Entertainment at a party for a small company. Games are pranks for a friendly company. Competitions for children

Competitions for women will allow the fair sex to compete, express themselves and have fun. Creative tasks and active games will help the ladies to demonstrate their talent, ingenuity, grace and dexterity. Dance competitions and fun quizzes will delight women and cheer up all the guests of the holiday.

    Competition for a women's company with a good sense of humor. Up to 5 women participate in it. The host gives each of them a glass. Then he pours champagne or highly carbonated water into them. After that, he announces the task: to release all the gases from the drink by rocking and twisting the glass. To complicate the task, he blindfolds the ladies.

    The participants are perplexed how they will be able to determine whether the task has been completed, to which the host replies that her friends will prompt. When the women can no longer see anything, the host renews the glasses, puts condoms on them and gives them to the participants in their hands to release the gas. Under the influence of rising gas, they begin to take shape, which causes a storm of emotions and laughter in the audience. The participants understand that something is not clean here and remove their bandages. What they see plunges them into a stupor, which further fuels the fun of the company.

    The winner is the participant who removes the bandage last.

    Fine work game

    The game is best played at home. To do this, you need a bottle of wine and a deck of cards. It is important that the cards are glossy. Participants should be no more than five, ideally three.

    An open bottle of wine is placed on the table. On top is a deck of cards. Participants take turns trying to blow off only two cards in one attempt. A woman who blows off more or less must take a sip from the bottle. The game continues until the deck of cards or wine runs out.

    3 women participate in the competition. Before each of them, the host sets a table with the same set of products (for example, fruits and ice cream, sausage and cheese, sets of vegetables).

    The task of the participants is to prepare an interesting original dish in 3 minutes from the proposed products: salad, cold cuts, canapes, something of their own. The main thing is that it should be better than that of rivals. Not only originality is taken into account, but also taste and presentation.

    The winner is determined by the audience or a neutral man from the audience. She receives the title of the best hostess.

    Game "Gate"

    Any number of women participate in the game, the more, the better. The presenter takes one volunteer girl out of the hall. He then chooses two girls to represent the gate.

    After that, the leader returns the first participant to the hall. Her goal is to find at least one girl who is assigned as a gate. She gets 1 try. It is forbidden to prompt other ladies with facial expressions or gestures. The participant can provoke the "gate" to give herself away with laughter or some other tricks. The search is given 1 or 2 minutes, depending on the number of players. If she determines the "gate" correctly, then now the woman found is sent on a new search. If it is wrong, it is deleted again. If she cannot cope with the task 2 times in a row, the host calls another volunteer girl instead. The game continues until the interest is gone.

Are you getting ready for a corporate event? Then ideas for entertaining the team will definitely come in handy - New Year's competitions for corporate parties.

ring toss
Empty bottles and bottles of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are lined up tightly to each other on the floor. Participants are invited to put a ring on the bottle from a distance of 3 m. The one who manages to put the ring on a full bottle takes it as a prize. The number of throws for one participant must be limited.

The ring is cut out of thin cardboard. Ring diameter - 10 cm.

In a plate

The game is played during meals. The leader calls any letter. The goal of the rest of the participants is to name the object with this letter, which is currently in their plate, before others. Whoever names the subject first becomes the new leader. The driver, who said the letter for which none of the players could come up with a word, receives a prize.

It is necessary to prohibit the driver from always calling the winning letters (e, and, b, b, s).


The participants are seated at the table. Among them, a driver is chosen. Players pass candy to each other under the table. The task of the driver is to catch someone from the game in the transfer of candy. The one who is caught becomes the new driver.


The players are divided into two teams. The first team chooses some concept and shows it in pantomime, without the help of words and sounds. The second team tries three attempts to guess which concept is shown. Then the teams switch roles. The game is played on interpec, but you can count points for guessed words.

You can guess:

single words,

phrases from famous songs and poems,

Proverbs and sayings,


names of famous (real or fictional) people.

The concept can be shown by one or several people.

joke test

This test can be conducted with the participation of all those present. Participants are given pens and pieces of paper. On the sheets, they must write certain abbreviations in a column. Opposite each of them, participants are invited to write a line from a song or poem.

After everyone completes the task, the meaning of incomprehensible abbreviations is reported and each participant can find out for himself and show his neighbors on the table his state at the specified moment (determined by a line from the song).

You can come up with any abbreviations, the main thing is that they correspond to the theme of the holiday. In order for the entertainment not to drag on, three to five moments are enough.

For example, to celebrate the results of the past year, you can offer the following names of moments and their abbreviations:

PDG (first day of the year),

PNG (first week of the year),

SG (mid-year),

NDOG (one week before the end of the year),

PDG (last day of the year).

What to do, if…

Participants are offered difficult situations related to their work, from which they need to find an original way out. The participant who, in the opinion of the audience, will give the most resourceful answer, receives a bonus point.

Situation examples:

What to do if you lose your employees' wages or public money at the casino?

What to do if you are accidentally locked in the office late at night?

What to do if your dog ate an important report that you have to present to the director in the morning?

What to do if you are stuck in an elevator with the CEO of your firm?


For a competition in accuracy, it is best to use the game Darts - factory-made.

An easier option is to throw markers or felt-tip pens (with an open cap) from a distance of 3-5 m at a target drawn on a piece of paper attached to the wall. The most accurate participant receives a prize point.

The marker should be designed for drawing only on paper, then it will be easy to wash off any traces of it with alcohol.

best toast

The facilitator informs the participants that, without a doubt, a real man should be able to drink properly. However, the purpose of the competition is not to drink more than others, but to do it most gracefully.

best compliment

The one whose compliment women like more than others receives a prize point.

Women can also be offered to mold a sculpture of a man.

Some of the balloons may already be inflated, in addition, it is necessary to stock up on a sufficient number of uninflated balloons and threads. It is interesting to use balloons of various sizes and shapes.


This game can be offered during a feast. Any number of people participate in the game. Players take turns naming an event (preferably pleasant or funny) that happened in the firm (or directly related to it) during the past year. Anyone who cannot remember any event is out of the game. The last player remaining in the game receives a prize.

We all have ears

The players become in a circle. The host says: “We all have hands.” After that, each participant takes his neighbor on the right by the left hand, and shouting “We all have hands”, the players move in a circle until they make a full turn. After that, the host says: “We all have necks,” and the game is repeated, only now the participants hold their right neighbor by the neck. Next, the facilitator lists the various body parts, and the players move around in a circle, holding the named part of their neighbor on the right and shouting or humming: “We all have ...“

The enumerated parts of the body depend on the imagination of the host and the degree of looseness of the players. For example, the following body parts can be listed: arms (separately right and left), waist, neck, shoulder, ears (separately right and left), elbows, hair, nose, chest.

Auction "pig in a poke"

During the break between dances, you can hold a blind auction. The facilitator shows the participants the lots wrapped in wrapping paper so that it is not clear what is inside. In order to provoke the audience, the presenter in a comic form announces the purpose of this item.

Game "Mistresses"

The dolls are in their beds. The participants in the game must wake up the dolls, do exercises with them, wash, brush their teeth, comb, make the bed, dress, feed, walk with the doll, play with it, wash her hands, feed, wash, undress, put to bed and sing a lullaby song. The winner is the one who does it faster and better.

Game "The Princess and the Pea"

Only women participate in the game. It is necessary to put stools (or chairs without upholstery) in a row according to the number of expected participants (3-4 is best). A certain number of round caramels are placed on each stool (there are such sweets, they are small koloboks in shape), you can use buttons on the leg (preferably larger). For example, on the first stool - 3 sweets, on the second - 2, on the third - 4. From above, the stools are covered with opaque plastic bags. The preparations are finished. Those who wish are called. They are seated on stools. The music turns on. And so, sitting on a stool, the participants must determine how many sweets are under them. The one who does it faster and more correctly will win.

Game "Rubber"

Only girls participate. Props: rings with a diameter of 18-20 cm are made from simple household elastic (for all participants). Then all the girls wear these rings around their waist. At the command of the presenter, the lights are dimmed, slow sweet music is turned on, and the girls begin to remove the rubber band through their legs as erotically as possible. The winner can be given some kind of pre-prepared diploma "The most professional rubber band remover" or something like that.

The game "The ability to be a woman"

Role-playing game. Two or more girls or women are chosen to give an element of "competition". The task is to get out of a difficult life, female situation. For example:

1. At a party, you spot the man of your dreams. How will you try to get his attention?
2. The store brought the "latest peep of fashion" - a suit, the cost of which is equal to 3 salaries of your husband. How do you convince your husband to give you a gift?
3. At 2 o'clock in the morning, the husband returns from "work" drunk, in burrs, with traces of lipstick, and a very intimate item of women's toilet sticks out of his pocket. Your actions?

Game "Let the gas out"

The girls are shown glasses and a bottle of mineral water, they are blindfolded and explained that they need to shake a half-full glass of mineral water, holding on to its lower part, without spilling a single drop, to release all the gas.

While the participants are listening to simple conditions, mineral water is poured into their glasses halfway, and an unfolded condom is put on the neck, of course, they do not know about it. The one whose condom will take a vertical position from gases becomes the winner.

Not a single festive cultural event is complete without fun and funny contests. Holidays like girls are no exception.

Here are some funny women's contests

  1. Smile. Several contestants are offered to smile like: a girl - to a guy she likes, a baby - to mothers, a student who is a loser - to a teacher, a naughty child - to a parent, like a person who won a million in the lottery. Take pictures of the smiling girls and show them to the audience so that they can choose the winner. You can show smiles on the big screen and hold an open vote.
  2. Witch on a broomstick. Place pins around the dance floor so that they form a long wavy line, put more pins to make them harder to pass. Participants take it in turns to “fly” on a broom with a snake between the pins to the music and try to knock them down as little as possible. The winner is the one that most accurately “flyed” on a broomstick.
  3. Binoculars. Participants of the competition are given fins and binoculars. Various obstacles are placed on impromptu paths, such as bottles, empty buckets, chairs, boxes, and so on. The task of the participants is to go through the track, looking through the binoculars from the other side, and at the same time, do not encounter obstacles along the way. The winner is the one that knocked down as few objects as possible.
  4. Fanta. Fanta is one of the funniest and most interesting competitions for any holiday. This game has not lost its relevance for more than one hundred years. Everyone knows its rules. It is advisable to hold this competition when the team is already decently “warmed up”. Comic tasks such as “dance on one leg”, “declare love to the boss”, “eat an apple without hands” are written on small pieces of paper. To make the competition more interesting, you can put tasks in balloons, inflate them and hang them all over the hall. Let the contestant choose the balloon himself, burst it and complete the task. Winners are not revealed here - the meaning of the competition is in general fun.
  5. Cleaning. Before the competition, do a little “preparation”. It is necessary to scatter small debris over the entire area of ​​​​the stage or dance floor, such as candy wrappers, cigarette packs, plastic glasses, beer cans. Participants are divided into two teams, each of which has two people: one, blindfolded, collects garbage with the help of a dustpan and a broom, and the other, with his voice, tells him which way to go, where to bend down and what to pick up. The team that removes as many items as possible wins.

Funny contests for girls can be not only active, there are several options for contests for a fun company at the table: Associative thinking. Participants sit on chairs, forming a circle. The first says any word in the ear of the second, and the second says another word that she associates with the first. And so on in a circle. The number of participants is not limited. When all the girls have said their word, the host says the words: the first and the last. Usually the result is very funny.

What if… The essence of the competition is that the participants are asked all sorts of tricky questions, for example: “Did you dye your hair, but the color turned out to be green?”, “You spend time in a restaurant with a man and suddenly he runs away without paying?”, “You spent the whole night making presentation, and when you started showing it to clients, did they see your spicy photos?”

You can come up with funny and interesting contests for women yourself, or you can conclude an agreement with a special event agency that specializes in holding holidays.

Competition for an adult company, without complexes.
Various funny clothes are stuffed into the bag in advance (national hats, clothes, underwear, swimwear, stockings or tights, scarves, bows, diapers for adults, etc. Balls can be inserted into the bra). Selected DJ. It turns the music on and off at different intervals. The music began to play, the participants begin to dance and pass the bag to each other. The music stopped. Whoever has a bag left in his hands, he pulls out one thing and puts it on himself. And so on until the bag is empty. In the end, everything looks very funny. You can also choose the winner, it becomes the one who is wearing the most funny clothes.


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Team on the line

A fun and energetic contest.
For the competition you will need
two spoons, two long cords. Participants are divided into two teams.
The captain is chosen. Teams line up. Captains are issued and
on a spoon with a cord tied to it. At the signal of the leading captain
begin to "bind" the team. For men, the cord is threaded through the legs, for women - through the sleeves. The team that was tied first wins. If alcohol was consumed before the competition, then laughter and squealing simply cannot be avoided.


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Eat a banana

Competition for a close and adult company.
Two volunteers are called - girls. They are invited to eat a banana in a blindfold race. It would seem, what is easier? But ... while the girls are blindfolded, the host invites the girls to give him bananas to hold, at this time a condom is put on the banana. The reaction of the girls when they try to take a bite is hard to predict, but everyone is guaranteed fun!!! It is advisable to hold this competition before the end of the party, among tipsy friends.

Contests for adults

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Find differences

Competition for a fun, adult company.
The competition can be held between couples. Ladies and gentlemen line up opposite each other. The task of a man is to examine his partner as closely as possible and remember what she is wearing, whether there are jewelry, etc. Then the men turn away, and the ladies, in the meantime, change any detail in their appearance (remove an earring or bracelet, put on other people's shoes, unbutton the buttons on blouse, etc.). At a signal from the leader, the men turn around and determine what has changed in the appearance of their ladies. The gentleman who can do it most accurately wins. The winner gets a kiss from his partner.


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Guess the stack.

The favorite competition of many men at our parties, the main thing is not to abuse the number of participation of the same person.
One person turns away, and at this time 3 piles are put in two, vodka is poured, and in the third water, when a person turns around, he drinks from one pile without hesitation and drinks another, but what and in what sequence this matter of luck will come across to him ...
By the way, women are also happy to take part in this competition, to the applause of those present.


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Competition for brave men.
For the competition you will need a spoon, an orange or a potato. Two men take a spoon in their teeth and put an orange on it. Hands must be kept behind the back. The purpose of the competition is to drop an opponent's orange with a spoon and hold your own. For more fun, instead of an orange, you can take a raw egg. Fun for the company is guaranteed.


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Praise the woman.

Competition for an adult company for originality, erudition and ingenuity.
Competition for men. This game can be played both at the table and outside it. All the men line up. And after the leader pronounces the phrase “A woman is ...”, each of the men must continue the sentence. You can't repeat. You can't think for more than 10 seconds. The one who lasts the longest wins. For example, how can a competition be held: A woman is a temptation, A woman is a temptation, A woman is the keeper of the hearth. And so on. You can hold the same contest for girls "A man is .."
The winner is waiting for a storm of applause and kisses from the opposite half of the party participants.

Contests for adults

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A raw egg.

Competition for an adult company, which appreciates male determination and courage.
Men participate in the competition. Eggs are placed on the plate according to the number of participants. The host announces that the players must alternately break one egg on their foreheads, but one of them is raw, the rest are boiled, although in fact all the eggs are boiled. The tension builds with each successive egg. But it is desirable that there be no more than five participants (they begin to guess that the eggs are all boiled). It turns out very funny, tested.
It is forbidden to use all kinds of napkins, aprons, towels in the competition.


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Hold me

Competition for a large, adult company.
Anyone can participate. Players stand in one large circle, looking at each other in the back of the head. Now the leader gives the task to snuggle up to each other as tightly as possible and make the circle narrower. And now the most difficult thing: the guests, at the command of the host, simultaneously bend their legs and try to sit on each other's knees. As soon as they succeed, the task becomes more complicated: now, at the command of the leader, the players, while holding in a busy position, must stretch their arms to the sides. That's all and fell! The presenter comments on the situation with the words: “Next time, choose your friends more reliable and stronger!” The competition can be held several times a night. The fun only intensifies.


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Eat me.

Competition for an adult and a large company.
All participants stand around the table, in the center of which is an already unpacked chocolate bar. For this competition, you will also need a hat, scarf, gloves, fork, knife and a coin. All items must be on the table. The first player tosses a coin. If “tails” falls out, then the person skips the move and gives the coin to the neighbor (for example, clockwise). If the “eagle” falls out, then this participant must put on a hat, scarf and gloves, take a knife and fork and cut off a piece of chocolate. But at the same time, the coin does not stop its course, but goes in a circle.
And if the next participant in the circle also has an “eagle”, then he must remove the hat from the previous participant, etc., take a fork and knife and try to cut off a piece of chocolate for himself. The competition continues until the entire chocolate bar is eaten.
In fact, it takes a very long time to get to the chocolate bar itself, because this requires a lot of dressing speed and dexterity, and so that all participants get “tails”.
The competition was held in a large company - they laughed heartily.
Minimum props, lots of fun and enjoyment.


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Congratulations: 21 in verse, 0 in sms.

Competition "Rope"

To participate in the game, 2 teams are formed - the more players, the better. A rope 1-1.5 m long is threaded (of course, under clothing) to a neighboring team member, starting from the collar, ending with a trouser leg and a skirt. The last member of the team "connects" with the first. Game over. The fastest team wins.

Competition "Broken mechanism"

One volunteer is led out the door. The rest think of some part of the body and choose the driver, who is called the place of the breakdown (he is a broken mechanism). A volunteer comes in. He is informed that he is a mechanic, but armless, and he needs to determine the place of the "breakdown of the mechanism" by touching it with his nose, lips and other limbs (the mechanic must not forget that he is armless). While the mechanic determines the place of failure, the "mechanism" "reacts", i.e., the closer to the place of failure, the more actively it "starts". When the "mechanic" determines the location of the breakdown, he becomes the "mechanism" and the game is repeated.

Competition "Trace in history"

Those who wish are given pieces of paper and felt-tip pens. They can sign, draw, only very quickly, a devil, make a fingerprint, lipstick, even soles - thus, "leave a mark on history." Then all the leaves are collected, and two players will have to become "historians" for a while and answer right away what mark each of the participants in the game left in history. The author is named in turn. For each mistake - a penalty point. The one with the fewest points wins.

Competition "Keep the rhythm"

All participants sit around the table, on sofas, etc. Each participant chooses a name from two syllables, with an emphasis on the first (for example, Katya, Sa-nya, Bird-ka, Ryb-ka). The leader (a person with a good sense of rhythm) sets the pace, everyone supports them by clapping their palms on the table, knees, etc. the initial pace is one clapping per second. The leader says his name twice, then twice the name of any other person (“Katya, Katya - Petya, Petya”) - one name for one clap. After that, the person whose name is called must also say his name twice, someone else's twice. The pace gradually increases. There should be no pauses; a name should be pronounced for each clap. If someone goes astray, then some cool nickname is assigned to him - Brake, Chukcha, Woodpecker - and after that he can no longer be called Petya, but only with a new name. For the third time, the wrong one is out of the game. It becomes more fun when the pace increases to just crazy, and all the participants have new interesting names.

Competition "Theatrical joke"

All those present are divided into teams and choose a joke. Each team then acts out their joke as the topic of the talk show.

The rest form an audience, ask questions and try to guess which anecdote is intended. Teams can choose different programs, since their number today exceeds demand, or you can stop at one masterpiece and compare who got used to the image better.

The highlight of this entertainment is that the whole action is a complete improvisation, and sometimes the participants themselves cannot say in advance how it will all end.

Competition "Ring, ring, ring"

The game will require a long ribbon and a wedding ring. A ribbon is threaded into the ring and the ends are tied. The participants of the game stand in a circle and pick up a circular ribbon with a ring, so that it is inside. The leader stands in the center of the circle and closes his eyes. Participants begin to pass the ring along the tape. On command, the driver opens his eyes and tries to guess in whose hand the ring is. For each incorrect answer, the driver receives a penalty point. At this time, the players imitate the transfer of the ring, and all at once. The participant with the ring found stands in the center, and the game continues again. At the end, the results are summarized.
The driver with the fewest penalty points wins.

Competition "Pass the ring"

Two teams participate: there must be an even number of players. The team lines up in a column: man - woman - man - woman - man, etc. Each player is given a match. At the command of the leader, the players take the match with their lips, and the first participants in the team hang a ring on the match. After the signal, you need to transfer this ring from one participant to another, back and forth without the help of hands, from match to match.

Competition "Accurate pen"

You will need two cans, 20 coins. Two couples are called - in a pair of a gentleman and a lady. Now the gentlemen are attached to the belt of the jar. Ladies are given 10 coins. Ladies move 2 meters away from gentlemen. At the signal of the leader, the lady must throw all the coins into the gentleman's jar. The gentleman helps her by rotating his waist (if any). The couple with the most coins in the jar wins.

Competition "I blow, I blow - it's all for nothing"

The participants are given a funnel in their hands, they must blow out the candle through the funnel as quickly as possible from a distance of 50 cm. This can only be done by placing the funnel so that the flame is on the continuation of the side forming the corner of the funnel.

"The bear has come, the bear has gone" contest

The essence of the game is as follows: a full glass of beer (200 ml) is poured. The player drinks exactly half, then tops up with vodka to the full. Then half is drunk again and vodka is added. And so on until there is pure vodka in the glass. This is the first stage of the game, which is called "The bear has come."
The second stage is the reverse of the first. Half a glass of vodka is drunk and topped up with beer. Further - until there is only beer in the glass. Now the bear is gone!

Advice: strictly calculate your strength, otherwise you can quickly "leave" even before the "bear comes"

Contest "Naughty Buttons"

Couples are invited to participate in the game: a man - a woman. Male players are given winter gloves. Their task is to fasten as many buttons as possible on the shirt or robe that is worn over their playmate's clothing. The winner is the one who completes the task faster.

Contest "Riders"

Two men are invited to participate in the competition (preferably with rights), the participants are given cars with tied strings. The essence of the game is to go blindfolded on the track, on which 5-6 beer cans are installed, circle the cans and return to the start. You can build 2 tracks and run racers at the same time, or you can pass the track in turn, for a while. The presenter warns the riders that for knocked down banks, drivers lose their rights and will have to redeem them.

Competition "What-where?"

On a narrow strip of paper, parallel to the short edge from its beginning, some interesting question is written (preferably small) like "How many sandwiches does our friend N eat for tea?" or "Where does our friend Z like to go?" after that, the edge is bent so that the question is not visible, and it is written on top
the first word of the question ("How much?" or "Where?" respectively).
The paper is passed to the partner, he writes some meaningful answer to this word, after which he writes down the next question and does the same, bending the strip further. The game continues until the end of the strip.
The paper is then unfolded and the questions and answers are read aloud. It turned out very funny.

Competition "Circle"

Players form 2 circles: outer - men, inner - women. The host announces what needs to be done to the players, and they perform tasks. The nature of the actions is determined only by the leader's imagination, for example: greet like close friends or like enemies, hug, kiss, scratch each other behind the ear, etc. After each action, the outer circle moves clockwise.

Competition "Let's make dumplings"

The same task is written on two sheets of paper, for example: “Knead the dough, wind the minced meat and stick dumplings to the festive table.” Worksheets are placed in an envelope.

The participants are divided into two teams. Captains are given envelopes with the task. The captains, after reading it, do not tell anyone about the essence of the task.

Their task is to show their team the process of making dumplings so that everyone understands what is happening. Each captain has only a table at his disposal. All other items are in...

Competition "Words, words, words"

To play, you need to prepare a tape recorder, microphone, cassette and stopwatch.
The player sits in front of the microphone. Trying not to be distracted by anything, the player must “say” as many unrelated words as possible on the cassette in two minutes. You should try not to name the objects in this room. For each such word, a penalty point is awarded. The winner is the participant who said the most unrelated words and received the fewest penalty points.

Cool contests for parties. Contest for friends. Birthday contests.

Competition "Peepers Nesmeyany"

This old Russian game is a great way to start a new relationship or get noticed.

Two chairs are placed in the middle of the room facing each other. Two players sit down and look into each other's eyes without looking up. The one who first averted his eyes, laughed or somehow broke the move, leaves and another player takes his place. Wins, of course, the most independent. A good option when one chair is male, the second is female. Recommended for holidays with a large number of participants. Good mood guaranteed!

Competition Ear, Nose and Two Hands

This competition can be held sitting at the table. Everyone is invited to take hold of the tip of the nose with their left hand, and the lobe of the left ear with the right hand. According to the leader’s clap, it is necessary to change the position of the hands, that is, with the left hand, take hold of the lobe of the right ear, and with the right hand, the nose. At first, the intervals between claps are long, and then the leader increases the pace of the game, and the intervals between claps become smaller and smaller. The winner is the one who lasted the longest and did not get tangled in his hands, noses and ears.

Wish Ball Contest

2 participants are selected and stand at the beginning of the table. They are given a balloon each, who will throw it further along the table. Guests can only help with their heads and blow. The winner makes a wish on the loser.

Competition "Rubber ball"

Couples participate in the competition. A man and a woman stand opposite each other, a small rubber ball is sandwiched between their bellies. The task of each pair is to roll the ball with rotational movements to the chin of the partner whose height is smaller. The winner is the pair that rolls the ball to the chin before the others, never dropping it.

Competition "Ball on the floor"

Couples also take part in the competition, partners stand with their backs to each other, and tilt their bodies slightly forward. The ball is clamped in the lower back. The task of the participants is to carefully lower the ball to the floor without dropping it. A prerequisite for the competition is that the ball must touch the floor and not roll away.

Competition "Water Carriers"

On the floor, draw two parallel lines, the distance between which is 10 meters. The contestants stand on all fours in front of one of the lines, each put a bowl filled to the middle with water on their backs. The task of the participants is to get to the second line and back on all fours without spilling water. The winner is the one who comes to the finish line first and dry.

Erotic contests for a party.

Contest Gum Eroticexy

The game involves a guy and a girl. An elastic band is put on the girl’s belt, not tight, but not very weak either.

The guy's task is to remove the elastic through the top, but with the condition that he should not touch the elastic with his hands. The girl should raise her hands up and at the same time dance, or otherwise interfere with the young man to complete his task.

Competition Pillar

The game is played by several couples. Musical accompaniment included. The guy acts as a pillar, and the girl needs to dance around him.

The task of the girl is to leave the least amount of clothes on the guy. At the end of the competition, award the winners with a prize.

Competition "Compliments"

Every man knows how to compliment ladies. This competition will allow you to find out who is the most skilled in this skill. The men sit in a row. It is desirable that girls stand in front of them. In turn, each man makes a compliment to the lady standing in front of him. But the compliment must begin with the letter that the presenter will name. Compliments should not be repeated. No more than 10 seconds are given for reflection, after which the participant who did not come up with a compliment leaves the competition. The man with the richest fantasy wins. You can slightly change the rules of the competition, because ladies also know how to compliment men.

Contest for friends.

Competition "Get in the bank"

Competition to identify the most accurate shooter. Prepare several jars and as many coins of the same size as possible. Choose 9 participants, break them into 3 groups of 3 people. The first team stands on the line, the banks must be at the same distance from all team members. The jar can be anything: from canned food or cosmetics, the main thing is that they have the same neck. At the leader's command, the team members throw coins into their jar. Each participant has a minimum of 10 coins. From each team, one winner comes out, who threw more coins into the bank. And so a winner is chosen from each team. The top three then meet in the final. There they determine the main winner of the competition - the most accurate shooter.

Competition "Continue the quote"

Our vocabulary contains many phrases and quotes that have come into our lives from various films and series. The presenter prepares in advance audio cuts of phrases and quotes from films of domestic producers. It is desirable that the quotes be heard by many, so that the competition does not come to a standstill. The task of the guests is to guess the continuation of the famous phrase. For example, the beginning of “Oh, it’s good to live!” you need to continue with the phrase “And it’s good to live even better!”. The contestant who has not coped with the task leaves the game, and so on until there is only one winner left.

Competition General Writing

All those present are given sheets of paper. The host asks questions, everyone writes down the answers and bends his answer, hiding it from others. Questions can be: who worked for whom, when, where, what did you do, why, and what happened?

Here is an example of what can come out: Misha, the cleaner, three days ago, went to the cinema, well, just like that, he got lost.


The players become in a circle. The host says: "We all have hands." After that, each participant takes his neighbor on the right by the left hand, and shouting "We all have hands," the players move in a circle until they make a complete turn. After that, the host says: "We all have necks," and the game is repeated, only now the participants hold their right neighbor by the neck. Next, the facilitator lists the various parts of the body, and the players move around in a circle, holding the named part of their neighbor on the right and shouting or humming: "We all have ..."

The enumerated parts of the body depend on the imagination of the host and the degree of looseness of the players. For example, the following body parts can be listed: arms (separately right and left), waist, neck, shoulder, ears (separately right and left), elbows, hair, nose, chest.

Competition CANDY.

The participants are seated at the table. Among them, choose the driver. Players pass candy to each other under the table. The task of the driver is to catch one of the players in the transfer of candy. The one who is caught becomes the new driver.

Cool contests for parties.

Competition RING THROW.

Empty bottles and bottles of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are lined up tightly to each other on the floor. Participants are invited to put a ring on the bottle from a distance of 3 m. The one who manages to put the ring on a full bottle takes it as a prize. The number of throws for one participant must be limited.

The ring is cut out of thin cardboard. Ring diameter - 10 cm.

Erotic competition

At the signal of the host, all the women in the hall are dragged by the men (two or three competitors) in their arms to their territory.

The winner is the one who has more women in the "harem".

Party Contest "Pass the Bottle"

Another opportunity to convey something Arrange all the guests in a circle (preferably alternating "boy, girl, boy, girl"). The first participant clamps a bottle between his legs, preferably a plastic one from 1.5 - 2 liters of soda (it is more difficult if the bottle is not yet open, i.e. full and heavy), and passes it to the next without touching the bottle with his hands. The other participant also takes the bottle with the help of his feet. The game goes to the elimination, whoever drops the bottle is out of the game. True, even in this case there may be several winners (they are also "the most dexterous") - they are awarded this bottle (well, or the same full one).

Competition for the party "Understand me"

All participants of the party are divided into two teams. A "leading" team is assigned. The other team comes up with a word so that it is not heard by the opposing players. This word is reported "in the ear" to one of the representatives of the "leading" team. The goal of this participant in the game is to depict with gestures the meaning of the word communicated to him so that his team will name the hidden word. Using letters, pronouncing this word with lips without a voice (and, of course, with a voice), as well as pointing at an object called this word, is prohibited. If the team guessed the word, then it gets a point. Then the teams change places. In the next round, other representatives must speak from the teams, and so on until everyone has performed. Of course, this game may not seem very funny, but if you give free rein to your imagination, you can come up with very "interesting" words: "vacuum cleaner", "orgasm", etc. In addition, of course, players are required to be relaxed and light, with a sense of humor, attitude towards fun.

Contests for a drunk company.

Striptease Party Contest

I saw this game in one club, where the audience was already pretty "warmed up", and the prize for winning the competition was quite solid. Several couples (boy + girl) are called to the stage. The guy is given the role of a sort of "pillar", around which the girl dances. Moreover, by the end of the competition, this "pillar" should have as many clothes as possible, and the "stripper" should have as few clothes as possible. The number of clothes on the column is determined by the degree of the girl's complex and the solidity of the prize.

Competition for the party "Piquant"

Volunteers are called, and there is only one girl for two guys (and they also say that the third one is superfluous). Between the legs the guy clamps a small plastic bottle with a wrapped cap, the other guy also has a bottle, but without a cap. The task of the girl is to unscrew the cap from the bottle from one guy as quickly as possible and fasten it to another. It's all pretty fun! Naturally, the smartest girl wins.

Article added: 2008-04-17

When I got married, and I got my own house, where I became a full-fledged hostess, I faced a problem: how to entertain guests when they are going to our place for some holiday. After all, the usual feast - drank - ate - drank - ate - drank again ... - it's so boring!

So I decided to urgently come up with something so that each celebration with us would be memorable, and not similar to the previous one. I had to urgently buy various books on this topic and study the Internet.

As a result, I have a whole collection of party games. Moreover, every time I find something new and, of course, I apply, at the first opportunity, this novelty.

Of course, not a single holiday passes without karaoke and drinking songs, but as an addition to this (and a surprise for some guests, although many are already used to the fact that you will not get bored here), we play various games.

Depending on the company that is gathering with us (sometimes, one youth, and sometimes the older generation), I think over the script of the games in advance. This is done so that absolutely ALL guests can take part in the fun, and so that no one gets bored.

For some games, you need to prepare props in advance, and it’s also very good if you save up some funny souvenirs for the winners.

Yes, by the way, you should not play all the games at once. It's best if you take breaks (for example, it's time to serve hot or sing a song). Otherwise, your guests will quickly get tired and everyone will not be interested and reluctant to play anything else.

"Table" or I also call them "Warm-up games". These games are best played at the beginning of the celebration, when everyone is sitting at the table, still sober :)

1. "Intoxicating bowl"

This game is as follows: everyone sitting at the table passes a glass in a circle, where everyone pours a little of some drink (vodka, juice, wine, brine, etc.). The one whose glass is filled to the brim so that there is nowhere else to pour should say a toast and drink the contents of this glass to the bottom. The most important thing is that the glass should not be very large, otherwise a person simply will not be able to overpower it, because there will be a “burning” mixture. And if he does drink, where then to look for this guest? :)

2. "Make your neighbor laugh"

Choose a host from among the guests (or take on this role yourself). His task is to perform such a funny action with his neighbor on the table (right or left) that could make someone present laugh. For example, the host may grab his neighbor by the nose. Everyone else in a circle must repeat this action after him (with his neighbor, respectively). When the circle closes, the leader again takes his neighbor, for example, already by the ear or leg, etc. The rest repeat again. Those who laugh are eliminated from the circle. And the winner will be the one who remains alone.

3. "The main thing is that the suit fits."

For this game you need a medium-sized box. It is desirable that it closes, but if this is a problem, then you can cut a hole in it from the side, into which a hand would crawl. And if there is no box, then you can replace it with an opaque bag or bag. Then, in a box (package) there are such items of clothing as, for example, underpants, underpants and bras of large sizes, a clown nose, and other things that can cause laughter. Everything, the props are ready.

Further, when the guests relax a little and feel at home at your place, you can start playing: the guests are sitting at the table, you announce to them that many would do well to update their wardrobe, and take a box (package) with funny things. Then, while the music is playing, the box (package) is passed from one guest to another, but as soon as the music stops, the guest in whose hands the box (package) turned out to be should, without looking into it, get some thing from there, put it on and don't take it off until the game is over. The duration of the game depends on the number of things in the box. As a result, all guests will have an outfit - you will laugh!

4. "And in my pants ..."

This game is for those who are not shy. Before the game (or rather, before the start of the party), you will need to make the following props: cut out interesting headlines from magazines and newspapers (for example, "Iron Horse", "Down and Feathers", "Cat and Mouse", etc.) . And put them in an envelope. Then, when you decide that it's time to play, then run this envelope in a circle. The one who accepts the envelope must say loudly “And in my pants ...”, take the clipping out of the envelope and read it out loud. The more interesting and funnier the clippings are, the more fun it will be to play.

By the way, here's an anecdote:

- Give me money for a bra.
- Why? You have nothing to put there!
- You're wearing panties!

The following games are from the “Still on your feet” series, that is, when all the guests are already completely emboldened and “warmed up”:

1. "Chinese wall" or "Who is longer."

It is good to play this game where there is enough space and with at least 4 participants. You will need to create two teams: one for men, the other for women. At your signal, the players of each team begin to take off their clothes (whatever they want) and lay out the removed items of clothing in one line. Each team, respectively, has its own line. The team with the longest line wins.

2. "Sweetie"

This game is best played by couples and well-known friends. A victim is chosen (preferably a man), who (who) is blindfolded. Then he (she) is informed that he (she) must (should) without the help of hands find a candy in the lips of a woman (man) lying (lying) on ​​the sofa. The trick is that if the victim is a man, then not a woman (as they say to the victim) is laid on the sofa, but a man. Similarly with the victim - a woman. But it's more fun with a man. It is not possible here to describe the actions that the victim takes when trying to find candy. This is a must see! :)

3. "Alcoholometer".

With the help of this game, you can determine which of the men is more drunk. To do this, you must first draw a scale on a large sheet of drawing paper, where the degrees are indicated in ascending order - 20, 30, 40. Arrange the degrees as follows: at the very top you should have smaller degrees, and at the bottom - large degrees. This drawing paper with a drawn scale is mounted on the wall, but not very high from the floor. Then, felt-tip pens are distributed to men, and their task is to bend down, stretching out their hand to the "Alcoholometer" between their legs, to mark the degrees on the scale with a felt-tip pen. And since each of them wants to be more sober than the other, they will raise their hand higher in order to put a mark on a lower degree. The spectacle is indescribable!

4. "Kangaroo".

Here you will need to take another leader to help. Then, choose a volunteer. Your assistant takes him away and explains that he will have to imitate the kangaroo with gestures, facial expressions, etc., but without making a sound, and everyone else must guess what kind of animal he shows. And at this time you tell the other guests that now the victim will show the kangaroo, but everyone must pretend that they do not understand what kind of animal they are shown. It is necessary to name any other animals, but not kangaroos. It should be something like: “Oh, so it jumps! So. It's probably a rabbit. Not?! Strange, well then it's a monkey." After 5 minutes, the simulator will really resemble a freaking kangaroo.

5. "Where am I?"

For this game, you will need to prepare in advance one or more signs with inscriptions, such as: “Toilet”, “Shower”, “Kindergarten”, “Shop”, etc. The participant is seated with his back to everyone, and the prepared By you in advance a sign with the inscription. The rest of the guests should ask him questions, for example: "Why do you go there, how often, etc." The player must, not knowing what is written on the tablet hanging on him, answer these questions.

6. "Maternity hospital"

Here, two people are selected. One plays the role of a wife who has just given birth, and the other - her faithful husband. The task of the husband is to ask as much detail as possible about the child, and the task of the wife is to explain all this to her husband in signs, since the thick double-glazed windows of the hospital ward do not let sounds out. The main thing is to ask unexpected and varied questions.

7. "Kiss"

The game will require as many participants as possible, at least 4. All participants stand in a circle. Someone alone becomes in the center, this is the leader. Then everyone starts moving: the circle rotates in one direction, the one in the center in the other. The center must be blindfolded. Everyone sings:

Matryoshka walked along the path,
Lost two earrings
Two earrings, two rings,
Kiss, girl, well done!

With the last words, everyone stops. A pair is selected according to the principle: the leader and the one (or the one) that is in front of him. Then there is the question of compatibility. They stand with their backs to each other and turn their heads to the left or right on the count of "three"; if the sides match, then the lucky ones kiss!

8. "Oh, those legs!"

This game is for friendly companies. You need 4-5 people to play. Ladies sit on chairs in the room. A volunteer is selected from the men, he must remember where, from the ladies sitting on chairs, his wife (girlfriend, acquaintance) is, then he is taken to another room, where his eyes are tightly blindfolded. At this time, all the women change seats, and a couple of men sit down next to them. Everyone bares one leg (just above the knees) and let in a man with a bandage. He is squatting, in turn touching Kukami's bare leg for everyone, he must recognize his half. Men can wear a stocking to disguise their legs.

9. "Drafters"

The host calls two or three pairs of players. The players of each pair sit down at the table next to each other. One is blindfolded, a sheet of paper is placed in front of him and a pen or pencil is given in his hand. All the rest of those present give each pair a task - what to draw. The player in each pair, who is not blindfolded, carefully watches what his neighbor draws and directs him, indicating where to move the pen, in which direction. He listens and draws what he is told. It turns out very funny. The winner is the pair that completes the drawing faster and better.

A leader and a volunteer are selected from the guests. The volunteer is seated on a chair and blindfolded. The facilitator begins to point at the participants in turn and ask the question: “Is it?”. The one on whom the choice of a volunteer falls becomes the “kisser”. Then the presenter, pointing in any order to the lips, cheek, forehead, nose, chin, as long as the imagination is enough, asks the question: “Here?” - until you receive an affirmative response from the volunteer. Continuing, the facilitator shows every possible amount on his fingers, asks the volunteer: “How much?”. Having received consent, the host makes a "sentence" chosen by the volunteer himself - "it" kisses you, for example, on the forehead 5 times. After the end of the process, the volunteer must guess who kissed him. If he guessed correctly, then the one who was identified takes his place, if not, then the game is resumed with the same volunteer. If the volunteer does not guess three times in a row, then he takes the place of the leader.

11. "Sweet Tooth-Lamb"

For the game you will need a bag of sucking sweets (for example, "Barberry"). 2 people are selected from the company. They begin to take turns taking candy from the bag (in the hands of the leader), putting it in their mouths (swallowing is not allowed) and after each candy they call their rival “Sweet-toothed lamb”. Whoever stuffs more sweets into his mouth and at the same time clearly says the magic phrase, he will win. I must say that the game usually takes place under the cheerful shouting and whooping of the audience, and the sounds made by the participants in the game lead the audience to complete delight!

Based on the book "Games for drunken company"

A wallpaper path is laid on the floor. Women are invited to spread their legs wide and walk along the "brook" without getting their feet wet. After the first attempt, it is proposed to repeat the "walk along the stream", but with a blindfold. All other future participants in the game should not see how it is played. Having passed the brook blindfolded, and at the end of the path, removing the blindfold from her eyes, the woman discovers that a man is lying on the brook, face up (the man is laid on the wallpaper after the task has been completed, but the blindfold has not yet been removed from the participant's eyes). The woman is embarrassed. The second participant is invited, and when everything is repeated again, the first contestant laughs heartily. And then the third, fourth ... Everyone has fun!


A game for a bar: a glass / glass with wine / vodka / beer is placed in the center, on which a napkin is placed so that a flat plane forms on the neck (the edges can be bent in a circle, moistened a little if necessary). A coin is placed in the center (like a ruble - not very heavy so as not to pull off the napkin, but not too light so that the game does not drag on), a cigarette is lit and the players in turn should touch the napkin with a light, burning holes (do not forget that in the napkin they spread). The one who loses, after touching which the web from the napkin will burst, and the coin will fall into the glass. And the loser is announced that he must drink the contents of the vessel (along with the ashes, of course, you can spit out a coin).


Only women participate in the competition. Participants stand facing the audience. Behind each is a chair. The facilitator discreetly places a small object on each chair. On command, all participants sit down and try to determine what kind of object is under them. Looking and using hands is prohibited. The one who decides first wins.


Music, slow for 9-10 minutes. Couples, a man holds a girl in his arms. Whichever pair lasts the longest wins. When tired, the players either guess, or they are prompted to put their partner over their shoulder, put them on their shoulders, etc.

3 couples are participating. Props for the competition: 3 chairs, standing at a distance of 1.5 m from each other, 3 needles and threads, 3 scarves, 15 fabric hearts. Women sit on chairs blindfolded, the role of a sewing machine is performed by men who are on all fours in front of women. The task of a woman - a seamstress, while the music is playing, is to sew 5 hearts on a man's ass. The winner is the pair whose seamstress carefully sews hearts to her partner.


Wearing thick mittens, you need to determine by touch what kind of person is in front of you. Guys guess girls, girls - guys. You can feel the whole person.


The girl lies down horizontally, napkins with lemon slices are laid out over her body, and one must be in her mouth (you can’t swallow it). The guy is blindfolded, and he must find all the slices and eat. Drinking vodka/water is possible. A softer option - instead of lemon - sweets. The fastest pair wins.


The essence of the game is as follows. The girl or guy lies down on the floor (on the carpet) or, if size permits, on the sofa (sofa, bed). A coin is placed on his (her) belly. A player of the opposite sex lies on top of the player (of course, as you like), and they must turn over so that the coin is on the stomach of the second player without falling. And so on. If the coin fell, then the couple responsible for its fall must kiss.

The game is as follows. 3-4 men are invited to participate in the game. The game requires empty 0.5 liter beer bottles. in number according to the number of players. The participants are tied a fresh carrot to their belt so that it hangs down in front at the level of the knees. At the command of the men, the race must get the carrot into the neck of the bottle in such a way that they can then lift the bottle on the rope for which the carrot is tied.


Belts are fastened to the waist of the players, to which an apple is suspended on a rope. A board with nails is placed in front of the players. It is necessary to "prick" an apple on a nail as soon as possible.


It can be played with any number of players, which, by the way, can be of any age and any gender. The game runs with a bang also in any condition. And its essence is this. Everyone who wants to stand in a circle, in which a certain leader is also placed. Moreover, the circle should be quite tight - shoulder to shoulder, and the hands are behind. An ordinary fresh cucumber is taken, preferably more. The task of the presenter is to determine in whose hands this cucumber is now. And the task of the players is to pass the cucumber to each other, and, when the host is not looking, bite off a piece.

You also need to chew very carefully so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicions of the presenter. If the operation was successful, and the cucumber happily, and most importantly - unnoticed by the leader, was eaten, then this very victim of his own inattention fulfills the desire of the entire team that has already eaten!


Two or more pairs of M-F participate. The task of each pair is to eat a (long) cucumber - or a banana - faster than the rest, from both ends at the same time, without touching them with their hands. The rest watch and provide moral support. Blindfold option: couples are selected by mutual agreement, and after they are blindfolded, partners are quietly changed.


M-F participate, but if you want to prolong your pleasure, then a few more couples can be hidden for the duration of the primary (secondary) viewing of the joke. A guy and a girl, whose acquaintance does not play any role, are put separately, each under a blanket. Participants squat on the floor. The host, usually the only one who knows how everything should end, tells the participants, wholly hidden under the covers, the following: "Each of you has one extra thing, take it off and give it to me."

What follows is an illogical sequence of things being removed, stretched out with a trembling hand from under the covers. Well, if the game has reached such a climax when there is nothing to shoot, then the host utters a phrase that at one moment makes the victims experience a feeling of horror: “My friends, you didn’t guess, this item is still on you, it’s "Blanket! Take it off and give it to me." Then there is a scene when something under the blanket clings to it with all its limbs from the inside, yells and shamefully crawls away. Everything, however, depends on the degree of drunkenness. It should be said that if one of the participants guessed at an early stage, i.e. when still almost dressed, that this is a blanket, then he (she) simply steps aside and has fun over everything that happens.

Nightingale the Robber

A bottle (vodka, wine, cognac, etc.) is placed on the table. A deck of cards is placed on top of it (preferably new or plastic cards). The task of the players is to blow off several cards from the deck, but not the entire deck. Whoever blew away the whole deck must drink from the bottle.


This is a common children's game when chairs are placed in a circle, and there are one more players than chairs. The players move in the same direction around the chairs to the music, and when the music stops, they sit on the nearest chair. To whom the chair is not enough - he is eliminated from the game, taking away one chair. The game continues until the smartest of the remaining two players sits on the last chair. The transformation of this game into an "adult" one consists in the fact that men sit on the chairs, and the girls, dancing around the chairs, flop on their knees when the music stops.

Whoever didn’t get his knees is eliminated along with his husband or friend and the chair on which he was sitting (this is a small punishment for him because the partner was not agile enough). The funniest moments in the game are when two girls, pushing each other away, try to fit on the lap of one man, and you also need to see the waiting eyes of men - which of the girls will be his. The climax, of course, is at the end of the game. Almost the entire company has already taken off, and everyone is starting to cheer loudly and cheer on the remaining players. You can try to play this game the other way around - on the chairs of the girl, on the knees of the guys.

Props: glasses (glasses or bottles) and straws or baby nipples, respectively. Who will quickly suck the liquid out of the glass with a straw (from a bottle with a nipple). The composition of the liquid is set depending on the condition of the players. The most difficult thing is to pull thick tomato juice through a straw, and liquid semolina (or powdered, poorly mixed milk) from a bottle.

The game is pretty tough. Designed for men. Before the start of the game, beer is poured into a basin, a large bowl or some large vessel. Players with 100-gram shot glasses sit around this vessel and scoop up beer with their shot glasses, drinking EVERY MINUTE. So 100 times 100 grams. The winner is the one who "survives" to the end, i.e. drinks 100 100-gram glasses of beer. The game is good because very often no one wins. Therefore, envy does not gnaw at anyone.
P.S. Participants can go to the toilet, but they just don’t have the right to go astray from the drinking schedule, i.e. exactly one minute later they have to drink another glass of beer.


Each player is given a blank sheet of paper. The player writes a question at the very top of the sheet (for example: "What are your girlfriend's eyes?"). Then the sheet is folded so that the text of the question would not be visible, and a short question is written on the fold itself (in this case- "what kind?"). The sheet is passed to the next player. He answers the top question, writes his own right there (for example: "Poisonous. Whom do the storks bring?"), folds the sheet, signs a short question and gives the sheet further. And so on until the paper runs out. After that, the sheets are unfolded. In this case, the texts of questions and answers to them will be on one side of the sheet, and short questions on the other. Read, have fun.

WITH Elastic Bands

With the help of colored hair bands, you can hold such a competition. Men participate in it - 2 or 3. Everyone receives elastic bands of a certain color. The task of the participants is to “ring” as many women as possible in a few musical minutes. "Rings" - rubber bands are put on the ladies' legs, above the feet. And then count the number of "ringed" by each participant. The most agile gets a prize.

4-5 couples are invited (M-F). The music turns on. The task is given: the young man plays the role of a pillar, and the girl must dance around him, but with the condition that at the end of the dance, as little clothes as possible remain on the "pillar". It is advisable to encourage the players with a good prize. This competition is most successfully held in a tipsy company.


In secret from the culprit (or culprit) of the holiday, make a full-length silhouette of a human figure out of cardboard. Glue a photo of the birthday person (birthday girl) in place of the face. Put on this mannequin all possible items of clothing: from shorts to a hat. They can be both real and made of paper. Paper just pin to the mannequin. Then the host asks the guests questions about the hero of the day: when was he born, favorite dish, etc.

If the guest makes a mistake, he must remove any item of clothing from the mannequin. The most intimate parts can be covered with green paper fig leaves. And, if you are sure that the birthday man will not be offended, you can write comic wishes on these leaves.

The guests stand or sit in a circle and begin to pass a large box to the music. As soon as the host stops the music, the guest, who happened to have the box, opens it, removes one thing from himself and puts it in the box. After the players are already sufficiently undressed, the box starts up again in a circle, but after the music stops, the players must already, without looking into the box, take out the first item that comes across and put it on themselves. This item must be worn for a certain time. For example, half an hour or until the end of the party. In the box, you can first put a variety of items of clothing: from children's caps to huge specially tailored shorts and bras.


Two or more pairs are selected. There are sheets of a larger format (A1..A3) according to the number of participating couples, and each couple must dance without leaving these sheets while the music is playing (for some time). The one who stumbles is out. If the music ends and a few couples remain, the fun begins - the sheets are folded in half and everything repeats. Whoever can last the longest wins. Another detail - the choice of partners in such games can be trusted to chance and pull a piece of paper with a name from somewhere. It makes sense to get rid of the possibility of matching the genders of the players, otherwise the girls will dance with the girls, the guys with the guys. One of the options is for girls whole pieces of paper, for guys - cut off. Checked: with such an announcement, laughter does not subside for a long time.


In advance, you need to prepare two identical sets of pieces of paper on which parts of the body are written: head, back, arm, chest, buttocks, leg, etc. - to the best of your imagination and the degree of looseness of the company. Then each set is placed in a separate box (hat). In our case, we even packed each piece of paper in a Kinder Surprise box. It is desirable that the boxes are somehow different. This is necessary so that in the future the sets of pieces of paper do not mix. Then all those present are divided into pairs M-F. Then a pair is chosen to start the game. Each is given a personal set of pieces of paper.

To begin with, everyone draws randomly from their set (and they, as you remember, are the same) one piece of paper. For example, M - arm, Zh - back. With these parts of the body, they must touch. Next, the participants draw out one more piece of paper: M - head F - chest. Now they must, while maintaining their previous contacts, come into contact with new parts of the body. And so on. During the game, the posture can and should be constantly changed. After the couple pulls out the third or fourth piece of paper, it is usually impossible to stand on your feet. This is where auxiliary tools come into play - chairs, a sofa, a floor. Any furniture is allowed. The game continues until the couple can no longer keep in contact at the same time all those parts of the body that they pulled out. Then the next pair is called, the papers are placed in their boxes, and everything starts anew. The winner is the pair that managed to keep the largest number of contacts at the same time.


Each participant of the competition is given shorts, an elastic band with a pin. To a standing ovation and applause, the participants begin to put these elastic bands into their underpants, and then they are obliged to put them on themselves. The winner is the one who first "makes" the underpants and puts them on.


This game is a prank and you can only play it once, but it's worth it. The conditions are simple: any number of participants is called. Then the host of the game takes out the appropriate number of glasses (glasses, etc., but preferably transparent!), In which 150 grams of liquid is poured with straws. The host announces: "Now I will distribute a glass to each participant. In all, except for one glass, pure water is poured. And in one glass - pure VODKA!" The task of each participant is to drink the contents of his glass through a straw, trying not to guess what he is drinking. The task of the observers (everyone else) is to guess: who exactly has vodka poured. Well, then, accordingly, the participants sip the liquid, the observers try to guess: who is drinking vodka, expressing their assumptions, placing bets, etc. When all the contestants have drunk everything, the presenter announces that ... this is actually a rally and vodka is poured in all glasses !!!

A bottle (vodka, wine, cognac, etc.) is placed on the table. A deck of cards is placed on top of it. The task of the players is to blow off several cards from the deck, but not the entire deck. Whoever blew away the whole deck must drink from the bottle.


Chairs are arranged in a circle in a spacious room. Players sit on them - men and women. The leader is chosen. He is blindfolded. The music turns on, and the driver walks in a circle. As soon as the music is interrupted, the driver stops and sits on his knees to the one near whom he stopped. The one to whom he sat down should hold his breath and not give himself away. The rest ask: "Who?" If the driver guesses who he is sitting on his lap, then he becomes the driver.

Before the game, remind female participants that men, like birds, are most attractive during the mating season. Let each participant choose a man for herself for the duration of the game and create the most "fluffy" out of him. To do this, the ladies are given multi-colored hair bands. Their task is to make as many "tufts" as possible from the hair of men with the help of rubber bands. The companion of the most "ruffled" is awarded a prize.

A real checkers board is used, and glasses are used instead of checkers. On the one hand, vodka is poured into the glasses, and on the other hand, cognac. Further, everything is the same as in ordinary checkers. For a change, you can play giveaway.


Two participants are called. They are given a roll of toilet paper. The task of the participants is to shove it all into their pockets, by the collar, into trousers, into socks, into shorts, etc. (it all depends on imagination and skill) in small pieces (like cheat sheets, the host must follow this). Whoever is first is the winner.


Any number of people can play the game. Everyone is divided into two teams (differences in the field are not important), the most important thing is that there should be the same number of people in each team. The teams line up one after the other. A support is placed in front of them at a certain distance, on it:
1. a bottle of vodka (any alcohol, it's just more interesting with vodka),
2. glass (glass - as you like),
3. a plate with a light snack (eg, lemon).

The first person runs - pours vodka into a glass and runs back, the second - drinks and runs back, the third - has a bite, also runs back, the fourth - does everything: pours, drinks, snacks and runs back, etc. The team that runs out of alcohol first wins.

RELAY 4 TO 200

3-4 men are invited to participate in the relay race 4 x 200. Each participant is presented with 4 faceted cups: 1st with water, 2nd with milk, 3rd with beer, 4th with vodka (can be replaced with wine). The first person to drink it all wins.

2 teams are recruited, preferably mixed, i.e. of girls and young people. The teams need to compete in the next competition: the leader takes 2 eggs and says that they are raw. Men must pass the egg through one leg and pull it out through the other, well, and the girls - from one sleeve through the other. It is advisable to hold the competition with cheerful music. Team members can help each other. The funny thing is that, of course, the eggs are boiled and the winners get these eggs.


There are two duelists - a guy and a girl, by the way, nothing will stop you from increasing the number of players. The duel is bloodless - the players alternately take off their things and put them on a chair or somewhere else. Whoever stops first loses. It is only necessary to determine in advance whether keys, coins, tokens, etc., pulled out of the pocket, should be considered as the removed thing.

Several couples are involved. Give each couple a piece of ice. The first couple to break the ice wins. You can breathe on the ice, you can lick, suck, put it under any part of the body, in general, do anything with it, as long as it melts, except for the use of technical devices and devices.


All participants write on 3, 4 (etc.) pieces of paper some part of the body (arm, thigh, ear, nose, buttocks, intimate places). All papers are folded into a hat. The hat is placed on the floor and the participants stand around it. One by one, taking out the pieces of paper, they touch the indicated places with their hands. As a result, unique poses are formed. The game ends when there are no papers left in the hat.


Volunteers are called - 2 guys and 1 girl. And so 2 or 3 teams. The task is on the command of the presenter to put on the girl as quickly as possible and more things taken from the guys. As a result, imagine such a picture: there is a girl dressed from head to toe in men's clothes, and two naked guys! The degree of their nakedness is determined by the degree of their modesty!


Two teams are formed: one for men, the other for women. On a signal, the players of each team begin to take off their clothes (whatever they want) and lay them out in a line. Each team has its own line. The team with the longest clothing line wins.

Are you planning a noisy party with many guests, or will your best friends, godfathers, young relatives drop by and you don’t know what to do with them after a feast or tea party? Then read this article! Here you will find ideas for a great pastime, funny games, ideas for entertainment and competitions.

The main thing in the article

TOP games for everyone: fun games for any company

Games for an adult company: what should they be?

Finding games for a children's party is very easy, but what about an adult party? Eating and drinking is good, but having fun? After all, in our hearts, we, adults, are still the same children, we just laugh at other “jokes”.

What the game should be depends on the assembled company. So, at a corporate party with colleagues, moderately immodest, but funny games will be enough. A company of well-known friends can play more frank games. An excellent solution would be intellectual entertainment for an age company. And the male collective will entertain a board card game.

Cool table contests

When all the guests have already eaten, but they still don’t want to leave, and there is no place for dancing and outdoor games, you can offer guests interesting table contests.

  • Create a story. A letter of the alphabet is chosen and everyone sitting in a circle must come up with a story in which all words begin with the chosen letter. For example, if the selected letter is “D”, then you can compose a story like this: “Denis (the first participant speaks) for a long time (the second) thought (the third) in the afternoon ...”, etc. If the circle is over and the story has not come to an end, start circle again.
  • "In my pants..." They prepare for this competition in advance and cut out the text from newspapers. They can be of different meanings and lengths. These clippings are folded into a box or bag. The host approaches each guest with this package and offers to pull out a piece of paper. The guest should say: “In my pants ...”, and then read the text from the paper. Get funny and fun.
  • What's on your plate? The competition should be held during the feast, when the plates are full. The host asks everyone to fill their plates and starts the competition. He calls the letter, and the guests must pick up the food that begins with this letter on a fork, and take turns voicing its name. Those who do not have such food are eliminated from the game. Next, another letter is called, and so on, until there is a person left who has “the whole alphabet” on his plate.
  • Surprise. The host hosting his friends should prepare for this competition in advance. You will need a large box, you need to put funny things in it. For example: a children's cap, a hoop with ears, a bra, family underpants and what else the fantasy will work for. During the competition (it can be held both at the table and during dances), participants pass this surprise box from hand to hand. When the host says “stop” or the music stops, the one who has it in his hands takes out any little thing from it and puts it on himself. The box goes further "on hands".

Exciting board games for a group of friends

Board games are popular not only among children. Adults also enjoy playing with them. There are companies that gather once a week to play a board game. The most popular board games today are:

Playing cards is exciting, but sometimes a "hackneyed" fool gets bored. We offer interesting card games that diversify the gatherings of card game lovers.

Scottish whist.

Joker. Play up to 500 or 1000 points.




Funny games for friends

When friends gather, it is always fun and pleasant. You can spend an interesting evening not only at the TV with pizza. Invite your friends to play.

  • Twister. An excellent and very popular game among young people. According to the rules, each player steps or puts his hand on a circle of a certain color, which fell out on a special clock. The poses are funny, and at the same time there is bodily contact of young people.
  • Sculptor. The game requires a separate room. It remains the owner, who knows the meaning of the game, and three guests. Two must be of different genders (male and female). The third is invited to mold an erotic figure out of two. After the figure is finished, the host announces that the sculptor should take a place in the erotic figure instead of a man or a woman (depending on the gender of the sculptor). The released one sits down, and the host-host goes for the next guest and invites him to improve the erotic figure. After the guest has finished, again the sculptor replaces part of the figure. This continues until all the guests are sculptors.
  • Nonsense. To do this, you need to prepare cards with questions and answers and arrange them in different piles. One participant should take a card with a question and choose the one who should answer. The one who answers takes the answer from another pile. Question and answer are read. It turns out very funny options. Sample questions are provided below.

  • Guess who am I? Each guest is given a sticker with an inscription on their forehead. Typically, the inscriptions are living beings, animals or well-known personalities, characters in films and cartoons. In turn, each player asks leading questions that can only be answered with “yes” or “no”. Whoever guesses who he is first wins.

Funny games for the company in nature

Games and entertainment for a drunken company

When the company is already tipsy, it's time for fun games and contests. People are becoming more liberated and do not climb into the pocket for the word. For a drunken company, you can offer the following games.

  • Associations. This is a warm up game. It is played by all the men or women present. The participants stand in a row, and the facilitator asks to make an association with the named word. For example: "a woman is ..." Participants "under a degree" give out very interesting things. Those who think for more than 5 seconds or do not know what to answer are eliminated.
  • Doll. The players become in a circle. They are given a doll, which, passing in a circle, they kiss in some place and comment on where exactly. When the doll makes a circle, the host announces that now the players take turns kissing their neighbor in the place where they kissed the doll.
  • Stickers. To do this, you need to prepare stickers in advance - letters. For the competition, women and men are called in equal numbers. All men are given stickers. Now men must stick these letters on those parts of the women's bodies that are named after this letter. If everything is clear with “n” (nose) or “r” (hand), then with the letters “g” and “x” you will have to come up with something.
  • Do not offer intimacy. Prepare in advance pieces of paper with the names of body parts. They can be repeated. Each participant draws two pieces of paper. When the pieces of paper are distributed to everyone, the leader suggests making a chain of people, and they will be connected to each other by the parts indicated on the pieces of paper.

What games are suitable for a large company?

In a large company, you can play football, board games, and cards. We also invite you to try the following games.

  • Who is more accurate? Put banknotes of different denominations in a liter or three-liter jar and close. Each guest takes the jar and tries to guess how much money is in it. All answers are written down, and at the end they count the money. Whoever called the amount closest to the real one won.
  • Pulse. A leader is chosen, and the guests are divided into two teams of the same number of people. Teams line up facing each other. The distance between the teams is 1–1.5 m. A stool is placed on one end, and on it is some object (money, an apple, a pen). On the other hand, the leader becomes and takes the extreme people from the two teams by the hands. Further, he simultaneously squeezes the hands of the two extreme players, they pass the squeeze further to the next, the next - even further. So, the impulse is passed to the end. The winger, having received an impulse, must take the object from the stool faster than the opponent.
  • Staged. We write pairs of interesting, well-known characters on pieces of paper. For example: Winnie the Pooh and Piglet, Othello and Desdemona, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, etc. In the middle of the evening, distribute papers to married couples or single people who have broken into pairs. They prepare for a while, and then perform in front of those present, who must guess who the speakers represent.

Team games for a company of guests

Everyone wants to take part in competitions, but usually only a few people choose from the general mass. We offer you team competitions so that no one gets bored at a party.

  • Build a castle. All guests should be divided into teams and each should be given a "bag" of sweets. Further, the team uses these candies to build a castle in a certain amount of time. The team with the highest castle wins.
  • Flotilla. Guests are divided into two teams. Each is given a package of napkins. Participants try to make as many boats as possible in 5 minutes. Whichever team has the most wins.
  • Made up story. Guests are divided into a team of women and a team of men. Hand out papers and pens to everyone. Women briefly write what they think about men, and men - about women. Leaves are placed in separate boxes. Each team must now make up a story. The first participant takes out a piece of paper and, using the words written on it, makes up a sentence. The next participant takes the next piece of paper and continues the thought of the first one using the words on the piece of paper. So it turns out an interesting, funny story.

Competitions for women will allow the fair sex to compete, express themselves and have fun. Creative tasks and active games will help the ladies to demonstrate their talent, ingenuity, grace and dexterity. Dance competitions and fun quizzes will delight women and cheer up all the guests of the holiday.

    Competition for a women's company with a good sense of humor. Up to 5 women participate in it. The host gives each of them a glass. Then he pours champagne or highly carbonated water into them. After that, he announces the task: to release all the gases from the drink by rocking and twisting the glass. To complicate the task, he blindfolds the ladies.

    The participants are perplexed how they will be able to determine whether the task has been completed, to which the host replies that her friends will prompt. When the women can no longer see anything, the host renews the glasses, puts condoms on them and gives them to the participants in their hands to release the gas. Under the influence of rising gas, they begin to take shape, which causes a storm of emotions and laughter in the audience. The participants understand that something is not clean here and remove their bandages. What they see plunges them into a stupor, which further fuels the fun of the company.

    The winner is the participant who removes the bandage last.

    Fine work game

    The game is best played at home. To do this, you need a bottle of wine and a deck of cards. It is important that the cards are glossy. Participants should be no more than five, ideally three.

    An open bottle of wine is placed on the table. On top is a deck of cards. Participants take turns trying to blow off only two cards in one attempt. A woman who blows off more or less must take a sip from the bottle. The game continues until the deck of cards or wine runs out.

    3 women participate in the competition. Before each of them, the host sets a table with the same set of products (for example, fruits and ice cream, sausage and cheese, sets of vegetables).

    The task of the participants is to prepare an interesting original dish in 3 minutes from the proposed products: salad, cold cuts, canapes, something of their own. The main thing is that it should be better than that of rivals. Not only originality is taken into account, but also taste and presentation.

    The winner is determined by the audience or a neutral man from the audience. She receives the title of the best hostess.

    Game "Gate"

    Any number of women participate in the game, the more, the better. The presenter takes one volunteer girl out of the hall. He then chooses two girls to represent the gate.

    After that, the leader returns the first participant to the hall. Her goal is to find at least one girl who is assigned as a gate. She gets 1 try. It is forbidden to prompt other ladies with facial expressions or gestures. The participant can provoke the "gate" to give herself away with laughter or some other tricks. The search is given 1 or 2 minutes, depending on the number of players. If she determines the "gate" correctly, then now the woman found is sent on a new search. If it is wrong, it is deleted again. If she cannot cope with the task 2 times in a row, the host calls another volunteer girl instead. The game continues until the interest is gone.

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