Why are people so cruel? Why do kind people become cruel? What is cruelty? Causes, main types and methods of combating cruelty

Manifestations and properties of cruelty

At the beginning of the article, it should be noted that the manifestation of cruelty is peculiar only to man. Yes, you read it right. Man considers himself the highest being in the entire universe, but the entire history of mankind is riddled with examples that chill the blood and staggering in their cruelty.

Human manifestations of Cruelty are characteristic of almost all time intervals of human existence. These are wartime and peacetime, these are fat pre-crisis times and very difficult years of crisis.

Cruelty is the denial of life and the embodiment of hatred for all living things.

In virtue society, her presence has become out of place, though she occasionally visits and associates closely with the virtue group. In a word, the nature of rigidity depends on whose manifested personality trait it is - for a vicious person it turns into a serious personal flaw, for a decent person - into dignity.

There are situations in life when severity and severity do not work, and there is nothing left but to resort to the services of rigidity.

When it is necessary to restore order and discipline, to immediately stop obscene actions, rigidity is taken into account. Rigidity is inappropriate if the person was not aware of the requirements that he was obliged to fulfill, if the possible consequences were not specified, or the requirements themselves are inadequate, unrealistic to fulfill.

Rigidity is perceived by people as a forced necessity if they see that the person himself lives by the same rules and follows the same principles that he strictly requires others to follow.

Cruelty arose simultaneously with the appearance of man. There is no cruelty in the animal world.
Cruelty to satisfy one's feelings of inferiority or for the purpose of revenge does not exist. A wolf will not kill a hare to play up his importance or look with a sadistic grin, as he pees in fear. The boa constrictor hypnotizes the rabbit not for the sake of enjoying its severe suffering, but only for the sake of food. The lionesses hunting the antelope have no hatred towards it, but only hunger.
Indeed, many animals are characterized by aggressiveness. This is their way of survival, but they never kill for the sake of killing, for the sake of enjoying the torment of another living being. Animal behavior is governed by instincts. Cruelty as a moral category has nothing to do with animals.

Scale of values ​​extreme manifestations: Severity> > > > > > > > Condescension > > > >

Cruelty - is on the opposite side on the scale of values ​​​​from Pity at the same distance.
Origin of Cruelty
Selfishness and the desire to define oneself is the origin of Cruelty. The False Ego identifies itself with the human body and with the things of the outer world. Egoism needs a sense of possession, which always remains in the form of deep dissatisfaction with something or someone.

Two insatiable feelings - incompleteness and insufficiency are the basis of Cruelty

The powerful human brain and thought process, combined with insatiable feelings, are the basis for the origin of this terrible manifestation - Cruelty. The feeling of Superiority and the desire to satisfy this feeling is the beginning of Cruelty.
As soon as a person saw his reflection in the mirror, Cruelty begins his life from that moment.

In rigidity, only loyalty to the established rules, a sense of duty remained. Bereft of love, cruelty immediately acquired new vicious "friends".

In this scenario, rigidity will be respected. The right to rigidity must be earned by personal responsibility, impeccability, organization, justification and discipline. Rigidity towards others begins with rigidity towards oneself.

Principles and some forms of manifestation of rigidity:- Never force your subordinates to do what you do not understand or what you do not want to do. This suggests that if you are a leader, then show how to act by example. Who can blame you after that? A man is nothing without his word. Your word must be like a rock. Always keep your promises, never promise, I know your inner clowns are pushing you to make a promise. A minute of disbelief in you of another person is a minute of his removal from you.

Origins of Childhood Violence

The source of cruelty is very often the result of raising children, where in childhood there are weak, strong or overwhelming Egos in relation to children.
We just think that we are raising our child. In fact, we are cultivating his false ego.
Cruelty is brought up if too harsh, exorbitant and impossible demands were made on the child, and the punishments were cruel and humiliating. The child was constantly accused, he was always guilty, not good and not loved.
The child becomes ruthless to himself and to all living things, considering this the right behavior. He transfers the humiliations and cruel punishments of childhood into adulthood, becoming an independent performer of Cruelty. The child's life was mutilated, turning him into a Cruel monster.
Cruelty is not only internal ugliness in education or in the family. The flow of violence poured out on the child by the outside world or the restriction of communication provokes indifference to the pain of others and develops the habit of aggressively looking at the world.

What is a Strong Ego?

Most people have a weak and a strong ego. Take, for example, a strong ego. When the requirements for a child in childhood were strict, but clear, fair and achievable, and when they did not humiliate his human dignity, his Ego will become strong and correct.
The child grows up with a sense of responsibility for his actions. He is able to independently and overcome life's difficulties.

Cruelty breeds cruelty

Being under the great influence of the false Ego, a person tries to prove his importance, to assert himself in all possible ways. He develops new spaces, resources and habitats, fights with all his might for his social status, regardless of the people around him.
The more harshly or cruelly circumstances affect a Man, the more cruelly he reacts to conditions that are intolerable and threaten his being.

Cruelty is inherent in all people, in some it appears in a manifested form, and in most people in a latent form.

Cruelty is not a synonym for Ruthlessness and Ruthlessness

Cruelty - accompanied by the need to enjoy and satisfy the senses from the torment and suffering of living beings. Torture and Cruelty are synonymous!
When Cruelty develops from a quality of a person's character into a mental pathology and receives the name Sadism. These are really serious deviations!

Pity for cruel killers turns into betrayal and cruelty towards their victims. When the noose swept over the necks of Goering, Goebbels, Rosenberg, who were responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people, hardly anyone dared to accuse the Nuremberg Tribunal of cruelty.
Democracy and a false idea of ​​the laws of democracy, partly finding justification in the fact that our country Russia is a rule of law State - encourages the manifestation of Cruelty. This manifests itself in the absence of a steady rule of history - Cruelty gives birth to cruelty.
When a maniac who has killed dozens of innocent people is sent to life imprisonment, this is exactly what is called betrayal, and in relation to the victims, this is repeated Cruelty.
Why is life imprisonment - Cruelty to the victim?
A maniac who is sentenced to life, sees the sun and the sky is blue. He eats, dreams, can enjoy masturbation and memories of the past and live in hope for the future. He can relive the voluptuous minutes of murder hundreds of times more. Keeping such monsters alive means being Cruel. A fact that is difficult to hide, but today we live in a very cruel state.

True Cruelty springs from the weakness of the Personality

Historical Examples of Cruelty. History testifies that force and the absence of concepts are sometimes merciless and ruthless, cruel.
There are many historical documented examples.

Julius Caesar was cruel to a resisting enemy. After the victory, he was whispered to carry out mass repressions against enemies. Caesar refused flatly - showing Grace.
Another impression is produced by the actions of the Cruel Politicians. Caesar Augustus, after the capture of Perusia, all those who tried to beg for mercy or justify themselves, killed 300 people like sacrificial cattle. Caligula ordered that criminals be thrown to feed wild animals as a Sacrifice. The cruelty of our time - the Second World War, stirred up the cruelty of modern man. How and how to justify such a manifestation of Cruelty?

The cruelty of women is more sophisticated

Cruelty does not greatly depend on sex, but just as in nature females surpass males in their toxicity, so in life some women will significantly surpass any man in Cruelty. How and how to explain this fact is quite difficult, but I have an assumption that this is a manifestation of and.
The cruelty of women recorded as historical fact - there are a lot. These are facts, both in Russia and abroad. The cruelty of women in modern society is more sophisticated. Currently, it manifests itself at the household level, as a rule, as a persecution of their ex-husbands using laws and lawyers. In wartime - such people are called fanatics. Some individuals even decide to contract killings. All this lack of Love in raising a child. Under certain circumstances, the secret side of the personality can be revealed in all the terrifying ugliness of Cruelty.

Cruelty always stems from Callousness, Weakness and Fear.
Kiselev V.A.

Egoism in the extreme right form, pushes a person to the manifestation of Cruelty. Cruelty, in turn, consists of betrayal, indifference, humiliation of others, fear, ruthlessness, mercilessness, bullying, unreasonable aggression, violence, selfishness, intolerance, despair,.

For itself, cruelty always has a justification in the form of an idea or is present as an obsession with some utopian idea, for example, the ideas of communism, fascism, socialism. Cruelty is always outside any ethics of society and indicates the transition of all acceptable moral boundaries.




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Cruelty- a set of components of behavioral logic, characterized by the purposeful infliction of suffering to a living or inanimate being.
Succubus Dictionary

Cruelty (an inhuman, rude and insulting attitude towards other living beings) is a moral and psychological trait of a person, which manifests itself in causing moral or physical damage, in a rude and despotic attitude, as well as in obtaining internal pleasure from the suffering of people or animals. Cruelty is a concept close to aggression, but it is a more stable personality structure. Cruelty implies complete indifference to the needs and suffering of another person or living being. She does not allow the thought that he might be hurt, bad, sad, hurt, annoyed. A person who shows cruelty "does not hurt for another." Cruelty is accompanied by insensitivity, emotional coldness, indifference, lack of mercy. The flip side of cruelty is excessive vulnerability. Often this destructive moral and psychological trait appears as a result of a psychotrauma or under the influence of a long-term exposure to a traumatic situation. A person is shackled in cruelty, as in armor, and inside him there remains a suffering I. It is ambivalent. On the one hand, it is completely unprepared to recognize the significance of another person, and on the other hand, it wants to be loved, pitied and caressed. That is, cruelty is a kind of cover from fear, a contradiction between a sense of one's own inferiority and the lofty claims of society.

The manifestation of mercy, love for people and animals, recognition of the value of human life, sympathy and empathy - these are the main ways to overcome cruelty. If you look even deeper, then this is a deep work on your own fears and complexes.

  • Cruelty is unmercifulness, insensitivity, inhumanity.
  • Cruelty is a manifestation of extreme dissatisfaction with life and oneself.
  • Cruelty is an unsuccessful attempt to hide one's complexes and personal vulnerability.
  • Cruelty is a false way of demonstrating one's own strength and greatness.
  • Cruelty is disrespect multiplied by pride.

Disadvantages of cruelty

  • Cruelty makes a man a monster.
  • Cruelty is hard to stop; it can lead to crime.
  • Cruelty snowballs and leads to even more cruelty.
  • Cruelty brings evil to the person himself, his family and friends, as well as society.
  • Cruelty is an unreliable and destructive cover for one's own inferiority.

Manifestations of cruelty in everyday life

  • Social advertisement. In the project of social advertising "New Space of Russia" a poster "We can overcome cruelty only together" was released. It is designed to cultivate the eternal cultural and family values ​​of the Russian people and fight against social cruelty.
  • Film "Cruelty". In 2007, a new product of Russian cinema called "Cruelty" appeared in the box office. This is a story about a teenage girl, with a difficult childhood and a broken fate, and about a woman, Zoya, who is successful in life, but a failure in love. The slogan of the film is "This is not love - this is cruelty." The picture tells about anger, aggression, a sense of revenge, about the cruelty of the heart. Is it possible to cross over love and friendship? Can! But what will happen next? To answer this question, you should watch the movie.
  • Child cruelty as a phenomenon. Child cruelty at a certain stage is a normal age-related psychological formation. After all, the growing baby is just learning to control his emotions, and this mechanism has not yet been debugged. Understanding and correct behavior on the part of parents is important here. You need to give vent to your emotions. Active games, sports, walks, animals, "pillow fight" - these are helpers in the fight against aggression. Today, however, social workers and psychologists are concerned about uncontrolled, increasing child and adolescent cruelty. What drives these kids? http://www.vesti.ru/videos?vid=540108
  • The cult of cruelty. In some religions or sports, there is even a cult of cruelty. It is believed that the manifestation of cruelty is a demonstration of one's own strength and power. The moral and ethical side of the issue remains outside the brackets.

How to overcome cruelty

  • Acceptance and awareness. The most important step in the fight against cruelty is the awareness of the problem and its acceptance. Only the understanding that cruelty is the greatest evil can help get rid of it.
  • Self-love and recognition of universal human values. Since cruelty is based on dislike, disrespect and self-denial, then work on this quality should begin with the restoration of self-love and getting rid of deep fears. It is very important to understand and accept the value of human life as such. Value your life and the lives of others.
  • Sympathy and mercy. If you find manifestations of cruelty in yourself and want to get rid of them, then try to train in mercy. Try to think about the suffering of other people, feel sorry for and feed homeless animals, give alms. Do not miss the moment to help another person by performing an act of mercy.
  • Building your strength and successful style. Usually cruelty is shown by people who feel their inferiority in one or another area of ​​life. These are people whose internal self-esteem is either underestimated or overestimated. And these are the opposite sides of the same coin. Therefore, the fight against cruelty is facilitated by the alignment of self-esteem, the formation of success and pleasure from social acceptance and approval. Strive to achieve success and public recognition. Being positive from other people will make you a more tolerant person.

Golden mean




Winged expressions about cruelty

The more worthy a person is, the more living beings he sympathizes with. - Francis Bacon - All cruelty comes from weakness. - Lucius Seneca - Uncertainty breeds anger. - Vyacheslav Bucharsky - Cruelty and fear shake hands with each other. - Honore de Balzac - Aria Neyer / War crimes: brutality, genocide, terror and the fight for justice The book is interesting with specific examples and analysis of the problem of cruelty at the social level. Here are the facts concerning the fight against cruelty in different countries and at different levels of statehood. William Golding / Lord of the Flies This work of art is a recognized classic of world literature. It tells about respectable boys who, having received a decent upbringing, ended up on a desert island. What happens when people forget about love and mercy? Something bad happens. The book will bring real pleasure, reveal the problem of rigidity and make you think about serious things.

/ / / What causes cruelty?

A person does nothing for nothing, everything has its own reason. Heartlessness also does not appear suddenly and out of nowhere. Cruelty is a negative personality trait that manifests itself in rude behavior towards living beings: infliction of pain, rude or offensive behavior, encroachment on someone's life. There can be many reasons for cruelty: resentment, envy, jealousy or cowardice. It seems to me that those who choose the path of heartlessness are weak people. It is very difficult to be kind, because kindness involves helping others, a gentle and caring attitude. Cruel people divide the world into black and white, but that doesn't happen.

In literary works, the theme of kindness and cruelty is very often raised. The heroes are at a crossroads: to take the path of goodness and harm themselves, or to take the path of cruelty and benefit for themselves. Russian and foreign writers philosophize over the nature of kindness and cruelty, they especially thought about the heartlessness that they inflict on close and dear people. In the novel Fathers and Sons, Bazarov acts cruelly towards his parents. He does not pay attention to them, rarely comes to his old people. What is the reason for his cruelty? His cruelty is nurtured on nihilistic beliefs. His philosophy makes him do this to his parents. He has warm feelings for the "old people", but he keeps them deep in his heart and does not show them. Only on his deathbed, Eugene realizes that his parents are the best people in the world, he regretted that he treated them so carelessly during his life.

Nastya, the heroine of K.G.'s story, can also be called cruel. Paustovsky "Telegram". The woman has forgotten her mother, who lives in the village. The inhumanity here is the removal from the mother, who needed help and care. Only after the death of her mother did Nastya realize that her daughter's duty was not to transfer money for a helpless mother, but human care. Why did Nastya do this? It seems to me that she wanted to start a new life in the city, and her mother, who lives in the country, somehow restrained her. She wanted to appear independent to her colleagues and not be tied to her sick mother. The author teaches us that there can be no place for cruelty in the family.

There are many reasons for cruelty. The problem is that a person himself chooses how to act: humanely or not. It all depends on people, not circumstances. Cruelty to parents most often is a projection of the attitude of parents towards a child in childhood. A person should strive for good, not show cruelty, despite temptation or resentment. Even fairy tales teach us from childhood that good will conquer evil, and cruel heroes will always be punished. An inhuman treatment of others cannot be justified by any reason.

Cruelty, like any evil, needs no motivation; she just needs a reason.
George Eliot

The thirst for pleasure makes cruel.
Pierre Buast

Cowardice is the mother of cruelty.
Michel Montaigne

If you have to choose between untruth and rudeness, choose rudeness; but if you have to choose between untruth and cruelty, choose untruth.
Maria Ebner Eschenbach

Who is better to meet in the forest: a good wolf or a cruel hare?
Anthony Khodorovsky


Excessive power always breeds cruelty. This is true of despots, soldiers and lovers.
Etienne Rey

Many lack only the favor of fate to equal the cruelty and ambition and thirst for luxury with the worst. Give them the power to do whatever they want, and you will know that they want the same.

There are many cruel people who are just too cowardly for cruelty.
Friedrich Nietzsche

In matters of state, nothing cruel is useful.
Mark Tullius Cicero

Cruelty is the product of an evil mind and often a cowardly heart.
L. Ariosto

Cruelty and fear shake hands.
O. Balzac

Human cruelty is disgusting.
N. Berdyaev

Cruelty to animals is only the first experience for the same treatment of people.
J. Bernardin

The hardest of all is the one who is soft out of self-interest.
L. Vauvenargues

Cruelty is always the result of fear, weakness and cowardice.
K. Helvetius

Children are cruel to us, but we note
That further grandchildren will be born,
And grandchildren are punishment for our children
Behind us endured torment.
I. Huberman

Hard-hearted people cannot faithfully serve generous ideas.
V. Hugo

Of all crimes, the most heinous is heartlessness.

Everything around us is cruel, hostile and unfair. Barriers are erected everywhere against natural impulses, at every step one comes across low malice, and one has to defend oneself and defend oneself so as not to be destroyed.
G. Laube

One who does not have compassion is cruel.
B. Mandeville

Cruelty is characteristic of laws dictated by cowardice, for cowardice can only be energetic when it is cruel.
K. Marx

Cruelty must be met with cruelty. Non-resistance to evil by violence has its charm, but it plays into the hands of scoundrels.
A. Morua

To seduce someone who loves us to do something for which he would be ashamed in front of himself and in front of us - this is the most cruel act of the cruel.
F. Nietzsche

The more avarice, the more cruelty.
F. Petrarch

Tears do not touch a cruel person, but delight.
Publilius Sir

Any rudeness shocks not only with its cruelty, but also with its senselessness.
N. Roerich

I think that worse than the cruelty of the heart, there can be only one quality - the softness of the brain.
T. Roosevelt

All cruelty comes from weakness.
Seneca the Younger

Cruelty always springs from callousness and weakness.
Seneca the Younger

Cruelty cannot be the companion of valor.
M. Cervantes

Of all kinds of cruelty, I consider the most hateful that which puts on the mask of mercy.
C. Fox

(387 words) Cruelty is an evil and indifferent attitude towards people around, which is most often manifested in aggression and violence. It can hardly be called an innate quality - it has its own roots. Often, cruelty begins with the family or social circle. If at the moment of choosing between good and evil, honesty and meanness, a person gives preference to the second, he thereby allows cruelty to enter his heart. In order to fully characterize this concept, we turn to domestic literature for examples.

So, the personification of this quality can be considered A. Shvabrin, one of the negative heroes of the novel by A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". The young officer, whom Pyotr Grinev meets in the Belgorod fortress, does not initially seem to the reader to be evil and dishonorable. However, it is subsequently discovered that Shvabrin is petty, vindictive and ready to do anything for his own benefit. Manifestations of Alexei's cruelty can be found, for example, in the duel scene between him and Grinev: he seized the moment, and when the main character was distracted, he wounded him. From this we can conclude that the young man showed cruelty. Another, already larger-scale example is the capture of the Belgorod fortress by Pugachev. The cynical officer immediately goes over to the side of the enemy and becomes one of his commanders, participating in the reprisals and lynching of the captives. It is this behavior that characterizes the cruel hero, because he not only hurts people, but also does not see this as a problem. To his goal, he goes over the corpses and does not feel remorse.

Another example is the main character of F. M. Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment", Rodion Raskolnikov. He is the embodiment of reflection, hesitation, and even a furious search for the meaning of life. Confused in his reasoning, the hero committed a fatal act - he quite cruelly killed the old pawnbroker, based on the conviction that only a humane and strong-willed person is capable of such a step. Despite the fact that the woman he killed was not the embodiment of virtues, Raskolnikov soon realizes what a terrible mistake he made in his judgments. What he considered a manifestation of humanity to society turned out to be just an act of aggression against him. Murder is the weapon of a cruel person, and when the protagonist realizes this truth, he undergoes deep mental anguish and pangs of conscience. The cruelty shown by him in the crime becomes his own punishment.

Thus, based on all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion: cruelty is an aggressive, indifferent and evil attitude towards people around us, which a person shows by choosing the wrong priorities in life. If he decides that his needs are above the laws of morality, ethical principles or religious canons, then his heart will certainly harden.

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