They can go crazy. And on my own behalf, I would like to draw attention to several important recommendations: it is necessary to avoid unnecessary stress, even positive. Allow to be alone. Remember that people with mental disorders are people with a "weak"

Stress, nervous breakdowns gradually undermine mental health. In order not to go crazy, you need to strengthen the psyche, be prepared for any troubles, and look at the world optimistically. You can't shut yourself up, you have to take action. Only weak people suffer, begin to get involved in bad habits, do nothing. Each person should be above troubles, not allow themselves to live only with problems. The main thing is to have inner strength, not a mask of calmness. To do this, you need to constantly train your psyche.

Some people in critical situations begin to pronounce the phrase in their head: “I think I have already lost my mind.” Needs are most traumatizing for the psyche - to do several things at once, so it’s impossible to focus on one important thing. If a person lives in a hurry, he has an irregular work schedule, there is no joy in life, he is constantly tense, over time the nervous system is depleted, a mental disorder develops.

Experts pay attention to such valuable tips:

  • Strictly adhere to the schedule, observe the regime of the day.
  • Don't forget to rest.
  • Listen to positive, favorite music.
  • Do sports, move physically, give up seated image life.
  • Take a walk outside before bed.
  • Every day try to perform basic exercises - abs, squats, push-ups.
  • Avoid conflicts, set clear goals.

What to do if grief happens?

For each person there comes a turning point in life, when he loses his loved ones, relatives or finds himself in a difficult and tragic situation. At this time, it begins to seem that a person will not stand it, but one should not lose heart. Pay attention to these recommendations:

  • Under no circumstances stay long time alone, otherwise negative thoughts can lead to suicidal behavior.
  • Cry, do not hold back emotions in yourself, just do not abuse it, otherwise the experiences will negatively affect the psyche.
  • Pull yourself together, find your purpose, tell yourself: “Despite everything, I must live on!”
  • Surround yourself with something pleasant, bring a drop of positive into your life.
  • Walk outdoors as much as possible.
  • Let friends, loved ones into your life, they will help you cope with grief.
  • Do not refuse interesting offers - go to the theater, to the cinema, to an art exhibition.
  • Smile at the world around you. Even in the little things find a slice of positive.
  • Read an interesting book.
  • Prepare delicious food for yourself.
  • Do your favorite thing.
  • Force yourself to move, do not lie for days.
  • Do not feel sorry for yourself, so you will further aggravate your grief.
  • Give up listening to sad music, watching depressive films. Give preference to comedies, melodramas.

Attention! If the methods described above are ineffective, the problem worsens even more, it begins to seem that life has completely lost its meaning, contact a psychotherapist.

Why does a person go crazy?

It is still unknown for what reasons different ones develop. Some experts say they are to blame mechanical damage brain, somatic diseases. Others are sure that mental trauma- a consequence of strong emotional experiences, tragic events.

It is worth paying attention to the feeling of anger, anxiety, resentment do not go away just like that. Over time, a person is sensitive to everything that happens, subsequently nervousness increases. The nervous system begins to lose stability, flexibility.

Especially dangerous are misfortunes that happen unexpectedly. For example, a serious illness, death of a loved one, loss of a job, home, betrayal of a loved one. They lead to the fact that a person can go crazy.

Thus, the human psyche sensitively perceives everything external influences. To avoid serious mental illness, you need to constantly work on yourself, strengthen your character, learn to be strong. Of course, it is very difficult to realize when close person, but you can not get hung up on the problem. We need to gain strength and move on. Be healthy!

Date: 2014-03-03

Hello site readers.

Many people sooner or later under the influence of certain circumstances begin to move out of the coils. Why is this happening? Why normal people suddenly start going crazy? In this short article, I will tell you why do people go crazy, and most importantly - how not to go crazy when certain circumstances are pressing on you.

Why do people go crazy?

The man is going crazy nervous ground. Severe psychological shock leads to serious negative consequences. Many people fail and commit suicide. Others begin to kill, attack the defenseless, rob and so on. There is no need to run for examples. My dad told me how young guys from the army where he served shot themselves when they found out that their girlfriends were married to others. Many people, after an endless series of failures, start, and as a result go crazy with delirium tremens. Also, people go crazy with loneliness, endless disappointments, everyday dissatisfaction. Simply put, a person goes crazy because of those situations that greatly hurt him, pull him to the quick, and very strongly.

For example, the business collapsed. During the financial crisis, so many businessmen committed suicide when they started to lose everything. A man has been building his business for years, sacrificing his time, strength, nerves, possibly his family, and then the crisis came and took everything away. Who can stand it?

Loneliness can also make you crazy. Can you imagine what it is like when a person wakes up alone in an apartment every morning, when there is no one to talk to? Few people can stand this. A person must live in society, since he was born in it. It's Mowgli or Tarzan who can do without people, but we can't.

The nervous psyche begins to stagger due to failures. For example, a person tried many times, and desired result never received it. Hard work destroys the human psyche, causing him to go crazy. From the fact that ours, a person begins to feel emptiness inside (internal emptyness). This builds up over and over and eventually leads to a mind shift. The person goes crazy. And you can list such examples yourself. A person can go crazy from boredom alone.

So, there are plenty of reasons to go crazy. Fortunately, many people know how to deal with them. If it wasn't, we'd all be nuts right now. A lot of people can and it's very good. So how not to go crazy?

How not to go crazy?

The answer is very simple, although it all depends on the situation and its perception. For example, if a person goes crazy with loneliness, then he just needs to start leading active image life. Now in the 21st century there are so many things that problems should not arise. I remember once riding in a crowded minibus. If you suffer from loneliness, then you should definitely ride in it. Or you can read the articles: and.

A girl may start to go crazy after being dumped a few times, or she may not. I understand that this is insulting, but in such a situation it is better to look to the future, not to the past. Any problem can be solved. Surely right now there are other candidates, just before it was not visible. And while a person stares at the past, he misses the opportunities of the present, and therefore deprives himself of a bright future. Hence the conclusion: try not to look to the past, but to observe the present. Difficult, but possible.

Monotony also drives people crazy. In this case, you need to think about. While a person is inactive, the problem is not solved, although there are times when problems are solved by themselves. But it is better to act than to sit and wait. Many people know what they can do to change their lives, but for some reason, apart from thinking about it, nothing follows. As a result of this, a person remains where he was and this drives him crazy.

For workaholics next tip- try to get more rest. No time, then meditate. Read the article:. This is enough for you. Continuous work leads to nervous breakdown. After a few nervous breakdowns, a person goes crazy automatically. Is your job worth your health? Maybe it's time to take a break so you don't go crazy? Exactly! All in your hands.

Of course, it is worth getting rid of the negative. If you get a fresh portion of negativity every working day, then maybe it's time to change jobs? You do not like what you are doing, as it causes irritation, so is it time to change activities? You can continue to endure, but if patience bursts, it will lead to a nervous breakdown.

I remember how in school years received a lot of negativity. I could not change school, so I had to endure until the end. When I graduated from high school, all the negativity disappeared. I sighed easily. And now I understand one thing: if I don’t like something, I get rid of it. I will not endure, I would rather throw this source of negativity out of my life. Instead, it is better to start feeding on the positive. Subscribe to the newsletter of this site, and then you will receive positive materials that will not only help you not to go crazy, but also help you


The question of why people go crazy is extremely complex. We hasten to upset, but no one really knows the genesis (origin) of madness. Why does it occur in human body failure in the form of schizophrenia remains a mystery. However, at our service a large number of hypotheses. Let's consider them.

Madness and psychology

Psychological trauma. In general, asking why people go crazy is like asking why the wind blows. With the wind, it would seem, everything is clear - these are physical conditions existence. If the wind is a physical condition, then stress is a mental condition. People, especially in large metropolitan areas, are constantly under pressure: work, personal and love relationships.

And in general, anything can undermine mental health. Man is under attack all the time. Psychological trauma lies in wait for him at every turn. For example, Andrei Chikatilo began to kill women because of the constant humiliation of his wife. The train drivers went crazy during the shift and directed the train past the stations. And no one will ever say why this particular person failed. However, psychological trauma is too abstract a definition. We concretize.

Madness and love

Love not only saves, but also kills. people like love stories with a happy ending. True, life is not always so generous. This is evidenced by hundreds, thousands of teenagers who commit suicide because of unrequited love. In addition to unrequited love, there is jealousy, which, as you know, is normal and pathological. If a woman is unlucky, and she stumbles upon a jealous man, then there is only one recipe - to run away. Pathological owners, without calculating their strength, can easily kill the object of "love". That kind of jealousy is crazy.

Madness and genius

Giftedness has its roots in madness. The so-called normal person is main product civilization, and at the same time he is of little use to it, because he is not creatively endowed, he does not have any special qualities. But it turns out that being an ordinary unit of the human race is not so bad. By at least, a "normal person" can live to old age.

But genius is not to be envied, for it borders on insanity. In addition, people of art, as a rule, are finely organized and have a very mobile nervous system. Here, even proof is not required: many musicians and actors interrupted their life path, and went into oblivion much ahead of schedule.

Madness and death

Death in its many manifestations. Someone's parents die, and he can not stand the pain, someone has a friend. But the result is the same - madness, which expresses itself in suicide. Although this is not always the case, sometimes it is psychosis, including schizophrenia. The main thing is that a traumatic event causes a person to deviate from the rut of an established existence and fall into the darkness of insanity.

How to avoid insanity?

There are a few simple rules. No matter how bad it may be, do not forget that, in addition to troubles and upheavals, there is also the rest of life, which is full of interesting and exciting activities. Sometimes lack of sleep and bad habits help the disease to take over a person.

Mental illnesses attack a person when he cannot correctly distribute periods of work and rest. The daily routine should be clearly structured. All these measures will help a person to be in shape and not be afraid to go crazy.

Often in the media you can find out about people who have gone crazy or committed suicide. Why is this happening? AT modern world Our brain is constantly under stress. Television often shows programs that provoke negative emotions. In the news - almost always tragic incidents. At work, the boss says. Night sleep reduced to a minimum, and the quality and frequency of meals deteriorated. These are some of the common reasons why a person can lose their mind. How to live to old age and maintain clarity of thought? Why do people go crazy, read the article.


People often joke about going crazy or losing their minds. Many people call a person crazy if he is a little eccentric, individual, or prone to the appearance of strong emotions. It is also very often assumed that people who have committed violent crimes are insane. In addition, some great writers, actors, and scientists suffered from some form of mental disorder. So why do people go crazy?

Madness is psychological condition when a person hears or sees things that are not there, or is convinced of something that is different from the opinions of others. Deviation causes the patient to perceive or interpret things differently than those around them. Such a condition may be caused by a mental or general illness, a substance such as alcohol or drugs.

medical facts

Why do people go crazy? Statistically, the most common mental disorders are:

  • Schizophrenia - mental condition, hallucinatory and nonsense.
  • Bipolar disorder. People with this disorder may have episodes of low mood (depression) or high spirits (mania).
  • Dementia is senile dementia.
  • Depression is a feeling of constant sadness, devastation, including postpartum depression that women sometimes experience after having a baby.
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a condition characterized by the appearance of obsessions and unpleasant thoughts.
  • Panic attack - periodic attacks of anxiety.
  • Neurasthenia is a disorder with increased irritability, fatigue and tension.

It follows that people who are considered crazy, in fact, simply suffer from the above diseases.


Why do people go crazy? By what signs can such a state be determined? Most often, insane people may experience various combinations of symptoms, for example:

  • Deviant behavior- deviating from socially accepted norms.
  • Hallucinations are a psychological state in which a person hears, sees and, in some cases, touches, smells, or tastes something that is not there.
  • Delusions. Characterized by strong beliefs that others do not share.
  • Delusional thinking.
  • disturbing thoughts.
  • Obsessions.
  • Mania or insanity.
  • Lack of understanding and self-awareness.
  • Rapid and slurred speech.
  • Disruption of the sequence of speech, for example, the patient may switch from one topic to another in the middle of a sentence.
  • sudden loss thoughts, leading to an abrupt pause in conversation or activity.
  • Unexplained aggression.

The reasons

The person goes crazy. Why is this happening? The main triggers that can lead to insanity include:

  • chronic stress;
  • alcoholic or drug addiction;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • age;
  • constant failures;
  • psychological trauma;
  • loss of the meaning of life;
  • social isolation;
  • loneliness.

There are many reasons why a person can go crazy. But all of them provoke the development of psychological deviations according to approximately the same scenario.

At first, negative emotions accumulate in a person. He becomes irritable and tired. As the progression progresses, excessive sensitivity to what is happening in the world around us appears. After a short period of time, the human psyche loses stability. If at this point you do not contact a specialist, the patient may experience nervous breakdown. This can lead to depression, mania, addiction, and even suicide.


Almost any psychological deviation, from various diseases to depression or addiction, one way or another is associated with an increase in stress and anxiety. Increased emotionality does not allow a person to think adequately in stressful situations. But feeling constantly stressed or overwhelmed is not a sign that you are losing your mind.

One of the varieties psychological disorders are panic attacks. In this state, people experience periodic bouts of fear or anxiety, which are accompanied by a fear of death, increased heart rate, heaviness of breathing. Sometimes suffering panic attacks it may seem that he is going crazy with growing anxiety.


Have you noticed that some older people sometimes say or do strange things? AT critical conditions it may seem that the person has gone crazy. However, this is not quite true. Why do old people go crazy? Dementia is one of the most common diseases in the elderly. In other words, it is called dementia.

There are many various forms this disease, and each of them has specific causes. The most common types of dementia are the following disorders:

  • Alzheimer's disease (" senility"). It is characterized by the death of brain neurons, which primarily leads to memory impairment.
  • Vascular dementia. Most common in people suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes who smoke and have had multiple strokes. Each attack leads to a deterioration in the neurological condition of the patient. As it progresses, there may be a deterioration in memory and thinking, gait disturbance, muscle weakness, emotional instability, and depression.
  • Dementia with Lewy bodies is a disease in which cognitive impairments are combined movement disorders. distinctive and specific symptom are visual-spatial disorders. For example, blurred vision, hallucinations, difficulty recognizing objects.
  • Huntington's (or Huntington's) disease. Clinical symptoms are in the appearance mental disorders(depression, apathy, schizophrenia-like disorders), nervous tick, convulsions, strange gait, swallowing disorders, etc.
  • Korsakov's psychosis is most often observed in patients with alcoholism. They have impaired memory, paralysis, muscle atrophy, and decreased intelligence.

Why do older people go crazy? Dementia can happen to anyone, but is more common after age 65. early signs diseases are very subtle and vague, they may not be immediately obvious. To some general symptoms relate:

  • progressive memory loss;
  • personality change;
  • apathy;
  • loss of ability to perform daily tasks.


And why smart people going crazy? Is there really a thin line that separates insanity from genius? Take Vincent van Gogh, for example. This famous 19th-century artist suffered from bipolar disorder. He cut off part of his left ear and ended up committing suicide. Unfortunately, there are many such examples.


Abuse of alcohol and drugs can provoke the occurrence of mental breakdowns and disorders. Such substances negatively affect the nervous system, destroying it more and more each time. Also, if an alcoholic or drug addict stops drinking or taking illegal drugs, he may go crazy.


Danish scientists have studied the relationship between head injuries, such as concussion and skull fracture, and the subsequent risk of developing psychiatric disorders. They found that these damages can significantly increase the risk of developing certain psychiatric disorders.

bad dream

A hundred years ago, people slept an average of nine hours every night. Currently, according to research, the duration has been reduced to 7 hours. This trend leads to a decrease general level psychological health. In order for the human brain and body to fully rest and recover, a person needs to sleep from 8 to 10 hours. Otherwise, mental disorders, and subsequently madness, cannot be avoided.

Nervous turmoil

Can a person go crazy, for example, from the loss of the meaning of life? This usually happens when he loses someone close, such as a child or parents. In this case, the experiences of the tragedy that happened can be so strong that, apart from pain, grief and devastation, a person cannot feel anything else. At such moments, many close, do not pay attention to anything, worry and often try to drown out the pain with alcohol. If such a state is prolonged, depression and psychological breakdowns may occur. In addition, when a person cannot cope with emotions, does not receive psychological help, the support of close friends or relatives, he may have suicidal thoughts.

How not to go crazy?

From nervous shocks and psychological trauma no one is safe. But the risk of psychological disorders can be minimized. According to psychologists, the best prevention craziness is taking care of one's own nervous system. Everyone, without exception, is advised to eat right, refuse bad habits, get examined on time, remain an optimist, expand the circle of friends, and also engage in self-development.

Loneliness is like a virus. It slowly and painlessly enters our lives, builds a strong wall between us and the outside world. And when we finally realize the insidious consequences, it is already too late. The reasons may be different. But the result is usually the same: apathy, emotional hunger, a feeling of uselessness and suicidal thoughts. Scary, isn't it?

Psychologists urge not to let things take their course and offer some advice for each situation. Let's try to figure out how not to go crazy with loneliness.

After parting

Unfortunately, not all serious relationship between a man and a woman lead to a wedding. And the longer the romance continues, the more difficult it is to survive the breakup. Usually one of the partners is more acute and brighter about this. The first thing that friends advise in similar situations, this is a switch to work. By plunging headlong into a routine, you can allegedly suppress negative emotions in yourself and let go of the situation faster.

However, psychologists believe that this way only partially solves the problem. Suppressed emotions will sooner or later remind of themselves, and silence and sad thoughts will still reign at home.

When deciding how not to get away from loneliness after parting with a loved one, it is important not to withdraw into yourself. If you immerse yourself in work, then in order to buy a nice gift for yourself or your loved ones with the money you earn. Even if you don't want to spend free time in noisy friendly companies you need to walk a lot. And for more motivation, you can buy, for example, a puppy. Pets give energy and joy to their owners. They will not give time for self-flagellation and painful nostalgia.

On Decree

During pregnancy, a woman can still afford to travel to nature or attend happy holidays and parties. However, with the birth of a child, the situation changes. Relentless chores, a lack of live communication, and sometimes a lack of support can harm mental health women.

The way out of the situation, how not to go crazy from loneliness on maternity leave, may be to engage in creativity. In free moments, psychologists recommend drawing, sculpting, sewing, knitting ... In general, do whatever your heart desires. Communication with friends can be maintained through social networks. If it is possible to leave the child for a couple of hours with her husband, grandparents, you can use this time to good use: for shopping or meeting friends.

In family

The feeling of loneliness often comes to partners who are already married. At first, the relationship seemed harmonious, happy. But after some disagreements that have long been in the past, or under the influence of external difficulties, the spouses begin to move away from each other. There are more silent pauses, less mutual understanding, the former passion disappears. What to do? How not to go crazy from loneliness in the family?

Here it is important to first decide whether to keep the relationship or not. With an affirmative answer, you must take the initiative into your own hands. Joint leisure is a great option for this. It can be a romantic walk, a photo shoot and album compilation, cooking a new dish, or you can take a risk and take a parachute jump or a hang glider flight. The main thing is that all partners do together. In the process, you can discover new qualities in your soulmate, and relationships will not only get better, but will reach another level.

After losing a loved one

They say that "to survive is to overcome." Alas, this is not entirely true. Yes, you can cope with the loss of a loved one, but later life can turn out differently: closed, in despair and depression, or wisely, with awareness of continuation and hope for the best. Psychologists say that a person imposes a feeling of loneliness in this situation on himself. He shuts himself off from reality. The first few months are normal reaction. But if depressive moods last more than six months, this alarm signal. How not to go crazy from loneliness in this situation?

Contrary to melancholy, it is necessary to be in a society, especially where there are many children or pets. With their spontaneity and curiosity, these creatures evoke only And the more of them there are, the easier the rehabilitation process will be. You can also start growing flowers and give them to friends and family. Happiness is contagious. By giving it to others, a person is transformed himself.

After divorce

One of the most difficult problems in this category is how not to go crazy with loneliness after a divorce. Often this process is accompanied by quarrels, negative emotions, inner emptiness. A common mistake in this situation is to switch to a new relationship. Usually this method gives relief only for a short time. Divorce is not emotionally experienced, and its echoes will be drawn into new relationships, preventing them from developing harmoniously.

In order not to become a victim of depressive moods, psychologists advise to change the situation. If financial and physical capabilities allow, you can go on a trip. New places, new acquaintances (but without obligations), new impressions will not let you get bored and will give peace of mind and self-confidence. AT last resort you can limit yourself to a river cruise, a trip to a sanatorium or to friends in another city or country.

In old age

How not to go crazy with loneliness at 60 is the question of most older people. Approaching the retirement age, men and women equally have a fear of loneliness. And no wonder! Children have grown up, they have their own life, work is no longer the goal of everyday life, there is no confidence in their health and strength. Worthlessness also appears. Of course, every story is different. But the outcome is the same.

Psychologists advise not to lose heart in such situations and try to look at everything from a different angle. Now there is a lot of free time, you need to use it for your own benefit: train your intellect (chess, crossword puzzles, reading books), learn new things, find a hobby you like (needlework, craft), do physical health. If possible, you can go for walks, visit special clubs by age, communicate with peers, and maybe even with young people, in order to share experiences.

Due to personal insecurity

Increasingly, there are young, healthy, but due to their complexes, fears or other reasons, they doom themselves to be unhappy and miserable. Some people are happy with this position. They are "drawn" into the free rhythm of life and prefer comfortable solitude and silence. As a rule, such loners have pets or devote their lives to their favorite work. They are not afraid of depressive moods, as they are clearly aware of their choice.

However, there is a cohort of people who are desperately looking for love and understanding. But after frequent failures, disappointed in the search, they become depressed. Unfortunately, this problem is most often affected by the female half. Asking experts how not to go crazy with loneliness for a woman, it is impossible to get a universal answer. After all, the causes of disorder are individual. Therefore, the problem should be solved, starting from them. The only thing you shouldn't do is shut yourself up. You can visit special clubs and dating sites, go to parties, music concerts and exhibitions. As a rule, there are a lot of young people at such events. New acquaintances lead to more acquaintances and so on. All options must be used.

In another city

For various reasons, people have to leave their familiar environment and place of residence and move to other cities, countries, and other continents. Alien atmosphere and culture often cause emotional constraint. There is a feeling of orphanhood, panic, despair. How not to go crazy with loneliness, getting into this situation? Psychologists unanimously advise taking the initiative. Be friendly and welcoming, don't hesitate to approach strangers with minor requests or seek advice. For example, how to get to such and such a street or where is the best place to rent a house. It's little things like that that bring people closer together. Even a casual conversation in a store or transport can lead to an interesting acquaintance. Do not be "prickly" and be afraid of minor revelations. This inspires confidence.

In the new team

A little trick will require development in a foreign team. Otherwise, depression about and like-minded people simply cannot be avoided. Eventually personal qualities will suffer as self-confidence will be lost. And the team will consider the newcomer a weak link, and will ignore and avoid it in every possible way. To answer the question of how not to go crazy with loneliness, you should correctly assess the situation and the new environment. A little observation of the mannerisms, words and actions of new colleagues will help to find common ground. Common interests and hobbies are the ideal basis for friendships. Even if there are none, you can learn something new for yourself. For example, the team often goes hiking, likes to play quests, or visits a golf club on weekends. This is a great opportunity to prove yourself and arouse interest from new colleagues.


As you can see, there are many reasons to feel lonely and helpless. But don't give up. This can and should be fought. Of course, there is no universal answer to the question of how not to go crazy with loneliness. The advice of a psychologist is just a way out of the situation. A lot depends on the person himself, his individual qualities and aspirations. If loneliness completely absorbs a person, there is no strength to deal with it and support from loved ones, then you should contact a specialist - a psychotherapist. Might need drug treatment. In any case, everything will depend on the attitude of a person to himself. Despite the difficulties, you need to move forward, look for options and train yourself to have a positive perception of reality.

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