Dead crayfish can be eaten. How to choose, cook and eat cancer. Tips for brave chefs

In France, they can cook soup and make mousses, but in Russia they know that there is nothing tastier than a properly brewed crayfish and a cold mug of beer. By the way, Scandinavians agree with this statement. There is a festival in August boiled crayfish.

Crayfish can be caught from early spring to late autumn. But it is believed that the most good crayfish caught at the end of summer - they grew up and worked up "fat". So you can go catch crayfish.

How to choose?

If you didn’t catch them, then you have to go to the store for fresh crayfish. Many fish departments now have aquariums with live fish and crayfish. The latter must be bought alive. And also quite active. Do not believe if the seller convinces you that the crayfish just fell asleep.

Lethargy is a sign of sick or dying cancer. And a dead cancer spoils very quickly, poison accumulates in its meat. Moreover, crayfish spoil many times faster than meat or fish.

In a live and energetic crayfish, the tail is pressed to the body. The more pressed, the better the cancer. crayfish size special significance does not have, only determines the cooking time.


Crayfish should be immediately placed in cold water for 1-2 hours. Sometimes they are put in milk to make the meat more tender. It is advisable to wash the belly of the crayfish before cooking. But since crayfish are active, and their claws are strong, it is better not to risk it. After soaking the crayfish, rinse very thoroughly with running water.

How to cook?

You need to take a large pot - the crayfish should not be tightly packed in it. Bring water to a boil, season with salt. It is best to take rock salt and a lot - ½ tbsp. per liter of water. Throw live (!) crayfish into boiling water.

Cook for at least 15 minutes. If the crayfish are large, then you can hold it for 20-25 minutes. Then turn off the water and leave the crayfish soaked in brine. At least for 20 minutes. Better down. But here you can cheat: start eating the first crayfish without removing the rest from the broth.

What to cook crayfish in?

You can cook crayfish simply in salted water. Some claim it is the most The best way, since the taste of cancerous meat does not interrupt either pepper or lemon. But you can add your favorite spices and herbs to the water. To make the broth and cancer meat also spicy, sharply burning, spicy, fragrant, lemony ... There are a lot of options. Here are a few:

In spicy broth

AT salt water put a little peppercorns and a few bay leaves. You can add dill umbels or dill seeds, as for cucumber pickle. Currant leaves will perform well in such a broth, lemon juice and zest will be excellent.

In white wine

Add 1 part white wine to 2 parts water. Shade the taste of wine with rosemary and dill sprigs. You can add a little lemon juice after the end of cooking.

In cucumber brine

First, crayfish are simply boiled in salt water. And in the middle of cooking they are transferred to boiling cucumber pickle. It can be taken less than plain water, because the crayfish are almost cooked, the brine will simply give them flavor.

In kvass or beer

They make the broth, as in the first recipe, but only water - 2 times less than necessary. The rest is topped up with kvass or beer.

As it is

Crayfish are eaten with their hands, helping themselves to break open the shell with a knife. It is not forbidden to smack loudly and suck juice from the legs - especially if you are in friendly company. In crayfish, only the shell and mustache are inedible. Everything else can be eaten. Claws and tail (aka neck) are cleared of horn protection. The contents are sucked out of the body.

  • First you need to tear off the claws from the cancer.
  • Then separate the tail from the body.
  • Suck out the yellow substance, fat, from the torso. There is not much of it, but it is very tasty.
  • Tear off the legs from the body and suck them out. Then open the claws and eat the meat.
  • The neck is the last to be eaten - it is the most tender and delicious.

How much to store

Boiled crayfish are best stored in the broth where they were cooked, and no longer than a couple of days. Or you can freeze them. True, they will lose a lot of taste. You can store frozen crayfish for no more than a month.

Important! You can not eat crayfish, in which, after cooking, the tail remained straight. Such a tail indicates that the crayfish was cooked already dead, and it is dangerous to eat it. You can get poisoned.

Raki is a great snack for beer and not only. Tender tasty meat just melts in your mouth, and the smell of boiled crayfish can make you go crazy!

Some refuse them, arguing that they supposedly eat anything. I'll tell you: they lost a lot in this life.

I want to tell how to cook crayfish the way they are cooked on the Don.

The main and main “secret” is that crayfish must be alive :) Live crayfish are dark or light green in color, they crawl, move and actively resist their cooking.

Can you boil dead crayfish? Absolutely not!

If you do not want to end up in the hospital with severe poisoning: dead crayfish deteriorate very quickly.

So, how to cook crayfish

My future first: we run them into a sink or a bath of water (depending on the quantity) and let them surf the open spaces there.

In the meantime, we put water on fire. About 3-5 liters of water are needed for 20 medium crayfish.

Important: take a bigger pot and don't overfill with water. An atrocity, of course, but crayfish must be thrown into boiling water alive, and if they are too close to the edge of the pan, they will begin to crawl out. So don't stress yourself out :)

We salt the water: it should be very salty, as crayfish do not absorb salt well. Much saltier than you salt the broth, but not bitter-salty.

As soon as the water boils put the crabs in there(at the same time, we carefully monitor that there is not a single dead one). If the cancer does not move, we ruthlessly throw it away. And wait until they boil again.

In the meantime, cleaning a large head of garlic and cook the dill. Dill should be umbellate (with seeds), preferably dry, but fresh can also be used. Ordinary store-bought dry dill from packs will not work. In this case, buy dill seeds at the pharmacy. They can be used instead of an umbrella.

We throw cloves, dill (a good handful) or 2-3 tbsp into the water. spoons of dill seeds.

Dead crayfish can be very dangerous and harm the human body! Therefore, they are cooked only when they are still alive! it important rule which all lovers of these mouth-watering crustaceans must adhere to.

Let's take a closer look at why you can't boil dead crayfish. Firstly, it is unhygienic, and sometimes even dangerous to health.

How to catch crayfish

Crayfish is a chic dish, but, unfortunately, in our time it is not available to everyone. Even in ancient times, boiled crayfish were the decoration of the tables of only noble persons, because the price for them was always high and they were too expensive for poor people. In this regard, even in our time, little has changed, and although they have already learned to breed in artificial conditions they are still expensive. Many catch them in reservoirs with their own hands, but only a few can do this, and the rest have to buy them. In addition, crayfish in our polluted reservoirs are less and less common, and the rakolov needs to find a reservoir in which crayfish are found, while the water in it must meet the conditions for the existence of these animals. Next, you need to wait until it starts to get dark to start the hunt for crustaceans. Many do not know that crayfish are passive during the day and sit in holes and get out of them at nightfall.

What do crayfish eat

Crayfish leave holes to find something to eat, but since they cannot boast of high speed of movement and travel over long distances, they eat everything that comes across to them. Often their diet consists of various remains or plankton. crayfish these are real scavengers who clean the reservoir and prevent the water from spoiling due to the decomposition of the corpses of fish and other inhabitants of the howl.

When you catch enough crayfish, do not pull, but start cooking them as soon as possible. They store the caught crayfish in special cages on running water, constantly making sure that there are not too many of them in it. Caught individuals in close quarters can simply cripple and crush each other, and often simply killing.

What happens if you eat dead crabs

In the way of life of the representatives of these crustaceans, the answer to the question that disturbs almost everyone is hidden, is it possible to boil dead crayfish.

Of course, if they were cooked alive, then they are very tasty and even healthy. But the dead are not only not so tasty, but can even pose a certain threat to human health.

The main reason is their diet. Since crayfish do not disdain carrion, many different, including quite harmful, microbes accumulate in their organs, some of which are extremely dangerous. After the death of the crustacean carcasses, they quickly decompose and become rotten. This can be determined by an unpleasant specific smell. But if you still cook and eat a dead cancer, you can best case get poisoned. In the worst case, the consequences can be much worse.

Many, while boiling dead crayfish, add salt and various spices in the hope of killing bad smell. But this is just as dangerous, because if you can handle the smell, then improve the quality of the meat and kill harmful microorganisms will not work. As a result, do not regret the lost time and effort, but simply throw away the catch and do not endanger your health.

We hope, as a result of which you should not boil dead crayfish, you understand. Don't try to experiment! The price of such experiences is your health or the health of those whom you will treat. Better work hard and catch more crayfish, or just spend more and buy.

How to cook live crayfish. How long does it take to cook crayfish? Can you boil dead crayfish? How to store boiled crayfish?

I'll tell you in the recipe for boiled crayfish. The recipe was brought from the banks of the Volga. This is how crayfish are cooked in Volgograd.

What do you need.

  1. Crayfish live 3 kg..
  2. Salt to taste.
  3. Bay leaf 4 pcs.
  4. Black peppercorns 20 pcs.
  5. Lemon 1 pc.
  6. Dill seeds (can be replaced with dill stalks)

How to choose crayfish. Crayfish can be of any size - small, medium or large. The time it takes to cook the crayfish depends on the size of the crayfish. How long to cook crayfish in time? We cook small crayfish for 25 minutes, cook medium crayfish for 35 minutes, large crayfish cook for 45 minutes. Cancer during this time nourishes the broth and will be delicious. It is believed that cancer should be thrown into the water, blushed - ready. It is not right.

Crayfish should only be alive. Dead crayfish cannot be boiled, crayfish deteriorate very quickly in water after they die. If you are not sure that the crayfish died a few hours before cooking - ruthlessly throw out dead crayfish, otherwise you will spoil the whole dish. If you know for sure that the cancer was alive a few hours ago, then tear off its head and weld its neck. Cancer first of all spoils the head. Do not store live crayfish in water, they will die quickly, store in a cool place, crayfish will live for several hours.

I had small crabs this time. In their own way, they are good, small crayfish are easy to clean, the palate and tongue do not hurt after them.

Moment. Before cooking crayfish, it’s a good idea to brush the place where the legs are attached to the body with a brush. This operation is carried out under running water. In this place, silt and dirt accumulate in crayfish when they crawl along the bottom.

The main thing in cooking crayfish is the right broth. The final taste of crayfish depends on the broth. We take the largest pot. For three kg of crayfish, I took a 12 liter pan.

Fill two thirds with water. We throw dill, Bay leaf, peppercorns, squeeze the lemon.

It is very important for cooking crayfish how much salt we add to the broth. The broth should be heavily salted. I put one tablespoon of salt with a big mountain on two liters. I put 5 tablespoons of salt in such a pan.

Bring the crayfish brine to a boil. Turn off. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Bring to a boil. Dip the crayfish into the broth.

As soon as the crayfish boil, reduce the heat, cover with a lid and cook over low heat.

This is how we cook crayfish properly. After 25/35/45 minutes we get the crayfish.

We spread the crayfish in a deep dish.

Needless to say, crayfish are a great snack for beer. Correctly cooked crayfish are eaten with pleasure by children. Crayfish are a decoration of any table. In addition to all this - crayfish are useful. If you didn’t eat the crayfish, then put them in the refrigerator, they will lie for several days.

Eat crayfish for health.

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