Blepharoplasty 3 days after surgery. Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the eyelids: consequences and methods for their elimination. Are the scars visible?

More and more people, both women and men, resort to blepharoplasty of the eyelids. In plastic surgery clinics, surgery is one of the planned activities. Provided that the doctor is highly qualified, a detailed process does not cause any particular difficulties and has a minimal risk of complications. However, no one cancels the importance of rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the eyelids, which can last about 1 month.


Plastic surgeon, Gerasimenko V.L.:

Hello, my name is Gerasimenko Vladimir Leonidovich, and I am the leading plastic surgeon of a well-known Moscow clinic.

My medical experience is over 15 years. Every year I do hundreds of operations, for which people are willing to pay HUGE money. Unfortunately, many do not suspect that in 90% of cases, surgery is not required! modern medicine has long allowed us to correct most of the flaws in appearance without the help of plastic surgery.
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Terms and features of rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the eyelids

By rehabilitation after circular blepharoplasty, doctors mean the time it takes for the stitches to completely heal, the swelling and bruising to disappear. It includes various activities: lifestyle adjustment, the use of medications, massage, physiotherapy, eye gymnastics.

  • pain symptoms;
  • dryness of the eyeball;
  • feeling of "heavy eyelids".

As a natural process characteristic of serious injuries, there will be an increase in swelling and cyanosis. Some of the symptoms can be alleviated with medication, others will just have to wait.

Patients are most interested in the question of how long the rehabilitation after blepharoplasty lasts. The recovery period is different. For someone it takes 2 weeks, and for someone it will take 2 months to completely get rid of the consequences of the operation. It all depends on several factors:

  • the age of the patient (after 45-50 years, the healing process of the skin is slower);
  • skin type (wounds on oily skin heal faster, with a dry type and thick skin, the process slows down);
  • structures of tissues in the eye area (with a close location of the vessels, the recovery time is delayed).

Edema, as a rule, goes away on the 7-10th day, after 2-3 weeks there are no traces of bruises either. It may take 10-12 weeks for the scars to smooth out. Practice shows that a month after the operation, most of the scars become invisible, and only the paternal ones, located in the outer part of the eye, heal longer.

For patients with abnormally slow healing of sutures, doctors advise revision of the scars to prevent overgrowth of connective tissue.

The nuances of recovery by type of operation

The skin around the eyes has a thin structure, therefore, regardless of the type of blepharoplasty surgery, it heals well. There are timing differences:

  • With blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids, rehabilitation can take 5-12 days. The timing may increase if general anesthesia was used.
  • Transconjunctival surgery is easily tolerated by most patients. Traces of it are less noticeable due to the fact that the incisions are made on the mucous membrane from the inside of the eyelids. Some discomfort occurs during the processing of sutures, but in general, rehabilitation after transconjunctival blepharoplasty does not take much time.
  • Minimally invasive laser blepharoplasty takes place with minimal damage to the skin. Recovery is faster, there are fewer negative symptoms.
  • Injection, in which skin rejuvenation is carried out by introducing special formulations, has the fastest recovery period.

It should be understood that the type of operation performed depends on the severity of the changes. For example, with a strong drooping of the eyelids, the classic excision of excess skin and a circular lift help. Laser blepharoplasty will help eliminate small bags or hernias. If you want to get rid of "crow's feet", you can use anti-aging injections. In any case, the decision to perform surgery should be a joint decision between the doctor and the patient.

The course of rehabilitation after blepharoplasty by day

Each day of the recovery period brings its own positive changes. Visually, rehabilitation after blepharoplasty by day looks like this:

  • On the 1st day after the operation, the patient goes home. Cold compresses are applied to reduce swelling.
  • 2-3rd - it is allowed to wash your hair and take a shower. The main thing is to protect your eyes from getting soap or shampoo. Antiseptic drops are used to prevent inflammation.
  • 3-5th - removal of sutures (if they were performed with non-absorbable threads). You can use contact lenses.
  • 6th - antiseptic patches are removed from the eyelids.
  • 7th - bruising and swelling go away. It's time to return to the usual way of life. You should refrain from physical exertion and the use of decorative cosmetics.
  • 10th - traces of hemorrhage disappear. It is allowed to use special decorative cosmetics for sensitive eyes.
  • 14th - the severity of the seams is smoothed out.
  • 45-50th - scars disappeared. The rehabilitation period is over. You can play sports.

So, as in the photo, rehabilitation after blepharoplasty should look like by day:

Some deviations by day may be associated with the individual characteristics of the patient's body. If there is a significant difference, there are negative consequences, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to speed up recovery?

By changing some aspects of their normal life, the patient can speed up the recovery time after blepharoplasty. Doctors recommend:

  1. Reduce or exclude from the daily diet the amount of fried, fatty, smoked foods. Replace it with vegetables, fruits (citrus fruits are not allowed), dairy products. For meat dishes, it is better to use dietary meats.
  2. Do not consume energy-rich drinks and foods (coffee, energy drinks, chocolate).
  3. Reduce salt intake and increase the amount of fluid you drink per day.
  4. Minimize watching TV, reading books, working on a computer, using gadgets.
  5. Postpone the permanent use of contact lenses for 2-3 weeks. Go outside only in sunglasses.
  6. For sleep, choose high pillows. Do not lean forward sharply, so as not to provoke an increase in eye pressure, which can cause bleeding and swelling.
  7. Do gymnastics for the eyes. Undergo prescribed physical therapy.
  8. Refrain from eye makeup.

Physiotherapy after blepharoplasty

Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper or lower eyelids includes various physiotherapy procedures. A good restorative effect is given by:

  • microcurrents;
  • phonophoresis;
  • darsonval.

The choice of procedure is made by the doctor. The peculiarity of electromagnetic waves to quickly absorb a large amount of heat contributes to accelerated metabolism and tissue regeneration. During the procedure, overheating should not be allowed so as not to get burned. Excellent results are obtained by UHF therapy, acting at a deep level of the skin.

The use of medications

Postoperative symptoms include pain, swelling and bruising. If they cause obvious discomfort and oppress physically and morally, medicines are used to stop them. Suitable painkillers: Baralgin, MIG, Nise, Ketonal.

In the fight against edema, potassium-sparing diuretics help: Veroshpiron, Hypothiazid, Triampur. To reduce the risk of infection, it is recommended to treat the operated eyelids with antiseptic solutions of Furacilin or Chlorhexidine.

Ointments and drops

A good help in rehabilitation after blepharoplasty is the use of external agents in the form of ointments and creams. If you need to reduce the area of ​​bruising and swelling, apply such ointments as: Hydrocortisone, Lioton, Indovazin, Traumeel S. Imoferase and Blefarogel will help to stop itching and speed up the healing of incisions.

Silicone-based ointments will be an excellent tool for the formation of a soft scar, and exclude the growth of fibrous tissue. For these purposes, gel Dermatiks, Klirvin, Contractubes are recommended.

Irritation, dryness, redness are removed with drops (Oxial, Innox, Katinorm, Sistane). They are buried on the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid, pulling it back a little.

There are recipes in folk medicine. So, to relieve puffiness, a compress made from raw potatoes is applied. Useful for the eyes and rubbing with healing solutions of sage or chamomile.

Important! The use of folk remedies is allowed only after the complete healing of the incisions. In addition, some of them can cause allergies.

Gymnastics and eye massage

In the early period of rehabilitation after blepharoplasty, exercises for the eyes are included. Perform simple exercises begin 2-3 days after the operation. They help to remove puffiness, smooth fine wrinkles, improve blood flow in the operated area, slightly tighten sagging skin. The full range of gymnastics includes:

  • moving eyes up and down, left and right;
  • blinking for 30 seconds with the head up;
  • closing and opening of the eyelids (you need to open wide), when opening you need to look into the distance;
  • pulling the skin from the temples to the sides with closed eyelids;
  • fixing the lower edge of the eyelids with your fingers, lift the eyelids up and roll the pupils.

All exercises should be repeated 5-7 times in the morning and evening. When performing gymnastics, the patient should not feel pain and tension. The duration of the classes will be determined by the doctor.

Before gymnastics for the eyes, it is recommended to perform acupressure lymphatic drainage massage. To carry it out, you need to lubricate your fingers with a greasy cream. Certain points located in the temporal region are massaged, from the outer edge of the lower eyelid to the inner, in the inner corner of the eye, from the outer edge of the upper eyelid to the inner and back. Lightly pressing the points with your fingers, do 10 repetitions of movements.

What is forbidden to do during the rehabilitation period?

In order for the rehabilitation period to be successful, without unpleasant moments and complications, you should avoid certain actions with your face that you used to perform before the operation. It is forbidden:

  • wash your face for a week after the operation, it is necessary to protect the eyelids from getting water on them;
  • perform actions in which eye fatigue and desiccation of the cornea occur (watch TV, sit at a computer, read a lot);
  • play sports and other physical activities until complete healing;
  • use contact lenses in the first week after surgery;
  • visit the sauna, bath, swimming pool;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol.

In the summer, you will have to give up sunbathing and visiting the beach. You should not plan trips to the sea and to hot countries. When going outside, you need to close your eyes with dark glasses, and lubricate your skin with a cream with an SPF of at least 30. Stressful situations and severe overwork are contraindicated.

The rehabilitation period is the most important stage of recovery after blepharoplasty. If the patient violates the recommendations of specialists, does not follow the rules of eye care, does not perform gymnastics and massage, then complications will not be long in coming. With a scrupulous approach to all advice and appointments, you get the desired effect in the form of beautiful young eyes and an expressive look.

Blepharoplasty is a widespread plastic surgery in the eye area. It is aimed at obtaining an aesthetic result: bags under the eyes disappear, sagging eyelids, excess skin and fat deposits are eliminated. After the procedure, there is a period of rehabilitation, it has a number of features and an average duration of 2 weeks.

Timing and features

The following phenomena are typical for the rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty:

In most cases, these symptoms disappear after a few days, and soreness and discomfort are considered acceptable for the first 10 days.

The nuances of recovery by type of operation

Transconjunctival blepharoplasty

Sutures are placed on the mucous side of the eyelid using a laser beam, so they are not visible during examination, and the rehabilitation period is short.

The incisions themselves are more like a puncture through which the specialist performs lymphatic drainage.

In most cases, surgeons use self-absorbable threads, and therefore no repeated visits to the clinic are required. On average, all symptoms go away after 5 days.

Blepharoplasty of the lower eyelid

Recovery times also have relatively low rates - from 5 days to a week.

This is due to the subtleties of the operation. To speed up the healing process of the skin, compresses of medicinal properties and massage are prescribed by a specialist.

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty

When correcting the upper eyelids, the recovery process takes a longer time: on average, 9-14 days.

Non-surgical blepharoplasty

There are 2 types - laser and injection.

Both activities imply a minimum rehabilitation period. Symptoms disappear after 2-3 days.

  • During the laser procedure, the thinnest and shallowest incision is made in the corrected area, i.e. skin injury does not occur.
  • With injection blepharoplasty, the intervention of a surgeon is not required at all, after the procedure, slight swelling and redness are observed, but everything passes very quickly.

Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty by day

The relative period required to restore the epidermis after blepharoplasty lasts 1-2 months. Taking into account some features, it is possible to conditionally divide the healing process into several stages.

1 day

At this stage, the patient is allowed to go home from the hospital accompanied by a close relative.

To minimize symptoms, it is allowed to drink pain medications (for example, Analgin). This should be consulted with a specialist in advance.

In addition, cool compresses are applied - this helps to reduce swelling in the eye area and stimulate blood circulation for faster regeneration of connective tissue.

2-3 day

It is forbidden to watch TV for a long time, read, work at a computer or sit on the phone.

You can take a not too hot shower and wash, but do not rub the eye area excessively, and also avoid getting shampoo or other foaming products in this area. It is possible to use Vizin drops as prescribed by the surgeon.

Physical contact with the corrected site should be kept to a minimum.

4-5 day

At this stage, the sutures are removed. The symptoms of diplopia are gone.

In case of double vision, a visit to the doctor should be made for a longer period to resolve the situation).

Day 6

It is allowed to remove antiseptic stickers or patches. There is residual swelling.

Day 7

Complete disappearance of hematomas. The operated person returns to the usual way of life in the absence of pain and the correct overgrowth of the scar.

At this stage, it is not yet allowed to play sports and use cosmetics.

Day 10

The bruising is completely gone. It is allowed to use cosmetics, but preference should be given to products with an exclusively natural component composition.

day 14

The borders of the seams become almost invisible.

40-45 day

End of the rehabilitation period. All symptoms are gone. You can return to your normal lifestyle.

How to speed up the recovery process

During the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to take into account a number of rules to follow certain recommendations in order not only to avoid the occurrence of complications, but also to speed up the recovery process.

In the postoperative period, it is important to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and follow a daily routine, as well as perform a number of useful exercises, attaching importance not only to the skin, but also to the eye itself.


It is possible to prevent a possible deterioration of the operated area through physiotherapy. Due to the influence of microcurrents, blood circulation is normalized, and as a result, hematomas, bruises and swelling disappear.


Simple exercises are done at home (5-6 sets for each).

They are aimed at recovery after blepharoplasty: they help moisturize the skin, normalize blood circulation and improve muscle tone.

  1. Eye movement according to the principle of "crossroads". First they look straight ahead, and then they look in different directions, move slowly, in a circle. After the first approach, you need to rest a bit.
  2. Non-stop blinking for 40 seconds with the chin up.
  3. Close the eyelids tightly, close them, without pressure, with the palms of the hands, after rubbing them together (warmth should be felt when touched).
  4. Put your fingers over your eyes, without pressure, and try to open your eyelids.
  5. Fixation of the gaze and rotation of the head without leaving the selected point.

Eye massage

After blepharoplasty, connective tissue appears at the site of the surgical incision over time, which gradually fills with blood vessels.

For a quick recovery, it is necessary to ensure their blood supply. For this purpose, therapeutic massage is suitable (it is strictly forbidden to stretch the dermis during the procedure).

  1. Clockwise with two fingers, make light movements around the eyes, then on the border of the lower eyelid, make a series of light point pressure in the direction from the outer to the inner corner.
  2. Similarly, repeat the manipulations to the center. Perform smooth movements in the area under the eyebrow.

Skin care

The use of cosmetics is strictly contraindicated. Habitual moisturizing creams and cosmetics for some period should be excluded.

Washing and showering should be done with extreme care, using only mild soap with a neutral level of acidity and alkali.

During water procedures, try not to get moisture on healing scars.

After washing, do not wipe your face with a towel. It is recommended to pin it to the face. So you can avoid stretching the displacement of the skin.


The procedure is carried out as a prevention of the formation of keloid scars after surgery, as well as to accelerate the healing process.

During the course of microcurrent therapy, the following is observed:

  • acceleration of wound healing;
  • restoration and relaxation of muscle tissue;
  • normalization of lymph outflow;
  • reduction of puffiness by removing excess fluid from the connective tissue;
  • minimizing inflammation and fatigue.

laser resurfacing

The effectiveness of the event lies in the effect of a carbon dioxide laser on the skin, which helps to cleanse the upper keratinized layers of the dermis.

The procedure is scheduled after 2 months from the date of blepharoplasty. It promotes the renewal of epidermal cells, the elimination of scars and normalizes metabolic processes.


It implies cell regeneration and acceleration of recovery processes through injections of specialized preparations containing hyaluronic acid and amino acids. With the help of a mesotherapeutic cosmetology session, the hydrobalance in skin cells is restored and the general condition of the dermis improves.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Doctor-expert):

Mesotherapy procedures contribute to the restoration of the skin by increasing the exchange in the area of ​​operation. Hyaluronic acid fills the spaces of alleged intradermal scars, amino acids are embedded in collagen and elastic fibers, preventing the formation of connective tissue.

Medicinal and cosmetic preparations

With the correct course of rehabilitation, the doctor, in most cases, does not prescribe medications, however, the surgeon may advise the use of certain agents to speed up the healing process.

Among these may be ointments, eye drops and therapeutic compresses.


  1. Locoid. It helps to relieve swelling and inflammation, providing a disinfectant effect.
  2. Lyoton. Helps eliminate bruising (bruising), swelling and inflammation. It has an analgesic effect.
  3. Dermatix. Eliminates pigment manifestations, softens scars and strengthens capillaries.
  4. Troxevasin. Helps manage mild swelling and bruising in the corrected area.
  5. Contractubex. Helps to smooth out the relief in the formation of scars.


Among the common ones are Albucid and Levomycetin.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Doctor-expert):

To moisten the conjunctiva, you can also use drops of natural or artificial tears, "Defislez". Means moisturize the conjunctiva without providing additional pharmacological load.

Therapeutic compresses

Decoctions of chamomile, calendula or rosemary have a beneficial effect on the skin. Raw materials for infusions are freely available at any pharmacy.

For cooking, it is necessary to insist 1 tablespoon of dried herbs in 0.5 liters of hot water, cool, and then apply as a compress. Leftovers can also be used medicinally.

What is prohibited

At the stage of recovery after surgical exposure, it is necessary to adhere to a number of restrictions in order to avoid deterioration in health.

  1. It is not recommended to sleep on a low pillow. The position of the head at a large angle ensures the correct outflow of lymph.
  2. Stick to proper nutrition or a light diet. Exclude foods high in salt from the diet, because it contributes to the stagnation of moisture in the body, as a result of which puffiness disappears for a long time.
  3. The taboo includes alcohol, soda and cigarettes.
  4. Provide a state of comfort and tranquility for the eyes. Minimize TV viewing, computer use, and reading printed materials as much as possible.
  5. You should also protect your eyes from temperature extremes and exposure to ultraviolet radiation, therefore it is contraindicated to visit the sauna, solarium, take hot baths and stay outside for a long time during frost. During the summer months, it is recommended to use sunglasses that create a barrier to the direct rays of the sun.
  6. Coffee lovers will have to refrain from drinking this drink. Instead, drink as much clean water as possible.
  7. It is necessary for the first few days to gently wash your hair and wash your face - water should not get into your eyes and on the seams.
  8. It is also forbidden to play sports, as well as any physical activity that can provoke an increase in intraocular pressure.
  9. It is forbidden to use cosmetics and “aggressive” cleansers. It is recommended to choose a towel with a delicate and soft texture.

Possible complications and side effects

Blepharoplasty, like any surgical intervention, has a number of possible side effects.

This can be due to both the individual characteristics of the patient, and the doctor's mistake or non-compliance with the rules of the rehabilitation period.

Keloid scars

Steroid injections and laser resurfacing are effective ways to solve the problem. It is also possible to use directional ointments and exposure to liquid nitrogen at a low temperature level (cryotherapy).

Symptoms characteristic of scar formation:

  • growths;
  • itching, burning;
  • pain sensations;
  • growth of the scar area.


Subcutaneous seals (bumps) occur due to:

  • edema;
  • cysts with improper formation of the seam;
  • incorrect connection of the cartilage located along the contour of the eyelashes and the muscles of the eyelid;
  • pyogenic granulomas.


A frequent occurrence after the procedure is due to the drying of the mucous membrane of the eye.

For prophylaxis, eye drops are used, thanks to which the necessary level of moisture in the conjunctiva is maintained.


The manifestation of an irregular relief in the periorbital zone is associated with excessive removal of the fat layer during the operation. The situation can be corrected only by repeated surgical intervention.

Also, during the incorrect work of the surgeon, problems such as:

  • diplopia (with damage to the eye muscles);
  • blepharoptosis (displacement of the upper eyelid down);
  • hematoma (due to damage to blood vessels);
  • eversion of the eye;
  • hematoma of the inner side of the eyeball.

Divergence of seams, asymmetry

They are the result of improper suturing during the operation. Also, the divergence of the wound is associated with poor-quality surgical material.

The opinion of cosmetologists

It is important for any lady to prolong the youth of her face and body for a long time. The first signs of impending aging appear after 30 years. Most of all, this process is subject to the eye area, where the skin is 3 times thinner. At this time, unwanted overhanging skin over the eyelids becomes visible, the first skin bags, visible wrinkles - this is what distinguishes a mature lady from a young person.

Blepharoplasty is a procedure that can restore youthfulness to the sensitive skin around the eyes. If a competent specialist undertakes the procedure, then the well-developed correction process does not cause any special difficulties, the likelihood of complications is minimized. The initial result is affected by rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids, which takes place within a month or two.

Blepharoplasty of upper and lower eyelids

Blepharoplasty is a low-traumatic way of rejuvenation, when during the intervention the surgeon makes an incision on the upper or lower part of the eyelid. In some cases, such manipulation is required on both parts of the eyelid. Further, subcutaneous fat is removed from the incisions, forming overhanging skin over the eyelid or unpleasant bags under the eyes. Next, a neat seam is made, after which the cosmetic operation is considered completed.

During the application of modern laser techniques, a neat incision is made on the inside of the eyelids, the seam is almost invisible.

Important! If cosmetic surgery is performed by a qualified surgeon, then the likelihood of unwanted complications is minimal. It is advisable to contact a cosmetology center specializing in this service. The final result in this case depends on the patient himself, on what kind of eye care will be carried out after the procedure.

Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty by day

How to care for eyelids after blepharoplasty? The visual process of regeneration of the tender eyelids proceeds as follows:

  • A day after the manipulation, the patient is sent home or remains under the supervision of specialists, in order to reduce swelling at this time, cold lotions are applied;
  • For 2-3 days, washing your hair and taking a shower are allowed. The only thing you need in this case is to make sure that soap and alkaline cosmetic products do not get into your eyes. To effectively remove the resulting inflammation, effective antiseptic drops are used;
  • On the 3-5th day, the sutures are eliminated if they were not made with special self-absorbable threads. Wearing contact lenses is allowed;
  • On the 7-10th day from the moment of the operation, visible bruises and noticeable swelling disappear.

The full rehabilitation period ends in a month or two, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. During this period, the patient returns to a normal lifestyle. Physical activity and the use of decorative cosmetics are unacceptable.

During rehabilitation:

  • Points of direct hemorrhage pass. It is permissible to use special decorative cosmetics suitable for susceptible eyes;
  • Pronounced seams are smoothed out;
  • Scars disappear completely, so rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids ends. Reasonable physical activity is acceptable during this period.

If there is a significant difference in the recovery process associated with the individual characteristics of the body, it is advisable to immediately contact the treating specialist.

Eye gymnastics

In the early stages of the recovery period, gentle gymnastics for the eyes after blepharoplasty is acceptable. 2-3 days after the procedure, simple exercises are allowed. They effectively eliminate light puffiness, smooth out fine wrinkles, improve blood flow, and noticeably tighten the skin. The complete gymnastic complex looks like this:

  • Move eye focus left and right, up and down;
  • 30-second intense blinking with head up;
  • Wide opening and closing of the eyelids, while opening the gaze is directed upwards;
  • With closed eyelids, the skin is pulled away from the temples to the sides;
  • With the help of fingers, the lower edge of the movable eyelid is fixed, the gaze is directed upwards, the pupils roll up.

All of the above manipulations are performed in 5-7 approaches in the morning and evening. During the performance of gymnastic exercises, the patient should not feel discomfort and muscle tension.

Acupressure is recommended before gymnastic exercises, for which the fingers are lubricated with a nourishing cream. At the same time, certain points of influence located in the temporal zone are being worked out, they begin to be developed from the outer part of the upper eyelid to the inner one. Gently pressing on the indicated points, 10 repetitions are performed.

Elimination of scars and scars

In the postoperative recovery period, the following local remedies are used to accelerate the regeneration of scars and eliminate scars:

  • To relieve local inflammation and get rid of edema, rapid healing of the skin, the effective composition of Lyoton is used;
  • Effective during the regeneration cream Lokoid;
  • Effective Dermatix is ​​suitable for strengthening thin capillaries and softening local scars;
  • To smooth out scars after blepharoplasty, an effective drug Contractubex is useful.

Important! Local formulations are applied to the unprotected eyelid exclusively with a cotton swab, rubbing with fingers is unacceptable. You need to apply within the normal range, the excess is also removed with a cotton swab. It is important to try to avoid injury to the eyelids.

To speed up the process of scar removal, treating specialists recommend undergoing a laser resurfacing session. Patients with a slow healing rate of scars and scars need to undergo a revision of the scars to prevent unwanted proliferation of connective tissue.

Methods for eliminating swelling of the upper eyelids

After the operation, edematous bags appear under the eyes. Subject to the exact implementation of the recommendations of the specialist, the resulting edema disappears within 2 weeks after the procedure. In the morning, swelling is more noticeable due to the accumulation of fluid in the cavities above the eye.

To prevent this undesirable phenomenon, experts recommend limiting the intake of salt, which retains excess fluid. Cold treatment is also suitable to eliminate puffiness - ice compresses help to effectively relieve pain and swelling. In this case, ice is applied to the cheeks and unprotected eyelids with interruptions of half an hour, keeping for 20 minutes. At night, you do not need to apply compresses.

The antiseptic drug Traumeel will help to cope with abundant puffiness. Mesotherapy and lymphatic drainage will also help to cope with puffiness. All these actions contribute to the rapid recovery of the thin skin of the eyelids after surgery.

Makeup after blepharoplasty

How to do makeup after blepharoplasty, what can be done, what not? After this procedure, it is advisable to follow the following rules for the use of cosmetics:

  • Until the stitches are removed, care cosmetics should not be applied directly to the incision;
  • With the help of masking cosmetics, local irritation or scars cannot be hidden;
  • All applied products should have a light texture, easy to rinse off.

Visible scars after makeup are hidden by tonal means of a liquid texture. Also for this purpose, a pencil for masking acne is suitable. All decorative cosmetics during this period should be aimed at hiding shallow scars on the skin.

Apply tonalnik with a clean sponge or hands. The movements should be light, patting. It is advisable to choose cosmetics for sensitive skin. Wear-resistant make-up will help hide scars after the procedure.

Attention! Decorative cosmetics are allowed to be used 14 days after the operation, otherwise it may provoke an allergic reaction.

Examples of upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty

Many people choose this procedure due to the following obvious advantages:

  • Ease of use;
  • Performed under local anesthesia;
  • natural result;
  • Long-term result for 10-15 years;
  • Short rehabilitation period, wounds heal quickly.

Profile specialists of plastic surgery speak positively about blepharoplasty of the lower eyelid. Experienced surgeons recommend the optimal method of anesthesia, since many anesthetics provoke unwanted allergic reactions. It is necessary to carefully follow the recommendations on how to care for the eyes after undergoing blepharoplasty in order to avoid unnecessary rehabilitation complications.

Some people can not decide to undergo the procedure, worrying about the long period of rehabilitation. They are interested in how long it takes to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the procedure. Experts in this regard are of the opinion that in order to get a complete picture, it will take 6 months of rehabilitation at home, observing the general conditions of care.


Blepharoplasty, with the right choice of clinic and specialist for its implementation, is characterized by a short rehabilitation period - up to 14 days. You can reduce it by several days by following all the instructions of the surgeon. In any case, it's important to know what to expect at any given stage of recovery so you don't panic and miss development.

Recovery after blepharoplasty: healing by day

After correction, the eyelids are stretched for 10-12 weeks, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient (age, skin type, health status, predisposition to the development of edema). Meanwhile, he can return to his usual life in 3-4 weeks.

The process of suture healing by day after blepharoplasty can be described as follows:

  • 1st day. After the operation, subject to the use of local anesthesia, the patient is allowed to go home under the supervision of relatives. By the end of the day, he may develop soreness, swelling, which can be removed with cold compresses. Painkillers are indicated if necessary.
  • 2 - 3rd days. Photophobia, diplopia (double vision) during this period are not considered complications. Antiseptic drops, eye exercises prescribed by a doctor can reduce discomfort. The patient is allowed to carry out hygiene procedures (take a shower, wash his hair, making sure that shampoo or water does not get into his eyes). Rubbing the operated area, pulling the eyelids is strictly prohibited. You need to sleep in a position with your head elevated. Physical and emotional stress is prohibited. Starting from the third day, you can wash your face, making sure that water does not fall on the operated area.
  • 4 - 5th days. During this period, puffiness begins to subside. Double vision and discomfort pass. The patient is removed the stitches (provided they are applied with ordinary, and not absorbable threads), they are allowed to read a little. Leaning, straining is prohibited.
  • 6th day. Traces of subcutaneous hemorrhages (hematomas) may remain, swelling almost completely subsides. If plasters, antiseptic stickers were applied, they are removed in the clinic.
  • 7th day. Blueness and swelling are almost invisible. The patient is allowed to return to his usual life, recommending to beware of sunlight (wear sunglasses on the street), not to overwork.
  • 8 - 10th days. Swelling may persist, but at this time it is already allowed to use decorative cosmetics.
  • 11 - 14th days. The patient can visually evaluate the result of the operation. He is allowed to wear lenses, to exercise a little.
  • 15 - 20th days. A slight asymmetry of the eyelids may appear.
  • 40 - 60th days- The scars are almost invisible. The rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty is considered completed.

Note! These are averages and may vary from person to person.

Below are attached photos showing how healing occurs after blepharoplasty by day:

Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty video:

Natural consequences, or variants of the norm

The patient should not be afraid of the usual changes that follow after surgery and are expressed in:

  • moderate swelling;
  • cyanosis;
  • feeling of heaviness of the eyelids;
  • tearing or dryness;
  • pain syndrome;
  • blurring or double vision.

Symptoms may occur individually or in combination. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of the surgeon, and they will pass quickly.

How to speed up recovery

Attending the consultations of a specialist at the appointed time is the key to a speedy recovery. As a rule, he also advises:

  • use antiseptic eye drops;
  • process the seams after the bandage is removed;
  • protect your eyes from the sun, do not overstrain (read less, watch TV, use gadgets);
  • in case of severe puffiness, use medications (Lokoid, Lyoton), make herbal compresses (a decoction of chamomile, sage or linden is suitable).

If there are no complications, gymnastics for the eyes is also indicated. It enhances blood circulation, restores muscle tone, and promotes speedy recovery. You only need to spend a few minutes a day on it by doing 5 exercises:

  1. Look up / down, right / left in turn and so on up to 7 times.
  2. Blink continuously for 30 seconds.
  3. Close your eyes, then open them wide, looking into the distance (up to 7 times).
  4. With closed eyes, pull the skin away from the temple to the sides (up to 7 times).
  5. Having fixed the eyelid from below with the index fingers, look up, rolling the pupils (up to 7 times).
  • at the temple;
  • near the inner corner of the eyes;
  • in the area from the edge of the lower eyelid to the inside;
  • in the area from the edge of the upper eyelid to the inside.

And then, with light, gentle movements, massages them 10 times clockwise.

If the bruises after the operation do not go away for a long time, salon procedures are considered: lymphatic drainage massage, microcurrents, lifting programs.

Scar healing after blepharoplasty

Isolate in the process of scar healing. In the first 4 weeks, they go through a granulation stage, when a connective tissue with small vessels is formed at the incision site. Since the expiration of 4 weeks, it will turn into a pink scar, which after another 4-6 weeks will turn into a white thin line that practically does not protrude above the surface of the skin.

Due to the good location, the scars become almost invisible, with the exception of the lateral ones, in the area of ​​the outer corner of the eyes. Later they can be masked with decorative cosmetics.

How to speed it up

To speed up the healing of scars after blepharoplasty, you should:

  • avoid ultraviolet radiation (hide your eyes behind sun-protection eyes), physical exertion, mechanical rubbing (it is forbidden to touch the operated area with your hands);
  • use silicone-based preparations for their speedy smoothing and lightening;
  • more rest (especially in the first 3-5 days).

Neglect of these rules can lead to excessive growth of connective tissue and the formation of keloid scars. In the presence of the latter, use:

  • mesotherapy is the introduction of drugs with plant extracts and amino acids into the affected area;
  • laser resurfacing - laser exposure to the surface layers;
  • fractional thermolysis is another laser procedure that stimulates cell division, collagen and elastin synthesis with the help of heat shock.

1.5 - 2 months after the operation, subject to complete healing, it is allowed to inject Botox to smooth mimic wrinkles and obtain a more pronounced rejuvenating effect.

Blepharoplasty is a complex plastic surgery on the skin on the face in the eyelid area. Photos after the operation by day shows a complete picture of the postoperative period and the effectiveness of the result after the procedure.

Blepharoplasty is one of the most requested plastic surgery procedures for women today. With a competent approach to the operation, it allows you to effectively remove age-related and mimic changes in the lower and upper eyelids.

Advantages of blepharoplasty:

Thanks to the procedure, the result of skin aging is eliminated: sagging and flabbiness. Photos after the operation by day show the greater effectiveness of the method, especially for older people.

Indications and contraindications

Blepharoplasty can be performed at any age.

The indications for the procedure are as follows:

Positive results are achieved subject to the rules of the rehabilitation period 2-3 weeks after the operation.

Blepharoplasty has a number of limitations to perform:

  • blepharospasm;
  • Acute eye diseases;
  • Chronic diseases of the sebaceous glands;
  • Exacerbation of conjunctivitis;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Dry eye syndrome;
  • Diabetes;
  • Violation of blood clotting;
  • Heart diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • Hepatitis "A" and "B";
  • HIV infection, AIDS.

Recovery period

Rehabilitation after surgery by day

On average, the rehabilitation period takes about 1-1.5 months, and by day the postoperative period is as follows:

Features of the first days of rehabilitation

Immediately after the operation, it is better to go home accompanied by a loved one. At first, the eyelids should be closed, with a bandage over the eyes. In the first 2 days, the look will be cloudy, blurry, possibly double vision.

To prevent deterioration, for a better and faster recovery, you should follow some simple rules:

  • Carefully monitor the cleanliness of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelids and eyes.
  • Sleep on a cushion without tilting your head.
  • Less reading, not watching TV, computer.
  • Do not wear contact lenses.
  • Do not touch the eyelid area with dirty hands.
  • Do not rub or scratch the seams.
  • On day 2.3, you can wash your hair, exclude moisture from entering the eye area.
  • Drink more, normalize the water-salt balance in the body.
  • From the 2nd day it is allowed to perform special exercises for the eyes.

Features of recovery after surgery

  • During the recovery period, it is imperative to continue using antiseptic eye drops, “dry tear” drops. This will help prevent the inflammatory process, avoid excessive dryness of the eyelids and peeling. The antiseptic must be applied during the entire rehabilitation period until the stitches and wounds are completely healed;
  • Tinted sunglasses should be worn until complete recovery. Physical activity that can provoke high intraocular pressure is strictly prohibited;
  • During recovery, it is not recommended to visit bath complexes and saunas.

Natural consequences of plastic surgery of the upper, lower eyelids

Uncomfortable and painful sensations in the first few days after blepharoplasty are considered completely normal. For 10 days, swelling, bruising and even bruising (with sensitive skin) will be observed.

Bruising, lacrimation and photophobia are quite rare. With proper care, after a few days, all symptoms disappear.

Important! High temperature, the presence of the first signs of conjunctivitis, pain in the eyes are considered unnatural, alarming symptoms. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor.

Blepharoplasty is a severe operation that takes place under a local anesthetic, in connection with this, the consequences may be:

  • Moderate swelling.
  • High skin sensitivity.
  • Bruises under the lower eyelids.
  • High watering or excessive dryness.
  • Blurred vision.

With such manifestations, you should not panic, these are natural symptoms that will disappear in 1.5-2 weeks after blepharoplasty.

How to smear the seams

During the recovery period, the sutures are tightened after 10-12 days, so that they heal well, it is necessary to perform special exercises, do physiotherapy and use healing antiseptic ointments. With this approach, after 1.5-2 months, scars and scars will be invisible.

The use of specialized ointments with the effect of skin regeneration helps prevent unwanted complications. They promote improved blood circulation, recovery, remove bruises and swelling.

  • Doctors recommend using the Rescuer or Sinyakoff ointment.
  • Many experts recommend the use of hydrocortisone ointment.
  • To prevent the appearance of scars, the Contractubex gel effectively helps.

How to eliminate swelling and bruising

After blepharoplasty, swelling and cyanosis of the face are noticeable in the photo of rehabilitation by the day. This is not only a cosmetic problem that spoils the appearance after surgery, but also causes pain and discomfort.

Significantly reduce swelling under the gases help such procedures as:

Also, to reduce puffiness will be very effective:

  • Applications with decoctions of medicinal herbs.
  • Elevation of the head during sleep.
  • A categorical rejection of strong alcohol and tobacco products.
  • Minimize physical activity.
  • Reduce anxiety and stress.

If blepharoplasty was performed in patients with disorders of the circulatory system, then there is a tendency to edema. In this case, it is important to completely eliminate salt from the diet, spicy foods and stick to a diet during the rehabilitation period.

How to wash

When washing during recovery after blepharoplasty, you must use a soft towel and wipe your face very gently, without pressing, without touching your eyelids.

Facial exercises after surgery

Blepharoplasty (photos after the operation by day are presented later in the article) often causes consequences. To prevent complications, you need to perform recovery exercises that the surgeon will recommend. Special gymnastics helps restore muscle tone, improve circulation and normalize blood circulation.

Special exercises during the rehabilitation period contribute to greater functionality of the eyelids, they are quite simple, they can be performed independently at home.

It is necessary to perform a special complex for the eyes in the evening and in the morning:

Eyelid massage after blepharoplasty

Acupressure of the eyelids after the blepharoplasty procedure can be performed independently at home to improve the recovery process.

Perform all massage movements without pressing on the skin, only clockwise, repeating massage movements 7-10 times.

Physiotherapy after surgery

Specialized physiotherapy will help you recover quickly and without complications, the course should last at least 2 months. The most popular is microcurrent therapy. It helps to heal wounds, eliminate bruises, normalizes and maintains a normal level of blood circulation in the area of ​​blepharoplasty.

What not to do during the rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty

In the process of recovery after surgery on the eyelids, it is strongly not recommended:

Is it possible to use decorative cosmetics

For 14 days, you can not apply makeup and any means of decorative cosmetics. This can cause an allergic reaction, the skin at this moment is very sensitive to irritants. In this case, a rash, itching will appear.

Doctors' advice: is it worth having an operation at 50-60 years old

If there are no medical contraindications, the blepharoplasty procedure can be performed at any age, even at 50, 60 years old. It is important to undergo an examination before the operation, which is prescribed by the doctor, to make sure that there are no contraindications to the intervention.

Blepharoplasty and all photos after the operation on the days of the recovery period can easily be studied independently on the Internet. This will help to understand the possible consequences of the intervention, which you will have to go through during the rehabilitation period.

Article formatting: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Videos blepharoplasty

Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty: photo by day:

Blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids: before and after photos:

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