Eat something sour, my knees hurt. If the knee hurts at rest. Treatment of knee joints. Pain Remedies

Pain in the knees, no matter how intense, significantly impairs the quality of life. There is no joy from your favorite type of outdoor activity, efficiency drops, a simple shopping trip becomes a problem.

In our article, we will consider what to do if the knee joints hurt, how to treat them, and whether it is possible to get rid of discomfort in the knees forever - the last question is especially relevant for older people who consider stiffness and joint pain to be an indispensable companion of age.

Pain diagnostics

  • You need to find out the nature of the pain. The pain can be sharp, burning, stabbing, aching.
  • Cancel the circumstances of the pain- at night, after exercise, when walking, in the morning, sudden sharp pain.
  • Was there any other signs of joint damage: swelling, hyperemia (redness), joint deformity, crunch, limited mobility.
  • Check for history infection, stress, leg injury, increased physical activity.
  • Pass an instrumental examination in a medical institution (MPU) - a blood test, x-ray diagnostics, analysis of synovial fluid.

Causes of knee pain

There are more than 200 joint pathologies, most of them are accompanied not only by pain. Only on the basis of a set of symptoms and examinations can one determine what causes knee pain.

Traumatic pathologies

In traumatic pathologies, knee pain occurs with joint injuries (shocks, falls, prolonged stress on the joints - typical for athletes) or with general diseases of the body.

Consider the main traumatic pathologies.

Fracture of the knee joint

Fracture or displacement of the patella, fractures of the condyles of the femur and / or tibia. When falling from a height on your knees, in car accidents, etc.

The victim experiences a sharp, severe pain at the moment of impact, over time the pain does not stop, it may become slightly weaker, but intensifies when pressed or walking.

The joint swells, deforms, fills with blood (hemarthrosis), the knee does not bend, the patella becomes abnormally mobile.

Dislocation of the knee

It is characterized by displacement of the bones of the joint relative to each other. Dislocation of the knee joint can be of varying complexity (complete, incomplete, complicated by soft tissue rupture, etc.).

Habitual dislocation occurs as a result of a knee injury or as a result of a congenital anomaly: weakness or excessive elasticity of the ligaments, flat sliding paths of the femur in the joint, excessively high location of the patella.

Sprain, rupture of tendons, ligaments

Depending on the degree of damage (partial ruptures of individual fibers, incomplete tear, complete rupture), symptoms occur: crunching and clicking when moving, bruising below the rupture site, limited flexion-extension of the joint, swelling of the knee, too mobile joint (with a complete rupture of the ligaments). The pain is sharp and strong, but with a minor injury, it may not appear immediately, but after a while.


Inflammation of the periarticular sac due to injuries, infections, metabolic disorders, autoimmune disease. Often occurs in athletes and people with increased body weight. The knee swells, pains vary in intensity, but increase with exertion and at night.

meniscus tear

May be the result of trauma or degenerative changes in cartilage tissue. Acute injury is characterized by severe pain, swelling, and limited mobility. Symptoms of degenerative changes are mild.

Joint diseases

Knee pain can be a symptom of a disease.

We have listed The most common diseases with pain syndrome of the knee joint:


The diagnosis is much less common than in the 19th and 20th centuries. This is due both to the discovery of penicillin (and then to the production of other antibiotics), and to the low diagnostic capabilities in the past, when almost all joint diseases were attributed to rheumatism.

A characteristic sign of rheumatism is alternating joint pain: first one joint becomes inflamed, then the other. For example, pain in the knee subsides, but occurs in another large joint (elbow, hip).

Rheumatism is more common in children and adolescents, the disease develops after a streptococcal infection of the upper respiratory tract.

Note: advanced rheumatism leads to damage to the heart (rheumatic heart disease) or nervous system (chorea)

Reactive arthritis

It is more common in people of reproductive age, since inflammation of the joints is most often caused by pathogenic microbes that enter the human body sexually.

Much less often, reactive arthritis is caused by gastrointestinal infections or nasopharyngeal infectious inflammation (tonsillitis, influenza). 1-4 weeks after the illness, the patient notices that his legs began to hurt at night.

Both large joints (knees, ankles) and small ones (the big toe ache or ache) can become inflamed and hurt. Pain in the knee joint is accompanied by swelling and/or redness.

Sometimes the symptoms include conjunctivitis (inflammation and pain in the eyes), keratoderma (thickening of the skin on the soles of the feet).

Reiter's syndrome

Urethritis (frequent, painful urination), intestinal disorders join the symptoms of ordinary reactive arthritis.


Disease of the elderly. Periodically, the knees ache at night "for the weather." The load on the joint (long walking) increases pain, swelling, impairs joint mobility.

After rest and warming up, the pain goes away.

Baker's cyst

A tumor on the back of the knee causes a feeling of constriction, difficulty in movement.

Osteochondritis dissecans (Koening's disease)

The cartilage covering the bone exfoliates, the affected knee ache, and when the fragment is completely exfoliated, movement of the joint is difficult.

Osgood-Schlatter disease

It is more commonly diagnosed in teenagers. Pain in the knees is aggravated when going up and down stairs, squats.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Autoimmune disease, the mechanism of which is not clear. It has been noticed that the starting conditions are the usual list of loads on the immune system: from stress and infection to hypothermia. The immune bodies attacking their own cells cause inflammation of the joint, especially its synovium.

Under the influence of an attack by immune cells, the membrane swells, increases in volume, and then begins to grow into nearby cartilage and bone tissue. The result of the process is pain in the knee joints, which becomes unbearable in the second half of the night.

The disease lasts for years, the treatment consists of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroid hormones, gold preparations (krizanol, tauredon, auranofin), immunosuppressants, antimalarial drugs.

Gout (gouty arthritis)

It arises from improper metabolism. Due to the abuse of alcohol, "purine" products (meat, smoked meats, pickles).

Uric acid, formed in the blood, settles in the joints in the form of sodium urate crystals. Growing "deposits" gradually affect the mobility of the joint, severe attacks of pain appear, the time interval between attacks is gradually reduced.

Vascular pain in the knees is characterized by pulling sensations along the course of the vein, sometimes patients notice a sharp tingling sensation.

Only a doctor, after a detailed examination, can say why the knee hurts, if there was no obvious injury. It is unreasonable to rub the knee joint with a remedy that "helped the neighbor." After all, what helps the healing of a joint injury can provoke an exacerbation in the autoimmune mechanism of the disease.

Treatment of knee pain

The doctor selects a treatment regimen depending on the diagnosis.

Therapeutic measures are aimed at combating:

  • with the cause of the disease- infection, tumor, abnormal metabolic processes, failure of the immune system.
  • with pain syndrome- symptomatic treatment includes painkillers, intra-articular blockades.
  • with degenerative processes- preparations with chondroprotectors help to restore the cartilaginous tissue of the joint.

If necessary, they resort to surgical intervention, arthroplasty, use physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises for the joints.

Pain Remedies

A list of activities for those who have knee pain - what to do to alleviate the condition.

Cause of the painWhat to do
Pain clearly caused by injuryEnsure immobility of the joint and limb, ice or cold compress on the knee. Seek immediate medical attention.
Arthritis pain (reactive, rheumatoid, etc.)Specific treatment with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed only by a doctor. With night pains, you can apply a warming compress, ointments based on bee venom.
Pain in arthrosis (post-traumatic, age-related, in overweight people) after exercise or at nightAny warming compresses with herbal tincture, rubbing ointments with chondroprotectors.

Severe joint pain is relieved by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

But most patients (people with excess weight, age-related changes in the joints) would not have to think about what to do with pain if they followed preventive minimum:

  1. Proper nutrition with a sufficient amount of calcium, vitamins, the fight against excess weight;
  2. Reduction of heavy loads on the joint up to the change of work, if it consists in “standing on your feet” all day;
  3. Systematic physiotherapy exercises to strengthen muscles and ligaments - a good muscle corset reduces the load on the bones;

Articular diseases can develop over the years and lead to a significant deterioration in the quality of life. A timely visit to a doctor and an arsenal of folk remedies will help preserve the joy of movement until old age.

Video - what do doctors say?

Treatment of joints at home - folk recipes

Homemade recipes for ointments and compresses based on natural ingredients are used in courses - this is the only way to achieve a lasting result.

7 simple folk remedies for knee pain:

It is advisable to use home treatment with folk remedies regularly, combining with traditional medicine and modern methods. You should not wait until the disease has already firmly established itself and declared itself with severe pain, joint deformity. Early treatment to the doctor will speed up recovery, while curing the chronic form of the disease is more difficult.

Note: treatment with folk remedies is permissible only with the approval of the doctor, after examination and diagnosis.

One of the most stressed organs in the human body is the knee joint. It consists of many interconnected elements that are constantly under the influence of large mechanical loads. It is not surprising that knee pain is familiar to most people.

With any movement (especially when walking or running), physical activity is perceived by the knee joint. Knee pain is not just for athletes. At very different ages, a person feels the weak protection of this organ, when when walking suddenly there are unpleasant sensations or pains in the area of ​​the knee joint. It is very important to find out their causes in a timely manner and take measures for treatment.

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Features of the anatomy of the knee

The knee joint is one of the largest and most complex organs in the human body. Its framework is based on three bones: the upper femur, the lower tibia and the central patella (calyx). At the point of articulation, the two main bones have a pair of enlarged projections called condyles.

What is the human knee joint made of?

The patella is located in the depression between the outer and inner protrusions of the femur. In the area of ​​​​contact with each other, the surfaces of all knee bones are enveloped by a cartilaginous coating.

In the gap between the main bones are cartilaginous horseshoe-shaped plates called the meniscus. There are two menisci in the knee joint - external and internal, which redistribute the load by increasing and leveling the contact area, and also act as shock absorbers.

The outer layer of the knee joint is a capsule containing synovial fluid. This fluid lubricates and nourishes the cartilage plates, providing a kind of lubrication.

Stabilization and movement of bones relative to each other is carried out with the help of ligaments (muscles). Main ligaments: anterior and posterior - cruciate; internal and external - lateral. The tendons surround the patella and provide extension (flexion) of the lower leg. Tendons are an integral part of the quadriceps muscle. Under the kneecap is a ligament that connects it to the tibia.

To facilitate the functioning of the muscles in the knee joint, synovial bags (bursae) are provided. In total, there are six bags in the joint that feed different muscles and tendons.

Pain in the knee joint: causes associated with blood circulation

Pain in the knee joint can be caused by disorders in the human circulatory system. Such pain is most often not associated with the disease and is caused by a deterioration in blood supply to the joint. They can appear in people of any age group. This phenomenon is often observed in adolescents and is associated with a slow development of the vascular system. Upon reaching the age of twenty, such pains pass by themselves.

The main symptom of the occurrence of pain due to blood circulation is its symmetrical (identical) manifestation in both knees during sudden climatic changes, during colds and after physical overload. Special therapeutic treatment for this type of pain is not required. Joint pain usually disappears with the use of warming compounds (ointments). Effective massage and self-massage of the knee joint area. With severe pain, it is recommended to take drugs that dilate blood vessels.

Pain in the area of ​​the knee joint is often observed, the causes of which lie in the traumatic impact. Knee contusion is a common type of injury that does not lead to the destruction of the elements of the joint. It causes local hemorrhage in the tissues of the joint, their swelling and, at times, severe pain that restricts movement.

The consequence of such an injury is a temporary violation of blood circulation, deformation of blood vessels and nerve processes. These damages are temporary and all organs recover over time.

Traumatic hemarthrosis

Sharp pain in the knee may be due to hemarthrosis caused by severe injuries. With such injuries, ligaments, tissues, capsules are subjected to destructive damage. A significant amount of blood from damaged vessels causes swelling of the synovial membrane, which leads to excess fluid.

Usually, with hemarthrosis, excess fluid is mixed with blood, and when bone tissue is damaged, a fatty component appears. To eliminate the consequences, it is recommended to remove excess fluid and blood from the joint cavity and wash it.

Meniscus and ligament injury

Traumatic impact sometimes leads to damage to the ligaments in the form of their rupture, which usually refers to the internal ligament. The main symptoms of ligament rupture are: severe pain in the injured area, which increases when the lower leg is bent, limited mobility in the knee joint, manifestation of hemarthrosis (edema). A complete rupture of the ligament can cause a complete violation of the fixation of the leg in the joint. Severe injuries require surgical intervention.

A meniscus injury and tear is a common injury that causes pain in the knee joint. The cause of the injury is usually a sharp rotation of the hip with a pinched foot or lower leg. The main symptoms: rapid hemarthrosis, the impossibility of fully straightening the leg in the knee joint, impaired movement functions, and sharp pain. Measures to provide assistance to the victim must be taken immediately after the injury.

What are meniscal injuries?

With minor injuries to the meniscus, long-term therapeutic treatment is required, with a complete rupture or flattening, surgical intervention is required. This type of injury is very dangerous and to eliminate the consequences, you need to contact a specialist.

Pain in the knee joint is sometimes caused by chronic recurrences of displacement of the patella. The reasons for this phenomenon lie in the formation of deformation in childhood, which gradually progresses and becomes chronic. A person with a dislocated patella feels pain in the front and inside of the knee.

When moving, looseness in the joints may occur. The degree of displacement of the patella is detected by radiography.

Tendinitis and other inflammations

Tendonitis is an inflammatory process in the tendons. It is known that the causes can be both traumatic and disease-causing. The main causes of tendinitis include: prolonged physical overload; injury; infectious diseases; disease such as rheumatism; reaction to an allergen; deviations from the normal structure of the limbs; tendon atrophy or underdevelopment; wrong posture. The most characteristic symptoms are throbbing pain and limitation of joint movement. Pain can come on suddenly and worsen over time. With the pulsation of the inflamed tendon, a painful sensation occurs.

When the bursa becomes inflamed, bursitis develops. Symptoms of the disease:

With bursitis, a cyst appears with synovial fluid

  • redness;
  • tumor;
  • pain in the patella;
  • limitation in joint movement.

If the disease is started, it develops into chronic forms and can lead to surgical intervention.

Inflammation of the synovial membrane provokes the appearance of a disease - synovitis. The disease can be caused by traumatic consequences or infections.

Inflammation causes a change in the composition of the synovial fluid, which leads to the accumulation of pus, gradually increasing pain in the knee, swelling. Symptoms of synovitis: aching pain tolerable, a sharp increase in the volume of the leg in the knee joint.

Pain in arthrosis and arthritis

Osteoarthritis (gonarthrosis) is often the cause of pain in the knee joint, especially for people over 40 years old. Arthrosis can be diagnosed if the joints hurt on both legs or only on one. The development of the disease is quite slow. The first symptoms of the disease appear only after a long walk. Gradually, the disease progresses and manifests itself already with small walks, and especially when moving up the stairs. At rest, pain in the joints is practically not felt. In more severe stages, the disease can lead to the fact that with any walking a crunch appears in the joint, its noticeable deformation appears.

Arthritis, i.e. The inflammatory process in the joint can cause pain in the knee joint in people of almost any age. Inflammation occurs most often in diseases of the rheumatic and reactive type.

Arthritis affects the cartilage of the joint

The main symptoms of such a disease: pain in the joint, limited movement, fever in advanced forms of the disease, general swelling of the knee joint. The process of arthritic inflammation develops quite quickly with the manifestation of edema. Severe pain in the knee area is especially manifested at night, and nocturnal pain is not due to the movement of the limb.

Why knee joints hurt: the effect of osteoarthritis

With osteoarthritis, the knee joint hurts, due to the destruction of cartilage, leading to disorders in the heads of the main bones. In the first stage of the disease, the symptoms cause pain at the beginning of the movement.

Then the disease grows and manifests itself in a tendency to a clear decrease in joint mobility and severe pain. In a severe stage, it can cause a noticeable curvature of the legs. Sitting for long periods of time can cause pain in the spine.

When determining the method of treatment, it is important to find out why the knee hurts, i.e. make the correct diagnosis. In addition to specific methods of treatment, there are general rules. If pain occurs, it is necessary to reduce physical activity until the ailment is eliminated. If there is a sharp or throbbing pain, any physical activity should be excluded.

For almost any joint pain, an elastic soft or tight bandage or bandage is recommended. After clarification with a specialist, it is advisable to use warming compounds (Finalgon) and compresses. With a sharp unbearable pain, it is recommended to install an ice compress. To relieve pain and inflammation, it is necessary to use painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Very useful massage of the knee joint. To recover from an illness, a complex of therapeutic physical exercises should be used. With long-term therapeutic treatment, diet is important.

Pain in the knee joint can be caused by many reasons and be the result of both injury and disease. Timely diagnosis is important, when it is still possible to do without surgical intervention.

Many periodically feel unpleasant tingling, aching pains or sharp shootings in the knee joint. Often they occur after a workout in the gym, and sometimes at night or at rest. Pain syndrome can accompany not only the elderly, but also periodically appear in young people and children.

Anatomy of the knee joint

Frequent injuries and the rapid development of diseases of the knee joint are due to the high load on the lower limbs and the complex structure of the knee joint of the bones.

The joint is formed by 3 bones: femoral, tibial, and patella, or patella. Both large bones have a pair of expanding protrusions (condyles) - the outer (lateral) and the inner (medial).

All contact surfaces of the bones are covered with hyaline cartilage, which serve as shock absorbers and ensure the stability of the knee joint. Cartilage tissue also consists of "pads" for the bones of the joint - the menisci. Around the joint is a dense shell (capsule), the inner part of which is lined with a synovial layer. The joint capsule is filled with synovial fluid that nourishes cartilage tissues.

From the outside, the joint is strengthened by the anterior, posterior cruciate ligaments, tibial and peroneal collateral ligaments. The patella is attached to the muscles of the thigh with the help of tendons, and to the rest of the bones of the joint - due to its own ligament. The functioning of all structures of the joint is also facilitated by 6 synovial bags. The innervation and blood supply of the knee is carried out through the vessels and nerve roots located in the soft tissues.

Possible causes of knee pain

All conditions of the body that lead to pain in the knees can be interconnected or are the result of each other.

There are several groups of diseases that cause pain in the left or right knee:

Features of the structure of the joint, inflammatory or degenerative diseases:

  1. Gonarthrosis. It accounts for about half of all cases of knee pain, develops slowly (over many years). At the beginning of the course of arthrosis, a person is disturbed by pain when climbing stairs, during long walking or other load, getting up from a squatting position. Pain at rest is usually absent. The disease is accompanied by a crunch in the knee, a feeling of joint compression, a decrease in its mobility and progresses with age. Over time, the tissues of hyaline cartilage wear out, the distance between the bones decreases, resulting in the growth of bone osteophytes, compression of nerves and blood vessels.
  2. Meniscopathies, meniscal cysts. As a rule, pains appear in one knee joint. Meniscal disease develops after an old injury or chronic damage to the knee, proceeding according to the chronic type. During exacerbations, the pain is strong, sharp, pulsating and can be quite severe. Meniscopathies and cysts of the meniscus are not dangerous for deforming the bones of the joint, but can provoke inflammation in the synovial bags or the gradual addition of gonarthrosis.
  3. Arthritis. An isolated inflammatory lesion of the knee joint is a rather rare phenomenon, more often observed among young patients. In most cases, different types of arthritis of the knee (psoriatic, rheumatoid, infectious, juvenile, reactive) become the first stage in the development of polyarthritis of several articular groups. A characteristic feature of this type of disease is swelling and redness of the joint, increased pain at night, when the weather changes, at rest.
  4. Circulatory disorders of the knee joint. May appear in adolescents during a period of rapid growth. Over time, the intensity of "vascular" pain decreases. Such sensations, as a rule, do not extend to the entire area of ​​the joint, but have a specific point of localization, intensify with hypothermia or after exertion, and are eliminated after a light massage of the knees.
  5. Periarthritis, tendonitis (inflammation of the tendons). Periodic pain appears when climbing up the stairs, carrying weights. Usually, discomfort is observed under the knee or on the back of the limb in the knee area. Over time, stiffness of the joint develops, an increase in the sensitivity of the zone to palpation.
  6. Bursitis of the knee. Inflammation of one or more joint bags leads to redness of the knee, swelling and decreased motor activity.
  7. synovitis. Inflammatory processes in the synovial membrane are a common complication of arthritis, bursitis or gonarthrosis. Synovitis can be aseptic and purulent and accompanied by burning pain, swelling of the joint.
  8. Chondropathy of the patella. A disease in which degenerative changes in the cartilage of the patella occur, associated with its necrosis. The cause of this condition is a long-term injury or chronic damage to the patella (for example, due to the nature of the profession). Pain intensifies with any activity of the knee, a crunch, clicks, crackling in the joint area is clearly audible. Reliance on the knee becomes almost impossible.
  9. Chondromatosis. With this disease, many cartilaginous nodules form in the shell of the articular bag. Chondromatosis leads to limited activity of the joint, its disfigurement, severe pain due to tissue pinching.
  10. Osteochondritis of the kneecap. In this case, the hyaline cartilage exfoliates from the articular surfaces. The intensity of pain in the knee at the initial stage is low. With the development of the disease, inflammatory phenomena, increased pain are added; complete separation of cartilage tissue leads to blockade of the joint.
  11. bone tumors(malignant and benign). The cause of discomfort in the joint in this case is the growth of the formation and the compression of soft tissues by it.

Pain can be a consequence of the pathology of other organs, while radiating to the area of ​​the knee joint:

  1. Neuropathy of the sciatic nerve due to osteochondrosis or herniation of the intervertebral disc of the lumbosacral segment of the spine. Occurs when the damaged vertebrae pinch the nerve trunk. In this case, throbbing pain can be given to the knee, the front of the thigh.
  2. Coxarthrosis, hip dysplasia. Pain in these diseases often covers the entire surface of the limb.
  3. Fibromyalgia. Pain in the muscles can radiate to the joints located near the affected soft tissues.

Systemic diseases of the body, leading to pain in the knee joint:

  1. tuberculosis of the bones. An infectious disease can occur in an extrapulmonary form, affecting the bone tissue and causing necrosis of the joints, accompanied by severe, sharp pains.
  2. Osteoporosis. Violation of the structure of bones leads to their fragility, as well as aching, pulling pains in the joints, cramps in the lower extremities, susceptibility to fractures.
  3. Osteomyelitis. A bacterial disease that can cause sharp, boring pains in muscles, joints, bones, the intensity of which increases with movement, as well as fever, hyperthermia of the skin in the joints. Consequences of osteomyelitis - necrotic lesions of the bone marrow
  4. Polyarthritis of various etiologies, gout, systemic lupus erythematosus. Discomfort in the knee becomes part of the general pain syndrome, covering several groups of joints.
  5. Some infectious diseases of the body, manifested by pain in the knee joints, as a rule, stopping after a course of antibiotic therapy (Reiter's syndrome, Lyme disease).

Knee joint injuries

Knee injuries are quite common.

At the same time, pathological processes can develop both immediately after the injury and over time (for example, with chronic bruises of the joint).

The main types of traumatic dysfunction of the knee joint, causing acute pain:

  1. Stretching, tearing, tearing of ligaments. If the pain is localized on the inside of the knee, the internal lateral ligament is damaged, which can occur with a sharp bending of the limb to the outside. Similarly, deviation of the knee from its natural range of motion inward results in injury to the external ligament. A cruciate ligament strain results in pain in the front of the knee and a "pop-out" syndrome. A complete rupture of the ligamentous fibers is often accompanied by a fracture of the bone. The patient feels severe pain, both when the joint is flexed, and at rest. The clinic is supplemented by edema, hemarthrosis of the knee joint, and often - instability of the articulation of the bones.
  2. Meniscus tear. Occurs due to injury to the front of the knee. After the acute symptoms subside, a person is concerned about pain when squatting on the outside of the knee or in its center, difficulty climbing stairs, bending the knee, and slight swelling of the joint.
  3. Injury. As a rule, a low degree of damaging force does not lead to serious consequences for the joint. Swelling and hematoma of the knee can disappear on their own after 7-14 days.
  4. Fracture in the area of ​​the condyles, patella, upper part of the tibia, lower zone of the femur. Observed with a strong blow, falling from a great height. Accompanied by severe cutting pain, bruising, swelling of the knee, pallor of the skin, tingling, often visible dents or tuberosity in the joint area. In an open fracture, the bone breaks through the skin, resulting in a wound.
  5. Tendon rupture. A rather rare injury in which acute pains are later replaced by chronic aching sensations and increased pain when walking, after running, etc.
  6. Dislocation of the joint. In this case, the bone is displaced from the articular joint. Complete dislocations occur only with concomitant fractures and torn ligaments and cause severe sharp pain to a person. Untreated subluxations contribute to the development of habitual dislocation of the knee, when any injury or bruise causes the bones to move out of the joint.

Types of pain

Depending on the signs of pain in the knee area, one can draw hypothetical conclusions about their cause:

The nature of knee pain

Possible cause (disease)

Sharp, sharp Ligament rupture, meniscus fracture, exacerbation of gouty, rheumatoid, reactive arthritis, acute bursitis
Aching Gonarthrosis, arthritis without exacerbation phase
Dull Chronic synovitis, bursitis, osteochondritis
Pulsating Meniscus injury, advanced stages of deforming arthrosis
burning Bone tuberculosis, sciatic nerve compression
tingling Bursal cysts, osteoporosis, compression of blood vessels and nerves by bone osteophytes, chronic meniscus injury
strong Gout, meniscopathy (exacerbation)
drilling Osteomyelitis of bones
periodic Inflammation of the tendons of the knee joint, fibromyalgia
Shooting Pinched nerve trunks
Reflected Coxarthrosis, developmental disorders of the foot, osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine
Pain at rest Arthritis, gout
Pain when walking Gonarthrosis, popliteal cyst, osteochondritis
Pain with flexion and extension of the knee Partial rupture of tendon fibers, subluxation, chronic and acute bursitis, tendinitis, chondropathy of the patella
Pain during (after) exercise Arthritis, arthrosis, joint overload, vascular pain, chondropathy

Diagnosis of diseases

After being examined by a specialist, conducting motor tests and carefully collecting an anamnesis, the following types of examinations can be prescribed to make an accurate diagnosis:

  • instrumental(radiography, ultrasound, CT, MRI, densitometry);
  • invasive(arthroscopy);
  • laboratory(general, biochemical analysis, smears and blood tests for bacterial microflora, serological examination, bone marrow puncture, joint fluid).

First aid for pain

First of all, the load on the knee joint is reduced or eliminated: sports activities, long walking are limited, sudden movements are prevented, complete rest of the joint is ensured several times a day (at least for 15 minutes).

For any kind of pain in the knee, you need to take an anesthetic tablet - analgin, aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, pentalgin, naproxen. If the pain syndrome is caused by arthrosis of the joint, a warming compress, applying an ointment with NSAIDs, poisons (bee, snake), warm baths, hydromassage will help relieve it. It must be remembered that such actions in inflammatory processes in the joint can lead to increased pain and progression of pathological processes.

After an injury, cold compresses, applying ice, placing the leg on a hill and immobilizing it will relieve pain. Wounds and abrasions in the knee area are treated with antiseptic solutions.

All these measures are taken until an urgent and mandatory visit to the doctor.

Treatment of knee pain

Traumatic injuries of the joint necessitate the reduction of bones, the application of plaster, fixing bandages, orthoses, and sometimes surgery to remove bone fragments, open reduction, eliminate the consequences of fractures, pinched menisci, rupture of ligaments, tendons.

In the rehabilitation period after the removal of the plaster, exercise therapy is performed, course treatment by a chiropractor, massage, physiotherapy (laser, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis).

Inflammatory diseases of the joints (bursitis, synovitis, infectious arthritis) are treated with:

  • antibiotics;
  • NSAIDs;
  • applying a pressure bandage;
  • aspiration of accumulated fluid;
  • removal of cystic formations or their blockade with solutions of diprospan, hydrocortisone.

Rheumatoid, reactive, psoriatic arthritis requires serious complex treatment, including basic therapy with immunosuppressants, gold preparations, anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticosteroids.

Deforming gonarthrosis is treated with intra-articular injections of corticosteroid drugs, physiotherapeutic measures, chondroprotectors, NSAIDs, physiotherapy exercises, massage, as well as local remedies - compresses with dimexide, bischofite, etc. A strong degree of narrowing of the joint space and damage to the bones necessitates joint replacement (arthroplasty).

With muscle spasm, vascular pain, courses of treatment with muscle relaxants, agents for improving tissue trophism, vasodilators, rubbing warming ointments, and massage are prescribed. Therapy for osteoporosis includes calcium and vitamin D3 preparations, thyroid hormones, and vitamins.

Which doctor should I contact?

If the pain is the result of an injury, it is urgent to visit a traumatologist or surgeon.

Chronic diseases of the joints are treated by orthopedists, osteopaths, rheumatologists. If you suspect any neoplasm, you need to contact an oncologist.

Folk remedies for pain

Many folk recipes can reduce joint discomfort no worse than traditional medicine:

  1. Brew in 0.5 l. boiling water 2 tablespoons of herb cinquefoil, let it brew. Such a remedy is taken orally (100 ml twice a day), used for lotions on a sore knee.
  2. Boil 1 cup of oats in a liter of water, leave overnight. The next day, take 2 cups of decoction in several doses, adding a little honey. Drink a course of 14 days.
  3. Grate horseradish root and raw potatoes (in equal parts), mix, apply on the knee, cover with a cloth on top. Holding time - 15 minutes, course - 10 procedures.
  4. At night, you can make compresses from 1 tablespoon of mustard and the same amount of honey and soda. The next morning, the pain in the joint will decrease significantly.

Nutrition to Improve Joint Health

In inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the joints, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of saturated animal fats, refined foods, white bread, sugary foods, especially pastries with excess cream.

Enriching the diet with food containing B vitamins, vegetable fiber, omega-3.6 acids will reduce the intensity of inflammation, increase the rate of tissue regeneration and nutrition of articular cartilage cells. Items to add to the menu are: turmeric, ginger, salmon, vegetable oils, any vegetables and fruits. They are able to reduce the concentration of C - reactive protein (inflammatory mediator) in the blood and strengthen articular cartilage.

Prevention of joint diseases

Measures to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system include:

  1. Reducing stress on the joints.
  2. A smart combination of work and leisure.
  3. Reduction of salt and animal fats in the menu.
  4. Normalization of body weight.
  5. Knee protection during sports.
  6. Course reception of chondroprotectors.
  7. Protection of limbs from hypothermia.
  8. Timely treatment of infections.

One of the most "exploited" joints in humans is, of course, the knee. During the day, all our weight “lays down” on it, it also experiences a great load if we play sports hard or “crawl” and move on our haunches, putting our summer cottage or garden in order.

Some complain that they have pain in both knees, others are worried about sharp or aching pain in only one leg. The first may be due to joint disease (such as arthritis or arthrosis), being overweight, or even improperly fitting shoes. The second is most often explained by a joint injury - a dislocation of the patella, a fracture, sprain or tendon sprain.

People who have knee pain at night are often diagnosed with venous congestion - then, after a little warm-up, pain symptoms usually disappear. Bursting dull vascular pains in the knees or lower legs may indicate the development of vein thrombosis - they usually "capture" both legs. Complaints about weather changes are usually presented by patients with vascular diseases.

If there is a sharp pain in the knee at rest and with the slightest movement, the cause may be an injury or synovitis - inflammation of the synovial membrane, when excess fluid accumulates in the joint. This may increase the temperature.

Do you have constant knee pain - for a whole month or even longer? Then, most likely, the cause is osteoarthritis - premature wear of the knee joint.

The final diagnosis can be made only after a thorough examination, and sometimes - after studying the results of the tests. Therefore, do not try yourself in the role of an osteopath and do not limit yourself to taking analgesics or warm compresses. Many problems can be solved not only without surgery, but even without medication. Osteopathy, which implies a soft manual effect on tissues and organs, allows you to return the joint “in place”, improve its blood circulation and nutrition, relieve muscle spasms and eliminate pain.

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To begin with, it should be noted that pain in the knee joints can be symmetrical or one-sided. In the first case, most often the cause is a degenerative change. This may be a consequence of age-related changes, or the influence of constant disproportionate loads on the ligamentous apparatus. Night pain in the knee joint can be associated with salt deposition, heavy physical work during the day, venous insufficiency, weather sensitivity. Aching pain in the knee joint is almost always associated with chronic bursitis, lack of synovial and joint fluid. This condition may be accompanied by crepitus (creaking) and other extraneous sounds when moving.

Sore knee joints: causes and conditions

The reasons that the knee joints hurt can be hidden in pathological processes that affect not only the tissues of the cartilage, ligaments and bone heads that make up the joint. These can be metabolic disorders, chronic inflammatory diseases of internal organs, dilatation of the venous bed of the lower extremities, problems with the performance of the cardiovascular system, and much more. Quite often, joint pain can be a consequence of Bechterew's disease, manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis.

At a young age, night pains in the knee joints appear due to excessive physical exertion and a prolonged inflammatory process. This is facilitated by malnutrition, prolonged sedentary work, wearing uncomfortable shoes, posture disorders, in which the center of gravity shifts in the lateral or frontal projection.

Prerequisites for the development of causes of pain in the knee joints can be:

  • obesity and excess physiological body mass index;
  • associated diseases of the spinal column (scoliosis, osteochondrosis, herniated disc);
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • flat feet or clubfoot;
  • weight lifting;
  • disproportionate physical activity during sports training;
  • injuries (ruptures and sprains of the tendon apparatus, dislocations, cracks) that have not received adequate and timely treatment and rehabilitation.

Separately, it is worth mentioning bursitis of the knee joint. These diseases are characterized by inflammation of the synovial fluid in the joint capsule. Usually the process is aseptic against the background of injury to the wall of this cavity. It can occur after injuries, sprains, or after prolonged emphasis on the kneecaps.

Pain in the knee joint, or maybe not

In fact, in about 20% of all complaints that the knee joint hurts, the cause of discomfort lies in the cavity of another large joint. This is the hip joint, which is often affected even at a young age by such a pathology as coxarthrosis.

It is almost impossible to determine whether the knee joint or the hip joint hurts without special examination methods. A characteristic symptom is an increase in pain when trying to sit on a chair facing its back with legs spread apart to its width. Usually, for the purpose of differential diagnosis, it is sufficient to take radiographic images of both joints from 2 planes. The image may show foci of destruction of the femoral head or its neck, acetabulum.

The cause of coxarthrosis, and, as a result, pain in the knee joint, lies in a violation of posture, in which an incorrect position of the femoral head in the acetabulum is formed. Constant friction during movement leads to thinning of the cartilage and deformation of the bone tissue.

At an early stage of the pathology, conservative treatment is possible, including manual therapy methods. With an early visit to our clinic, we guarantee a complete restoration of the joints and performance.

Knee pain when bending

The causes of knee pain are varied. In order to understand why the joints in the knees hurt, you need to understand the anatomy of this joint of fairly large bones of the lower extremities, which take on the entire physical weight of the human body.

So, the composition of the knee joint includes the heads of the femur and tibia. The internal cavity is formed with the help of cartilaginous, tendon and connective tissues. To improve the sliding process, the joint cavity is filled with synovial fluid, which has the appearance of a thick oily fluid. The anterior surface is protected by the patella, which prevents the leg from bending in the anterior plane. There are several bursae that protect the joint from excessive pressure. They are also subject to injury, which can cause them to become inflamed. This is accompanied by swelling, pain, and limited mobility. The edema is distributed within the isolated bursa or distributed over the subcutaneous tissue.

And now we will analyze why the knee joint hurts when flexed. In the plane of the knee, ligaments of the large muscles of the thigh and lower leg are attached. With the defeat of those of them that are involved in the process of flexion, an unpleasant sensation arises. These can be knee sprains, microscopic tendon ruptures and myositis. Causes - shocks, injuries, overexertion, sharp lifting of weights, unsuccessful fall. Only in rare cases, the knee joint hurts during flexion due to the development of arthritis or arthrosis. With these diseases, pain syndrome occurs more often when the knee is extended under load. In advanced cases, pain occurs even at rest.

Sharp aching pain in the knee joint

Yesterday nothing foreshadowed trouble, and in the morning you woke up with the feeling that there was a sharp aching pain in the knee joint? First of all, calm down and remember if there were any injuries the day before that you could simply not remember in the bustle of a weekday. It often happens that we run to a bus that is already at a stop and accidentally stumble, twisting our leg a little. In the heat, this goes unnoticed, and in the morning there may be very specific symptoms of bursitis, sprains in the knee joint, or a crack in the patella. The same goes for accidental falls, especially on slippery road surfaces, side and frontal knee impacts on hard surfaces in driving dynamics, and many other moments.

If there was an injury, then inspect the skin surfaces. In the presence of even a small hematoma, it can be assumed that there is a stretching of the ligamentous apparatus or microscopic ruptures of the tendons. First aid measures in this case will be to ensure complete rest for the knee and apply cold. On the second day, you can apply warming ointments and compresses in order to improve the blood supply to damaged tissues. See a traumatologist.

If there was no injury, and the knee joint hurts and aches, then you should contact a therapist who will determine the possible cause of the pathology. This may be beginning arthritis, gonarthrosis, or a consequence of pinching of the sciatic nerve against the background of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine. Night pain in the knee joint can also be associated with these causes.

Treatment of knee pain

Any pain in the joints of the rut requires treatment to begin as early as possible. Therapy should be aimed at eliminating pathological factors. You can take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in order to achieve pain relief only once before going to the doctor. These drugs cause irreparable harm to the state of the digestive system, the liver parenchyma and the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow. Already after a week of daily intake of ketanov, ketarolac or baralgin, patients in the general blood test show a sharp agranulocytosis, neutropenia and a decrease in the number of erythrocytes.

At our chiropractic clinic, only safe and effective techniques are used to treat knee pain. Elimination of pain syndrome is achieved by manual action of an osteopath and a massage therapist. Acupuncture and pharmacopuncture can be used.

Further treatment of pain in the joints of the knees depends on the disease that caused this symptom. With osteochondrosis, traction hood, reflexotherapy is used. In all cases, a complex of physiotherapy exercises is prescribed, which contributes to the rapid restoration of tissues and the complete rehabilitation of the patient.

Contact our specialists for a consultation, and an individual treatment plan for any pain in the knee joints will be developed for you, regardless of whether they are caused by sports and domestic injuries or degenerative changes in the articular tissues.

Human knees experience the most stress when moving, which leads to a natural process when the knee hurts even at rest. At the initial stage, such attacks are observed quite rarely, but over time, the interval between attacks is reduced and the pain symptoms manifest themselves very strongly. If, with single attacks, aching pain does not cause concern on the part of the patient, then often recurring attacks are a reason for a mandatory visit to the doctor, since such symptoms can indicate serious diseases in the knee area.

Causes of aching pain

There are many reasons that provoke aching pain in one or both knees, but the following are recognized as the most common causes:


As a rule, most cases of aching pain in the legs are associated with various injuries and increased physical stress on the knee. Damaged injured tissues are susceptible to any irritant, which can lead to the development of an inflammatory process even at rest.

A direct blow can lead to fractures. In this case, the patella, lower leg and femur may suffer, and pain symptoms are due to unnatural twisting of the joint, as well as its flexion. This kind of injury can lead to a dislocation of the patella.

Knee injuries are most common in girls involved in professional sports.

Aching pains are caused by detachment of a bone or cartilage area located inside the joint and interfering with the normal functioning of the knee joint.


This disease is caused by the decomposition of the articular structure and is most often caused by chronic injuries. Aching pains occur at the end and beginning of the day and are accompanied by swelling, swelling and redness of the knee.

Necrosis of the tibial tuberosity

Young men are more susceptible to this disease. In addition to prolonged pain, with necrosis, there is swelling of the knee and swelling of the leg, slightly below the inflamed area.

Popliteal bursitis

Such a disease may well develop in patients of any gender and age. With bursitis, swelling of the leg below the knee is observed with the formation of a dense area at the site of inflammation, which is painful on palpation and hyperemic. The disease can spread to the joint box and bone tissue, accompanied by excruciating pain, which provokes a sharp restriction of the motor activity of the joint.

Arthritis and arthrosis

Quite often, aching pains are associated with arthritis and arthrosis. At the same time, the joints become sensitive to changes in the weather. Despite the prevalence of these diseases, they are quite capable of leading to serious problems, which can only be eliminated with the help of an emergency operation.

Diseases of the spine

Aching pain in the knee area may well be caused by the development of pathological processes in the region of the spinal column. Such symptoms often accompany a pinched nerve, especially when the patient assumes a slightly bent body position.


Prolonged aching pains sometimes indicate the development of osteochondritis, characterized by damage to the knee cartilage. In this disease, detachment of the cartilaginous plate is observed, followed by prolapse of the condylar cartilage into the articular cavity. In the future, these formations deliver acute pain when bending the leg. If left untreated, pain becomes chronic.

Stages of destruction of the joint until the complete separation of the cartilage fragment during the progression of osteochondritis

At-risk groups

The risk of developing osteophytes increases in the following cases:

  • gender and age, over 60 years old - in women, the formation of osteophytes is much more common, which is associated with hormonal surges and an increase in body weight;
  • increased physical activity - in this case, prolonged stress and a sharp impact on the knee lead to an inflammatory process in the tendons and patellas. The legs ache and hurt, and in order to prevent such a condition, the correct distribution of loads on the knee is required;
  • obesity - this factor leads to the activation of osteoarthritis. Doctors point out that for every 1.5 kg of excess weight, there are at least 2.5 kg of additional loads on the knee;
  • deficiency of fluid intake in the body - insufficient fluid intake. Its deficiency leads to a decrease in synovial fluid in the knee joint, which increases friction in the joint bag of the knee;
  • hypothermia. The deterioration of blood circulation in the knee joint with frequent hypothermia causes inflammation.

In addition, the risk of developing osteophytes increases with:

  • permanent microtrauma of the knee;
  • the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system of a different nature;
  • professional sports;
  • undergone operations above and below the knees.

In most cases, knee diseases have similar symptoms. Their main symptom is the appearance of pain, however, taking into account the various mechanisms of the development of the pathological condition, the therapeutic intervention is radically different. Therefore, it is extremely important to clarify the factors provoking negative symptoms.


To clarify the etiology of the disease in modern diagnostics, a number of the following measures are used:

  • radiography and ultrasound;
  • MRI and CT;
  • densitometry;
  • smear for bacterial microflora;
  • clinical and biochemical blood and urine tests;
  • punctures of synovial fluid and bone marrow.

If necessary, arthroscopy can be prescribed, which is used not only to treat the disease, but also as a diagnostic measure.

The advantage of this method is the fact that it is quite easy to do and subsequently does not require a long rehabilitation period.


In most cases, diseases of the knee joints require, first of all, the relief of pain symptoms and the removal of the inflammatory process. Treatment involves several stages.

Traditional Therapy

For complex treatment, traditional therapy uses the following methods:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed (Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Diclogen, etc.). These drugs have a fairly good analgesic effect, but they have a number of serious contraindications, for example, gastric ulcer and gastritis;
  • the following anti-inflammatory drugs (Melbek, Revmaksikam, Celebrex, Movalis, etc.) have a similar effect to NSAIDs, but with much less side effects;
  • painkillers (Ketanov, Analgin, Tempalgin, aspirin, etc.) can be used to relieve pain symptoms. Medicines in this group do not have any therapeutic effect, in addition to pain relief;
  • in autoimmune diseases, rheumatic and rheumatoid arthritis, glucocorticosteroid drugs (Medrol, Prednisolone, etc.) are prescribed. It is important to take into account that the course of treatment with these drugs should be short-term, since the action of corticosteroids is accompanied by a number of side effects;
  • to replenish the structure of cartilaginous tissues, it is recommended to take chondroprotectors (Teraflex, Structum, Movex, Artron, etc.). The decrease in pain symptoms against the background of long-term treatment with chondroprotectors is due to the normalization of the cartilage structure, especially in diseases such as arthrosis;
  • with severe pain, the doctor may prescribe injections of non-narcotic analgesics (Ketorolac, Dexalgin, Ketalgin, etc.).

If necessary, it is possible to use an intra-articular blockade, which is performed exclusively by a doctor, taking into account the severity of the patient's condition and the reasons why pain symptoms suddenly appeared


In the case when there is pain in the knee, it aches when getting up and, especially at night, you can get rid of this condition with the help of exercise therapy and massage sessions.

There are many complexes for the treatment of diseases of this nature, however, according to experts, the following exercises are most popular:

  • on a flat surface, you need to spread a sports mat, after which the patient is recommended to kneel down with the weight transferred to the hands. In this case, the fingers must be clenched into a fist and rely solely on them;
  • when transferring part of the load to the shoulders and arms, it is necessary to find the optimal position in which the pain symptoms are less pronounced, after which it is necessary to imitate walking very slowly with your knees with a slight movement back and forth;
  • getting up on your knees, you need to walk on them on the rug without the help of hands. Exercises should be performed gently and smoothly, no more than 10 movements;
  • before starting the exercises, it is recommended to apply a warming cream, gel or ointment to the knees. Camphor oil can be used as a substitute.

Important! At the initial stage of exercise therapy, the exercise time should not exceed 2 minutes, counting the time from the moment the load is transferred to the knees. It is most effective to exercise immediately after waking up.

With correctly performed gymnastics, a slight warmth and relaxation appears in the knee area. It is quite possible to rub and knead the inflamed area on your own, but it is best to trust an experienced specialist.

Gymnastics is recommended to be combined with massages. One session should not exceed 20 minutes. In this case, rubbing of the outer, inner and lateral surfaces of the joint is performed, as well as light pressure on the place of the patella.

When performing all procedures, it is important to ensure that the patient does not feel pain.


Complex therapy actively involves physiotherapeutic procedures that allow you to speed up the rehabilitation of the patient with a long-term remission.

Physiotherapy includes:

  • UHF and magnetotherapy;
  • phonophoresis and electrophoresis on the affected area;
  • use of shock wave therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • the use of paraffin-ozocerite applications;
  • the imposition of compresses with drugs.

During the UHF procedure, high-frequency electromagnetic rays act on the joint, which improves blood circulation and reduces inflammation

In addition, a positive effect is observed during water procedures, especially when swimming and water massage. Such procedures help to improve blood circulation in the joints and increase the motor amplitude.

Folk recipes

In some cases, folk remedies are quite justified, which, of course, are not able to completely get rid of joint problems, but with complex interaction they can enhance the positive result of treatment.

  • chopped herb cinquefoil (2 tablespoons) is brewed with 0.5 liters of boiling water and infused for 30-40 minutes. After that, the solution is filtered and taken orally, 100 ml 2 times a day. In addition to internal reception, cinquefoil can be applied in the form of compresses before going to bed on the left or right knee;
  • with severe pain, it is recommended to take a decoction of oats (1 cup of unpeeled oats per 1 liter of water). After mixing, the mass is brought to a boil and left to infuse for 12 hours. During the day, you should drink 2 glasses of filtered liquid, dividing it into an equal number of doses. The general course of treatment in this way is 2-2.5 weeks;
  • on the inside of the knee, it is recommended to use a compress of ground horseradish mixed with grated raw potatoes in a ratio of 1:1. This remedy is aged on the inflamed area for no more than 15 minutes and quickly relieves pain symptoms. The general course of treatment is at least 10 sessions;
  • a compress with mustard, honey and baking soda is quite effective. All ingredients are mixed in equal amounts (1 tablespoon each), after which the finished mixture is applied to the knee at night. According to patients, a single use of a mustard compress is enough to stop the pain symptom by morning;
  • as a rubbing, you can use a tincture made from hot pepper (500 grams of crushed pepper per 0.5 l of alcohol). The prepared mixture is left to infuse for 7 days, after which it can be used for its intended purpose.

Any use of recipes of traditional healers requires a mandatory consultation with your doctor. In the event that he, taking into account all contraindications and indications, allows the use of such a method of treatment, it is quite possible to combine it with traditional methods of treatment.

Surgical treatment

Despite all the measures taken, there are a number of joint diseases that cannot be eliminated without the help of surgical intervention.

Surgery for purulent acute arthritis with abdominal opening of the affected joint, removal of purulent exudate and subsequent installation of drainage for irrigation of the inflammatory focus with an antiseptic solution

Another disease that involves the operation is gonarthrosis of 3 and 4 degrees with pronounced pain symptoms. In this case, endoprosthesis replacement of the knee joint or arthrodesis is possible. In addition, sometimes surgery is necessary when the structure of the joint is damaged.

The choice of methods for stopping pain in the knee joints depends on the type of pathology that caused the pain syndrome. General therapy should pursue not only the removal of pain symptoms, but also the maximum restoration of damaged articular structures!

The appearance of pain in the knee joints requires a differentiated approach not only to the elimination of negative symptoms, but also to the maximum preservation of the functionality of the joint. Despite the similarity of manifestations in many cases, an individual approach to each patient is required. The success of therapy largely depends on the timeliness of contacting a doctor who will identify the root cause of the pathology. At an early stage of the development of the disease, it is quite possible to stop the progression of the inflammatory process and achieve a long-term remission.

The knee joint is considered one of the most difficult. At the same time, every day he has to cope with huge loads, which at a certain point in time can provoke injuries and diseases.

Diseases of the knee joints develop gradually. At first, the pain is very mild and does not really bother the person. However, as the pathology progresses, pain increases. They are joined by tissue edema and limited mobility in the joint.

To avoid disability, it is necessary to begin treatment of diseased knee joints at the first sign of injury or illness. From this article, the reader will learn how to treat when knees hurt.

Causes of joint pain

In most cases, knee pain indicates the presence of some kind of disease. Their intensity increases gradually. An exception is pain in injuries: their peak is reached at the time of the traumatic effect and gradually decreases.

Pain in the knee joint most often occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Gonarthrosis. This pathology is very common. It is detected in 50% of elderly patients who turn to doctors with pain in the knees. The pathology manifests itself with the following symptoms: pain is absent until the patient does not move; pain appears when getting up from a squat and walking for a long time; when moving, a distinct crunch is heard; joint mobility is limited. Over time, this pathology can lead to joint deformity.
  2. Meniscopathy. Usually this disease causes pain in one knee. It develops as a result of injury or periodic excessive stress on the joint. During the period of exacerbation, the pathology is manifested by acute, throbbing pains. In most cases, it does not threaten the very structure of the joint, but if left untreated, it can provoke inflammation of the synovial bag.
  3. Insufficient blood supply to the joint. Teenagers often face this problem. Their bones grow too fast. The vessels do not keep up with this growth, so the joint receives less nutrition. As a result, the patient begins to feel quite severe pain in the knee, localized at a certain point on the knee and not spreading to neighboring tissue areas. Over time, the intensity of pain is significantly reduced.
  4. Arthritis. This is an inflammatory process that can develop not only in the elderly, but also in young people. It is noteworthy that this pathology is most often detected in women. The disease is characterized by painful sensations, depending on the time of day. Usually at night their intensity increases.
  5. Bursitis. This is the name of the inflammatory process affecting the synovial bags of the joint. You can determine the disease by the characteristic symptoms: hyperemia of the tissues of the knee, swelling in the affected area, limited mobility. With bursitis, a fluid containing the causative agent of inflammation accumulates in the synovial bag.
  6. Synovitis. This pathology differs from bursitis in more intense pain and severe swelling of the joint.
  7. periarthritis. The disease appears mainly in obese people older than 40 years. Patients feel problems with climbing stairs, as it is accompanied by pain in the knees. Pathology affects not only the joint capsule, but also the tendons of the knee. Pain in periarthritis is aching in nature and is accompanied by swelling.
  8. Chondromatosis. This disease leads to the formation of areas of connective tissue in the cartilage of the joint. The result is dehydration of the joint, limitation of its mobility and severe pain.
  9. Chondropathy of the kneecap. In this pathology, cartilage is completely replaced by connective tissue. This disease always develops due to injuries and leads to disability.
  10. Benign or malignant bone growth. The tumor causes compression of the nervous tissue and blood vessels, which provokes severe pain.
  11. . This is inflammation of the knee, leading to loss of joint functionality. With it, the tendons of the joint are primarily affected. Such a pathology can develop in any person.
  12. Osteochondritis of the knee. With this pathology, the cartilage tissue begins to exfoliate from the bone tissue. At first, the patient's knee does not hurt very much, but then the intensity of the pain increases. Over time, an inflammatory process is certainly added to the exfoliation.

These are not all the reasons for the development of pain in the knees. There are so many of them that it is impossible to talk about them in one article, so we drew the reader's attention to the most common of them.

Pain in the knees with organ pathologies

Treatment of knee joint pain sometimes does not work. The reason for the failure lies in the fact that a person is trying to treat one of the pathologies of the knee joint, but the source of the problem is in a completely different place.

For example, pain in the knee area often causes the following pathologies:

This small list of diseases is enough to understand that it will be very difficult, and sometimes simply impossible, to cope with pain in the limbs without diagnostic measures. Therefore, before resorting to this or that type of treatment, you need to be examined by a doctor.

Pain in the knee joints can be caused not only by diseases of individual organs, but also by systemic diseases. The most common of them are:

Various autoimmune diseases that subsequently become the cause of pain in the lower extremities usually present with symptoms that are more characteristic of allergic reactions. Patients do not pay attention to them, and in vain, because autoimmune joint damage is much more severe than ordinary pathologies. These diseases require complex treatment and constant medical supervision. Otherwise, the prognosis will be unfavorable.


To know how to treat when knee joints hurt, doctors must accurately diagnose. In modern medicine, the following procedures are performed to identify knee pathologies:

  • general urine and blood tests;
  • detailed blood biochemistry;
  • puncture of the joint cavity in order to obtain synovial fluid;
  • examination of exudate for bacterial microflora;
  • arthroscopy;
  • X-ray of the affected joints;
  • densitometry;

If necessary, doctors may prescribe additional methods of instrumental research. Moreover, to clarify the diagnosis, specialists from other areas of medicine can be involved in the examination.

In the event of discomfort in the knee area, it is necessary to provide the leg with complete rest. Then you should stop the pain. At home, this is easiest to do with the help of drugs such as Analgin, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.

You can also use a cold compress to relieve pain. This method of pain relief is best suited for relieving pain from injuries. If there are wounds on the knee, then they must be treated with any antiseptic.

It should be remembered that even after the disappearance of discomfort, you still need to seek help from a doctor.

Medical treatment

After an accurate diagnosis is made, doctors prescribe the appropriate therapy. At the initial stage, a course of antibiotics is prescribed if the pathology is caused by an infection, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

To stop a strong pain syndrome, strong analgesics are used: Ketanov, Ketolong and others. If the pain is very strong, then Larfix and Ksefokam can be prescribed.

In some cases, conventional analgesics are powerless over pain. Then doctors prescribe painkillers containing narcotic substances: Tramadol or Promedol. In order to avoid addiction, injections of drugs are carried out in short courses.

To protect the cartilage tissue in the joints, patients are prescribed chondroprotectors.


They are resorted to when taking pills and powders does not have the expected effect. As a rule, the following groups of drugs are injected directly into the joint:

  1. Hormones based on corticosteroids. They allow you to quickly anesthetize the joint and eliminate discomfort in severe arthrosis.
  2. Chondroprotectors. They stop the process of cartilage destruction.
  3. Hyaluronic acid. These are expensive injections, but they bring relief to the patient very quickly.

Injections directly into the joint are very effective, but at the same time painful and can cause complications later. Therefore, they are resorted to in extreme cases.


These knee pain remedies are used when doctors want to minimize possible side effects. There are several groups of ointments:

  • non-steroidal: Nise, Ketonal, etc.;
  • capsacin ointments: Kapsikam, Espol, Finalgon;
  • aspirin ointments: Bom-benge, Viprosal.

Before you fully use this or that ointment, you need to apply a small amount of therapeutic agent to the skin and wait a while. This will identify possible allergies and, if necessary, switch to another drug.


These means for relieving pain in the joints are divided into the following groups.

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