The magical effect of essential oils. The magical properties of essential oils and incense

Aromatic oils have long been used in ceremonial rituals of all kinds. The release of fragrance into the air has a great influence on the course of the magical rite. As you prepare for it, fragrance can help bring energy into the room.

Aromatic oils have long been used in ceremonial rituals of all kinds. The release of fragrance into the air has a great influence on the course of the magical rite. As you prepare for it, fragrance can help bring energy into the room. Inhaling the smell, you easily move to another dimension of thoughts and feelings, which opens up the possibility for you to master the higher power. Oils are also used to prepare candles for a magical ceremony. Natural oils enhance the magical effect with the help of certain aromas inherent only to them. Choose oils according to their magical properties inherent in your zodiac sign.

If you are using a zodiac candle, choose a fragrance that matches it to enhance its effect. You can also apply the oil according to your zodiac sign to other candles in your ritual.

Essential oils have an effective bioenergetic effect - they cleanse and strengthen the aura, protect us from alien invasions of negative energy, have a beneficial effect on the emotional state, harmonize relationships and bring people together.

Essential oils are the quintessence of plants, possessing the energy of four elements: earth, water, fire and air.

Plants always have a large supply of vital energy, allowing them to adapt to adverse environmental conditions. Volatile compounds, penetrating into the aura, eliminate its starvation, immune deficiency, promote wound healing, redistribution and harmonization of energy, clarification and thickening of the human aura. Moreover, essential oils have a powerful effect on the physiological health, mental, emotional state of a person and the motives of a person's behavior.

Oils and their magical properties

Orange: helps with divination, gives good luck, love, money. Develops psychic abilities.

Vanilla: improves mental abilities, awakens lust.

Bergamot: gives optimism, attracts money, prosperity and happiness.

Gardenia: gives peace, love, healing, happiness, harmony.

Carnation red: protects, heals, gives love and strength.

Carnation garden: gives success in business, wealth and prosperity, protects, promotes clairvoyance.

Hibiscus: helps with divination, bestows love.

Honeysuckle: reveals psychic abilities, gives money, friendship, healing, happiness.

Jasmine: increases the ability to clairvoyance, develops fantasy, promotes purification, prudence, dexterity; promotes immersion in the Astral, bestows love and money.

Ginger: gives wealth, inspiration, love, lust.

Ylang Ylang: gives love, harmony, happiness.

Cedar: cleanses, protects, attracts money, removes damage or the evil eye.

Cypress: heals, gives comfort.

Cinnamon: excites, promotes prosperity, success in business, gives energy and healing, encourages the desire for creativity, develops mental abilities.

Lavender: gives happiness, purification, love, healing.

Lemon: cleanses, gives healing, love.

Lotus: gives spirituality, uplifting, encourages sincerity. Heals, helps with meditation, protects, cleanses.

Magnolia: promotes hair growth, gives unity with nature.

Myrtle: protects, promotes spirituality, removes damage and the evil eye, helps with meditation, heals, sanctifies.

Juniper: gives healing, protection, calm.

Muscat: attracts the opposite sex, aphrodisiac; promotes prosperity.

Peppermint: promotes excitement, increases energy, heals, gives the desire for creativity, money.

Patchouli: gives love, spiritual growth, power, warmth and sensuality of relationships.

Rose: gives love, fertility, heals, cleanses and sanctifies a house or room.

Rosemary: gives energy, protects, heals, improves memory.

Sandalwood: heals, protects, helps with immersion in the Astral, drives out evil spirits, gives spirituality.

Lilac: protects, removes evil forces, casts out evil spirits.

Pine: gives strength, cleanses, protects, casts out evil forces, heals.

Yarrow: gives courage, extrasensory abilities, casts out evil spirits.

Violet: gives wisdom, luck, love, healing.

Sage: gives prudence, clarity of mind, sincerity; cleans.

Apple blossoms: gives friendship, love, happiness.

Eucalyptus: gives healing, cleansing, protects, relieves congestion of the nasal cavity and lungs.

The magical and healing properties of incense

Like crystals, incense has been used for centuries in ceremonial rituals of all kinds. It is believed that incense affects the human psyche and helps to establish contact with the higher forces of nature. In ancient times, aromatic incense and incense were considered the most precious substances, and the bodies of the dead were often sprinkled with incense in the hope of propitiating the gods and bestowing immortality. In the days of Ancient Greece, incense was sacrificed to the gods in exchange for their patronage, in Greek mythology there are many references to aromatic substances. Many bronze and gold censers were found by archaeologists in the ruins of ancient temples, where, according to legend, they were used during religious rites and rituals. The release of fragrance into the air can have a great influence on the course of a magical rite. While preparing for it, the aroma that flows from the incense can help bring energy into the room. Inhaling the smell, we easily move to another dimension of feelings and thoughts, which opens up the possibility for us to master the higher power.

Choose an incense that lingers in the air for the duration of your magical rite, or purchase an all-purpose incense that will enhance even the slightest magical effect, such as frankincense or sandalwood. Your sense of smell itself will tell you whether the chosen fragrance suits you and your magical rite.

Here is a general guide to help you select incense according to its healing and magical properties:

Acacia: increases the tendency to meditation, divination, divination and clairvoyance.

bearded man: removal of spoilage and evil eye. Money and prosperity Love, happiness and harmony.

Bergamot: money, wealth and spiritual uplift.

Vanilla: develops mental abilities, helps in love relationships.

Verbena: expulsion of evil forces, creative aspirations, good luck and justice.

Gardenia: healing, peace and love.

Carnation: relieves pain, promotes wealth and prosperity, success in business, frees from negative energy; peace and harmony, wisdom and inspiration, clairvoyance and divination.

Wisteria: develops extrasensory abilities (clairvoyance).

Jasmine: happiness and harmony. Protection. Immersion in Astral, money and love. Develops talents and abilities.

Strawberry: love and luck.

Ylang Ylang: joy, love, harmony and peace.

Ginger: gives inspiration and strength. Attracts wealth, love, success and power.

Cedar: purification, attraction of money, healing, removal of damage and evil eye.

Cypress: peace, harmony and serenity. Protects and obliges to something. Healing and comfort.

Cinnamon: meditation, purification and clarification, protection, healing, strength and power, luck and justice. Encourages business success. Divination and clairvoyance.

Red clove: healing, physical strength, self-defense and patronage, love and lust.

Lavender: cleansing, calmness, relaxation and healing, love and harmony.

Incense: spirituality, connection with the astral spheres, masculinity, patronage, sanctification and blessing.

Lotus: healing, strength, power. Meditation and spirituality. Raises the mood.

Myrtle: treatment, meditation, consecration, spirituality, purification.

Juniper: love, happiness and peace, protection, comfort and healing.

Mint: luck, luck, justice. Change. Cleansing.

Patchouli: warmth and sensuality of relationships, spiritual growth, love.

Peppermint: treatment, cleansing, stimulates the development of mental abilities, increases energy.

Rose: love, happiness, peace and harmony, healing, fertility. Divination and clairvoyance.

Rosemary: expulsion of evil spirits, treatment, strengthens memory. Will to power. Happiness and joy.

Sandalwood: spirituality, healing, immersion in the Astral and the expulsion of evil spirits.

Ambergris: Opens the crown chakra and increases physical strength.

Lilac: happiness and joy. Helps to prevent adverse events (need, etc.). Comfort. Divination.

Pine: preparation (foundations), cleansing, healing, energizing.

Violet: healing, protection and prudence. Love, luck, luck.

Citronella: patronage and protection, purification. The strong fragrance is not suitable for indoor use.

Sage: prudence, inspiration and clarity of mind. Expulsion of evil spirits and purification.

Eucalyptus: relieves congestion in the nasal cavity and lungs. Used for cleansing and protection.

Apple: happiness, peace and harmony, friendship and romantic love.

Laurel berries: good luck, luck, fulfillment of deeds, welfare and justice.

Amber: comfort, happiness, love, healing.

Correspondence of essential oils to zodiac signs:

Capricorn: cypress

Aquarius: lemon verbena, coriander

Pisces: Ylang Ylang, Chamomile

Aries: cedar, pine

Taurus: rose, geranium

Gemini: lavender

Cancer: jasmine, sandalwood

Leo: juniper, orange

Virgo: patchouli, lily

Libra: oregano, magnolia

Scorpio: myrtle

Sagittarius: rosemary

From time immemorial, fragrances have been part of rituals and an integral element of magic. Magic incense, essential oils, candles and even flowers. Anything that emits a scent can serve magic and sorcery.

Is it possible to overestimate the ability to smell and smell? We cannot imagine life without smell. When we have a cold and stuffy nose, food becomes tasteless and the world loses its color.

Smells matter when choosing a pair. In the end, by smell we determine whether to eat this or that food! But have you ever wondered what kind of power, what magical power is hidden behind aromas?

The influence of smells on a person occurs in two, so to speak, planes. Let's consider them separately, conditionally calling them "scientific" and "magic". Let's make a reservation right away that when describing the properties of aromas, we will take into account both of them.

The “scientific” explanation of smells and aromas

The ability to quickly respond to odors, to identify them as threatening or attractive, has developed over the course of evolution as a mechanism responsible for safety. Therefore, a person is very susceptible to smells, and this is the secret of their action.

However, the aromatic substances of essential oils and incense are very volatile, spread quickly, enter the nasal mucosa and almost instantly affect the nervous and endocrine systems of the body. Thus, there is an activation of one or another “scenario”, stimulation of certain functions.

For example, perception is sharpened, relaxation sets in, or, conversely, attention increases. It may begin to fall asleep, or vice versa - a wave of vivacity will come, the tone will increase. It all depends on what flavor you choose and for what purpose. Aromatherapy is based on this principle.

Aromatherapy is the treatment of the body and soul with the help of aromas.

In addition, associations also have power over us. Thus, the aroma of coffee beans invigorates and clears the mind, not only because it affects the nervous system in this way, but also because it is associated with a good morning and promising wonderful events in the afternoon.

The magical influence of smells and aromas

The second layer of influence is magical influence. We are talking about those effects that cannot be explained by the science known to us. But it can be explained by magic known to us.
The magical properties of smells and aromas are somehow connected with the elements to which the fragrance belongs, with planetary and zodiacal correspondences. Thus, aromas bring success, promote good luck and prosperity, lure money, attract love. Some of the fragrances also protect against spoilage and the evil eye.

The magic of smells combines the use of essential oils and their mixtures, incense in the form of sticks, cones, resins.

Let's not forget scented candles! A separate story - magical handmade perfumes. Creating a magical perfume requires a lot of training, just a perfect sense of smell and the highest level of craftsmanship.

For this reason, we will not dwell on this in detail, but only express our highest respect to those who are able to enclose entire stories, fairy tales, landscapes and images of stunning beauty in a perfume bottle.

magical incense

Incense in the form of sticks or cones is used very, very actively in rituals. They are inexpensive, they form a smoke that is pleasing to the eye (especially wonderful creeping incense-cones!), and a set of various kinds of incense can be found in the cherished bedside table of every self-respecting witch.

The only caveat is that the aromas of smoldering incense are somehow smoky, and if you see the word “fresh” in the description of a fragrance, this is certainly not the freshness that is in a living plant or in oil.

Aroma candles

On the contrary, the easiest way to get a gentle warm scent is to light a scented candle.

Choose candles scented with natural oils and plants, or make your own - it's easy.

Do not use scented candles bought in supermarkets or in unverified places for magical purposes, as candles scented with artificial substances will not give the expected result.

Magic resins

The same goes for resins. Some resins, such as frankincense or copal, are a kind of classic ritual magic, they give a good smoke, but require careful handling and some skill.

Essential oils and their use in magical rites

Essential oils are fragrant substances, the molecules of which are small enough to quickly evaporate or penetrate into the human body.

There is no oil or fat in them, so they are called oils conditionally. These are concentrated odors and the essence of the life force of the plant, a kind of blood and lymph. In their pure form, they are not used or are used very rarely for local application.

Essential oils are usually added to carrier oils. They are quite easy to use and the range of flavors is simply amazing. Sweet, spicy, oriental, woody, floral - the choice is huge.

The use of essential oils in magic is possible in several ways:

  • aroma lamps;
  • mixtures with base oil for application to the body or objects;
  • without base oil, apply a mono-aroma or a mixture to objects (application to the skin can be dangerous!);
  • add to baths, creams, shampoos and other women's things to adjust the image (for example, to increase attractiveness, attract success, etc.)

The magical properties of essential oils are very extensive, and you can find a fragrance for any task.
First of all, we will discuss the nuances of use.

The magical properties of odors and their proper use are very important, but some safety rules must be observed!

Do not leave a burning aroma lamp unattended! Always fill the water tank with enough water. Also, do not leave burning incense, resins and candles unattended.

Never apply undiluted essential oil to the skin! An allergic reaction or even a burn is possible. Always dilute an essential oil in a neutral base oil.

For example, you can use jojoba oil, grape seed oil, almond oil, avocado oil, olive oil. Choose oils with a slightly pronounced aroma.

Don't overdo it: essential oils have a very high concentration of fragrance. A few drops are enough.
Now that we have cleared up the issues of safe use, let's get down to business.

What are the most commonly used essential oils in magic?

love magic

  • Vanilla
    Awakens sensuality, increases vitality, restores energy. Vanilla also enhances sexual appetite.
  • Vetiver
    A fragrance that attracts love and family well-being. The smell of a prince on a white horse - it combines all the best at once.
  • Jasmine
    A sensual, truly love fragrance. Aphrodisiac. Jasmine immerses in sensual fantasies, enhances charm and attractiveness.
  • Ylang Ylang
    One of the strongest aphrodisiacs. It is especially good for women. Ylang-ylang not only increases attractiveness and enhances beauty, but also helps to keep your head down. Helps to harmonize energy and gain wholeness of spirit.
  • Musk
    An aphrodisiac fragrance that attracts the opposite sex. Moreover, it can be used by both men and women. Musk awakens courage and helps to express oneself.
  • Neroli
    A powerful tool to increase attractiveness and beauty. Neroli helps to gain an irresistible attraction.
  • Patchouli
    Dark and thick patchouli oil has been used since ancient times as an aphrodisiac. Patchouli has an oriental thick aroma and neutralizes negative energies.
  • Rose
    A real fragrance of love, and that says it all. Rose helps to enjoy life, increases attractiveness and eloquence.

spiritual magic

  • Anise
    Helps to enhance the ability to divination and clairvoyance. Anis is the first assistant to the tarologist and fortune teller.
  • Orange
    Invigorates, improves mood, clarifies thoughts. At the same time, sweet orange gives charm and attractiveness, while bitter orange enhances leadership qualities.
  • Lemon
    Restores energy, tones and invigorates. Disinhibits the psyche. Lemon is the strongest adaptogen.
  • Pink tree
    Ideal for restoring peace of mind. Rosewood relieves stress and quickly brings back to life.
  • sandalwood
    Aroma of spiritual purity, sublime and clear. Sandal is ideal for meditation and astral travel. It protects from evil and banishes negativity.

  • Carnation
    The strongest invigorating, tonic aroma. Drives away evil spirits, promotes strengthening and healing. Carnation enhances courage and gives courage.
  • Geranium
    The strongest protector and healer of the aura and energy field. Geranium is an excellent stress reliever.
  • Cardamom
    Aroma is a protective amulet, with it you are literally not afraid of any black magic. An energizing, luminous fragrance that enhances mood and energy levels.
  • Cedar
    One of the sacred plants in several cultures, the oldest incense. Cedar purifies and elevates the spirit, protects from evil and brings the favor of the gods.
  • Lavender
    Delicate, feminine scent. Heals the body and soul, improves mood and relieves stress. Lavender relaxes up to the removal of muscle clamps.
  • Lotus
    Sacred plant in ancient cultures. The aroma of purity and spiritual perfection. Lotus promotes healing and helps to establish contact with the subtle world.
  • Myrtle
    Aroma of spiritual purity. It protects from evil and from negativity directed in your direction. Myrtle is one of the strongest healing fragrances.
  • Sagebrush
    Possesses the strongest protective properties. Wormwood banishes evil and negativity of any plan.
  • Thyme
    Promotes the manifestation and development of magical abilities. Thyme awakens the true essence, invigorates and excites.
  • Tea tree
    Panacea for a damaged, weakened aura. Tea tree harmonizes and corrects distortions on a subtle plane. It also has strong medicinal properties.
  • Sage
    Clears the mind, protects and purifies. Sage gives you the courage to express your feelings and act actively, without regard to others.

money magic

  • Basil
    The scent of money. Attracts prosperity and prosperity. Use basil to flavor your wallet and it will always have money in it.
  • Verbena
    Attracts good luck, sharpens the mind and helps to find solutions to problems. Verbena is very conducive to cleansing and expelling negativity.
  • Cinnamon
    Sharp, invigorating aroma. Cinnamon attracts money and financial luck.
  • Nutmeg
    Aroma for money meditations. Nutmeg attracts good luck and awakens inner reserves.
  • Mint
    Soothing fresh scent. Mint cleanses, attracts money and financial luck.

The use of essential oils in magic

Essential oils are widely used in various magical rites and rituals.

Let's group essential oils by purpose. You can apply fragrances singly or in mixtures.

We will look at the mixtures below, but for now let's see which flavors are suitable for what.

To achieve goals

In order to achieve what you want and fulfill your dream, you will need courage and a clear mind. Citrus aromas, cloves, cinnamon, ginger will help you.

To attract love

If you strive for sensual relationships and carnal passion, choose patchouli, neroli, musk. Dreaming of a more romantic relationship? Rose and ylang ylang are just what you need.

For good luck

When choosing an essential oil that brings good luck, you should focus on the Sign of the Zodiac. We will not give ingenious tables here - in any magical online store you will find ready-made sets of essential oils, selected according to astronomical correspondences.

For money and wealth

The strongest magnet for money is basil. Cinnamon and vetiver are also good. Lubricate your wallet with these oils and apply these essential oils to items that bring you money - your work tools, cash registers, the doors of your store. Below you will find some recipes for magic money mixtures.

For weight loss

Essential oils that help to lose weight are primarily aromas that suppress appetite. These include mint, cinnamon and cypress. All citrus flavors are also good. They improve mood and help reduce stress.

From spoilage

Sandalwood, palo santo, wormwood, cloves, and cedar are great for negative energies, evil eye and deliberate damage.

Oils for beauty and wrinkles

Love is the best cure for wrinkles! And neroli, rose, jasmine and vanilla will help to find and keep it.

Mixtures of essential oils for various magical rites and rituals can be bought in specialized online stores.

Important! On the Internet, a lot of fraudulent trading sites have recently divorced. Therefore, you should carefully consider the purchase and purchase mixtures only in trusted stores!

Mixtures of essential oils for money and prosperity can be prepared independently at home. There are a lot of different recipes for cooking magical oils on the Internet.

Scott Cunningham, in his book "Recipes for Magical Potions", which is a classic of Wiccan literature, gives the following recipes:


  • 4 drops of tonka bouquet
  • 1 drop vetiver

Used to attract wealth of all kinds. Rub this oil into candles and light them, visualizing wealth.


  • 5 drops patchouli
  • 5 drops of cedar
  • 4 drops vetiver
  • 2 drops ginger

Apply this oil to the body and hands, rub into green candles. For money to come, rub into banknotes to ensure their return.


  • 3 parts bergamot mint bouquet
  • 1 part basil
  • 1 part patchouli
  • 1 pinch crushed cinnamon

Mix essential oils and add cinnamon to the oil base. Grease your hands, cash registers and office front door for cash flow.

Blends of oils for love and passion

Chinese recipe for a romantic date and indefatigable love: two drops of anise, fennel, rosemary, jasmine and ylang-ylang oils. Use in baths or add in small amounts to massage oil.

To awaken sensuality and in order to refresh passion, mix 1-drops of jasmine and vanilla oils, add 5 drops of lavender and 2 drops of cinnamon oil.

There are a huge number of books and publications on the topic of aromas and smells in magical rites and rituals.

We have already mentioned the "Recipes of Magic Potions" which give a general idea of ​​the laws and rules of working with aromatic substances for the preparation of incense, oils and ointments.

We also recommend the fundamental work of S. Mirgorodskaya S. “Aromology: QUANTUM SATIS”, dedicated to essential oils. And, of course, the book of the famous perfumer Anna Zvorykina, the author of a truly magical perfume “From Carnation to Sandalwood”.

The magic of essential oils is a vast topic worthy of study and practice. Take your first step into a magical world that opens up so many possibilities!

The energy of air also helps to insure against damage and the evil eye. Among all the elements, air today should be recognized as the least studied element. We are accustomed to the fact that the air surrounds us everywhere. We breathe it and don't even think about it most of the time. The air seems to live some kind of life that does not depend on us. But it is not so.

Essential oils from the evil eye and spoilage

As for getting rid of spoilage and the evil eye and their prevention, here you will need to fumigate the house with essential oils to control the air. In total, twelve types of essential oils can be used to achieve these goals, each of which is strictly aimed at its own sphere. Six types for the prevention of damage and the evil eye, six types for getting rid of damage and the evil eye. As with fire, the work is done in your home. After the diagnostic procedure, you identify what exactly is happening to you, and based on this, determine the type of essential oil that you will fumigate your home with.

Type of essential oil from spoilage:

  • damage to health - "Rose"
  • damage to personal life - "Jasmine"
  • damage to the public sphere - "Orange"
  • evil eye on health - "Saffron"
  • evil eye on personal life - "Eucalyptus"
  • evil eye on the public sphere - "Mint"

That is, you will use these essential oils when you want to protect your home, your loved ones, you personally from damage and from the evil eye. Exposing a barrier against the type of damage that you are afraid of, you walk around your house, through its various rooms, fumigating all corners, trying to make sure that not even the smallest element of your house is left bypassed by smoking fragrant ether. At the same time, in each room, pronounce your words when fumigating. When fumigating rooms, you should constantly repeat the following words:

“The ether will absorb all the bad, cleanse all the good. As if the world leads to another, keeping its pea.

After all the rooms are fumigated to prevent spoilage, you move on to the attic. There you pronounce the following words in the process of fumigation:

"The tops are cleansed of the bad in order to let the good into themselves."

Then you go down to the underground, where you fumigate all the corners, saying almost the same phrase as they used to say in the attic:

"The lower classes are cleansed of evil in order to let good into themselves."

After the underground comes the turn of the toilet. If your toilet and bathroom are separate, then two fumigations are carried out here with a sentence of exactly the same words:

“Everything unclean, everything bad will leave my house forever. Will be given only to the kindest.”

Following the bathroom, you head to the pantry. There you fumigate all the corners and at the same time say these words:

“Let the evil leave the darkest rooms, let only the good remain and let it come.”

After the pantry, it is the turn of the balcony or loggia. Go out onto the loggia and balcony and fumigate this type of room, while not forgetting to pronounce these words:

“The air of ether to the air of the world. Glorious to glorious, good to good, strength to strength, happiness to happiness. The air of the world carries away sadness, and sadness is not at all a pity.

Following this, you carefully fumigate the kitchen, trying not to miss anything. And while doing so, say something like this:

“Everyone chooses their own path. May there be many of these roads.

The last phase on the way to completely blocking the kind of corruption you really fear is the fumigation of the corridor with essential oil. You start fumigating from the side of the living quarters and purposefully go to the front door, while saying the following words without ceasing:

“Evil, go away on this moonlit night. I will open the door to good behind empty paths.

On this, the rite of prevention of damage in your home can be considered complete.

Video: The Magic of Fragrances. Sacred properties of essential oils

The art of aromatherapy originated in ancient Egypt. The inhabitants of civilization knew all the secrets and subtleties of using aromatic oils and incense. Fragrances have found their widest application: from the simple scenting of linen and the preparation of aromatic baths to the most complex process of embalming pharaohs and creating medicinal potions. Moreover, the Egyptians noticed the special power of the impact of aromatherapy on the emotions and mood of a person.

However, the term "aromatherapy" itself was coined much later, thanks to an incident with a French chemist in 1928. Gattefosse, a lab worker, suffered a severe burn and poured lavender essential oil on it. A little later, the Frenchman was pleasantly surprised to see how quickly the wound healed. Subsequently, he began to carefully study other essential oils, conducting various procedures.

Modern aromatherapy, based on rich experience, helps people in solving a huge range of health problems and not only.

Essential oils for hair

Thick long hair is the dream of every woman. Aroma oils will help keep your curls beautiful, healthy and well-groomed. There are different ways to use oils: adding to masks, enriching shampoos, conditioners and other hair care cosmetics, aroma combing, massage. At the same time, each oil has its own special properties, knowing which you can easily choose the right one.

Advice! Add 5-7 drops of essential oil to 10 ml of base oil or hair care product, 2-3 drops to a comb or fingertips for a massage. Always use only high-quality 100% essential oils.

For hair growth and strengthening: rosemary, cinnamon, thyme, sage, bay, ylang-ylang.

Anti-fall: lavender, rosemary, myrrh, pine, neroli, thyme, mint.

For dry and brittle hair: ylang-ylang, sandalwood, rosewood, patchouli, frankincense, geranium, lavender.

For hair shine: orange, basil, mandarin, lavender, rosewood.

For oily hair: grapefruit, eucalyptus, bergamot.

Anti-dandruff: tea tree, eucalyptus, lemon.

For face and skin

Aroma oils, having healing properties, allow you to maintain smoothness and elasticity of the skin, remove wrinkles, acne and traces of them, prolong a golden tan, and also contribute to the rapid healing of scratches and wounds.

Advice! Add 3-4 drops per 10 ml of foundation (base oil, cream, tonic, etc.). However, tonics and mousses should be enriched with caution, since the combination of essential oil with the components of the composition of the product can cause an allergic reaction. Never use an essential oil in its pure form, otherwise you risk getting a skin burn. The exception is spot application, for example, on problem areas, acne.

5 essential oils that will help you stay beautiful and desirable:

Neroli oil: for dry skin. It will relieve you of stretch marks, spider veins, has a good anti-aging effect, smoothes mimic and age wrinkles, relieves irritation and redness of the skin, stimulates regeneration and renewal, has disinfectant properties, copes with cuticle diseases and burrs. Be careful: neroli oil has a strong relaxing effect. Therefore, if you need a clear head and a cheerful state, it is better to refrain from using it.

Ylang Ylang Oil: For all skin types. is universal. Eliminates itching, redness, peeling of the skin, smoothes small, shallow wrinkles. The oil evens out the skin relief and improves complexion due to the normalization of subcutaneous microcirculation. Ylang-ylang normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores in oily skin, softens and moisturizes dry skin, prevents its fading, treats eczema, dermatitis. Its use helps to fix the tan and protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. In addition, ylang ylang oil is a powerful aphrodisiac used by Cleopatra herself.

Patchouli oil: for skin elasticity. suitable for all skin types, blends well with other essential oils. Its regular use allows you to tighten the skin of the face, make it more elastic and supple. This oil eliminates peeling, irritation, scars, acne marks, tightens pores, and has a healing effect on purulent wounds. It will also help to eliminate spots on the face and smooth fine wrinkles. Attention: do not use oil before direct access to the !

Jasmine oil: for sensitive skin. It has excellent moisturizing, antiseptic, soothing properties. It is perfect for dry, dehydrated, sensitive skin prone to irritation and allergic reactions. Jasmine oil works well on blemishes, scars and stretch marks, as well as refreshes and tones the skin. Attention: the use of this oil in the care of the skin of the eyelids and people with low blood pressure is not recommended.

Rosewood oil: for aging skin. It will be useful for smoothing deep wrinkles, lightening pigmentation, post-acne, eliminating old scars and scars, stretch marks and spider veins. A unique property of the oil is its hypoallergenicity, it is suitable even for children. However, remember to still test for allergies before using any essential oil.

Aroma oils for sleep

They can cause not only a bad mood and a decrease in your performance, but also important health problems. Aromatherapy is a great alternative to sleeping pills.

With a long difficult falling asleep, oils of mandarin, neroli, myrrh, cedar, juniper will help.

Lavender, rose, lemon balm, valerian oils will help to cope with nightmares.

For Bath

An aromatic bath is one of the best ways to relax. It will envelop you in warmth, create a soft relaxing effect, relieve fatigue and stress. Immerse yourself in the magical atmosphere of enchanting aromas after a hard day.

Advice! The water filling the bath should not be very hot. To prepare an aroma bath, dissolve 3-4 drops of the essential oil you like in milk and honey (since it is insoluble in water), and then add it to the bath with water.

Essential oils for depression

Essential oils will save you from constant stress, sadness and bad mood: geranium, clary sage, lavender, mandarin, sandalwood, basil, ylang-ylang, jasmine, bergamot, vanilla, vetiver. These aromas are able to harmonize the psycho-emotional state of a person, gently affecting his nervous system.

Advice! Use 5-6 drops of essential oil for an aroma lamp for every 15 square meters of the room. The maximum duration of the procedure should be no more than 2 hours, and for beginners, 20-25 minutes will be enough. The most important thing is that you should like the aroma of the oil you have chosen, the smell should not cause discomfort or dizziness.

From the evil eye and damage

If you are superstitious and believe in magical signs, then it will not hurt you to have such essential oils at home.

Coriander. Protects from failures, protects from the evil eye. Its seeds are worn as an amulet against trouble.

Melissa. It removes evil and ill-wishers, saves from the evil eye and conflicts.

Parsley. Protects from damage and the evil eye, protects from theft and unscrupulous people.

For weight loss

Constant debilitating - this is primarily stress for the body. In addition, long-term abstinence from certain foods can cause serious illness. Aromatherapy is a great alternative.

Ginger oil reduces excessive cravings for sweets throughout the day, helps to remove toxic substances from the body. It can be added drop by drop to food or inhaled slowly.

cardamom oil improves digestion, prevents diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It can also be added one drop at a time to culinary dishes.

Geranium oil effectively fights, removes excess fluid from the body, relieves swelling. Use this oil when massaging the abdomen and legs, in aroma baths.

lemon oil, containing vitamin C, improves metabolism, cleanses the body of toxins, and helps reduce appetite. Use it in inhalation and massage.

From mosquitoes and midges

Itching from bites is especially unpleasant for children and owners of sensitive skin. Sprays with the addition of essential oils will protect you from blood-sucking insects. Use conifers (cedar and fir), spicy (thyme, cloves) or citrus (orange, lemon, lime). To prepare a spray, mix 100 ml of water with 10 ml of alcohol and 10 drops of your chosen oil.

The art of aromatherapy originated in ancient Egypt. The inhabitants of civilization knew all the secrets and subtleties of using aromatic oils and incense. Fragrances have found their widest application: from the simple scenting of linen and the preparation of aromatic baths to the most complex process of embalming pharaohs and creating medicinal potions. Moreover, the Egyptians noticed the special power of the impact of aromatherapy on the emotions and mood of a person.

However, the term "aromatherapy" itself was coined much later, thanks to an incident with a French chemist in 1928. Gattefosse, a lab worker, suffered a severe burn and poured lavender essential oil on it. A little later, the Frenchman was pleasantly surprised to see how quickly the wound healed. Subsequently, he began to carefully study other essential oils, conducting various procedures.

Modern aromatherapy, based on rich experience, helps people in solving a huge range of health problems and not only.

Essential oils for hair

Thick long hair is the dream of every woman. Aroma oils will help keep your curls beautiful, healthy and well-groomed. There are different ways to use oils: adding to masks, enriching shampoos, conditioners and other hair care cosmetics, aroma combing, massage. At the same time, each oil has its own special properties, knowing which you can easily choose the right one.

Advice! Add 5-7 drops of essential oil to 10 ml of base oil or hair care product, 2-3 drops to a comb or fingertips for a massage. Always use only high-quality 100% essential oils.

For hair growth and strengthening: rosemary, cinnamon, thyme, sage, bay, ylang-ylang.

Anti-fall: lavender, rosemary, myrrh, pine, neroli, thyme, mint.

For dry and brittle hair: ylang-ylang, sandalwood, rosewood, patchouli, frankincense, geranium, lavender.

For hair shine: orange, basil, mandarin, lavender, rosewood.

For oily hair: grapefruit, eucalyptus, bergamot.

Anti-dandruff: tea tree, eucalyptus, lemon.

For face and skin

Aroma oils, having healing properties, allow you to maintain smoothness and elasticity of the skin, remove wrinkles, acne and traces of them, prolong a golden tan, and also contribute to the rapid healing of scratches and wounds.

Advice! Add 3-4 drops per 10 ml of foundation (base oil, cream, tonic, etc.). However, tonics and mousses should be enriched with caution, since the combination of essential oil with the components of the composition of the product can cause an allergic reaction. Never use an essential oil in its pure form, otherwise you risk getting a skin burn. The exception is spot application, for example, on problem areas, acne.

5 essential oils that will help you stay beautiful and desirable:

Neroli oil: for dry skin. It will relieve you of stretch marks, spider veins, has a good anti-aging effect, smoothes mimic and age wrinkles, relieves irritation and redness of the skin, stimulates regeneration and renewal, has disinfectant properties, copes with cuticle diseases and burrs. Be careful: neroli oil has a strong relaxing effect. Therefore, if you need a clear head and a cheerful state, it is better to refrain from using it.

Ylang Ylang Oil: For all skin types. is universal. Eliminates itching, redness, peeling of the skin, smoothes small, shallow wrinkles. The oil evens out the skin relief and improves complexion due to the normalization of subcutaneous microcirculation. Ylang-ylang normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores in oily skin, softens and moisturizes dry skin, prevents its fading, treats eczema, dermatitis. Its use helps to fix the tan and protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. In addition, ylang ylang oil is a powerful aphrodisiac used by Cleopatra herself.

Patchouli oil: for skin elasticity. suitable for all skin types, blends well with other essential oils. Its regular use allows you to tighten the skin of the face, make it more elastic and supple. This oil eliminates peeling, irritation, scars, acne marks, tightens pores, and has a healing effect on purulent wounds. It will also help to eliminate spots on the face and smooth fine wrinkles. Attention: do not use oil before direct access to the !

Jasmine oil: for sensitive skin. It has excellent moisturizing, antiseptic, soothing properties. It is perfect for dry, dehydrated, sensitive skin prone to irritation and allergic reactions. Jasmine oil works well on blemishes, scars and stretch marks, as well as refreshes and tones the skin. Attention: the use of this oil in the care of the skin of the eyelids and people with low blood pressure is not recommended.

Rosewood oil: for aging skin. It will be useful for smoothing deep wrinkles, lightening pigmentation, post-acne, eliminating old scars and scars, stretch marks and spider veins. A unique property of the oil is its hypoallergenicity, it is suitable even for children. However, remember to still test for allergies before using any essential oil.

Aroma oils for sleep

They can cause not only a bad mood and a decrease in your performance, but also important health problems. Aromatherapy is a great alternative to sleeping pills.

With a long difficult falling asleep, oils of mandarin, neroli, myrrh, cedar, juniper will help.

Lavender, rose, lemon balm, valerian oils will help to cope with nightmares.

For Bath

An aromatic bath is one of the best ways to relax. It will envelop you in warmth, create a soft relaxing effect, relieve fatigue and stress. Immerse yourself in the magical atmosphere of enchanting aromas after a hard day.

Advice! The water filling the bath should not be very hot. To prepare an aroma bath, dissolve 3-4 drops of the essential oil you like in milk and honey (since it is insoluble in water), and then add it to the bath with water.

Essential oils for depression

Essential oils will save you from constant stress, sadness and bad mood: geranium, clary sage, lavender, mandarin, sandalwood, basil, ylang-ylang, jasmine, bergamot, vanilla, vetiver. These aromas are able to harmonize the psycho-emotional state of a person, gently affecting his nervous system.

Advice! Use 5-6 drops of essential oil for an aroma lamp for every 15 square meters of the room. The maximum duration of the procedure should be no more than 2 hours, and for beginners, 20-25 minutes will be enough. The most important thing is that you should like the aroma of the oil you have chosen, the smell should not cause discomfort or dizziness.

From the evil eye and damage

If you are superstitious and believe in magical signs, then it will not hurt you to have such essential oils at home.

Coriander. Protects from failures, protects from the evil eye. Its seeds are worn as an amulet against trouble.

Melissa. It removes evil and ill-wishers, saves from the evil eye and conflicts.

Parsley. Protects from damage and the evil eye, protects from theft and unscrupulous people.

For weight loss

Constant debilitating - this is primarily stress for the body. In addition, long-term abstinence from certain foods can cause serious illness. Aromatherapy is a great alternative.

Ginger oil reduces excessive cravings for sweets throughout the day, helps to remove toxic substances from the body. It can be added drop by drop to food or inhaled slowly.

cardamom oil improves digestion, prevents diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It can also be added one drop at a time to culinary dishes.

Geranium oil effectively fights, removes excess fluid from the body, relieves swelling. Use this oil when massaging the abdomen and legs, in aroma baths.

lemon oil, containing vitamin C, improves metabolism, cleanses the body of toxins, and helps reduce appetite. Use it in inhalation and massage.

From mosquitoes and midges

Itching from bites is especially unpleasant for children and owners of sensitive skin. Sprays with the addition of essential oils will protect you from blood-sucking insects. Use conifers (cedar and fir), spicy (thyme, cloves) or citrus (orange, lemon, lime). To prepare a spray, mix 100 ml of water with 10 ml of alcohol and 10 drops of your chosen oil.

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