Who took off damage to cancer. How to determine the presence of deadly damage. Is it possible to remove fatal damage to cancer on your own

Corruption is an evil from which none of us is immune. Damage, in the first place, is dangerous because it brings irreparable harm to the health of those who have been subjected to this scourge. There are many types of damage, but in this article we will focus on damage to health, its signs and how to remove it.

Damage that is harmful to health is introduced with the help of a negative program that carries negative energy. Even an ordinary person can implement such a program. But, as a rule, in order to achieve desired effect and to be sure that the implemented negative program will work, ill-wishers turn to the help of specialists practicing black magic. Usually these can be sorcerers, witches or dark magicians working with negative energies.

Damage to health introduced into a person distorts and deforms the human energy field, making holes in it through which leakage occurs vital energy. The result of such a negative program are various ailments and diseases. Often our medicine is simply unable to determine what is happening to a person, and begins to treat non-existent diseases, thus bringing additional harm. If damage to health is not detected and removed in time, then irreparable damage can be caused to human health. Even death is possible. Of course, most people survive, but the damage to health is irreparable.

First of all, the timely intervention of a specialist - parapsychologist will help to avoid this. Because of this, it is very important to know the symptoms of damage that is harmful to health. If you suspect that you have been damaged and contact a knowledgeable specialist in a timely manner, he will be able to remove damage to health without consequences.

There are many types of damage to health, and they differ in exactly where the negative energy is directed. Basically, damage is directed to the deterioration of health in general, but it can be directed to a specific disease, for example, to the heart, reproductive function or on the outside ( skin diseases, obesity).

Damage to the disease can be organic and inorganic.

Organic spoilage is designed to trigger the mechanism of organic diseases, such as influenza, dysentery (infectious), or hypertension, heart attack (cardiovascular), various types of cancer (oncology). Organic damage on the principle of exposure is very similar to healing. After all, if magical effect can start the recovery systems of the body, creating conditions for its harmonious work, then a process in the opposite direction is also possible, turning off such systems or creating a malfunction in their work.

Organic damage to health in pure form knocks down our body's recovery systems, primarily the immune system, making its victim more susceptible to various types diseases. Organic spoilage that is harmful to health is divided into single and multiple.

The principle of single damage is to create conditions for the acquisition of the disease. In this case, a single injection of a negative program is used.

Repeated or prolonged spoilage is intended to constantly maintain the disease and mechanisms aimed at the incorrect operation of the victim's body's restorative systems. Such damage is associated with the repeated introduction of complex negative programs. As a result of such damage, the energy of a person subject to such attacks changes greatly. It is possible to determine a single damage to health only at the time of its imposition or very short span time. She acts as a trigger. During the period of manifestation of the symptoms of the disease, traces of spoilage practically disappear or are barely noticeable. In cases with prolonged spoilage, treatment only with traditional medicine desired results won't bring. And the disease is likely to go into chronic form with constant outbreaks of exacerbations. Treatment will give positive result only if the negative program is removed, that is, damage to health. Otherwise, damage will continue to spoil health, and treatment will be ineffective.

Inorganic damage has completely different manifestations. When applying this type of damage to health, there are no organic changes. It does impossible treatment traditional medicine and provides the victim disease state without apparent reason. But there is one here positive moment, the body of a person subject to such damage remains practically healthy, and the probability of healing is high.

The mechanism for applying such damage, which is harmful to health, is much simpler than organic. Which, however, does not prevent her from spoiling her health just as effectively. This malware has no effect on internal organs victims. The main area of ​​influence of such damage is the psychoenergetic field of a person. AT modern world, full of stress and others negative phenomena, a small push is quite enough for a person to firmly "stand on the path" of neurosis. In many cases, this can be done without even resorting to magical actions, skillfully playing on psychological problems and natural fears that are inherent in each of us.

Signs of damage to health

Usually, signs of damage to health can manifest themselves as follows - the disease occurs suddenly and develops very quickly. Going to a traditional medicine doctor does nothing. The disease develops ... In such cases, it is very difficult or even impossible to make a diagnosis. Often, after going through the most thorough examinations, it turns out that with medical point vision, the person is completely healthy. But if the mechanism of damage to health is already running, the victim will only get worse every day. A person loses the taste for life, becomes apathetic, and seems to dry up from the inside. In some cases, when the diagnosis is determined, it is usually found in him severe forms disease, preinfarction state, stomach ulcer or cancer. It is quite possible to determine the signs of damage to health on your own. If for no reason you start to lose weight or vice versa get better very quickly. When you feel unwell, and doctors make different diagnoses and treatment does not help if the pupils constantly “run” or one is larger than the other. When a woman reproductive age cannot get pregnant, but examinations and tests show that she and her husband are healthy. If weakness and loss of strength are often noted, or when visiting the temple it becomes ill. If you began to dream often nightmares, you lose vitality, and nervous system depleted.

You should also pay attention to something unnatural, something that has never happened to you before and at the same time you feel severe discomfort.

How to remove damage to health

Specialists parapsychologists, who have repeatedly removed damage to health, note that after competent removal of damage, doctors of traditional medicine put correct diagnosis and successfully heal the person. Rather, they complete the treatment, since the main causes of a recently incomprehensible illness have already been eliminated by a specialist parapsychologist.

Damage will continue to spoil human health until it is removed. If the damage is not too complicated and is not applied by a professional, but ordinary person, you can get rid of it yourself. But if the negative program is complex and implemented by a professional, it is not only not recommended to deal with the removal of such damage to health - it is simply too dangerous. It is better to contact an experienced parapsychologist and use him to remove the malicious program. Otherwise, you can harm your health even more and make the consequences irreversible.

Several simple ways removal of damage to health in a mild form.

1. Within a week, you should drink a glass of holy water three times a day and wash your face with it, then read the prayer “Our Father”.

With hope and faith in the best,
Your Elena Svetlaya

Where does cancer come from

Enough for a long time helping people with oncology to survive, he understood for himself several main sources of the onset of this disease in humans. Although there may be more of them in the end, I still decided to describe my observations ... maybe at least for myself or for someone who wants to read it, or maybe understand to agree or argue with my observations and research.

1. Oncology is a kind of mycelium that can scatter spores that can infect people who are nearby and infect them .. in some cases, this can explain cancer, which is inherited by loved ones who help and care for the patient during his illness ... by the way, the medical staff in cancer clinics are also included in the risk zone for contracting this disease ... that is, in this case, oncology is contagious. But it's not the best terrible cancer basically it can be defeated if you pay attention to it in time

2. An entity.. a kind of alien (usually a black entity in the form of a predator, an example of a strange-looking cat) is already more serious. It is quite difficult to remove such an animal from the human body .. all the more so, she can jump to the person who does it, or she can throw her kittens to him, as a result, both will die. Therefore, in this case, there are a number of restrictions on work .. Here the cat can only be lured out by deception or offer it something more interesting ... easier prey and try to catch and destroy it. But this can be done if the disease has not yet reached the 4th stage, in which case this animal is very smart and will not buy into such provocations ... -

3. Sarcoma. Essence of a higher status. A person usually does not even have time to go to the doctor because it develops rapidly compared to other types of oncology. It's kind of a dark lady of vengeance...usually it's someone's curse..part of it is posthumous. The deceased person did not want to leave this world until he gets even with his offender and for this he gives his soul in exchange for revenge (this is one of the causes of sarcoma) Although sarcoma can also act as a separate demonic entity that performs karmic retribution of a person for the sins of him or his ancestors.

It is no secret that we live more than once and we are part of our family, its branch in this life and are responsible not only for ourselves, but also for each member of our family up to the 7th generation. That is, every sin distant relative backfires on you, even if not to the full extent both for him and his parents, but you also take on part of the wave. It's hard to comprehend this, of course, but it's true.

4. The same happens with oncology reduced from a person to another person. Often this can be transferred through money, gifts are often expensive. A person can find them to rejoice at such luck and not suspect what he has taken upon himself. Death is never paid off cheaply, so in this case its purpose is changed. In this case, death itself stands behind the person, and everything is not very good here.

  1. There is oncology transmitted through the word and blood or an object that was thrown under your feet .. sometimes it is dead animals. Damage is imposed on a person in this way, which leads to oncology. Here, a certain spirit guardian of this disease enters the protection of such a curse, and without agreeing to do anything with him, nothing will work

The guardian spirit of the disease often appears in oncological diseases. Usually it is one of the dead, not resting souls, who demands his sacrifice in order to ascend to heaven through the death of this person. This spirit does not just retreat .. but there is something that he needs more than this (not always, but in some cases he may give up his dirty work for some offerings)

  1. There are people who have some kind of northern big sin(or those who think that they committed it) .. they reproach themselves, kill themselves and wish death themselves, and the disease comes and kills them at their request ... Here the body condemns itself and turns on the system of its destruction internally tuning in to its premature end.
Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 14 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

How to remove induced cancer

How to remove induced cancer

It's no secret that cancer can be contrived. Here is one example. A resident of the Kemerovo region told him:

“...I was 29 years old when I underwent a medical examination for a pregnancy card. We didn’t have ultrasound in the village, and I went to district hospital. When I left the doctor's office, I was taken aback when I saw my boots filled to the brim with grain. I shook about half a bucket of wheat out of them and put them on. But at home, under the insoles, I found grains that had accumulated there. When I told my mother-in-law about this, I said, surprised:

- Who needs it, because I don’t know anyone in the district center.

The mother-in-law listened to me, but did not answer. About a month later I suddenly became ill, I was treated and eventually diagnosed with cancer. No one in our family had cancer. I was horrified. My weight began to decrease, my strength left me.

And then my mother-in-law told me:

“Remember, they filled your boots with grain to the brim? Now, I think you got cancer then.”

I did not believe that someone hated me to such an extent that they would do such a thing. Here I heard for the first time the name “Galya”, which, it turns out, lived with my husband before me (without marriage registration). They hid this from me, and she, according to her mother-in-law, came the day before our wedding to her mother-in-law and my husband and declared that she would destroy her rival, that is, me, with cancer. Apparently, on that ill-fated day, she followed me to the city in the same bus and, after waiting for the right moment, did her dirty deed. She followed our family and was aware of my pregnancy, and our pregnant villagers go to the district hospital. So I went for cancer.”

You can help like this. A born puppy is carried around a sick person counterclockwise, saying:

dog soul,

Take from me what they put on me

What I was sentenced to.

How that rye, that oats grew in the field,

So that cancer grows on this puppy,

Not on me God's servant(name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

After that, the person usually recovers, but the dog gets sick. And doctors believe that the diagnosis was made incorrectly.

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How to call a brownie (remove trouble from home)? The first method For this operation, you need to invite a sorcerer, healer or psychic home. But you can try to get by on your own - your husband can be a sorcerer - sometimes it turns out. To begin with, the sorcerer needs to find

There are many types of terrible damage that takes away from a person physical health and with it, life itself. One of these deadly damage is damage to cancer. It is done by people who are versed in witchcraft, but those who fiercely hate their enemies, or who are gnawed by envy, can also bring it on their own.

How to bring severe damage to cancer

It is necessary to do this damage to cancer when the Moon is in growth, because the potion for damage must gain strength. You need to take three live crayfish, dry them in an oven, then grind them individually into powder using a mortar or coffee grinder. For each powder, the words of damage to cancer are slandered 9 times: “Just as river cancer lives in water, so does interior cancer live and grow in the body of a slave (slave) (name). Hit her (his) terrible interior damage, cancer, eat it! Amen".

Powders are buried at the crossroads, where they must lie for 9 days. They make it a black conspiracy for cancer damage: “Collect, poison potion, all the filth and all evil from people, from passers-by and from passers-by, for a disease for a slave (slave) (name).

After 9 days, dig out the powders and whisper on them the main conspiracy of self-damage to cancer from the enemy: “In the middle of the sea-okiyana, Buyan-island is great, and on that island there is Mount Sorochinsky, and in the mountain of that Sorochinskaya there is a deep hole, and in that deep hole there is an ailment lives, fierce maeta, called a mortal disease. Go, fierce ailment, to the slave (slave) (name), hit her (his) bottoms, top and middle. Eat her (him) until he perishes from a mortal disease. Amen to my word. May corruption strike the slave (slave) (name)!

Pour one powder into the victim's shoes, the second into food, and the third powder is intended for the victim's house, which is fatally spoiled for cancer.

How to determine if there is spoilage for cancer

This severe damage on cancer can be determined by the same signs as any damage to the disease, namely: sharp, sudden deterioration health. In medical diagnostics, the patient's tests, as a rule, turn out to be normal, while the person melts like a candle.

Let this situation take its course! If you do not find an explanation for what is happening, be sure to contact a real magician. It is necessary to carry out detailed diagnostics, only in this way it is possible to understand whether the patient has black damage to cancer, or the reason is something else.

Is it possible to remove fatal damage to cancer on your own?

In no case! Do not try to remove black damage to cancer yourself, because this effect is not easy, it is a powerful destructive program that can be destroyed by the one who brought it, or by another, no less powerful specialist.

Trying to remove the old damage to cancer on your own, you risk causing more more harm sick, or suffer yourself! So refrain from such actions! Or at least better prepare for it.

Watch the video on how to remove damage with the help of wax casting



There are very strong magical corruption on diseases that are not immediately determined, and which are quite difficult to remove. These include black damage to the appearance of cancer in a person, which can only be done by a practicing magician. Several methods are known that allow the sorcerer to send cancer to the enemy. I will tell you about one of them.

How to bring severe damage to a serious cancer disease

They make black damage to cancer when the moon entered the growth phase. For witchcraft, you need to prepare a potion. This will require three crayfish, which must be put alive in the oven and dried. Separately, grind them into powder, while reading 9 times strong conspiracy damage to cancer:

“Just as river cancer lives in water, so does interior cancer live and grow in the body of a slave (slave) (name). Hit her (his) terrible interior damage, cancer, eat it! Amen".

Powders for 9 days are buried at the crossroads, while reading a conspiracy of powerful damage to cancer:

“Collect, poisonous potion, all the filth, all the evil from people, from passers-by and passers-by, for the terrible disease of the slave (slave) (name).”

After the expiration of the powders, you need to dig out and read the black plot:

“In the middle of the sea-okiyana, Buyan-island is great, on that island there is Mount Sorochinskaya, in that mountain there is a deep hole, and in that deep hole there lives a disease, a fierce, mortal disease. Go, fierce ailment, to the slave (slave) (name), hit her (his) bottoms, top and middle. Let's eat until you perish from a mortal disease. It will be according to my word. Corruption will strike the slave (slave) (name)!

The next stage, which completes the independent black rite of cursing the onset of the disease, is the contact of the victim with the charmed powders.

  • One powder must be poured into the shoes of the object of witchcraft,
  • the second powder must be ingested in order for the victim to take it inside,
  • and the third powder must end up in the victim's house.

So fatal damage to cancer will strike a person, leaving him no chance to avoid a terrible fate. You can have time to remove the conspiracies and be cured, but only on condition that the curse on cancer in a person is diagnosed on time and correctly.

How to determine the presence of damage to cancer on a person

Damage to a person can be determined by the same signs as any severe damage to a disease. And the first sign is a sudden deterioration in health. Distinctive feature black damage to the disease: medical diagnostics does not reveal the presence of the disease, while the patient's condition worsens day by day. This should alert you, because there is no smoke without fire! It may happen that a witchcraft attack, black damage to cancer, was committed against you or a person close to you. Contact the practitioner as a detailed diagnosis is required. deadly disease in order to understand the reason for the deterioration of health.


Cancer, traditional treatment

Is there a conspiracy against cancer, from oncology? Does cancer accept traditional treatment and others unconventional methods, and magic as a remedy against cancerous tumor? Is there damage to cancer in the arsenal of black magic or just an accidental evil eye?

Undoubtedly, there is a conspiracy against cancer, and not one, but many. Magical rites against oncology are also actively used by various healers. However, not every patient is susceptible to this folk treatment, not every cancer patient is guaranteed a chance of healing, since this disease proceeds very individually and is almost always extremely unpredictable.

In addition, if cancer is the result of bad karma, then it is almost impossible to save such a person, unless it is possible to delay the sad outcome as much as possible. Nose conventional cancer, not karmic, but “natural” can and should be fought, both with the help of traditional medicine and with the help of folk medicine. Also, the spiritual mood of the patient, his desire and faith will be important, which will help him in overcoming a terrible illness.

And if a specific oncology arose from damage, appeared due to a curse or witchcraft, and it should be noted that damage to cancer is quite common, then without the support of a healer: a magician, healer or fortune teller cannot be done.

It is unfortunate that in most cases the patient is not aware of the occurrence of his illness and in a state of stress is able to “break wood” and resort to the wrong help that he really needs. Everyone has heard of stories when an oncologist advises a cancer patient to find a grandmother or a healer to treat cancer, since medicine is powerless. And it is true.

But every healer or sorcerer, to whom a cancer patient turns, is able to initially realize: he can help cure cancer or not, otherwise the healer will always honestly, but tactfully, explain to the sick person that he is not able to help him. In this case, the magician recommends resorting to traditional medicine: undergo a course of chemotherapy, radiation, agree to an operation to remove a cancerous tumor. After all, when a person's life is at stake, nothing can be more important than it: neither money, nor vanity, nor curiosity.

It is worth noting that damage to cancer is a frequent occurrence, which cannot be upsetting. But main danger- this is that this strong damage does not disappear along with the deceased patient. Cancer moves to another victim, most often to close people, to relatives. Moreover, this happens during the funeral ceremony, regardless of the religion of the deceased or his family, since the laws of karma, as well as karmic distortions (the result of black magic) are the same for all people.

You can say that this is nonsense, that these are fairy tales! But for sure, you will immediately be able to recall the mysterious stories when in one family, for a short period of time, several tragedies happened, one after another, as if on schedule. And always the fatal diagnosis was the same - oncology, cancer. Therefore, experienced people will always tell the relatives of a cancer deceased to stay away from the funeral if there is a strong belief that a strong curse has been sent to the deceased. It is especially important that relatives do not kiss such a deceased during farewell, otherwise they will become a target for cancer, they will become the next targets of induced damage to oncology.

There are rumors that often healers do not want to treat cancer patients for fear of "taking away" oncological disease yourself. But in truth traditional healer or a magician - here they know that they are not able to help this sick person. It cannot be said that there are no such healers at all who are afraid to “catch” cancer, but they can also be understood - they can become the next victims of damage to oncology if their energy is not strong enough and their spiritual protection is too weak.

Every healer faces dozens of victims every day in his work. People go to the healer who are cursed with health, cursed with lack of money, cursed with loneliness or cursed with alcoholism, and so on. How long would the healer who “takes” all these problems for himself last? Hardly.

A healer is the person who “repairs” people, as masters repair electrical appliances, but do not “take away” the malfunctions of these devices, although they certainly care about their safety, from the same electric shock, for example, and so on. So healers, realizing the danger of “taking away” an ailment or trouble on themselves during contact with a victim of black magic, protect themselves different ways.

White magic, healers have enough methods and means to remove damage to cancer, but it is simply pointless to reveal them, because without detailed knowledge, without experience and training, it is impossible to apply them common man. Only a true healer is able to remove such a strong curse as damage to oncology.

Those who put a curse on another should remember about the obligatory return of what they have done, about karmic retribution. Villains can be outraged in different ways, trying to inflict damage or inflict a curse with the help of black magic, but they must remember that this same negative energy catch up with them, if not in this life, then in the next, or in the next world.

Fortune teller and healer Anna will help you recover from cancer and remove the curse on cancer. Go to the "Contacts" page to contact her or request a call back by clicking on the button in the upper right corner of the site. Healer Anna will definitely answer you and help you resolve difficult situation.

Be healthy!


Oncology and spoilage

What kind of diseases do not happen, and any of us causes resentment.

Starting with a common cold and ending with oncology.

Nobody likes to be sick, right?

And when one disease is replaced by another and doctors cannot help in any way, if only because they cannot make the correct diagnosis, it also unsettles.

But in any case, there is nothing worse than cancer, you already understand that this disease, as a rule, has one outcome, rarely anyone manages to defeat it, and those people who defeated it need to give a standing ovation.

But this is possible if the cause of the disease is not magic.

The most common in our days, damage, or even worse, a curse.

It is already impossible to get rid of such a disease on your own, but with the help of specialists, it is quite real.

It is known that various troubles can arise as a result of damage, the easiest of them are simple failures, but serious ones, these are diseases, disabilities and, of course, oncology.

Let's talk about her.

Rather, I'll tell you a story.

I learned about it from my mother.

Mom has a friend former colleague why the ex, but because she was forced to quit her job due to illness.

They couldn’t keep her on sick leave for a long time, because. no diagnosis was made, the doctors could not understand what disease she needed to be treated for, it seems that all the tests are normal, but she still feels bad and dries out.

And a friend still has a daughter, who not so long ago also ended up in a hospital and not just anywhere, but in an oncology dispensary.

What is the highlight (if I may say so) of this story, but what else my grandmother and aunt also had serious problems with health.

And then the daughter and mother thought, is it a simple coincidence or bad luck.

And they decided to go to the grandmother-sorceress, who lives next door.

And they did it right.

It turned out that even the strongest damage was directed at their grandmother.

This is where it started to work energy negative at some point, on all women of the genus.

The sorceress sent them to a familiar sorcerer, because. she herself did not undertake to remove such a strong damage, because she could harm both herself and them.

The sorcerer removed the damage, and you know, as in a fairy tale, everyone's health began to recover.

And most importantly and surprisingly, my daughter's oncology also went away.

Doctors could not believe when both mother and daughter began to recover after a long time of illness.

Hence the moral, you need to be more attentive to your feelings and turn to the right specialists for help at the right time.

Our reader Elena for the site "Healers of the Urals and Siberia" Hello! My name is Vladimir Russ. I work together with healers of the Urals and Siberia. We can help you and conduct a deep diagnosis of your body for the presence of negative programs. We also have extensive experience in remote healing work through photography and Skype. We work successfully with serious illnesses(oncology, human recovery after radiation and chemotherapy). We work with inoperable tumors. Medical examinations After our work, you will be convinced of this. Start fighting for your health yourself, do not expect medicine or anyone else to cure you. We are working with you together, according to our methodology, and you will be required to take concrete steps, fight and live on in healthy body. Your first step for your health, for your happy further fate for your life is to write us a letter. Today you have two paths ahead of you, two roads, and the choice is yours.

There are very strong magical damage to the disease, which are not immediately determined, and which are quite difficult to remove. These include black damage to the appearance of cancer in a person, which can only be done by a practicing magician. It is known to allow the sorcerer to send cancer on the enemy. I will tell you about one of them.

How to bring severe damage to a serious cancer disease

They make black damage to cancer when the moon entered the growth phase. For witchcraft, you need to prepare a potion. This will require three crayfish, which must be put alive in the oven and dried. Separately, grind them into powder, while reading a strong conspiracy of damage to cancer 9 times:

“Just as river cancer lives in water, so does interior cancer live and grow in the body of a slave (slave) (name). Hit her (his) terrible interior damage, cancer, eat it! Amen".

Powders for 9 days are buried at the crossroads, while reading a conspiracy of powerful damage to cancer:

“Collect, poisonous potion, all the filth, all the evil from people, from passers-by and passers-by, for the terrible disease of the slave (slave) (name).”

After the expiration of the powders, you need to dig out and read the black plot:

“In the middle of the sea-okiyana, Buyan-island is great, on that island there is Mount Sorochinskaya, in that mountain there is a deep hole, and in that deep hole there lives a disease, a fierce, mortal disease. Go, fierce ailment, to the slave (slave) (name), hit her (his) bottoms, top and middle. Let's eat until you perish from a mortal disease. It will be according to my word. Corruption will strike the slave (slave) (name)!

The next stage, which completes the independent black rite of cursing the onset of the disease, is the contact of the victim with the charmed powders.

  • One powder must be poured into the shoes of the object of witchcraft,
  • the second powder must be ingested in order for the victim to take it inside,
  • and the third powder must end up in the victim's house.

So fatal damage to cancer will strike a person, leaving him no chance to avoid a terrible fate. You can have time to remove the conspiracies and be cured, but only on condition that the curse on cancer in a person is diagnosed on time and correctly.

How to determine the presence of damage to cancer on a person

Damage to a person can be determined by the same signs as any severe damage to a disease. And the first sign is a sudden deterioration in health. A distinctive feature of black damage to the disease: medical diagnostics do not reveal the presence of the disease, while the patient's condition worsens day by day. This should alert you, because there is no smoke without fire! It may happen that a witchcraft attack, black damage to cancer, was committed against you or a person close to you. Contact the practitioner as it is necessary to conduct a detailed diagnosis of a deadly disease in order to understand the cause of the deterioration in health.

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