Mastopathy in an adult mongrel. Patella luxation in dogs

At least fifty percent of benign tumors in dogs have common name mastopathy of the mammary gland. At risk are females older than seven years. The neoplasm develops mainly on the most functional and active 4th and 5th pair of mammary glands, much less often on the 1st and 2nd pair.
The appearance of a tumor occurs during periods when the animal's mammary glands increase. This always happens after estrus, as well as sterilization, in normal and false pregnancies. The very first signal of mastopathy is the appearance in the dog of the first barely noticeable tumor, translucent through the skin. If treatment is not started immediately, the development of new neoplasms and their degeneration into a malignant tumor cannot be avoided.
In dogs, as in all mammals, diffuse mastopathy is distinguished, which turns into a fibrocystic form. Diffuse mastopathy causes pain and felt like a small fraction. This form of mastopathy usually precedes fibrocystic mastopathy with dense painful nodes that tend to grow rapidly if left untreated.

Symptoms of mastopathy in a dog

In order not to miss the moment of manifestation of the first signs of the disease, pay attention to the behavior and general state dogs after estrus, during pregnancy and feeding:
The very first sign is breast enlargement. When probing, it becomes heterogeneous, sinewy, granular;
mastopathy is also manifested by external discharge from the nipples. The dog tries to lick the painful discharge thoroughly;
a dog in pain becomes restless. Often, from the side of the diseased mammary gland, the animal “pulls its paw”;
tumor nodule can maintain its size long time;
if you haven’t noticed the first signs of mastopathy in a dog in time or haven’t started treatment yet, the animal becomes lethargic, quickly loses weight, weakens, refuses to eat, drinks too much. On palpation of the mammary gland, an increase in those adjacent to it is also observed. lymph nodes;
if left untreated, the tumor invades surrounding tissues. Falls out on the skin hairline, covered with suppuration and ulcers, becomes hot and tense to the touch;
cough in a female with mastopathy is clear evidence that a previously benign tumor has degenerated into a malignant one with metastases of internal organs.

Causes of mastopathy in dogs

Mastitis, most often, appears during the period of active milk production due to damage by staphylococci and streptococci. The inflammatory process can begin to develop as a result of:
injury to the mammary gland, for example, by the claws of a puppy during feeding;
stagnation of milk. Congestive mastitis develops with intensive lactation, the birth of a dead offspring, early termination milk feeding puppies
postpartum infection;
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, intoxication of the body;
blockage of the nipple duct;
hypothermia or heat stroke;
stressful situation;
hereditary predisposition.

Treatment of mastopathy in a dog

Mastopathy is not a sentence and it can be successfully dealt with. chances of successful treatment the higher the earlier you apply. Self-treatment mastopathy in a dog at home folk remedies it won't lead to anything good. You still have to go to the doctor, but it is often too late.
At timely handling active therapeutic measures are prescribed after observing the animal, examination during estrus. Often, the use of homeopathic medicines not only supports nodes in stable condition, but also contribute to their gradual disappearance.
Hormone therapy is indicated for diffuse mastopathy. Treatment of fibrocystic breast disease in dogs usually requires surgical removal of the tumor, especially if it is growing. But if the dog is old, with a sick heart, kidneys, then the operation has to be abandoned. If the operation is indicated, then the probability of a complete recovery of the animal is not one hundred percent, due to possible appearance relapses.
If the tumor is extensive, with metastases, then there is no point in carrying out the operation. Unless you can remove part of the decaying tumor. But even in combination with anticancer drugs will not cure a sick animal, but will only prolong and aggravate its suffering.

Mastopathy in dogs is characterized by the formation of a benign tumor in the mammary gland. It occurs quite often, more than fifty percent of all types of tumors.

Let's discuss in detail what it is, symptoms, signs. How to avoid mastopathy in a dog. How to treat, what drugs, medications are prescribed. In what form does the disease manifest itself? How is the treatment carried out.

Where does

Any bitch can get mastopathy when she reaches the age of six. The tumor is more often manifested in the 4th, 5th pair. There were cases of mastopathy in the 1st, 2nd pair of mammary glands.

The fifth pair has the most activity. At first, the formation of a solitary is noticed. In the absence of treatment, other neoplasms appear.

A tumor in the mammary gland is a danger, since it is possible that a benign tumor will develop into a malignant one. The glandular, connective tissues are involved in the process.

With the predominance connective tissue starts fibrocystic mastopathy. The dog is hard to tolerate this form, they can completely remove the mammary gland.

Meet different types tumors, their names are rather complicated). Complex adenoma, fibroadenoma, adenocarcinoma, papilloma in the ducts of the mammary glands, fibroadenocarcinoma and others.

Judging by the degree of danger, the following neoplasms can be identified - tubular, papillary, cystic adenocarcinoma; osteosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, and many other mixed tumors.

Consider what forms of the disease exist. Fibrocystic, with this form, dense nodes are formed, which will rapidly develop in the absence of proper treatment.

Tumors have a pronounced character, there are both single and multiple. Older bitches over the age of six years are most often affected by this form.

Diffuse mastopathy, initially painful sensations appear in the mammary gland. Such a manifestation begins before the onset of estrus, precedes the above described form.

On palpation of the mammary gland, there is a feeling as if there are some grains there.

The reasons

In order not to delve into special terms, we will explain it more simply. For a long time it was believed that the cause of the development of mastopathy was the hormone progesterone.

Then they conducted research, and found that the effect of the hormone is not reflected in any way. There is evidence that progesterone only accelerates the development of the disease.

More than half of the tumors in the breast have special receptors for progesterone. Therefore, they can remove the mammary glands, ovaries with developing tumor to improve the dog's chances of survival.

In addition to this, there are other reasons. Birth dead puppies, or the entire litter dies after the birth process. Various injuries, fungi, pathogenic microflora.

You should not treat the dog with folk remedies at home, as the inflammatory process can spread further. It should be noted that mastopathy rarely occurs in a lactating dog.

What can not be said about pregnant bitches. So nursing mothers are much less likely to get mastopathy.


The mammary glands are enlarged, granular inclusions are felt on palpation. Blood, colostrum, ichor can be secreted from the nipples. The dog is in pain.

Licks mammary glands, restless state. The tumor does not change its size, grows for a long time, thickens during estrus, false pregnancy. In the absence of treatment, the dog loses weight, begins to drink a lot of water.

The tumor can grow into nearby tissues. The skin is hot, tense, hair falls out in this area. Ulcers, pus appear. Last stage characterized by cough.

This suggests that internal organs affected, the formation developed into a malignant one. If you experience any of the above symptoms, contact your veterinary clinic.


Initially, the dog will be observed, an examination is carried out if the dog is in heat, false pregnancy. Apply homeopathic preparations.

The diffuse form is treated hormone therapy. In the fibrocystic form, surgery is often used. But not for every animal, they take into account age, the presence of diseases of such organs as the kidneys, heart, liver.

After the operation, not in all cases positive forecasts are made, a relapse is possible. With an extensive tumor, the appearance of metastases, surgery is not performed. Because it doesn't make any sense anymore.

Very in rare cases can remove the most a tumor that bleeds disintegrates. Use drugs. But all this is ineffective, and only for a short period of time will prolong the life of the animal.

Now you know what mastopathy in dogs is. We hope that you do not have to deal with such a disease.

Mastopathy in dogs pathological change mammary gland. This concept includes the following diseases:

  1. benign and malignant breast tumors

normal, that is physiological process changes is lactation during pregnancy in prenatal period and after childbirth during the period of feeding puppies. Milk production is associated with the release of the hormone prolactin into the blood. A hormone is released - milk appears. But prolactin can also be released in the absence of pregnancy and, therefore, childbirth.

There is the concept of "false pregnancy", which occurs 2-8 weeks after estrus. In connection with the change hormonal background the dog “thinks” that she is pregnant: her appetite may increase, her behavior may change, the mammary glands swell and milk appears. For suppression this process the drug Galastop (or Laktostop) is prescribed, which inhibits the production of prolactin. Expressing milk is not recommended, as by doing so you stimulate the formation of new portions of milk.

After normal or false pregnancy, dogs may develop mastitis - inflammation of the mammary glands. The mammary glands become hot to the touch, painful, exudate is released when pressed (from transparent to purulent-bloody). Treatment for this type of mastopathy in dogs includes antibiotics and topical treatment and care. Drugs that suppress lactation may be prescribed. Puppies, if necessary, are transferred to artificial feeding.

Tumors are more common in unneutered bitches older than 6 years, but can also appear in young animals. The 4th and 5th packages of the mammary glands are more often affected, since they are the most lactating. This pathology is hormone-dependent, i.e. Sex hormones are necessary for tumor formation and growth. The number of births does not affect the occurrence of a tumor, but it has been proven that the risk of developing malignant tumors is markedly reduced if the animal is spayed early. So, sterilization before the first heat reduces the risk to 0.05%, after the first heat - up to 8%, after the second - up to 26%. But the sterilization of a bitch older than 2.5 years no longer affects the development of mammary tumors.

Most obvious symptom mastopathy in dogs - the appearance of seals in the mammary gland. If found, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. Main difference malignant tumor from benign - the ability to metastasize. Most breast tumors metastasize to the groin or axillary lymph nodes, lungs, liver, bone tissue.

An x-ray is necessary to diagnose the tumor process and study visible metastases. chest, as well as ultrasound examination abdominal cavity. Depending on the results of the examination, the stage of the tumor process is determined and the method of treatment is chosen ( surgical removal tumors and/or chemotherapy). After histological examination a definitive diagnosis is made. The prognosis of the duration and quality of life of the animal, as well as further therapy, depends on it.

An important method of preventing the occurrence of tumors is the early sterilization of bitches from which offspring are not planned.

Article prepared by doctors surgical department"MEDVET"
© 2016 SVTS "MEDVET"

Mastopathy - a disease of the mammary gland - occurs in bitches. Characterized this disease benign formations in the mammary gland, as well as pain. In this case, the mammary gland of the animal can significantly increase in size.

Signs of mastopathy

Breast enlargement can be both physiological (during pregnancy or lactation) and pathological character. The physiological character is the norm, but the pathological one signals the dog's illness.

This disease can be fibrocystic or diffuse. You should not think that mastopathy necessarily precedes breast cancer, but every pet owner should know how to treat mastopathy in dogs.

Treatment of mastopathy

It is necessary to treat this disease based on the form, as well as the nature of the onset of mastopathy. If the dog has diffuse form diseases, it must be treated with the help of hormones. But if the animal has a fibrocystic form of the disease, it will be required surgical intervention. And in any case, a sick animal is prescribed special diet.

Disease prevention

Today there are special prophylactic to reduce the risk of developing the disease. Mastopathy in dogs can be prevented by regular check-ups at the veterinarian and following his recommendations.

The mammary gland can become a source of trouble for the dog if the owner does not pay due attention to preventive measures.

The joy that the birth of offspring causes in your toy terrier and other breeds of dogs can cancel out the trouble that happens in giving birth to dogs. And this trouble is called - mastitis.

Pregnancy and childbirth weaken the already fragile mother and the body is exposed to various diseases. Yes, the owners of a large dog family have more trouble. It is necessary to follow the swarming babies, feed the bitch in time and not miss the developing mastitis.

Mastitis in dogs. Symptoms.

The postpartum period is one of the most difficult and dangerous for a dog. Intensive secretion of milk in the mammary glands is directly related to the development of mastitis. However, streptococcus and staphylococcus bacteria provoke this disease.

It is impossible to say unequivocally that mastitis will begin in a dog that has given birth, since many factors influence the onset of the disease:

  • sharp claws of puppies during feeding scratch the mother's nipples, and through small wounds, bacteria enter inside, causing inflammation.
  • when lactation is strong, the milk begins to stagnate and a kind of blockage occurs (the flowing sphincters of the nipple do not let milk through), causing congestive mastitis. Also, the milk will stagnate when the dog brought in dead puppies or the babies were taken away from the mother too soon.
  • in case of an unsuccessful pregnancy, when intrauterine decomposition of the fetus begins, infections enter the body that cause inflammatory processes and intoxication of the body as a whole, and of the mammary glands in particular.
  • unkempt dirty dog, which lies with the puppies on the same rag on which it gave birth, has the most chances of getting mastitis.
  • high or low temperature, hormonal changes, stress - all this can also cause mastitis.

And above all, the manifestation of a false pregnancy in a dog almost always causes mastitis.

Symptoms of not all types of mastitis can be self-diagnosed by the dog owner, however characteristics inherent in this disease, it is not difficult to identify:

  • redness and swelling of the mammary glands. The nipples are hot to the touch, and the dog lets you know that any touch to the glands causes her pain.
  • discharge from the nipple when pressing milk with impurities of greenish-brown and grayish pus. Blood impurities are also possible.
  • lethargy of the animal, immobility.
  • partial or complete failure from food.

If you find mastitis in a dog, try not to panic, but pull yourself together. The dog needs complete rest. Remove from the animal's diet all foods that stimulate lactation (soups, dairy products, liquid cereals). Before treating mastitis in a dog, puppies will have to be transferred to artificial feeding or give them to another nursing bitch.

Treatment of the initial stage of mastitis in dogs.

Usually treatment initial stage mastitis in dogs consists of conservative therapy:

  • laser therapy. The veterinarian conducts from 3 to 5 sessions using a special laser device. The duration of the session is short, just a couple of minutes. Therefore, it does not cause any inconvenience to the animal.
  • antibiotics. Medications antibiotics are prescribed by a veterinarian after diagnostic examination secretory milk secretion which helps to identify the pathogen.
  • novocaine injections. Novocaine blockade used as a treatment for catarrhal or purulent mastitis. Novocaine is injected around the area affected by mastitis. Blockade is done every three days.
  • the use of drugs Mastometrin and Travmatin, which eliminate inflammation and restore the functionality of the endometrium. These drugs are administered subcutaneously for three to five days, depending on the course of treatment.

At home, you can alleviate the condition of the dog by applying to the mammary glands affected by mastitis, a heating pad, a compress, paraffin application, or warming up with a blue lamp. You can use mountain wax(ozocerite). Ozokerite compress is able to warm up the deepest layers.

But, keep in mind that a thermal procedure can be carried out if an abscess has not begun. The purulent accumulation under the influence of temperature will open, and the pus will fall on healthy tissues.

If there is no positive dynamics of treatment, then the question "how to treat" is solved by surgical intervention, taking into account the multiple abscesses that occur during these days.

Purulent formations are opened veterinarian, cleaned, and then sprinkled with powders (streptocid or tricillin). In order for the opened areas to heal faster, these places must be lubricated with antimicrobial and regenerative ointments.

Mastopathy in dogs.

Mastopathy is called benign tumor mammary gland. The frequency with which this disease occurs is gaining momentum. And, if earlier mastopathy was diagnosed in dogs older than 6 years, now the disease has become younger. And young dogs are at risk.

Most often, the tumor affects the 4th and 5th pair of mammary glands, but there are also cases of damage to the 2nd and 3rd pairs. Mastopathy begins with a single neoplasm. And if it is not detected in a timely manner and measures are not taken, then the tumor multiplies rapidly.

mastopathy in dogs that have undergone sterilization is 7 times less common.

The cause of neoplasms of the mammary glands is mastitis in pregnant dogs and animals in which a false pregnancy is observed. In dogs that feed offspring, what is most interesting, mastopathy is rarely diagnosed.

Mastopathy is determined on the basis of pronounced and secondary symptoms:

  • redness of the skin around the dog's nipples;
  • visible change in the symmetry of the mammary glands;
  • causeless enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • compaction of the mammary glands;
  • single compaction of mammary gland tissues.
  • temperature increase;
  • loss of appetite with increased thirst;
  • lethargy;
  • discharge from the nipples, bloody or purulent, or colored greenish or brown.

Pain in the mammary glands is so severe that the dog whines and squeals when lying down is uncomfortable for her.
A precancerous condition is diagnosed by palpation. When feeling skin around the nipples, there is clearly a seal with small "shots".

Treatment of mastopathy in dogs.

Treatment of mastopathy in a dog most often needs surgical intervention or chemotherapy. The final choice of treatment method is determined by the veterinarian based on histological examination.

Although on early stages the veterinarian may prescribe medicines that suppress the synthesis of hormones (homeopathic preparations). The indication for such therapy is elevated level estrogen and progesterone, which biochemical analysis blood.

To avoid recurrence of mastopathy, veterinarians recommend spaying the dog.

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