Prayer for mastitis. Plot from the hair on the female chest. If the brownie stings

The magic of wax, candles and conspiracies Kryuchkova Olga Evgenievna

Conspiracy from mastitis

Conspiracy from mastitis

For this conspiracy, you need to express milk, then read the prayer “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice”, after which the conspiracy itself should be read three times:

“One, one God, Jesus Christ Himself! Like a powder flask is soft, lush, so it would be with me, the servants of God (name), my breasts were soft, lush, the suckers were sucked in, the suckers were sucked in. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Be my words strong, modeling. Amen".

From the book The Miracle of Healing in a Whisper author Mother Stephanie

From mastitis Exit at dawn, take a handful of earth with your left hand, fumigate this earth with smoke at home in front of the fire, outline it with your middle finger, pour half a cup of water, soak around the sore spot, let it dry without crossing the threshold. Read on this water and earth, then all this

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 02 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy from polyps in the intestines (a very strong conspiracy) Such an old conspiracy helps to cope with this ailment: As Christ's wound has grown over And left no trace, So you, illness, Fall away without a trace from the servant of God (name). Descend on a dead field, on gray moss, On a dry stump. FROM

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 17 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Love conspiracy (a conspiracy that is valid until death) On the same day in three churches, submit notes for the repose and for the health of the one you want to bewitch. After that, go to the cemetery, find three graves there, in which men are buried, who bore the same name as

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 06 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Conspiracy for the Unjustly Convicted (Retrial Conspiracy) Before you file an appeal, read the special conspiracy. Read it a second time when the petition is finalized. The conspiracy is: Shel Holy Mother of God on the ground, walked, started, from

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 12 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Psoriasis Plot (Egg White Plot) At midnight, take an egg and separate the yolk from the protein. Over the protein, read a special plot three times in a row, spread it on the affected skin and leave it overnight. Rite spend twelve nights in a row. During treatment

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 09 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy from mastitis in a cow I remember that I already once told you how to speak mastitis in a cow, but I receive a lot of letters asking me to teach some other conspiracy to help cure this ailment. I fulfill your request and offer another conspiracy, with the help of

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Conspiracy from excess weight(very effective conspiracy) On the waning moon, read a special conspiracy over water, which then wash your face before going to bed. CONSPIRACY

From the book of 1777 new conspiracies of the Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy from intestinal polyps (a very good conspiracy) As Christ's wound overgrown and left no trace, so you fall away the disease without a trace, from the servant of God (name). Descend on a dead field, on gray moss, on a dry stump. From this day, from this hour, from this minute, from my mandate. Amen. Amen.

From the book The Magic of Wax, Candles and Conspiracies author Kryuchkova Olga Evgenievna

From neglected mastitis They break the branches of a birch and say: By the hour of God, the blessed time of the mother birch, do not stand here, do not let the roots into the black earth, and you, fever, come out of your chest, go to her branches, dry them, fell, and my chest let go. I'm talking God's servant(name), your chest. You,

From your book defensive forces. Protective magic from the evil eye, damage, curses author Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

From mastitis in a cow I have already told you how to speak the udder of a cow. At your request, I give another strong conspiracy. They slander a new linen towel. Wipe the diseased udder with it and read this: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The righteous father came to the Mother of God

From the author's book

From the author's book

Conspiracy 4 “As the Lord God created the sky and the earth, the waters and the stars, and firmly established the mother-cheese earth, and firmly strengthened it, so on that mother-moist earth there is no disease, no bloody wound, no pinching, no aches, no swelling . So the Lord would have created me, the servant of God (name). Firmly

From the author's book

Conspiracy 5 “I will go, the servant of God (name), along the path-path. On my way I will meet a river. That river stands like a pillar, does not sway, in that river the snake lives. Hurry snake, quickly, quickly intercept the disease from the servant of God (name) with copper teeth, with iron teeth and during the day

From the author's book

Conspiracy 6 This conspiracy must be read three times, moving your hand over the water. After that, the charmed water must be drunk or rubbed into sore spot“I draw, I draw from white breasts, red faces, from scrofula, from kumchug, from windy cheekbones. With the wind came the wind left.

From the author's book

A conspiracy from mastitis For this conspiracy, you need to express milk, then read the prayer “Our Lady Virgin, rejoice”, after which you read the conspiracy itself three times: “One, one God, Jesus Christ Himself! As a powder flask is soft, magnificent, so it would be with me, servants of God (name),

From the author's book

Conspiracy for the year “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. Our Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, Most Pure Virgin Mary, Mother of God, you are not walking on damp earth, not on wet water, not on this side. There is a guardian angel, bright, reliable messenger of God to You,

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 12 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy from mastitis in a cow

A conspiracy from mastitis in a cow

I remember I already once told how to speak mastitis in a cow, but I receive a lot of letters asking me to teach some other conspiracy to help cure this ailment. I fulfill your request and offer another conspiracy with which you can help your nurse.

Conspiracy words are pronounced over a new linen towel, with which the udder is then wiped. The conspiracy is as follows:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Righteous father Abram came to the Mother of God.

He says:

“I won’t give you milk, Marya.

My cow's udder hurts

The milk in her udder is on fire.

It burns, it burns out, my cow suffers.

- Do not cry, righteous father Abram,

I'll give you a towel, go to the cow,

Wipe her udder, free her from illness.

All my words are molded and strong,

Honest and holy, like the Holy Mother of God.

From this hour, from my command

Go, illness, from (nickname of the cow) to a dry stump.

I sing with a clear fire to burn,

A (nickname of the cow) do not get sick.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In two days, the cow will feel better, and then she will completely recover.

From the book Correcting the Past and Healing the Future through the Practice of Soul Restoration author Villoldo Alberto

From the book Legends and parables, stories about yoga author Byazyrev Georgy

Krishna's Cows There are several human harbingers indicating the coming of the Avatara. The earth must be well prepared for his descent. The lay people are beginning to show interest in Karma, Bhakti and Kriya Yoga. Many mantras emerge from oblivion. A few great

From the book The Miracle of Healing in a Whisper author Mother Stephanie

From mastitis Exit at dawn, take a handful of earth with your left hand, fumigate this earth with smoke at home in front of the fire, outline it with your middle finger, pour half a cup of water, soak around the sore spot, let it dry without crossing the threshold. Read on this water and earth, then all this

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 02 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy from mastitis Go out into the street at dawn, take, as it should be swinging, a handful of earth with your left hand and return home. Then, in front of the stove, smoke this earth with smoke, draw a circle around it with your middle finger, pour half a cup of water, in a circular motion

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 14 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

When buying a cow Before taking it to the barn, fan it with a birch broom and say: Be your body meat is smooth, Milk is white and sweet, sour cream is fat and tasty. And you, father brownie, take her to the barn home. Guard day and night, Don't let me jinx my cow. Key, lock,

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From neglected mastitis They break the branches of a birch and say: By the hour of God, the blessed time of the mother birch, do not stand here, do not let the roots into the black earth, and you, fever, come out of your chest, go to her branches, dry them, fell, and my chest let go. I speak, God's servant (name), my chest. You,

From the book of Wisdom for the fulfillment of desires, attracting money, health and love author Merkulova Elena Vitalievna

When buying a cow Before you bring it into the barn, fan it with a birch broom and say: Be your body meat smooth, milk white and sweet, sour cream fat and tasty. And you, father brownie, take her to the barn home. Guard day and night, don't let me jinx my cow. Key, lock,

From the book of 300 protective conspiracies for success and good luck author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From mastitis in a cow I have already told you how to speak the udder of a cow. At your request, I give another strong conspiracy. They slander a new linen towel. Wipe the diseased udder with it and read this: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The righteous father came to the Mother of God

From the book 5 minutes of yoga without getting out of bed. For every woman at every age author Brahmachari Swami

Mudra "Cow" In India, the cow is revered as a sacred animal. Indications: diseases of the joints, rheumatic and radiculitis pains. How to do it: with the little finger of your left hand, touch ring finger right hand. Then, with the little finger of the right hand, touch the nameless

From the book The Magic of Wax, Candles and Conspiracies author Kryuchkova Olga Evgenievna

When buying a cow Before bringing it into the barn, fan it with a birch broom and say: Be your body meat smooth, Milk is white and sweet, Sour cream is fat and tasty. Don't let me jinx my cow. Key, lock,

Conspiracies from mastitis

Take a small whetstone that you won't mind throwing away later. Wrap it in red cotton and move it over the inflamed area, saying:

disperse, chest disease, go away, baby, from the servant of God (your full name) to tartars! Come out onto the red field, into the gray expanse of boobs, from the chest, from the nipples of the servant of God (your full name) on all four sides, into the black swamp! May it be so! Amen! After that, the bar, without unfolding, bury it in a wasteland. Leave without looking back. When you return home, drop a five-kopeck coin at the first crossroads. At the same time, mentally say: Paid in full! What you did, no one should know.

Inflammation of the breast, or mastitis, occurs due to improper expression and stagnation of milk, with cracked nipples or hypothermia. Mastitis is very discomfort: fever, severe pain. To prevent the development of the disease, speak your chest. To do this, take a small pebble, polished by nature, the so-called smooth, and say on it three times: One, one God, Jesus Christ himself! Murash had nine wives, from nine to eight, from eight to seven, from seven to six, from six to five, from five to four, from four to three, from three to two, from two to one, from one none . As a powder flask is light, soft, lush, so I, the servants of God

(name), the breasts would be soft, lush, the producers were sold, the prososiki were sucked. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Be, my words, strong and sculpting. Then read the same conspiracy three times on yourself and each time, with words from one to none, circle the breasts clockwise with a well-read pebble, and speaking in the name of the Father ..., draw each breast crosswise with a pebble.

To heal from mastitis, say to the water three times: Heat and fire, go into the hellish cauldron, the devil is the ambassador! There you sit and smoke your sides and warm! I speak my youthful breast from demonic grief, from 12 evil ailments! You, evil flame, calm down, pain, calm down! Go under the cauldron of demons, wait in hell! My word is firm and strong. Word for word, whisper whisper stucco and tenaciously. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! With slanderous water, make a compress on the sore spot. The operation is performed on a waning moon.

In autumn, when fully ripe, vegetables and fruits gain strength. Take the leaves of fresh cabbage from a head of cabbage ripened and harvested in the fall, put them on your chest before going to bed inside. Do this for 7-10 days, and the disease will leave you, as the cabbage leaf, which has gained healing power, will facilitate and accelerate the resorption of hardening of the mammary glands.

Before carrying out the ritual, milk should be expressed as carefully as possible. If this is difficult (with severe pain, hardening in the chest), then use a breast pump. Then read the prayer Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice and three times the conspiracy: One, one God, Jesus Christ himself! Like a powder flask is soft, lush, so it would be with me, the servants of God (name), my breasts were soft, lush, the suckers sucked in, the suckers sucked in. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Be, my words, strong, sculpting. Then put on the breast a compress of grated carrots or a mixture of bean flour with soapy water.

water. Well, if it is possible to do this procedure three times a day. Soon there will be an improvement surgical intervention not required.

On the first day of the black moon at the beginning of a new day, cook porridge from any three cereals, taken equally. Add salt, butter, milk to taste. When the porridge is ready, cross it as many times as you have turned on that day full years. Then immediately go to bed in such a way that you wake up at sunrise. Eat about half of the porridge, and take the other half to where there are many wild birds, and feed the rest to them. Do not leave until the porridge is pecked. After that, turn through left shoulder and return home, where you wash your hands and face with running water. On the same day, before noon, visit the church and light a candle for the health of your ill-wishers, envious people and enemies. Exactly at midnight, take two mirrors, put one opposite the other. Light the candle with new, unused matches. Look in the mirror and read the plot:

The night is black, the mirror is dark! Repel an evil word from me, a dashing deed! Tomorrow is Friday, breasts are not core. 10 to 9, 9 to 8, 8 to 7, 7 to 6, 6 to 5, 5 to 4, 4 to 3, 3 to 2, 2 to one don't be none! While reading this plot, drive a wooden aspen plate over a sore spot. After reading the plot, put out the candle without blowing. Go to church the next day. On the way there, bury the plate under any dry tree. In the church, put this candle on the health of your enemies. When leaving the temple, donate a small amount of money to his needs. For three days, do not give anyone anything from your home.

Find a small piece of wood that won't sink in the water and take it with you to the river. With a knife, carve all your problems on it using words, pictures and symbols. Make sure everything possible troubles written or depicted on a tree. You can use a pen if you like,

I would like to write everything necessary, but it does not work so well. While working with a knife, imagine how the tree absorbs all the problems, troubles, sorrows, and so on. When finished, immerse the boat in the water and leave. Don't look back at the disease ship you're leaving. Return home with the confidence that the boat will sail down the river and, along the way, will throw all the problems, one by one, into the water.1 If you want, you can attach a small mast and a sail to the piece of wood to help the boat on its way.

If you are lucky and find a stone with a hole (chicken god), put it in a vessel with clean water. Take it out after a while, the water will be saturated with healing vibrations. It can be used in healing baths.

A mastitis conspiracy will heal the chest and spirit, and ethnoscience will speed up the results. Very often, young mothers are faced with such a problem as mastitis. There are many more causes for mastitis than is commonly believed. Most often, they think that the reason for this is the baby who did not finish eating. mother's milk. The suction device does not always work and still leave milk in the glands.

Conspiracy at the initial stage of mastitis

The appearance of cones frightens a woman and inspires fear, and this is fraught with a loss of milk. Medicines should also not be taken, so as not to spoil the milk. To help in this matter comes healing magic. It is safe, fearless and effective for the treatment of the disease. All three reasons for using it simply oblige to use it.

You can get rid of bumps in the mammary gland quickly and effectively. This mastitis conspiracy can be applied to any woman. Many people think that attaching a cabbage leaf is the most productive thing in this business. But in fact, the cabbage leaf itself does not work. Add honey to it circular motions and text against mastitis. The ceremony goes like this:

  1. Wipe the mammary glands with your own milk strictly counterclockwise;
  2. Clockwise, we apply warm honey mixed with butter or cream (mix the components one by one);
  3. The cabbage leaf should be well warmed up, but more than 39 degrees. We fix it;
  4. Tighten, but not much, so as not to spoil the milk.

While doing all this, you must pronounce the following words:

“I didn’t keep track, I didn’t moisten my breasts with milk, I fed the child, but I grew bumps on my body. I feed the baby, I raise him. Everything interferes in my chest, it adds misfortune and grief to me. Milk and honey, butter and cabbage. I rub everything, I attach everything to the body. The bumps will dissolve, the pain will subside, and the child will remain with maternal warmth and milk. It's said, done, I commanded.

For big breasts from bumps

Cabbage leaf will help against mastitis, but only if you use one leaf per breast.

The main rites are suitable for a bust of no more than an average size. But what about women who have a luxurious bust of 3 sizes? You can use lotions made from brewed chamomile in milk with the addition of honey.

The Slavic ritual helps 100 percent, and can be used without fear for allergic and diathetic rashes in a child. Chamomile is non-allergenic, it is better to use your own expressed milk, in last resort, cow clean, but not from the store. For 200 ml of milk we fall asleep 100 grams of chopped chamomile from a pharmacy. We put to languish on a slow fire (30 minutes). We insist about an hour and filter.

Now add honey in an equal amount with the resulting liquid and pronounce the words:

“I treat milk with milk. I want to remove chamomile cones. Honey fixes my thoughts and actions, and the problem with the chest disappears forever. Milk for a child, beautiful breasts for me. Medicinal drug, with extraordinary power.

Rub the drug with smooth movements directly into the bumps for about 1-2 minutes with the words:

"I'm cleaning up, I'm solving my problem."

Moisten a white cotton cloth and place on problem areas. Well wrapped with a warm scarf. Remove after 30 minutes.

A strong conspiracy for mastitis ointment

You can make an ointment for the treatment of mastitis yourself. To do this, you need several varieties of herbs: sweet clover, eucalyptus, sophora. They are mixed in equal quantities in dry form. Before cooking, stir them with each hand at least 15 times, but no more. Now for 100 grams of water you need 2 tbsp. spoons (without a slide). Pour immediately with boiling water, cook for 5-7 minutes. Strain after 30 minutes. For the ointment, you will need a slurry of herbs, a little liquid obtained and butter. Mix and apply to problem areas. In the process of rubbing the cream, say:

“I smear, I drive, I rub, I remove the problem on my chest, not a Christmas tree, not a forest here. There is no place for bumps on my body.”

Rubbing herbal remedy last until completely absorbed. Pronounce the words all the time while the process of lubrication and adjustment of the fabric lasts. You can use this mixture and as a compress from mastitis. Used without straining. We moisten a clean white cloth folded three or 5 or 7 times and put it on the body. Hold the compress for 15-20 minutes. It is advisable to put a woolen scarf on top. While applying, say the above text 3 times.

Are you sure they love you? Do you want the truth? Ask for chamomile!

Tear off the chamomile petals one at a time
(Click on each mouse)

Do you want to know the future? Click 12 times on angel cards!

Choose 1st card

Mastopathy - underlying disease, which affects women 17-45 years old. The patient, as a rule, complains of pain in the chest, which indicates the formation of seals. In addition, mastopathy can eventually turn into cancer.

Can mastopathy really turn into cancer?

How often does this happen?

AT this moment no clear answer can be given to this question. Yes, mastopathy can develop into cancer, because in some moments it is similar to the disease from which cancer occurs. Mastopathy is a benign condition, not malignant process. But, nevertheless, she hurts the woman.

There are several forms of mastopathy: diffuse, nodular, borderline, cystic and fibrous. All of them are recognized at the doctor's appointment.

I also want to say that this is a disease of a genetic nature, i.e. inherited. It has been proven that breast cancer occurs most often in women who had cancer on the maternal side.

Why does mastopathy occur? And who is predisposed to it?

Mastopathy affects both men and women, only in men it is called differently. In both cases, it gets sick with violations of the hormonal background of the body.

If we compare the frequency of the disease, women get sick an order of magnitude more often, because they are more susceptible to hormonal disruptions. The causes of this failure may be problems with the ovaries, primarily responsible for the production of hormones. Also, the possibility of mastopathy increases with impaired liver function. Therefore, if a lady loves fatty, smoked food, drinks alcohol and smokes, then she introduces herself into the risk zone. For example, smokers who smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day are more likely to develop breast cancer than those who do not smoke or smoke less.

The predisposition of mastopathy can occur in a woman at any time - and at the very beginning women's life when just installed hormonal background, and before menopause, during its violation. In fact, mastopathy is an imbalance hormonal system, causing change in the mammary glands.

Now on sale there are many creams for breast enlargement with phytoestrogens. They say they're harmless women's health. Is it so? Can Breast Enlargement Creams Cause Mastopathy?

Based on my professional experience, I think that you should not use a cream that contains any hormones that affect the growth of the mammary gland. In my practice, there were patients who complained of pain in the mammary glands after several uses of creams with phytoextragens. You need to be careful with such creams, since their use can lead to mastopathy - we “add” a hormone to our body and do not know how the body will react to it.

How do women usually discover mastopathy in themselves?

The main symptom of mastopathy is pain in the area of ​​the mammary glands; mammologists and gynecologists deal with it.

If a woman suffers from severe pain in a breast that was not there before, she needs to be examined for seals, the size of which can range from a pea size to quail egg. However, even if the seal was found, one cannot attribute the diagnosis to oneself - only a doctor can make it.

What can be the treatment of mastopathy?

Is the operation mandatory, or is it done only in extreme cases?

Treatment is conservative and surgical. conservative - with medicines: tablets, special creams, herbal infusions. Surgical treatment- this is surgery, it is used in completely advanced cases. But if a woman goes to the doctor on time, in 90% of cases we confine ourselves to the usual therapeutic measures.

What happens if mastopathy is not treated?

In this case, cancer or all kinds of adenomas can develop. Adenomas are benign "nodules" that can eventually turn into cancer if left untreated.

How can you independently be examined for mastopathy?

A woman can examine herself on her own. This method is very common both in America and in Europe, the technique of the procedure is taught family doctor or a gynecologist. I think this is a very useful skill - regular self-examination of the breast allows the girl not to miss any changes in the breast, notice mastopathy in time and come to the doctor.

The examination procedure is very simple: starting with armpit in a lying or sitting position - as convenient - at least three times a month, you need to feel the chest for seals. If something seems to be “wrong”, you need to come for an ultrasound, during which the doctor will identify or refute mastopathy.

The main thing is to introduce a rule for yourself to be examined by a mammologist at least once a year. Highly in a good way medical diagnosis is an ultrasound or x-ray examination.

In America, the first screening study is carried out at the age of 35, but there are no prescriptions not to do it at the age of 30 - the sooner changes are detected, the more chances to get rid of them in time.

Is it possible to protect yourself from mastopathy?

Are there any rules that a woman must follow?

* First, it is a self-examination. It really justifies itself, and many women do it, for example, in the West it general rule relationship to yourself.

* Secondly, you should regularly visit your therapist, gynecologist and mammologist, if there is a genetic predisposition.

* Thirdly, you need to limit yourself to use fatty foods, alcohol and smoking.
* Fourthly, in 90% of cases, mastopathy is caused by artificial termination of pregnancy, while the birth of a child harmonizes the hormonal sphere of a woman and aligns right direction hormonal status.

Questions were answered by Irina Vasilyeva, head of the department radiodiagnosis European Medical Center, radiologist.


Mastitis in a nursing mother.

If a nursing mother has developed mastitis, she needs to actively express milk, up to sucking it out by an adult. In addition, a woman should take 1 tablet 3 times a day. ascorbic acid and cover the sore chest with steamed sweet clover grass or oat straw, cabbage leaves and a mixture of blue clay with sour cream. Alternate compresses.

And also, so that mastitis does not go into malignant tumor, you need to regularly lubricate the hardening with an ointment made from a mixture potato starch and hemp or sunflower oil. Promotes the resorption of mastitis and a mixture of 100-150 ml of urine and 1 tbsp. honey. With this mixture, it is necessary to make a compress on the chest for 3-5 days.

We treat mastitis and mastopathy.

If a breastfeeding woman has developed mastitis, I advise her to steam a pumpkin in a frying pan and hot, so that you can only endure it, apply it on gauze for 10-15 minutes to a sore breast. Repeat the procedure regularly until complete resorption of hardening. You can put a layer of birch leaves in a clay pot, then a layer butter, and so on in layers to the very top, then close the neck on top with dough and simmer in the oven over low heat for 2-3 hours. Get a green ointment. Put compresses with it at the place of hardening. Useful to apply before bed to the chest tea mushroom. Cover it with cotton wool or gauze, a sheet of any paper, fix with a bandage and leave overnight. Treat like this for 5-7 days. Saves from mastitis and applying to the chest in the form of a compress fresh leaves coltsfoot and burdock. First, in order for them to soften, they need to be poured over with boiling water.

Compresses with cabbage leaf and cottage cheese will relieve mastopathy. Spread a leaf of cabbage with honey, apply a layer of cottage cheese on top, cover with gauze and apply all night to a sore chest. To be treated like this, without missing a single day, for a month. If necessary, after a break of 20-30 days, you can repeat the treatment.

Salt compress on the chest.

From a letter: But one of my daughters had mastitis on both breasts. At that time we lived in Azerbaijan, and an Azerbaijani neighbor advised me to treat my daughter with saline compresses. To do this, dissolve in 200-250 g hot water 1 tbsp salt, moisten 2 gauze pads in the solution, made according to the volume of the breast in the shape of a circle with a hole in the center for the nipple, and put one on each breast. Insulate on top with cotton wool and wrap the body with a woolen scarf. Hold the compress until cool, and then moisten the napkins again in hot saline solution and again attach them to the chest. Thus, the daughter managed to avoid the operation.

Hardening of the mammary glands.

From mastitis, other hardening of the mammary glands of women, such a remedy will relieve. Heat millet in a dry frying pan to a pleasantly tolerable temperature, put it on your chest, put on a bra and wrap yourself in a woolen scarf. Keep as long as you feel warm. Then change the wheat. Do this until the hardening disappears.

Treat to your health!

From mastitis.

When mastitis, heat the pulp of watermelon without grains over low heat in an enamel pan, put the warm mixture on a linen cloth and put a compress on the chest. Warm and wrap well. Do daily at night until recovery.

With mastitis, grind raw (not fried) in a coffee grinder buckwheat, sift through a sieve, add honey (arbitrary proportions) and make a cake out of this “dough”. Apply it at night, on the chest and wrap up. All will pass.

I avoided the operation.

Even in my youth, after giving birth, I had mastitis and a fever. For a long time I could not get rid of him, until she helped with advice alone kind woman. The method is very simple. Needs to be grated raw potatoes together with the peel, heat a little and make a compress on the sore chest from this raw potato mass. My mastitis went away after three treatments. So I avoided the operation. And the temperature returned to normal immediately after the first compress.

Vodka and water.

I want to offer a recipe for mastitis, mastopathy, various seals in the chest with the hope that they can help someone.

In 1979, I had a lump in my chest the size of egg. They sent me for surgery. I refused it. I went to my grandfather, a herbalist, who gave me this recipe. Almost 25 years have passed, and, thank God, everything is fine with me.

It is necessary to mix vodka and water in equal proportions, heat to room temperature degrees 20-25, moisten the cloth in the solution and attach to the chest. Wrap up warmly. If it doesn't work the first time, repeat.


Boil - so say the masters of Magic when they mean the treatment of mastitis, hernia, goiter, back pain. At the same time, they do the following: they boil the patient's undershirt in the pelvis, while reading a slander from the disease; pour water over the fence.

From the breast (mastitis).

Breast, breast, go to the water, attack anyone you want. Even for brandy, even for a cow, even for damn healthy. From white body, from the white bone, from the red blood, from the servant of God (name), take away the abscess, amen.

Breast (mastopathy).

A gray stone lies on the ground, it doesn’t ache, it doesn’t groan, it doesn’t hurt, and so does the servant of God (name), so that her white chest doesn’t ache, doesn’t break, doesn’t get cold, doesn’t hurt. Amen. Lips, teeth, lock, I'll throw the key at the crossroads. Amen.

Circle the chest with a red rag, read the slander at sunset, throw the rag at the crossroads.

How to speak mastopathy.

If a woman has milk in her breast, you need to sprinkle it on the grass in the morning before dawn and say:

The sun will rise, the dew will fall, the milk will dry, the pain will go away. As my milk dries up, so will my breasts dry up. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For the same:

Pinch nine splinters from the aspen. Touch the chest with each splinter and break it immediately. It reads like this:

A splinter is not once, a breast is not two, a splinter is not three, a sternum is not four, not five, not six, not seven, not eight. The splinter-sternum is not nine. Not nine, not eight, not seven, not six, not five, not four, not three, not two, not one, not once. Amen.

Then burn all the splinters.


With mastopathy, black elderberry fruit juice helps remarkably. You can add sugar. Do not stop drinking for seven days. Take half a glass before meals, on an empty stomach.

Speak sickness in female breast.

As far as experience has shown, this conspiracy helps with almost all diseases of the female breast, including even cancer.

A whole head of cabbage is placed on the table (without a stalk). With one blow, split it into two halves. You can cut it with whatever works best for you. Carefully remove the top sheet and place it on your chest. You will not experience inconvenience, since the half of the sheet resembles a bra cup in its shape. By the way, you can take a head of cabbage of such a size that its leaf comfortably covers the chest. Change sheets every fifteen minutes. To prevent the chopped head from drying out, cover it with a damp towel.

Before you cut a head of cabbage, read a conspiracy on it. It is very important that the head of cabbage be chopped with one blow. They read like this:

I, the servant of God (name), will stand on the threshold, I will take an aspen pole in my hands, I will go beyond the horizon to the east. I will find the east side; There is a barn there, I’ll look into that barn, I’ll count the udders of all the cows: Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three and two, like my two breasts, on me, God’s servant (name). Let chiria, vereds dry up, disappear, die. Let the tumors do not seize me. Be you, my body, pure and white. Get all the tumors off my chest. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

From advanced mastitis.

They break birch branches and say:

God's hour, the blessed time of Mother Birch, do not stand here, do not let roots into the black earth, and you, heat, come out of your chest, go to her branches. Dry them, fell, and let go of my chest. I speak, God's servant (name), my chest. You, fire, calm down, you, pain, calm down, you, tumor, calm down, descend from me to hell, go to hell. There is a cauldron, there you will burn, there you will smolder, there you will be ill for twenty-four hours a day. Go, my word, to word, my deed, to deed, whisper to whisper, key to mouth, tongue, lock, now, forever and endlessly. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

So that a woman's breasts are not betrothed.

Most often, mastitis and other breast diseases occur in those women who have beautiful, full breasts.

On the third day of Easter, roll your chest with a baptized egg so that no one can harm you. Rolling, read like this:

Bless me, O God, through the sanctified testicle, blessed by the church for life and health. There is a golden sea, a golden ship on the sea, on that ship is St. Nicholas the Pleasant. He helps everyone who honors him, who asks him, who prays to him. I ask and pray, God's servant (name): Saint Nicholas, Father, save, protect and defend from all winners, from all thoughts, from all envy, from all promises. As my mother gave birth to me healthy, rewarded me with strong and sweet breasts, so that I would always be, God's servant (name), strong and healthy. Whoever interrupts this prayer of mine, he will take his bad thoughts upon himself. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

The egg is then eaten.

Speak sore chest (mastitis).

Talk about water. Let the patient make a compress at home.

Heat, go under the cauldron in hell. There is a place for you, there is a place for you. I speak the chest of a young woman from 12 ailments. You, evil flame, calm down, pain, calm down, go under the cauldron, to hell, to the underworld. My word is firm and strong. Word for word, whisper for whisper, stucco and tenacious. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to pronounce mastitis.

After sunset, in the dark, take the patient outside the fence - let her look at the flawed moon.

Behind the back of a sick woman should stand a man older than her in age.

Crossing, you need to say:

As the month melts and damages, so may the tumor disappear from the servant of God (name). My word is strong, my work is sculpted. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Make sure the moon is really flawed. Then the disease will pass fast.

The collection used for breast mastitis.

This method helps even when breast milk blood appears. This collection quickly relieves fever, and the sore breast recovers, and there is more milk, it does not contain herbal bitterness, which is important for the nutrition of the child.

1 hour anise fruits;

1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds;

1 tsp dill seeds;

1 tsp herb sweet clover;

1 hour oregano herb;

1 hour field clover flowers;

1 hour burdock root;

1 teaspoon birch leaves;

1 teaspoon burdock root and leaves;

3 hours of chamomile.

The collection is crushed and stored in a linen bag. To make an infusion, take 1 teaspoon of the collection per 400 g of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes.

Drink before meals 3 tablespoons 4 times a day.

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