What is dill water made from? Dill water for newborns. How long does dill water last

Almost all newborn babies suffer from colic or bloating.

This condition is due to increased gas formation, as the baby's digestive organs gradually adapt to eating food.

One of the most effective remedies for solving this problem is dill water..

It successfully eliminates colic and improves the condition of the baby. Therefore, many parents are interested in how to prepare dill water for a newborn at home.

Dill water is a 0.1% fennel oil solution. In the people, fennel is commonly called pharmacy dill. That is why the tool is called that way.

Children can be given this substance to combat intestinal colic literally from the very first days of life.

It is important to bear in mind that if a child, in addition to colic, has other signs of a violation of the digestive process, dill water will not help. If there is a disorder of the stool, loss of appetite and bloating, you need to urgently contact a pediatrician.

In other situations, dill water is highly effective and has many useful properties:

Dill water is great for detoxifying babies. This action is achieved by eliminating the spasm of the intestinal muscles.

The systematic use of the remedy helps to cope with pain and normalizes the digestive process.

Experts note the benefits of dill water for women who are breastfeeding. This remedy stimulates lactation, improves the digestion process and has a slight calming effect.

Effective Recipes

Many people are interested in how to brew dill water for a newborn. There are several effective recipes based on fennel and dill that help cope with colic in babies.

with fennel

To make such a composition, you need to perform the following steps:

  • place 1 small spoonful of crushed fennel seeds in a container;
  • add 250 ml of boiling water;
  • put the mixture on a steam bath for 20 minutes;
  • then leave for 45 minutes to infuse;
  • strain the finished composition.

An equally effective remedy will be a mixture of fennel essential oil.. For its manufacture, you need to use the following recipe: dissolve 0.5 mg of raw materials in 1 liter of water.

The finished product prepared by this method can be stored for up to 1 month in the refrigerator. Before use, the solution must be warmed to room temperature.

with dill

How to make dill water from dill seeds? This question is very relevant if there were no fennel seeds on hand.

The preparation of this tool involves the following sequence of actions:

  • take 1 small spoonful of dill seeds and mix with 200 ml of boiling water;
  • leave the mixture to infuse for 1 hour;
  • the finished composition can be filtered.

An analogue of dill water for babies will be tea from this plant.

To do this, it is enough to grind the leaves of the plant, then take 1 tablespoon of herbs and mix with half a glass of boiling water.

Leave the finished composition to infuse for 1 hour. Then it must be filtered, cooled and used, like dill water.

If the baby is less than a month old, only a freshly prepared composition can be used to combat colic. For its manufacture, you need to take exclusively filtered water.

Dosage features

Instructions for using dill water depend on the method of feeding:

  • if the child is breastfed, the drug is given with a spoon;
  • Formula-fed infants can be bottled or fed with a spoon.

If the baby does not want to drink dill water, you can add a little mother's milk to it. This will make the taste of the drink more pleasant for the child.

Many mothers are interested in whether it is possible to add dill water to the mixture.. If the baby is bottle-fed, this is quite acceptable.

Before you cook dill water for a child, you need to familiarize yourself with the main nuances of the recipe:


Dill water may not always be used. The main restrictions on the use of this tool include the following:

  • personal intolerance to fennel;
  • high sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • the appearance of allergy symptoms.

It is important to consider that dill water can provoke a decrease in pressure.. Therefore, it is important to monitor the condition of the child.

This product rarely causes unwanted reactions. However, some children experience side effects.

The main consequences of using the tool include the following:

  • feeling of itching;
  • hives;
  • the formation of red spots on the skin;
  • pressure drop.

Dill water is considered a very useful remedy that successfully copes with colic in newborn babies.

For this product to bring good results, it is important to properly prepare it and strictly follow the dosage recommended by the pediatrician.

If side effects occur, the use of the drug should be discontinued and consult a specialist.

In this article:

From the moment of birth, the baby begins to actively adapt to life outside the mother's body. This is especially true of the digestive tract, because during the first months the intestines of the crumbs are not able to cope with the digestion of food entering it, responding with an accumulation of gases. This is nothing more than colic, which gives the child and his parents discomfort. Mothers are looking for a way to alleviate the condition of the baby, and dill water for newborns comes to the rescue.

In the modern world, there are many drugs that eliminate the accumulation of gases in the intestinal lumen. However, not all of them are suitable for young children. And the use of dill water helps newborns quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms, having a beneficial effect on the entire body.

What are the benefits of dill water for babies?

Dill water, designed to eliminate bloating in a newborn, is made on the basis of fennel seeds. This tool can be used literally from the first day of life.

Additional advantages of dill water for newborns are:

  • The ability to relieve spasms of the smooth muscles of the intestine, relaxing it and reducing pressure on the walls.
  • Help in getting rid of babies, excretion of fermentation products from the body.
  • Vasodilating property that stimulates blood flow to organs.
  • Improvement of maternal lactation during breastfeeding.
  • Appetite stimulation.
  • Dill water for babies has diuretic and choleretic properties.
  • Stabilization of the cardiovascular system and kidneys.
  • Help in getting rid of babies.
  • Sleep normalization.

Instructions for the use of dill water for newborns indicate that it copes well with colic, eliminating unpleasant symptoms and removing accumulated gases from the intestinal lumen.

This tool has been in demand for many years. Regular use of such water contributes to the expansion of the lumen of the bronchi and the removal of sputum without harming the child's body.

Buy or cook at home?

It is important to know that dill water for newborns requires preparation at a specialized pharmacy. Therefore, at present, it is quite difficult to purchase a finished product. However, you should not despair - you can easily prepare dill water for newborns on your own, at home. This will require fennel seeds, sold in pharmacies or stores. Fresh dill is also suitable, but only if it is grown in your own garden.

remedy recipe

Dill water for newborns at home is done simply and quickly, without requiring special efforts from mommy.

There are several recipes for dill water for newborns:

  • Pour a teaspoon of fennel seeds into a glass, after grinding them with a blender. Pour in boiled water. The broth should be infused for at least 50-60 minutes. After that, strain the resulting liquid. The tool is ready for use.
  • It happens that parents cannot find fennel in stores. Then dill seeds for newborns come to the rescue, the recipe for such water is very simple. A teaspoon of seeds is poured into a glass of boiling water. Next, the broth must be allowed to brew, then strain.
  • If there are no seeds, you can make dill tea for newborns. A small amount of fresh, thoroughly washed greens should be brewed with boiling water and let it brew for 60 minutes. Then strain through a sieve. It is important to remember that only fresh dill grown at home can be brewed.
  • You can prepare dill water for a newborn both from seeds and using essential oils sold in pharmacies. Only a few drops are taken per liter of purified boiled water.

Before choosing a method for preparing water for newborns, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician. The doctor will tell you how to brew dill, seeds or fresh herbs, and give recommendations about the dosage. If the product was purchased at a pharmacy, you can use the instructions for use.

How correctly and in what quantities to give the baby dill water?

Parents are often interested in how to give dill water to a baby. Such questions are justified, because even such a useful tool, if used improperly, can lead to serious consequences.

  • Dill decoction is not the best “dish” for newborns: babies often do not want to drink a tasteless liquid, spitting it out. Therefore, you can buy dill water for newborns at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself from dill seeds, diluting it with breast milk immediately before use.
  • After the mother has brewed dill for the newborn, she can add a certain amount of the resulting product to a bottle of ordinary water. However, not every baby likes this method. Some parents add the product to the adapted mixture at.
  • The dosage of dill water for newborns is determined by the doctor. Moms and dads should remember that it is impossible to experiment with the health of the crumbs by prescribing this remedy on their own.
  • Parents are interested in how much dill water should be given to a newborn. The usual dosage is 1 teaspoon per dose.
  • The question of how much dill water to give a newborn a day is decided by the doctor. Often they start with a three-time use of the remedy, over time increasing the number of doses up to 5-7 times a day, while observing the reaction of the baby.

It is important to remember that it is not recommended to change the dosage of dill water for newborns on your own. Despite the many useful qualities, the tool is able to provoke other reactions. Therefore, if the baby has colic, the mother should definitely ask the doctor how much dill water to give to a newborn child and how many doses per day are needed.

Are there contraindications?

Contraindications are not only drugs, but also herbal remedies prepared at home. Therefore, before you buy dill water for a newborn at a pharmacy or make your own dill water for a newborn, the mother should talk with the pediatrician.

  • For newborns with individual intolerance to dill seeds.
  • With low blood pressure. It is known that dill for newborns, used for colic, also has a vasodilating effect. Therefore, hypotension is considered a contraindication.
  • In the presence of an allergy to dill in a nursing mother.

It is equally important to know how much dill water to give a newborn. In case of overdoses, violations of the general condition of the baby, dyspeptic symptoms, and sleep disturbances can be observed. The optimal amount is 1 teaspoon 3-5 times a day.

What to do if there is an allergy?

Instructions for use indicate that newborns may develop an allergy to dill water, accompanied by a rash on the skin, vomiting, diarrhea, and difficulty breathing. If any of these symptoms occur, stop using the product and consult a doctor immediately. You can give the baby enterosorbents that help accelerate the removal of harmful substances from the digestive tract.

It is important to remember that an allergy to dill water in newborns is a serious manifestation that requires emergency care. Therefore, it is impossible to ignore the problem, hoping that the symptoms will disappear on their own. Self-medication is also not recommended, which can only aggravate the situation.

Since ancient times, fennel has been considered one of the best remedies for relieving children from colic. There are many recommendations on how to make dill water for a newborn on your own, alleviating the condition of the crumbs.

This tool has many positive effects that affect all organs and systems. It is only necessary to ask the pediatrician how to prepare dill water for a child, inquiring about dosages and possible adverse reactions. This will help the baby and parents forget about the unpleasant manifestations of bloating, enjoying every day.

Useful video about infant colic

As soon as the baby is born, his gastrointestinal tract begins to tune in to receive and digest his first food - colostrum, and after a couple of days breast milk or formula. The result of this process is the settlement of the baby's intestines sterile before birth with beneficial microflora. Everything would be great if intestinal colic caused by excessive gas formation and bloating were not an almost obligatory stage of this peculiar “tuning” of the intestine.

Bloating in newborns is a common problem that is present in most families. The cause of the painful condition is the accumulation of gases, which dill water will help to get out

When is dill water needed?

Usually, symptoms of bloating appear during feeding or soon after the baby has eaten. The baby begins to cry, bringing the legs to the tummy and blushes. In this case, neither stroking the tummy nor rocking in the arms can calm the child. Relief comes only after the baby soils the diaper and the gases that bother him come out naturally.

Sometimes there is no strength to wait for this moment, and dill water, a carminative agent long known for its beneficial properties and tested by many generations, will help alleviate the suffering of your beloved crumbs.

How does dill water work?

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This tool is a solution of fennel oil, commonly called "drug dill". A solution with a saturation of 0.1% is valuable primarily because it is quite acceptable to use it to save babies from colic almost from birth.

By the way, it is on the basis of fennel seed extract that Plantex is produced. It is a soluble powder that successfully replaces dill water for modern young mothers. The powder dissolves easily both in pure water and in breast milk. Apply Plantex already after two weeks from the date of birth.

However, such a remedy alone will not be enough if, in addition to colic, the child also has symptoms of indigestion, such as constipation, diarrhea, or lack of appetite (we recommend reading:). In such cases, be sure to show the child to the pediatrician.

For busy mothers, the Plantex preparation is suitable, which is made on the basis of natural fennel oil and packaged in convenient packages. Inside them are granules that dissolve easily in water.

What are the benefits of dill water?

Fennel and dill products have a number of useful properties:

  • help cleanse the body of toxins and support the vital activity of beneficial microflora;
  • improve intestinal motility, relieve spasms;
  • favor the expansion of blood vessels and the arrival of blood in all corners of the body;
  • helps to reduce pressure on the walls of the intestine, expanding it;
  • serve as an effective diuretic;
  • inhibit and eliminate inflammatory processes in the body;
  • stabilize the work of the heart muscle;
  • regular intake of preparations based on fennel and dill helps to increase the passage in the bronchi, reduces the resistance of air flows entering the bronchi, prevents their stagnation in the airways;
  • helps to liquefy and expedite the withdrawal of sputum when coughing;
  • promotes the secretion of bile;
  • improves appetite;
  • enhances lactation in the mother;
  • excellent remedy for constipation;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • improves kidney function;
  • has a mild sedative effect, due to its properties it has a positive effect on sleep and the nervous system;
  • by improving intestinal motility, it allows not only to get rid of constipation, but also to successfully remove gaziki in a natural way. That is why dill water helps to eliminate pain in the tummy of a child and normalizes digestion.

The healing properties of dill water will also be useful for nursing mothers. Regular intake stimulates lactation and helps to normalize digestion. In addition, the mild soothing effect of dill water is especially useful for mothers who have recently given birth.

Pharmacy preparations

In almost every pharmacy today, you can easily buy fennel fruits, and large pharmacies with prescription departments can offer a ready-made drug. On factory packaging, fennel seeds are usually referred to as "Common Fennel Seeds". You can also find them in shops and kiosks where they sell planting material, but for dill water you should buy fennel only in pharmacies. Fennel seeds on the shelves in grocery and garden stores may well be treated with some kind of chemicals.

Pharmacy dill water (at a concentration of 0.005–0.1%) is made under sterile pharmacy conditions from fennel seeds. Essential oils of anise, chamomile and other medicinal herbs that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and have antispasmodic properties can be added to the composition of such a pharmacy. The drug can be kept at home in the refrigerator, but you should not use it after a month after opening the package.

Dill water from the manufacturer KorolevPharm LLC

This drug is presented as a "baby food product for young children." It is an emulsion, which includes: glycerin, fennel oil (extract) and vitamin B1. The contents must first be diluted with 35 ml of water directly in the vial. The included syringe is used for precise dosing. It is also convenient for them to subsequently measure the dose for one dose - this is 10 drops or about 0.8 ml.

Vodichka is offered to the baby before each feeding, regardless of whether it is morning or evening (when colic especially manifests itself), since the drug has a certain cumulative effect.

The opened bottle is stored no more than 1 month in the refrigerator. This is the only negative - before taking the drug, you need to warm it a little in your hand or under a stream of warm water.

Plantex and its analogues

Pharmaceutical products include the well-known drug "Plantex", which is a soluble granules of a dry aqueous extract of fennel seeds with the addition of fennel essential oil. Sold in sachets of 5 grams. The contents of the sachet should be mixed with breast milk and given to the child before feeding.

It is also easy to purchase Plantex analogues: HIPP instant tea, as well as BabyCalm, Happy Baby and Bebinos preparations (more details in the article:). To brew the HIPP Fennel Instant Infant Drink, pour a teaspoon of tea granules into boiling water. The granules dissolve easily and quickly, then the drug must be cooled and given to the newborn cooled down.

Simethicone-based preparations

There are also alternative drugs that are produced on the basis of the synthetic ingredient simethicone -, "Sub Simplex", "Simethicone" and other analogues. Of course, all these drugs cost certain funds, while dill water can be made at home without much difficulty.

How to prepare dill water at home?

Recipe #1

  1. Pour a teaspoon of fennel seeds ground with a blender or coffee grinder into a cup (250 ml).
  2. Pour boiling water (but not steep). Insist for 40-45 minutes and then filter through cheesecloth or hair sieve folded in several layers.

One spoonful of this infusion is good to add to expressed breast milk or infant formula and give to the baby. Sometimes babies drip from a pipette 15 drops of infusion directly onto the tongue. Such homemade dill water is stored for only a day. In the morning you need to prepare a fresh infusion.

Recipe #2

Water is also prepared on the basis of fennel essential oil, for this, 0.05 g of oil is diluted in 1 liter of water. The solution can be kept in a cold place for a month. Before giving such a solution to the baby, it must be warmed up. Do not use a microwave to warm up - it is better to pour a little solution into a clean cup and put it in a vessel with hot water.

Recipe #3

It is noteworthy that in the absence of fennel fruits, a carminative can be prepared on the basis of ordinary dill in the old way, tested by our great-grandmothers. For this, 1 tsp. dill seeds must be poured with 1 cup of boiling water and kept for 1 hour, then filtered.

It is also good to brew a kind of tea from fresh dill, for which 1 tablespoon of chopped fresh herbs pour 100 ml of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Then also cool, filter and use later as dill water.

In order to bring the conditions for preparing the product at home as close as possible to sterile, the water for preparing the product, regardless of the recipe chosen, must be taken cleaned and all dishes must also be rinsed with boiling water. Newborn babies up to a month should be given only a freshly prepared remedy.

Fresh dill water from green twigs will also perfectly help a newborn - our grandmothers knew this recipe, who did not have access to a store assortment of medicines

Dosage of drugs

Dosages of dill water and methods of its use are determined separately for each specific case. Recommendations for the use of funds are described in detail in the instructions and descriptions for them. If you suspect an allergic reaction of the child to some of the ingredients of the preparations, you need to be especially careful.

Dill water should not be abused, since its excess can, on the contrary, increase gas formation in the intestines of a newborn and lead to constipation. Increase the number of doses of the drug should be gradually, carefully watching how the baby's body reacts to this.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to give the drug to a newborn? From a syringe, a small spoon (you can use coffee) or from a bottle equipped with a dispenser. You should not use a bottle with a regular nipple, since an excess of dill water and its frequent use can provoke an overdose in the baby and disturbances in the stomach, and increase gas formation.
  • How much dill water can be given to a child? No more than 1 teaspoon at a time.
  • How often should a newborn be given the drug? It is optimal to do this 3 or 4 times a day before / after meals or in between feedings. If, when taken with such a frequency, no negative reactions are found in the baby, but, you can increase the number of dill water intakes up to 6 times a day.
  • What to do if the baby does not want to drink? Mix dill water with breast milk or a mixture if the baby is artificial.
  • Are there any limits regarding the application time? Newborns can be given dill water from 2 weeks of age (we recommend reading:). You can stop taking the drug when the child's digestion has stabilized and excessive gas formation no longer bothers him - there are no other restrictions on the timing of admission.
  • Does the dosage of the drug depend on the feeding system of the child? The amount of the drug does not depend on whether the baby is artificial or fed with mother's milk.

When to stop taking the drug?

Do not forget that despite all the healing properties, dill water is only a supportive treatment.

Its use allows you to eliminate the symptoms of swelling, but not its root cause. If a child has a severe degree of dysbacteriosis or indigestion, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

A tool known for decades. Contains pharmacy dill water, which exhibits a pronounced carminative effect. It is used to improve intestinal motility and get rid of bloating in young children. It is symptomatic.

Dosage form

Pharmacy dill water is a liquid with a slight anise flavor.

It is given to a child to drink from a spoon or the recommended amount is added to drinking water.

Dill water in pharmacies can be found in different dosage forms: ready-to-use liquid, concentrate for oral solution, children's herbal tea. All forms have similar properties, but differ somewhat in the method of application and dosage.

Description and composition

Contrary to popular belief, dill water is not prepared from the usual dill salad, but from fennel, its close relative.

In pharmacy conditions, fennel seed essential oil is used to prepare this remedy, which is diluted with purified water. The concentration of the active substance in the resulting solution is 0.05-0.1%. This is the standard version of the release of dill water.

But some pharmaceutical companies produce a concentrated solution that should be diluted with boiled water at home before use. Tea bags are also available, which should be brewed to obtain a solution of the desired concentration. Therefore, parents should carefully read the instructions for the drug they purchased.

Some manufacturers introduce anise oil, chamomile extract or other medicinal plants into the composition of dill water. These components have an additional antispasmodic effect and allow you to quickly alleviate discomfort in a child.

The effect of dill water

Fennel, unlike dill, has a more pronounced carminative property. Its essential oils act in the intestines to prevent gas bubbles from accumulating and improve its elimination through the rectum.

Also, fennel essential oil improves intestinal motility, facilitating the movement of feces and accumulation of gases to the exit. This reduces pressure on the walls of the intestines, prevents their expansion, which often causes pain in babies.

Fennel oil has other beneficial properties for babies:

  • relieves spasms of smooth muscles of the intestine;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • helps the regression of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • has an antimicrobial effect;
  • improves appetite;
  • prevents constipation;
  • has a beneficial effect on the sleep of babies.

As a result of regular intake of dill water, the baby ceases to experience pain and discomfort in the intestines, it improves the digestion process and improves the quality of absorption of nutrients from the food received.

Pharmacological group

Dill water is a carminative with an antispasmodic effect.

Indications for use

Dill water is used in children for the purpose of:

  • improving bowel function;
  • stimulation of the digestive process;
  • reducing the accumulation of gases and facilitating their release;
  • relieving spasms of the intestines (with intestinal colic).

The most widespread use of dill water was found in infants during the onset of intestinal colic. This process occurs in newborns by the end of the first month of life and lasts up to about six months.

Dill water is a symptomatic drug, that is, it greatly alleviates the baby's condition during this period. But she is not able to completely cure colic in children, like other similar drugs. Colic goes away on its own with the improvement of the digestive process in children.

Dill water can also be used in adults to improve digestion, and in nursing mothers, this remedy helps to increase the amount of breast milk.


Dill water is contraindicated only in case of hypersensitivity reactions of the body. But they happen extremely rarely.

Dill water tends to lower blood pressure, so if an adult or a child has a similar disease, then the drug should be used with caution.

How to cook and serve

Dill water is a liquid ready for use. It is given to the baby from 3 to 6 times a day after meals, 1 tsp. You can add 1 tsp. in infant formula or a bottle of water.

If we are talking about a concentrate, then a solution is first prepared from it. To do this, add 35 ml of boiled water directly into the vial and shake thoroughly. Give the same as above.

If you bought dill water in the form of filter bags for making tea, then pour 100 ml of boiling water over one bag, cover with a lid and let it brew. After that, the resulting tea is given to the baby 3-5 times during the day, 1 tbsp. l.

If you decide to use dill water for a newborn, start with small doses - half a teaspoon. Gradually, the baby will get used to taking the remedy from a spoon, and you can easily bring the amount of the drug to that indicated in the instructions.

Dill water can be given to the baby as long as he has colic. As soon as the baby ceases to experience discomfort, you can stop using this remedy.

Cooking at home

Parents can prepare dill water for a child on their own.

The older generation used dill seeds for this. This is not forbidden, but the effect will be much weaker than if fennel seeds are taken as the basis.

1 tsp dill seeds are brewed with a glass of boiling water and allowed to brew for at least an hour. Any fluid not consumed by the infant should not be used the next day. This solution is prepared daily.

To get a more effective remedy, you should buy fennel fruits (seeds) in a pharmacy. 1 tsp (with a small slide) pour the seeds into an enamel bowl, pour a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil and then simmer for a couple of minutes over low heat. Then remove from heat, cover with a lid and wait until the broth cools down.

After that, it is more convenient to strain it and give it to the child, as well as pharmacy dill water. Every day, the baby needs to prepare a fresh broth.

If you are preparing dill water for a newborn on your own, observe the maximum sterility of this process.

Side effects

Side effects when taking dill water in newborns are practically absent, so the drug is considered one of the safest ways to improve digestion and relieve discomfort in the tummy.

Occasionally, there have been cases of allergic reactions associated with individual intolerance to fennel essential oil.

Interaction with other drugs

There are no data on the negative interaction of dill water with other drugs. But if the baby is receiving any specific medication treatment, consult your doctor first.

special instructions

The drug is available without a prescription, but you should still consult with your pediatrician first. Describe to him the symptoms that bother the baby, and the specialist will determine whether they are really caused by colic and how dill water is suitable for your baby in this case.


In the case of using doses of the drug, many times higher than those indicated in the instructions, a sharp decrease in blood pressure can be observed.

But in this case, we are not talking about one extra teaspoon of the drug for the baby, but about its significant doses. Therefore, parents should not worry too much, but precautionary measures (remove the bottle away from the child) must be taken.

Storage conditions

The drug is stored in the refrigerator. An open bottle must be used within a month.

The shelf life of an unopened bottle with a concentrate is 2 years, herbal tea in bags - 1 year.

Dill water is one of those time-tested remedies that are still relevant today. It's all about the simplicity, naturalness and effectiveness of this tool.


Dill water is a proven remedy for gases and colic, which is highly safe. The tool has a sufficient number of analogues that differ in pronounced action.

The drug is produced in the form of granules intended for the preparation of a solution for oral administration, and is a full-fledged analogue of dill water. Contains fennel seeds. The product is of plant origin, so the risk of side effects during use is minimal.

The price of the drug

The cost of the drug is an average of 129 rubles. Prices range from 95 to 170 rubles.

The appearance of a child in the family is not only a great joy for parents, but also a huge responsibility for this restless bundle of happiness. Initially, there are many problems with newborn children: from the inability of parents to deal with the firstborn to serious health problems for the baby. We sincerely wish you not to know the latter, but the former comes with experience. With each new day spent with your baby, you will feel more confident, and the fear of doing something wrong will gradually go away.

The crying of the child becomes an alarming signal for parents. Since the newborn cannot express his thoughts and desires in words, he will demand something by crying. If you are sure that the baby is full, he has a clean diaper on, he is not cold and not hot, then most likely he is suffering from colic. The problem is unpleasant for adults and very painful for the baby, who may start crying at the time of such attacks. Don't ignore! It is in your power to help the child.

Colic and its symptoms

Colic is severe pain in the intestines. This phenomenon is inherent in children from the age of two weeks and it can be observed up to six months of a child's life.

The reasons are varied:

  1. The unformed microflora of the gastrointestinal tract: in a newborn child, all mucous membranes inside are initially sterile and are just beginning to “grow” with beneficial microorganisms. Since the baby needs a large amount of milk / mixture during this period of life, the intestines may not be able to cope with such a load. It should also be taken into account here that during the breakdown of milk protein, a large release of gases occurs, which cause severe discomfort to the newborn if they do not go outside.
  2. The child swallows air when he eats. Usually this phenomenon is characteristic of premature babies or babies injured during labor, since they often have disorders of the nervous system. Also, the child swallows air if feeding is interrupted by his cry. If the baby does this, after feeding, be sure to hold him with a column so that the air leaves the stomach.
  3. The diet of a nursing mother, compiled incorrectly. Since you are breastfeeding, remember to eat reasonable food restrictions, because some foods can provoke colic in your baby. You should not eat fried meat, legumes, a lot of fruits and vegetables (especially if they are not processed), confectionery. If you cannot deny yourself such products, transfer the baby to artificial feeding.

Signs that a newborn has colic:

  • the anxiety of the child, expressed by crying, turning into a scream;
  • pulling the legs to the stomach;
  • refusal to eat, or vice versa, a constant desire to suck on the breast / bottle;
  • feeding is interrupted by a cry.

If you observe these signs in your child, then immediately try to help him. The most proven (and most affordable) way to get rid of colic is dill water.

What are the benefits of dill water

Dill water is a well-known folk remedy that acts on the principle of an antispasmodic: it relieves spasms from the intestinal muscles, after which, as a rule, the baby gets rid of excess gases. This is accompanied by loud noises and, possibly, an unpleasant smell, but after the spasm finally goes away, your child will fall asleep soundly, because he was so tired while he was tormented by colic.

Dill water helps the intestines “grow” with beneficial microflora, which helps to adapt to new microorganisms that get inside, and also serves as a good prophylactic against colic.

Of course, we do not exclude the possibility of you buying ready-made dill water in the prescription department of a pharmacy. But you will find fennel seeds faster in the bins of your own kitchen cabinets than you will be able to purchase a ready-made preparation.

An analogue of dill water is the drug "Plantex". They have identical properties: both contribute to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, relieve bloating and severe colic. The only difference is the price. It is much cheaper to buy fennel fruits (“pharmacy dill”) than to buy a special preparation.


  1. After you have bought fennel seeds from a pharmacy, take about three grams and grind them finely.
  2. Pour the resulting powder with a glass of hot boiled water and let it brew for thirty minutes.
  3. After this time, strain the liquid through a fine sieve or cheesecloth so that no visible fennel particles remain in the water.

If it is not possible to purchase fennel fruits in a pharmacy now, you can use the seeds of the dill itself. For this:

Pour a tablespoon of seeds with a liter of hot boiled water and leave for an hour and a half. After that, also strain the liquid from the seeds.

Doctors recommend using fennel because of its hypoallergenicity. Dill can cause a rash on the baby's skin, so if you still use its seeds, carefully monitor the reaction of the child. If a rash or redness develops, give the newborn an antihistamine immediately.

How to feed a child

If you made water from fennel seeds, then it should be given to the baby one tablespoon every day. As a rule, this remedy tastes bitter, therefore, when the child refuses to drink it in its pure form, it is permissible to mix it with ordinary drinking water, with expressed breast milk or with milk formula.

When you make medicine from dill seeds, then, mindful of possible allergies, give your child one to three teaspoons of water a day. This water can also be added to plain water, expressed milk and formula milk. Carefully observe the reaction of the baby, and in case of a rash, give an antihistamine and still prepare some water from pharmacy fennel.

Usually, both drugs begin to act after 15-20 minutes: the baby will noticeably calm down, and you will hear how the accumulated gases begin to leave him. But, having got rid of colic once, do not forget to take preventive measures so that they do not return.

Colic, first of all, disturbs the child. With his constant crying, he only lets you know how much he hurts. Do not ignore his message, but immediately take measures to get rid of this unpleasant symptom. Dill water is the most common way to soothe a “rebellious” tummy, so keep fennel fruits in reserve until you are sure that your baby has got rid of colic once and for all.

Video: dill water for children's colic

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