How strong damage to sleep affects a person. Folk conspiracy for insomnia, told by grandmother Maria. Strong Orthodox prayers from the evil eye and corruption

Insomnia or insomnia is a sleep disorder. It is manifested by a violation of falling asleep, superficial, interrupted sleep or premature awakening. During the night, the forces do not have time to recover, and in the morning you feel tired, sleepy and overwhelmed. During the day, irresistible drowsiness occurs, efficiency decreases, mood deteriorates. This failure in the work of our "biological clock", which is responsible for the alternation of wakefulness and sleep. Fine The biological clock work stably. At the same time, they prepare the body for sleep. This reduces the speed of reactions, mental and physical performance, decreases arterial pressure and temperature, less adrenaline-like activity-enhancing hormones are produced. But if there is a failure in biorhythms, then these processes do not begin in the evening, but in the morning, when it is time for you to get up. 30% of men and 35% of women suffer from insomnia. This problem is relevant for young children, as well as for people of middle and old age. It has been observed that the older a person is, the more often he complains of insomnia. This problem is especially widespread among the socially unprotected category of people. If you wake up in the middle of the night with a feeling of fear, and then you can’t fall asleep and no remedies help, put on and take off your nightgown three times before going to bed in the evening, and then read the plot three times, speaking on your fingers (a word on each finger), starting with the little finger and ending with the index finger: Fear is not fear, fear! In some cases, very effective tool to combat this problem is a conspiracy for insomnia, which can be whispered to drink or simply read before going to bed. I'm not afraid. Sleep will be strong and calm, and in the morning you will wake up rested and cheerful.

Several interesting facts about sleep and insomnia:

Normally, a person spends a third of his life in sleep.
A special center of the brain, which is located in the hypothalamus, is responsible for sleep.
During sleep, our brain does not rest, but on the contrary, some of its parts are activated: the hypothalamus, thalamus and frontal lobes.
At night, the body produces the hormone melatonin, which helps you fall asleep.
Healthy sleep consists of two phases. The Slow Eye Movement Phase (SEM) - when we fall asleep soundly, lasts 75% of the time. And the phase of rapid eye movement (REM) - when we dream.
In the second phase of sleep (REM), the muscles of the body are "paralyzed" so that we do not repeat the movements that we do in a dream.
During sleep, we restore the mental and physical reserves of the body spent during the day. Therefore, the more you work, the more you need healthy sleep.
In children, growth hormone is produced during deep sleep so they really grow in their sleep.

There are many types of insomnia. Some suffer from this problem sporadically after have a hard day while others have chronic insomnia. Young people can't fall asleep for hours, and older people wake up at 3 in the morning and can't sleep afterwards. People often wake up several times during the night. In this article, we will look at why this happens and how you can get rid of insomnia forever.

But why does this disease so often worries a person? It happens that the cause of insomnia lies in overwork, in bad impressions, in troubles at work or in personal life. There is such a disease and from a harmful aura. Whatever the cause, the result must be dealt with. After all, the consequences of this bad weather can be very undesirable. Conspiracies, an example of which are given here, can get rid of insomnia quickly and reliably. When going to bed, you need to read the following spell.

From the larva

If, during spoilage, a larva is thrown at a person, then the person is harassed. A spoiled person needs to enter the bathhouse first, get the first ash out of the blower, sit naked in front of the stove and do the following: Eat, larva, ash, sharpen your tooth. There is an oak tree in the dead forest, hang a noose on it, I will sing you a waste. I commemorate you with ashes, furnace soot. Go, smoke, to where the trouble came from. You're on that bitch to be, and I, thank God, to live. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen. Then wash up and leave. Once is enough to throw off the larva and get rid of it. In general, you should make yourself a talisman against larva.

Amulet against the opening of the larva

They do it once a year, on January 4th. Read "Our Father"
Our Father, Who is ecu in heaven! Yes, shine your name, may your kingdom come, may your will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Amen Then: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The Lord's week, the Lord's hour and half hour and minute and every moment. Save, Lord, from all evil and have mercy on me from the army of the devil, his larva. Your Shield, my fortress. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. They read while standing, facing east and when there are no people in the house. Should be stripped naked.
Do not brag to friends that they put a talisman.

Bring back the dream

Sleep, yawn, peace, find on the servant of God (name). Let him sleep, sleep off, do not wake up at night. Often the stars are his sisters. A clear month to him brother. Good sleep to him godfather and matchmaker. Amen.

Folk conspiracy for insomnia, told by grandmother Maria

If you do not sleep well, you often wake up at night, you cannot fall asleep for a long time.
Put your right hand (if you are right-handed; if left-handed - left) put on solar plexus, and the second - anywhere, close your eyes and say to yourself several times as you exhale: “Where you went, you haven’t reached the end yet. I am lying, I (dream, i.e.) call you. Amen".

Ancient folk conspiracy for insomnia

Before getting into bed, make the sign of the cross three times and say: “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. I sanctify with holy words, good dream I invite you to. Amen".
After that, cross yourself.

Cossack folk conspiracy for insomnia

This conspiracy is best done on a full moon.
You will need goat or cow's milk and flower honey (if you are not allergic to it).
You need to boil a glass of milk, put it next to the bed and wait until it cools down so that you can drink it. While the milk is cooling, baptize the milk 3 times with interruptions in three or four doses, saying these words: "Bessom has dissolved - the dream has begun to speak."
After that, dissolve 1 tablespoon of honey in milk and drink in small sips, periodically saying these words: “Besson is gone - sleep has come!”

This conspiracy from insomnia must be pronounced before going to bed on the icon

“Insomnia, midnight, don’t let me, don’t pester me, don’t wind me on a soft feather bed. Sleep-calm me, God's servant, give. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

“Dawn, lightning, red maiden, mother herself and queen; the moon is bright, the stars are clear, take from me insomnia, sleeplessness, midnight, in the middle of the night come to me even as a red maiden, even as a mother queen and lay me down, take away the accursed power from me and give me the Savior's hand, Mother of God castle. My angel, my archangel save my soul, strengthen my heart, enemy Satan, give up on me. I am baptized with a cross, I protect myself with a cross, I call upon an angel with a cross, I drive away the evil one with a cross. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. I know holy signs.

This conspiracy helps well if insomnia is the result of damage brought on you.

You will need a new lock with a key (any).
At midnight, you need to close the lock with a key and say these words: “Until this lock opens by itself, until then my insomnia will not wake up. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

Conspiracy for insomnia

A conspiracy how to return a dream, and then a talisman, so as not to lose it. The plot is read into the water, then they wash and wipe it in front of the icons.
Lord, my God, the holy Archangel Michael is with You, and with him the six-winged Cherub. As they are all strong, so are my words of conspiracy strong. With distant keys I open the dream, I close it with a wax seal. The thief will not come to the sleep of the servant of God (name). Amen. As flowers close at night, people dress up for sleep. The dawn is evening, the night is dark. The Lord God gave the power of sleep. So let the servant of God (name) sleep, the Angel guards his sleep. And all my prayer. Amen.
Amulet: Whoever wants to take the dream of the servant of God (name), he will have to take my dream ahead. And my dream keeps (the name of the dead man). Amen.
It is also good to read prayers for the coming dream. There are a lot of these prayers: to the Lord our God, the Mother of God, the Guardian Angel, the prayers of all kinds of saints, etc. I will cite one of them: Forgive those who hate and offend us, Lord Humanity. Bless those who do good. To our brothers and relatives, grant me forgiveness and eternal life for salvation. In the infirmities of the being, visit and grant healing. Izhe govern the sea. Travel travel. Grant forgiveness to those who serve and pardon us of sins. Those who have commanded us, the unworthy, to pray for them, have mercy according to Your great mercy. Remember, O Lord, before our departed father and brothers, and give them rest, where Thy sanctuary visits. Remember, Lord, our captive brothers and deliver me from every situation. Remember, Lord, those who bear fruit and do good in Your holy churches, and grant them forgiveness and eternal life for salvation. Remember, Lord, also us, the humble and sinful and unworthy servants of Thy, and enlighten our minds with the light of Thy mind, and guide us on the path of Thy Commandments, with the prayers of the Most Pure Lady of our Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary and all Thy saints: blessed is ecu forever and ever . Amen.

Spell to sleep well

Morning dawn Marimyan, evening Maria, noon, midnight and night Natalya, remove insomnia from me, servants of God (name), take it to artisanal places, to dry forests. Amen.

From insomnia

Wait for the new moon and, looking at the new moon, say this: Young prince, golden horn, you, good fellow, walk at night, and I, the servant of God (name), sleep soundly at night. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

When you sleep day and night and don't get enough sleep

Plant any tree or shrub with the words: I planted you, and now you are my strength. You grow and my power grows. Sometimes look to see if someone broke your landing, otherwise the strength will go away again. If this happens, replant.

If a person screams in a dream

Light a candle bought on Friday and cross the room where a person usually sleeps. Read in a whisper: The water splashes in the sea, the dumb fish in it open their mouths. She has no words, she has no speech. So you, servant of God (name), do not shout in a dream, do not speak a word. Holy, holy, holy, golden domes of the church. Just as that fish in the sea is silent, does not scream, does not speak, so the servant of God (name) is silent in a dream, sleepy does not speak. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


There are cases when a person who fell into a dream was buried as dead. In the old days, this was very much feared. Knowledgeable people spoke from this misfortune. They do this only once a year, on the night of Ivan Kupala. It is necessary to list the names of everyone for whom you ask. Only bloodlines are mentioned. They light three candles, read on their knees. Candles must burn out completely.
They read three times: Lord, God, bless (the names of the bloodlines). God is everywhere. God in heaven and on earth, God above and below earth. Have mercy, Lord, and save, protect (names of relatives) from being buried alive. The cross is strong. I believe in the One God Christ. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Speak soundly

There is such a corruption called a wake-up, or a wake-up. A person is drawn to sleep, he sleeps and does not get enough sleep. This is one of the more difficult ones. It's hard to make, but even harder to shoot. They reprimand her for three disastrous months.
Conspiracy to remove the wake-up: The Sun clearly broke out, the angels woke up. The Lord and the Mother of God smiled. Amen. The Sun broke out clearly, the servant of God (name) woke up, the Lord smiled. Bless, Lord, Thy servant (name). Amen.
The prayer is short, easy to remember, but the trouble is that the master becomes very ill when he heals from this disease. I know this myself. Who is afraid, do not undertake to treat this damage.

From death in a dream

Read before bed. I lie down to sleep in an oak bed before the holy and dear Mother of God. I beg and pray, let me wake up, do not suffocate in a dream. How to lie down, how to get up. Amen.

Speak snoring in a dream

As soon as a person starts to snore in a dream, stand facing him, cross his head and say: Snore, snorer, snoring, do not snore, this throat. Snoring, horse, in the field, in a wide expanse, take the snoring from the servant of God (name). Amen.

Read on water or milk before going to bed: The fish does not toil in the water, does not bite with its teeth, does not creak its jaw, does not snore at night and during the day. As the fish is silent, so the servant of God (name) is silent. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To not die in my sleep

Before you go to bed, cross your pillow and say: I'm going to sleep on my bed. Lord, let me get up in the morning. Forbid, Lord, my soul to be taken in a dream by the angels of death. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Split personality

Before the full moon, speak, "lull" your dark half. The main thing is to read the spells correctly, without hesitation and error, so as not to harm, not to lull the bright Guardian Angel. Man was born, guilty of sin. The Lord forgave, forgiven sins, gave a guardian angel. The Lord ordered the angel to cover with a wing, to protect from trouble, not to sleep day or night. Angel of light, do not sleep. Black angel, sleep. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From epilepsy

Read on water, drink and wash your hair. I walk along the untrodden paths, in the footsteps of Christ, in the tears of Christ. I beg and persuade, I pronounce and speak an epilepsy, heavy illness. With me are the apostles, and angels, and forty saints, and Christ himself. They speak and order, and they order diseases: go to an open field, a wide expanse, to a gray wave and go to the bottom. So that the servant of God (name) does not know the epilepsy and does not suffer from the epilepsy. The word is strong and stucco. Amen.

From obsession

They say about such people: "The devil has taken possession of them." It is difficult and unsafe to treat such people. They behave like crazy, and it is better to treat them when they are sleeping, otherwise they are not given. Baptize the room, the patient's bed, and yourself. Let three candles burn, if there is a lamp, light it. If the patient wakes up and starts screaming, complete the procedure. It only says what you're on the right way. Cast out, Christ, the tribe of the demon from the body of the servant of God (name), so that the vessel is clean, the body is blessed, the soul with the name of Christ. Amen. I drive out and call out in the name of Christ and His servants. Amen.

From seeing nightmares

In the morning and in the evening, light a candle that must melt. What drips from it, throw it into the water and say: I remove fears, fears, commotion and lock it from the servant of God (name) with 12 locks and locks. Come down, peace, on the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Wash the patient and throw the water outside.

From madness

A person lives quietly and kindly and suddenly changes at once. Everyone at home seems like an enemy to him. The day is not complete without scandals, as if a madman throws himself at everyone. They fix it like this: they chop off the head of a rooster, substitute dishes under the flowing blood and say:
As the rooster crowed, leaned back, so the servant of God (name) will not scream and throw himself. Amen. Then the forehead of the patient is smeared with blood with the right hand and immediately wiped with the left.
A mentally ill person is brought for commemoration for 9 days in the house where a person of the same sex died. For example, if a woman is mentally ill, then they are led to a memorial to a woman, and if a man, then to a man. They put him at the table and, while he eats, read the slander. It is necessary that the patient eats in this order: first kutya, then pancakes, then boiled egg. The rest does not matter in what order and what he will eat. If he does not want to eat, you should persuade him. But the order of precedence must be observed. Not a drop of alcohol is allowed. So, while the patient is eating, you need to have time to read the spell to remove madness 12 times.
The one who reads must then eat three pancakes. Usually sick or sick, returning from the mention, go to bed, as they are strongly drawn to sleep. In a dream, they are covered with perspiration - you can not wipe it. Try not to disturb, let the patient sleep. For forty days, take them to the memorial in the same house and do exactly the same as the first time. I have done this many times and the results were immediately visible. The eyes become clear, anger and irritability pass, the person is recovering sharply.
Spell: The stove has a chimney, the servant of God has a head, the oak has a root, the root has earth, the deceased has a grave. Be bright, head, as mother gave birth. Remember, Lord, the servant of God (name of the deceased) and the illness of the servant of God (name of the sick person). Eat kutya, eat pancakes, eat an egg, and give the deceased a disease from the head. My words are strong, stronger than damask and steel, to the servant of God (the name of the deceased) to stick. Amen. God bless. Amen. Lord have mercy. Amen. God help me. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From madness (very good way)

Do it on a full moon.
They draw a circle with charcoal, put the patient in the circle. If this is a woman, so that there is no menstruation. Take the left hand by the little finger right hand the patient, the master holds the second hand on the icon of the Savior. Look directly into the eyes of the patient. They read without interruption, no matter how the patient behaves. It happens that the patient pees himself or, even worse, screams loudly. You need to report 12 times. They do this for three nights. On the third day the patient sweats profusely and becomes weak. At home after that he sleeps for days. They drink it only with milk - a sour day, a whole day.
Then the disease goes away, the patient "enters the mind." The drawn circle is not erased for all three days, until last time. The circle is erased by one of the patient's relatives.
Do not forget to make yourself amulets against a bite and interception of the disease before work.
So, a conspiracy on the little finger: I take and I will lead 12 unclean forces from the servant of God (name). Amen. I call them, call out, call their names, send from the servant of God (name):
Amen. Go and take the servant of God (name). Amen. Take from his eyes, from his forehead, from his path. Lord, help me, heal the servant of God (name). I take away through his finger, through his right hand, all his crazy torment. Cleanse him, Lord, through your command. Give him, Lord, healing. Through me, the servant, through my work, purify his insane body. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Charm from the bite of the insane during treatment

Throw a pinch of salt into the water, speak and wash yourself with charmed water before treating the insane, as it happens that the patient bites. Give me, my angel, an arrow, so that that arrow does not fly in without a bow, but stands as a watchman, and does not let anyone's teeth near me. Amen.

Amulet against interception (so as not to intercept the disease)
Scratch your head with a comb and say: If I find a louse in myself, only then will I drag the disease. Amen. Amen. Amen. The angel blinds my words with deeds, closes my business with his key, throws the key to the bottom in the blue sea. Whoever dived for that key would never open my conspiracy. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Heal the madman

The most difficult thing in this treatment is to get snake eggs, but if you want, you can get everything. Tie the snake eggs in a cloth as tightly as possible, but with extreme care. At midnight, light a candle, you need it to burn for an hour. Spread the patient's undershirt, and put a candle and a bundle with eggs on it, read three times, without saying "amen." Creep Skoropeya, how can you not get out, do not crawl out of my knot, so do not spoil the mind of the servant of God (name). From this hour, from my order to be sound in both body and mind. It is as true as the meek Jesus Christ was nailed to the Cross, and just as true that Jesus Christ was resurrected.

saving words

They speak when they are unwell. Take an apple, cut it with the blunt side of the knife into two halves, put them together and say this: Like my mother, so do I have blood with blood, womb with womb - not on the first day, not on the last, not at sunrise, not on sunset will not hurt my body. Amen.

cure insanity

At midnight in a dark corner they bite off a loaf of bread three times, saying:
There are three stars in the sky: one star is bright red, the second is clear like a tear, the third is a flawed mind (name of the patient). Through the blood of a bright red saint, through a clear tear and a sick bone, through a sieve and a sieve, through bread and salt, leave, headache, for cat eyesores, for chicken shit. Just as those shit don’t hurt, don’t whine, so you, ailment, don’t whine, don’t moan, but go to dog shit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
Give me bread in the morning stray dogs. Do this forty times.

Conspiracy from insanity

My words can be confirmed by many whom I have helped. After treatment with this conspiracy, clarity of thought, a good mood and mood appear, aggressiveness and tearfulness disappear. The treatment goes like this.
Prepare pancakes as for the mention. When kneading, they read a conspiracy and then treat people with these pancakes (they commemorate the disease with them). They do this five times a year. Commemorations: the first day, the ninth day, the fortieth day, half a year and a year. The numbers are written down in the memorial so as not to be confused. They read the plot like this: Remember, Lord, in Your Kingdom, the grave illness of the servant of God (name). So that his head would not hurt, his bone would not swell, not mourn, his brow would brighten with kindness. King David, King Solomon, open the gates of your wisdom. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Return the memory and mind to those who have lost them

Let the patient kneel down and kiss the ground. The medicine man puts the Gospel on his head. Holding the Gospel with his left palm, and holding a lit candle in his right, he reads nine times: Key: Open, Lord, in me, God's servant(name), what You commanded Your disciples, and what they passed from mouth to mouth, for salvation and deliverance. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Castle: Cross, spear, nails, crown of thorns and death. May the five wounds of our Lord serve me as a means of help and healing. Jesus is the way, Jesus is the life, Jesus is the truth. Jesus suffered for us. Jesus himself gave his disciples the power to heal, to deliver them from all torments. The disciples of the Lord healed, helped and handed over the key and lock to their children. The devils interfere with this, they forbid treating people. But the Lord is the way, the Lord is life, the Lord is truth and salvation, the Lord is liberation, the Lord is healing for all who believe. God bless my key and lock. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to get rid of intrusive thoughts

Take night water, speak it and in the morning let the patient wash. They speak of water like this: I hope in Your holy will, O Lord. Do Thy mercy in me. Heal, Lord, and lift me up. You alone, Lord, know my mind. I do not dare to ask, but I implore: strengthen and purify my consciousness. I surrender myself to the mercy of the Lord. May Thy will be done, holy and boundless, eternal and infinite. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
Collect stones-pellets on the river. They should be round and smooth. At three o'clock in the morning, put a saucepan with pellets on the fire and stir them with a ladle, as you usually stir the soup when cooking (clockwise). At the same time, say nine times: These stones do not eat my teeth. These stones do not eat my teeth. Empty thoughts do not sit in the head (name). Thin thoughts do not sit in (name)'s head. Gnaw stones, river, sandy shores, and you, mother water, wash away, rinse empty thoughts from me, thin thoughts. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Stones are thrown out and washed with water for nine evenings. In order to get rid of intrusive thoughts, you should urinate under a tree that has been burned by a lightning strike. At the same time, they say: Lightning went into the tree, from the tree went into the ground. So out of me, bad thoughts, get out. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Speak a riot in a man

To speak violence, they tear grass at night, and at sunrise they speak it. This grass is given to be eaten by a bull. A person becomes humble, this has been repeatedly tested. Conspiracy: Lord, help, Lord, bless! Water is in the mortar, earth is on fire, grass is in the field, anger is in the boar, the word is in prayer. Tame, Lord, in the body of the servant of God (name) the rampage of the devil, in the body of the servant of God (name), born by the mother, baptized by the church, partaking of the priest, do not drive, rampage, do not sit, but on the bull-boar, rampage, go. Holy day, holy hour, Jesus Christ command. Get out of the servant of God (name) riot and evil: go to the grass, from the grass to the bull, to his bone horns. There you will be, there you will live forever and ever, and let the servant of God (name) go. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

talk seizures

Take the clothes in which the patient had a seizure. Bury it between two aspens, put in that place a round stone found on the bank of the river, and read three times: I command you, stone, not to lie down by the water, but to guard against seizures. While you are standing on his shirt, the servant of God (name) will not have seizures. Amen. Amen. Amen.

If a person is prone to fainting, weak in the head, often turns pale, you need to wait for the full moon, open all the windows in the house (if in summer), and open the curtains in winter. Place the patient so that he looks at the Moon, stand behind him, put your right hand on his head and read: The moon is pale, Uliana's sister, here is your pallor, fainting dizziness, exhausting nausea, here's a bad thing for you, here's a misfortune from him. Uliana will come, she will take everything from the servant of God (name). Amen.

How to calm an angry person

Drink water taken after the thunder and spoken. Thunder rumbled and died down, so you calm down.

How to cure a mental patient
Even a madman is reprimanded with this prayer. This should be done as soon as a person is sick. They stand near the cemetery gates and wait for the first dead person to be transported. As soon as a car or a cart with a coffin enters the gate, you must immediately say after it: How does this coffin leave the living, so that the ailment from the head of the servant of God (name) is gone forever. As this coffin will not be taken back to this gate, so that the disease does not return to the head of the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

how to speak schizophrenia

Wait for the time when the river will go ice. The patient is brought ashore and washed. Then it is wiped with a spoken towel. The towel is spoken like this:
I will go to the mother river. On her island there is a golden chair, on this chair Mother Mother of God Herself sits. In her hands is a damask knife. She snatches the disease and cuts it off, the servant of God (name) corrects the mind. So that it was clear in the brains, thoughts were thought fine. Stick to her, my words, at any hour, at all minutes, at all daily seconds. On the old and on the new on the recut-month. For all dawns: morning, afternoon, evening and night. The sun in the back of the head, the Moon in the forehead, so that no one can ever destroy the mind-mind, confuse. Now, forever and ever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.


Stick a knife into the shelves of an old abandoned bathhouse at three in the morning and read as loudly as possible: Damascus knife, cut, cut, black disease from the head of the servant of God (name): from the crown of the head, from the temples, from his brains, from the hemispheres, from cranial bone, remove the ailment from the brow arches. A damask knife, do not rot, do not break, do not twist with a ring, but remove the disease from the servant of God (name). My lips and teeth are locked. My tongue is the key. No one will open my lock. No one will get the key-language. As I said, so be it. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Before leaving for the army

So, if your son is going to fulfill his duty to the Fatherland and you are seeing him off to the army, do not sleep on the last night, approach him at three in the morning, put on three shirts inside out, let your hair down. Holding a lit candle, read in a whisper. In the evening, warn your son that you want to read a safe-conduct on him. Ask him not to refuse you for the sake of your peace of mind. And if he wakes up, so as not to speak to you. I put it, the servant of God (name), I put it, I close it with seven locks and seven keys, for a thousand days and a thousand nights, I enclose not a garden, but a body from any robbery: from a close enemy, from a distant enemy, from a low person, from high rank, from batogs, whips, fists, from encroachment and abuse, from coercion and beating, from atrocity and deceit, from stabbing and cutting, from an iron pick and from a copper bullet. Take, Lord, from the child: all sorts of hardships, all sorts of misfortunes, from someone else's captivity of passion. And whoever begins to beat and kill my child, he himself will die of dashing. I call Maximus the Confessor and those who lived during the Annunciation as witnesses. Holy martyrs, holy great martyrs, be protection from all torment to my son, the servant of God (name). Amen! Amen! Amen!

A conspiracy from schizophrenia on a candle

They put a sick person on a chair, draw a circle around the chair with a coal. The patient's head is covered with a new white handkerchief. His hands should be on his knees. Light a white wax candle. They stand behind the patient and read the plot, holding a candle in their hands, without interrupting and without responding to anyone's voice. For men they read on Thursday, for women - on Friday. The state of the moon is a full moon. There should be no dogs in the house at the time of the report. On the ocean-sea, on the island of Buyan, a flat stone lies. Ataman Kiyash sits on that stone. Behind him is Atamansha Kiyasha. I ask them and pray to them: gather your snakes from all volosts, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, sorcerers and sorcerers, unclean forces and possessed spirits. Click, call, ask them, interrogate them. Which one of them messed up their minds? Which one of them fooled him? Who sat on a clean seat? Who took away the health of the servant of God (name)? On what did they fool her, on what did they ruin her, did they muddle her mind? What took away her health and mind? On bread? On the water? On salt? On food? On earthly fruits? On the dirty waters? On the grass? On dew? On sand or earth? In the wind, in the fire? At the bath? On smoke? In the aspen? At home? Did they put you in bed? Did you feed Kutya? I beg you, I pray, Ataman Kiyash and Ataman Kiyasha, expel the nausea from the head bone, from the gray brains, from under the tongue, from the top of the head, from the temples, from the back of the head, from all the hairs. Cast out the sickness, cast out the spirit demons. So that (name) does not suffer, does not repeat bad words, does not scream with a wild cry, does not remain silent for weeks. Drive out from the servant of God (name) the demon of the night, the demon of the day, noon, hour, minute, every second, which was planted by you or your wife, or your brother, matchmakers or matchmakers, maybe your sisters or sons, or your daughters. Maybe some sorcerers or sorcerers. First or second, third or seventh. Drive them out, drive them out, correct the head of the servant of God (name). And if you don’t correct, if you don’t take out your own, if you don’t expel yours, if you don’t send yours, don’t give the servant of God (name) talent, common sense, happiness and share, health to the whole body, then I will ask the healer by my power, by the spirits of my will, by the angels that were given to help me, I will ask with a prayer: Lord! Shake the water! I will ask with a prayer: Lord, shake the earth! I will ask with a prayer: Lord, lower the sky! I will ask the Thunderer to send lightning to Kiyash. My God, Lord, give me to help your golden, invincible army: Fyodor Tylin, Yegoriy the Brave, St. Nicholas the Pleasant, Michael the Archangel, Ivan the Warrior, Ivan the Baptist, Ustin Kupriyan, Dmitry Thessalonica, St. Simon, all the saints to help the servant of God sick (name). They will come from under the red dawn, the bright moon, the clear Sun with bright rays, with sharp swords, red-hot arrows, with holy icons, with God's prayer. They will burn you with arrows, they will flog you with swords, they will carry your ashes into the ocean-sea. Do not retreat, Lord, from the servant of God (name), do not withdraw your army until the head enters into health, the illness does not leave her head. Lord, Lord King of the earth, sky and water, and all bellies! Have mercy on the servant of God (name)! Enlighten her brain, heal the crown, straighten the temples. All day, all year, all century. From now on and forever and ever. Amen.
The word "slave" is of necessity changed to the word "slave" depending on the gender of the person.

For schizophrenia (acquired)

AT last day Maslenitsa, before Forgiveness Sunday, on the water. Wash your daughter with this water, and especially your neck and head.
Read like this: In the name of God Christ and the Holy Spirit. Bloom non-rakite breed, not a stump deck, but Kiyanov's color at St. Marina and St. Catherine. They washed the severed head of John, freed it from dry leaves, closed his eyes, and buried the saint in the church. In the name of God Christ and the Holy Spirit, John's head to the body, stuck to his neck, stopped hurting. In the name of the Father and the Holy Spirit, heal, head of the servant of God (name). Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

From schizophrenia

Read on the water and wash the patient for 40 days.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Oh, mother of the damp earth, the path of life passes through you, four-legged walk along you, two-legged walk along you. According to God's permission, according to your own understanding. FROM God's help the servant of God (name) was born, the holy church and godmother was baptized. God! Help his head not to hurt, mind to heal. Mother earth cheese, shake up, shake up. Put his brain in its place. My word is strong. My business is fine. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From epilepsy

Find a bone in the pig's head that looks like pig's head(it is located in the region of the temple on the pig's head). Speak on this bone and give it to the dog. You need to slander like this: I am speaking the servant of God (name). Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, John the Warrior, defeat the demon beating the servant of God (name). I speak on a bone from the relics of a pig. You, beating, falling, go through the bone, get out of the servant of God (name) to the dog, from the dog go into the swamp, into the quicksand. Hit there, shake there, and let the servant of God go. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from epilepsy

Take a piece of charred wood, which was struck by lightning during a thunderstorm, draw on entrance doors cross with this coal and say: Lightning did not enter these doors, so that the servant of God (name) would have epilepsy. Just as lightning does not enter these doors, so the servant of God (name) will pass falling. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Having done this, take the firebrand to the place where you took it. Usually the seizures go away after that.

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 28 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From insomnia

From insomnia

From a letter:

“My dear, Natalya Ivanovna, hello! A low bow to you from all believers, for whom you tirelessly pray. I decided to disturb you, as insomnia has greatly tormented me. Maybe it’s my own fault that I provoked one woman into a scandal, there’s a sin behind me, I can be quick-tempered, and when this happens, I spit everything out with my tongue, and then I’m sorry. It was our father who was like that, and I, apparently, into him. According to the horoscope, I am a Dragon, as soon as I disperse, everyone feels bad, and then I feel guilty. So at that time, one girl touched me in the church, and a candle fell out of my hands. I would have kept silent in such a holy place, but my character took over. I barked at her: “Sleepy cow, you sleep on the go and you don’t see people!” And next to her was a grandmother, probably it was me who swore at her granddaughter. So she answered me: “But you won’t sleep from now on!” I stepped aside from them, but no matter how much I looked around, this old woman stared at me. Not reaching the end of the service, I went home, and since then for half a year I have not had any sleep. I doze for twenty minutes and wake up, and then, while I doze, I hear everything, as if I were not sleeping at all. I drank motherwort, valerian, all sorts of pills, takes nothing, no sleep, and that's it. I went to church, hoping to meet that girl or her grandmother, but I never met them.

I understand that I blundered and offended knowing person, and now I regret it very much, but what should I do? Dear Natalya Ivanovna, I beg you very much, teach me how to relieve insomnia, my strength is running out without sleep, it’s hard for me.

To get rid of contrived insomnia, you must first read “Our Father” three times, and then a conspiracy:

I get up in the morning, I go to bed in the evening,

Dream me, God's water.

You, water of God, came from the city of Jerusalem,

I found a holy place for myself.

You help people in everything

You wash away all diseases and ailments,

You deliver from misfortune,

From heretics, sorcerers you rescue.

Deliver me from trouble,

From insomnia and anxiety.

Who will count Your water in their throats,

Only he will interrupt your power and my words.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, forever, forever and ever.


From the book The Miracle of Healing in a Whisper author Mother Stephanie

From insomnia They swap the curtains from the windows, whispering: Owl fly at night, and the servant of God (name) sleep at night.

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 28 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From damage inflicted by the mother-in-law Letter from Elena Petrovna Starostina, a craftsman from Ussuriysk: “Precious mother Natalya Ivanovna, I already somehow bothered you with my question, and your answer helped me a lot. I have a request, explain to me what can be done in such a situation. Co.

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 15 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From childhood insomnia, the conspiracy is read over water, which is then wiped over the baby. The words are as follows: Quiet dawn Marya, gentle dawn Daria, Wipe the baby, Remove insomnia from him, pacify his crying. Put him to sleep, calm down. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From insomnia Morning dawn Marimyan, evening Mary, midday, midnight and night Natalya, remove insomnia from me, servants of God (name), take it to artisanal places, to dry forests. Amen.

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 21 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From contrived insomnia Letter from reader E. Popkova: “Dear and respected Natalia Ivanovna! I turn to you in desperation. It's been two years now that I haven't slept at all. The doctors examined me and shrugged. They say they can't find the cause of my insomnia. Neurologist

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 34 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From insomnia If a person wakes up at night and cannot fall asleep, you should take a new lock, close it with a key and, after reading the plot, put it under the pillow. In the ocean, the lock is locked. As that wave sways, the eyes of the servant of God (name) stick together. Midnighter, calm down, insomnia,

From the book How to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye the author Luzina Lada

From contrived insomnia Letter from reader E. Popkova: “Dear and respected Natalia Ivanovna! I turn to you in desperation. It's been two years now that I haven't slept at all. The doctors examined me and shrugged. They say they can't find the cause of my insomnia.

From the book of 1777 new conspiracies of the Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From insomnia If you do not sleep for several nights, then you have insomnia. They drive away insomnia with these words: The stars are often my sisters. A clear month to me brother. Good dream for me godfather and matchmaker. You, insomnia, go away And take away the sleeplessness. You care, my side, And my holy words to me

From the book Philosophy of Health by Katsuzo Nishi

From insomnia Morning dawn Maria, evening Maryana, midday, midnight and night Natalya, remove insomnia from me, servants of God (name), take it to artisanal places, to dry forests.

From the book Golden Manual of the Folk Healer. Book 2 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From the book The Secret of Slanders and Attitudes of Sister Stephanie. Hidden words of light and words of power author Stephanie Sister

From the book A Unique Health System. Exercises, work with hidden energies, meditations and moods by Katsuzo Nishi

From the author's book

Removal of implied poverty From a letter: “I was very wealthy and successful person. But, apparently, she angered fate. Once I was leaving a fur elite salon, and gypsy children ran up to me - a girl and a boy. They, as always, began to beg for alms, and I

From the author's book

From insomnia I calm down and relax. I am absolutely calm. Gone are all thoughts, all worries. They are now far away from me. I am at peace and quiet. I turn inward, all my attention is directed inward now. There, inside - a deep source of peace and silence. I

From the author's book

Exercise for insomnia Lying on your back, close your fingers and place them on the back of your head. Raise your arms and head slightly while tensing your abdominal muscles. Lower your head, relax your abdominal muscles. Put your hands on your stomach (left - on the right, you can vice versa, who cares

From the author's book

Remedy for insomnia Insomnia comes from a violation of the smoothness and uniformity of the movement of energy in the body. This is often accompanied nervous tension or other disorders of the nervous system. Connect the three fingers of the right hand - index, middle and

From a letter:

"My dear, hello! A low bow to you from all believers, for whom you tirelessly pray. I decided to disturb you, as insomnia has greatly tormented me. Maybe it’s my own fault that I provoked one woman into a scandal, there’s a sin behind me, I can be quick-tempered, and when this happens, I spit everything out with my tongue, and then I’m sorry. It was our father who was like that, and I, apparently, into him. According to the horoscope, I am a Dragon, as soon as I disperse, everyone feels bad, and then I feel guilty. So at that time, one girl touched me in the church, and a candle fell out of my hands. I would have kept silent in such a holy place, but my character took over. I barked at her: “Sleepy cow, you sleep on the go and you don’t see people!” And next to her was a grandmother, probably it was me who swore at her granddaughter. So she answered me: “But you won’t sleep from now on!” I stepped aside from them, but no matter how much I looked around, this old woman stared at me. Not reaching the end of the service, I went home, and since then for half a year I have not had any sleep. I doze for twenty minutes and wake up, and then, while I doze, I hear everything, as if I were not sleeping at all. I drank motherwort, valerian, all sorts of pills, takes nothing, no sleep, and that's it. I went to church, hoping to meet that girl or her grandmother, but I never met them.

I understand that I made a mistake and offended a knowledgeable person, and now I regret it very much, but what should I do? I beg you very much, teach me how to relieve my insomnia, my strength without sleep is running out, it’s hard for me.

To get rid of contrived insomnia, you must first read “Our Father” three times, and then a conspiracy:

I get up in the morning, I go to bed in the evening,

Dream me, God's water.

You, water of God, came from the city of Jerusalem,

I found a holy place for myself.

You help people in everything

You wash away everything and sickness,

You deliver from misfortune,

From heretics, sorcerers you rescue.

Deliver me from trouble,

From insomnia and anxiety.

Who will count Your water in their throats,

Only he will interrupt your power and my words.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, forever, forever and ever.


    Read also:

There is no worse punishment than stealing a person's dream. A person loses sleep, tosses and turns in bed at night, cannot fall asleep in any way, although he is very tired. And so he walks exhausted, and cannot rest in any way, he is tormented, poor. Here you need to have a sophisticated mind in order to think of sending such damage, not everyone will come to mind. But if they sent you to reduce the damage, but for the future know that you have a fierce hater. If you know who it is, then do not try to repay him with the same coin, on the contrary, you need to come to his house with good intentions, talk like a human, make peace. Because this person is unhappy: there is no worse grief than being obsessed with hatred and revenge.

And this damage is removed like this: you need to read the plot on the water, and in the mornings wash yourself with this water in front of the icons. The conspiracy is this:

Lord, my God, the Holy Archangel Michael is with you, and with him a six-winged cherub. As they are all strong, so are my words of conspiracy strong. With distant keys I open the dream, I close it with a wax seal. A thief will not come to the sleep of a servant of God (name).

As flowers close at night, people dress up for sleep. The dawn is evening, the night is dark. The Lord God gave the power of sleep. So let the servant of God (name) sleep, the angel guards his sleep. And all my prayer. Amen.

I will tell you a secret: to return the dream of a fake, it is important not to lose it again, and in this case there is a charm that you need to ask loved one, and then on the pillow on which you sleep, say:

Whoever wants to take the dream of a slave (name) will have to take my dream ahead. And my dream keeps (the name of the crown deceased). Amen.

Then attach a calcined pin to the pillow with inside with this you attach your dream, and it will not go anywhere while you sleep on this pillow. And so that the soybeans are strong, it’s good to read a prayer at night. Here I will give you one.

Prayer for sound sleep

Forgive those who hate and offend us. Lord, Lover of mankind, do good to those who do good. Brother and our relatives, even grant forgiveness and eternal life to salvation. In the infirmities of the being, visit and grant healing. Ixe on the sea rule. Travel travel. Grant forgiveness to those who serve and pardon us of sins. Those who commanded us unworthy to pray for them, have mercy according to Your great mercy. Remember, Lord, before the departed father and our brethren, and give them rest, where Thy sanctuary visits. Remember, Lord, our captive brethren, and deliver me from every situation. Remember, Lord, those who bear fruit and do good in Your holy churches, and it rains on them for the salvation of forgiveness and eternal life. Remember. Lord, and us, humble and sinful and unworthy servants of Thy, and enlighten our minds with the light of Thy mind, and guide us on the path of Thy commandments, with the prayers of our Most Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary and all Thy saints: blessed be the axes forever and ever. Amen.

This type of damage is characterized by a depressed mood.Something torments the soul, in the evenings it aches behind the sternum, there is a feeling of loss, a person blames himself for all the problems of his life and does not see any prospects. He constantly suffers from insomnia, it is difficult for him to perform simple duties at home and at work. The only desire is to lie face to the wall and notget up.

At the same time, there seems to be nothing to go to the doctor with, and tests show that everything is in order with the body. What if the doctor thinks that you are faking an illness? However, there is a reason to see a doctor. This is a disease induced as a result of spoilage, and itsshould not be underestimated. After all, she moves very quickly to physical layer and sits on the heart.

Grief or depression has certain symptoms, and they need to be known in order to keep the situation under control. Mainemotion in this state is sadness. She often mixeswith a sense of shame, guilt, fear. The perception of time is changing:it seems to take a very long time.

So, briefly list the symptoms: lack of interest to regular activities; constant, persistent fatigue; sleep disorders; irritability; nervousness; sharp unmotivated mood swings, feelings of guilt and self-doubt solvency; appetite disorders; back pain; memory impairment; lack of assembly.

As a rule, depression is associated with an external traumaticcause: loss of people close to you, work, break love relationship. There are many reasons and it is not worth listing them. It is important to know the main thing: depression begins when a person, for reasons dependent or beyond his control, cannot establishcontrol over the most important areas of his life.

Sometimes depression can manifest itself as fun, but not ordinary, but hysterical, unrestrained: a kind of attempt to force out difficult thoughts, to abandon them and oneself, to change the guise.

This damage is done to quarrel people among themselves. When they hear that the dog barked, they say a special conspiracy, mentioning those whom they want to quarrel. This damage is especially often done by offended girls who have had their fiancé taken away. Then the spouses, who had previously lived in love and harmony, begin to bark with each other. You can remove this damage as follows. Buy live fish and put it on ice. While the fish is falling asleep, in order to remove the damage on your own, read the following plot:

Fish, creature of God, the Lord created you mute, you were alive, you couldn’t speak, and the dead died, you didn’t say a word. Every creature of God, every one has its share. The dog is lying, the wolf is howling, the hare is crying, and the servant of God (name) is silent and praying to God. While the servant of God (name) prays to God, everything in the world will work out. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For the same, they carry grain and give it to the rooster and hens to peck, saying at the same time:

The grains lay in the ground, they didn’t scream, they didn’t cry, the grains sprouted from the earth - they were silent, poured like an ear - they didn’t say a word, they didn’t get into the yard, they didn’t resist, while their chickens and rooster pecked, humbly silent. So the servant of God (name) be silent and pray to God, forgive sins. Servant of God (name)! Don't scold, don't scold better to God pray for yourself, for me, for the whole wide world. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Corruption transfer

Damage can be transferred from a person to any animal. It is best to transfer not to a living animal (otherwise the damage will return to you when the animal dies), but to a dead one. For example, on a chicken or fish bought in a store. Light a candle and cross the chicken with this candle. Then take a long needle and pierce the chicken with the words:

Take what I don't need, and it won't hurt you.

After that, read the spell:

Lived Adam and Eve, ate from the tree of paradise. The Lord got angry, drove Adam and Eve out of paradise, cursed the whole creation, gave it to people for suffering. Chicken, you are a creature of God, given to us by God, for suffering, for torment. Take my curse, take my spell, you will suffer, and I will raise the servant of God (name). I prick the first time, I remember paradise, I prick another time, I remember the tree, I prick the third time, I remember the snake, I prick the fourth time, I remember Eve, I prick the fifth time, I remember Adam, I prick the sixth time, I remember the first sin, I prick the seventh time, I remember the wrath of God , I prick the eighth time, I remember the angel with a sword, I prick the ninth time, I remember the closed gates of paradise, I prick the tenth time, I mourn Adam and Eve, I prick the eleventh time, I pity the earth, I prick the twelfth time, I pity all the creatures of God, I prick the thirteenth time, you have chicken, I'm sorry. Take the spoiled, return the healthy. Forgive, Lord, enlighten the foolish, raise up the fallen, for all things are possible for You. Amen.

How to remove damage with water

At midnight, pour a glass of water and say to it:

The water of God, the water of the well, was the water of death, become the water of life! Lord, if the water is true, sanctify this water, wash away the curses, lessons, prizes from the servant of God (name), evil eye, black words, envy, hatred, dashing fun, bribes, frustration, any damage, any damage. Evil, go to your parent, and God is our father. I wash with water, I bless with the holy cross. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Now wash yourself with this water and go to bed.

How to get rid of damage to sleep

If you are constantly tormented by insomnia, then you may have been spoiled.

To remove the damage yourself, first read a conspiracy that will help you regain your lost sleep. They read into the water, wash themselves and wipe themselves in front of the icons:

The Lord is my Savior, the Mother of God is my protection, Archangel Michael is my fence, cherubim, seraphim are my canopy, my holy cross is my defense. Not stronger force God, no stronger than sleep at the servant of God (name). I bring that dream to the church, I put it on the Throne of God, I lock it with the Royal Doors, I close it with a bishop's seal. The thief will not come, the unclean will not come to the Throne of the Lord, the dream of God's servant (name) will not steal. The night comes, sleep is on the Throne, the stars are kindled, the unquenchable lamp burns, the dream keeps. The servant of God (name) is sleeping, her angel guards her sleep. Amen. Amen. Amen.

And now the amulet, so as not to lose sleep. Read it before bed.

A golden dream, a silver dream, a precious dream. Thief, thief, do not steal the dream of God's servant (name), steal a stump and a deck and black water. And when you steal a stump and a log, and black water, carry it to the strangled man on the grave. There you have a dream, there you have peace, there you will live forever. Amen.

How to remove damage to vodka

It happens that a person becomes an inveterate drunkard because he has done it.

It is easy to remove such damage, the only difficulty is that the forces of each person are different, therefore, conspiracies are needed different. She advised me to give several conspiracies, and you yourself will choose which one suits you best.

  • There is a forest, there is a swamp in the forest, there is a dry aspen on it. On that aspen a rope dangles, from under that aspen a black river flows, black wine pours. Whoever drinks this wine, loses his mind, drinks away his strength. Servant of God (name), I forbid you to drink that wine, now and forever and forever, now and forever. The Lord gave the vine, the Lord shed the blood of life, the Lord's blood is the true wine, from now on drink it, run to the Lord, partake of the Lord, be healed by the Lord. A sober mind, a reasonable head, a frisky mind, a zealous heart. For life, for healing, for good, for prayer. Amen, amen, amen. Read a conspiracy to remove damage should be for women in women's days, for men in men's, observing the waning month and not working on holy holidays.
  • If a snake crawls along the sand, then a trace remains from it. Put your hand on this trace and, while reading, sweep it with your hand. Leave silently.

Strong Orthodox prayers from the evil eye and corruption

What to do if you have damage? How to remove damage yourself? Well, first things first, don't get discouraged. There is little benefit from despondency, but great damage. So, your energy is broken, and you reduce it even more with your fear. Remember: here you need hope, faith and, of course, the right words of the rites for removing corruption, which I am giving you here.

I advise every week at midnight on Sunday to conduct this ceremony with a prayer to the Holy Spirit and Mother of God Redeemer. It's long, but very good treatment. You need to start it after you have carried out the determination of spoilage by an egg and make sure that spoilage has indeed been imposed on you. And there is nothing to do in vain, like all the conspiracies and rituals that I give you. They have a huge power the first time, which then diminishes, so do not waste them in vain.

So, at the appointed time, read prayers and a conspiracy to remove damage from a person:

Prayer to the Holy Spirit from evil and corruption

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth, who is everywhere and fills everything, the treasure of the good and the Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed, our souls. Amen.

Prayer of the Mother of God to the Redeemer for protection from corruption

Oh, Mother of God, our help and protection, whenever we ask, be our deliverer, we trust in You and always whole-heartedly call on You: have mercy and help, have mercy and deliver, incline Your ear and accept our sorrowful and tearful prayers, and as if you wish, reassure and rejoice us, who love your Beginningless Son and our God. Amen.

And once a week, check with an egg to see if spoilage remains. Prayers must be read until the water remains clear and the egg stops darkening.

There is also a warning here: during the ritual of removing spoilage, water from the jar must be poured into the toilet, and then washed off several times. But even if you managed to remove the damage in this way, do not calm down. The one who brought it will definitely feel that his evil has returned, and will try to harm you again. To prevent this from happening, after the complete removal of damage, go to church the next four Sundays, confess and take communion - preferably with the same priest. Then the damage will not return to you.

How to avoid damage

In order not to run into problems, you need to know how to avoid spoilage. If a person fasts and goes to church, it is difficult for him to spoil. There are four fasts a year, as well as two during the week - Wednesday and Friday. On Wednesday, Jesus Christ was betrayed and crucified on Friday, so these days are considered fast days.

At baptism, a person is given a guardian angel. If a person goes to church and prays, fasts, then a guardian angel gains strength in him, which protects him from various misfortunes.

Man relates both to the spiritual world and to the physical world. Therefore, he can treat his soul with the help of prayers and fasting, and the body with pills, injections, inhalations, radiation, operations, etc.

By the way, about food. Many believe that if they do not eat animal food, i.e. meat, sausage, lard, eggs, they will feel very bad. This is not true. On the contrary, it will be easier for a person. When a corrupt person comes to me, the first thing I do is put three necessary conditions: the first is the observance of fasting throughout the treatment, which sometimes lasts a year or more; the second is the obligatory reading of prayers in the morning and evening; third, going to church at least twice a month.

How fasting can help from corruption

A corrupted patient cannot be cured with medicines. The main condition is fasting. A corrupted sick person, eating animal food, nourishes the unclean spirit that is in him. And than more people will eat meat and sausages, the faster the unclean will crush him.

When I treat a person who is fasting, the unclean one shouts from him: “Give me fat, give me meat…”.

One teaspoon of vinegar, drunk on an empty stomach, also helps against spoilage.

One of the conditions for the treatment of damage, I put a visit to the church. But be careful, as damage can also be obtained in the church. Witches and sorcerers have succeeded in this. Their eyes are prickly in the church, running around, they stand with their backs to the altar and try to leave the church with their backs, as if backing away. Some of them are baptized with their left hand: if they kneel, they cross their legs behind. They also cross their arms left hand lies on the right.

Be careful in church when you put a candle, make sure that it burns out to the end, make sure that your candle is not extinguished, that another candle is placed on it and that your burning candle is not stuck upside down in the candlestick. Be sure to cross your mouth before taking communion.

In church, you can be walked around counterclockwise and poked at you to suck the energy out of you. If this happens, hit the witch or sorcerer with your left hand so that the damage goes back.

What to do after removing damage

After the removal of damage is completed, it is necessary to confess and take communion, both to the former patient and to the one who treated. If you are not used to going to church, then before treatment, read a cleansing prayer to Jesus Christ, and after healing, also a prayer to Jesus Christ, but only one that will not allow demons to take possession of you again after removing the damage:

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the One Trisagion Deity, Our Lady the Virgin, Holy thrones, angels, archangels, cherubim, seraphim with beginnings, I bow to you, I repent to you. Deliver me, O Lord, from the seduction of the godly and wicked Antichrist, who is coming, and hide me from his nets in the secret wilderness of Your salvation. Give me, Lord, the strength and courage of a firm confession of Your holy name, may I not retreat fear for the sake of the devil, may I not renounce You, my Savior and Redeemer, from Your Holy Church. But give me, Lord, day and night, cry and tears for my sins, and have mercy on me, Lord, at the hour Doomsday yours. Amen.

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