How a breast cyst is removed: surgery, puncture, laser removal. What is the danger of a breast cyst: treat or remove? Laser removal of mastitis cysts


A breast cyst is a pathology that belongs to one of the species. It appears due to a violation of the normal structure of the mammary gland itself, which is a consequence of an imbalance in the connective tissue component and the epithelium. In cases where the treatment of the cyst is ineffective, in order to get rid of the formation, it is necessary to remove the cyst of the mammary gland.

Fine needle aspiration puncture

To eliminate such education is used. The operation is performed in case of detection of large cysts, when there is no overgrown epithelium. The essence of such a procedure is to pierce the capsule and completely remove the liquid located there. In this case, all manipulations are carried out under careful control through ultrasound. Over time, the walls of such an formation will fall down and stick together, which will lead to its disappearance.

Often, after this procedure, the cavity is not filled with fluid again. In addition, the secret that was pumped out of the cyst is sent for a histological examination. Small anomalies are most often not touched, but simply monitored regularly, whether their growth occurs or not.


There are cases when, after the diagnosis of the fluid taken for examination, a significant number of negative cells are detected. In addition, the histological analysis performed may show that there is an overgrowth inside the cyst. This will be the reason for the appointment of a surgical operation. In addition, its implementation can be prescribed if the pathology has increased significantly or other methods of treatment have not brought the desired result.

However, a puncture is not always a 100% treatment option due to the fact that the cyst recurs over time. Therefore, more radical methods of removing the pathological formation are used. So, for this, one of several types of mastectomy, which is performed to remove the cyst, can be used. During such a procedure, a radical surgical removal is performed, which is carried out by incision of the mammary gland and removal of the cyst in direct access.

Preparing for the operation

Before starting the operation, the doctor should always conduct a special preparatory conversation with the patient. During it, he explains to her what possible consequences and complications such a procedure has. No less important during the operation is the choice of the type of anesthesia. Therefore, the reaction of the body to the use of certain painkillers is preliminarily checked.

Also, the choice of the type of anesthesia also depends on how complex the cyst is. In the case when the pathology is easy to probe from the outside, since it is close to the surface, local anesthesia is used. But the general one is used when the anomaly is deep enough and it is not possible to probe it.

Operation progress

Before starting a surgical intervention to remove the mammary gland, as well as cystic formations, an additional ultrasound examination is performed. It allows the surgeon to make markings so that resection can be carried out directly on it. Such an operation should be carried out with maximum accuracy so as not to hurt healthy areas of the tissue.

As soon as anesthesia begins to take effect, the doctor makes incisions according to a pre-drawn marking. They are often made in the form of several curved lines. It starts from the cyst itself, more precisely, approximately 3 cm from its edge, and ends in the region of the fascia of the large muscle. At the same time, all this time the doctor must fix the cyst nodule with his hand. The skin between the two incisions made is carefully separated from the tissues, only after which it will be possible to accurately determine the real edges of the anomaly.

Once the cyst is removed, the bleeding is also stopped. Next, the wound is carefully sutured, for this, the edges of the subcutaneous tissue are first connected, and after that, cosmetic sutures themselves are applied to the skin. During the first day after the operation, the patient will have a drain installed, which is necessary to remove possible secretions. A sterile dressing will be applied on top of it.

After the operation is completed, the removed material is sent for histological examination. This will finally reveal the nature of the pathological formation and prescribe postoperative therapy. In some cases, a second operation may be prescribed.


After surgical removal of a breast cyst, only a few serious complications may occur:

  • Suppuration of the wound, arising from the fact that sterility was not observed during the operation. This leads to infection in the wound;
  • A hematoma may appear, due to the fact that the bleeding was not completely stopped, and also if the patient has low blood clotting.

Period after surgery

Even before the operation, a woman is prescribed a sedative, since any surgical intervention is a serious stress for the body. Bandages are changed regularly. This is often done by a doctor or nurse, although you can do it yourself after you are discharged. It is important that the hands are thoroughly washed with soap beforehand. In total, the dressing is carried out as follows:

  • First, hands are treated with alcohol or other disinfectant;
  • Next, the old bandage is carefully removed;
  • The surface of the wound should be treated with an antiseptic in which the swab is wetted;
  • The bandage must be folded in two layers, and then applied to the seam;
  • At the end, using a patch, the bandage is fixed.

Worth knowing! If during the dressing, suppuration was detected, or severe pain and fever are present, this is a reason for promptly contacting a doctor.

In general, such a pathology as fibrocystic mastopathy is a very serious disease that requires timely surgical treatment. It often occurs in women of childbearing age. And in order to detect such an anomaly in time, it is necessary to regularly place examinations not only with a gynecologist, but also with a mammologist.

The mammary gland is a paired hormone-dependent organ, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich often cystic formations occur. Pathological changes of this type are difficult to identify. Treatment is most often conservative, removal of a breast cyst is carried out only as a last resort.

This organ is formed by adipose, glandular and connective tissues. The gland is divided into lobes, each of which is pierced by ducts. A cyst is a cavity formed by fibrous walls and containing a secret.

The development of neoplasms can be triggered by the following factors:

  • diseases of the endocrine glands;
  • disruptions in the hormonal system;
  • mechanical injury;
  • surgical intervention;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • too tight underwear;
  • mastitis.

Women who have not given birth are at risk.


Cysts are multiple and single. An operation to eliminate them is prescribed if:

  • neoplasm has reached a large size;
  • there is a risk of rebirth.

This disease is classified as a variety of fibrocystic mastopathy. Complications arise from infection and the subsequent formation of pus. To confirm the diagnosis, the following diagnostic procedures are used:

  • biopsy;
  • ultrasound procedure;
  • x-ray;
  • histological analysis;
  • mammography.

The last procedure is carried out at the final stage of the survey.

Varieties of intervention

The surgery is carried out in several ways:

  1. Puncture - in this way, bubbles are removed from the connective tissue. They contain only liquid. Neoplasms of another type cannot be eliminated in this way.
  2. Surgical intervention - is used if the cyst is characterized by a dense structure and (or) large sizes.
  3. Laser resection is a minimally invasive technique performed under local anesthesia and using ultrasound. General anesthesia is rarely used.

Each method has its positive and negative sides. To make the right choice, they are guided by the results of the diagnosis and the individual characteristics of the patient. The effectiveness of the procedure directly depends on the preparation for the rehabilitation operation.

Preparing for removal

Before surgery, the doctor must talk with the woman. It describes the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure, possible consequences, and the procedure for recovery. Pain relief is achieved with local anesthesia. If the cyst is detected by probing, then there is no need for general anesthesia. It is done in the presence of impalpable and deep cysts.

The doctor decides how to remove the cyst based on the results:

  • external examination;
  • physical examination;
  • hardware examination;
  • laboratory analyses.

Diagnosis is an obligatory stage of the operating technique.

How is a breast cyst removed?

By means of a puncture, fluid is gently pumped out of the cystic formation. As a result of this, the walls collapse, the cyst decreases in volume and disappears. An absolute contraindication to the procedure is the presence of dense growths. Laparoscopic surgeries take up to an hour. To control the ongoing process, an ultrasound sensor is installed.

The secret obtained during the puncture is immediately sent for research. Its purpose is to determine the nature of the tissues that form the internal cavity of the cyst. Atypical cells indicate the transition of a benign formation to a malignant form. It is advisable not to touch small cysts. In most cases, they are not harmful.

If, as a result of histological examination, intracapsular growths were found, a classic surgical operation is performed. Surgical intervention is carried out by husking and resection of damaged tissues. The procedure does not adversely affect the functionality of the breast.

Before a standard operation, the doctor selects medications, determines the location of the incision, and evaluates the amount of work. Surgical intervention in the area of ​​the breast requires high precision. Healthy tissue should not be resected. After removal of the cystic formation, it remains to stop the blood and suture.

Laser removal of breast cysts is the safest. This method differs from the previous ones in painlessness and minimal risk of complications. The procedure requires special equipment. Excision of the cyst with a laser is not accompanied by the appearance of scars and scars. The operation takes 60 minutes. The radiation emitted by the device affects abnormal cells.


The duration of the rehabilitation period depends on the method. Any surgical intervention becomes stressful for the body. Therefore, sedatives may be needed.

If the surgical intervention was performed in the standard way, the patient should be treated regularly for sutures and dressings. To rehabilitate, a woman must follow hygiene rules, wear supportive underwear.

Ignoring the doctor's recommendations is fraught with the following symptoms:

  • suppuration;
  • painful sensations;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • hematomas.

If negative consequences appear during the postoperative period, you should immediately contact a medical institution. If necessary, the patient is placed in the department of surgery. Otherwise, the operation to remove the cyst will result in the deformation of functional tissues, the formation of malignant tumors.

To avoid the occurrence of a cyst and its complications, it is necessary to regularly visit a mammologist and gynecologist, eat right. A woman needs to avoid conflict situations, maintain a hormonal background. The list of prohibited drinks includes coffee, alcohol, strong tea.

The cost of the procedure in Moscow clinics depends on the chosen method of exposure, the price of medications and the equipment used.

The condition of the mammary glands largely depends on the hormonal background. The cyst is most often formed in nulliparous women after 30 years. This is a benign formation that must be treated.

Methods are selected depending on the size and localization. Surgical intervention is required if the tumors are large or located in both glands.

Reasons for the development of the disease

A cyst is a cavity filled with fluid or fat. These neoplasms may develop in one or both glands at the same time or sequentially. Fat vesicles are treated conservatively.

Liquid-filled capsules have fibrous walls, can be of various shapes (round, elliptical, irregular), with one or more chambers.

There are many reasons for the formation of a cyst:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • pathology of the pancreas or thyroid gland, adrenal glands;
  • liver diseases (fatty degeneration, cholecystitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis);
  • frequent inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • late or too early childbirth, lack of pregnancy, large fetus, mastopathy, mastitis;
  • frequent abortions;
  • trauma and surgery;
  • long-term use of hormonal contraceptives.

Important! From the statistics it follows that negative emotions are the most common cause of cyst formation in the mammary glands!

Symptoms and Diagnosis

The first signs are considered constant pain or soreness of the glands before menstruation, a change in the shape of the breast, the presence of seals or discharge from the nipples. But sometimes there are no symptoms. For diagnosis, you should contact a mammologist.

After examination and palpation, he will prescribe an examination:

  • mammography (radiography) to determine the number of neoplasms and their size;
  • Ultrasound - to detect growths inside the cavity and walls;
  • puncture (with a size of more than 1.5 cm) - for cytological examination in order to determine the causes of the development of the disease.

It is also important to establish whether there are cancer cells in the cystic fluid.

Surgical treatment of neoplasms in the mammary glands

Removal of a breast cyst is prescribed if conservative methods have failed, the neoplasm is continuously growing, or cancer cells are detected.

4 types of surgery are practiced:

  • puncture - with large formations without cancer cells;
  • enucleation - "husking" the capsule without affecting healthy tissues;
  • resection - removal of part of the tissue along with the cyst;
  • mastectomy (removal of the gland) - with pus in a neoplasm of considerable size or a large number of blisters in both glands.

Puncture is the suction of liquid from the capsule or the introduction of a drug into the cavity under local anesthesia. During the operation, ultrasound control is mandatory. The patient is not admitted to the hospital for the procedure.

The operation is painless and does not leave scars. After removing the fluid from a large cyst, the pain completely disappears, the walls of the formation stick together, the cavity disappears. If cancer cells are not detected during the studies, the treatment can be considered complete.

Enucleation is performed under local anesthesia. An incision is made above the cyst, the formation is sutured and removed, stitches are applied. During resection, along with the bladder, part of the adjacent tissues is removed.

Wounds are sutured in such a way as to avoid the formation of cavities. If cancer cells are found during the studies, the operation is repeated in an expanded volume.

During a mastectomy, the breast, fatty tissue with lymph nodes, pectoralis major or minor muscle are removed. Drainage is installed to drain the fluid, the wound is sutured.

If cancer cells are found during studies of removed tissues, radiation or chemotherapy is prescribed. Sometimes hormones and drugs prescribed by an immunologist are required.

Possible complications after surgery

After the puncture, there is swelling, bruising, and the shape of the breast may change. An anesthetic is prescribed to relieve pain. Sometimes (rarely) an infection occurs that requires treatment.

After enucleation, dry cold is prescribed. There may be blood or serous fluid on the bandage. If blood accumulates in the chest, a hematoma forms. To avoid complications, the seam must be treated with alcohol every day.

Possible wound festering. The patient's temperature rises, health worsens, throbbing pains appear. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The consequences of resection are the same - accumulation of blood with the possibility of suppuration. Since the wound is more extensive, the dressing should be changed by a doctor or nurse. If for some reason the woman is at home, then the bandage is removed after a thorough washing of the hands, the wound is treated with alcohol. In case of pain and fever, you should immediately consult a doctor.

After a mastectomy, there is a possibility of developing lymphorrhea and suppuration. When an infection occurs, the wound is opened and cleaned, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. After the stitch has healed, mobility in the shoulder may be impaired. As a result of violations of the outflow of lymph, there is a possibility of developing lymphostasis.

Attention! A proper lifestyle will help to avoid surgical intervention and complications: rational nutrition, limiting the consumption of hormonal contraceptives, preventive visits to a therapist, gynecologist and mammologist. It is also important to avoid abortions, not to consume alcohol, to control the state of the liver, to do at least the simplest exercises, to avoid stress, to have a good rest.

To strengthen the nervous system, it is not necessary to take pharmaceutical preparations. Herbs help well: motherwort, hops, lemon balm, chamomile, valerian roots, hawthorn, St. John's wort. They can be taken individually or in mixtures. The composition will help to make a specialist. If it is not available, you can look for information in the library or the Internet.

The materials are published for review and are not a prescription for treatment! We recommend that you contact an endocrinologist at your medical institution!

Breast cyst is the most common disease that occurs in women of reproductive age. With the rapid growth of the neoplasm or the suspicion of the presence of atypical cells, the doctor always recommends that the breast be removed surgically.

A breast cyst is diagnosed in every second woman. This ailment occurs not only as a result of hormonal disorders, but also with chest injuries, psychological disorders, and wearing tight underwear.

A cyst in the mammary gland gives a woman severe discomfort

Important. Timely detection of cysts makes it possible to resort to medical treatment. If the cyst has already grown to a large size, or the doctor has a suspicion that the cyst may degenerate into a malignant neoplasm, the patient is recommended to remove the breast cyst.

Cyst removal methods

A breast cyst can have a different origin and be hormone-dependent or hormone-independent. After a complete examination of the patient, the doctor concludes that it is necessary to remove the cyst and discusses the ways in which the removal of the neoplasm of the mammary gland can be performed.

At the moment, there are several ways to remove a cyst from the breast:

  1. Puncture - is performed in cases where the cyst is an accumulation of vesicles, the walls of which are represented by connective tissue, and there is liquid inside.
  2. Surgical operation - used for dense cysts, as well as large formations.
  3. Laser removal is the most modern and minimally invasive method. It is performed under ultrasound guidance and local anesthesia. In rare cases, general anesthesia may be indicated.

Before the operation, the patient must be examined. As an additional diagnostic method, a breast biopsy is often prescribed.

Each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, which are best discussed with your doctor in advance and weigh all the risks. If the patient is initially aware of how the breast cyst is removed, then the preparation for the operation and the postoperative period will go more smoothly.


During this manipulation, the cyst is pierced, and all the contents (secret) are pumped out of it. As a result, the walls collapse and stick together, and over time, the cyst completely disappears.

Attention! Removal of a breast cyst by puncture is possible only if its contents are liquid and there are no dense growths or formations inside.

Breast cyst puncture is performed under local anesthesia and ultrasound control. The duration of the surgical intervention is 30-60 minutes.

Removal of the cyst by puncture should be carried out under the control of an ultrasound sensor so as not to leave part of the fluid in the cyst, provoking its re-growth

Important! The fluid withdrawn from the cystic formation must be immediately sent to the laboratory for examination for the presence of atypical cells, which indicate the degeneration of a benign neoplasm into a malignant one.

Video broadcast about the main causes of breast cysts in women

If the resulting fluid is not examined, then it is too late to notice the progression of the pathology, the repeated rapid growth of the cyst, the appearance of a cancerous tumor and its metastasis (the spread of atypical cells throughout the body with the appearance of secondary tumor foci).


In cases where a puncture is not possible, a standard operation to remove a breast cyst is prescribed. It includes the following steps:

  1. Preparation of the patient - the choice of drugs for anesthesia, various diagnostic measures that help the surgeon determine the location of the incision, the extent of the upcoming operation, the general health of the patient.
  2. The surgical intervention itself - an operation to remove cysts in the breast - takes place with high accuracy so as not to affect healthy breast tissue. After removing the cyst, the doctor proceeds to stop the bleeding and layer-by-layer stitching of the tissues at the incision site.
  3. Rehabilitation after surgery is carried out in accordance with the instructions of the doctor.

Surgical removal of the cyst is one of the most effective methods that allows you to permanently get rid of the cyst.

Important! After surgical removal of a breast cyst, relapses occur only in very rare cases. As a rule, such an intervention forever frees a woman from the re-formation of a cyst at the site of removal of the previous one.

Laser cyst removal

This method of removing breast cysts appeared relatively recently, but has already firmly settled in some clinics. Laser ablation equipment is expensive, as is the operation to remove a breast cyst, but despite this, patients whose financial capabilities allow always choose laser cyst excision.

The advantages of this method include:

  • painlessness (both during the removal of the cyst and in the postoperative period, the woman does not feel pain);
  • reducing the likelihood of postoperative complications;
  • no need for hospitalization;
  • the duration of the operation is not more than an hour;
  • absence of scars and scars after surgery.

Laser cyst removal is the most modern method in which the likelihood of complications or scars, scars is minimal

Removal of a breast cyst with a laser is a low-traumatic and highly effective method. During the operation, a breast puncture occurs, through which an LED with a strong laser light beam is supplied to the affected area of ​​the glandular tissue.

Laser radiation has a destructive effect only on atypical cells, without damaging healthy ones, due to which, within two months, there is a complete renewal and replacement of the destroyed cell conglomerate with healthy glandular cells.

Complications after cyst removal

A small cyst practically does not pose any danger to a woman's health, but if an inflammatory or infectious process develops in it, the consequences can be very serious.

Attention! It is necessary to regularly examine the mammary glands, which will allow timely detection of cystic formations and make it possible to eliminate them in a conservative way.

Any surgical intervention in the body structures can result in the development of the following complications:

  • chest deformity;
  • suppuration;
  • the appearance of tumors and malignant neoplasms.

Depending on the localization of the cyst, the doctor selects a place for the incision and removal of the neoplasm in the breast.

The likelihood of complications and the degree of their progression directly depends on how the cyst was removed in the chest.

In order not to deal with such complications, it is better to visit a doctor in a timely manner and carefully monitor the condition of your mammary glands. To prevent the appearance of cysts will help:

  • wearing special support underwear that does not squeeze the chest and thereby does not disturb the blood and lymph flow in this delicate area;
  • adherence to proper nutrition;
  • reducing the amount of coffee drunk per day or completely refusing this drink;
  • maintaining their psycho-emotional health in the norm, the absence of stress, overwork, depressive states;
  • regular breast self-massage and compresses;
  • maintaining hormonal levels within acceptable limits;
  • regular visits to the doctor.

All these activities will allow a woman to prevent the appearance of cysts in the mammary glands, and, accordingly, protect herself from the complications listed above.

In the course of surgical intervention, sectoral resection of the mammary gland is most often resorted to. The change in the shape of the breast is practically not noticeable.

If the question has already arisen of whether to remove a cyst in the chest, then you need to carefully consider everything with your doctor after passing all the necessary diagnostic examinations.

About Breast Cyst Removal Surgery

A breast cyst is a disease that belongs to the varieties of fibrocystic mastopathy. In the course of the disease, a violation of the structure of the mammary gland occurs due to an imbalance between the connective tissue component and the epithelium. As a result, the removal of the breast cyst is required.

Very often it is found only when it reaches a large size. An infected cyst may begin to accumulate pus, which can lead to complications in the course of the disease.

First of all, to confirm the diagnosis, examinations are carried out. These are mainly ultrasound (you can see the size and general condition of the cyst), x-ray and biopsy. Mammography can also confirm the correct diagnosis, but it is assigned as the final study.

Removal of the cyst is mainly done by puncture. This operation is performed in the presence of large cysts and without the epithelium growing in them. During the procedure, the capsule is punctured and the liquid inside is completely sucked off. All this happens without fail under the control of ultrasound. The walls of the cyst begin to fall off and stick together, the cavity disappears completely. After puncture, the cysts are usually no longer filled with fluid. The evacuated secret must be sent for laboratory research. Small brushes, as a rule, do not touch, but carefully observe whether their size increases or not.

It happens that after a diagnostic puncture, a large number of negative cells are found in the taken fluid. Histological analysis may show growth within the cyst. In these two cases, surgical treatment is prescribed. Also, the doctor may recommend surgery as a result of a noticeable increase in the cyst or ineffective conservative therapy.

Operations are divided into two types:

  1. The cyst is removed inside healthy tissue. The capsule containing neoplasms is withdrawn in order to prevent the occurrence of new cysts.
  2. sectoral resection. During the operation, part of the breast is removed. This becomes necessary due to the development of the tumor. The nature of the formation does not matter - even if it is a benign process, the affected area must be removed in order to avoid worsening the development of the disease.

Preparing for the operation

Before the operation, the doctor always conducts a preparatory conversation with the patient, explaining to her how the procedure will take place and what the consequences may be. Of no small importance is the issue of anesthesia during the operation, the reaction of the body to painkillers is checked. The type of anesthesia is determined by the complexity and type of cyst. If it can be felt well, local anesthesia is administered. General is used only for deep and non-palpable formations.

Operation progress

Before the cyst removal procedure, another ultrasound examination is performed, during which the surgeon makes markings where he will perform the resection. The operation is performed with increased precision in order to avoid the removal of healthy tissue areas.

After the onset of anesthesia, the doctor makes incisions according to a pre-prepared marking. They are held radially with respect to the nipple and look like two curved lines. The incision begins near the cyst (three centimeters from its edge) and ends at the fascia of the pectoralis major muscle. The doctor's hand should fix the cyst nodule. The skin on both sides relative to the incision is separated from the tissue, which is located deeper, and only after that the edges of the formation are determined.

After removal of the cyst, bleeding is stopped. The wound is sutured in layers. First, the edges of the subcutaneous tissue are connected, then cosmetic suturing of the skin occurs. Drainage is installed on the first day. This is done to prevent the accumulation of secretions. A sterile dressing is applied on top.

The material removed during the operation must be sent for histological examination. The result will show the final nature of the cyst and help decide on further therapy and a possible repetition of the operation.


  1. Suppuration of the wound - due to infection during or after surgery.
  2. The appearance of a hematoma due to incomplete stopping of bleeding or low blood clotting.

Postoperative period

Even before the start of the operation, the patient is prescribed sedatives, since surgical intervention is stressful for the body.

Usually the dressings are changed by a doctor or nurse, but if you have to do it yourself, you must follow the following rules:

  • wash your hands thoroughly with ordinary soap;
  • treat them with alcohol or a disinfectant;
  • carefully and slowly remove the bandage;
  • wipe the surface of the wound with a disinfectant using a swab;
  • fold the bandage in several layers and apply to the wound;
  • fix the bandage using a plaster.

If suppuration, severe pain at the incision site, or a temperature increase of up to 39 degrees is found, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Fibrocystic mastopathy is a very serious disease that requires urgent medical intervention. Most often, the disease occurs in women of childbearing age. In order not to start the course of the disease, you need to undergo regular examinations at the gynecologist and mammologist.

By secret

  • Incredible… You can cure a cyst without surgery!
  • This time.
  • Without taking hormonal drugs!
  • This is two.
  • Per month!
  • It's three.

It's important to know! ×

Surgery to remove a breast cyst: indications, preparation and possible complications

Breast cyst or fibrocystic mastopathy is an unpleasant, but quite common disease. This is one of the so-called "female" diseases, and with an unfavorable outcome, a cyst can even lead to cancer.

In addition, the disease, especially in the later stages, is accompanied by severe pain in the chest area, a constant feeling of discomfort due to the capsule growing in the tissues.

At the initial and middle stages, it is possible to cope with the cyst with conservative treatment, however, the old formation, multiple or too large, is removed surgically.

In the article, we will consider this issue and find out: in what cases is surgery indicated for this disease, how is the intervention performed, can there be complications, what kind of postoperative care is needed, and many other questions.

In contact with

  • Three stages of operation
  • Possible Complications
  • Doctors' recommendations

Indications for surgery

As already mentioned, not all cases of cystic mastopathy show surgical intervention. Let's consider in more detail when the operation is necessary.

  1. If conservative treatment was carried out for a long time, but it did not give any significant positive results. If the treatment has stalled, there is no progress, and the cyst is growing, the doctor most often decides to surgically remove the capsule.

    If there is a risk of degeneration of the cystic capsule into a malignant form, then the decision to operate is made immediately.

  2. If the patient complains of severe pain and palpable seals in the chest just before menstruation. In addition, if at any other time severe pain in this area prevents the patient from living and working normally, the question of surgery also arises seriously.
  3. An increase in temperature, the source of which is localized in the chest region, may indicate the onset of an inflammatory process. In this case, an operation is also usually performed to prevent complications.
  4. If from the nipples of the mammary glands a liquid of a cloudy, pus-like composition with blood content is released, this is a very bad sign. In addition, if an ultrasound examination showed the presence of purulent accumulations in the mammary gland, an operation is usually also prescribed. If you do not carry out urgent surgical intervention, in this case, sepsis is possible.

Should a breast cyst be removed?

This question worries many women who are affected by this disease. Of course, in the early stages of mastopathy, the removal of the cyst may not be carried out - there is every chance to cope with the disease and conservative treatment.

However, all the indications for surgical intervention discussed above clearly demonstrate those cases when the question of removing a cyst should be resolved positively. If surgery is not performed in serious cases of the disease, the consequences can be very sad, up to cancer, sepsis, severe inflammation, and other complications.

How can you get rid of the seal?

After a complete examination of the body has been carried out, and the need to remove the cyst has been established, the doctor considers all the methods that are possible for surgical intervention in this case. Let us consider in more detail all the currently existing methods for removing breast cysts.


This is the easiest method of surgical intervention, does not carry pronounced postoperative complications, and is used if the cyst is a small accumulation of vesicles. This operation does not involve an incision: the skin is simply pierced, and capsular fluid is pumped out through the puncture.

Pumping out the contents leads to the fact that the walls of the cyst stick together, and eventually dry out, and the capsule disappears.

Such surgery is prescribed only if the contents of the capsule do not imply dense inclusions, clots, lumps.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, controlled by an ultrasound device. How many hours or minutes does this operation take? Its average duration is 30-60 minutes. The procedure is aimed at pumping fluid from large formations. Small cysts are not touched: but then the woman is under regular medical supervision for an increase in the remaining formations in size.

Surgical intervention

This method is used in most cases of cyst removal.

Surgery is necessary if the cyst is already old with dense walls or is of considerable size.

Intervention in most cases makes it possible to forget about the cyst forever.

In addition, subject to all the precautionary rules, as well as the stages of the operation, and the careful removal of the affected tissues, the risk of recurrence is minimal.

laser removal

Laser cyst removal is the most modern, high-tech, and sparing method for today. Laser surgery is carried out under the control of ultrasound devices, anesthesia is local, which is also important. But, if the case is very severe, and the cysts are large and multiple, general anesthesia is used.

Since this is the most highly effective and safe method of surgical intervention, besides requiring the latest high-precision equipment, it is also the most expensive.

The great advantage of the procedure is its painlessness: neither during the procedure, nor after it, the woman experiences discomfort. In addition, laser removal of the cyst minimizes postoperative complications, and there is no need to keep the woman in the hospital.

Important: women will appreciate the fact that laser intervention allows you to avoid ugly scars and scars on such a delicate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body as the chest. So after the operation, the breast will look almost the same as before it.

Three stages of operation

Consider all the stages of surgical intervention to remove a breast cyst. Three main stages are:

  • preparation for the operation;
  • the operation itself;
  • postoperative recovery.

More details about these important stages of surgical intervention below.


Before a woman undergoes surgery, her body is subjected to a thorough and comprehensive examination. Usually, a breast biopsy is prescribed for diagnosis: this procedure accurately demonstrates the current state of the cyst.

The preparatory conversation that the doctor conducts with a woman preparing for surgery is very important. The specialist needs to explain to the patient in an accessible form exactly how the operation will take place, what risks the procedure has, and what positive result can be obtained.

The preparatory stage necessarily includes the selection of the necessary anesthesia: sometimes you can get by with local anesthesia. Most often, general anesthesia is prescribed only if the cyst is located deep, and is not detected by palpation.

Also check if the patient is allergic to drugs and make sure that there will be no negative reaction of the body to painkillers in the postoperative period.

Operation progress

Immediately before surgery, a control ultrasound examination is performed, which shows the current state of affairs. During this examination, the surgeon outlines where and exactly how he will carry out the resection. This is a very important step, since it avoids the removal of healthy tissues located in the immediate vicinity of the cyst.

The patient is given anesthesia, after which the doctor proceeds to the operation. He makes cuts according to the markings provided earlier. Typically, these incisions are two curved lines running towards the nipple.

After the cysts can be cut out through the incisions, the bleeding stops forcibly, and then the wound is sutured over the tissues in layers.

The first day after the operation, the wound needs drainage to avoid the accumulation of fluid: lymph, blood, ichor in the wound. A sterile dressing must be applied on top.

Important: the biomaterial that was removed from the mammary gland during the operation must be subjected to mandatory histological examination. The doctor's verdict depends on this study: whether the operation is final or not. In addition, the study will allow you to outline, if necessary, further stages of treatment.

Postoperative recovery

As a rule, even before the start of surgery, the patient takes sedative medication for some time to minimize the stress that inevitably comes after the operation.

It is necessary to change the dressings daily after the operation: when you are in the hospital, this is done by a nurse, but after discharge you will have to do it yourself. But there is nothing particularly complicated here, it is enough just to know and follow the recommendations for maintaining the sanitary condition of the wound and the use of certain medicines.

If, after the operation, suppuration begins on the wound, accompanied by a high temperature, it is urgent to call an ambulance if you are already at home. In this case, the delay is very dangerous, because it threatens the development of sepsis, and the general well-being of the woman leaves much to be desired.

Possible Complications

Most often, breast cysts can be removed surgically without any problems. But sometimes there can be complications. Usually there are only two of these complications. Let's talk about them in more detail.


In this case, an infection penetrates the wound, in connection with which its suppuration occurs.

As a rule, this process is accompanied by high temperature.

It may take up to several days.

General weakness, poor health of a woman.

If such a problem has arisen, urgent action is needed to avoid the development of sepsis.


This is a milder complication, and is a common bruise in the breast area.

A hematoma occurs due to the fact that after the operation the blood flow was not immediately or not completely stopped or due to the individual characteristics of the patient: the low coagulability of her blood.

The hematoma does not require treatment, it disappears after a while on its own.

We will find out what advice doctors give regarding surgery to remove a breast cyst.

  1. Remember that surgery is an extreme form of treatment, so it is better not to start the disease up to this limit. To avoid gross intervention in the body by surgical methods, regularly undergo an examination by a mammologist, especially if you are already 35 years old.

    Important: you need to know that the risk of this disease is much higher if a woman has crossed the 35-year mark and has not yet given birth.

  2. Feel your breasts periodically for lumps. If the seals are felt with the help of palpation, and if, moreover, the shape of the breast has already begun to deform, you should consult a doctor immediately.
  3. It is necessary to know that the cyst, having appeared, will not resolve itself. Although such tanks go among the people, however, these are just tales. Getting rid of the cystic capsule, even if it is very small, will have to be done with the help of medications, and if it is large or multiple, with the help of surgery.
  4. Sometimes a cyst in the chest can burst - and this will be evidenced by the characteristic greenish discharge from the nipples. In this case, a visit to the doctor is necessary to carry out the procedure for aspiration (pumping) of fluid from the cavity of the mammary gland.

So, we examined the features of surgical intervention to remove a breast cyst. As you can see, the operation is carried out only in the most severe cases, when more and more sparing methods of treatment have already exhausted themselves, without giving results.

Be sure to consult a doctor if there are any seals in the mammary glands in order to have time to carry out conservative treatment at an early stage.

You should not panic with such a diagnosis - modern medicine has already reached the level where the presence of a cyst in the mammary gland is not a sentence at all, but a disease that readily lends itself to competent treatment.

the main > Other diseases > Cyst > Breast cyst removal: types of surgery and possible complications

The choice of treatment for breast cysts is decided by the attending mammologist after a complete examination of the woman. The doctor decides whether it is necessary to remove the cyst surgically or whether drug treatment of the cyst will be enough.

Surgical treatment is indicated in the absence of the effect of drug treatment, the progression of the disease, if the cyst is larger than 1.5 cm, or there is a suspicion or presence of a malignant process in the mammary gland.

Sectoral resection

A common type of surgery to treat a disease. A big plus of this operation is that it allows a woman to save her breasts.

The essence of the operation is that the breast tissue that is affected by a benign or malignant tumor is removed.

Before the operation, preparatory measures are necessarily carried out (enema, shower, diet, refusal to take hormonal drugs), all laboratory tests are taken (general blood and urine tests, biochemical blood tests, etc.), an ultrasound examination of the breast, MRI, biopsy or puncture, mandatory examination of specialized specialists (endocrinologist, dentist, therapist, gynecologist, anesthesiologist).

For the period of the operation and the rehabilitation period, the woman is in a specialized institution. Contraindications for surgery:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • acute infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • a malignant tumor of a late stage, when metastases are present in other organs.

Sectoral resection surgery is often performed under local anesthesia. The analgesic lidocaine or novocaine is injected into a vein.

In some cases, general anesthesia is used (allergy to an anesthetic drug, poor psychological attitude of the patient to the operation). The resection operation itself is not complicated and difficult for the doctor.

It begins with the fact that the surgeon makes a contour drawing, according to which the future incision will be made. With a scalpel, two semilunar incisions are made towards the nipple.

The skin, subcutaneous fat is dissected. The tumor formation is located, fixed with clamps, removed with a scalpel. In some cases, when a cyst has clear boundaries, it is liquid, it is husked (scraped out with a special tool).

Then a thorough hemostasis is performed (stopping bleeding, ligation of damaged vessels). Education is immediately sent for histological examination to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Layer-by-layer suturing of tissues with absorbable threads is performed. A cosmetic suture is applied to the skin. The sutures usually heal on the seventh day after the operation.

If the histological examination confirmed the presence of atypical (malignant) cells, then further treatment is carried out. If the disease is benign, symptomatic, antibiotic therapy and postoperative wound care are carried out.

Complications after surgery:

  1. Wound festering. Occurs when microbes enter the wound, non-compliance with hygiene rules, improper care of the postoperative suture.
  2. Hematoma. If during the operation the bleeding vessel was not tied.
  3. Increased body temperature, fever. This indicates an exacerbation of a chronic disease, the addition of a secondary infection, septic complications.
  4. Pus from a wound. The most severe surgical complication. Occurs when the rules of asepsis and antisepsis are not followed, improper care of the seams.

It is important to know: if these symptoms are present, the patient should urgently seek medical help, otherwise severe complications and irreparable consequences will appear.

Sectoral resection of a breast cyst is an effective treatment for a common disease. Does not adversely affect the quality of life of the patient. A woman after the operation will be able to live a full life, endure pregnancy, give birth, breastfeed, play sports.

laser removal

In the presence of a small benign focus in the mammary gland, a mammologist surgeon can remove the formation with a special surgical laser. A similar procedure is done right during the puncture of the mammary gland.

Laser treatment does not require special preparation, the woman goes home the same day. Removal of the cyst with a laser has proven to be a gentle method of treatment, there are no severe postoperative complications.

That is why reviews about this method of treatment are only positive.

Please note: after any surgical operation on the mammary gland, a woman should regularly visit a mammologist, do an ultrasound examination and x-ray of the mammary gland once a year, and lead a correct lifestyle.

Be sure to avoid stress at work and in your personal life.

What is a breast cyst, see the doctor's answer in the following video:

2018 Women's Health Blog.

An effective remedy for cysts without surgery and hormones, recommended by Irina Yakovleva!

A breast cyst is a disease that belongs to the varieties of fibrocystic mastopathy. In the course of the disease, a violation of the structure of the mammary gland occurs due to an imbalance between the connective tissue component and the epithelium. As a result, the removal of the breast cyst is required.

Very often it is found only when it reaches a large size. An infected cyst may begin to accumulate pus, which can lead to complications in the course of the disease.

First of all, to confirm the diagnosis, examinations are carried out. These are mainly ultrasound (you can see the size and general condition of the cyst), x-ray and biopsy. Mammography can also confirm the correct diagnosis, but it is assigned as the final study.

Removal of the cyst is mainly done by puncture. This operation is performed in the presence of large cysts and without the epithelium growing in them. During the procedure, the capsule is punctured and the liquid inside is completely sucked off. All this happens without fail under the control of ultrasound. The walls of the cyst begin to fall off and stick together, the cavity disappears completely. After puncture, the cysts are usually no longer filled with fluid. The evacuated secret must be sent for laboratory research. Small brushes, as a rule, do not touch, but carefully observe whether their size increases or not.

It happens that after a diagnostic puncture, a large number of negative cells are found in the taken fluid. Histological analysis may show growth within the cyst. In these two cases, surgical treatment is prescribed. Also, the doctor may recommend surgery as a result of a noticeable increase in the cyst or ineffective conservative therapy.

Operations are divided into two types:

  1. The cyst is removed inside healthy tissue. The capsule containing neoplasms is withdrawn in order to prevent the occurrence of new cysts.
  2. sectoral resection. During the operation, part of the breast is removed. This becomes necessary due to the development of the tumor. The nature of the formation does not matter - even if it is a benign process, the affected area must be removed in order to avoid worsening the development of the disease.

Preparing for the operation

Before the operation, the doctor always conducts a preparatory conversation with the patient, explaining to her how the procedure will take place and what the consequences may be. Of no small importance is the issue of anesthesia during the operation, the reaction of the body to painkillers is checked. The type of anesthesia is determined by the complexity and type of cyst. If it can be felt well, local anesthesia is administered. General is used only for deep and non-palpable formations.

Operation progress

Before the cyst removal procedure, another ultrasound examination is performed, during which the surgeon makes markings where he will perform the resection. The operation is performed with increased precision in order to avoid the removal of healthy tissue areas.

After the onset of anesthesia, the doctor makes incisions according to a pre-prepared marking. They are held radially with respect to the nipple and look like two curved lines. The incision begins near the cyst (three centimeters from its edge) and ends at the fascia of the pectoralis major muscle. The doctor's hand should fix the cyst nodule. The skin on both sides relative to the incision is separated from the tissue, which is located deeper, and only after that the edges of the formation are determined.

After removal of the cyst, bleeding is stopped. The wound is sutured in layers. First, the edges of the subcutaneous tissue are connected, then cosmetic suturing of the skin occurs. Drainage is installed on the first day. This is done to prevent the accumulation of secretions. A sterile dressing is applied on top.

The material removed during the operation must be sent for histological examination. The result will show the final nature of the cyst and help decide on further therapy and a possible repetition of the operation.


  1. Suppuration of the wound - due to infection during or after surgery.
  2. The appearance of a hematoma due to incomplete stopping of bleeding or low blood clotting.

Postoperative period

Even before the start of the operation, the patient is prescribed sedatives, since surgical intervention is stressful for the body.

Usually the dressings are changed by a doctor or nurse, but if you have to do it yourself, you must follow the following rules:

  • wash your hands thoroughly with ordinary soap;
  • treat them with alcohol or a disinfectant;
  • carefully and slowly remove the bandage;
  • wipe the surface of the wound with a disinfectant using a swab;
  • fold the bandage in several layers and apply to the wound;
  • fix the bandage using a plaster.

If suppuration, severe pain at the incision site, or a temperature increase of up to 39 degrees is found, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Fibrocystic mastopathy is a very serious disease that requires urgent medical intervention. Most often, the disease occurs in women of childbearing age. In order not to start the course of the disease, you need to undergo regular examinations at the gynecologist and mammologist.

By secret

  • Incredible… You can cure a cyst without surgery!
  • This time.
  • Without taking hormonal drugs!
  • This is two.
  • Per month!
  • It's three.

Follow the link and find out how Irina Yakovleva did it!

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