Laser tooth extraction. Laser treatment is a quick way to get rid of dental cysts. Pain relief for tooth extraction

More recently dental procedures using a diode or argon laser were exclusive. Now it is difficult to find a field of dentistry in which a laser unit would not be used. The laser beam instantly stops bleeding, does not cause discomfort during treatment, heals tissues, thereby reducing the risk of relapse.

Features of laser therapy

Due to analgesic, immunostimulating and anti-edematous effects, laser therapy began to be carried out not only as the main treatment, but also for tissue repair after surgery and partial relief of symptoms, for example, in the treatment of periodontitis and gingivitis.

Laser whitening is considered the most gentle and effective method enamel lightening. The procedure takes only 20-30 minutes. The effect lasts for at least a year, but with proper dental care, it can last for for a long time. At the same time, the laser disinfects the enamel, thereby preventing caries.

Why a laser?

Unlike treatment with a dental drill, the procedure performed by a laser does not cause stress for patients. That's why laser dentistry give preference to women in position.

Non-contact treatment also has a positive effect on psychological condition patients, which is especially important for young children who will visit the dentist for the first time, and children who have already had an unpleasant experience of treatment.

The main advantages of laser surgery:

  1. No scars.
  2. Does not cause pain.
  3. Reduction of the rehabilitation period.
  4. If it is necessary to remove hypertrophic tissues during the period of wearing braces, the operation is performed without removing them.
  5. Antiseptic effect.
  6. Restores blood microcirculation.
  7. It is used for operations on the mucous or gums, as it does not exacerbate somatic diseases like many electroscalpels.
  8. Increases immunity in patients with heart disease.
  9. Does not leave chips on the crowns, so there is no need for grinding.
  10. No anesthesia required. Suitable for patients with allergies to substances that are part of many anesthetics.

Price of laser dental treatment

Compared to other treatments, laser is more expensive, but its obvious benefits outweigh the cash costs.

Applications of the laser

AT this moment The laser machine has found application in:

Treatment of caries with a laser

Laser dental treatment is suitable for eliminating almost any caries, including deep ones. Latest developments allowed to use it for disinfection of the canals of the tooth to the very top of the root. It acts only on the affected tissues of the tooth, or rather, on water particles. When the water evaporates, the bacteria die and the enamel hardens.

The carious tissue destroyed by the laser crumbles and is removed with a jet of water, which at the same time prevents the pulp from overheating.

The laser beam does not touch the healthy tissues of the tooth, so the installation of a large filling is not required.

What can a laser do in dental surgery:

  • Opening and drainage of abscess.
  • Excision or removal of the frenulum of the tongue.
  • Removal nerve endings in mucosal ulcers.
  • Gingivectomy, gingivoplasty.
  • Retraction of the gums before prosthetics.
  • Installation of a micro lock on the crown.
  • Incisions for implant placement.
  • Evaporation of benign neoplasms.

In the treatment of diseases of the mucosa and periodontal tissues (tumor, leukoplakia, fibroma, etc.), it is indispensable not only because of the instant gluing of dissected capillaries and preventing bleeding, but also due to active tissue regeneration stimulated by the laser.

laser cyst treatment

Even 10 years ago, a tooth, under the root of which a cyst formed, was subject to removal. Now in many cases it can be saved, including in the treatment of cysts with a laser.

If it is at the granuloma stage, then it is evaporated by introducing a laser device, for example, Optodan, into its cavity through the root canal.

Stages of treatment:

  • First, the canal is cleaned and treated with a liquid antiseptic.
  • The expanded channels are affected by a laser for complete disinfection of the cavity.
  • A medicine is injected into the cyst to split it and a paste that stimulates the growth of bone tissue in its place.

The rehabilitation period after such treatment is minimal. Cases of recurrence are almost non-existent.

What else is laser used for in dentistry?

Dentists use laser therapy also for:
  1. Reduced enamel sensitivity to temperature and tactile stimuli. The tooth is treated with a laser, after which it is covered with an ointment to preserve the result for a long time.
  2. Reducing the period of addiction of the dentition to the bracket system. Strengthening a displaced tooth in the jaw.
  3. Eruption of an impacted tooth.
  4. Prevention of alveolitis after tooth extraction, if the tissues were badly damaged.
  5. Withdrawals inflammatory response dental nerve with deep caries.
  6. Elimination of tartar and food deposits, bleeding gums.

Laser technologies are used in the clinics of the "President" network, in the clinic of laser medicine of Dr. Kolesnichenko, the Khoroshevskaya dental clinic, "Dentaljaz" and others.

Get full information about the clinics of the capital, which carry out treatment, whitening and implantation using a laser, it is possible on the dental portal MyDentist.

For most of the population, visiting the dentist is associated with a certain torture: the sound of a dental drill, the smell of medicines, discomfort. But everything large quantity doctors are trying to move away from these "old-fashioned" methods. In particular, using laser dentistry in his practice.

Treatment of a tooth cyst - a description of the procedure

Laser dentistry is a technique in which to remove dead or putrefactive tooth tissues, diode laser. It allows you to remove caries and other formations on the teeth in a matter of minutes, while not damaging healthy tissue.

The principle of operation of the laser very simple: by heating the surface of the tooth, most of the liquid is removed from it. After that, the "protected" inflamed space is released. The laser beam burns out all harmful microorganisms and frees up space for further mechanical cleaning.

Treatment of a tooth cyst with a laser is carried out similarly to any other operations. A cyst is a formation with dense, hard walls, inside of which there is a large number of bacteria or dead tissue. Outwardly, it may not be noticeable, but in Everyday life causes great discomfort. In particular, earlier cyst The tooth was treated with great effort.

This purulent sac is formed in the roots, therefore, in order to remove it, in any case, it would be necessary to remove the tooth, clean out the abscess and install an implant in its place. There is another method - surgical. To implement it, an incision is made in the right place in the gums corresponding to the cyst, the dental surgeon pulls out the bag with tools, and then sews up the tissues.

The disadvantage of mechanical methods is the likelihood of not completely cleaning out the pus - you simply cannot be completely sure that there is no dead tissue in the bag. In addition, a rather long and unpleasant regeneration process. Healing of the gums after removal of the cyst lasts from a week to a month.

Painless removal Laser cysts are produced as follows:

After the end of the session, the patient can proceed to ordinary life. The advantages of this technology are obvious. The absence of any side effects, the possibility of use during pregnancy and even the treatment of milk teeth.

But the laser treatment technique also has some disadvantages:

  • The high cost of the session. cosmetic procedure caries removal will cost at least $30, and gum treatment can cost $50 or more;
  • Low prevalence. Many dentists have studied and most experience worked on drills. Pretty hard to find a good specialist who knows how to adjust the laser to the desired depth and power;
  • Failure to solve underlying problems. The laser installation cannot remove holes in the teeth, stone growths and many other troubles.

Treatment of tooth granuloma - description of the procedure

- this is an inflammation of periodontitis and the formation in the root of the tooth purulent sac. In terms of symptoms, it is very similar to a cyst, but it is difficult to treat. The disease is asymptomatic: gradually from pulpitis to granuloma. Another significant difference from a cyst is its thin walls. They are very fragile and inflamed can burst at the slightest touch. As a result, you will feel sharp pain when biting, talking and just touching the tooth.

Due to the soreness of the gums in this disease, the treatment is carried out strictly under sedation. Depending on the severity, it can be superficial or deep.

How is granuloma laser treatment performed:

To learn more about laser treatment, we recommend watching a video about the procedure in a professional clinic.

Indications and contraindications

When is Diode Laser Dental Treatment Necessary?

Contraindications for laser dental treatment:

  1. Pulmonary and vascular pathology. This is a categorical contraindication. If you have problems with blood vessels, then the laser should not be used in any case;
  2. Blood clotting diseases, including varicose veins, diabetes and others;
  3. Malignant formations or the postoperative period;
    Individual intolerance to laser techniques, high sensitivity enamel, a tendency to sharp nervous excitement.

Photos before and after

Despite the disadvantages of Proxsys laser dental treatment, reviews claim that this is the best modern way get rid of cysts and caries.

The portal contains dental clinics offering laser treatment of tooth cysts in Moscow. This is a procedure that is safe for the health of patients and helps to quickly get rid of the cyst. Tables convenient for comparison show prices for laser tooth cyst removal in Moscow. Thanks to the filter by districts and metro, you can choose the best clinic at the right address, and after comparing prices, you will finally choose the right option for treatment. The reviews of patients about laser dentistry left by visitors to the portal will also be useful.

Laser treatment is a quick way to get rid of dental cysts

A tooth cyst is formed due to a soft tissue infection. The body tries to cope with inflammation on its own: a capsule is formed around the focus of infection, which prevents the further spread of the pathological process.

The disease is accompanied by excruciating pain and increased swelling. In most cases, dentists remove the cyst and part of the affected tooth - cystectomy, but competent specialists offer a more advanced laser technique.

What are the features of the procedure?

The traditional treatment of a dental cyst consists in opening and sanitizing the cavity, in cutting off the root part of the tooth, near which pathological process. Medical intervention is fraught with a number of complications, and to prevent re-inflammation, a course of therapy with antibiotics is mandatory.

Laser removal is a tooth-preserving technique. The procedure is painless, and the disinfecting effect of the laser significantly improves the condition of the root and soft tissues. The minimum amount of medical intervention reduces the risk of complications, and healing after laser intervention is much faster.

Patient reviews about the removal of dental cysts with a laser are positive: relief comes immediately after visiting the dentist. At first, swelling and pain persist, but after 72 hours, there is no trace of painful sensations.

In what cases can a laser be used?

Advanced laser technique can be used to treat cysts and granulomas, however, in the case of fistula formation, cyst rupture, the laser is used as an auxiliary, and not the main tool. In the following cases, cystectomy and tooth extraction should be performed:

  1. The infection developed in the periodontal pocket, formed due to the destruction of the circular ligament of the tooth and tooth tissues.
  2. The tooth near which the infection is located is partially or completely destroyed.
  3. The neoplasm is large.
  4. During the diagnostics, obstruction of the root canals was found.

The cost of laser removal varies depending on the complexity of the operation, the minimum price is 12 thousand rubles. Advanced dental clinics offer services at the best price. The professionalism of specialists individual approach and modern methods treatments can help get rid of unpleasant symptoms. It is worth remembering that without treatment, a cyst can develop into a tumor - a more dangerous and complex condition.

Tooth extraction has always been considered the most unpleasant and painful dental procedure.

Even though such an operation is carried out in extreme cases and always under the influence of an anesthetic, people usually put off going to the dentist to the point of last resort.

With the advent of laser equipment in dentistry, extraction has become possible to carry out painlessly with minimal discomfort for the patient.

The essence of the method

The laser in medicine makes it possible to carry out the most complex operations with minimal risk of complications.

In dentistry, he also demonstrated how safely and efficiently almost any disease can be dealt with.

The use of a laser during extraction allows you to make very thin and precise tissue cuts. Thanks to specific properties, during even complex removal, it turns out to avoid major tissue injury, bleeding, and penetration is completely excluded pathogenic microflora into the wound.

The laser allows for high-quality preoperative antibacterial treatment. All microorganisms present on the mucosa die under the action of its rays.


Despite the phenomenal laser technique, widespread use in the extraction of teeth does not occur.

For simple extractions, dentists still resort to classical instruments, and the laser is used only in severe cases.

Indications for the use of the beam during removal are the following conditions:

  1. Acute form of periodontitis.
  2. Heavy destruction around the troubled unit bone tissue.
  3. The presence of granulomas and cysts.
  4. The curvature of the roots or their fusion with each other.
  5. Heavily damaged coronal part.

The method is also applicable if bone element not cut through, and access to it is hidden by tissues. Such a tooth in dentistry is called impacted.


Even though there is an indication for the procedure, the patient will be refused if the patient has a history of one of the following diseases:

  • severe form of pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • lung diseases associated with dangerous infections and functional disorder breathing;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • diabetes;
  • any malignant neoplasm;
  • neuropsychiatric disorder.

The operation is not performed for pregnant women on I and III trimester, and also if there is an allergy to the components of the anesthetic intended for administration.


Laser extraction has classical technique undoubted advantages, which indicate the effectiveness and quality of the technique:

  1. The patient does not experience fear, as before the usual removal.
  2. The procedure is much faster.
  3. There is no need for anesthesia, a local anesthetic injection is sufficient.
  4. The healing of the wound site is faster due to the biostimulating effect of the laser.
  5. The wound is not sutured (except for complex removal).
  6. Probability of manifestation postoperative complications minimum.

In addition, the device works silently, there is no sound and vibration when cutting the roots.


Even such a seemingly perfect technique as laser removal, has some disadvantages. The procedure is new, so not every dental clinic has the opportunity to purchase expensive equipment and train a specialist.

Another disadvantage is high price services. It is primarily determined by the high cost of equipment and the need for its maintenance.

Laser radiation is harmful to the retina. Therefore, before extraction, both the doctor and the patient must wear special protective glasses.

Preparatory activities

Before removing a tooth, the dentist must carry out several mandatory preparatory procedures in order to determine the indications and limitations:

  1. Visual and instrumental examination oral cavity, locating the problematic unit to be extracted.
  2. Examination of anamnesis by a specialist a person to identify the category of diseases in which laser extraction is impossible or the risk of complications is high.
  3. Purpose of radiography necessary to determine the structure and location of the roots, the quality of bone tissue.
  4. Carrying out a blood test(if indicated) to detect the presence of infection.
  5. Selection of the type of anesthetic based on the patient's well-being and their existing health problems.

Special recommendations are given to the patient regarding his behavior and diet before the operation. Yes, to him do not use painkillers, since taking them even a day before extraction can affect the effectiveness of anesthesia.

Course of action

The technique of laser extraction is almost identical to the classical removal using special tools.

Before starting the operation, the patient is given an anesthetic. Despite the fact that the laser, when performing a small dissection of soft tissues, does not lead to the manifestation of pain, an anesthetic drug is necessary to exclude the likelihood of discomfort and discomfort.

After 3-5 min. the body's response to pain is tested. If it is absent (i.e., the anesthetic has worked), the dentist proceeds to remove it.

Laser extraction takes place in the following sequence:

  1. Dissection of soft tissues (performed if the tooth is under them or has not come out completely).
  2. Separation of tissue flaps to the sides to provide a comfortable approach.
  3. Crushing of a tooth or its remains into several parts.
  4. Removal of fragments from the hole with forceps.
  5. Control examination of the hole for the presence of small fragments of bone tissue in it.
  6. Disinfection and treatment of the wound with an antiseptic.
  7. Placement of a membrane that does not allow infection to enter the wound.
  8. Return to your place flaps soft tissue and stitching them together (only if necessary).

Thanks to the use of a laser, it is possible to minimize tissue injury, as well as prevent profuse bleeding and exclude the ingress of pathogenic microflora.

In the video, see how the removal of a wisdom tooth with a laser is performed.

Postoperative period

After the procedure, the patient must follow the standard recommendations regarding oral care and diet in the postoperative period:

  1. Do not take food for the first 2-3 hours.
  2. On the remaining days (until the tissues are completely healed), chew food only on the opposite side.
  3. For a while, eliminate hard, sticky and hard foods from the diet.
  4. On the first day, do not rinse your mouth.
  5. Do not apply to cheek warm compresses. Heat can cause inflammation in the operated area.
  6. To relieve swelling of soft tissues, apply a cold compress to the cheek for the entire first day.
  7. Do not visit the bath, sauna, swimming pool.
  8. Avoid any physical activity.
  9. Be sure to brush your teeth daily, but for this use only a brush with soft bristles.

Important! When conducting hygienic cleaning avoid processing the surgical site until the tissues are completely healed.

Average duration postoperative period 2-4 days. Usually, as soon as the effect of the anesthetic wears off, during the classical removal, the patient begins to experience pain and discomfort. In the case of using a laser, these symptoms do not appear.

If the removal was difficult, the patient is additionally prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. It is recommended to apply a healing gel to the wound site.

Risks and Complications

Most often, patients complain of the development of edema, bleeding and fever. This symptomatology usually indicates the onset of inflammation of the soft tissues.

The main reason for its development is tissue injury and the penetration of infection from the oral cavity into the wound. The second reason is incorrect examination of the hole.

After difficult removal, after the end of the anesthetic, soreness may occur. In such cases, an anesthetic drug is prescribed. Normally, the symptom may appear for 2-4 days.

Important! With the development of any of the complications, you should immediately seek medical help.


Laser removal is expensive dental service. average cost procedure is 4 thousand rubles. - for the extraction of the frontal element, and about 7 thousand rubles. - for a wisdom tooth. To these figures should be added the payment:

  • specialist advice- 200-400 rubles;
  • radiography- about 1 thousand rubles;
  • anesthesia- from 300 to 700 rubles. (depending on the drug).

As a result, the total cost of the operation can reach 10 thousand rubles, which is quite a lot. The final price of the procedure is also influenced by the complexity of the case, the model of the apparatus used, price policy the clinic itself and its social status.

Laser Capabilities

The laser is successfully used today in the treatment of many dental pathologies. Thanks to the equipment, a successful therapy result is achieved in a fairly short span time even in difficult cases.

Laser therapy is applicable in the elimination of:

  • caries;
  • bleeding gum tissue;
  • pulpitis;
  • bad smell;
  • periodontitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • neoplasms in soft tissues;
  • deposits and tartar;
  • tooth sensitivity;
  • cystic formations.

The beam can also strengthen gums, whiten enamel, treat root canals. It is used during implantation and for hardening the filling mass.

Laser therapy is allowed during pregnancy, children early age and the elderly in the absence of direct contraindications for general health reasons.

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