When does colostrum appear in pregnant women? Norms and deviations. Discharge from the mammary glands

The mammary glands are a hormonally dependent organ. It reflects the general health of a woman. Breast cancer is one of the leading pathologies that can occur at absolutely different ages in the fair sex. Sometimes this ailment can begin with a slight discharge from the mammary glands, for women they resemble colostrum, before menstruation, most often their number increases or the character changes to a bloody, yellow or brown secret. What is this liquid, what are the reasons for its appearance? When should you seek medical help?

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Reasons for the appearance

Discharge from the nipples can appear in women for absolutely different reasons and indicate both the normal course of the process and the pathological one. Ideally, the appearance of any liquid is allowed only during pregnancy, and its production can begin already at the earliest possible time and during breastfeeding. In all other cases, any discharge is a deviation from the norm.

A failure and a pathological process can occur both at the level of the mammary glands and in the structures of the brain.

It should be noted that only in 10 - 15% of cases, when a secret is found from the chest, a diagnosis of a malignant tumor of this organ is established. Often, pathology is not detected, and discharge is considered a physiological norm.

The appearance of a secret is also allowed in two cases:

  • on the eve of menstruation 1 - 2 drops of a light liquid with pressure on the nipple;
  • at the moment of strong sexual arousal, orgasm, with stimulation of the areola area.

If any discharge from the mammary glands occurs, you should undergo an examination and exclude their organic nature. Treatment is given based on the cause.


Most often, discharge appears in connection with the conception that has occurred. They can be transparent or have a slight whitish tint. This fluid is rarely detected on its own, more often already in the third trimester, but with pressure on the nipple, it can appear even before the delay. This is just the case when "colostrum" is released before menstruation, the test is negative in most cases, since it shows a reliable result closer to 20-25 days after the alleged fertilization.

Also, such a secret often occurs in women after an abortion at any time, or in situations where the fetus stops developing. In the latter case, if the fading occurred in the third trimester, then after delivery, a woman may also have milk in a couple of days. In such situations, you should always prevent this by prescribing drugs to suppress the production of prolactin, which is responsible for milk production.

Normally, light, clear or whitish discharge after breastfeeding is completed can persist for another two years. It is believed that this period is necessary for the full restoration of body functions.


Discharge from the nipples can also appear with an increase in the level of prolactin in the blood in the absence of pregnancy. Similar conditions can be detected with a microadenoma of the pituitary gland of the brain. Therefore, in most cases, it is recommended to perform CT or MRI to rule out this situation.

A pituitary microadenoma is only a few millimeters in size and usually does not require any treatment. The exception is when this kind of hyperprolactinemia is the cause of infertility. Then it is necessary to correct the level with the help of medications, for example, bromocriptine or cabergoline.

Hyperprolactinemia can also be functional. This can be observed with inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, with frequent use of emergency contraception, with multiple abortions and miscarriages, etc. As a rule, after the rehabilitation of the body, all parameters return to normal, during menstruation, colostrum ceases to stand out.

Thyroid dysfunction also affects the function of the mammary glands and pituitary gland. Therefore, often with hypothyroidism, you can find a secret when pressing on the nipple.

Some medications, such as the antidepressant amitriptyline, can interfere with the pituitary gland, resulting in functional hyperprolactinemia and fluid from the nipples. In most cases, the condition returns to normal some time after the drug is discontinued.

- a benign pathology of the mammary glands, never leading to cancer on its own. Almost every modern woman has indirect signs of such conditions, which are confirmed by a more in-depth examination, such as ultrasound.

Mastopathy is a kind of "retribution" of women for an unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol abuse and smoking, regular use of oral contraceptives, a small number of births and ignoring breastfeeding. In most cases, this pathology requires only regular examination, as this is the background for the development of other, malignant pathologies. Vitamin complexes and herbal remedies are also prescribed, for example, "" and others.

The most common type is fibrocystic mastopathy. At the same time, a woman notes chest pains on the eve of menstruation, a significant increase in size before critical days, and forms can also be determined. Sometimes there is also a secretion of a yellow, even greenish tint, like colostrum during or before menstruation.

Milk duct ectasia

This pathology in most cases occurs in women in the premenopausal period and during menopause. Involutive changes in the mammary glands lead to the expansion of the interlobular ducts, in which the secret accumulates. Most often, women notice greenish, yellowish or brown discharge when pressing on the nipple. They are thick and sticky. Often the areola area is painful, may swell a little, sometimes itching appears. After examination and exclusion of other pathology, anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed, if necessary, antibacterial, as well as locally warm compresses. Sometimes you have to resort to surgical treatment.

Intraductal papilloma

This is a benign tumor of the mammary glands, its second name is papillary cystadenoma, cystadenopapilloma. It can occur at absolutely any age: both in puberty and in premenopausal. It happens in different sizes - from a few millimeters to a couple of centimeters, localized in the ducts, more often in the terminal sinuses. As a rule, it is manifested by regular discharge from light to dark brown. Sometimes it looks like colostrum after menstruation or on the eve of them. Intraductal papilloma is very easy to injure, then a secret appears with an admixture of blood.


Inflammation of the ducts and tissues of the mammary gland can be not only during breastfeeding, but also outside of it. In this case, the discharge may initially be light, subsequently acquiring a purulent character, sometimes with an unpleasant odor. The secret appears from only one breast, it also has local pain, possibly reddening of the skin over the focus of inflammation. Such conditions require surgical treatment, primarily conservative, and if necessary, surgical.


Often women do not pay due attention to injuries of the mammary glands. Often they can become a background for the development of malignant diseases. Depending on the nature of the injury, a hematoma may form in the chest, and after a while even inflammation may occur. At the same time, a secret of a different nature may appear from the nipple - from light transparent and yellow discharge during infection to profuse bloody. In any case, you need to seek medical help.

Malignant tumors

The first thing that worries all women when any discharge from the mammary glands appears is whether it is cancer. Such alertness is understandable to everyone, however, it is possible to finally say about the cause of the occurrence of such conditions only after a complete examination.

Any malignant neoplasm of the breast, including Paget's cancer, can cause secretions from the nipples. And wondering if colostrum can be released during menstruation, and this indicates oncology, it really can be.

If breast tumors can not always be detected on time, then Paget's disease is a visual localization of cancer in the areola. At the same time, the skin in this area has eczema-like changes, ulcerations, various discharges from the nipples appear.

Do I need to see a doctor

Some women are interested in whether colostrum can stand out before menstruation is normal, and whether it is always necessary to contact a specialist for examination. Only one in ten discharge from the mammary glands appear due to a malignant process. But sometimes frightening bloody ones can talk about a benign pathology, and a serous secretion can talk about cancer. That is why in all cases you should immediately contact a mammologist, oncologist or even a therapist, and also undergo an examination:

  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands for women up to;
  • during menopause, it is most informative to perform;
  • if papilloma is suspected - mammography with contrasting ducts.

It is also mandatory to conduct a cytological examination of the discharge from the nipples and a blood test for sex hormones (prolactin).

The number of malignant tumors of the mammary glands is steadily increasing among the female population. One of the signs of cancer is the detection of any secret when pressing on the nipple. Of course, in the case when a woman has colostrum, then first of all it is necessary to exclude pregnancy. In any doubtful situations, you should consult a mammologist for advice.

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Colostrum before menstruation, with them, after: why ...

All future mothers know that immediately after childbirth, a secret begins to stand out from the breast. As a rule, it is a colorless viscous liquid, extremely rich in nutrients, which will soon turn into regular breast milk.

During pregnancy Colostrum "comes" milk
After Coming Use
for daily use avent Method of use

But not everyone knows that many women produce colostrum during pregnancy. That is why, when colostrum begins to stand out, many women experience anxiety.

When colostrum appears during gestation, this is a natural physiological process, it is not dangerous for the health of mother and baby.

Could it be a sign of conception?

Colostrum is in itself one of the signs of pregnancy, but not always. You should be careful in the following cases.

  1. Menstruation should begin (but for some reason it has not yet begun), your chest has increased and hurts. Do a test to determine the "interesting position", but rather donate blood for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) to check if conception has occurred. If the result is negative, check the level of prolactin in the blood, visit a gynecologist and mammologist.
  2. The secret is released before each menstruation. It is necessary to undergo an examination by a mammologist, he will confirm or exclude inflammation of the mammary glands, as well as other possible diseases.
  3. The secret stood out for the first time, but the test to determine the "interesting position" showed a negative result. Donate blood for hCG, if there is no conception according to the result of the analysis, first of all, you need to contact an endocrinologist to check if there are any malfunctions in the body.

It is wrong to consider secretion secretion as a sure sign of an “interesting situation”, since colostrum can be excreted without pregnancy. An exact answer to the question of a possible conception can be obtained only by passing an analysis for the "pregnancy hormone" hCG. All .

Any, even the most insignificant discharge from the chest, if conception has not occurred, is a reason to make an appointment with a specialist. Only a slight release of colostrum in newborns (both girls and boys) is considered the norm, which is associated with the residual presence of mother's hormones in the blood.

Isolation of the secret in the early stages

When colostrum begins during pregnancy, this means one thing: the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production, has activated in the woman's body. Everything is natural, the body is actively preparing for the upcoming birth.

At what month of pregnancy colostrum appears depends on various reasons:

  1. Heredity. If your mother began to produce colostrum during pregnancy early, it is likely that you will also have it early.
  2. Individual characteristics of the body, changes in hormonal levels. The higher the level of the hormone prolactin in the body, the sooner the secret will begin to stand out.
  3. Heat, high air temperature with high humidity. It is not news that early secretion occurs much more often in summer than in winter.
  4. Massage, sexual stimulation of the breast can accelerate the secretion from the chest. The same effect can be from the transferred stress.
  5. Hot showers, drinking hot drinks (tea, coffee) is not necessary, but may affect the secretion during childbearing.
  6. Breast size. A minor factor, however. The larger the breast size, the earlier colostrum production during pregnancy can begin, especially if several points coincide (for example, heredity and heat). As well as vice versa: thin girls with a small breast size usually do not complain about the early appearance of a secret, and the question of at what stage of pregnancy colostrum begins to stand out begins to interest them no earlier than the second trimester of the expectation of the baby.

This is a natural biological process

Thus, in the normal course of pregnancy, most likely, colostrum should appear starting from the second trimester. In the later stages of the “interesting situation” (from 32 weeks until the birth of a child), the secret, the prototype of breast milk, is secreted by the vast majority of expectant mothers.

Why is this feature dangerous?

The mere appearance of colostrum in early pregnancy is not such a good cause for alarm. This is just a signal that the body of a pregnant woman is preparing for the imminent appearance of the baby. External signs: swelling of the breast and enlargement of the mammary glands.

At a scheduled examination, the gynecologist necessarily conducts an external examination of the breast and performs its palpation. If he did not have a reason for concern, then you, respectively, can sleep peacefully.

You should contact your gynecologist as soon as possible if.

  1. There are colostrum discharges in the first weeks of pregnancy, often pulling in the lower abdomen (as with menstruation). An immediate visit to the doctor in this case is necessary to confirm or exclude a threat to the life of the fetus.
  2. Secretion in women who are being kept in a hospital is a sure sign of uterine contraction, which can also pose a threat to the fetus. It is especially dangerous if the sudden secretion is accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina.
  3. The chest hurts, you notice purulent and / or spotting on the underwear, seals are felt in the chest. This is not normal and needs treatment.
What color is it?

The color of colostrum during pregnancy, as well as its consistency, depends directly on the period of gestation of the baby.

  1. In the first weeks of the “interesting position”, the released secret can be compared with a thick, yellowish, sticky liquid.
  2. The closer the date of birth, the more transparent and whiter the colostrum during pregnancy, and the more it is similar in texture to breast milk. How these selections look can be seen in the photo.

A leaked secret

Usually, colostrum during childbearing does not interfere with the comfort of a woman, since it is excreted mainly at night. But hot weather, positive or negative stress, breast massage and other factors that have already been mentioned above can provoke increased secretion, regardless of the time of day.

Preventive actions.

  1. A pregnant woman must carefully observe personal hygiene, especially when secreting a secret. This is an indispensable condition for the birth of a healthy baby.
  2. You need to take care of a bra that is suitable in size, which will not squeeze the chest. It is best to choose special bras for nursing mothers, they will also come in handy after the baby is born.
  3. If colostrum is secreted so strongly during pregnancy that it stains underwear, you can easily buy special bra inserts in almost any store or pharmacy. You can also use regular cotton pads if the discharge is small. But do not forget to change your bra and liners in a timely manner, as a humid environment creates excellent conditions for the growth of bacteria.
  4. To prevent infections, be sure to rinse your chest several times a day (as needed) with warm water, but only without soap.
  5. The most important rule is never to try to express colostrum! This will only increase its output. After all, it is not in vain that mothers who have just given birth are advised to put the baby to the breast as often as possible.
  6. During pregnancy, intensive stimulation of the mammary glands can also be dangerous, as the release of oxytocin into the blood increases, which provokes uterine contractions, which, with the most unfortunate consequences, can cause a miscarriage.
  7. By stimulating the chest, you can easily introduce an accidental infection through microcracks that are invisible to the eye.

Also find out the whole truth about

The appearance of discharge from the nipples should alert the woman. Discharge from the mammary glands may appear as a result of natural physiological processes, but may be a sign of various diseases. It is of great importance what color and consistency they are, whether there are any additional complaints, the age of the woman. Early detection of breast disease is important for cure. Therefore, the appearance of secretions cannot be ignored, especially if there is a change in the shape or size of the glands. Only a doctor can determine whether there is cause for concern in this case.


Causes of discharge from the chest

In some cases, the appearance of clear discharge from the mammary glands is considered normal. The formation of milk occurs in the alveoli located in the lobules of the mammary gland. Through the milk ducts, it is brought from the lobules to the nipple. In the absence of lactation, the ducts are filled with fluid, which can be released outside only in isolated cases, for example, before menstruation, when the gland is tense and swells, during intercourse, or in case of strong pressure on the chest.

The appearance of colostrum (a clear yellowish liquid) occurs during pregnancy when the mammary gland swells before milk production begins.

Unusual is the appearance of milky discharge, not associated with breastfeeding, a change in color and an increase in the intensity of fluid formation. Attention should also be drawn to the occurrence in one or both glands of pain simultaneously with discharge from the nipples, an increase in body temperature.

The reasons for unusual discharge may be:

  1. hormonal disorders associated with diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries, brain tumors;
  2. taking hormonal contraceptives;
  3. treatment of any diseases with the use of hormonal drugs;
  4. taking certain other medicines, such as antidepressants;
  5. benign or malignant tumors of the mammary glands;
  6. squeezing with tight linen;
  7. chest injury.

Types of secretions

The color of the discharge can suggest what the cause of the anomaly is. The diagnosis is clarified by additional examination.


Volume and shades (from white to light brown) may vary. In the form of a few drops, they appear as a result of strong squeezing of the mammary gland, since there is always a liquid in the ducts that prevents the walls from sticking together and blocking the ducts.

After stopping breastfeeding, milk discharge continues for several more months with a gradually decreasing intensity. This is a natural process. If the volume does not decrease, the discharge is observed for more than six months, then it is necessary to consult a doctor, as this may be a symptom of a pathology.

White discharge from the glands also occurs in the presence of diseases associated with hormonal disorders, increased levels of prolactin. Milky-white liquid is discharged from the nipples after an artificial termination of pregnancy. It is also associated with hormonal changes in the body.


Such discharge can be a symptom of an abscess, a purulent process inside the ducts. An abscess requires urgent treatment with antibiotics, special compresses. In some cases, an opening of the focus of inflammation is required to clean it from pus.


The appearance of such secretions from the mammary glands may indicate a benign or malignant neoplasm, which involves small vessels located in the glandular tissue.

dark green

They appear as a result of inflammation of the milk ducts, which are filled with a thick black-green liquid.

Discharge from the nipples during pregnancy

During pregnancy, changes in the ratio of hormones occur in the woman's body, prolactin begins to predominate, which stimulates milk production. The chest swells, the milk ducts expand. Even slight stimulation of the nipples increases the release of fluid. Gradually, it thickens, and by the end of pregnancy it turns into colostrum, a thick yellowish mass, sweetish in taste and nutritionally superior to breast milk. For some women, colostrum appears immediately after childbirth, for others - in late pregnancy. The time of appearance of colostrum does not affect subsequent lactation.

Recommendation: There is an opinion that if you express colostrum, then there will be more milk later. In fact, this has no effect on lactation, but stimulation of the nipples can cause uterine contractions. A miscarriage may occur.

Diseases in which there is discharge from the chest

Most breast diseases in women occur against the background of hormonal abnormalities that occur as a result of age-related changes or dysfunction of other organs.


The intensity and duration of lactation is regulated by the hormone prolactin, which is produced in the pituitary gland. Galactorrhea is an abnormal milk production that does not stop 5-6 months after the baby is weaned and is associated with an excess level of this hormone in the body. An increased content of prolactin is typical for women aged 45-50 years. The cause of an abnormal increase in the level of the hormone can be head injuries, brain tumors, diseases of the ovaries, adrenal glands or thyroid gland, liver.

Galactorrhea can occur due to stress experienced by a woman. There is the concept of "idiopathic galactorrhea", that is, the release of milk for no apparent reason. As a rule, this disease is accompanied by a violation of the menstrual cycle, a decrease in libido. Facial hair growth is also a sign of elevated prolactin.

Video: Causes and manifestations of hyperprolactinemia

Milk duct ectasia

This is an inflammatory disease of the milk ducts, which is characterized by the appearance of black-green discharge from the mammary glands. Usually the cause is hormonal changes that occur at the beginning of menopause. This disease is treated with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents. Sometimes the affected area is surgically removed.

Video: What is milk duct ectasia

Intraductal papilloma

A benign disease associated with the appearance of growths on the walls of the ducts, extending to the nipple area. It is dangerous that degeneration of cells of damaged glandular tissue and the occurrence of cancer is possible. The discharge from the nipples is thick, with an admixture of blood. It is more common in women over 35 years of age.


Abscess, a purulent inflammation that most often occurs in lactating women. The reason is the cracks that appear on the nipples due to damage to the delicate tissue when the baby sucks milk. In this case, an infection enters the milk ducts. Suppuration of the ducts is accompanied by an increase in the size of the gland, redness, fever, and the appearance of pus in the milk. In this case, breastfeeding is completely stopped, antibiotic treatment is performed or the milk duct is opened to remove pus.


A benign disease that occurs due to the growth of breast tissue (glandular and connective). Yellowish or clear spotting with mastopathy appears in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. At the onset of menstruation, they disappear. The appearance of fluid from the nipples is accompanied by pain in the mammary glands. For treatment, drugs are prescribed that restore the normal ratio of hormones in the blood. Large nodes formed during mastopathy are removed surgically.

breast cancer

The discharge may be bloody, clear, or thick. In this case, the nipple is retracted due to the tumor. In the chest, dense areas with uneven edges are groped. They grow together with the skin, which takes on the appearance of a lemon peel. More often, discharge appears in one breast affected by a tumor.

Examination for unusual discharge from the nipples

When any unusual discharge from the mammary glands appears, an examination by a gynecologist, mammologist, endocrinologist, oncologist is necessary to determine their cause and timely diagnosis of the disease.

The examination usually consists of external examination and palpation of the breast, mammography, ultrasound, blood tests. The examination is carried out in order to detect tumors and determine their nature, as well as to determine the level of hormones in the blood.

During pregnancy, you noticed a discharge of a thick / viscous / sticky consistency of a yellowish, transparent or creamy hue from the chest - is this a normal phenomenon or a pathology? We will hasten to reassure you right away - this is colostrum secretion - an absolutely normal and safe phenomenon. If you don't produce colostrum during your entire pregnancy, this is also quite normal.

What's this?

Colostrumit is a thick, viscous, sticky liquid of a yellowish, transparent or creamy hue, which has a specific smell and tastes slightly sweet, which is secreted by the mammary glands of a woman during the period of bearing and feeding a child. The production of colostrum in the mammary glands is a normal physiological process. It usually stands out in women in the first two or three days after the birth of the child. But colostrum can also be secreted at different stages of the expectant mother's pregnancy.. Colostrum is also called "immature milk" because it precedes the appearance of real breast milk. Colostrum also differs from milk in its composition: it has less fat and sugar, but more protein.

This is what colostrum looks like

What is useful?

Colostrum is very useful for the baby in the first days of his birth. It is saturated with antibodies that protect the baby from infections and contribute to its rapid adaptation to the outside world. It contains all the nutrients necessary for the child's body for normal life.

The chemical composition of colostrum: albumins and globulins - proteins (up to 6-7%); water (84-88%); bifidumbacteria; lactobacilli; vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, PP; milk sugar (lactose) - carbohydrates (up to 5-5.5%); fats (4-5%); mineral salts; food enzymes (amylase, lipase and protease); hormones.

Colostrum has more calories than milk itself and contains less water. Despite this, it is easily absorbed by the newly born organism and prepares the baby's digestive system for the absorption of heavier food - real breast milk (). The first food of a newborn - colostrum - has a laxative effect, which ensures an easy release of the intestines from feces. Colostrum promotes the excretion of bilirubin, thereby reducing the risk of appearance.

The breasts of pregnant women begin to prepare for lactation even before delivery. Under the influence of oxytocin, glandular lobules are activated, tubular and flow structures expand. The breast visibly swells, becomes more sensitive and colostrum appears during pregnancy.

So what is colostrum? This is a mammary secretion that begins to be produced shortly before delivery and a couple of days after it, but colostrum may appear in the early stages. In the language of doctors, it is also called colostrum. This secret is called the elixir of life, it has a very complex composition, including:

Due to such a rich composition, such discharge from the nipples has a lot of useful qualities. Providing a mild laxative effect, they cleanse the intestinal structures of the newborn from meconium (the first feces), as well as from bilirubin, which prevents the development of jaundice. Also, the secret prevents allergic reactions and populates the intestines with the correct microflora.

In addition, colostrum is an indispensable source of nutrition, protein and vitamin A for the baby in the postpartum period. In terms of calories, content of ascorbic acid, proteins and vitamin E, colostrum bypasses breast milk almost three times. In the first two or three days after delivery, the secret nourishes the child with everything necessary for further development and growth.

Signs of colostrum - the norm and deviations

Externally, colostrum during pregnancy looks like a sticky and thick substance of a translucent yellow hue. This is what the discharge looks like on the first day. In the future, closer to childbirth, the secret will become more transparent, colorless and liquid. In some, mammary glandular discharge may contain bloody inclusions, which in the last trimester can be considered as the norm. It is advisable to discuss such issues with a gynecologist in order to clarify what color the discharge should be and exclude pathology.

Usually, colostrum is excreted in scanty droplets, mainly at night. Although sometimes colostrum in pregnant women can leak quite intensively, which is facilitated by a hot bath, bath, mammary gland massage, sex, etc. Therefore, in any situation, it is recommended to discuss the problem with a specialist in order to correctly assess the nature of the discharge.

Abnormal is the discharge from the breast in pregnant women of colostrum, which has an unpleasant odor and purulent impurities. In addition, additional signs are considered pathological, such as pain in the mammary gland, elevated temperature, vaginal bleeding, pain in the uterus, uneven breast enlargement or its asymmetry in relation to the second mammary gland.

Colostrum at the beginning of pregnancy

When patients have colostrum during pregnancy, they begin to panic, considering this fact to be premature, because the birth has not yet passed. Just the appearance of a secret indicates the activation of the prolactin hormone that responds and controls lactation. This is not surprising, because the body is actively preparing for the upcoming feeding of the baby.

At what time colostrum appears depends on many factors. In most women, colostrum appears shortly before the upcoming birth. According to statistics, only 20% have breast discharge in early pregnancy. They can be provoked by fever against the background of various diseases, breast massage, orgasms and sauna, hot showers.

When does colostrum production start?

In fact, discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy begins at about 16 weeks. The mammary glands are actively preparing for the production and promotion of milk. Allocations are scanty, not daily, appear more often at night. This continues until the third trimester, at which the active phase of colostrum production begins. The onset of this phase does not depend on the period of pregnancy at which colostrum begins to stand out. Activity continues until delivery, and the amount of secretion is different - some have small droplets on the bra, while others literally run out of secret all night long.

How long before birth does colostrum appear? Such periods are determined by a complex of factors.

  1. Individual organic characteristics and the degree of hormonal changes. If the concentration of prolactin is high, then the secret will begin to stand out early.
  2. hereditary factor. If mothers and grandmothers have colostrum early, then the daughter should also appear early.
  3. Wearing a tight bra, massage, or frequent pressure on the mammary glands can also trigger earlier colostrum production during pregnancy.
  4. Frequent abuse of hot water procedures and a bath, sauna or bath, even just hot weather can indirectly contribute to a more active secretion.
  5. Experts note that in women with a solid breast size, colostrum may begin to appear a little earlier than in mothers with smaller breasts.

In general, if the gestation of the baby proceeds normally, then the release of colostrum during pregnancy is usually activated in the second trimester. And at 32 weeks, the secret stands out in almost all mothers.

What to do with discharge

When a mammary secretion of a pregnant woman appears, it is necessary to pay attention to the consistency of colostrum and related signs. If during pregnancy, discharge from the chest is accompanied by discomfort in the uterus, vaginal discharge or pain in the lower back, then these manifestations indicate an active uterine contraction, which is dangerous for miscarriage. Therefore, with such symptoms, the help of a doctor is necessary.

breast care

To avoid possible difficulties associated with pregnancy and colostrum, you must follow some rules. Wash your breasts at least twice a day with warm water without soap, use special underwear designed for pregnant women. Dry yourself after a shower with a soft towel in order to avoid unnecessary irritation of the nipples.

If the intensity of discharge from the nipple during pregnancy is quite high, then it is recommended to use special pads. They can be replaced with traditional cotton pads. The main thing is to change the liners regularly, because colostrum is an ideal environment for bacterial infections.

Is it necessary to express

The secret during pregnancy appears in almost all mothers and is generally safe for health and further gestation. The main thing is to follow medical recommendations. Obstetricians warn not to squeeze out colostrum. Any pressure and stimulation of the nipples and breasts activates the production of oxytocin hormone, which tones the uterine muscles and causes them to contract. In other words, such actions will trigger the mechanism of premature delivery, which is why it is impossible to squeeze out the mammary gland secret.

In addition, if you regularly press colostrum from the nipples, the opposite effect will occur, i.e. its production will only increase. Colostrum does not affect future lactation in any way, when the baby is born. Therefore, after its appearance, a pregnant woman must carefully observe the hygiene of her breasts and not subject them to mechanical compression.

Common myths

There are many opinions among the people regarding cases when colostrum appears in pregnant women. But you should not listen to them, and it is better to resolve the issues that have arisen with the doctor.

If colostrum is excreted in non-pregnant women

Since the appearance of colostrum is not a symptom of pregnancy, why does a woman have a secret if she is not pregnant. Firstly, if such a phenomenon occurs, you must immediately make an appointment with a mammologist. A similar phenomenon often indicates the presence of dangerous changes in a woman's body, such as hormonal failure, mastitis, or tumoral mammary gland formations.

Secondly, sometimes the reasons for the appearance of such a secret are not dangerous. For example, some ladies note that before menstruation, a sticky liquid begins to stand out from their nipples, which doctors attribute to an increase in prolactin concentration, which causes the temporary appearance of colostrum. Sometimes such a reaction is a consequence of taking hormonal contraception.

Let's summarize. Isolation of colostrum in pregnant women without pathological symptoms is normal, but in non-pregnant women it requires the attention of a doctor.

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