Teeth whitening with an ice lamp at home. Beyond Polus cold light teeth whitening benefits and procedure steps. Cold light whitening prices

The procedure of phototeeth whitening can be obtained only in the salon, however, the result is worth it. For 1 session, the enamel becomes lighter by 8-12 tones. Under the influence of light from a halogen lamp, hydrogen peroxide releases active oxygen, which, penetrating into tooth enamel, lightens dark spots. Photobleaching of teeth

What is photobleaching of teeth

Photobleaching of teeth, also known as lamp or machine whitening, is an oxidation process. dark spots on enamel with active oxygen.

Some mistakenly assume that there is no significant difference between laser and photobleaching, however, this is absolutely not the case. The difference is in the catalysts. In the first case, the oxidation process begins under the influence of a laser, in the second - under the light of a halogen lamp.

The light of the lamp covers the entire jaw, while the laser treats each tooth individually.

How is the procedure

To obtain a tangible result, one procedure of photobleaching is enough, however, if the client wishes, it can be repeated, after a week.

For 1 session, the whitening gel can be applied no more than 6 times. Most dentists agree that 3 is enough to achieve the optimal effect.

The procedure takes place in stages:

  1. Inspection oral cavity in order to establish whether this procedure is suitable for the patient or not. If there is plaque and calculus, then it is removed.
  2. Questioning the patient and choosing the desired result.
  3. Putting on protective goggles.
  4. Covering with a mucous protective plate.
  5. The doctor distributes the gel over the tooth enamel and turns on the lamp. From its light, the whitening process will start. The gel is left to act for 10-20 minutes, after which it is removed with a napkin and rinse aid. If necessary, the procedure is repeated several more times.
  6. After the gel is completely removed from the gums, the patient can evaluate the result using the Vita scale and receive recommendations from the doctor on further dental care.

Covering with a mucous protective plate.

Contraindications to the procedure

The procedure has the following limitations:

  • Enamel sensitivity to hot, cold and sour.
  • Age under 18 years old.
  • Thin or damaged enamel.
  • Caries.
  • The period of pregnancy and lactation.

Pros and cons of photobleaching

This is a fairly popular procedure. aesthetic dentistry, and all thanks to its list of advantages:

  • Instant result.
  • The procedure does not take much time.
  • Does not require multiple visits to the dentist.
  • Long lasting results that last up to three years.
  • Health safety.

An excellent result that lasts up to three years.

However, the technique also has its drawbacks:

  • It has no effect on fillings, prostheses, veneers and crowns.
  • Not suitable for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Has side effects.
  • High price.

Before the procedure, carefully read the reviews about the clinic and active doctors. Be sure to check for valid certificates, as dental health is at stake!

Photobleaching methods

Beyond Polus

The method is interesting in that 2 types of radiation are combined in the lamp at once - halogen and LED making the procedure safer. There is no risk of sensitization or damage to the enamel. In one session, 3 ten-minute whitening cycles take place. With proper care, the result is stored for a year.

Luma Cool

This method only uses " cold e "light radiation, which is absolutely safe for tooth enamel. For 1 session, the doctor applies the gel three times, each time warming up the gel for 8 minutes. The effect is quite persistent and lasts for several years.

Luma Cool


In this method, to activate the substance, ultraviolet, which is not so safe, like the previous clarification methods. By heating, you can achieve more pronounced effect, as the active substances penetrate deeper into the tooth. The doctor must be extremely careful and prevent the gel from getting on the gum.

During the first few days, the patient experiences discomfort associated with tooth sensitivity, which quickly disappears. The whitening result lasts for a year and a half.

Light teeth whitening

From the procedure of photobleaching, light differs in that instead of warming up, cold and harmless to the teeth radiation is used.

Light in light bleaching is passed through several filters that eliminate ultraviolet and infrared spectra, leaving only cold light.

How is the procedure

The procedure takes place in several stages:

  • The doctor covers the patient's teeth with a special whitening compound.
  • The lamp turns on and we head to the smile line for exposure for 10-13 minutes.
  • As necessary, the procedure is repeated twice more.
  • At the end, when the gel is completely washed off, the patient receives recommendations for further oral care.
  • If the patient wants to achieve greater whiteness, the procedure is repeated after a week.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the method include:

  • Fast result - in one visit you can whiten your teeth by 6-10 tones.
  • Safety for tooth enamel.
  • Long lasting result.

The disadvantages of light bleaching are as follows:

  • Gray enamel is bleached no more than a couple of tones.
  • Does not whiten enamel that has darkened as a result of taking antibiotics.
  • Does not help with an excess of fluoride in the body.


Despite the relative safety of light bleaching, there is a list of contraindications for the procedure:

  • More number of filled teeth or implants.
  • Allergy to any component of the active substance.
  • Thin or sensitive enamel.
  • Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.
  • Age up to 16 years.
  • Severe diseases of the internal organs.

Products that stain tooth enamel

Dental care after the procedure

  • The first week must be completely excluded from the diet of coloring drinks and foods.
  • And also in the first week it is necessary to stop smoking.
  • If your teeth become too sensitive, you should replace your usual toothpaste with fluoride.
  • Daily, twice a day, brush your teeth, use mouthwash and floss.

To prolong or renew the effect, some doctors recommend using the systems periodically to home whitening teeth.


Before the whitening procedure, it is necessary to heal all existing diseases of the oral cavity, as well as undergo remineralization of tooth enamel. This will prepare your teeth for whitening, making them stronger and more resilient.

What it is

In fact, the terms "photobleaching" or "whitening with light" are not entirely accurate. The light itself has no effect on tooth enamel and is not able to somehow affect its color. The method is based on active chemical reaction, in which light radiation is only a catalyst that stimulates the production of reagents that brighten teeth. The most commonly used bleach is hydrogen peroxide. high concentration, from which, under the action of light or ultraviolet, a highly active form of oxygen is formed, which penetrates into the tissues of the teeth and whitens them.


  • LED- the safest, since the LEDs do not produce a thermal effect on the teeth.
  • Halogen- a lamp with a halogen emitter is used, which provides minimal heating of tissues.
  • ultraviolet- the most intense type of whitening with ultraviolet light, accompanied by a significant release of heat and heating of the teeth.

Description of the procedure

Light teeth whitening is an in-office procedure that is performed exclusively in the dentist's office for patient safety. It is carried out in several stages and lasts an average of about an hour.

  1. At the first stage, it is thorough cleaning of teeth from plaque and stone deposits. After that, the dentist determines the initial color of the enamel according to the standardized VITA scale and discusses with the patient the result that he wants to receive.
  2. After preparatory manipulations, the patient's cheeks and lips are isolated for convenience with a special retractor, the surface of the teeth is dried. The gums are treated with protective compounds. On the surface of the teeth uniform thin layer active gel is applied. Then the entire dentition is irradiated with a light lamp for 10-20 minutes. The gel is removed, followed by evaluation of the color of the enamel. If necessary, the manipulations are repeated several times. But total procedures should not be more than six in one visit to the doctor.
  3. If the patient is not satisfied with the whitening effect obtained, the cold light teeth whitening procedure can be repeated after a week. During these 7 days it is possible to use systems for home use.

What effect does it give?

Photobleaching of teeth is enough effective methodology. For one visit dental office it is possible to lighten the enamel up to 8-12 shades. But the result itself and its duration are individual for each patient. If a person has a natural yellowish tint of enamel, then cold whitening with light will be very effective. At the same time, if the surface of the teeth has grey colour, then this technique will help whiten it by only a few tones.

If the reason for the darkening of the enamel lies in the excessive consumption of coffee, coloring drinks and smoking, then the patient has every chance to return the dazzling whiteness to the smile. But if the teeth have changed color after taking tetracycline antibiotics or excess fluoride, then the chances of success are minimal.

It is important to remember that about 5% of the population has a special tooth enamel that is not amenable to modern methods whitening.

Photos before and after

The result before and after the photobleaching procedure

Possible side effects and contraindications

Unlike laser whitening, the use of cold light does not cause strong heating of the tooth tissues and has fewer side effects. But still, the possibility of their occurrence cannot be ruled out:

  • Increased sensitivity of tooth enamel for several days after the whitening procedure.
  • emergence allergic reactions on the gel components.
  • Irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth as a result of accidental contact with active substances.

In addition, the photobleaching technique, like any other medical procedure there are some contraindications:

  • Age up to 18 years.
  • The entire period of pregnancy and lactation.
  • Intolerance to any substances included in the bleaching system.
  • Untreated carious cavities, chips and cracks on the enamel surface.
  • Excessive abrasion of tooth enamel in congenital pathologies.

Photobleaching systems

Today, dentists can offer patients several modern in-office methods of teeth whitening using light. All of them have a similar principle of operation, but still have some differences, which we will try to understand further.

Beyond Polus

One of innovative methods teeth whitening using cold light. The original design of the Beyond Polus lamp combines two types of radiation: LED and halogen. A unique system of light filters cuts off the ultraviolet spectrum of rays, thereby preventing unwanted heating of dental tissues. As a bleach, peroxide gel with a concentration of hydrogen peroxide of 25-40% is used. The Beyond Polus photobleaching procedure includes 3 cycles of 10 minutes each with 5 minute breaks between them. The system is able to lighten tooth enamel up to 10 tones. The result appears immediately, but full color stabilization lasts 14 days. The whitening effect lasts for 9-12 months. The peculiarity of the technique is a lower risk of hypersensitivity teeth, high safety of the procedure for the patient.

Luma Cool

Luma Cool is an LED teeth whitening system. It uses a safe cold beam of light radiation LED lamps, which absolutely do not heat the teeth and soft tissues during the procedure. In order to whiten tooth enamel by 5-7 tones, patients undergo 3 eight-minute cycles of applying an active gel based on 35% hydrogen peroxide. Before manipulation, the gums are isolated with a special material that hardens in air in a few seconds and completely protects soft tissues from the aggressive action of peroxide. After the whitening procedure, a slight increase in the sensitivity of the enamel is possible, which is eliminated by the use of special toothpastes or disappears on its own within 3 days. Whiter teeth after applying the Luma Cool system and with proper care kept for several years.


Zoom whitening on this moment is the most popular among patients. The essence of the technique is that a gel with hydrogen peroxide is applied to the teeth, which is activated by a special lamp, the main spectrum of which is in the ultraviolet range. Under the influence of ultraviolet, the gel and tooth enamel are heated, there is a more intense penetration of oxygen into the dental tissue and bleaching. The disadvantages of the system are:

  • The possibility of damage to enamel and soft tissues by high temperatures.
  • Unpleasant sensations.
  • The duration of the operation is more than an hour.
  • Increased sensitivity of the teeth within 7-10 days after the procedure.

Using the Zoom method, you can whiten your teeth by 6-8 tones, the effect lasts 12-18 months.

Many patients mistakenly believe that after performing the procedure once, achieved result will persist for the rest of your life. Depending on the individual characteristics of the human body, the effect of photobleaching lasts from one to five years. Subject to the rules of dental care and regular visits to the dentist for professional hygiene snow-white smile will last much longer.

Today, there are many ways to achieve whiter teeth. One such method is cold bleaching. It differs from other methods by the use of special lamps that do not emit heat. As a result, teeth whitening by 5-12 tones occurs without the risk of burning the oral mucosa or irritating the gums. Cold light whitening is provided by Beyond lamps unique technology LightBridge, which eliminates infrared and UV radiation while passing light through special filters. This technology allows you to completely eliminate the possibility of tissue injury, and therefore avoid common side effect enamel lightening: increase the sensitivity of the teeth after the procedure.

Advantages of the technique:

  • absence ultraviolet radiation, which significantly increases the safety of the procedure;
  • speed of conduct (about half an hour);
  • absence of unpleasant or pain(which often occur during whitening sessions, accompanied by heating of the teeth and surrounding soft tissues).

At the same time, despite the presence of such significant advantages, the price of cold light whitening is not too high, which makes the procedure one of the most popular teeth whitening methods used in dental clinics.

Features of the cold light whitening procedure

Cold bleaching is carried out as follows:

  1. In order to avoid the ingress of a clarifying agent, a preliminary isolation of the gums is carried out: a special gel is applied to them.
  2. Lips are covered with a balm to avoid overdrying of the skin.
  3. A whitening gel containing hydrogen peroxide is applied to the affected area.
  4. The cold light whitening session begins immediately. During intense light exposure, the gel reacts to radiation: active oxygen is released, which penetrates deep into the tooth enamel and brightens it, eliminating even pronounced dark spots.

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Contraindications for cold bleaching

The technique has a small amount of contraindications:

  • childhood;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • intolerance to the components of the brightening gel;
  • pathological abrasion teeth;
  • diabetes;
  • the presence of veneers or crowns in the area of ​​clarification (they must be removed before the procedure);
  • caries (it is necessary to pre-treat the affected teeth).

The effectiveness of cold bleaching lasts for about a year. To consolidate the result, it is important to stop using coloring foods and drinks (as well as colored pastes and mouth rinses) for the first few days after the procedure. In addition, at least in the first day it is desirable not to smoke.

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Teeth whitening is gaining more and more popularity these days. Modern people striving to look beautiful, to be "a little more beautiful than a monkey" no longer suits either men or women. Even 10-20 years ago, teeth whitening was used mainly by stars, but today it is a mandatory and popular service in every dental clinic.

Teeth whitening with cold light refers to chemical methods (mechanical - when only tartar and plaque are removed, and the enamel is not lightened. It just becomes cleaner). By chemical method it is possible to make teeth four to twelve shades lighter, up to completely white.

Cold light teeth whitening the next step in dentistry, evolution ultraviolet lamps that burned gum tissue and even overheated sensitive enamel. Such an aggressive procedure affected the sensitivity of the teeth. cold light safer and more humane.

Teeth whitening with cold light is carried out using hydrogen peroxide different concentration, from 25 to 40 percent. Teeth whitening itself occurs when active substance reacts with cold light, and the emitted atomic oxygen penetrates the tooth enamel, discoloring it.

Teeth whitening with cold light: what the procedure looks like step by step

  • Examination, setting a whitening goal
  • Shelter and protection of soft tissues with special means
  • Applying gel to the enamel of those teeth that are visible when smiling
  • Directly chemical teeth whitening: exposure to cold light
  • After 15 minutes, the gel is removed and fresh applied. Teeth whitening with cold color includes three such exposures for 15 minutes each.
  • The oral cavity is cleaned of all substances used in the procedure
  • Enamel is treated with a special remineralizing agent. It also reduces tooth sensitivity.

After the procedure, you need to avoid the use of coloring food and drinks for two days. Full list The attending physician will list you, but in general we are talking about products such as coffee, tea, red wine, fruit juices, sauces, seasonings, tomatoes, beets.

The number of people who turn to aesthetic dentistry for teeth whitening is growing every year.

Specialists are developing new techniques for home and office clarification, striving to make the process more gentle, painless, easy to carry out and affordable for most people.

One of latest developments is teeth whitening with cold light.

The essence of the method

This method is based on the use of a gel with a special composition as a clarifying agent and a lamp that activates and accelerates its action with directed rays.

The main chemical component of the gel is hydrogen peroxide, the quantitative ratio of which to all other components is chosen so that its effect on the enamel appears gradually and not aggressively.

It also gently acts on enamel and a halogen (cold) light lamp. It, unlike LED and ultraviolet instruments, does not have a heating ability, and therefore does not harm the enamel.

Due to the fact that the lamp does not heat the tooth surface during the session, the patient does not experience pain. Cold lightening is considered the most gentle way to restore a smile to its former attractiveness.

The mechanism of the procedure is quite simple - the light emitted by the lamp, falling on the gel, activates the release of oxygen from it. The element, penetrating into the dental tissues, contributes to the breakdown of accumulated pigments. The result of such a reaction is the lightening of the enamel.

Advantages and disadvantages

In comparison with other similar methods, the technique differs in the following characteristics:

  1. Ease of execution, which experts have already managed to evaluate.
  2. A gentle action. Does not change the primary structure and integrity of the enamel.
  3. The maximum effect is achieved in one session, No multiple office visits required.
  4. The duration of the session does not exceed 50 minutes.(together with preparation for the procedure).
  5. High lightening rate(up to 6-8 tones per session).
  6. Painless procedure. There is no physical discomfort during execution.
  7. Safety. Missing side effects and recurrent manifestations.
  8. Duration of saving the result. Effect persists long time without corrective actions.

The disadvantages include:

  • high price;
  • a large number of restrictions to conduct.

Dentists also point to the effective limitation of cold lightening, i.e., with a naturally gray tone of enamel. this technique powerless, and the result of bleaching is almost imperceptible. This fact is also a disadvantage.

Indications and restrictions

Reason for teeth whitening procedure this method is a visible darkening of the enamel, a change in its shade, as well as pigmentation, which is fragmented or general.

Such changes are well eliminated if they were caused by:

  • nicotine resins;
  • coffee;
  • strong tea;
  • juices and drinks with strong food colors;
  • poor-quality oral hygiene, the result of which is the formation of a stone or plaque.

Besides, cold light bleaching may be recommended and those patients whose enamel naturally has a yellowish tint. But the result in this case will be less pronounced.

Despite the fact that the procedure is absolutely safe for human body, it is undesirable to carry out under the following conditions:

  • pregnancy (at any time);
  • period of breastfeeding;
  • children, adolescents (up to 16 years) or advanced age;
  • the tendency of enamel to pathological erasure;
  • diabetes;
  • respiratory dysfunction (asthma);
  • malignant neoplasms, regardless of location, stage and degree of progression;
  • intolerance (allergy) to medical preparations that are used during the procedure;
  • dental diseases (for example, caries);
  • bruxism;
  • partial destruction of the surface layer of teeth (chips, cracks);
  • a large number of fillings, crowns, prostheses or implant systems;
  • thinned enamel.

Many of the listed limitations are relative, and after their elimination, bleaching becomes possible.

In any case, deciding similar procedure you need to consult a specialist. Only he will be able to determine the adequacy of its implementation, and in case of contraindications, he will suggest an alternative solution to the problem.

Types of lamps

For this method of clarification, several models of lamps are used from different manufacturers. But the leader of sales among them is the products of the USA. All manufactured devices are united by reliability, safety and durability of use.

In domestic dental clinics and salons, the following lamp models are most often used:

  1. C-Bright-II. The device is intended only for use in a clinic, capable of simultaneously illuminating both jaws. The lamp is equipped with a screen LED panel, has 4 light beam intensity modes, and can be fixed in any position convenient for the doctor.
  2. double white. The lamp is able to lighten each jaw individually. Its features are advanced control functions, organic and safe design.
  3. LED TE-600. It differs from analog products in compatibility with any means used for cold clarification, compactness and low cost. It provides two modes of intensity of light supply, convenient fastening. The set comes with 6 lamps.
  4. beyond power whitening System. L amps are distinguished by increased power, universal light filters with 30 protective layers. Its use reduces the session to 30 minutes.
  5. Beyond Polus. Patented unique model in which clarification comes from a source located at the rear of the device.

    This change ensures complete and uniform coverage of the tooth surface with light and 100% neutralization of UV rays. Today, there are no analogue offers on the market of dental products.

Modern ways

In dentistry, there are several methods of clarification. Some of them have long been fully tested in our country, others are only winning their customers.

Among the popular procedures are the methods of cold clarification. Consider the features of the most popular of them.

Beyond Polus

In Russia, this technique appeared relatively recently, but is already the most popular. It is chosen by almost 80% of all patients for the following reasons:

  • high whitening result - by 12 tones;
  • session duration - only 30 minutes;
  • the effect of the procedure lasts for 2 years;
  • point exposure allows you to lighten individual areas on the teeth or individual units;
  • the adverse effect of the system on the enamel is reduced to a minimum, thanks to the built-in filter system.

This technique is suitable for people with a too dark tooth surface, and with high sensitivity enamel.

Luma Cool

A popular procedure in European countries, but very limited use in Russia. Is the safest and only patented technology in the world, which allows during the procedure to use not a halogen (as is customary), but a diode lamp.

Its advantages include the following characteristics:

  • whitening by 8-10 tones;
  • session time - 25-30 minutes;
  • guarantee of saving the result - 1 year.

Amazing White

It is a new development. Activation chemical processes comes from the LED lamp. The advantages are:

  • whitening by 7-8 tones;
  • procedure time - 45 minutes;
  • The result lasts up to 2 years.

All of the above methods of cold bleaching are painless and safe for the patient, do not harm the teeth. Their only downside is their high cost.

Fundamentals of preparation

Teeth whitening with cold light is performed only in a dental office. Compact portable devices for use at home have not yet been created.

Before starting clarification, the doctor carries out some preparatory activities:

  1. Examination of the oral cavity and elimination of identified diseases. All dental pathologies are necessarily treated, periodontal tissues are brought into normal condition. Whitening is contraindicated in the presence of any dental disease.
  2. professional cleaning. In order for the gel to act directly on the tooth enamel, plaque and tartar are removed from their surface. At the same stage, the dentist performs enamel fluoridation with preparations that strengthen and protect the structure.
  3. Vita Tone Scale the original shade of the teeth.

Immediately before starting whitening, a liquid cream is applied to the gums, which, after hardening, forms a protective barrier and protects the mucous membrane from the action of the gel. Instead of a cream, a retractor can be installed. The patient wears goggles to protect the eyes.

The last action of the dentist in preparatory process is drying of the tooth surface.

Important! 7-10 days before lamp clarification, it is undesirable to consume drinks and foods that contain strong food colors - wine, sweet soda, coffee, sauces, berries, carrots, beets, seasonings.


Regardless of the model of the lamp used, the whitening procedure takes place in the following sequence:

  1. A brightening gel is applied to the surface of the teeth and evenly distributed.
  2. The lamp turns on and is directed to the units included in the smile zone (the usual duration of clarification is 10-15 minutes).
  3. The remains of the drug are removed, and the next layer of gel is applied to the problematic elements, which is again dried with a lamp. These manipulations are repeated three times.
  4. Then the doctor evaluates the result.
  5. At the end of the procedure, the gel is washed off, the oral cavity is dried with air.

If the result does not suit the patient, the session can be repeated only after 7-10 days.

The video shows the technique of the procedure.

To maintain the result, experts advise their patients to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Properly and thoroughly brush your teeth daily, using only professional tools for this.
  2. Supplement oral care with the use of an irrigator.
  3. Adjust nutrition by minimizing the use of "coloring" drinks and foods. Increase the amount of dairy products, fruits and vegetables in the diet.
  4. Quit smoking and alcohol.
  5. After each snack, rinse your mouth with mouthwash.

Expected Result

According to dentists and patient reviews, the procedure for brightening enamel with cold light has good result. During the session, it is possible to lighten the tone of the enamel by 6-10 tones, which is often beyond the power of other methods.

Teeth are whitened somewhat worse, the tone of which is far from ideal due to genetic reasons. By nature, yellowish or gray enamel is the most difficult to lighten.

With proper care of the teeth and the implementation of medical recommendations, the result obtained lasts from one to two years.


It is difficult to give an exact cost for this service. The formation of the price is influenced by the region of residence of the person and the status of the dental clinic.

But the determining factor in pricing is the method that was used during the procedure:

  • Luma Cool- costs from 18 thousand rubles. up to 22 thousand rubles;
  • Beyond Polus- will cost 10-16 thousand rubles;
  • Amazing White- from 12 thousand rubles.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that you will have to pay separately for all the preparatory manipulations carried out, which will significantly increase the final cost.

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