How much do German Shepherd ears cost? When do the ears of a German Shepherd puppy usually rise? When a German Shepherd Puppy's Ears Stand Up

The threshold for the formation of ears in a shepherd dog is three to five months. If up to this point they have not stood up on their own, the intervention of the owner is required. Breed standards provide for strictly vertical ears, otherwise the pet show will be closed. The sooner you take measures to position the ears, the greater the chance of a quick natural correction.

First of all, the reason for the question is why german shepherd ears are not worth it, maybe banal lack of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Make sure that the puppy gets enough vitamins and minerals, add bone meal to food, feed the dog with fish and dairy products.

Spend prevention of muscle strengthening cartilage tissue . Using your fingertips, gently massage your ear, providing a rush of blood and increasing blood circulation.

stimulate correct setting unusual sounds made by the owner will help, attracting the attention of the dog. They will make the ears strain and help naturally fix them vertically. Don't be alarmed if stubborn ears don't settle into a natural position. Formation will take more than one day before they acquire an ideal position.

Finally, if with all the attention and care the puppy's ears do not acquire the desired state, drastic measures are needed. There are several ways to put the ears on a German Shepherd or puppy. Most often resort to winding method:

  1. Prepare the work front: inner part the ear must be cleaned of hair, cut or shaved.
  2. Then degrease with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol or cologne.
  3. Plug the auditory canal with a swab.
  4. Holding the weak part of the ear in vertical position, stick a piece of adhesive plaster on the treated surface.
  5. Next, cut out an ear-shaped blank from hard cardboard (cut off sharp corners to avoid damage).
  6. Apply glue to the cardboard, wait until it dries a little, and press firmly onto the prepared adhesive plaster.
  7. Around the ear, right on top of the wool, tape masking tape.
  8. Repeat the same with the second ear.

Subsequently, due to its structure, the adhesive tape will lose its sticky properties and peel off by itself, without causing discomfort and pain pet.

If the dog pulls the structure ahead of time, you need to repeat everything from the beginning. Remove cardboard and adhesive plaster after 10-14 days. With due patience and diligence, such simple care will help raise your pet's ears in two weeks.

There are other ways of tying when curling curlers or regular pencils are used instead of cardboard. In terms of safety for the pet, it is better to use thick cardboard.

If after 7-8 months the ears have not risen, it is worth raising question about the purebred breed of your puppy. Talk to the breeder, perhaps the diet will improve the matter, the main thing is not to despair.

AT last resort, will solve the problem surgical intervention. Upon prior consultation with a veterinarian, surgery can be performed and implant ears. This will return the dog to a look that meets accepted standards, but will not eliminate the problem at the root.

Keep an eye on your champion's diet and lifestyle, and you won't have to wonder why a German Shepherd puppy's ears fell off. Beautiful healthy dog- the merit of the owner to a greater extent, the rest: natural and genetic data that the parents passed on to their offspring. After the procedure, do not leave your "eared" unattended so as not to become a source of problems in the future (such features are transferred to the next generation of the species).

With the acquisition pet we get a new family member. He, like any other family member, requires attention and care. Dog owners are interested in how to feed, care for a pet, what to do to make it fit the breed, and many other issues. The article is devoted to one of these questions: when the ears of a dog stand up - a German shepherd.

When should a German Shepherd's ears stand up?

For shepherds, there is a standard that concerns the ears. They should be with sharp ends, stand upright, and be of medium size.

Dogs with hanging or broken ears are considered a marriage to the breed. If little puppy they are not worth or worth only one, while you can not worry. Every puppy develops differently. It is impossible to say exactly how long the period of setting the ears will take.

Based on the knowledge of breeders, the ears begin to become in a German shepherd at two months, and the period of their formation ends at five months. True, for some puppies, this process can take up to 8 months, and sometimes up to a year. The ears gradually increase in size, become large and heavy, due to the strengthening of the cartilage.

The processes of the formation of ears and the change of teeth are closely interconnected. Sometimes, by two months, the ears begin to stand up, but since their cartilage is not very strong, by three months they may fall again. This is fine

It is necessary to constantly monitor the auricles, prevent fractures, and treat them in time if they become inflamed or sick. They require special attention at the age of 5-6 months. If the ears do not stand up by 6 months, you need to go to the vet and take necessary measures. The doctor will be able to examine them and identify the flaws and weaknesses of the cartilage. After 7 months, it will be almost impossible to put them on.

Medications and vitamins for pets

When the ears grow, the puppy's body develops and grows rapidly, so he needs balanced diet. The body must receive vitamins, minerals, phosphorus, calcium and supplements.

During the period of the formation of the ears, the dog must be given supplements that help strengthen bones and cartilage:

  • Senior;
  • Pax+ Forte;
  • Mega;
  • Antiox +;
  • Vision complexes.

If the shepherd is on natural feeding, then dog breeders give the following recommendations:

  • reduce the amount of cereals in the diet, especially barley and oatmeal;
  • it is necessary to feed with fresh fermented milk products, in which there is a lot of calcium;
  • bone meal, fish should be added to the diet;
  • you can add crushed white chalk to food.

The health of the animal depends on the quality of food. How much and what dietary supplements should be given, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Instead of industrial additives, during the period of changing teeth, many people add “jelly” from chicken paws or beef sinews and legs to food. Usually, the ears walk until the complete change of teeth, and it is during this period that they need a little help in terms of gluing and additional nutrients, but calcium is not so much needed as glucosamine with chondroitin and collagen.

Reasons Why Puppy Ears Won't Stand Up

When the ears do not rise, there are several reasons for this:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • improper formation of the ear cartilage;
  • the bitch did not eat well during pregnancy;
  • infectious diseases;
  • mechanical injury;
  • in the puppy's body there are not enough substances such as: calcium and phosphorus, which help strengthen cartilage.

Important, Special attention give to health and when his body is formed.

Necessary Prevention

If the ears of a German shepherd do not rise in due time, you need to take a course of taking minerals and vitamins. When the cartilage is strengthened, you need to perform a number of procedures that will help prevent the defect of dangling ears. To do this, it is better to contact a specialist, but if you are sure of own forces, then you can do the production yourself (the author of the video is Vitaly Dobrutsky).

Improvised means and medicines

This procedure should be carried out, that is, after about six months. Otherwise, you can harm your pet and the worst outcome of your actions - the ears will never stand up.

You should not often give calcium, it is better to replace it with kefir or yogurt. With an excess of calcium accumulates in the bones, which in the future can lead to orthopedic diseases. FROM muscle strength the health of the dog is connected, so you need to monitor its health and do vaccinations and deworming on time.

Before you start gluing, you need to determine if this procedure is needed. To do this, you first need to pinch the auricle between the large and index fingers and feel it completely. If stripes or specks are found in the upper third part of the auricle, then nothing needs to be done, since the ears will stand up on their own after a while. It is important to continue to give supplements to strengthen cartilage and bones in the future.

If the strip runs across the entire auricle, then this is already a crease in the ear and its gluing is necessary. Without it, the ear will forever remain hanging. Before the procedure auricles ah, you need to cut the wool on both sides.

Gluing is done on foam curlers. Instead of a plastic axis, a 3 cm blunt pencil is inserted into the curlers. Glue should be carefully applied to the circumference of the curlers so that it does not get into the auricle and cause irritation. The curler should be placed at the bottom of the ear, leaving it open ear canal. Then, with a patch, the curlers are wrapped around the ears not too tightly.

Curlers can be replaced with auricle-shaped cardboard without sharp corners. How much to walk a dog with gluing depends on the condition ear cartilage usually two weeks.

Video "Two ways to put ears"

This video from Me and My Tail talks about the reasons why the ears do not stand up, and shows two ways to set them in a German shepherd.

And, if this does not happen in time, action should be taken. According to the standard, in dogs of this breed, the auricles are erect and pointed, looking forward. Experienced breeders or cynologists can tell the owner how to put the ears on a German shepherd puppy.

According to the standard, the auricles of the Germans must stand firmly upright, not have creases or other defects. It is impossible to predict when a German Shepherd will have, as each puppy develops differently.

It is believed that in babies with a lighter skeleton, the ears rise earlier - as early as 1.5-2 months. If the puppy is sufficiently "heavy" and large, this period is shifted to 4-6, and sometimes up to 8-9 months.

INTERESTING! Some breeders note that in pets that are grown in an apartment, the ears can get up 1.5-2 months earlier.

In many babies, the auricles fall temporarily for permanent ones, from 3 months to six months. This is due to the fact that calcium deficiency can occur in the body. Usually, after the teeth have changed, everything is normal, and.

What are the reasons for the ears not standing up

The ears of a German may not rise for various reasons:

  1. Diet. Nutritional deficiencies, micro- and macronutrients (especially calcium) affect the development of the puppy. A pet whose is not balanced grows and develops worse, he may experience rickets, and the auricles do not rise even by half a year.
  2. Age. Many owners begin to get very worried if the pet is already, and then by 3-5 months they have fallen again. This phenomenon is associated with, so there is no reason to worry. If the dog's ears have not even begun to rise by 5-6 months, action should be taken.
  3. Diseases. The development of a pet is directly affected by the diseases they have suffered. If the puppy has suffered severe infection, his ears may not rise at all.
  4. Heredity. Some unscrupulous breeders allow mixing of blood outbred dogs. If the puppy had mestizos with heavy and in the ancestors, this trait could be passed on to offspring. Also, such a deficiency can be transmitted from purebred dogs with ear problems.

Ears stand up for a long time large puppies with heavy bones. These babies have very thick and heavy auricles, and in many cases, the owners have to take additional measures in order to put them on.

What to do if the ears do not stand up

If by 4-5 months the auricles have not begun to rise, the first thing to do is to reconsider. It is necessary to add foods rich in calcium and phosphorus to the menu (cottage cheese, fish).

You should also give your pet additional vitamins or mineral supplements:

  • Phytocalcevit. Meat and bone meal enriched with microelements and vitamins. Promotes proper formation not only cartilage, but the whole bone tissue. This supplement is fed to puppies at 1.5 tbsp. per day. Phytocalcevit can be given to a pet throughout the entire growth period, and adult dog it is enough to feed him 2-3 times a year, for 3-4 weeks.
  • Canina GAG Forte (Canina Canhydrox GAG). Tablets containing calcium hydroxyapatite, silicic acid, vitamin C and sponge mollusk extract. The drug has an effect on the formation of bone and cartilage tissues. Puppies are fed tablets in a dosage of 2 pcs. for every 10 kg of body weight. The drug continues to be given to the German up to 15 months.
  • Polidex Gelabon Plus. A drug that strengthens cartilage and connective tissue in the dog's body. The supplement is given to puppies during the period active growth in a dosage: 1 tab. per 5 kg of body weight. For adult pets, the drug is fed in courses of 2-3 months, twice a year.

Many owners prefer. As a permanent diet, you should choose brands that belong to a class not lower than premium.

For feeding a German Shepherd puppy, food marked “for puppies” is suitable. large breeds”, for example Royal Canin GIANT, Royal Canin Junior MAXI, Almo Nature Large Puppy, etc. These diets contain everything necessary for proper development puppy components.

How to put your own ears

If the ears of a puppy at 3-4 months hang with a rag and are not going to rise, or a hall has formed on the cartilage or has just begun to appear, you need to start gluing the auricle.

They do this by following the following algorithm:

  1. On both ears, the hair is shaved from both sides.
  2. The inner surface is degreased. To do this, a little alcohol or cologne is applied to a cotton pad, and then they wipe the skin with it.
  3. Inserts are cut out of thick cardboard, repeating the pet's ear in shape and size.
  4. The cardboard is attached to a wide patch (its non-adhesive side) with glue.
  5. The resulting design is glued into the dog's ear.
  6. Both ears are twisted into a tube, fixed at the base with a narrow plaster.

This design is left for 1-2 weeks, after which the patch is carefully peeled off. Ears should be tight by this time.
If this does not happen, let the pet rest for 3-4 days, and then repeat the gluing procedure again.

You can put the puppy's ears with the help of foam rollers:

  1. Remove the plastic rod from the curler.
  2. Instead of a rod, insert a small, non-sharp pencil, 3-4 cm long, into the foam rubber.
  3. Shave your pet's ears on both sides, degrease inner surface.
  4. Apply glue to the surface of the curler.
  5. Glue the curlers to the inner surface of the ear, gently squeeze the ear.
  6. Carefully remove the pencil from the middle of the curler.
  7. Tape the pet's ear with a breathable patch and fix the foam rubber inside.
  8. After removing the inserts, the ears must be thoroughly cleaned.

This design, like cardboard, is left for 1-2 weeks. It is necessary daily for irritation and inflammation.

REFERENCE! Glued ears can be fastened together with a plaster in order to form the correct setting.

If a hall has already formed on the auricle, or the pet has been injured, due to which the ears do not rise, you can resort to implantation (plastic surgery). This procedure is carried out under general anesthesia.

After the puppy has fallen asleep, the skin on the ear is incised, and a special sterile endoprosthesis in the form of a mesh is inserted inside. The surgeon then applies stitches. After the operation, the animal is put on elizabethan collar, which will not allow the puppy to injure the ear, as it will hurt, itch and cause discomfort.

The stitches are removed after 10-14 days. All this time, it is necessary to examine the ears and, at the first signs of inflammation, immediately contact veterinarian who performed the operation.

Firmly erect ears are the “calling card” of the German Shepherd. If they do not rise, you should look for the cause. Perhaps the pet is not enough, or he has suffered. If the ears have not risen by 4-5 months, you should resort to gluing them.

Pointed, standing ears are an integral part of the image. During the period of intensive growth of the puppy, the owner must carefully observe the development of his auricles, and in case of deviations from the norm, take all possible assistance in their setting or contact a specialist.

When Do German Shepherd Puppy Ears Stand Up?

How to put: gluing and winding

If a by 5-6 months, the auricles of the puppy are still didn't get up, then it's time to spend several sessions of gluing.

Special tabs.
For setting the ears, soft tabs are used, which are sold in veterinary pharmacies.

Such tabs are tightly inserted into the puppy's auricles and well wrapped on top with thin paper medical tape.

Foam curlers. Instead of tabs can be used large foam curlers, freed from plastic parts, and lightly smeared with medical glue. Glue should not drain into the ear canal.

From above, the auricles should be fixed by tightly wrapping them with paper surgical tape.

Cardboard blanks. Some breeders use triangular cardboard blanks with rounded corners. The blanks are wrapped with masking tape with the adhesive side out, then inserted into the auricles and wrapped outside with the same tape, but with the adhesive side to the body. Gluing and winding is carried out until the ears begin to stand without support.

How to clean your puppy's ears?

Every 3-4 weeks clean your ears german shepherd should carefully inspect and clean.

For cleaning will be required:

  • cotton pad (cotton wool, bandage);
  • alcohol (special lotion, chamomile tincture);
  • cotton buds.

A cotton pad is moistened with alcohol and the inner surface of the auricle is gently cleaned. Then cotton swab, soaked in alcohol, remove dirt from the skin protrusions inside the ear.

What to do if the ear got up and then fell again?

It happens that ears puppy get up, and after some time fall again. So why did a German Shepherd puppy's ear fall off?

Dog handlers attribute this feature, which begins at 3-4 months.

In this period necessary:

  • include meat and bone meal, milk, fish, jelly, boiled pork ears and other products to strengthen cartilage in the puppy's diet;
  • provide the dog with sufficient physical activity;
  • regularly attract her attention with unusual sounds, thereby forcing her ears to be fixed in a raised position.

At healthy puppies after a complete change of teeth ears rise again.

Important! If this did not happen by 6-7 months - need take the dog to the vet.

What to do if the ears do not stand up?

If the auricles of a German Shepherd didn't get up by 7-8 months, then, most likely, they already won't get up. In this case surgery can be performed for implantation in the shell of implants. Surgery will not fix the problem, but will fit the dog to existing standards and allow him to participate in exhibitions.

Puppy (5 months) hanging ears: a photo

Useful video

Dog ear cleaning

Thus, the period of formation of the auricles is one of the most important in the life of a German shepherd. In order for the ears to rise on time, the dog needs a balanced diet and daily walks on fresh air. AT emergency you can spend several sessions of sizing or consult a surgeon.

A feature of the German Shepherd is considered to be vertically upright ears. How long does it take for them to get up and when should this happen?

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When should a German Shepherd's ears stand up?

A German Shepherd puppy is born as a small fluffy lump with lowered ears. By 2 months, it grows, the paws are extended, and a thick coat appears.

Already at 2-3 months, you can notice the first signs that the ears are rising. This process can be delayed and last up to 8 months, and for some shepherd dogs up to 1 year. It’s worth worrying if by 4-5 months you haven’t noticed them raised.

In the process, when puppies' ears stand up, owners need to be vigilant. It is impossible to allow creases and treat in a timely manner if they get sick or inflamed.

They can get up at the German Shepherd one at a time, sometimes slightly sticking out to the side, or falling off again. A veterinarian or breeders should be consulted when examining this organ and looking for weak spots in the cartilage, if any.

Medications and vitamins for pets

During the raising of the ears of a puppy, there is increased growth the whole body, so the pet needs a balanced diet. The body must receive vitamins, minerals, biological additives and calcium.

  • pax-forte;
  • mega;
  • antiox plus;
  • Vision complexes.
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  • reduce the consumption of cereals, especially barley, hercules;
  • enough to give dairy products, rich in calcium(up to 550 mg of calcium per 1 kg of weight);
  • add bone meal;
  • you can grind ordinary white chalk.

How to put ears on your own

How many times has your German Shepherd's ears been up and down again? How to understand that they will rise in a few months on their own? Can you install them yourself?

At the age of a puppy from six months, if the ears have already risen and are ready to stand up, you can help them:

  1. Inspection for weak spots in the cartilage. We probe with two fingers the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe auditory organ from the tip to the roots. Usually weak spots look like spots, but if there is a crease, they can be streaks. When you click on such a point, the ear should immediately rise.
  2. If there are no weak points or they are in the upper part, then the ears will stand up on their own, you just need to continue to properly feed the puppy.
  3. If there was a hall or a weak spot is located at a distance of about 2/3 from the root, then it is necessary to glue the ears.

Improvised means and medicines

How to glue the ears of a German Shepherd, there are several ways. First of all, it is better to cut the wool on them, and on both sides. Then choose one of the proposed gluing methods.

MethodmaterialsWhat actions to take
Curling on curlersFoam rollers (without plastic retainer, it must be removed)Place the curlers on a blunt pencil by about 3 cm.
Thin patch, wide is betterLubricate the surface of the curler with glue ¾ around the circumference. Avoid dripping glue.
medical glueWrap your ear around a greased curler, which must be inserted with a gap so that the dog can hear
dull pencilEverything is good to fix with a plaster
Take your puppy away from the new structure on its head for 5-10 minutes. It will peel off on its own within a week if it is not removed by the pet earlier.
Wrapping on cardboardEar-shaped cardboard without sharp cornersTape cardboard to the inside of the ear.
Masking tape or plasterwrap it around lower part to get it up.
The design will last for 24 hours, after which it will fall off painlessly. But the puppy will definitely try to rip it off.
Ear implantsSpecial medical implantsInstalled in veterinary clinics. Need expert advice.

Finally, a few tips for German Shepherd owners from experts:

  1. Do not worry if the shepherd's ears fall when the teeth change, and then rise again - this is considered normal.
  2. They should stand up on their own at the age of 8 weeks to 6 months. After that, it is recommended to install them yourself.
  3. Do not be afraid of gluing the ears or taping them. Properly done, the procedure stimulates the ear muscles and helps your German Shepherd.
  4. Spend preventive examinations your pet. You must be sure that he is healthy, eats properly and has enough essential vitamins and minerals for normal development.
  5. You can not start the process when the ears are up. Watch him carefully and take action in time, otherwise they may not get up at all.
  6. Do not be afraid to ask questions to specialists, veterinarians or breeders.

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Video "We put the ears of a shepherd dog"

The video tells how to bring an examination of the ears, and gives recommendations for self-staging them.

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