World Autism Day 2 April. World Autism Awareness Day will be supported by actions across Russia

On April 2, 2008, the UN General Assembly proclaimed World Autism Awareness Day. In 2005, the largest American organization Autism Speaks (“Autism says”) was invented by the action “Light it up blue”. Within its framework, on April 2, some buildings are illuminated in blue. This is done in solidarity with people with autism and their families, as well as to draw the attention of politicians and ordinary citizens to the problems of autism. Also, a number of events are timed to coincide with this day - round tables, discussions, seminars, etc. In Russia, the action is supported by the Commission Public Chamber RF according to social policy, labor relations and the quality of life of citizens, news agencies "Social Map Russian Federation and the Social Information Agency.

One of the first to join the action "Light it up blue" in Russia was the Foundation for Assistance in Solving Problems of Autism "Exit" (founded by the writer and screenwriter Dunya Smirnova). As part of the action on April 2, World Autism Awareness Day (World Autism Awareness Day), some buildings will be illuminated in blue. This is done in solidarity with people with autism and their families, as well as to draw the attention of politicians and ordinary citizens to the problems of autism.

The company O1 expressed its desire to participate in the action. Business centers "White Square", "Dukat Plaza" on the street will be highlighted in blue. Hasek and others.

Light It Up Blue was originally created by America's largest organization, Autism Speaks, which was founded in 2005 by the grandparents of a child with autism. Now the organization is one of the main sponsors scientific research in the field of autism, and an advocate for the rights of people with autism and their families. The campaign has become a tradition not only in the US, but also in Australia, Egypt, Romania, Brazil and others.

Participation options include: 1) lighting the windows of your own apartment, house or institution with a blue lantern, lamp or garland; 2) if it is impossible to change the lighting, then you can simply decorate the premises of the school, office or public organization blue decorations or posters; 3) can be worn on April 2 blue clothes and encourage your friends, classmates or colleagues to do the same, then get together and take pictures for social networks and the action site; 4) Blue balloons can be inflated and placed indoors or near buildings. To participate in the action, you can contact its organizers at Autism Speaks ( [email protected]) or with the fund "Exit" ( [email protected]).

The events are held with the support of the Commission of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation on social policy, labor relations and the quality of life of citizens, the information agencies "Social Map of the Russian Federation" and "Social Information Agency". The RIA Novosti media group will also join the Light It Up Blue World Autism Awareness Day. On April 2, the agency building on Zubovsky Boulevard will be "painted" in a special Blue colour, and a projection of puzzle pieces - one of the symbols of the disease - will be displayed on its facade. In addition, on April 1-3, RIA Novosti will host events in which politicians, actors, Russian and foreign experts, parents, and children with autism will take part.

Events dedicated to information support of the topic of autism will also take place in the regions. Thus, the Nizhny Novgorod regional public organization for the support of children and youth "Veras" holds the Week of open doors and invites teachers of educational correctional institutions for individual and group lessons with children with autism spectrum disorders.

"Thanks to World Autism Awareness Day, it has been possible to raise international attention to autism and other developmental disorders affecting millions of people around the world," said in his messages UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. At this session, the UN General Assembly adopted a new resolution on this issue, demonstrating a commitment to helping individuals and families affected by autism. The resolution calls on UN member states to intensify research work and expand the services they provide in health, education, employment and other essential sectors. At the upcoming May session, the executive committee of the World Health Assembly will also take up the topic of autism spectrum disorders.

Autism is a permanent developmental disorder nervous system, which manifests itself in early childhood and is independent of gender, race, or socioeconomic status. The term "autism spectrum disorder" covers a number of specific characteristics:

  • non-standard ways of processing information from the senses,
  • a pronounced and comprehensive deficit of social interaction and communication,
  • limited interests and repetitive activities,
  • the predominance of a closed inner life,
  • active withdrawal from the outside world,
  • poor expression of emotions.

All of these symptoms begin to appear before the age of three years.

Autism is widespread in all regions of the world, and misunderstanding of the features of this disorder has significant implications. Negative consequences for people, their families and the communities in which they live.

With appropriate support, consideration of needs and goodwill, people suffering from this neurological disorder can enjoy equal opportunities and participate fully and productively in society.

Every year more and more children are diagnosed with autism. It is difficult for such children to adapt to the world around them, to establish contact with it. How to hear and understand such a baby? How to help children with special needs? For their difficult fate, see documentary"Others".

How do parents feel when they find out that their child will be “different”, and why the most cruel people turn out medical workers? Almost 10% of the world's population have developmental features, and their fates are often difficult. Star parents and experts will frankly tell you what difficulties unusual families face in Russia.

World Autism Awareness Day

The stigma and discrimination associated with neurodevelopmental development continues to hinder the implementation of proper diagnostic and therapeutic methods. This issue should be addressed as policy makers in developing countries as well as by the countries providing assistance.

On December 18, 2007, the United Nations General Assembly declared April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day in resolution 62/139 to draw attention to the need to promote a better quality of life for people with autism so that they can live full and meaningful lives as full members of society.

The resolution of the General Assembly paid attention, first of all, to the problem of autism in children. Concern has been expressed about the high proportion of children with autism. The importance of early diagnosis and appropriate examination is indicated.

Founded by the grandparents of a child with autism, Autism Speaks launched the Light It Up Blue campaign in 2005. As part of the campaign, on April 2, various city buildings - museums, banks, business centers - are illuminated with blue light as a sign of solidarity with people with autism and their families, as well as in order to attract the attention of politicians and ordinary citizens to the problems of autism.

The action has become traditional. In previous years, the sights and tallest buildings in the largest cities of the USA, Canada, Australia, China, Great Britain, Egypt and many other countries turned blue.

The initiator of the action "Light it up in blue" in Russia is the Fund for Assistance in Solving Problems of Autism "Vykhod".

Want to join?

The motto of the action is "Light it up in blue!", as the blue color is a symbol of world day spreading awareness about autism around the world.

Anyone can support the action in any of the convenient ways:

  • Wear blue on April 2 and invite your friends, colleagues and family to follow suit (it can be just a T-shirt, scarf, tie or any blue accessory).
  • Light up the windows of your apartment, house or office with a blue lamp or garland.
  • If it is not possible to change the lighting, then you can decorate the premises of an institution, school, office or public organization with blue decorations or posters.
  • Tell your friends and acquaintances about the action in in social networks with notice #April 2 and #light up blue (you can use your photo in blue clothes).

Additional sources of information

  • World Autism Awareness Day
  • Foundation for assistance in solving the problems of autism in Russia "Vykhod"

In 2007, the United Nations designated a special day dedicated to people with autism, emphasizing the importance of drawing public attention to the problem. Today we will tell last news medical science, suggest where to attend seminars with the participation of international experts and get the necessary answers to exciting questions, and also offer effective methods rehabilitation of autistic children. And, of course, we will listen to the opinion of competent experts about possible difficulties surrounding the problem of autism spectrum disorders.

Causes of autism may be hidden even at the stage of pregnancy

The reasons for the development of autism spectrum disorders are still not exactly clear. But in recent studies in the field of brain biochemistry, it is argued that vitamin D (cholecalciferol), also called a "hormone" in scientific circles, plays a special role in the formation of cognitive abilities, as well as communication difficulties. Scientists at the New Zealand Children's Clinic have identified a link between serotonin, which affects social behavior and vitamin D. With an insufficient level of the latter, the amount of serotonin also decreases, which affects the model of human communication. American scientists have identified an insufficient amount of vitamin D in the blood of most residents of the United States. Scientists note that the fall in vitamin levels coincides with the increase in the number of cases of autism.

Doctor of the Perinatal Center named after V.A. Almazova (St. Petersburg) Elena Leonidovna Khazova studies issues related to the lack of cholecalciferol. She argues that the origins of the development of human health disorders can be sought even at the stage of pregnancy. Since the mother-fetus system functions as a whole, the deficiency essential substances in the mother may affect the development of the fetus. As you know, "vitamin" D is formed when exposed to sunlight, and their amounts most a year is clearly not enough. In some cases, prophylactic use of this substance in a fixed dosage is recommended, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy. In any case, you should consult with your doctor.

Availability of information about issues surrounding autistic children

It must be remembered that children (and grown-ups) are autistic in intellectual and creativity can be highly developed. Another thing, due to the difficulty of contact with them, this can not be immediately noticed. But while providing necessary conditions and a certain degree of understanding and acceptance of the situation, a wealth of inner world such a child.

Not the last role in the adaptation of the child and the formation of a healthy atmosphere in the family is information education. There are numerous websites designed to help parents deal with legal aspects, where families can communicate and discuss pressing issues, as well as ask a question to a specialist - a teacher, a lawyer, a doctor.

In Moscow there are specialized centers, where parents with children from 1.5 years old can apply, participate in educational seminars. For example, since April 2, 2016 in a similar Center "Our sunny world» a project is launched in which international experts will participate weekly on Saturdays and answer all topical issues relating to special children. You can get experience in person by attending the event (for which you should first check the schedule on the website), or, if you do not live in Moscow, via the Internet, following the online broadcast of the webinar.

Innovations in the field of rehabilitation

The program "Dream Skis" has proved to be good results. Numerous reviews from parents confirm the effectiveness of ski training. The program has been launched at 17 resorts in Russia, and about 100 specially trained instructors, as well as volunteer assistants, participate in it.

Importantly, the success of the program is also indicated by the chief pediatric neurologist Moscow, specialist in children's rehabilitation of the Ministry of Health, Tatyana Timofeevna Batysheva. She heads the center of psychoneurology, where research is actively conducted scientific substantiation of positive results.

The idea to put people with special needs on skiing came from the United States, where almost all patients are taught to ski: with children cerebral palsy with movement restrictions (and prosthetic devices), children with autism, and even butterfly children with epidermolysis bullosa(rare, orphan disease).

Of course, rehabilitation issues should be discussed individually with a psychiatrist who takes the child's medical history.

Expert comments

Usik Maria Andreevna, psychologist psychological center"Individualization", St. Petersburg

Autism in Russia is big problem and shrouded in prejudices and myths. Difficulties begin with definition and classification. There is no single clear cause of autism. There are many questions regarding therapy and rehabilitation. Sometimes low-skilled psychiatrists diagnose children with autism spectrum disorder as "hyperactivity" or "delayed emotional development". Also a certain problem in Russian psychiatry is the appointment drug treatment, and replacement with a diagnosis of schizophrenia after 18 years of age.

Early detection of the disease makes it possible to start behavioral therapy with great success and results. It is good that alternative support systems are now beginning to appear, non-profit charitable organizations, there is a popularization of the topic of autism, thanks to which parents of special children and adults with an unidentified diagnosis find support and help.

Every year on April 2, under the auspices of the United Nations, the World Autism Awareness Day is held. Traditionally, various events are held on this day, which are designed to draw public attention to this topic. I support the UN initiative and I think that it is necessary to talk about the problem of autism as often as possible.

Society is full of stereotypes. In fact, children with this disease need not only treatment, but also increased attention by every adult. Many of these socially unadapted children are very talented in various fields. Scientists have not yet found a way to completely cure patients of autism. But there are many examples of how qualified assistance and support from parents, doctors, caring people it is possible to ensure that the child develops the skills of social interaction, communication and giving a minimum of self-help. Some children manage to achieve success, and when they reach adulthood, they become relatively independent. There are few such examples, but they exist, and this is the way to success in solving this issue.

The most important in the matter of treatment remains, as before, early diagnosis diseases. I urge parents to be more attentive to the behavior of their babies: a delay in speech development, unwillingness to communicate, fear of bodily contact, the desire for order and the presence of the same repetitive actions should be alarming and become a reason to show the child to a specialist. After all, the detection of a disease early stage, up to two years old, will help make changes in the child's behavior, help him cope with some difficulties.

I would like to note that in last years a whole movement has arisen, a kind of culture of autistic people, whose representatives position autism not as a disease, but rather as an alternative state of behavior and thinking. And I completely agree with this movement: autistic people are not sick people who should not be associated with, who should be avoided. These people are different in their worldview and attitude, they just need help and caring attitude from the whole society.

Early childhood autism- this is a violation of the communicative ability of the child with intact intelligence. AT early age this often manifests itself as delays in speech and/or mental development combined with different strange habits» - behavior stereotyping (rocking, licking, torsion, etc.). So-called painful rituals appear, adherence to a certain sequence of actions, an unchanging order, certain things in the environment of the child. Violations of social interaction with early autism become most noticeable at the age of 5 years and are characterized by the child's lack of ability to build direct communications with the interlocutor, look into his eyes, participate in joint games with peers, lack of social attachments.

AT preschool age children with autism may suddenly speak in full sentences, abruptly, quickly learn to read and / or count. The fulfillment of instructions, tasks, requests of an adult is often ignored, the child follows only his own impulses, which are often of a “ritual” nature, and adherence to monotonous actions is characteristic. Unexpectedly, children with early childhood autism may show supernormal abilities in some areas of activity or knowledge (memory, mathematics, etc.).

Among the causes of the disease are genetic disorders; There is a teratogenic theory according to which autism is associated with exogenous factors, the adverse effect of the external environment on the woman's body in the first trimester of pregnancy (stress, alcohol, nicotine, medicinal substances etc.). There are other alternative theories that are currently causing a lot of controversy.

The main task in the rehabilitation and correction of children with autism is to prevent them from completely withdrawing into "their own world", gradually adapt them, develop communication and social skills, find for them a place for activity where they can work productively and as comfortably as possible in "their" world. tempo, rhythm, graphics.

Realizing the extreme importance of the problem, the 62nd session of the UN General Assembly in 2008 decided to celebrate April 2 of each year as "World Autism Awareness Day". Scientists are concerned that real reasons disorders are still not clear, the rehabilitation process requires significant efforts, and most importantly, the number of children with autism has grown tenfold worldwide over the past ten years. Every year on this day, millions of professionals and parents of children get the opportunity to tell the public about autism.

Autism - disease state psyche, a person's immersion in himself, the desire to get away from contacts with the outside world.

The causes of autism are not fully known, but many experts believe that in addition to hereditary factors, the environmental situation in the place of residence of the parents and the child, psycho-emotional stress, relationships in the family and society play a significant role.

With autism, the child's ability to social skills, contacts with other children and adults is impaired, problems arise both in non-verbal communication and communication through speech. They are afraid to make eye contact, they are afraid to get on the bus, they want to scream and repeat the same words - they are afraid of others just as others are afraid of them. Children with autism often have restricted and repetitive behaviors. With all this, the child's intelligence does not suffer, and in some cases it can be much higher than that of his peers.
Meanwhile, according to statistics, various forms autism occurs in every hundredth person, and mild form Many great people of science and art suffered from autism and that is why they were brilliant: A. Einstein, I. Newton, J. Orwell, G. Wells, Mozart, Kant, Michelangelo.
Each case of autism is unique, and there are many potential geniuses among autists. But there are only a few realized geniuses: they lack the normalization of the perception of the world around them and social adaptation.

A difficult and stressful period for any family is the moment when the realization that their child is “special” appears, the diagnosis of “autism” sounds frightening. Early childhood autism is a medical concept, therefore it is determined by a doctor - a child psychoneurologist. In its most characteristic form this syndrome manifests itself at the age of 2.5-3 years. At the same time, signs of dysfunctional development, which can then manifest itself in early childhood autism, in most cases can be seen much earlier.

Parents play a key role in working with autistic children. Parents themselves are sometimes embarrassed to turn to a psychiatrist with a similar problem, fearing that someone will find out about it and somehow perceive it differently. Under no circumstances should this be done. After all, it depends only on mom and dad how the life of their special, not like everyone else, child develops.

As for family upbringing, parents should remember that autistic children are very fond of old toys, various fragments and strings. Autistic people love parts of toys more than whole toys. Under no circumstances should debris be taken away from babies, and new toys should be offered carefully, in no case imposing. autistic child always notices and remembers everything, and the wrong behavior of parents can lead to a loss of confidence in them on the part of the baby.

Hiking in noisy places - circus, theater, children's performances - is always a test for an autistic child, he does not enjoy them. Autistic children are often afraid of large toys. The regularity and predictability of life is very important for such a child - he walks along certain routes, wears the same clothes, eats from a certain plate. Autistic people are often selective in their choice of color. All this should be taken into account when trying to help an autistic kid - parents should be able to adapt to his characteristics and be patient, only in this case it is possible to achieve improvement. With careful, unobtrusive interaction with the child, his oddities begin to disappear, and the range of interests and favorite things expands. Often, autistic children even begin to look into the eyes of the interlocutor and ask their parents for affection, approaching them and cuddling with their whole body. This means that the baby has overcome a huge internal barrier that fenced him off from the outside world, preventing contact with others.

Many parents, especially those who already have a senior, are fine developing child, noticing that “something is wrong” with the baby, they begin to worry much earlier than the child is one year old, and seek advice from a specialist - a pediatrician or a neuropathologist.

In addition, classes with a teacher-psychologist are very important, who must be able to win the trust of the child. The hypersensitivity of autistic people makes you be very, very attentive with them. When talking, you should not raise your voice, in no case should you create an alarming atmosphere during the conversation. Autistic people do not like a lot of impressions - therefore, at first, you can interact with such a child exclusively with your voice.

Working closely with the children's polyclinic, the service of early comprehensive care of the State Educational Institution "Slutsk District Central Committee for Regional Development and Rehabilitation" identifies children with RDA. Timely help teacher - psychologist, teacher - defectologist, the implementation of the recommendations of the doctor and the desire of the parents, of course, gives noticeable results. The specialists of the center conduct developmental classes with the child, taking into account his characteristics, consult with parents. Upon reaching the age of 3, children with autism spectrum disorders pass a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, which determines the educational route. On the basis of the institution preschool education"Kindergarten No. 19 in Slutsk" operates 2 groups for children with autism.

The problem with autism in our society is the unwillingness to accept and normally treat such children. They need support in order to live to their full potential, to cope with difficult situations for them. social tasks. They need recognition and acceptance of their characteristics just like you and I, but many people with autism simply cannot live in dignity without this support.

  • Autism is different. If you met one person with autism, then you recognized ... only a person with autism. In fact, this applies to each of us, our individuality is what distinguishes us from the rest. And autists are no exception. You cannot build your communication with such a person just because you know about his diagnosis. The only assumption that will be more or less true is: "Most likely, this person has difficulties with communication and socialization." But that also applies to anyone after a week of sleep deprivation, right?
  • Autism is a fundamental part of a person's personality. This is not one "diagnosis", but a set of many phenomena that make up the identity. This is the basis of how an autistic person develops, looks at the world, feels and understands. And it's impossible to imagine. It's just that his brain works differently.
  • Having autism is not a sentence. It does not make life empty and devoid of bright colors. The existence of an autistic person is no worse and no better than a neurotypical representative. The diagnosis does not prevent him from being in his family, part of society and a person whose life is of the highest value.
  • Autistic people are incapable of love. In the usual sense of the word, sung by romantics, poets and writers. They love, but they love differently, in their own way expressing a feeling of deep affection for a person, sometimes reaching painful addiction. Autistic people do not copy the manifestations of feelings ... Perhaps this the only people in a world whose sincerity you can be 100% sure of. By the way, not all autistic people are asexual, as is commonly believed. Most, just like neurotypical people, fall in love, go on dates, start families and have children.

  • Autism is not a barrier to learning. But best performance success from those who learn in special, comfortable conditions for them and after they have been taught how to behave in ordinary world not adapted for them. Having problems at school, many autistics become successful students, getting into democratic universities and doing only what they love.
  • The genetic nature of autism has been proven in 90% of cases. And it's definitely not contagious disease!
  • Autistic does not mean sociopath. Although this image is replicated in films and books. This person does not give a damn about others, he simply does not know how to build communication. And certainly autistic is not a cold-blooded serial maniac. In general, crimes committed by man with a clear autistic spectrum - count on the fingers.

  • There is no epidemic of autism in the world. Only the number of diagnosed cases is growing, due to the improvement of diagnostic methods. For example, Asperger's syndrome was not previously classified on the autism spectrum, since the person completely retained speech abilities. Today, a significant number of adults experiencing big problems with socialization, can be diagnosed and identify this syndrome. And finally learn to live with it.
  • Autistic people are not unhappy people. They don't have "second-rate" happiness. They don't need sympathy for this. Only an autistic person is able to see the beauty and repeating pattern of cracked tiles over an area of ​​tens of meters, or to rejoice at the sequence of colors of cars encountered in different parts of the country. You don't have to be neurotypical to be happy.
  • Autistic people want to be a part of this world. Even if not on their terms. They have dreams and hopes, they want to speak up and be heard. And it is in the power of every neurotypical person to support this diversity of thought patterns.
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