Is there any harm from an electronic cigarette to others? Is an electronic cigarette harmful? What are the harms of electronic cigarettes?

In educational, medical, sports, cultural institutions and on their territories. Smoking will also be prohibited in common areas of residential buildings, in entrances, stairwells, playgrounds and equipped beaches. Smokers will have to move 15 meters away from the entrance railway stations, bus stations, airports, sea and river ports, metro stations.

A close alternative to regular cigarettes, which do not smell and cause less discomfort to others, but they too will be banned in Russia. Electronic cigarettes, Canada, Brazil, Australia, some European countries and Turkey.

Electronic cigarettes were developed in 2003 and have become quite popular. At first, manufacturers positioned them as cigarettes for smoking in places where smoking is prohibited, later as an effective way to quit smoking, then as a less harmful way smoking.

How does an electronic cigarette work?

In fact, despite numerous clinical researches, there is no consensus on the impact of electronic cigarettes on health. On the one hand, the use of these cigarettes is associated with adverse health consequences, especially in children. Depending on the nicotine content of the cartridges, e-cigarettes can even cause nicotine addiction in those who were not previously smokers.

It turns out that e-cigarettes themselves are not safe and have not been studied sufficiently, but they are safer regular cigarettes: cause less harm to others and produce fewer toxic components of tobacco smoke.

Despite a complete ban on their sale since 2014, e-cigarettes can be smoked, like regular cigarettes, in specially designated areas.

Smoking among young people is global problem, because It’s rare that a schoolchild doesn’t let out a ring of exhaled vapor. The question of what is more harmful, an electronic cigarette or a regular one, concerns everyone who has a smoker in their family.

Proven harm from classic cigarettes

Smoking has a detrimental effect on the smoker's body and his environment. Doctors have long since discovered that being near a person smoking a cigarette, has a very bad effect on health, especially children are susceptible to this.

Which Negative consequences causes a bad habit:

  1. Nicotine addiction. Conventional products differ from electronic cigarettes in that classics always contain nicotine to one degree or another. Nicotine is classified as a drug that causes the desire to smoke approximately every half hour to an hour. It is possible to get rid of nicotine simply by giving up cigarettes; the drug is completely eliminated from the body within 20 days; the psychological craving for smoking disappears after 2 months from the moment of the last cigarette.
  2. Resin deposition. Cigarette products contain a very harmful component - tar. If it is possible to choose cigarettes with a reduced nicotine content, then the tars in tobacco products always have a fairly large volume. When smoking, the component is deposited on the mucous membranes of the larynx and in the lungs. It is under the influence of resin elements that they develop cancerous tumors And acute diseases respiratory system.
  3. Exposure to toxic elements in cigarette smoke. A smoker risks his health by inhaling smoke, tar, and nicotine. People around you are at risk simply by being near a lit cigarette.

    It has been proven that in families of smokers, children are more likely to develop asthma, bronchitis, worst condition health in comparison with peers.

    Even if you smoke on the street, the smoke does not lose its concentration at a distance of several meters and a random passer-by can inhale the poison without even knowing it.

Harm from vaping

Vaping, vaping, wiping, vaping - all this is the name of a social phenomenon that is increasingly replacing smoking classic cigarettes.

The development of the first electronic cigarette in 2003 in China convinced the government and medical institutions in the safety of the product and process. But after almost 15 years, scientists, pharmacists, doctors more carefully studied the composition, the effects of the process, observed those who were addicted to blowing clouds of steam, and came to the conclusion that there is nothing good in this invention.

A simple electronic cigarette also causes significant harm to human health.

Differences between electronic and conventional cigarettes

The differences between electronic cigarettes and regular cigarettes can be easily presented in tabular form.

Regular cigarette

Electronic Cigarette

Necessary presence of nicotine.

There are nicotine-free liquids for electronic devices.

There are no resins, unlike regular ones, but there is propylene glycol.

Poisonous smoke for others.

The influence of steam on nearby people has not been studied.

Legal restrictions on sales based on age.

Sales are carried out without restrictions.

Counterfeits, addition of foreign impurities.

Possible fakes.

Forces frequent purchases.

High price for the product.

Causes severe illness.

Calls sharp currents diseases, including cancer.

If we consider the questions of what is better to smoke, what is more dangerous, an electronic cigarette or a regular one, you need to clarify the points in the table and the effect of some components of electronic devices on the human body.

Nicotine-free cartridges - they really exist, but they are in less demand than regular ones, with a certain drug content.

Propylene glycol is, of course, not the tar from a regular cigarette, but it can cause allergies, itching, cough, and sore throat.

Selling without obstacles due to a young age puts schoolchildren in danger, first of all, and develops in them a sense of impunity and disrespect for adults.

The cost of the product is quite high. Although there is evidence that a refilled cartridge lasts much longer than a regular cigarette, if you smoke without interruption, the difference in use time is reduced significantly.

Also high price does not mean quality; in the smoking products market, cases of counterfeit detection are not uncommon.

The development of serious diseases is associated with:

  • influence of a complex of components;
  • incorrectly chosen dosage;
  • intolerance to the elements;
  • the presence of chronic diseases before starting smoking;
  • The influence of wipe devices on the body has not been fully studied.

The conclusion of the majority that electronic cigarettes are more harmful than regular ones, no matter what cartridges they come with, is justified and is more of a precautionary nature.

Why do people quit smoking regular cigarettes and go for a wipe? The hope that a gradual decrease in nicotine content or its complete absence will free you from addiction is unjustified; usually such smokers do not let go of the electronic cigarette, because. cannot get enough of the drug and, as a result, use their usual means again. And when figuring out which cigarettes are more harmful, electronic or regular, you need to know for sure - any smoking is harmful to health.

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History of invention

In 2004, the first batch of electronic cigarettes appeared on the Chinese consumer market. The author of the device, pharmacist and part-time scientist, Hon Lik. The addiction of his father, who could not quit smoking, and subsequently death which occurred due to a tumor in the lungs, prompted Hong Lik to make an innovative invention. Until this time, attempts had been made to create such a device, but it never went beyond the presentation of a simple nicotine inhaler. Today, companies producing electronic cigarettes, of course, have introduced their innovations to the unit, but the design has not changed significantly. The scientist himself claimed that he had invented a product that could be a healthy alternative to deadly tobacco smoke, and help smokers easier, especially psychologically, to give up regular cigarettes. Because the ritual of smoking itself remained, unlike other nicotine substitutes: lollipops, chewing gum and patches. After the launch of e-cigarettes on sale, they are constantly trying to convince us, consumers, with advertising slogans, that such devices are absolutely harmless, but is this really so, and what harm do e-cigarettes cause to our health?

Design and composition of the e-cigarette.

First you need to understand the design and composition of the e-cigarette. The device is a device with a battery, a microprocessor and a sprayer. So what to talk about chemical exposure E-cigarettes can affect human health only based on the composition of the vaporizer liquid. IN in this case tobacco from a simple cigarette has been replaced by a cartridge containing synthetic compounds. They are evaporated by an ultrasonic atomizer and form “smoke” - steam.

Electronic Cigarette.

As a rule, the liquid includes 3-4 components.

1. Propylene glycol (permitted food supplement E1520).
2. Glycerin.
3. Flavors.
4. Nicotine (there are cigarettes without it).

While tobacco smoke includes more than 4 thousand. chemical compounds. More than a hundred of them are poisonous (arsenic, cyanide, formaldehyde, ammonia and other harmful substances).
Another advantage of an e-cigarette is the temperature of the “smoke”, which is equal to body temperature, which makes it impossible to burn the larynx. The smoke of ordinary cigarettes, due to its temperature, injures the mucous membranes respiratory tract, which in turn can cause cancer. There are also positive effects from such cigarettes. cosmetic effect- teeth and nail plates do not turn yellow.

However, obvious advantages do not make e-cigarettes harmless to our health. What danger do these devices pose?

Harm of electronic cigarettes to human health

Firstly, it is nicotine - a dangerous toxic component of e-cigarettes, cancer-causing, cardiovascular diseases, and most importantly - addiction, that is, nicotine addiction.

Secondly, e-cigarette manufacturers claim that their devices do not contain carcinogens, while a regular cigarette contains about 60 types. However, based on the results of studies conducted by the American Food and Drug Administration (USFDA), which monitors compliance with quality standards tobacco products, medicines and other goods, a number of serious violations. As a result of testing cartridges from NJoy and Smoking Everywhere, the same carcinogens were found in some of them. Nitrosamine and diethylene glycol. Nitrosamine is a highly toxic compound with a mutagenic effect even after a single exposure. Diethylene glycol is a carcinogen that contributes to the occurrence of oncological diseases. Moreover, it became known about a gross discrepancy with the declared nicotine content, and its presence in cartridges that “do not contain nicotine.”

Thirdly, allergy sufferers need to be careful when choosing aromatic additives that may cause an allergic reaction in them.

As you can see, electronic cigarettes do not have such a detailed list of harm to human health as, say, regular cigarettes, but this is only because this product Quite new on the market. Since the product entered mass consumption, very little research has been conducted regarding the harm or harmlessness of electronic cigarettes for the health of the smoker and others. And if you trace the trend of popularization of simple cigarettes, you can come to the conclusion that Negative influence may simply be hushed up by manufacturers.
Let's remember, not so long ago, in the 50s, cigarettes were advertised by children, Santa Clauses, doctors, and even US President Ronald Reagan, although at that time he was still a young actor. It was only in 1964 that a warning about the dangers of smoking first appeared on cigarette packs. That is, the logic is this: first you need to make the product a fashionable trend, cause physiological addiction among the population (nicotine helps a lot in this matter), and then tell about all the harm of smoking. Could it turn out that such an introduction of electronic cigarettes to the masses follows the same scenario? And we have yet to find out the whole truth!

“I send Chesterfield to all my friends.” Ronald Reagan, 1952.

And if we add here the lack of standards for the production of this type of product (certification), then we can safely put a huge question mark over the product - an electronic cigarette.

But what can really be shocking is the not uncommon occurrence of electronic cigarettes exploding simply in the hands of a smoker, causing quite serious injuries. According to the USFDA for 2015, in the United States alone, 66 cases of e-garnets exploding were recorded.

Victim Markus Forzan suffered a burn to his leg when an e-cigarette battery exploded in his trouser pocket.

American Kenneth Barbero, the explosion of an e-cigarette completely tore his tongue.

Thomas Boesa smoked a device while driving. The impact of the cigarette explosion knocked out his front teeth and drove them straight into the roof of his mouth.

Joseph Cavins lost an eye.

Evan Spalinger from Florida, USA was on the verge of death. Doctors were forced to put a patient into an induced coma due to a serious threat to life after an e-cigarette exploded while smoking.

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Today, the number of smokers is growing at a rapid pace. To fight this harmful and bad habit many different countries give a lot of money every year. Of course, every smoker realizes that smoking is harmful and this is not in the best possible way affects his body, but not everyone succeeds in quitting smoking.

Therefore, many are looking for non-standard alternative ways to replace paper cigarettes. Have you ever thought about whether electronic cigarettes are harmful or not? In this article you will learn about doctors’ reviews, where to buy such cigarettes, etc.

Electronic cigarette - a competitor to conventional cigarettes

As you may already understand, electronic cigarettes are the same or one of the alternative ways. You may ask: how do they work? Everything is elementary: if in regular cigarettes nicotine is drawn in through tobacco in the form of smoke, then in e-cigarettes it enters through a solution that is converted into vapor ready for inhalation. It is worth noting that you can, if you wish, independently determine the amount of nicotine in the solution, which can later be reduced or removed altogether. So, let's figure it out: are electronic cigarettes harmful or not? In this article we will provide several opinions and reviews that will help you make your choice.

Electronic cigarettes: reviews from doctors

Most competent doctors and experts are conflicted about electronic cigarettes, since they have appeared recently and have not been properly studied. Due to the fact that we adhere to the point of openness on this issue, we will list all opinions located along different coordinate axes.

For example, a doctor from Portugal considers e-cigarettes useful because they are effective way in the fight against traditional cigarettes, moreover, their effectiveness is evidenced by the increase and popularity of sales in Portugal.

It is believed that the e-cigarette exceeds permissible level content of harmful and dangerous substances.

As you can see, doctors’ reviews of electronic cigarettes are divided into positive and negative. Positive opinions include: e-cigarettes have no unpleasant odor; with their help, people have successfully quit smoking traditional cigarettes; lack of content in them harmful product combustion, thereby polluting the lungs less. The disadvantages included: regular cigarettes were banned from smoking in in public places, but this in no way affected electronic ( non-smoking people artificial smoke may be irritating); the possibility of becoming dependent on such cigarettes; an increase in the process of smoking due to the fact that a person begins to think - they are not so harmful and safer; The lack of certificates makes it possible for counterfeits to appear, which can pose a danger to human health.

Positive opinions

For example, public organization from the UK Anti-Smoking Committee believes that e-cigarettes are available to all smokers who have no desire or are unable to quit smoking.

According to her, she is betting on innovative developments, since in this case the possibility of using nicotine in an almost safe form has been discovered: the absence of harmful toxins. Another advantage is the absence of smoke, which usually comes from heavy smokers when smoking a regular cigarette.

According to a study conducted in South Africa, it was found that 45% of people who participated switched to e-cigarettes and stopped smoking tobacco within the first 8 weeks. At the same time, doctors had to admit that these cigarettes cope well with both the physical and psychological areas of addiction. And another 52% of participants became more energetic and felt that their physical form is improving.

About those who wait

The World Health Organization can be attributed to this type, since it is skeptical about all new products until clinical and laboratory testing has been completed. In addition, in their opinion, electronic cigarettes have not been thoroughly studied. It remains unknown how glycerin and propylene glycol affect human body with constant inhalation of the created steam. These components are not related to carcinogens, but experts face the difficult task of dispelling all doubts.

Those who are against innovative development

Negative reviews of the electronic cigarette were put forward by the American organization FDA, which, after conducting and testing this product, revealed the presence of carcinogenic components in it. Thanks to such tests, it was discovered that the concentration of the found elements is present, but it is 1000 times less compared to tobacco. This small amount is only found in nicotine-based e-liquids. As a rule, this solution is made from tobacco that has undergone various reusable purification procedures, so the residual element of these carcinogens, whatever one may say, remains and is considered quite normal occurrence. If you use a flavoring liquid that is made from 100% natural ingredients, by the way, it has received the necessary certification and is quite often used in Food Industry, then it will not contain the carcinogens listed above.

As for Russian scientists, they do not yet advise switching from regular cigarettes to electronic cigarettes until final results all kinds of research on this product.

Difference of interests

As you know, the manufacturer of electronic cigarettes is China. Due to the categorical recommendation of the American company FDA, which strongly discourages switching to electronic cigarettes, the governing bodies are conducting active actions to prevent the supply of this product from China. Controversial results are studies by American scientists who did not make a comparative laboratory analysis, based on the results it would be possible to estimate the differences in the specific content harmful substances in a regular cigarette and an electronic one.

A completely obvious and logical question arises: why did the American company remain silent about the fact that when smoking a regular cigarette, 68 different carcinogens enter the human body, but when using an electronic cigarette, one is saturated with the same nicotine, but without all sorts of harmful impurities. No one argues about the harmfulness and harmfulness of nicotine use, but nowadays a person must choose for himself alternative method receiving it.

As it turns out, the US FDA is funded by companies that make nicotine replacement products such as nicotine patch And chewing gum. However, these remedies cannot be called effective. This is how it turns out that an American company is incurring huge losses due to the appearance of electronic cigarettes, since they are more popular and preferred. It is worth noting that most smokers already know where to buy an electronic cigarette.

Reviews from smokers

As statistics from numerous forums about the electronic cigarette have shown, it is considered a salvation for most smokers. Agree that the average smoker considers himself an involuntary hostage of tobacco and often has to experience discomfort, trying to avoid the company of non-smokers in order to maintain his own self-esteem. Therefore, the transition to electronic cigarettes has made nicotine consumption more comfortable, since the need to look for a smoking room has disappeared, and there are no more bad odors.

It was also noticed that when using the strongest solution, or cartridge as it is also called, three times less nicotine enters the lungs than when smoking a regular cigarette, but saturation occurs instantly; for some, 2-3 puffs may be enough.

The question of where to buy an electronic cigarette no longer arises. After all, today there are a huge number of online stores selling this product.

Of course, an electronic cigarette, as mentioned earlier, contains much less harmful impurities, but it still contains nicotine. It is the main component of a smoker's addiction.

It will be no secret to anyone that nicotine is a poison that suppresses the functions of the adrenal glands and leads to destruction of cardio-vascular system person. First of all, it is dangerous for men, as it has negative impact on blood vessels, which can lead to impotence in early age. Nicotine is also not the best way affects nervous system. Often, an ordinary smoker says “I need to go for a smoke break,” but this excuse of a smoke break to take a break from work leads to an even greater feeling of fatigue; he quickly becomes overtired.

To summarize, it can be noted that e-cigarettes cannot be 100% safe. On the one hand, the chance of cancer and other dangerous diseases decreases, but on the other hand, you still use nicotine, which is very dangerous for your body. Of course, many can say in defense of the electronic cigarette: why not eliminate nicotine? Agree with a smoker addicted to nicotine, this cigarette will not arouse any interest.

It should be noted that for many people who use electronic cigarettes, doctors' reviews come first.


The electronic cigarette is very popular, the instructions for it are very simple. A cigarette has three components: a battery, an atomizer and a cartridge. An atomizer is a device that turns a special liquid into a vapor state. Cartridges for electronic cigarettes can be containing nicotine or without it.

You may ask: how do you charge an electronic cigarette? Naturally, before the first use, its battery is thoroughly charged, usually 8 or 12 hours are enough, and it is necessary to use a 220V charger.

After the battery is charged, attach the atomizer, then put on the cartridge. All is ready! As you can see, nothing complicated.

As for the time of smoking an electronic cigarette, you must adhere to the same intervals as when smoking a regular cigarette, that is, take no more than twenty puffs at a time. As a rule, a cartridge in an electronic cigarette can last for 150-200 puffs, this amount is equivalent to smoking a regular pack of cigarettes. Remember: if the smoke becomes less frequent, the cartridge must be replaced.

Stick to it following measures precautions:

1. Do not expose the electronic cigarette and its components to sunlight.

2. Electronic cigarettes are strictly prohibited for use by children or pregnant women, as well as people who are allergic to nicotine, food grade glycerin or propylene glycol.

3. It is advisable to use an electronic cigarette with the same smoking frequency as you smoke a regular cigarette.

As you can see, the electronic cigarette (instructions in the article) is quite simple to use. We will look at popular models of such cigarettes.

The most popular electronic cigarettes

Electronic cigarette Ego-t appeared in 2011. When developing this model, manufacturers collected all the best from its predecessors. The Ego-t electronic cigarette has the following characteristic features:

1. It uses an advanced cartridge that is filled with liquid.

2. Has a specially adapted atomizer.

3. Has a powerful battery.

4. This cigarette has a double air circulation system.

Electronic cigarettes Joye ego. Characteristic Features these cigarettes are:

1. Replaceable heating elements in an atomizer. There is no need to purchase a new atomizer if its service life has expired, now you just need to insert a new evaporation element.

2. A new function has been added - battery charge indication (LED signal).

Electronic cigarettes “Joye ego” are a new development that is the simplest and most economical to use.

Electronic When it comes to a cigarette, the first thing that comes to mind is nicotine. However, cigarettes without nicotine have now appeared, that is, they do not contain tobacco; such cigarettes are filled with various types medicinal herbs.

As mentioned above, doctors’ reviews of electronic cigarettes are varied. Nicotine withdrawal is more about psychological dependence than physical. Since a person gets used to certain time or in any situation smoke his cigarette, no matter what state he is in: in joy or sadness, he will still do it. Therefore, electronic cigarettes without nicotine greatly facilitate the difficult process of quitting the use of this harmful substance. Now let's explain how this happens: when a smoker smokes a cigarette without nicotine, he follows his usual habit, inhaling the hot smoke that is so familiar to him, but at the same time no harmful substances, in other words, carcinogens, enter his body. Thus, the smoker calms his body and gets rid of the so-called psychological withdrawal.

Eroll electronic cigarettes have a wonderful design; their big advantage is the presence of a rechargeable cigarette case. This cigarette has a low cost and miniature design. Many say that it will become a bestseller compared to other models. During its development, the shortcomings of its predecessors were taken into account.

The Ego C electronic cigarette is the most popular and is in great demand among smokers. The following features are highlighted: the ability to block the battery; There is a system for changing cartridges and an evaporator. The most interesting thing is that the set of cigarettes of this model includes 2 cigarettes. It all depends on your desire: if you want, just carry a spare battery from the 2nd cigarette, or if you want, smoke them alternately. Ideal for people who smoke a pack or more per day.

The electronic cigarette Armango is created under popular brand"Armango". Main feature What sets it apart from others is that it has a lock button, which serves as protection against unintentional pressing. It is also worth emphasizing that this cigarette has a chip that stabilizes the voltage.

Now you have a complete and detailed understanding of electronic cigarettes. Many opinions and reviews were considered, including reviews from regular smokers. Descriptions of several of the most popular models of electronic cigarettes are provided. Also, now you know how to charge an electronic cigarette and are familiar with the instructions. As you may have noticed, this material has both its pros and cons. The choice and decision is yours: continue to smoke regular cigarettes or switch to electronic ones.

Electronic cigarettes are becoming popular due to the widespread belief that they are safe for health. This point of view is explained by the fact that when smoking an e-cigarette, steam is released, which, unlike cigarette smoke, does not contain carcinogenic substances and harmful resins. During the vaping process, no specific substance is released tobacco smell. It is also true that a person who switched from smoking regular cigarettes to vaping stops coughing, his headaches disappear, his breathing normalizes, his skin acquires a healthy color, and his taste and smell return. But despite these advantages over simple cigarettes, e-cigarettes can significantly harm your health.

How is an electronic cigarette different from regular cigarettes?

An electronic cigarette (vape) is a device for vaping. It consists of a steam generator that runs on a battery and, after pressing a button, starts the coil. It heats up and turns the liquid into vapor, which the smoker inhales. Depending on its model, you can reactivate the device by pressing the button or dragging again.

The composition for a high-quality electronic cigarette is a mixture of propylene glycol, glycerin and flavorings. An E-cigarette may contain nicotine. Therefore, when choosing it, you need to carefully read the composition . If a person chooses a vape with nicotine, then the effect of smoking and the level of harmful effects on the smoker’s body will be the same as from conventional tobacco products.

Harmless e-cigarettes must contain flavored vapor. If the vape contains nicotine, then you should avoid purchasing it.

The effects of vaping on the body

The harm from electronic cigarettes to the human body has been repeatedly proven by doctors. It manifests itself in the following consequences:

  • Allergy. Strong allergen is propylene glycol, which is part of the electronic cigarette. Among the first symptoms of an allergy is an itchy rash on the skin. Sometimes a cough occurs, characteristic of a smoker, which makes breathing difficult. It may be a symptom of an allergic reaction or a consequence of a dry throat caused by the transition from regular cigarettes to vaping.
  • Head and muscle pain. Severe migraines are caused by vasospasm that occurs after deep puffs. Muscle pain occurs due to the fact that propylene glycol, which is part of e-cigarettes, promotes the formation of lactic acid in the body. The pH level of muscle fibers decreases, causing severe painful sensations and burning.
  • Arrhythmia. It occurs if a smoker picks up a vape with the wrong liquid. Thus, a rapid heartbeat is typical for people who have filled a cigarette with a nicotine mixture, and who previously smoked electronic cigarettes without nicotine. Further abuse of e-cigarettes with disturbed heart rhythm can lead to hypertension, heart failure, atherosclerosis, stroke, and heart attack.
  • Weakness and nausea, stomach upset. Apathy and chronic fatigue typical for people who smoke electronic cigarettes with nicotine, as it has sedative properties. If you do not quit smoking in time, a person will experience sleep disturbances. Insomnia, in turn, brings many related problems with health. When steam enters the body, it irritates the walls of the stomach, which leads to gastrointestinal upset, which results in attacks of nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea and diarrhea.
  • Sore throat. During vaping, the mucous membrane of the larynx dries out, which provokes pain in the throat and it begins to feel sore.

In addition to the above consequences, excessive use of e-cigarettes leads to sudden changes moods. People who switch from smoking strong cigarettes to vaping without nicotine become especially irritable. Cleansing the body in the presence of nicotine addiction for heavy smokers is very painful.

Important: if a person who is addicted to vaping suddenly loses weight and experiences severe headaches and pain in the heart area for a long period of time, you need to contact experienced doctors. If assistance is not provided in a timely manner, a smoker may develop a serious pathology and there is a high risk of death.

To avoid the above problems, it is necessary to vape in moderation, choose e-cigarettes without nicotine and completely abandon vaping if a person has contraindications to it.

Who is prohibited from vaping?

  • For children. Addiction to e-cigarettes by teenagers under 12 years of age is especially dangerous, since in children the brain is not yet fully formed, and nicotine will provoke a disruption in its functioning and the development of pathology.
  • People who are prone to allergic reactions. Considering that propylene glycol is a strong allergen, for a person prone to allergies, this component significantly increases the risk of anaphylactic shock.
  • Pregnant women . Vaping during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage and the birth of a premature baby. Due to the lack of oxygen caused by smoking, the likelihood of fetal damage increases internal organs– in this case, the baby will be born with a pathology of the cardiovascular system and, in the process of growing up, will lag behind in mental, physical and mental development from their peers.
  • People with respiratory diseases, tuberculosis and oncology patients. Smoking electronic cigarettes will contribute to complications and progression of the existing disease.

Thus, if the rules for their use are not followed, e-cigarettes are very dangerous to health. Therefore, you should not be confident in their harmlessness and get carried away with them excessively. When purchasing a vape, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the composition of the mixture and check the product for such points as the presence of nicotine, carcinogens and tars, ask the seller for a quality certificate and strictly adhere to the instructions for using the device. When choosing a high-quality electronic cigarette with liquid that does not contain nicotine, harmful effects will be kept to a minimum.

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