In total, people die in all. He joked with the thrones, but died of a cold. Scary word "cancer"

In Russia, a very strict record of mortality is maintained. Does it federal Service state statistics. Based on the statistics on mortality for 2007, we can identify the main causes of death in our country.

Causes of death of people in Russia

Diseases of the circulatory system

It is the diseases of this system that are a frequent cause of death among the population. Almost 57% of deaths are due to diseases associated with the circulatory system. Ischemic heart disease, stroke, and other lesions cerebral vessels These are diseases that lead to death. The World Health Organization puts forward the following statistics on common reasons deaths worldwide - 9% with damage to the vessels of the brain, 12.2% falls on coronary heart disease.

Oncological diseases

14% of deaths in Russia are due to neoplasms. This figure is stable in the mortality rate of the population. As in countries that have a fairly high level of income, our state is similar to the above cause of death. Why do people die? Organs most commonly affected respiratory system, colon and rectum, stomach, chest.

Respiratory and digestive diseases

The third cause among the mortality of the population of Russian citizens are diseases of the digestive system. Over the past few years, 4.2% of the population has died from them. Mortality due to diseases of the respiratory system is slightly less - 3.8%.

Murder and suicide

Suicides in our country are also not uncommon, they make up 2%. Nowadays, the chances of dying from traffic injuries, for example, are lower than the chances of committing suicide. Murder as the cause of death in our country is 1.2%, which means that murders are less common than suicides.

Death due to traffic injuries

In Russia, mortality from injuries that occur in road traffic accidents is also not a small percentage. 1.9% of all deaths occur in this category. But, strange as it may seem, this percentage is still lower than the world average.

About 0.025% of the total population of Russia die precisely from similar diseases. And this is an average of every four thousandth inhabitant of the country. Mortality in this group is 1.6% of the total mortality in our state.

Alcohol poisoning and drowning

Russians are distinguished by their love for strong alcoholic beverages. But sometimes such love leads to death. About 1.2% of humanity dies from low-quality alcohol or after drinking a certain dose of ethanol.

Accidental drowning accounts for quite a few, not many - about 0.6% of deaths.

Mortality in the world

Diseases leading to death according to the World Health Organization:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • epilepsy;
  • poisoning;
  • oncological diseases;
  • traffic accidents

But the main growing problem of mortality is obesity and overweight. 2.8% of people die from this all over the world. More than 50% of the population of 19 countries suffer from this problem.

Death comes first natural processes body aging. It is known that at some point the cells simply stop dividing. According to studies, the absolute maximum life expectancy is currently 125 years.

Common deadly diseases

Diseases are the most dangerous of cardio-vascular system. These include: ischemic disease heart disease, heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, myocardial infarction, stroke.

Slightly inferior to diseases of the cardiovascular system is cancer, the incidence of which is increasing every year against the backdrop of a lack of funds for a guaranteed cure. To date, more than 200 varieties are known. oncological diseases.

Death by vehicle

In the leading position is invariably the death rate from a car accident. The car is recognized as the most traumatic vehicle. Despite this, thousands of people around the world continue to neglect the simplest safety rules.

a little less likely death in a bicycle accident. Most often, the death of cyclists occurs due to the neglect of the recommended safety rules, including the non-use of a helmet.

In third place in popularity is a plane crash. Therefore, the fear of the planes of some people can be safely called unjustified. It is much more rational to avoid cars.

Seems to be, Railway is one of the safest Vehicle.

deadly mother nature

Natural disasters are the next possibility. All over the world there are various natural disasters with the participation of water, lightning, wind, sliding of lithospheric plates.

On the last place cost death from insect and animal bites. Interestingly, the risk of dying from a bee sting exceeds that of a sting.

Death by human hand

In the first place is the deliberate deprivation of one's own life. In the world every 40 seconds someone kills themselves. And this is without taking into account suicidal attempts that were unsuccessful.

And finally, deprivation of life by all means other than killing with firearms.


In the first place - death from an unsuccessful fall. Falls are especially common among the elderly and children.

Electric shock and drowning are more unlikely ways to die.

An interesting, but also quite common way to die by accident is death from careless handling of fireworks.

Answering questions about what and why people die, how long they live and the life expectancy of a person - the answers come from the study of elementary subcellular and cellular biological processes in the body.

Other answers to why people die will come from the organization of behavior through the experience and interaction of "software and hardware" in nervous system person.

For example, high consumption alcohol and smoking shorten life span and predispose people to heart, lung and liver disease. Behavior and lifestyle also influence the duration of conscious biological existence.

What determines the lifespan of a person

Significant progress in human life expectancy occurred in the twentieth century.

Life expectancy at birth in developed countries increased from 47 years in 1900 to 77 years in 2000.

Obviously, genetic selection could not have worked so fast, and non-genetic factors have caused this amazing increase in lifespan. It is known, but not a person of course.

Over the course of the century, the typical underlying causes of death have changed.

  • In 1900, diseases were listed as the top five causes of death:

Pneumonia and influenza


Diarrhea and intestinal diseases

Heart diseases

Stroke and brain damage.

  • By 2017, the top five causes of death have changed:

Heart diseases

Stroke and brain damage

lung disease


Presumably the cleanliness environment, in terms of improved water supply and improved cleaning Wastewater, together with the discovery and use of vaccines and antibiotics, have contributed to a spectacular decline infectious diseases as the main reason why people died in the early 20th century. In addition, improving the transportation of fruits, vegetables, and other food products led to the elimination of seasonal nutritional problems. General improvements in diet also contributed to increased life expectancy.

But the rise of lung disease and cancer in the 21st century as reasons why people die suggests that environmental problems arising in parallel with these improvements. At any given time in history, there can be both positive and negative influences on aging, life expectancy, incidence of certain diseases and quality of life.

People die from physiological and age-related changes

Aging, as the main cause of death, is defined as a progressive decline in functional or gradual deterioration. physiological functions with age. It includes decline in fertility and the internal, inevitable and irreversible process associated with age, loss of vitality and increased vulnerability. Obviously, human aging and the end of life are associated with a wide range of physiological changes, which not only make people more susceptible to death, but limit normal functions and make us more susceptible to a range of diseases.

There are some functions in the human body, such as hearing and flexibility, that begin to decline early in life with an existing functional decline that typically begins after the sexual peak at about 19 years of age.

In short, aging is characterized by a change in appearance, for example, a gradual decrease in height and weight due to loss of muscle and bone mass, decrease in metabolic rate, more time reactions, decrease in some memory functions, decrease sexual activity and menopause in women, functional decline in hearing, smell and vision, decreased function of the kidneys, lungs and immune functions, decreased exercise efficiency and multiple endocrine changes.

Although the immune system worsens with age, the main clue why people die is an increase in inflammation levels, reflected in more high levels circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines (messenger molecules) that may contribute to the development of age-related disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis and arthritis. Some age-related changes, such as presbyopia, also called farsightedness, are caused by the continuous growth of the eyes and appear to be a universal feature of human aging or menopause, which is unavoidable.

However, the degree age-related changes varies significantly between individuals.

The study of centenarians

Interestingly, the study of centenarians - that is, people over 110 years old, revealed that "senescence" occurs evenly. In other words, the parameters that make centenarians unique is that in the process of life it has not been revealed internal organ or the system when life ends, centenarians do not have a “weak link”.

Centenarians, however, are very fragile and emaciated, have acute organic failure, which is the cause of death. These results also show that the idea that people can die simply from "old age" is wrong.

Leading causes of death

Apparently the incidence increases with age. These include type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and kidney disease. Also, the prevalence of some pathologies, like sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses), remains relatively constant with age, while the incidence of others, like asthma, even declines. Thus, it is important to emphasize that aging is not just a set of diseases. As we age, we become more susceptible to certain diseases and more likely to die with a range of physiological changes, not all of which lead to overt pathology.

Not surprisingly, heart disease is the number one cause of death for people aged 85 and over, followed by cancer. cardiovascular diseases, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, pneumonia and chronic diseases lower respiratory tract. While diseases like cancer and heart disease are major causes of death for people of all ages, other diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's only become significant in old age.

Quantification of body aging

Despite all the existing physiological and pathological changes there is still no accurate way to calculate what people die from. Despite decades of research physiological age different people comes with different speed. Most exact method to determine biological age is still chronological age. Unless, of course, there are no habits, like.

it serious problem to study aging and efforts are ongoing to determine better way to quantify aging.

Bound by the same goal

The World Health Organization has revealed the most common cause of death in the world.

But Russia is going its own way here too. In our country, ailments that send citizens to another world are often associated with social status, education, and state of mind.
Every third earthling has increased blood pressure and is responsible for almost half of stroke deaths. 12 percent of the world's population suffers from obesity, which kills 2.8 million people a year - more than hunger. Every tenth adult on earth suffers from diabetes. In general, chronic diseases lead to almost two-thirds of all cases in the world, according to a new WHO report on the greatest threats to human life on Earth.
All these data directly affect Russian Federation, where today the death rate is 15.2 people per thousand of the population, the newspaper "Trud" emphasizes. For comparison: in Australia, the death rate per thousand people is 6.4, in the USA, France and Japan - 8, Great Britain - 9.5, in Germany and Sweden - 10. And according to the reports of the Ministry of Health and Social Development - everything is in order with us!
One of the reasons for the Russian backwardness is useless treatment or the absence of it at all. In case of heart attacks and strokes, it is important to quickly provide first aid, but either the ambulance is late, or the doctor will not be nearby at all. Mortality from cardiovascular diseases in Russia is 57 percent, with almost one in five dying at working age. In Europe and the USA, these figures are 3-5 times lower.
From overweight in Russia, about 50 percent of the population suffers - mainly due to malnutrition. According to official reports, here we are on a par with other developed countries where they do not like to diet. diabetics in Russia official statistics, three million, but in reality, according to the director of the Institute of Diabetes "Endocrinological science Center Marina Shestakova - no less than 9-10 million.
And according to many other indicators, our medical statistics can "work wonders." For example, according to the results of this year, 2012, international experts expect a significant increase in child mortality in Russia - in connection with the law that has entered into force, according to which a child is considered a person from the moment of birth. And last year, babies whose birth weight did not reach one kilogram were not even registered until the doctors had full confidence in his survival.
However and. about. Minister of Health and social development Tatyana Golikova claims that over 4.5 years of her leadership in the industry, we have "achieved good results to reduce mortality, financial security of the health care system and promote the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle. "And even, Golikova is sure, the prerequisites have been created "for our health care system to be at the same level" as in Germany.
Independent domestic and foreign experts - physicians and demographers - are convinced of the opposite. "Today's mortality rate in Russia is incredibly, unreasonably high," says the well-known American economist and demographer Nicholas Ebarstadt, who studies the situation in our country. "This applies primarily to the male population. Even in Moscow, the life expectancy of an average resident is lower than in Calcutta" .
What surprises the overseas demographer even more is the "monstrous jumps" in Russian mortality statistics, which over the past 20 years "look like fluctuations in the stock market."
There are still very big difference in health between more and less educated people, a very significant stratification of society according to the level of education. Statistics show that the death rate of Russians who received higher education, although higher than the average for Germany, France, Great Britain, but comparable to the mortality rate in these countries. And among people with only a secondary education, death rates are more similar to those of the poorest countries in Latin America. Mortality among those who did not even graduate high school and by social status often marginalized, at the level of the poorest countries in Africa.
President Vladimir Putin, immediately after his inauguration, one of the first decrees instructed the government of Dmitry Medvedev to ensure by 2018 an increase in life expectancy to 74 years.
By the way, in 2005-2007, there was a rather noticeable decrease in mortality in Russia - from 16.1 to 14.2 per thousand people. This was primarily due to a noticeable decrease in alcohol consumption, and especially surrogates, after the legislative tightening of the circulation of alcoholic beverages.

Why do people die in Russia

Cardiovascular diseases and cancer remain the main causes of death for Russians. Since this is quite common and in this our country does not differ from the rest of the world, we usually refer to what makes us different. We often talk about violent deaths and deaths from alcohol poisoning in young and middle age, especially among men. But these are not the main reasons for the death of the Russians.

That is why the main efforts to reduce mortality are directed to the obvious - to main reason mortality: from diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Alas, narrowly focused actions are ineffective and are not economically justified. It is in the kitchen that you can selectively paint the ceiling - cheap and noticeable effect. In order to reduce the death rate, it is necessary to increase the general well-being of the people, their living conditions. This is the method that has worked in developed countries.

For the last five, even eight years, life expectancy in Russia has been growing due to a decrease in mortality at all ages. Russians still too often (compared to citizens of prosperous countries) die at a young and middle age. The peak falls on 50-65 years (most Russians die at this age).

Women live longer. The reason for this phenomenon throughout the world is not clear, but it is known that the longer and better people live, the less difference between male and female mortality (however, in countries where they live for a very short time, men and women die at about the same age). In Russia, the difference between male and female mortality was, alas, large.

Why do women live longer? The hypothesis is that before menopause, women are protected from disease by their hormones. But there is another hypothesis: women, including in Russia, tend to be less aggressive, less self-destructive behavior.

At the beginning of 2014, I predicted a period of a new increase in mortality in our country in 2014+. I really hope that the increase in mortality that has begun will be shallow and short-lived. The more “normal” in the “Western” sense our life is, the longer we will live. This is the main rule. If we have "normality" like in Sharia or in the USSR, then, unfortunately, everything will again go downhill.

Let's remember the Soviet years

During the Soviet era, life expectancy grew until this duration was highly dependent on infectious diseases and other easily preventable causes. Since 1964, the mortality rate has ceased to decline and began to form modern type high mortality. He is tall for reasons that are no longer connected with traditional diseases, primarily infectious and killing a quarter of people in early childhood, and the rest - mostly before the age of 40. In developed countries, since the middle of the 20th century, and in most transitional countries, including China, an “epidemiological transition” has been observed since the end of the century. This means that people no longer die en masse from infections and do not die in large numbers in childhood.

The structure of mortality in our country looks like in a "Western" country, but people die in large numbers.

The reasons for this are not entirely clear, but the most plausible explanations are a dirty, dangerous environment, low quality products, their shortage, poor nutrition, poor living conditions, hazardous production. Crime. Suicide. We really still have a lot of deaths from murders and suicides. It is not surprising that at the same time people drink a lot and die a lot simply from vodka poisoning.

How can life expectancy be increased in Russia?

Life expectancy in our country can only be increased through progress. The vector set by the English and French revolutions is the only means known to mankind. And Japan has become a country of longevity to the extent that it has mastered this vector of change. Only by changing people's lives according to this type - security, the quality of the environment, nutrition, confidence in the future, reducing the level of violence, state and criminal - can we ensure that people live a long and healthy, happy life.

The longest people live in Japan, Spain, Australia, Switzerland, Italy and Singapore. Least of all live in countries such as Somalia, Nigeria, Mali, Uganda.

Moscow and regions

The capital differs from the rest of Russia in relatively low mortality, and favorable processes recent years in Moscow were expressed even more than in most regions. This is most likely determined by the migration to the capital of more active young people and higher incomes. Many things, including living conditions, are better in Moscow than in most of the country.

But comparing regions is difficult. Some of them are known for their unreliable statistics. For example,

The North Caucasus is known for false births and distorted death records.

This tradition has come to us since Soviet times: in the years of the USSR, there was a fictitious "Caucasian longevity" used to promote the "achievements of socialism."
Part Russian regions has a high mortality due to the fact that the old population lives in these regions.

Aircraft and cars

People act under the influence of the information they absorb and the emotions that reinforce that information. A person tries to "treat" himself in bizarre ways. For example, bossy people believe that if suicides are not reported, then people will not "suicide." This is nonsense, of course.

People practice killer smoking because death in smokers does not come immediately after smoking, but after years, as it were. naturally. It is impossible to notice with the human eye that one dies at 50, and the other at 60.

If smokers died at 20, things would change. Then death from smoking would become noticeable.

It is important that risks can be avoided different ways, but they are not obvious either to others or to themselves successful people. So, it is difficult to explain why some drivers on the roads never get into an accident. Even the police won't stop them. It is impossible to categorically state that those who stayed to swim in Egypt after the terrorist attack risk their lives more than those who left everything and fled the country. Plane crashes are often reported, but cars are rarely reported. About pedestrians who died under the wheels - even less often. In Soviet times, information about accidents and disasters was classified, and older people now think that life has become more dangerous after the collapse of the USSR.

People are limited in their ability to understand their lives.

That is why it is important that they have equal opportunities to receive a minimum income, disability assistance, quality medical care- even if these people are not smart enough to lead a healthy lifestyle. It's very difficult indeed. Scholars who advise on healthy way life, have so far limited knowledge. As a result, even basic nutrition recommendations are approximate and some of the scientific recommendations are recognized as erroneous after 10-20 years.

Hence one more conclusion: it is necessary to finance medical science to understand people's health and learn how to maintain it. For example, despite the recommendations of the World Health Organization, there are no public health surveys in our country and we do not know how well Russians eat, what kind of food they lack. The lack of scientific knowledge about the nutrition of our people is replaced by the import of foreign problems, for example, hatred of McDonald's, although it has nothing to do with the nutrition of the vast majority of Russians.

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