The magic of numbers. Ten of Cups: Tarot card meaning

The final number card of each suit represents the quintessence of the element, and the 10 Tarot Cups, the meaning of which we will analyze today, is no exception. It seems to sum up the story that the Cups told - in it we observe the highest harmony, perfect success, home comfort and warmth. We can say that this numerical Arcana is like the light at the end of the tunnel.

General description of the card, plot and meaning in the layout

Let's consider the meaning of the Ten of Cups according to the Rider-Waite Tarot, since this particular deck is considered a classic. The illustration shows a happy family - a husband and wife and two small children. The couple stands hugging each other, and the children dance joyfully. A beautiful rainbow with ten cups shines above people's heads. The association that immediately comes to mind when considering this card is “the house is a full cup.” And indeed, the arrival of this card can soften even the most unpleasant scenario. It symbolizes a happy family life, prosperity, strong connections, and a sense of harmony.

Key words and ideas of the card in the layout

  • Emotional fullness
  • Happiness
  • Harmony
  • Peace in the family
  • Fulfillment of desires
  • Bright future
  • Complete life satisfaction

Meaning of the card in the upright position

The modern meaning of the Ten of Cups of the Tarot is no different from the ancient one. This cheerful Arcana was previously called the “holiday card.” It symbolizes, first of all, the value of family relationships, the warmth of the hearth, and the highest harmony of earthly life. The Ten of Cups is always a good sign, illuminating with its light even the negative Arcana that are in the neighborhood - and then a person receives hope that everything will work out in the best way, even if there are some difficulties now. The card is especially good as a signifier of prospects. Sometimes Arcanum can also mean that the changes that will occur in the life of the questioner will be related to family life or close relatives.

The meaning of the card in an inverted position

The meaning of the Ten of Cups Tarot reversed does not take on a strong negative connotation. The reverse Arcanum can lead to situations where the “family nest” is empty because the children have grown up and started to arrange their own lives. Also, the card can mean a marriage without much happiness, when people live together, everything is fine with them, they have everything, but it feels like something is missing. Ancient interpretations of the card were more gloomy: it was believed that it foreshadows a tense atmosphere in the house, quarrels, scandals, misunderstandings, aggression and even violence. It is up to you to decide in what way to perceive this Arcanum.

Video about the meaning of the 10 of Cups card

The meaning of the card in readings for relationships and love

It will not be difficult to guess the meaning of the 10 Tarot Cups in relationships, since the card itself is closely connected with the family hearth, home, and marriage.

Straight position

The classic meaning of the Ten of Cups Tarot in relationships is peace, harmony, contentment and happiness. The feelings are sincere, the partners show mutual care, value and take care of each other. This is a kind of love climax, symbolizing the highest point of a relationship, when there was everything between people: a long romance, a sexual relationship, official marriage, the birth of children, and at the moment they can call themselves absolutely happy.

The meaning of the Ten of Cups of Tarot in love, if the card falls on a confirmed bachelor or lonely person, it means dreams of starting a family, his readiness to finally start a relationship and build a fulfilling personal life.

Inverted position

The meaning of the 10 Tarot Cups in a relationship, if the Arcana falls upside down, can be read in three versions, which repeat the main interpretation of the card. Either a marriage without a feeling of complete happiness, or an empty “family nest,” or family problems. However, sometimes Arkan can say that a person does not know how to appreciate what he has, or deliberately does not want to commit himself to a serious relationship, start a family, children.

The meaning of the card in health matters

There are different opinions regarding the interpretation of the card when divining well-being and diagnosing diseases. Let's look at them.

Straight position

A direct card most often speaks of peace of mind, a happy recovery from an illness, and the absence of any serious health problems. But some tarot readers also note that Arcanum sometimes falls on people who have experienced clinical death or are on the verge of death. This is due to the fact that the Ten of Cups has absorbed the deepest attachments of a person - everything that keeps him on this earth. When a person miraculously avoids dying or is in a state of clinical death, he begins to look at his existence completely differently, to appreciate what he has, his perception changes radically, everything that is actually important is separated from what is not worth attention, unnecessary, superficial - it is these experiences that the map speaks of.

Inverted position

The reverse card most often reports health problems associated with poor environmental conditions. Sometimes the map indicates that a person lives in the so-called “geopathogenic zone” - a place of tectonic disturbances that negatively affect well-being.

The meaning of the card in layouts for psychological state and personality analysis

Let's consider the manifestation of the card if we are faced with the task of describing a person and his state of mind.

Straight position

The meaning of the 10 Tarot Cups in the natural position is a person who most values ​​his family, personal relationships, family ties, and also sees the meaning of life in procreation. This is a friendly and hospitable person, in whose house there is always laughter and a warm, cozy atmosphere reigns. The state of mind described by the card is peace, harmony, happiness, contentment.

Inverted position

The reverse Arcanum can speak of two types of people: either a confirmed bachelor who does not want to start a family at all, or a person who has actually lost himself due to being bogged down by the needs of his family. State of mind - reluctance to love someone or take part in the life of a family, if you already have one, reluctance to have or raise children, sometimes - a feeling of emotional inferiority when there are loving people nearby, but there is no feeling of happiness.

The meaning of the card in fortune telling for work and finances

Let's look at the interpretation of the final card of the Cups suit when fortune telling about professional activities and money.

Straight position

The most common meaning of the Ten of Tarot Cups in work is a family business, business or profession inherited. Also on the map is a favorite job that a person enjoys, a warm atmosphere within the team, when colleagues literally become “natives,” and the ability to competently combine professional activities and personal life. On the financial plane - complete stability, a good reward for a successfully completed project, an understanding that money does not buy happiness, although there is enough money for everything, sometimes buying your own house or apartment.

Inverted position

Reluctance to take part in the family business, inability to combine personal life with work (work usually “outweighs”), a fragmented team, lack of mutual assistance and support between colleagues. The financial situation is unstable. Sometimes the card can lead to a situation where a person gives all the money he earns to his family, without leaving a penny for his personal needs. The card can also mean alimony (for example, when asked “where does a person spend money”).

It's time to look at the combinations of the Ten of Cups Tarot. You can take the meanings from the article as a basis, forming your own interpretations of the combinations in the process of practice.

  • : Freedom from family obligations
  • : Manipulation of public opinion
  • : Graduation
  • : The true joy of motherhood
  • : Friendly, cohesive team at work; strong, happy family
  • : Unity of souls
  • : Wedding celebration, official marriage, creation of a family
  • : Family trip, trip to visit relatives
  • : Harmony between body and soul
  • : Ignore public opinion, reluctance to start a family
  • : Things will get off the ground only through joint efforts
  • : Public opinion, sometimes family court proceedings
  • : Being an outcast within the family, a victim of society
  • : Divorce, serious changes in personal life
  • : Harmony in relationships
  • Devil: Vicious environment, sect
  • Tower: Family Destruction
  • Star: People are united by a common goal, common dreams
  • Moon: Hiding something from family members
  • Sun: General joy, family happiness, close-knit team, friendly company
  • Court: Recognize yourself as a member of society
  • World: Social networks, public recognition

The meaning of the 10 of Cups in combination with the Minor Arcana

What shades of meaning will the Ten Tarot Cups take on if there are other number or figure cards nearby?

With the suit of Staves

  • : Conception
  • : Moving to a new place of residence
  • : Fruitful teamwork, family happiness
  • : Holiday at home
  • : Disagreements among the team or family
  • : Friendly team, family
  • Seven: Everyday difficulties
  • Eight: Receive news from home
  • Nine: One of the relatives is actively intervening in the situation
  • : Insurmountable intra-family contradictions
  • : News about someone from your family
  • : Suddenly leaving home
  • : A relative who has influence
  • King: A relative with influence

With the suit of Cups

  • : Enjoy marriage, relationships
  • : Create a social unit
  • : Respect, honor in society
  • : Longing for loved ones
  • : The meaning of the Ten of Cups Tarot with the Five of a similar suit - intra-family disagreements, collective disputes at work
  • : Happy childhood
  • : The illusion of happiness
  • : Empty “family nest”
  • : Complete well-being
  • Page: A joyful proposal
  • Knight: Invitation to a family holiday
  • Queen: Faithful friend, close woman
  • King: Faithful friend, close man

With the suit of Swords

Creative approach to life and business

Internal mood:

I live in complete harmony with the Universe.

This card illustrates bliss and a happy family thanking the rainbow for the happiness they experience in life. Cups are the suit of peace of mind, so peace, tranquility and prosperity reign in the home and family. Ten of Cups predicts emotional well-being, harmony, luck and luck. Each cup has its place and its purpose, which means: all responsibility is overflowing and “crowned.” Why is a wedding celebrated once or several times? You can get married every day, trusting yourself and others. Consider yourself and your fellow tribesmen capable of much, believe in yourself and those around you, enter into an alliance with many, but unite only with a select few.

Ten of Cups predicts that everything will be fine not only for you, but also for the people around you. The card may mean that someone will take full care and guardianship of you. Since ancient times, the rainbow has been a symbol of man’s connection with the cosmos and signifies fantasy and creative powers. Creative approach to life and business. A person experiences joy from receiving a gift; he knows how to give and receive.

10 cups

in straight position:

Long-term happiness, contentment and fulfillment of cherished desires. Change for the better. A new stage in a relationship with a loved one. Luck and luck. Comfort. Declaration of love. Love and emotions come to the fore. The person is surrounded by the love of friends and family, and can enjoy emotional and spiritual harmony and accomplishments. Moving or short trip. Home, native land, peaceful marriage, harmony in the family. Honor. Respect. Good reputation. Getting rid of fears and concerns. Transition to a higher level of spiritual development. Pleasant events in the family. Long term luck.

10 of Cups in reverse position:

Insincere relationships. Adaptation. Deep feelings. Unpleasant events in the family. Self-indulgence. Health problems. Losing friends. Suppression. Scandals in the family. Anger. Discord. Depression. Losses. Failure in love relationships. Focusing on sexual desires. Experiences and tears. Tendency to self-destruction. Difficulties in completing a particular job due to the intervention of third parties. Negative influence of the past. Failure to keep promises. Take time to do what brings you pleasure, satisfaction and high quality work... Enjoy life and create what you believe in.

Description: a couple of people, embracing, raised their hands to the sky, where ten cups were located, forming a rainbow. To the right of them are two dancing children. A house is visible in the distance.

Basic meanings of the card in the upright position:

  • happy family life;
  • lasting happiness;
  • joy from spiritual achievements;
  • harmony in all areas of life;
  • perfection, completeness;
  • the beginning of a new cycle;
  • peace of mind;
  • joy in communicating with others;
  • feeling of gratitude;
  • New acquaintances;
  • professional growth is possible;
  • peace and tranquility in the soul;
  • philanthropy;
  • feeling of security;
  • collective success;
  • unity and trust;
  • fulfillment of desires;
  • marriage, travel.

Basic meanings of a card in an inverted position:

  • betrayal;
  • family quarrels;
  • war between children and parents;
  • success has either already happened or is being postponed something time;
  • loss, sadness;
  • rebellious teenager;
  • conflict of interests;
  • "empty nest";
  • fleeting romantic relationships;
  • single parent.

The happy couple raises their hands to a rainbow decorated with ten cups; Two kids are playing nearby. However, in some decks children are not depicted on this card. And the Aquarius Tarot card generally depicts a woman comforting a man.

The card symbolizes family happiness, peace, friendship and love. This is not the kind of happiness that is earned through hard work, or a reward for suffering: it is fate. Either it is there or it is not. If this card comes up, it means it exists; you just need to look up and see a bright rainbow.

When answering a question about the success of a business, it usually means collective success, in contrast to Nine, which means individual success.

Inverted, its meaning is similar, only success has either already happened or is being postponed for some time.

(E. Kolesov “The ABC of Tarot”)

DESCRIPTION: A young married couple stands side by side, joyfully raising their hands to the sky. Above them, like a rainbow of light, ten shining bowls were arranged in an arch in the sky. Next to the couple, their two children dance happily, and in the distance we see their family home. It is nestled idyllically at the top of a hill, among the trees. Element: Water.

EXPLANATION: The number Ten symbolizes perfection. This card represents a happy family life and lasting happiness, although here satisfaction (joy) comes not only from material success and emotional peace, but also from spiritual achievements, for the cups are located in the sky. This card symbolizes the highest phase of your personal relationships and shows that you feel harmony in all areas of your life. Your personal hopes and dreams have come true.

MEANING OF THE REVERSED CARD: This could be betrayal, family quarrels, sadness and war between children and parents.

SELF-DEVELOPMENT LESSON: The number Ten denotes perfection and completeness, but can also mean the beginning of some new cycle. Acknowledge the work you and those around you have done to make you feel happy and satisfied with yourself now, but remain open to new opportunities to ensure your happiness continues.

(N. Drewry “Tarot. Step-by-step guide to learning")

This card expresses the highest harmony and deep, wholesome love. It shows that we are confident in ourselves and in the future, that our feelings are deep and pure, and that we are free from any illusions or self-deception. It means peace of mind, good neighborliness, love and joy in communicating with others, true happiness and a feeling of deep gratitude in family or partnerships.

JOB: Excellent relationships between colleagues, a well-played team. Evenness, courtesy and friendliness in relations with superiors, subordinates, teachers, and comrades. New interesting acquaintances and connections, business contacts that contribute to our professional growth.

CONSCIOUSNESS: Here, the Ten of Cups signifies peace and tranquility in the soul when we are open to creative inspiration and forget about previous dark, destructive or painful thoughts. Their place is taken by a feeling of joy and lightness. On a deeper level, the card can symbolize true humanity.

PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS: A feeling of security, “safety”. A period when old grievances and difficulties are forgotten, crises are smoothed out, internal barriers are overcome, and joy, gratitude and peace come in their place. In partnerships, this means the onset of a “bright streak” when love, trust and the best feelings prevail. Often the card signifies the beginning of a new long-term acquaintance, or even a wedding.

Tens in Tarot

Number " ten” is associated with the Wheel of Fortune, the planet Pluto, which rules Scorpio and the eighth house. Pluto is the planet of death, birth and transformation; in the cycle, a period of growth and decline is replaced by a new period of growth. Like the Wheel of Fortune in the Major Arcana, Pluto speaks of the big changes that fate is preparing.

Ten of Cups upright

Key words and phrases: Long and happy relationship. Calm. Unity. Confidence. Connection. General well-being. Giving and receiving love. Good relationship between parents and children. Execution. Bliss. Emotional perfection. Safety. Prosperity Protection. Contentment. Love. Marriage. True friendship. Partnership. Compatibility. The joy of family life. Good relationships with family and friends. Serenity. Eternal love. Spiritual happiness. Fulfillment of desires. Lucky case. A celebration of gratitude.

Situation and advice: The Ten of Cups is a very good card for love, positive emotions, life values, overall happiness, spiritual growth and harmonious relationships. She promises a pleasant passion for someone or something, pleasure, prosperity and happy family relationships. Perhaps you will soon attend a family celebration or meet with friends. If you asked about the likelihood of marriage, then your chances are great. Perhaps you will have a good chance to go on a trip.

People: A happy family. Company of friends. Favorite people.

Ten of Cups reversed

Key words and phrases: Disharmony. Family conflicts. Incompatibility. A loss. Sadness. Disconnection. Family disagreements. Depression. Pessimism. Quarreling. Deterioration. Hurt feelings. Conflict of interests. Personality conflicts. You have been let down. Broken friendship. Destroyed family. A teenager experiencing an age crisis. Impermanence. Rebellious teenager. Family life is not smooth. Increased demands of your children. Criminal behavior. Canceled holiday. Empty nest.

Situation and advice: Something happens that disturbs your once serene happiness, such as quarrels, clashes of interests among family members or close friends. Teenagers can rebel for a variety of reasons. Someone may be creating problems that make life miserable for your close friends or family members. The Ten of Cups reversed indicates that one of the children may leave home and parents will have to cope with the sad feelings that arise at the sight of an “empty nest.” Fleeting romantic connections are possible.

People: Those who create problems. People who remain closed in their relationships with others. Those whose presence can ruin any holiday. Grown-up children leaving home. Runaway child. Rebellious teenager. Single parent.

The meaning and inner meaning of the Ten of Cups lasso

The meaning of the ten of cups in the upright position:

  • City, Fatherland, Country, Village, Village, Terrain, Location, Dwelling, Residence, Residence.
  • Citizen, Society of Citizens, City Resident.

Other meanings for the ten of tarot cups in the upright position:

  • joy, peace of mind, strengthening of love and friendship, family happiness, joy in the home
  • place of residence - home, city, country
  • a person who cares about the interests of the Questioner
  • achievements, commitments, successful marriage

The Ten of Cups tarot card signifies the final achievement of a long-desired goal, which gives great happiness and satisfaction. In addition, the Ten of Cups strongly indicates commitments made under the influence of emotions, both individual and collective. Doubts regarding the specific approach and support of cases are resolved, family troubles are resolved. The card is especially favorable for those who want to get married and for newlyweds, because it traditionally represents a long and strong union.

The meaning of the Ten of Cups tarot card is: the perfection of human love and friendship, true cooperation and the fulfillment of desires in personal life. Love at home and satisfaction with one's own achievements. Success, but in this case not necessarily material; happy family life, honor, respect.

Interpretation in an inverted position:

  • Rage, Indignation, Excitement, Temper, Anger, Violence, Irritation.

Other meanings of the inverted ten of cups tarot:

  • dissatisfaction with the status quo
  • heart turmoil, fleetingness, serious quarrel, sadness
  • strained relationships, breakdown, unhappiness

The Ten of Cups Reversed Tarot speaks of tension and problems where happiness previously resided. The Client’s relationships with family, friends and partners are turbulent. He probably feels that he is suppressed and humiliated by those around him, and quite rightly so.

The meaning of the reversed tarot card Ten of Cups: sorrow, quarrels, discord. Resentment and violence, perhaps emotional. Lying heart.

Inner meaning

The Ten of Cups tarot card describes true love and everything associated with it: contentment, domestic happiness, satisfaction with one's own achievements and personal life. You are surrounded by those you love and who love you. And everything that is dear to you is dear to them, and vice versa. The Ten of Cups of the Tarot creates a picture of peace and harmony created by people who have connected their lives and care for each other. The face cards in a reading can indicate people who live in this prosperity, or reveal a person who is watching out for your interest. The Ten of Cups Tarot is not only a favorable card, but also a card that has an influence: it strengthens the good cards in the layout and rejects the bad ones.


  1. N. Drewry “Tarot. Step-by-step guide to learning"
  2. E. Kolesov "The ABC of Tarot"
  3. Unknown author "Initial information for reading tarot cards"
  4. H. Banzhaf "Tarot Tutorial"
  5. Anthony Lewis “Tarot is simple and clear”

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The meaning of the Ten of Cups is the ruler of eternal joy. On the lasso is an image of a happy married couple with two small children. The couple froze with their hands raised to the sky, on which there is a rainbow, indicated by ten beautiful bowls. Two children are playing on the ground next to their parents.

Adults are calm, their pose symbolizes gratitude to higher powers for the happiness and harmony that fills their lives. In the astrological aspect of the chart there is a conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter in the zodiac Cancer, which is a symbol of comfort and kindness.



Ten is most often designated by tarot readers as a family card. It indicates spiritual unity between people, mutual assistance, happiness and home comfort.

For those who have not yet tied the knot, this lasso can act as a card of marriage or a successful union, which sooner or later will be legalized. Another meaning of the lasso is obligations to your loved ones and attention to their interests and needs.


In an inverted meaning, the card will be interpreted as a lack of mutual understanding between people, discontent and mistrust, conflicts and attempts to put pressure on a loved one.

Most often, the one who received this card is currently very dissatisfied with the circumstances of his own life, but does not make any attempts to change it, cultivating negative emotions in himself.

Value in layouts


He says that a person enjoys his own life. He is surrounded by comfort, his financial situation is stable, and his health does not cause any concern. Thanks to prosperity and harmony in life, he is in a state of complete peace of mind and balance.

When reversed, this card denotes poor living conditions.. Perhaps the house where you live is located in a disadvantaged area, or perhaps there is environmental or energy pollution in the living space itself.

Love and relationships

In fortune telling, the Ten of Cups is a card of climax. It indicates the peak development of feelings in the relationship between a man and a woman. For lovers, the lasso can become a symbol of a marriage proposal or the birth of a child.

For those who have recently met their soulmate or are still looking for one, the card can indicate a declaration of love, first physical intimacy, or the very acquaintance with the future chosen one.

A reversed lasso indicates a loss of love and respect in a relationship.. Partners begin to feel irritated and dissatisfied with each other. Quarrels and conflict situations may become more frequent.


In layouts for a specific question, the direct position of the card indicates an affirmative answer and the rapid achievement of the desired result. The existing problems and troubles will soon be resolved, and you will be able to enjoy the results of your work and get what you have dreamed of for so long.

The reversed position indicates the risk of being betrayed by the person closest to you., whom you have endowed with your love and boundless trust for a long time.


In a professional situation, the Ten of Cups is a symbol of the fact that a person really loves his job, which is why it brings him not only a good income, but also moral satisfaction. This is a card of triumph, successful completion of projects, transition to a new professional level.

In an inverted position, the lasso that falls out during fortune telling becomes a sign of broken harmony and mutual understanding in the team. The card means disruption of planned events, delays in business, conflicts with superiors, emotional rejection of one’s work.

Combination with other Tarot

Major Arcana:

  • With map "Jester"- you will feel free from obligations to loved ones.
  • With map "Magician"— you shouldn’t try to manipulate the opinions of others, you will quickly be exposed.
  • With map "High Priestess"— you will gain new knowledge that will help you get out of a difficult situation in the future.
  • With map "Empress"- for a woman, the card indicates a possible pregnancy, for men - paternity.
  • With map "Emperor"— harmony in the family, meetings with relatives, help and support of loved ones.
  • With map "Lovers"- relationships with your loved one will be marked by a joyful event.
  • With map "Chariot"- expect to receive good news, after which you have a long journey ahead.
  • With map "Force"- you are in a state of harmony with your inner world.
  • With map "Hermit"- do not ignore the advice of others, you should enlist their support.
  • With map "Wheel of Fortune"— you can implement your plans only if you find like-minded people.
  • With map "Justice"- Do not attach too much importance to public opinion.
  • With map "Hanged"- they will try to make you a pawn in someone else’s plans, be careful.
  • With map "Death"- changes in family life are possible, most likely not for the better.
  • With map "Moderation"- an internal conflict during which you have to make a difficult choice.
  • With map "Devil"- the threat of falling under the influence of others, beware of fanatical and dependent people.
  • With map "Tower"- an unfavorable combination for love relationships, it means a breakup, family breakdown.
  • With map "Star"— you will develop new interests that will help you make useful contacts in the future.
  • With map "Moon"- do not let others in on your plans, let everything remain a secret until it comes true.
  • With map "Sun"- joyful events and family events.
  • With map "Court"- you shouldn’t elevate yourself above others, you will only cause hostility and discontent.
  • With map "World"- communication with people close to you in spirit and interests, a feeling of unity with others.


  • WITH Ace of Wands– devote time to new ideas and projects.
  • WITH Two of Wands– hassles associated with moving or traveling.
  • WITH Three of Wands– and harmony in the family.
  • WITH Four of Wands- good news, followed by a holiday.
  • WITH Five of Wands– disagreements between close people.
  • WITH Six of Wands– it is better to refuse trips and trips.
  • WITH Seven of Wands– You may be subject to attacks and criticism.
  • WITH Eight of Wands– hear from an old friend.
  • WITH Nine of Wands– Don’t let your family interfere in your life.
  • WITH Ten of Wands– conflict situations in communication with management.
  • WITH Page with a baton– news about family affairs.
  • WITH Knight of Wands- an unexpected journey awaits you soon.
  • WITH Queen of Wands- a wise woman will support you in difficult times.
  • WITH King of Wands– disagreements with a man who is higher in status.


  • WITH Ace of Cups– experience the pleasure of communicating with your loved one.
  • WITH Two of Cups- the family idyll will turn out to be deceptive.
  • WITH Three of Cups– gain respect in the eyes of others.
  • WITH Four of Cups– you will miss your loved one.
  • WITH Five of Cups– an unpleasant situation in relations with family.
  • WITH Six of Cups– It’s not time to dream, it’s time to act.
  • WITH Seven of Cups– don’t let yourself be misled.
  • WITH Eight of Cups– There may be a feeling of loneliness and helplessness.
  • WITH Nine of Cups- absolute happiness.
  • WITH Page of Cups- get a good offer from your superiors.
  • WITH Knight of Cups– attending a large-scale event.
  • WITH Queen of Cups- communication with a close friend.
  • WITH King of Cups- an old friend will remind you of himself.


  • WITH Ace of Swords– resolution of family conflicts.
  • WITH Two of Swords- distrust on the part of a loved one.
  • WITH Three of Swords– differences in views can lead to quarrels in the team.
  • WITH Four of Swords- the truce in the family will be temporary.
  • WITH Five of Swords– you will become the object of someone else’s aggression.
  • WITH Six of Swords- a good time to visit loved ones.
  • WITH Seven of Swords– do not neglect your responsibilities.
  • WITH Eight of Swords– a feeling of guilt may appear.
  • WITH Nine of Swords– anxiety for one of the relatives.
  • WITH Ten of Swords- tragic events in the family.
  • WITH Page of Swords- minor family troubles.
  • WITH Knight of swords- quarrels due to unwillingness to put up with other people's shortcomings.
  • WITH Queen of Swords– open conflict will lead to a breakdown of ties.
  • WITH King of Swords– you will begin to protect the interests of a loved one.


  • WITH Ace of Pentacles– receive a business proposal.
  • WITH Two of Pentacles- you will have to fight for your happiness.
  • WITH Three of Pentacles– You should devote more time to work.
  • WITH Four of Pentacles– receiving small amounts of money.
  • WITH Five of Pentacles– don’t ask anyone for help.
  • WITH Six of Pentacles– get outside support.
  • WITH Seven of Pentacles– don’t give free rein to your emotions.
  • WITH Eight of Pentacles- proposal for a new one.
  • WITH Nine of Pentacles– you should be more economical.
  • WITH Ten of Pentacles– financial assistance from a relative.
  • WITH Page of Pentacles- unpleasant news from work.
  • WITH Knight of Pentacles- receiving a large sum of money.
  • WITH Queen of Pentacles– don’t miss out on your benefits.
  • WITH King of Pentacles– don’t lend money to anyone.

On this day, the lasso predicts success in all matters affecting the material aspect of life. There is a high probability that, having received such a card in a reading, you will soon rise to a new step up the career ladder. Relationships with loved ones will bring only joy. Try to spend as much time as possible with them.

The Ten of Cups reversed today means tension in relationships with others, incontinence in emotions. Be careful in contacts with unfamiliar people. I may try to put pressure on you, which will lead to serious consequences.

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Jupiter/Moon as a symbol of comfort and warmth

Straight position:

The Ten of Cups signifies an emotion that has finally formed and can be expressed. It symbolizes home, happiness, joy, peace, self-satisfaction, honor, virtue.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: loss of friends, idols, grief, strife, overthrow.

Ten of Cups.

Card Name: Lord of Complete Success

Correspondences – water (without additions from the letters of the name); Sephira – Kingdom (Malkuth)

Explanation (general meaning): happiness, stability in all areas, lasting success.

Event: meeting with relatives, trip to native places; everything related to family.

1. Very well established business. Wide opportunities, big profits, success - for business this card is even better than the Ten of Pentacles. Trade in natural resources (liquid: oil, gas)

2. Wonderful. If there are minor ailments, excellent care is provided.

3. The best for relationships: unconditional love, family support, deep emotional understanding. (there is a danger that such cloudlessness will not last long).

4. A bright person who radiates a feeling of peace. He knows how to put himself in the position of another, even to the detriment of his own interests.

5. Advice: Go to your relatives, go back to your roots.

Warning: happiness is never cloudless.

6. The answer is yes. Everything will be fabulously good.

Additionally: When interpreting cards, we must not forget that no card shows the state “forever”; in any case, this is a certain period.


Explanation (general meaning): loss of kinship. A person is used to the best, and now everything has faded a little, but it seems to him that everything has collapsed and everything is terrible.

Event: troubles in the family. Emigration (from 6 swords - for earnings, with the World - permanent residence).

1. Recession, a period of failure that is shared by everyone (employees, relatives); things are not going as well as before. May mean a long period of unchanged condition.

2. Dissatisfaction with one’s health (feels worse, but still does not know what is truly bad), complains more than gets sick

3. An amicable separation while maintaining a warm relationship. Family relationships between people who are not related by blood.

4. A man who has seen better days. Boredom leads to adventure...

5. Advice: understand your family relationships.

Warning: your emotional life may crack, you may get bored: it is advisable to change your environment.

6. An unsuccessful period awaits you(less successful than in better times). It is possible to leave your homeland for a long time.

General value:

This card expresses the highest harmony and deep, wholesome love. It shows that we are confident in ourselves and in the future, that our feelings are deep and pure, and that we are free from any illusions or self-deception. It means peace of mind, good neighborliness, love and joy in communicating with others, true happiness and a feeling of deep gratitude in family or partnerships.


Excellent relationships between colleagues, a well-played team. Evenness, courtesy and friendliness in relations with superiors, subordinates, teachers, and comrades. New interesting acquaintances and connections, business contacts that contribute to our professional growth.


Here, the Ten of Cups signifies peace and tranquility in the soul when we are open to creative inspiration and forget about previous dark, destructive or painful thoughts. Their place is taken by a feeling of joy and lightness. On a deeper level, the card can symbolize true humanity.

Personal relationships:

A feeling of security, "safety". A period when old grievances and difficulties are forgotten, crises are smoothed out, internal barriers are overcome, and joy, gratitude and peace come in their place. In partnerships, this means the onset of a “bright streak”, when love, trust and the best feelings prevail. Often the card signifies the beginning of a new long-term acquaintance, or even a wedding.

Ten of Cups combined with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - freedom from conventions and obligations regarding the family.

With the “Magician” card - manipulation of public consciousness.

With the “High Priestess” card - completion of training.

With the “Empress” card - the joy of motherhood.

With the “Emperor” card - a happy family; Friendly team.

With the “Hierophant” card - unity of souls.

With the “Lovers” card - a wedding.

With the “Chariot” card - a wedding procession.

With the “Strength” card - harmony of soul and body.

With the Hermit card - ignoring society.

With the “Wheel of Fortune” card - by joint efforts we can move things forward from the “dead” point.

With the “Justice” card - public opinion.

With the Hanged Man card - a victim of society.

With the “Death” card - changes in the family.

With the “Moderation” card - compare “I” with “We”.

With the “Devil” card - a sick society; sect.

With the “Tower” card - violation of public order; family destruction.

With the “Star” card - people united by a common goal.

With the Moon card - keep people in the dark.

With the “Sun” card - happiness in the family, team; general joy.

With the “Court” card - growth of public self-awareness.

With the “World” card - feel one with the whole world; social network on the Internet.


With the Ace of Wands card - conception.

With the “Two of Wands” card - moving; passing

With the Three of Wands card - a happy family life; fruitfulness in the team.

With the Four of Wands card - wedding; holiday in the house.

With the Five of Wands card - family disagreements; lack of cohesion in the team.

With the Six of Wands card - a honeymoon; friendly team, family.

With the Seven of Wands card - attacks, criticism, difficulties in everyday life.

With the Eight of Wands card - a message from home.

With the Nine of Wands card - interference from relatives or close people.

With the Ten of Wands card there are insurmountable contradictions and disagreements in the family.

With the “Page of Wands” card - news concerning the family.

With the Knight of Wands card - a hasty departure from home.

With the “Queen of Wands” card - a significant member of the family, team with yin qualities.

With the “King of Wands” card - a significant member of the family, team with yang qualities.

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