Sergei Mironov and sexual minorities. Sergei Mironov Mironov was expelled from the FBFR federation

Sergei Mironov is a popular athlete in Russia. Some only know him as a bodybuilder. Actually this is not true. He is a versatile personality. Sergey Mironov, for whom bodybuilding is an important part of his life, also managed to be a fitness model and work as a blogger.

The beginning of life's journey

Sergei Mironov was born on March 8, 1990 in the city of Slantsy. He started doing fitness from early childhood. At the age of 15, young Sergei finally decided that bodybuilding would become his main occupation. He bought a barbell and began to master it on his own at home. The process of pumping up muscles was a long and very tedious task. During the training, this novice athlete combined the intensity of training with the use of a special diet.

Thanks to his perseverance and strong character, he was able to achieve the desired results. Sergey Mironov, for whom bodybuilding is an important activity, dreamed of becoming a professional athlete in the future. He managed to fulfill his dream. But because of the scandal, he was forced to leave the sports arena ahead of time.

The beginning of a professional career in bodybuilding

Sergei Mironov first competed in this sport in 2014. The first tournament took place in Moscow. Mironov at that time already had excellent proportions and was the favorite of the competition. But the judges, to the surprise of the audience, gave him 2nd place. This injustice did not break such an athlete as Sergei Mironov. Bodybuilding is a sport that requires patience and effort. Sergei understood this and began to work more in the gym.

Mironov, in his bright but short-lived bodybuilding career, was again second at the prestigious Mens Physique tournament. Then he became the winner of the beach bodybuilding competition of the northwestern district. It would seem that after these victories, a bright athlete should only develop and win more prestigious trophies. But difficult trials awaited him ahead. Sergey Mironov, for whom bodybuilding was the main means of earning money, could no longer perform professionally due to a lifelong disqualification.

Scandal surrounding the athlete

Not all athletes respect their sport as much as Sergei Mironov does - bodybuilding. The height of this strongman is 186 centimeters. It has good parameters for this sport. But in 2014, the sports federation announced a lifelong disqualification of the athlete. After this, he could no longer participate in official bodybuilding tournaments. Sergei received such a harsh punishment because of his past. It all happened after this bodybuilder won the beach bodybuilding competition.

After this event, explicit photographs and videos appeared on the Internet. Mironov once upon a time posted provocative material on one of the special sites with erotic content. In the video, he was naked and made ambiguous remarks about gay people. The famous bodybuilder claimed that everything appeared on the Internet with the help of his ill-wishers.

The athlete’s close people have been trying to challenge the indefinite punishment for a long time. Mironov admitted that he posted the video himself, but asked the sports federation to mitigate the punishment. And why should officials study the past of athletes? Perhaps one of their competitors really asked them to investigate.

Life after the ban on bodybuilding performances

During the consideration of the case, Sergei Mironov fully admitted the existence of this video. It was made several years before the start of a professional bodybuilding career. He had financial problems, and good money could be made from erotic online broadcasts. The Sports Federation agrees that this act was committed long before the start of a professional bodybuilding career, but argues that an athlete who has committed such a violation cannot compete in official competitions.

Mironov has a large army of fans who strongly supported their idol. An electronic petition was created in support of the bodybuilder. In one day, over 2 thousand people signed up for it. The disqualification hit Mironov hard. But he found the strength to survive all this. The athlete does not rule out that over time he may begin his performances in bodybuilding for another country.

Personal life of an athlete

After the scandal, people began to discuss the bodybuilder’s sexuality. But it is known that he has a girlfriend, with whom they are thinking about their future fate. True, athlete Sergei Mironov (bodybuilding) does not like to talk about this. His height and weight cause envy among many competitors, which is what fans associate with the scandalous events. By the way, Sergei weighs 99 kg. The situation was resolved happily: at the Power Pro Show tournament it was announced that the disqualification from the disgraced bodybuilder had been lifted.

Not every athlete loves his sport as much as Sergei Mironov loves bodybuilding. His biography is full of ups and downs. Despite this, he is now a successful fitness model and is also considered a strong bodybuilding trainer. A large number of people subscribe to Sergei’s blog and follow his advice on proper nutrition and working with exercise equipment.

Days have not been kind to the Russian 24-year bodybuilder Sergiy Mironov. This young bodybuilder in the local fitness industry in the next hour began to shine brightly and made a lot of jokes. Those “kind-hearted people” found this naughty video on the Internet.

Immoral disqualification

As a result, Sergiy Mironov was disqualified for life. The merciless Russian IFBB federation has been destroyed, and some believers believed that the best way of punishment for a boy is to deny his right to compete in business. True, since the athlete’s special relationship lasts until his next sports event, it was not understood.

Photo or video?

On the Internet there are two reasons for disqualification: the photo and the video itself.

“The provocation against the athlete was carried out the day after he took 1st place in one of the sports categories at the tournament at the end of April. Several pages appeared on the social network VKontakte on which his photographs were posted, followed by several videos of ambiguous content. Judging by the logos, you might think that these are camera recordings from online sex sites. All materials, judging by the screenshots circulating on the Internet, were accompanied by homophobic incriminating inscriptions. There were other selections in circulation that were compromising the athlete...”, write

What's great: Sergiy Mironov as a beach bodybuilder successfully debuted in this world. Obviously, such a turn would be a great one.

“Someone snitched!” Some kind of RAT, envious and bad. I took it... dug it up - dug it up. And then he did this nasty thing. Who can do something like this? I would REALLY like to find out, and I think it’s not just me! Because you can expect anything from such a RAT! Moreover, the circle of suspects is not so large,” the author admits.

“I don’t meet guys”

What about Sergiy? On his VKontakte page, he wrote: “Thank you all for your support... Disqualified for life... It’s my own fault.. I should have not been such a punk... A few years ago... I never lose heart.. Don’t worry!!)).”

It’s good to have a non-traditional orientation, immediately after the scandal he revealed: “I’m 100 percent straight) I don’t meet guys) I have a girl) peace to all)).”

Is everything just starting?

How did it happen that the boy stumbled upon this video in response to the “Iron Rating”: “This is an important hour and we know such earnings. There were three reasons for this. I didn’t think that it was so “violent”, such a great trick. And I am now a famous fitness star.”

Sergiy will not agree with the federation and discredit its decision, but it does not exclude that he will now act... for another country.

The owner of a chic body, an attractive blond, performing in Men's Physicist, Sergei Mironov celebrated his 24th birthday in March of this year. Despite his young age, the young man has many sporting achievements to his name. The only fact that overshadows Mironov’s entire biography and puts an end to previous achievements in bodybuilding is a lifetime disqualification from the FBI.

Sergey was born on March 8, 1990, in Russia in St. Petersburg. After graduating from high school, he became a student at the history department of Collège universitaire français de saint-pétersbourg. Sergei began paying attention to physical fitness quite early. He cared about how his body looked and what girls thought about him. From the age of fifteen, Mironov seriously began to get involved in bodybuilding, pumping up his muscles at home with the help of a barbell and an ordinary stool. Soon, the future participant of Men's Physicist devoted himself entirely to strength training and bodybuilding training.

The young man’s goal was to achieve success in certain sports circles and learn to fully control his body. Sergei started playing American football for the reason that this sport not only allowed him to keep his body in good physical shape, but also brought all his muscles into action, forcing them to function.

Mironov paid special attention to proper sports nutrition. Training, diets, heavy loads brought the desired result - his body became attractive, his muscles were filled with strength. After such success, the representative of Men's Physicist began giving personal lessons to those who want to get in great shape and want to develop their strength capabilities.

On March 29, 2014, the bodybuilder took part in the “Men’s Physique & bikini stars” competition, held in Moscow. Among the fifteen contenders fighting for the title of Bodybuilding Champion, Sergei had clear advantages, and according to the results of the competition he was awarded second place. The traditional event brought Mironov silver.

Currently, the athlete Sergei Mironov is known as a fitness model, conducts individual training, is a specialist in the field of nutrition, and plays American football. He holds two honorary titles that are of no small importance for a bodybuilder - Vice Champion of Mens Physique and Absolute Champion of the North-West in Beach Bodybuilding.

Why was Sergei Mironov disqualified?

An act that the sports community could forgive an ordinary person can become a fatal mistake for a champion. Or, as in the case of Mironov, the reason for disqualification from the Russian Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness.

The athlete was suspended from activities for immoral behavior on Internet resources - a young guy with a toned body was seen in explicit videos that violate moral and ethical standards.

None of the FBI representatives deny that the video was filmed long before Mironov was awarded the status of Champion. But, nevertheless, the fact of indecent behavior, even if it occurred in the past of the athlete, cannot allow him to continue to remain a member of a famous sports society.


At 26 years old, Sergei Mironov is already known to many as an aspiring bodybuilder, fitness model and blogger. He became famous for his performances in the “Men’s Physique” category. It involves men without huge muscle mass, but with beautiful body proportions. However, Sergei Mironov is especially famous not for bodybuilding, but as a participant in the scandal that arose in 2014, because of which he was disqualified for life.

In everyday life, Sergei Mironov was nicknamed Uncle Seryozha, and under this name he runs his blog “Kach’s Diary”. In it, the athlete talks about various news, shares tips and takes on challenges along with invited guests. One of these videos, where Sergei Mironov talks about bodybuilding, can be seen below:

Uncle Seryozha was born on March 8, 1990 in the small town of Slantsy. The athlete started training when he was just a child, but made his first serious choice only at the age of 15. At this age, he first thought about such a sport as bodybuilding. Initially, the boy worked out at home, using a barbell purchased by his parents. The process of building muscle was long and tedious, but he achieved his desired shape through a combination of intense training and diet.

Today, Sergei Mironov’s weight is approximately 100-110 kg, and his height is 186 cm, and these figures are acceptable standards in bodybuilding.

Uncle Seryozha performed for the first time at a professional level in March 2014. He participated in a tournament held in Moscow. Among other contenders for the title, Sergei Mironov stood out for his proportions and was one of the favorites of the tournament. However, the judges gave him only 2nd place.

Nowadays, Sergei is a fairly well-known and ambitious fitness model. He combines photography with work as a trainer and nutritionist. After all, over the years of diligent training, Uncle Seryozha has mastered many effective pumping techniques and healthy diets. In his free time, he enjoys playing American football with his friends.

During his short career, Sergei Mironov was awarded 2nd place at “Mens Physique” and gold in beach bodybuilding in the northwestern district. The athlete was unable to achieve any more sporting achievements due to a lifelong disqualification. Now he makes good money from photography, interviews, a blog, a coaching career and promoting sports nutrition.


The Russian Sports Federation (IFBB) punished Sergei Mironov with lifelong disqualification. Since 2014, an athlete cannot take part in any official fitness or bodybuilding tournament. According to confirmed information, the reason for this punishment was Sergei’s past. However, many of his fans and friends are still challenging the federation's decision.

There are only two reasons, namely:

  • Candid photo shoot;
  • Candid video.

The athlete was punished in April 2014, when he won gold in beach bodybuilding. After winning the title, pages began to appear on social networks where candid photographs and provocative videos of Uncle Seryozha were posted. Experts believe that the filming was done from a webcam and broadcast on a special website with erotic content. The photos and videos captured moments where the athlete spoke ambiguously about gay people and was undressed. According to Sergei, this compromising evidence was found by envious people who did not benefit from his victory.

After the incident, many rumors and speculation arose about Uncle Seryozha’s orientation. Regarding all this, he said that he was to blame and that no one had faked the video. The only unclear point is the unclear position of the sports federation. It became unclear to many why such serious people were looking into the personal past of an athlete.

Sergei immediately denied accusations of homosexuality and said that he has a beloved girl in his life. Everything else is stupid rumors against the backdrop of a mistake made in the past.

Life after disqualification

Everyone makes mistakes, and Sergei Mironov did not deny the existence of this video at all. At that time, he was going through a difficult period in his life, and the athlete decided to earn extra money from erotic online broadcasts. This happened 3 years before the start of professional performances.

The Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation does not deny the statute of limitations for the incident. However, they believe that an athlete involved in a gross violation of moral and ethical rules should not compete in official tournaments. Because of such a severe punishment, Internet users created an electronic petition in support of Uncle Seryozha. During the first day, over 2 thousand people signed up for it.

Sergei Mironov is a bodybuilder, fitness model and famous blogger. In his videos, he helps people pump up their bodies and entertains them with interesting news. The lifelong disqualification was not easy for the athlete, but he survived this punishment and even plans to someday start competing for another country.

Useful tips from Sergei Mironov on how to lose fat:

Sergei Mironov is a bodybuilder, an attractive blond and the owner of a harmoniously developed body, competing in the “Mens Physicist” category and celebrating his 25th anniversary this year. Despite such a small age, he already has a number of serious sporting achievements to his credit. The only thing that darkens the athlete’s biography and crosses out Sergei Mironov’s past victories is disqualification from the FBI. And lifelong.

The beginning of the way

Sergey was born in St. Petersburg in 1990. After graduating from high school, he entered the history department of the French University College. But studying is not the only thing Sergei Mironov was doing then. Bodybuilding became his hobby at the age of fifteen. The young man worked out his muscles at home using a regular stool and barbell. Soon the young man signed up for the gym.


Sergei’s goal was success in certain sports circles, as well as full control of his own body. The young man took up American football for the reason that this sport brought all the muscles into action and forced them to function at full strength. According to Sergei Mironov himself, bodybuilding and American football are quite compatible.

The athlete paid special attention to nutrition. Heavy exercise, dieting and targeted training bore fruit: his muscles became stronger and his body became more attractive. After this, the future “Mens Physicist” began to give advice to people who wanted to increase their strength and get their body in good shape.


At the end of March 2014, Sergey took part in the Moscow competition “Mens Physicist and Bikini Stars”. Mironov clearly dominated fifteen contenders, but in the end he took only second place. But a month later he won gold at the Yashankin Cup.

Sergei Mironov's wife

This status is mistakenly attributed to the athlete’s girlfriend named Marina Evteshina. She, like Sergei, runs a blog about healthy eating and weight loss, and is also a master of afro hairstyles. But the couple is not officially married yet.


In mid-2014, the biography of Sergei Mironov was marked by a gloomy event: he was disqualified for life from the FBI. The head of the federation, Vladimir Dubinin, explained this as a violation. And the entire sports community was surprised by the act that Sergei Mironov committed. Bodybuilding in Russia has never seen anything like this. Probably, the athlete decided to follow the path of Kai Greene (an American athlete who posed naked). The only thing he didn’t take into account is that this wouldn’t work in Russia.

We are talking about nude photo shoots of an athlete. On numerous websites, Sergei was listed under the nickname Serge Henir. Although the photos themselves can be described as conservative and more related to the genre of light erotica. However, on some resources you can find explicit videos and photos.

The provocation against Sergei was carried out immediately after his victory at one of the competitions at the end of April. Several explicit photos were uploaded to the social network VKontakte, and then videos of similar content appeared. Judging by the logos, these were camera recordings from resources providing online sex services. All materials were accompanied by revealing homophobic inscriptions. After some time, other compilations compromising Mironov appeared...

After this incident, bodybuilding functionaries began to call the “Beach Bodybuilding” nomination gay, and some even began to prohibit Russians from performing in this category. It turns out that Sergei showed remarkable courage in sports.

He reacted rather restrainedly to the statement of Russian functionaries. Mironov admitted his guilt and regretted the mistakes of his youth, but at that time it was only a way for him to make money. Moreover, all this happened long before he joined the federation. He also thanked all the fans for their support, who sent the athlete 300 SMS a day.

This scandal was covered quite cheerfully, or rather rosyly, on the RuNet. It is noteworthy that several large gay communities stood up for the athlete, criticizing Dubinin’s decision. But the current athletes of the federation have divided opinions.

Athletes' opinions

Repeated tournament winner Alexander Shchukin was very surprised by this decision. After all, this, one might say, is the first sex scandal in bodybuilding. Previously, everything ended in ordinary squabbles on the Internet. Shchukin said that he had no right to condemn Sergei. Many bikini girls do the same thing, but no one excludes them from the federation.

The powerlifter and actor also expressed outrage. After all, Mironov did not do these things while being a champion. This is old history and should not affect current events in any way. It should be taken into account that disqualification literally pushes a person out of the sport, especially if it is for life.

But the champion in Igor Gostyunin supported Vladimir Ivanovich, saying that such athletes should be kicked out. This applies to everyone who behaves unsportsmanlike. Including representatives of the “Bikini” category and some judges.

Champion and multiple winner of the “Mens Physicist” category Denis Gusev considers Dubinin’s decision fair. After all, there are certain moral requirements for the appearance of an athlete, and they cannot be violated. If Mironov lived in the USA and did this there, then there would be no punishment. At the same time, Gusev emphasized that his attitude towards Sergei had not changed at all, since he had not committed anything illegal and had not violated either the Civil or Criminal Code. It’s just that a person had problems that forced him to choose this particular method of making money.


What is Sergey Mironov doing now? Bodybuilding is still his main activity. He participates in photo shoots and runs his own blog. Sergei still plays American football from time to time. He holds two honorary titles that are of great importance in the world of bodybuilding - the absolute champion in beach bodybuilding of the North-West and the vice-champion of Men's Physicist.

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