Chariot Page of Pentacles combination of tarot arcana. Page of Pentacles Tarot: meaning and interpretation. The meaning of the Page of Pentacles Tarot in relationships

Brief description of the card: On the card, a young man in smart clothes lovingly looks at the pentacle as if floating in the air, he barely touches it with his fingers, as if not knowing how to take hold of it and afraid that it will evaporate in the air. The Page of Pentacles is a card of unexpected, valuable opportunity. But this is not the luck of the 9 of Pentacles, and not the cornucopia of the 10 of Pentacles. This is just a chance, and it is up to you to decide whether to use it and to what extent.

The Page of Pentacles is usually depicted in the middle of a fertile field or flowering meadow, or in the hall of a castle - which also speaks of prosperity, fertility and prospects. He peers into the Pentacle - a symbol of the material world.


  • Planet: Mercury.
  • Zodiac sign: Taurus. Virgo.

Keywords: Receiving news of a practical nature. Admission to the University. Going to work. Diligence. Discipleship. Patience. Prudence. Pragmatism. The process is at the initial stage. Dissolute lifestyle. Wastefulness.

Business and finance: Private business. Receiving a scholarship. Availability of initial small capital or other funds (equipment, office). Success can come through monotonous hard work, at least at first it will be so.

Warning: Don't focus only on material gain.

Card of the day: Today it is worth keeping your nose to the wind. Don't miss out on a lucrative offer of material value or tangible help.

Characters: The Page of Pentacles is the image of a person who is just getting back on his feet. He is trying to learn how to deftly maneuver and operate in the material world, he wants to learn the laws by which this world exists. Despite the fact that the person under this card is still young and inexperienced, he has great ambitions in terms of making money. Most likely, since childhood, he has been nurturing plans to open his own, even if small, business.

The person is extremely practical and considers any theoretical knowledge useful only if it can be applied in practice. He knows how to focus on one thing, is very meticulous and pedantic. But still, in most cases, Pages of Pentacles, due to their youth, often fall into romanticism and fun, forgetting about practicality and logic. Such a person is sensitive, vulnerable, impractical and naive, due to the fact that he is not yet fully aware of reality, like all young people. But thanks to the earthly element, the Page of Pentacles has such traits as: constancy, loyalty, realism compared to the Page of Cups. He will believe in something only if he can not only see it with his own eyes, but touch or try it. Therefore, if you are planning to buy something, first consult the Page of Pentacles - he is attentive to technical details, practicality, and knows where and what can be bought cheaper and of better quality.

The Page of Pentacles can be the significator of a child. From a very tender age, such a child has a pragmatic mindset, is diligent, and loves to take toys apart to see “what’s inside and how it all works.”

In the negative aspect, this is a person who always has his head in the clouds, generates crazy plans, not wanting to take into account obvious factors. His thoughts are racing all the time, he cannot concentrate, he takes on many things at once, and does not bring anything to the end. He is very easily infected with new ideas, has problems expressing his thoughts and is capable of reckless, illogical actions. Stepping on the same rake. He is incapable of learning even from his mistakes. Nervous, twitchy young man. Such mental mobility is characteristic of all Pages, since they are carriers of Mercurian principles, but this manifests itself differently in each suit. By contacting such a person, you risk losing money. And if you lent it to him, then you can’t count on a return. This man is a spendthrift, a rake and a rogue and is only capable of causing you a lot of trouble.

Or the other side of the coin - a pedantic purist, a snob, a bore, looking for flaws and mistakes in everything, seeing only the negative side.

Professions and field of activity: Clerk. Agent. Student. Individual entrepreneur. Salesman. Cashier. Accountant. Dealer. Mediator. Player on the stock exchange. Representative. Merchandiser.

Main meaning: A card of chance and incentive to action. Since the suit of Pentacles is responsible for material and more than tangible benefits, the proposal will be specific and to the point. It could be about a new job, a profitable deal, practical help, or someone sharing their experience with you. In any case, the Page of Pentacles indicates that the proposal is reliable and correct. Obtaining useful information.

Falling in the scenario on young people, the Page of Pentacles speaks of first earnings and the beginning of an independent life. Of course, these are just attempts at writing, and the first successes will be replaced by failures, because the person still has little experience.

If the Page of Pentacles personifies you, then this is a sign that you will have to go to the goal for a long time and work hard to achieve it, you may need additional training or self-study, since for this matter you lack not only experience, but also knowledge. The danger is also that you cannot assess your real capabilities and strengths. The Page of Pentacles also says that before you start doing something, you should carefully study the instructions, and before signing the contract, read it carefully.

Negative, inverted position: Inability to handle money, which equally leads to greed and wastefulness due to the craving for a luxurious lifestyle.

Ossified in one's development, eternal student, low-paid boring job with no prospects for growth (especially true if there are 7 Pentacles nearby).

In some decks, the Page is called the “Slave of Pentacles” - a very meaningful name and fully reflects the essence of the negative aspect of this card.

Loss of connection with the environment, problems with learning, disruption of plans. Due to loss of interest or lack of patience, you may lose something important that would play a role in the future - for example, skipping classes at school is a big obstacle to obtaining a higher education.

Interpretation in layouts:

With the Jester (0 Arcana) - a rake, a spendthrift, a spendthrift, a petty swindler. At its best, a person with very creative ideas for making money.

With the Magician (1 Arcana) – advanced training, gaining new knowledge.

With the Priestess (2 Arcana) – getting an education.

With the Empress (3rd Arcana) - profit, good income, help from parents.

With the Emperor (4th Arcana) – help from the father. A solid foundation has been laid for the future business.

With the Hierophant (5th Arcana) – study of religion or philosophy.

With the Tower (16 Arcana) - failure of plans.

With Peace (21 Arcana) - get an education.

With the 6 of Pentacles – living from paycheck to paycheck.

Page of Pentacles – Minor Arcana

From an astrological perspective, the Page of Pentacles corresponds to the Moon, symbolizing concentration, practicality, the use of experience and the ability to harmoniously combine theory with practice.

Other names for the Page of Pentacles: Page of Denariev, Page of Coins, Page of Money, Jack of Pentacles, Jack of Coins, Jack of Denariev, Jack of Money.

Brief description of Arcana: Chance to receive material, Fertility, Opportunities for increasing wealth, Gaining experience, Studying.

Description of the Page of Pentacles

The classic deck is represented by the Arcana, which depicts a young man standing in the middle of a cultivated field with densely sprouting sprouts. He is focused on the coin, which he holds tightly in his hands. The young man is not dressed in gardener's clothes, he is wearing rather noble clothes.

In the Tarot of the Age of Aquarius, the image on the Arcana is almost identical to the classic one, except that the emphasis is not on the surrounding circumstances, but on a young man in aristocratic clothing, holding a shining coin and looking into the distance in front of him. He sees prospects and is ready to strive for them.

The sacred meaning of the Page of Pentacles

To gain a deep understanding of the Arcana, you should remember the lesson of the Ten of Pentacles. There we saw a strong, happy and wealthy family, in which there were several generations. One of the characters was a little boy receiving lessons from the patriarch of this family.

And now this boy has grown up and inherited the fortune of his family, the experience of his ancestors, some freedom of choice, as well as his own Arcana. So, he has initial capital - a coin that he holds in his hands. There is a cultivated garden that will bring a harvest. There is the experience of generations of his family and you can always use it in your life.

In order not to miss what was given by birth, in order to take advantage of this chance and increase his wealth, the young man needs to hold his fortune firmly in his hands, be very attentive to the little things, maintain the order previously established by his ancestors and observe traditions. Even if the ancestors left the physical world long ago, they will still help through the experience gained and established traditions.

Not to miss your chance, not to let your family down - this is the essence of the Page of Pentacles.

Mythological correspondence of the Page of Pentacles

In mythology, the Page of Pentacles corresponds to the story of Janson, who, following Ariadne's thread, finds the Golden Fleece.

The meaning of the direct Page of Pentacles in the layout

The Page of Pentacles in layouts, first of all, like all picture Arcana, denotes a person. Most often, this is a young woman of the astrological sign of the Earth. It is not without reason that in some decks this Arcanum is represented by a woman in an interesting position. This is a girl full of ideas. But if the card describes a young man, then this is most likely a young man with refined taste, gentle habits and endowed with pleasant femininity.

This means that a serious, thoughtful assistant will appear in a person’s life, who will either suggest a way out or show by personal example. In addition, the appearance of this card may mean the need to develop such qualities in yourself.

The Page of Pentacles in the reading personifies projects and ideas that are realized into something material related to finance. It indicates that a person has a chance to make something very large out of something small, insignificant.

Traditionally, this Arcanum suggests that a person has very good opportunities to resolve financial issues to his own benefit. This is only the beginning of the process, but the appearance of this card in the layout indicates that with the right attitude to the issue, the result will be magnificent.

Essentially, Arkan warns that it is time to start something new in your life. In which aspect of life you should resort to changes - the neighboring Arcana in the layout will tell you.

The meaning of the reversed Page of Pentacles in the reading

The inverted Page of Pentacles indicates that a person may often be surrounded by a narcissistic and selfish girl, or less often by a young man with such characteristics that will influence the course of events, bringing a number of troubles or disappointments. Sometimes this can mean the appearance of similar qualities in the person on whom fortune telling is being carried out.

Inverted, Arkan indicates a carefree life, which can lead to loss of chances and financial losses. It is also a reluctance to learn anything, even if circumstances require it.

The card symbolizes gossip, condemnation of a person for some actions, most often due to greed.

The appearance of an inverted Arcana may mean a lack of competent logical analysis of the situation, hence mistakes being made that lead to negative results. Since these are Pentacles, it should be understood that in any situation a person will suffer financial losses.


The Page of Pentacles in work layouts indicates the presence of some kind of activity that is practical in nature. For business, this Arcanum predicts good chances, but they must be realized only with the participation or help of other people. Since, according to his personal characteristics, the Page of Pentacles strives for order and legality, it should be understood that success will come only when the business is completely orderly and within the framework of the law. Here it is important to carefully check, as they say, every signature and proofread every document in order to achieve your goals.

If we are talking about a new project or a new direction, then the Page of Pentacles speaks of very tempting prospects that promise the growth of the initial idea into something grandiose and large-scale. Arkan is also a harbinger of some kind of profitable contract or mutual cooperation.

For a person looking for a job, the Page of Pentacles promises a very successful offer financially.

In a team with such a card, there is mutual respect and friendliness, but not complete openness. People are busy with their own business, passionate about work and do not find time for friendly gatherings. If an individual worker in a team is considered, then the Page of Pentacles characterizes him as thorough, responsible, erudite and pedantic in the performance of his duties. He has an excellent chance of getting a higher position, a salary increase, or even moving to a new, more profitable job.

In addition, the Page of Pentacles can indicate enrollment in studies.

The reversed Page of Pentacles indicates that a person has taken up a business that he does not fully understand. Maybe he initially did not calculate all the risks or bureaucratic subtleties and now he has to work hard to somehow direct his business on smooth tracks.

The inverted Arcana suggests that in order to successfully run a business, a person will need additional cash injections, otherwise the business will decline, and the person himself will suffer losses.

In a team with an inverted card, there is no order; people judge each other or discuss any actions. Such an Arkan tells the employee that he is too self-interested, aims at material things at any cost, and at the same time does not want to take responsibility, does not think through his actions, and changes plans. He is greedy and envious of the success of others, but he himself does not strive to improve his level.

Direction of self-development

The Page of Pentacles shows that the seed of knowledge, understanding, and spiritual development was previously laid, and now the time has come for this harvest to ripen. If a person is attentive to information coming from outside, then the harvest will be rich, which will lead him to success.

This is a time for organizing everything in life, as well as putting thoughts in order. Only when they present a coherent picture can you make the right decisions and grow in all directions.

The inverted Arcanum suggests that a person simply does not want to learn life lessons and not strive for improvement. He uses previously acquired knowledge, taking it as the final version because of his laziness for improvement.

Personal relationships

Relationships characterized by the Page of Pentacles are distinguished by sensuality, which is at the core of the relationship. Partners are very kind to each other and nevertheless, they are sensitive to insults, which often leads to small disagreements. But here, rather, the dear ones are scolding - they are just amusing themselves.

Arkan says that the relationship is moving to the next phase, and its development is quite positive, satisfying the partners. However, here, in addition to sensuality, life experience also appears. This is nothing more than making your dreams come true. For example, a serious relationship or desire for marriage. The card itself does not give direct indications of marriage, but it does indicate that such an idea is quite feasible.

If initially problematic relationships are considered, then the Page of Pentacles speaks of the possibility of a favorable resolution of conflict situations and the search for a reasonable compromise.

For spouses planning a child, the Page of Pentacles brings good news about a possible pregnancy.

If the card falls on one of the partners, then it should be said that he is very sensual, gentle, but takes any insult too painfully, withdraws into himself for a long time, does not strive for a quarrel, but also does not maintain normal relationships. He may stop talking or even disappear for a while. He will not be the first to agree to a truce.

The reversed Page of Pentacles shows a very unpleasant relationship in which the partners do not respect each other, and sometimes outright ignore each other. Relationships become boring, routine, and lack the same interest.

Relationships are affected by the greed of one of the partners, and sometimes both at once. There may be unreasonable planning of financial expenses, leading to losses and mutual dissatisfaction. Quite often this is followed by attempts to control each other’s expenses and voicing complaints.

If one of the partners is considered, then it is he who is the stingy one and at the same time the embezzler. He is inclined to lead a double life - to find fault with his partner about every expenditure of money, and he himself is wasteful with his finances.

Personality characteristics

The Page of Pentacles characterizes a sophisticated, aristocratic personality. She has a discreet, but very beautiful appearance. This type of people is characterized by one feature: they remain outwardly young for a very long time, and then instantly acquire the features of old age.

The Page of Pentacles Man is very reliable, you can always rely on him. He has superbly developed logic, and he translates this ability into ordering his entire living space, thus his life is subordinated to logic. He compares the actions of others with it and is guided by it in his own actions. In many ways, this is required of him by the responsibility he has: if he has promised something, he must fulfill it, so he always weighs everything well before making a promise and subjects it to logical justification.

In addition to logic, he also has superbly developed intuition. He delves into the essence of the problem, disassembles it piece by piece using logic, builds a chain of cause-and-effect relationships, and then, when everything becomes clear to him, he calmly solves everything. This combination of qualities gives him another advantage: he understands a lot intuitively, and when he sees the slightest confirmation physically, he receives a huge charge of inspiration and active brain work for creation.

Despite the fact that we are talking about Pentacles, the person is still quite undemanding and modest. He is more focused on the idea than on the material. Hence his passion for creative processes. He is a man of few words, but every word he says has its own weight. In company he shines with wit, but is still secretive and uncommunicative.

Due to introversion, secrecy and self-absorption, it is quite difficult for him to build relationships with the opposite sex. He is very easy to hurt, he quickly gets offended and retains grievances for a long time. When offended, he becomes silent for a long time and then additional efforts are needed to get him to talk. He will not be demonstratively silent, but will answer in very monosyllables.

The Page of Pentacles by nature is a fighter for justice. He seeks it not with the goal of punishing, but with the goal of restoring it. In fact, any forceful pressure is alien to him, be it towards himself or towards someone else. He himself will never put pressure on anyone, and if he feels pressure on himself, he simply leaves. Faced with a difficult situation, he will prefer to refuse responsibility for it and find someone who will resolve it. In such cases, he becomes indecisive, but never panics.

The character of the Page of Pentacles makes him a good researcher, but a very mediocre entrepreneur, which is why he definitely needs an assistant in achieving goals related to financial issues. Then he will easily receive material benefits by taking advantage of the chance.

This person gravitates toward impeccable observance of laws and formalities, follows traditions, and prefers to have order in everything. Moreover, in any area of ​​life, including personal relationships. For him, habits that he does not allow to be broken are of great importance.

The inverted Arcana shows us a person aimed at material things, and in its worst manifestations - greed, selfishness. He neglects the spiritual and is not inclined to pay attention to the sensual side. He is petty, lazy, completely uncommunicative.

One of the most negative traits is the reluctance to learn anything, and he himself is poorly taught. He lacks authority, which is why he does not know how and does not want to listen.

The reversed Page of Pentacles has a very changeable mood. He can surprise you with his illogical actions, which he himself does not even try to explain, no matter how much this explanation is “squeezed” out of him. He is wasteful and does not know how to value money at all.

Often such a person is gloomy and unsmiling, which makes even his beautiful facial features less attractive. He is characterized by poor health.


The Page of Pentacles speaks of good health, but on condition that the person constantly strengthens his body, trains his muscles and leads a healthy lifestyle. Health itself is quite weak without support. Problems are especially felt with metabolism, and hence with metabolism.

An inverted Arcana shows the presence of depression, extreme fatigue, physical and psychological exhaustion.

Layout for the situation

In situational scenarios, the Page of Pentacles says that a person has an excellent opportunity to bring the situation to the desired result. It may well be that he will need help from some reasonable, experienced person who thinks logically and can find the most rational way out. This could be a young woman or, less commonly, a young man.

Whatever the situation is considered, money or something tangible will always be involved - directly or indirectly.

Arkan also indicates favorable news, good promising acquaintances, gaining new experience, knowledge, and skills. All this will help a lot in any situations that arise, so the Page of Pentacles can safely be considered a positive card in situational scenarios.

The inverted Page of Pentacles carries a warning about the negative development of the situation. This may be due to selfishness, wastefulness, stinginess, greed or illogical actions. But here you still need to be careful about your surroundings. It may well be that the problems arose because of some young man or girl with such characteristics.

The card speaks of losses, waste, damages, buying something expensive on a low budget. Due to the inability to plan a budget, with the Page of Pentacles reversed, there will always be a shortage of money.

Card of the day

On this day, the Page of Pentacles promises a good chance, which is even somewhat unexpected, to resolve the main issue. The main thing is to notice it in time and react correctly. Today can provide a good foundation for future success.

The inverted Arcanum suggests that because of his selfishness and fixation on material things, a person will miss a serious opportunity that will literally be given by fate. We will have to correct the situation, although everything could have been obtained without much difficulty.

Card of the Year

Good opportunities for realizing your endeavors will be provided this year. It is important to be very attentive to details and organize incoming information in a timely manner. The year can also give you a good, competent and reasonable assistant in business.

This is a year of losses, damages and troubles related to finances, but you will only have to blame your own inconstancy, lack of rationality in any matter, and the desire to spend more than you receive.

Arcana Council

The Page of Pentacles of the Tarot reveals to our eyes a young man standing in a flower meadow, with a pentacle in his outstretched hands. His gaze is directed towards the pentacle, which seems to be floating.

The Page of Pentacles promises good news

General value

Direct position can mean:

  • letter;
  • favorable news related to finances;
  • desire and opportunity to learn.

Soon you will have a chance to earn money or start a new business. You will receive money. The work done will be rewarded according to merit. Even the smallest undertakings will gradually lead to stability and progress. Receive a written notice that will radically change the situation and affect your future fate. Your main trump card is knowledge and education. The card indicates that you should pay more attention to your material needs. Page of Pentacles reversed:

  • unexpected expenses;
  • unpleasant written notice;
  • hindsight;
  • bad news.

All problems are caused by your carelessness. Unpleasant news about your financial situation. Due to the fact that you do not pay attention to what is happening around you, problems may arise in your personal life. We need to pay more attention to health.

The Page of Pentacles is favorable for learning

What does the card say in relationship readings?

The page of coins should have nothing to do with matters of the heart. However, if this lasso falls in fortune telling about relationships, it means sensual love and sophistication. Symbolizes lighting a fire of passion. Usually promises the birth of a relationship. If this relationship is already existing, then you should move on to offensive actions to develop it. In marriage, it is interpreted as the right moment to resolve long-standing disputes. After eliminating the conflict, new horizons will open up for the couple. They will look at each other in a different light, and will be able to put the grudges behind them and move on to the next level.

If this is a placement for friendships, the Page of Pentacles can take on the meaning of relationships for the sake of money. That is, the person you meet is only interested in the material side.

Or the relationship was born not only on an intimate connection, but other motives keep the person nearby. It may also portend a wedding and a happy marriage, depending on the lasso that fell nearby. Another feature of the card is its interpretation in friendly relationships. It may indicate that friendship is developing into some kind of family ties. Two families want to marry their children. But the union is built on mutually beneficial relationships, on satisfying mundane needs.

Depending on the surrounding cards, the Page of Pentacles can take on different meanings

Element earth

The Page of Pentacles in the tarot has the meaning of earth-earth. All the main signs of this element are concentrated in this lasso. This is the image of a calm, focused, somewhat slow person. Everything he embarks on is first carefully thought out and weighed. This is such an eternal student who works tirelessly, reaching more and more new heights in knowledge.

His personal life is also measured, all steps are thought out in advance and a plan is drawn up, which is more profitable. He starts relationships only when he is sure that they are not a fleeting spark or frivolous. Very often he loves his parents too much, so he never starts his own family. But in family life he has no equal. You can live a long, happy and stable life with this person.

Minor Arcana Jack of Pentacles combined

The interpretation of card combinations is an important part of the teachings of tarot. In order to correctly interpret the events and answers that the cards say, you must be able to read their combinations. The Jack of Pentacles paired with the Fool speaks of emptiness, efforts are in vain, searches are in vain. The Magician card promises monetary profit. The High Priestess, together with the page, talk about increasing education. The Empress, falling next to the minor lasso, symbolizes the growth of financial profits; the work will bear fruit. Expecting a child is allowed. With the Emperor, they predict career growth. In combination with the Hierophant - mastery of religious teachings and philosophical sciences. Next to the Lovers card means sensual passion. The Page of Pentacles in combination with the Chariot predicts a loss of meaning in all planned affairs, a game with fate. In alliance with the Force, he speaks of the need to take care of his health.

Together with the Hermit they warn that you will soon suffer losses. Paired with the Wheel of Fortune, it means that you will bet something on the line. The outcome of events is interpreted based on other nearby cards. With Justice they show the seed of truth. With the Hanged Man symbolizes a meaningless search and a sacrifice that no one needs. With the Death card, fruitless attempts.

Page of Pentacles and Strength - you should take care of your health

With Moderation they say that you need to apply all your skills, take advantage of experience, patience is a faithful assistant. With the lasso, the Devil symbolizes obtaining material wealth in a dishonest way. With the Tower warns of poor health. When paired with the Arcana Star, it shows the opportunity to find your true calling in this world. With the Moon it is interpreted as illusory perception, wastefulness, making wrong decisions. With the lasso, the Sun predicts a successful opening. In combination with the Court card, it makes it possible to make knowledge even stronger and increase experience. With the lasso, the World predicts successful completion of training.

If the Page of Pentacles is the card of the day

If you take this particular card out of the deck in the morning, the day promises to be successful. Whatever is offered to you should be accepted. Even if the offers are unexpected for you. One way or another, everything that happens on this day will bring benefit or just pleasure. The proposals will concern not only the material aspects of life, but also the moral ones in relationships.

To penetrate into the depth of the underlying semantic meaning, you need to first turn to the previous card in the deck, this is the ten of pentacles:

  • she depicts a rich family;
  • there are several generations in it;

one of the family members is a little boy who listens to the lessons of the patriarch. So now the Page of Pentacles tarot card is exactly that same boy. Now he has completely grown up and has entered into inheritance rights. Got freedom.

In his hands is a denarius, a symbol of initial capital. He has everything: the experience of generations, cultivated land that bears fruit, and income. All this can be put to use.

In order not to miss anything from what already exists, he must firmly hold the reins of power in his hands, monitor every little detail, he is required to maintain order and respect for the traditions of his family. So the essence of this lasso is precisely devotion to one’s family, and the goal is not to disappoint or betray relatives.

The Page of Pentacles foretells a successful day

Personality card

In its original sense, like all other arcana, the jack denotes a person. So most often this is a young woman. In some decks, the page of the denarii is depicted as a pregnant woman. This is not interpreted in its literal meaning, but as a girl whose head and essence are filled with interesting ideas. If this is a young man, then he is endowed with slightly feminine features, he has excellent taste and gentle behavior. A serious person will appear next to you, who can really help you. This is an impetus for the development of corresponding qualities in yourself.

The standard interpretation says that a person has some meager business, which, in the future, will bring financial well-being. And also the page of the pentacle warns of the need for change. Neighboring arcana can shed light on which areas of life need to be changed. The inverted page symbolizes the appearance next to the querent of a narcissistic, selfish girl, and very rarely a guy. These people will have a direct impact on current events. Rarely can this indicate that the questioner will acquire such qualities himself.

Carelessness can lead to losses, both financial and moral. It also symbolizes the lack of desire to learn, even at the moment when it is really necessary. The personality traits of this card are extensive.

  • The page characterizes a sophisticated personality, an aristocrat. Her appearance is not provocative, not flashy, but very pretty.
  • A trustworthy person with logical thinking. Everything he does is subject to logic.
  • Quite an unassuming and modest personality.
  • Due to secrecy and self-absorption, relationships with the opposite sex are quite difficult. He is easily vulnerable and touchy.
  • Does not like any violence or pressure from anyone: both in relation to himself and in relation to others.
  • To reach heights in the financial sphere, a page necessarily needs an assistant; his strong point is education and science. If he has an ally, then benefits will come to him very quickly and easily.
  • Inverted shows a selfish person. In any area of ​​his life, he seeks only profit.
  • Most often, this is an unfriendly person who is not interested in anything. His health is very weak.

The surrounding cards clarify the meaning of the Page of Pentacles

Income breakdown

Another one of the simple and accurate layouts that are suitable for beginning fortune tellers. First, let's choose a card that will symbolize the querent. The card is selected depending on external data. A fair-haired married lady will qualify as the Queen of Wands. We draw four cards.

  • Wheel of Fortune.
  • Page of Swords.
  • Ten of Cups.
  • Page of Pentacles.

Interpretation: the wheel of fortune symbolizes the voice of blind fate. That is, you are in a situation that does not depend on you, that is, you can do whatever you want: either sit back and wait, or fight. The result will be the same. This is the current state of your income affairs. Pay depends on output, but the amount of work does not depend on you in any way, so you have to sit and hope that fate will be favorable.

The main cause of complications in your affairs is the fall of the page of swords. This is a young man or woman. If a woman is married, then this is a child who requires attention. As you know, women often spoil their children, hence some self-interest on the part of the page, and waste on the part of our queen. To improve the situation, the Ten of Cups card falls. It symbolizes true love.

Accordingly, a strong happy marriage, a long-term relationship. And the woman is surrounded by people who love her, her husband and child, who value what is valuable to the querent.

The meaning of the tarot card that appears as a result in resolving the issue is as follows: The Page of the Pentacles symbolizes a successful solution to financial problems. The opportunity to earn extra money will appear. The main thing is not to miss your chance, to scrupulously and patiently continue the work you have started, and they will all bear fruit. In tarot cards, the Page of Pentacles is one of the favorable arcana. He gives the following advice:

  • attentiveness to facts and details is the key to successful resolution of cases;
  • it's time to act, change everything;
  • It's time to take care of the financial aspects of life.

Page of Swords combined with Page of Pentacles - impending problems

What does it say about health?

In relation to health, if a person is sick and wants to know the prospects, he can be reassured - this is a map of a dynamic way out of the state of illness. There is still a little time left and the questioner will completely recover. If the jack is upside down, don't be upset either. The disease is going away, but more slowly than we would like. With regards specifically to health problems, it symbolizes problems such as the deposition of kidney stones and some joint problems.

Page and love

The main interpretation is to gain some life experience, a lesson from a relationship, that is, the adoption of certain values. If the page is in an upright position, this is always a positive answer. This is a sign of a transition to a new spiritual level between partners in marriage, or a new level in the relationship itself, marriage. When the card is turned over, the jack symbolizes that you have ceased to have a feeling of respect for your partner. In addition, the meaning may indicate that the couple does not feel the former passion, there is no spark, they are caught up in everyday life. The connection with the material aspect of life can also be interpreted as an inability to spend money wisely, wastefulness. One of the partners is very stingy and tightly controls his other half in terms of waste.

Summarizing all of the above, it is worth saying that one of the positive minor arcana is the page of the pentacle. Whatever the scenario, it always promises the acquisition of new things: experience, money, the birth of a child, the beginning of a novel, resolution of conflicts in the family. And even the inverted position suggests that you just need to reconsider your attitude towards life, make a couple of adjustments and everything will be fine.

Tarot cards are an opportunity to find out what awaits a person in the future. To tell fortunes on an ancient deck, it is enough to study the meaning of all its symbols. In interpreting the layout, you will need not only the major arcana, but also “minor secret decks.” For example, the meaning of the Page of Pentacles in the tarot. It is necessary to read this symbol, like other cards, using intuition.

Suit of Pentacles Tarot

“Deck of Minor Secrets” is a group of cards divided into four suits. Like playing cards, each suit represents a certain area in a person’s life.

The suit of pentacles is matched with diamonds. She personifies the material world - finances, property and physical health.

In astrology, pentacles, which are often called coins or denarii, correspond to the element of Earth. Their responsibility lies in the practical sphere of life. The suit represents the ability to earn, accumulate and use one’s strengths to good effect.

As with any suit, there are positive and negative symbols among the pentacles. As a rule, all cards have two main meanings. They depend on the position of the lasso in the layout.

Description of the card Page of Denarii

Tarot, in which the meaning of the cards is twofold, suggests that any symbol can be read from the image on the card itself. The Page of Pentacles demonstrates full compliance of the picture with its interpretation.

The picture shows a young man standing in a green meadow. Dawn is breaking. The guy holds a large gold denarius on his outstretched arms. The character had a smile on his face. He received the first award. But this is only an advance for his future services.

The Page of Coins is a person who has considerable creative abilities. He is still just learning and enjoying the opportunities open to him. Youthful maximalism is also present here. The guy thinks that he can achieve heights in life without getting his hands dirty. He is only a “student”, so his opinion will change over time. In some versions of the deck, the card is called the "Princess of Coins". But its meaning remains unchanged.

The Page of Pentacles tarot meaning describes an inexperienced character. He has a long road ahead of him. The hero's potential is high. His strength and zeal are enough to move mountains. But for now he is just contemplating the wonderful chances.

The card symbolizes progress and change. This is a harbinger of some new path that the querent will have to go through. Dawn on the map confirms this meaning.

Value in correct position

When properly oriented, the Page of Coins represents the enthusiasm of a new endeavor. This is an unusual approach to business and a willingness to learn.

Brief meaning of the correct lasso:

In the correct position, the card symbolizes positive dynamics. It is quite possible that it concerns the financial sphere, since pentacles are directly related to money. But often the lasso also speaks of new prospects, opportunities and deals that will bear fruit.

The results of this activity will be significant. However, to achieve your plans you will have to acquire new knowledge. The page on the card is young and brave, but he lacks experience.

As a court lasso, the Page of Coins represents a young person. This person is endowed with talents and is actively improving in his chosen field. This is a future professional who is not yet fully aware of his capabilities.

Often the Page of Denarii directly points to a person born under the signs of the Earth. It could be Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn.

Neighboring cards will help interpret the layout. Thus, the lasso Strength speaks of excellent well-being and powerful energy. The Hierophant testifies to the observance of traditions, as well as some conservatism.

Reversed position

In the wrong position, the lasso Page of Denarii speaks of the same qualities, but they are directed in a destructive direction. This is materialism coupled with callousness. Emotions are in the background.

Brief description of the reversed card:

  • Missed opportunities;
  • The need to learn from your own mistakes;
  • Bad news;
  • Whims and stubbornness;
  • Unexpected expenses;
  • Routine and boredom at work;
  • Inability to gather, absent-mindedness;
  • Excessive self-criticism;
  • Physical illness;
  • Inability to find use for your talent.

In an inverted position, the Page of Coins speaks of a person’s pettiness and stinginess. This is materialism at its most unpleasant. The character does not want to spend effort and money on his development. He is lazy and passive. He also lacks communication skills.

The card often symbolizes the inability to use one’s own energy. A person has a lot of opportunities open to him, but he spends his energy only on an idle lifestyle. His actions are illogical, and his attitude towards money is unstable. This is a wasteful person who loves to spend, but does not want to earn.

Questions about career and finances

In the correct position, the Page of Coins in a work reading symbolizes hard work and gradual enrichment. This card does not indicate some sophisticated forms of income, but ordinary production. However, the querent is strong in this matter. His goals are achievable, and the work itself brings pleasure. He is a realist and a practitioner. He does not strive to grab stars from the sky, but tirelessly forges coin after coin.

At the situational level, the card is read as some kind of opportunity to realize oneself. This could be a lucrative offer, fruitful cooperation, or a chance to gain knowledge. Often the card indicates a good education, which will become the foundation for future success.

The card also advises measuring seven times, and cutting only once. You should be more careful when signing documents, and also pay attention to the little things and nuances.

In an inverted orientation, the Page of Coins speaks of a certain gap in business. This is either a lack of experience or the need to spend a large sum on business development.

Often the wrong lasso symbolizes obstacles beyond the querent’s control. Most likely, on the way to his goal he will encounter bureaucratic injustice. The obstacles will be serious, so it is not advisable to approach the matter too frivolously.

In the description of a specific character, the Page of Coins indicates a person whose negative qualities prevent him from achieving success. He is petty, selfish and overly confident.

Fortune telling for love and relationships

The Page of Pentacles Tarot has a favorable interpretation, its meaning in relationships is described as sensuality. These are the same warm feelings that help lovers overcome all adversity.

In a situational scenario, the card speaks of the need to move forward. Change is inevitable. But they will be favorable. Perhaps the chosen ones will decide to legalize their relationship or move under one roof.

The Page of Denarii represents dreams that until recently were unattainable. Now everything has become possible.

If a card falls on a problem in fortune telling, the deck foreshadows a compromise that will soon be found. Often the lasso appears in matters that seem insoluble. This is a good sign.

In an inverted position, the Page of Denarii card symbolizes the material difficulties of the couple. At the same time, the problem lies not in the lack of funds, but in the inability to manage them. One of the partners pays too much attention to money, relegating feelings and common sense to the background. This interpretation will be confirmed by the Emperor lasso, which describes the desire to control every little thing.

Often the card departs from the material interpretation and indicates a discord in feelings. Perhaps the partners are bogged down in a routine or simply tired of each other. There is a lack of interest in the other half and a reluctance to build a future together with her.

In rare cases, an inverted page indicates a difficult pregnancy and the threat of miscarriage. The hermit in combination with this lasso portends large financial expenses.

Health analysis

In a health scenario, the Page of Coins predicts positive dynamics in recovery. This is a gradual improvement in the condition. Often the card indicates a musculoskeletal system or problems with the urinary system.

In an inverted position, the lasso indicates a risk of moderate injury. Emotional breakdowns associated with overwork and workload are also possible. However, the map's forecast is still favorable. All difficulties will be overcome.

Card of the day

The day that the Page of Pentacles characterizes is special. Today something that one could only dream of will come true. You can safely grab any given chance. Work, deals and new beginnings will be successful today.

On this day you should not believe the words of strangers. All information must be carefully checked. It is advisable to work only with data that is written down on paper. Promises on this day may remain in the air.

But you shouldn’t refuse help if those around you ask for it today. Perhaps it is the querent who will be the wise patron for the Page of Pentacles.

The card of the day promises a favorable day in your personal life. The time spent with your significant other will be pleasant and full of surprises.

Combination with the Major Arcana

In any layout, all cards are interconnected, so they should be read together. The Page of Pentacles in combination with other cards can enhance its meaning, but it can also change it. Combinations of this symbol with the major arcana will be eloquent.

Page of Pentacles in combination with the Major Arcana:

Tarot cards are ancient magic, so you need to understand the interpretation of the symbols not literally, but with the help of intuition. Only the subconscious can point to the correct answer.

Pages of different stripes in Tarot cards symbolize youth and naivety, but at the same time they guarantee opportunities for development. However, the meanings of arcana of different suits may differ slightly. The fortuneteller needs to know what the Page of Pentacles of the Tarot means in fortune telling for love and relationships, how it is deciphered in combination with other arcana.

Description of the map

In the classic deck, the Page of Pentacles is also called the Page of Coins. However, in other versions of fortune telling cards, this lasso has completely different names: Jack of Money, Prince of Coins, Jack of Denariev (Dinariev) or Young Successor.

The meaning of the Page of Pentacles in the Tarot can be formulated by the image on the card. It is painted yellow, trees and mountains can be seen in the distance, and in the foreground there is a young man holding a coin in his hands and looking intently at it. When you first look at the picture, no bad thoughts arise; it reflects peace and harmony. The Suit of Pentacles is associated with the element of earth, so all the minor arcana are associated with it, and nature is depicted in the background.

A coin in the hands of a young man and his interest in it indicate material values ​​and financial benefits, a desire for knowledge and learning. Often Jacks in layouts report receiving news; the lasso of this suit indicates that this news will be positive. In some cases, the card should be deciphered literally: it talks about a young guy who is exploring or studying something.

The essence of the card

This lasso in the Tarot deck is characterized by certain keywords that convey its essence:

  • a person receiving education;
  • project, plan, script;
  • cognition;
  • comprehending something new;
  • humility;
  • rationality;
  • news about work, money, training;
  • the ability to set a goal and achieve it;
  • ability to concentrate, diligence.

However, keywords do not convey all the meanings of the lasso. In fortune telling for love and relationships, health, work and career, the interpretation will change.

Basic meaning

The general meaning of the Page of Pentacles Tarot card is new activities, acquiring new professional skills, and implementing plans. Learning new things requires practice and experience. Therefore, the appearance of a card in a layout means instability of the situation. She reports that at a new stage in life one should be careful and decisive.

The meaning of the Page of Coins in the Tarot can change depending on the position it occupies.


The Page of Pentacles Tarot in an upright position has a favorable interpretation. He predicts good news, positive changes in study, work, and life. In almost all scenarios, it points to new opportunities. Neighboring cards will help you understand whether the fortuneteller will miss these opportunities.

Sometimes this lasso gives a less significant prediction regarding simple things that bring joy: outdoor recreation, pleasant time with friends or a lover, intimacy, etc.

Upside down

In an inverted position, the Page of Pentacles has a negative meaning. He reports troubles, unpleasant news, carelessness, and inability to adapt to life. He talks about the lack of opportunity to start new things, that it will be almost impossible to achieve success, that the result will be much worse than we would like. This is usually due to a person’s negligent attitude towards work, affairs and his inability to learn from mistakes.

The reversed card tries to warn a person about the need to reconsider his priorities, change his views and attitude towards responsibilities. Sometimes its appearance in a layout means missing a chance, being in a dreamy state, or the impossibility of realizing plans.

This sign in any position indicates lack of independence and lack of leadership qualities.

The meaning of the card in love

The arcana of the suit of Pentacles are not directly related to love relationships, but their appearance in love readings usually signifies innocence and deep feelings. The meaning of the Page in Tarot speaks of romance, love, passion. Usually it indicates the awakening of feelings, the beginning of a love union. If the fortuneteller is already in a relationship, then the lasso informs that the time has come to take a more serious step.

If the lasso falls to a person who is married, then he gives advice that it is time to resolve conflicts. When this is done, the relationship will move to a new level.

When fortune telling about a specific person, Valet Denariev indicates his closeness.


In love scenarios, this lasso in the upright position says that you will have to make every effort to win the favor of your loved one. The chances are high, the main thing is to show initiative and perseverance. The symbol is also able to reveal the personal qualities of a partner: sensuality, attentiveness, romance.

A loved one knows how to give pleasure in bed, he feels and understands his partner’s desires well, he will always take care of his comfort and health. With such a person it is easy to live together and solve everyday issues. Sex life will be rich. Such a person has a discreet but pleasant appearance.

Upside down

Reversed Jack indicates opposing qualities. When fortune telling about a specific person, this lasso indicates his impracticality, fussiness, inability to concentrate on work and correctly distribute time and energy. Such a person is distinguished by the fact that he always plans a lot of things, but because of his lack of composure, he does not complete any of them.

It will be difficult in everyday life with such a partner. He does not know how to manage the family budget, is obsessed with sex, and constantly dreams. Such relationships are futile.

In fortune telling for the future of relationships

Sometimes Valet Denariev, in a love scenario, predicts a relationship with a mercantile man or woman; the partner will enter into an alliance only for the sake of money. This meaning comes up when a wealthy elderly man is told fortunes about his young lover. Usually, in fortune telling about the future of relationships, this lasso marks the seriousness of intentions, a strong and long-lasting union.


In order to interpret the meaning of the Page as accurately as possible in love layouts, you need to take into account the combination with other cards:

  • with Lovers - strong feelings, passion;
  • from 10 of Wands - vain dreams, mistakes;
  • with the Knight of Wands – impatience, impulsiveness;
  • from 2 Cups - a union of two people;
  • from 3 Cups - meeting with a school or university friend;
  • with the Knight of Cups - a romantic, dreamy person;
  • with the Queen of Cups - enjoying the beauty of your lover;
  • with 2 of Pentacles - the need to make difficult choices;
  • with the 7 of Pentacles – routine;
  • with the Queen of Pentacles - order and comfort in the house;
  • with the Ace of Swords - hot feelings, desire to achieve your goals;
  • with 3 Swords - collapse of plans;
  • from the 7 of Swords - the need to reconsider values; lack of understanding of one's own desires;
  • with the Knight of Swords - a quarrel with the boss will lead to dismissal;
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