In a dream, an unmarried woman sees her niece. Why dream of a niece in her arms. Dreaming of a distant relative

I see a hospital, a small room, one bed. On the bed is a colored flannelette children's dressing gown, purple-pink. White sheet on the bed. There is a bedside table next to the bed, I don’t remember what color it is - dark. The glass door to the ward is open. I am horrified that I do not see my niece on the bed. I ask where she is. They tell me that she is not there, they shrug, they did what they could, but did not save her. In general, I understand that she died. I stand and stupidly look at this bed, a dressing gown, then I start to sob wildly. Some kind of guilt appears, they explain to me that I have nothing to do with it, that she had an accident. For some reason, I feel guilty, although I have nothing to do with it. From the fact that I cry, I wake up in tears.
I don't know what to connect my dream with. I am 37 years old, female.


To understand this dream, let's once again return to the concept of "prophetic dream". Such a dream is any dream that is consonant with a real existing problem or helps to identify it. For example. A man dreams that he is having sex with his wife, and the mother-in-law is standing and holding a candle. He wakes up in horror and, thinking over his dream, comes to the conclusion that his mother-in-law is getting into all his family affairs. This dream can be called prophetic. Or more. One of the visitors to the oracle dreamed a few months ago that her husband was being killed in front of her eyes, and a little later, herself. At this time, a few months later, in reality, she initiated divorce proceedings with this person (for her Eg'a, her husband was killed). She herself considers herself changed (her Ego has changed, that is, the old Ego has died, a new one has been born).
I myself dreamed that my brother died - since I love him in reality, this made me renew a closer relationship with him. When comparing the situation of sleep and reality in your case, you can decipher the dream in two ways. The dream provokes you to strong emotions in relation to the pedigree, so that in reality you think about what you dreamed about and, if necessary, change the situation into a more acceptable form. You suppressed your feelings, immediate reactions for a long time, as a result, something childish and direct in your soul died . To understand what exactly, try to mentally say goodbye to everything, as if it were all symbolically included in the concept of "dead nephew"


I dreamed how my sister was going to bathe her niece. (The age of the niece in a dream corresponds to her age in reality - 12 years. Moreover, the girl in real life has been completely independently coping with this procedure for several years.) They stood naked in a bright room. The room was like an attic, the window was located almost under the ceiling. It was open, the weather was clear and warm. There was almost no furniture in the room. There was only a white tub in front of the window. There were no pipes or even a faucet. I remember that when the girl undressed, I lifted her up and moved her to the bath. And I didn’t see myself in a dream completely, but I saw only my hands. I took a little shower gel in my hand and in an instant both my sister and niece were covered from head to toe (even faces were not visible) with white foam. Everyone was amused, and I thought that we should quickly find water to wash off the foam. This is where the dream ended.


See how effectively in dream reality you cope with your task of foaming your sister and niece [I took a little shower gel in my hand and in an instant my sister and niece were covered from head to toe, even their faces were not visible, with white foam]. In a dream, you take care of them, the psyche shows that your actions in relation to them are initially correct. The dream smoothly brings you to some kind of action, decision, in this case, foaming. You succeed only from the moment when the shower gel gets into your hands. He is the starting point. So, you can associate on the topic "for the soul ...... the soul ...... .. the soul ...".

A little doubt leaves too much of your effectiveness [covered from head to toe, even faces were not visible]. You have a tendency to overdo it. That's why I used the word "original" above.


This is an absolutely correct characterization, I really go too far sometimes. This applies to both personal relationships and work. If I love someone or something, I LOVE it. If I do some work, then I fight to bring it to perfection, forgetting that the best is the enemy of the good.


Kusturica made a new film. There, my newborn nephew plays an important role, but in the film he is already 16-17 years old, a very large, well-fed youth. We ride in the car together, and at first I am somehow wary of him, but he turned out to be so cute and funny that I fell in love with him very much again. The film is about a girl, how she gradually grew up, constantly creating problems for all relatives with her unpredictability, because she put inner logic above all else, and outwardly her actions looked completely illogical. (Disorder is order that not everyone understands.) Kusturica himself played her father, and, admiring the film, I think about how symbolic it is: he is her father, because he created, brought to life such a vivid and expressive image. Another movie is about to start at the Cinema Center, which we were going to see with my mother, and I want to finish watching Kusturica and wonder if we can make it in time. It turns out that we will not have time, and we have to choose: to see the end of this film, or to be in time for the beginning of another. I chose to be in time for the beginning, but the dream ends with a stunningly beautiful finale: that exalted girl leaves FOREVER barefoot along the highway, dressed in light clothes, and Kusturica, her father, leaves with her, playing a cheerful motive on some musical instrument, and a few more people, inspired by their example, among whom, after hesitating and consulting with me, is my nephew. Leaving forever is here as a symbol of the final liberation from conventions, the dictates of duties. Interestingly, in the film-dream, all the characters - parents, children, old people and babies - are of the same age, young, and all are some kind of relatives.


I recently buried my niece who died for no reason, so to speak. Just before that, I fell ill with an unknown disease that keeps me constantly in fear of death. And so, two days after her death, I had a terrible dream. I have seen the grave dug for me. But they buried my (deceased) niece in it. And I, sitting at the table with my family, was afraid in a dream that they would bury me too. Explain this dream to me. Please. After it, I'm like a dead person!


It seemed to me that my niece should come to me, but she wasn’t there for a long time. Then the scene changes and I’m going somewhere, and on the way I meet an accident in which a car hit my niece on a bicycle. And I clearly remember how I cry over her and kiss her...


In principle, an accident in a dream reflects a latent (hidden for the time being) suicidal tendencies, or harmful semantics that comes from the driver of the “hit down car”. But since all the misfortunes in a dream happen to your niece, the dream most likely states your psychological openness when communicating with her. Let's leave open the question from whom it is necessary to close, and from whom not.


houses are collapsing, I run down the stairs a few steps, fall into the underground, someone is with me all the time, it feels like a niece. My mother is sitting there, who actually died, and my aunt .. and they are eating, I smile at them, but it feels like someone will come for us, like Polish soldiers, my niece and I are quickly collecting the most beautiful and expensive things with us and with us I have to run away ... It feels like I’m not scared, but I succumb to the panic of my niece and aunt, and my mother just smiles, and by the look and sensations I feel that if we leave, it’s good ... but if we don’t leave, then nothing bad will happen either ... About myself : half-female, 33 years old, no idea what this dream can be associated with ..


1. I am sitting at a large table, in some room, my nephew G is sitting next to me on the left. Then the hero of the last dreams V is sitting in this place. In front of me is an open sketchbook. V. looks with interest what is there, I see that a page with a drawing of a neighbor is open, where a landscape is drawn by a child’s hand, with a green round image (probably a tree, I don’t peer) to the left of the center of the picture. The album moves closer to V., I say that this drawing was drawn by a boy from a neighboring apartment. Then a female doctor, who sits to the left of V. from the end of the table, looks at this drawing and says that he (a boy, in a dream I understand that G.) is predisposed to cancer. I see it or know it. I say: Maybe it's better that a person does not know? He can relax, take a rest (otherwise he would be nervous). Awoke. I thought that this dream was a continuation of my thought about the previous dream, where I dreamed of something dark in the form of a strip with perpendicular outgoing branches (like the bones of a fish moving away from a vertebra or a vein near a leaf). As a hypochondriac, of course, I immediately thought where “this” can form? I remembered a dream that I had after talking with P Erm, I dreamed that there was a red vertical strip in my throat and a year and a half ago, when I was at a meeting with Maharaji, my whole meeting burned my throat where there is a "lump in my throat" the feeling was very unusual. I directed my attention there until I saw the entire neck and forearm filled with and glowing with a slightly yellowish light, and in an instant the image disappeared. Fell asleep. 2. I see a bunch of some kind of cones (fir or some other), I think why they are and whether I would discard them somewhere - inappropriately. Image: Some people are walking towards me. Some male voice asks: Now why do you need it? (like everything went after all). I think it's about money, funerals. Then a little passbook.


In a dream, I see a nephew G - this is the son of my cousin, he is the same age as my son At one time for 2 years, we lived side by side and the boys talked, well, not without quarrels, of course, G is professionally engaged in photography, as I understood quite successfully B looks to a drawing in my album In real life, when he was visiting, he noticed a picture of 2002 on the wall, asked where I get the plots. I replied that in different ways I saw this plot in a book, reworked it a bit, changed the palette. Recently I have been hiking through the authorities with the necessary papers, until there were ideas for drawing, and even a week ago I ruined the very work that I “looked at for a long time” Last night, I got one idea on fire - to try something new in technology, even ideas jumped in my head, but the idea wasn’t finished yet took shape


Wu L Hay looked at what contributes to cancer: a deep wound An ancient grudge A great secret or grief haunts, devours Preservation of the feeling of hatred "Who needs it?" Here you can think about three boxes Arseniy, help me figure it out, you know better from the outside


Here, a number of indirect signs indicate that the female doctor is you Well, for example, what she says - you already know it Try to identify with this character, most likely the bodily reaction will confirm this version something that he himself is the cause of (In general, if you become a doctor for yourself - and figure out the reasons in yourself, then it was great) What, for example, does a lump in your throat mean? Here the body says: "I can't eat it, it's not mine, I don't agree with it!" The same, perhaps, personifies a bunch of "some bumps"

PS Regarding yoga nidra, Meneghetti writes that when developing imagogics, he, of course, knew about the existence of many other methods that use “imagination capable of intuition and a strict observation procedure.” Techniques in these schools differ little from each other. that the “free” imagination is very strongly influenced by the socio-political alignment In the same yoga nidra, people often want to see Krishna or the OM symbol In this sense, imagogics is imagination without the socio-political alignment of the Eastern or Western persuasion. “the most accurate language”, but for this you need to learn how to analyze it, starting from yourself. It can be said that ontopsycholgy is the most severe school of yoga, because it requires the researcher to be as independent as possible from the cultural extras


1. The dream was long, but I remember G.'s nephew and some unfamiliar guy in round glasses (in real life, G. wears glasses). This plot ends with G. sitting leaning back on the couch, he has a long (1 m) bamboo stick on his right hand finger, he holds it vertically shaking. (If we consider the stick as an extension of the finger, then the movement resembles a call, an invitation. I woke up. 2. Flashing images: There is a brunette man (30-40 years old) with stubble on his face. I woke up from anxiety. Some women look at me, I remember an elderly - passes, and a businesslike pretty woman at the desktop. A sheepdog in a muzzle flickers. 3. I'm in the bathroom, standing under the shower. From somewhere in the bathroom there are faeces, I look in surprise, I think about someone (I don't remember). At the same time 4. I see several guys, girls, there are adults. For some reason, it seems that it looks like the Shch family (G.'s nephew from this family). And these people pull a tree like young pine (15-20 cm in diameter) is tall and they pull it so that it is already arched to the right and the crown is above their heads.


I think I need to call G to find out what opportunities he has and what is useful for me The rope - connection with the Shch family - has stretched to the limit - I’ll call, maybe they are worried be treated like foam They are washed away by the shower - positive eroticism The day before I was wildly worried about G, how she would perceive the information and what would begin in her family G wrote that everything was accurate and thanked But I can imagine what kind of raskolbas can begin, I feel my involvement and responsibility At the same time I know that G is ready for perception, because she read Sidersky and somehow consulted with P Er At the level of our conversations, we discussed this problem with G, I spoke my vision, but anyway, I think it’s stress for her and for everyone In the evening I painted , maybe that's why the shower washes away the faeces


To the image of “fikaliya” - there was also a call from the ex-wife of brother K, she mentioned that her friend was in intensive care and I heard mournful notes from her about old age and immediately stopped them

Before unraveling what the niece is dreaming of, it is enough to recall that relatives in a dream personify minor troubles, conflicts and troubles. However, not all dream books associate the dreaming character with the onset of problems. In some cases, such an image promises success and prosperity.

Interpretation of sleep in Miller's dream book

Psychologist Miller believes that a woman who dreamed of a little niece in a dream warns of grief, upcoming trials that need to be with dignity to endure. If a little girl dreams of a single man, then the dreamer should think about procreation.

A niece's wedding in a dream or a personal crisis in reality

Freud's dream book has a peculiar interpretation of what a little girl's wedding is dreaming of. So, for a woman, to see her own niece in a wedding dress means that the dreamer's personal life is on the verge of collapse. Also, a dream is considered a symbol of dissatisfaction with one's status or relationship with the opposite sex.

In the Modern Combined Dream Book, you can find an explanation of what the husband's nephew in a wedding dress dreams about. A dream indicates the threshold of exciting, promising business and incredible life changes. Seeing a relative of her husband marrying a peer means that in reality you will have to defend your personal position.

Pregnancy or the birth of a character - to new ideas

A pregnant nephew in a dream, according to most dream interpreters, broadcasts about making a profit or reward. For young ladies, a dreamed vision predicts empty worries about an unplanned pregnancy. For a man, a pregnant niece promises to receive stunning news.

If you dreamed of a pregnant girl who was expecting a baby in reality, then the birth would be successful and all fears were groundless. To see the birth of a baby or a cousin is a profitable and promising business.

The death of a relative as the end of an important matter

Despite the fact that the death of a niece is not a pleasant dream, this image speaks of the completion of something important. Some dream books associate the death of people with whom the dreamer is related to receiving an inheritance or an unexpected monetary reward.

Seeing a deceased niece with long hair portends reconciliation with blood relatives. If the deceased behaves violently, then the resolution of the conflict issue may drag on for several months.

Would you like to deal with problems in different life situations, assess your emotional state? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about the Nephew in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why dream Nephew in a dream

Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

If the Nephew is dreaming, what is it for:

If you dreamed of a nephew, then you will soon become a rich man, thanks to successful trading.

See also: what is the dream of a cousin, what is the dream of distant relatives, what is the dream of the younger brother.

Pocket dream book

You are dreaming of a nephew, how to understand this?

Interprets the dream book: Nephew - If you dreamed of a cheerful nephew, then financial well-being awaits you.

I dreamed at night of a nephew who was sad - then problems await you.

Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

If the Nephew is dreaming, what is it for?

If you dreamed of a nephew, then good luck awaits you.

It was a dream that the nephew was much older than you - then you are afraid of the approach of old age.

If you saw your niece in a dream, then the people around you will begin to respect you.

If you dreamed that your nephew offended you with something, then you will have problems with money.

I dreamed that in a dream you yourself were a niece - then they will no longer trust you.

Dream Interpretation of Adaskin

Why does the Nephew dream in a dream:

A dream about nephews portends the rallying of your family, the desire of all relatives to strengthen family relations. If the nephews are beautiful, healthy and cheerful, you will live in abundance, and if he (she, they) looks bad, get ready to go through trouble. Nephew - only for women - It was a dream that a niece - in reality to find out that fate was preparing a blow for you, which must be steadfastly endured.

Miller's dream book

It means that a pleasant realization of prosperity will soon come to you if the nephew is handsome and looks good. Otherwise, disappointment and anxiety await you.

This means that fate is preparing for her an unforeseen test and great sorrows, with which she will have to cope with dignity.

New family dream book

If you saw in a dream your nephew in health and contentment- Prosperity will come to your House.

Found nephew pale and thin- to anxiety and disappointment.

The woman who saw her niece in a dream- must prepare for the trials prepared for her by fate.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing a nephew in a dream- a sign that soon you will be satisfied with your well-being, provided that the nephew is handsome. Otherwise, you will be disappointed and uncomfortable.

If a woman dreams of her niece- in the near future, unexpected trials and many vain worries await her.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Nephew seen in a dream- a sign that in reality you will achieve greater success by showing feminine qualities especially valued by men. If your nephew is older than you- in reality, this is to worry about fading beauty and approaching old age.

Seeing a niece in a dream- rise in the eyes of others thanks to your bright talent to be different from others.

To endure resentment from your nephews- loss of trust of others and material losses, to please your nephews in a dream with gifts promises strong family ties, peace and prosperity in the family.

To be someone's niece- means that you will be distrusted.

Women's dream book

Dream about your nephew- to prosperity in the house, if the nephew is cheerful, healthy and looks good. Otherwise, disappointment and anxiety await you.

If a woman dreams of her niece- this means that fate is preparing her an unforeseen test and great grief.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Nephew- a sign of minor interference, fuss, grief.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Monday to Tuesday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

What is the dream of a nephew

Miller's dream book

Seeing your nephew in a dream means that a pleasant realization of prosperity will soon come to you if the nephew is handsome and looks good. Otherwise, disappointment and anxiety await you.

If a woman dreams of her niece, this means that fate is preparing her an unforeseen test and great sorrows, which she will have to adequately cope with.

What is the dream of a nephew

Family dream book

If you saw your nephew in a dream in health and contentment, prosperity will come to your House.

They found the nephew pale and thinner - to anxiety and disappointment.

A woman who sees her niece in a dream must prepare for the trials prepared for her by fate.

What is the dream of a nephew

Dream interpretation from A to Z

A nephew seen in a dream is a sign that in reality you will achieve greater success by showing feminine qualities especially valued by men. If the nephew is older than you - in reality this is a concern about fading beauty and approaching old age.

Seeing a niece in a dream - rise in the eyes of others thanks to your bright talent to be different from others.

To endure resentment from your nephews is a loss of trust of others and material losses, to please your nephews in a dream with gifts promises strong family ties, peace and prosperity in the family.

Being someone's niece means that you will be distrusted.

What is the dream of a nephew

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

To see your nephew in a dream - to prosperity in the house, if the nephew is cheerful, healthy and looks good. Otherwise, disappointment and anxiety await you.

If a woman dreams of her niece, this means that fate is preparing her an unforeseen test and great grief.

What is the dream of a nephew

Modern dream book

Seeing a nephew in a dream is a sign that you will soon be satisfied with your well-being, provided that the nephew is handsome. Otherwise, you will be disappointed and uncomfortable.

If a woman dreams of her niece, in the near future she will face unexpected trials and many vain worries.

What is the dream of a nephew

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Nephew, niece - You saw a nephew in a dream and noticed that he became handsome - a dream promises you reliable income and prosperity. The nephew you see in a dream is gloomy and looks bad - poverty does not threaten you, but losses will cause a lot of trouble; perhaps you will be disappointed in the way you earn your livelihood. A woman seems to be dreaming of a niece - fate is preparing a test for this woman.

What is the dream of a nephew

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Nephew - a sign of minor interference, fuss, grief.

What is the dream of a nephew

Big dream book

Nephews - A nephew seen in a dream is a sign that in reality you will achieve greater success by showing feminine qualities especially valued by men. If the nephew is older than you - in reality this is a concern about fading beauty and approaching old age. Seeing a niece in a dream - rise in the eyes of others thanks to your bright talent to be different from others. To endure resentment from your nephews is a loss of trust of others and material losses, to please your nephews in a dream with gifts promises strong family ties, peace and prosperity in the family. Being someone's niece means that you will be distrusted.

What is the dream of a nephew

Women's dream book

Nephews - To see your nephew in a dream - to prosperity in the house, if the nephew is cheerful, healthy and looks good. Otherwise, disappointment and anxiety await you. If a woman dreams of her niece, this means that fate is preparing her an unforeseen test and great grief.

What is the dream of a nephew

Online dream book

You dreamed of a pretty nephew - you will become richer, which will make you happy.

You yourself are it - someone will doubt you.

To see the daughter of your brothers or sisters - unforeseen obstacles will arise in front of you that will make you worry.

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