Dirty ears in dogs causes and treatment. Types of ear diseases in dogs and methods of their treatment. Otodekoz or ear mite in a dog

If the owner has found very strange sores on the tips of the ears of his beloved pet, then in no case should he be negligent about this kind of problem. It shouldn't be left unattended at all.

For every dog, her ears are perhaps the most important sense organ, they can be called with absolute certainty an important analyzer, therefore, every dog ​​owner must ensure that her ears and hearing are in perfect order.

At home, the dog's ears can be treated with hydrogen peroxide, improve the pet's condition and diet.


Even the most inattentive owner can find sores, ulcers and scabs on the tips of their dog's ears. Vasculitis can be noticed immediately, because it is characterized not only by the appearance of sores, but also by hair loss and redness of large areas of the pet's skin.

Vasculitis is called inflammation of the blood vessels, leading to rather serious damage to their walls. This pathology is caused by an autoimmune reaction, during which the protective mechanisms operating in the body begin to actively destroy their own cells, and subsequently tissues.


This disease is caused by:

  1. Various kinds of infections.
  2. Reaction to medications. Often, the owners themselves try to cure their pets by stuffing them with a variety of drugs. Quite often, dogs are vaccinated.
  3. Autoimmune diseases (for example, neoplasia - pathological growth of tissues in the body).

Vasculitis is not a common disease, but it affects both young and old animals equally.

Signs of the disease

Since the onset of this pathology in the body of the dog, it has been all over the body. To a greater extent, ulcers can occur on the tips of the ears, at the site of which bleeding occurs.

  1. The affected area begins to swell, although signs of inflammation may not be seen.
  2. The dog may have a fever.
  3. The animal is in pain, his appetite is markedly reduced and there is a progressive weight loss.


  • Analysis of urine.
  • Taking a complete blood count.
  • Biochemistry of blood.

In case of diagnosing vosculitis can not do without x-rays and ultrasound- it is necessary to study the condition of the internal organs of the animal. The more diagnostic methods will be used, the faster the main cause of the pathology will be identified.


The main decision in the process of treating vosculitis is to determine the root cause that led to the abnormal development of the autoimmune system, and its further elimination. Treatment of this disease involves the use of drugs such as:

  • Corticosteroids (Pentoxifylline, Prednisolone).
  • Antibiotics of the tetracycline series and nicotinic acid (niacin) (Dapson, Sulfasazalin).
  • Immunosuppressants - cyclosporins (Imuran).

Treating a pet requires a combined approach. Some dogs can get rid of the vosculitis quite quickly, while others with this pathology live throughout their lives. Also, recurrence of the disease is not excluded.

Disease prevention

The owner should periodically check the condition of the blood of his pet. It is almost impossible to cure vasculitis at home on your own.

Allergic reaction

The cause of sores on the tips of the dog's ears can be a banal allergy to care products, medications and food.

Treatment of sores on the tips of the ears of dogs at home

Not always the owner can take his pet to the veterinary clinic, for example, this happens if the dog lives in the country. In this case, first aid to the pet can be provided as follows:

  1. Buy birch tar at the pharmacy and actively lubricate the tips of the dog's ears.
  2. The previous option can be replaced with Vishnevsky's ointment.
  3. Also, the affected areas are washed with a solution of furacilin (2 tablets are dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water), and then they are sprinkled with streptocide on top.
  4. Review the dog's diet, excluding porridge and potatoes for a while.
  5. Treat with hydrogen peroxide and cauterize with brilliant green (after all, it is possible that the pet could simply fight with other dogs).

It would be best to show your dog to a specialist, represented by a veterinarian.

Ear diseases account for a decent percentage of all diseases. It is impossible to say for sure, but the majority of dog breeders have dealt with ear inflammation personally. The most common problems are with the outer and middle ear. More complex - inflammation of the inner ear - is less common.

By the behavior of the pet, you can immediately see if there are problems with the ears. The following signs of the disease can be noted: the dog shakes its head and scratches the sore ear. There may be an unpleasant smell from the dog's ears and discharge in the form of pus, dark flakes, ichor, a large amount of sulfur. Such signals must be carefully considered.

Causes of the disease

Breeds with floppy ears are more prone to this trouble, as a greenhouse effect occurs, and this is an excellent flora for the development of bacteria. Causes of ear disease in dogs can be several:

The second name is otitis externa in a dog. The animal shows anxiety, scratches its ears, rubs against the owner or objects. A purulent or serous discharge appears from the dog's ear, which has an unpleasant odor. It can give different shades from unpleasantly sweet to fetid.

Cause infection a variety of reasons: ear mites, microorganisms, as well as foreign bodies. Chronic diseases such as hyperadrenocorticism, hypothyroidism also contribute.

The risk of otitis media is in the tendency to become chronic, when, regardless of treatment, symptoms regularly appear. Therefore, the prevention of otitis for dogs is simply necessary, especially for animals at risk.

Otitis media in dogs

In advanced cases, the disease passes to the middle and inner ear, manifesting more serious signs. In this case, it is possible that the dog loses balance while walking, falls, stumbles, spins in a circle. If the disease proceeds with purulent discharge, perforation of the tympanic membrane can be suspected. This is a dangerous condition that can affect the meninges.

It is necessary to start the treatment of otitis in dogs with the instillation of drops: Sofradex, Otipax, etc. They will alleviate the condition: they will relieve the feeling of pain and itching. Next, you need to carry out regular processing of the auricle. To do this, wipe the sink with a swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide, removing all crusts and secretions. If a squelching sound is heard in the ear when pressed, at the end of the treatment it is necessary to sprinkle with streptocide and boric acid powder 1 to 5. If the dog's temperature rises, give analgin and be sure to visit or call the doctor.

Otodekoz or ear mite in a dog

It is manifested by filling with blood and lymph of the cavity located between the skin on the auricle and cartilage. The condition occurs due to sudden movements of the head (with itching and pain), scratching, injuries, foreign bodies.

A dog needs to be treated with a hematoma only by a veterinarian (possibly surgery). Manifestation is a consequence of other diseases. For prevention, it is necessary to be attentive to the health of the pet.

dog ear eczema

It can be caused by the reasons listed above and be a continuation of eczema in other parts of the body. It is manifested by itching, redness, the presence of exudate that has a smell. When palpating the ear canal, a slap can often be heard. The dog is in pain. Sometimes warty growth occurs. In advanced cases, it can reach the closure of the auditory opening. You need to go to the vet for an excision.

Accumulated secretions must be removed by douching. Suitable soap solution, 3% hydrogen peroxide, soda. Then they usually listen with cotton swabs. Using a special mirror, the doctor examines the ear canal to remove the foreign body. Affected areas are treated with astringents. If itching bothers, you need to give cardiazal up to 3 times a day, 0.1 g each.

Ulcer of the auricle

Found crusts hiding ulcers on the edges of the dog's ears - the disease develops due to infected lesions caused by scratches or bites. Pathological processes interfere with healing. In this case, the ulcer can bleed, as the sick dog combs it due to severe itching.

Treatment consists in treating sore spots with hydrogen peroxide and removing the roots of the ulcer. After that, Solcoseryl ointment is applied. Before the procedure, you need to cut off the affected areas.

Disease prevention

To maintain the health of the ears, it is necessary to inspect them once a day, more often in summer. Ticks and foreign bodies (spikelets) pose a serious danger. This issue is especially relevant for animals with hanging ears. Also, if you notice an abundant release of sulfur in a puppy or an adult dog, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures. To do this, with the help of a cotton swab and a special agent, secretions and dirt are cleaned.

If the ears are clean and not causing concern, limit yourself to a daily inspection that does not take much time. Remember, prevention of ear diseases in dogs can prevent further diseases and their consequences!

In the ears of pets, you can notice the appearance of a translucent plaque in the complete absence of other signs of ear diseases. This is sulfur, a common sebaceous gland secretion that is produced to clean and protect the ear epidermis.

Usually it does not cause any inconvenience, not accumulating in the channel. However, there may be cases when plaque in the ears of a dog becomes darker and accumulates in dangerous amounts.

When can we talk about the presence of the disease?

The main indicator that a dog has ear problems is its behavior. She shakes her head and whiskey avoids tactile contact. Plaque acquires any color, usually dark. An unpleasant sour or just a pungent smell comes from it, and the structure becomes grainy. The amount of sebaceous secretion secreted greatly increases, it accumulates and rolls into lumps. A number of otolaryngological diseases are also characterized by lacrimation, inflammation of the skin on the temples, partial loss of hearing or vision already at an early stage.

It is possible that pus is released or even there is bleeding. This indicates a critical stage of the disease and a high probability of bacterial infection of the open wound deep in the ear canal. In this case, you can only carry out a quick disinfection of open tissues with chlorhexidine and quickly deliver the animal to the veterinarian. Blood poisoning can be fatal, but with timely treatment, the pet will retain hearing and will not have chronic diseases.

What does the raid indicate?

Plaque in the ears of a dog photo

How to help a dog before a visit to the vet?

Self-treatment with antibiotics or hormonal drugs against allergies without an appropriate diagnosis can lead to serious consequences and even hearing loss. Therefore, only basic hygienic treatment of the ears before a visit to the veterinarian is acceptable. Ready-made lotions can be used for it, but in no case alcohol-containing liquids. Despite good disinfection, they dry the skin, causing it to actively produce earwax. A good option would be to use chlorhexidine to disinfect areas around the ears if they have been scratched by the dog.

In order to clean out the usual gray coating in the ears of a dog, you need to take a bandage or other natural fabric and roll it up with the edges inward so that the threads cannot remain in the ears. It can also be wrapped around a finger, animals usually respond best to being brushed directly by the owner's hands. It also allows you to control the force of pressure, which is very important for inflammation. The use of cotton pads and swabs is not recommended because they leave small fluff that irritates the skin and makes the dog scratch his ear even more. The lotion is buried in the ear, a gentle massage is performed at its base, after which the dog is allowed to shake it out and the excess is removed with a bandage or napkin.

In cases with mites or a heavy fungal infection, the ear should be cleaned of plaque before using the prescribed medicine. To do this, the lotion is applied directly to the bandage. With your finger, you need to slowly clean off the granular secretions, but do not try to scratch those that are very dry and not soaked the first time. After such cleaning, the dog's ear is washed with lotion again in the standard way.

Thick preparations (ointments, gels, creams) are applied last, and drops are instilled first (after a break of 5 to 15 minutes is taken). If the animal reacts nervously to the medication, it is possible that some of the ingredients are causing the pain. After consulting with a veterinarian, it is worth replacing the drug with an anesthetic containing one (for example, Otospectrin, which contains lidocaine).

The dog is not able to properly follow the ears, so this task falls entirely on the shoulders of its owner. If you do not monitor the condition of your pet's ears, you may encounter a number of ear diseases.

What are ear diseases in dogs and their symptoms

The problem of ear diseases is most often faced by breeders of long-eared dog breeds: dachshunds, spaniels, setters, Afghan shepherd hounds and others. Their ears are usually poorly ventilated, so these dogs are more likely to develop ear problems.

Some of the most common ear problems in dogs include:

  • hematoma - blood spots resulting from injuries;
  • lymphoextravasate - accumulation of lymph in the auricle;
  • auricular necrosis - a disease of the ear cartilage, in which it ceases to function
  • otitis media - inflammation of the ear;
  • ingress of foreign bodies into the auricle.


Hematoma occurs in the process of ear injury: blows, scratches, bites, and so on. Her symptoms:

  • the ear gets bigger;
  • the ear begins to hang down;
  • there is swelling in the ear area;
  • the ear becomes hot to the touch;
  • the dog starts shaking his head and waving it from side to side;
  • the dog constantly scratches the ear, causing even more harm;
  • the animal becomes irritable and restless, and sometimes aggressive.

It is necessary to treat a hematoma, because over time, the pain from it increases and there is a risk of complications. It is better to entrust the treatment to a veterinarian - he will open the hematoma, remove dead tissue and blood clots, wash the ear and tell you what to do next. If it is not possible to contact a veterinarian, you need to apply cold to the hematoma, and then treat the ear with special ointments.


This is practically the same disease as a hematoma: the symptoms and causes of these diseases are similar. The only difference is in the treatment. Cold with lymphoextravasate is contraindicated, and all treatment should be carried out exclusively by a veterinarian - it is necessary to pump out lymph from the ear with a syringe, which requires certain skills. In addition, in special cases, surgery may be necessary.

It is imperative to treat a hematoma, because over time, the pain from it increases and there is a risk of complications. It is better to entrust the treatment to a veterinarian - he will open the hematoma, remove dead tissue and blood clots, wash the ear and tell you what to do next. If it is not possible to contact a veterinarian, you need to apply cold to the hematoma, and then treat the ear with special ointments.

Ear necrosis

Necrosis is the death of the ear cartilage. It occurs, either if you squeeze the ear for a long time and strongly, or if there are purulent tissues nearby. Necrosis looks like large ulcers, and the ear cartilage begins to blacken and rot, while causing ear deformity. Necrosis can be cured only with the help of an operation: you need to amputate the affected part or even the entire ear.

If you find signs of otitis media, you should immediately contact your veterinarian - in this case, only surgical intervention will help.

Necrosis is the death of the ear cartilage. It occurs, either if you squeeze the ear for a long time and strongly, or if there are purulent tissues nearby. Necrosis looks like large ulcers, and the ear cartilage begins to blacken and rot, while causing ear deformity. Necrosis can be cured only with the help of an operation: you need to amputate the affected part or even the entire ear.

Foreign bodies in the ear

Grains of sand, grass, insect larvae, and lice can periodically get into the dog's ear, thereby provoking inflammation. And although this is not such a serious disease that you should consult a doctor with it, you still need to rinse your pet's ear with hydrogen peroxide, and to relieve pain, drop a few drops of camphor oil into the ear.

Causes of Ear Diseases in Dogs

There can be several reasons for the occurrence and development of ear pathologies in dogs. These include:

If you notice something wrong with your dog's hearing organs, it's better to call the veterinarian right away than to wait for it to pass. Ears are a very sensitive and fragile part of the body, so ear pathologies should be treated immediately.

Typically, ear infections in dogs - depending on the diagnosis - are treated with antibiotics, antihistamines, and decongestants. Auricane, Aurizon and Oridermil are the most common remedies for the treatment of ear diseases in dogs.

Prevention of ear diseases in dogs

In order not to face such a problem as ear diseases in your dog, it is necessary to take all possible preventive measures. These include:

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