to offend. This is a sign of accumulation, conservation and skillful use of all resources, primarily family ones. He surrounds himself with completely diverse people whom he likes to take care of. Needs constancy of relations and long-term connections.

An excellent strategist, has excellent analytical skills, is rarely poor, on the contrary, often lays a solid capital for heirs, is at the head of family dynasties. For a long time they retain childish liveliness and naivety, are sentimental, attached to past connections, places and objects. Cancer shows both caution and curiosity when meeting a new phenomenon or person. Caution and foresight are necessary for Cancer to avoid failure and maintain self-respect. Cancers often hurt their pride, they experience failure in business, resentment, separation or the collapse of love for a long time.

Sign compatibility

A typical Cancer intuitively highlights the best of the possible, instantly establishes contact with the person he likes, but then moves away, frightened of someone else's influence. In love, Cancers are devoted, but do not forget about themselves and their desires. They can flirt with many, but they always love one. They prefer to take the first step towards rapprochement, but then they choose to passively wait for manifestations of feelings from their partner. They are very receptive to beauty, love sex, but are shy and look for real feelings. Without true love, they are quickly disappointed in relationships and continue to search for true feelings. Rigidity, resentment, vindictiveness and a tendency to exaggerate problems make them difficult partners. If they live in an uncomfortable aggressive environment, they are prone to treason, but divorce is difficult. The best compatibility with the signs of Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio. With Aries, Libra and Capricorn, they can make a very viable business alliance, a lot depends on the personal horoscope.

Cancer Man

He has a powerful analytical mind, but he allows his feelings to break any logic and sequence. They often occupy leadership positions, are well versed in people, are able to calculate and intuitively guess the shortest path to the goal. Always striving for prosperity, caring, but not too generous because of practicality. Often sharp in communication, provoke conflicts, win arguments, outperform opponents in logic, like to gather facts and information, win competitions due to endurance. Born athletes, military, scientists, as well as excellent cooks and builders.

Cancer Woman

This is the Mother of the world, she is caring and prudent. In love, she is very demanding, sensitive to the intimate side of relationships, loves sex, but she will always notice falsehood and deceit in feelings. He does not forgive his partner or himself his disappointments, he remembers insults and failures for a long time. All his life he has been looking for a loved one, as a rule, they find a betrothed despite his age. Rarely lives alone, does not tolerate loneliness, loves pets. She is rarely childless, demanding of children, but more often spoils them excessively and helps them financially.

If your child is Cancer, then it is important to take care of his personal space, to protect him from unnecessary aggression. Such a baby does not tolerate a change of residence, divorce. Little Cancer needs emotions and is sensitive to caresses and displays of tenderness. A child born under the sign of cancer especially likes to adopt the habits, nuances of the behavior of his parents, he reflects your strengths and weaknesses like a mirror. It is useful for him to know the history of the family, homeland, to allow him to take care of pets or a country garden. For the Cancer baby, reliability and fidelity to rituals are important. He loves celebrations and home holidays.

Sign health

Restraint of emotions and suppression of aggression often leads to nervous breakdowns, exhaustion, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Overeating, love of sweets, a sedentary lifestyle are the main enemies of Cancer's health, along with nervous strain. Often workaholics, Cancers forget about rest, and lack of sleep leads them to chronic fatigue. They need a diet and sleep, a positive charge of communication with a select circle of people, meditation to calm the mind. Changing activities, frequent travel and growing income from activities will help maintain health for years to come.

Interesting countries: India, Nepal, Uzbekistan, partly Central Asia, Holland, Scotland, Denmark, Canada, Paraguay, New Zealand

Significant cities: Amsterdam, Bern, Cadiz, Deptford, Gerlitz, Lübeck (12°), Janov, Magdeburg, Manchester, Milan, New York, St. Andrew (Scottish city), Istanbul, Stockholm, Trier, Tunisia, York

Celebrities born under the sign of Cancer: Meryl Streep, Valery Meladze, Zinedine Zidane, Timur Bekmambetov, Alsou, Laysan Utyasheva, Ralph Schumacher, Mike Tyson, Pamela Anderson, Princess Diana, Liv Tyler, Natalia Rudova, Lindsay Lohan, Anna Mikhailovskaya, Tom Cruise, Tutta Larsen, Sylvester Stallone, Zhanna Aguzarova, Zhanna Friske, Dmitry Pevtsov, Tom Hanks, Harrison Ford, Pelageya, Alexander Vasiliev, Leonid Agutin, Grigory Leps, Vitali Klitschko, Sergey Zverev, Nonna Grishaeva, Robin Williams, Tatyana Lazareva, Yegor Creed

Greek myth claims that when Hercules fought the Lyrnean Hydra, all the beasts were on his side, and only the cancer dug into the hero's leg. For this, Hera, who hated Hercules, placed cancer in the sky.

Zodiac sign Cancer

The modern symbol of Cancer is explained as an image of twining sperm, interpreting this as a combination of male and female principles.

  • Stone of Cancer: emerald, moonstone, cat's eye.
  • Cancer metal: silver.
  • Totem of Cancer: beaver.
  • Favorable numbers for Cancer: 2, 5, 7.
  • Lucky days: Monday Thursday.
  • Ruling planets of Cancer: Moon.

Qualities of Cancer

Positive qualities of Cancer: patience, constancy, conscientiousness, frugality, thriftiness, kindness, devotion, maternal qualities.

Negative qualities: fearfulness, instability, vanity, a tendency to fantasies, tearfulness, disorder, frivolity.

Love and family

There is no pretense and calculation in the feelings of Cancer. The desire to achieve perfection also embraces the sphere of love. For the sake of the one he loves, he is capable of heroic deeds and sacrifices. But the object of his adoration considers his property. Cancers are the guardians of the house. They love impeccable order and tirelessly decorate the interior of their home. Cancer women become the ancestors of the family clan.

Cancer compatibility with other signs

  • Harmonious Relations: with Taurus, Pisces.
  • Troubled Relationships: with Gemini, Leo, Aquarius.
  • Complicated Relationships: with Aries, Cancer, Sagittarius, Libra.

Cancer parents

  • how no one understands the soul of their child;
  • do not invade the inner world of the child;
  • They see only the good in their children.

Cancer Child

  • emotional and more than others in need of love;
  • in studies we are dependent on the team or the teacher;
  • loves surprises and holidays, loves miracles.

Cancers love it

  • expensive and high-quality things;
  • gentle touches;
  • delicacies and all kinds of sweets.

Cancers don't like

  • expose your feelings and desires;
  • disorder and lack of comfort;
  • gross intrusion into his world.
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