What and how to feed a German Shepherd puppy? What to feed a German Shepherd puppy What to feed a 1 month old Shepherd puppy

It is hard to even imagine how many German Shepherds are culled due to improper care during the growth period. The breed is prone to a number of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, and diseases can be congenital, hereditary or acquired. The risk of developing acquired and hereditary bone diseases directly depends on how you feed your German Shepherd puppy. Naturally, the correct structure of the skeleton is not the only important factor, but it is fundamental. Muscle mass can be "caught up", the color of the coat can be enhanced with food additives, the quality of the coat with care, but deformed joints are forever.

So, the first thing we care about, in addition to the well-being of the pet, is the paw joints and the development of the vertebral discs. In the absence of birth defects, you only need to keep the data that the dog has by nature. The breed is characterized by a sloping back line and a neck set at 45 ° relative to the ground. Humpbacked German Shepherds are not always a birth defect, more often, this is a consequence of improper equipment of the eating area.

Place of eating

A beautiful and healthy dog ​​is work and every minute care, which begins with the conversion of the home to the needs of the pet. Puppies are offered for sale at the age of 3 months. Of course, you should not count on clear coordination and strengthened joints. To eliminate the risks, the feeding place is equipped as follows:

  • Bowl on stand with height adjuster- bending down for food, the puppy not only runs the risk of twisting the spine, but also swallows air along with food. Hiccups, it would seem, are harmless, and this is true if it is not chronic. In a normal stance while eating, the dog's neck is tilted forward at an angle of up to 60°, the forelegs are set straight (the hands are tight and pointing forward), the hocks are set at right angles to the floor.

  • Quality containers for water and food- most often, the stand is completed with stainless bowls. If you yourself equipped the podium for eating, then when buying bowls, give preference to fired ceramics.
  • The floor covering under the bowl is covered with a non-slip mat- a guarantee that the puppy will not move the bowl and will not slip, carried away by the meal.
  • Continuous availability of fresh water- puppies play a lot, often eat and sleep, spending not only calories, but also water. A bowl of water should always be in the public domain. In the hot season, the water should be changed at least 3 times a day.
  • Purity- the food bowl is washed after each feeding and left empty for the next meal.

Important! Pay attention to floor coverings in the home, surfaces such as laminitis will cause the puppy to slip. The consequences of such injuries are quite different, up to torn ligaments and curvature of the paws.

Read also: We teach the dog the "Place" command: step-by-step instructions for pets from 4 months to a year

Daily food intake, feeding frequency, weight gain rates

Up to a year, the menu for a German Shepherd puppy is regularly “adjusted” to the needs of the body. Within 1 month after birth, the puppy feeds only on mother's milk. Provided that the bitch is provided with a balanced diet and a standard amount of litter, only milk should be enough for babies. When the puppies are 2 months old, the breeder introduces complementary foods. As practice shows, most breeders are inclined to industrial complementary foods - soaked dry food. With a natural type of feeding, the tailed ones are allowed to try cottage cheese and minced meat.

When the litter reaches 3 months of age, most often, some of the puppies are already booked, and the rest of the puppies are waiting for their new owners. If you have not booked a puppy in advance, be prepared to buy an older puppy than you expected. Next, you should proceed as follows:

  • For 10-12 days, continue to feed the pet with the same products and at the same frequency as the breeder.
  • At the age of 4 months (ideally) the dog is fed 3 times.
  • Depending on individual needs, at the age of 5 months, the dog begins to be transferred to 2 meals a day. In order to avoid stress and a sharp change in the schedule, in the afternoon, let's say a light "afternoon snack" (3rd feeding).
  • By 6 months, German Shepherd puppies are transferred to 2 meals a day.

The next important point is how much and what kind of food your pet needs. To begin with, the main points that will allow you to make a diet for a German Shepherd puppy:

  • Dogs should not be fed only meat! This is wrecking fanaticism, nothing more.
  • Proteins should make up at least 30-50% of the total diet- eggs, meat, milk (provided that the puppy does not have growth hormone deficiency).
  • Do not give your puppy food supplements indiscriminately- an overdose of vitamins and microelements, more often, is more destructive than their lack. Particular care should be taken with groups A and D vitamins.
  • Adjust the amount of food you need, focusing on the puppy- if the portion is eaten slowly and reluctantly, and the meal takes more than 20 minutes, then you are overfeeding the dog.

Now about the amount of food. The daily norm, or rather, its weight, is a very individual indicator! You should not "adjust" the puppy's diet to the theory, always monitor the well-being of the ward after eating and regularly weigh the dog. So, the approximate daily intake of food should be:

  • At the age of 2-3 months - 200-300 g / 1 feeding.
  • By the age of 4 months - 400 g / 1 feeding.
  • At 5 months - 400-500 g / 1 feeding, depending on the rate of weight gain. Snack up to 200 gr.
  • From 6 months to a year - each serving (2 feedings) should be at least 500 gr.

Important! When feeding with industrial feed, be guided by the daily allowance for age indicated on the package!

All of the above recommendations should only be leveled at the rate of weight gain. Overeating and the accumulation of fat mass threatens not only the joints, but also the heart. Excess weight is equally harmful for both puppies and adult dogs. If you regularly weigh your pet, it will be easier for you to adjust the diet. Weight limits by age for females and males are as follows:

  • 1 month: 2.5-4 kg.
  • 2 months: 6-9 kg.
  • 3 months: 10-16 kg.
  • 4 months: 15-20 kg.
  • 5 months: 18-26 kg.
  • 6 months: 19-28 kg.
  • 8 months: 20-32 kg.
  • 12 months: 31-37 kg.

Read also: What and how to feed a Jack Russell Terrier: a healthy diet for a puppy and an adult dog

What to feed - natural diet

If you have chosen a traditional, natural method of feeding, then it will be based on the gradual introduction of permitted foods into the dog's diet. Feeding German Shepherd puppies is more troublesome than preparing food for an adult pet. The main difficulties lie in the delicate balance of proteins, carbohydrates and no less important fats.

List of allowed products:

  • Beef, chicken, idya meat without bones, fat and skin. It is fed raw, treated with boiling water and boiled. Pork is only boiled and rarely.
  • Sugar beef bones- they give the puppy to gnaw during the period of teeth change, it is better to replace it with special treats from the pet store.
  • Offal (beef, chicken)- heart, crushed tripe, liver in small quantities.
  • Eggs- the yolk in raw form or with milk, boiled protein or in the form of an omelette. Not more than 2 times a week.
  • Ocean fish, boned and minced, only in boiled form. Fish broth is also good for the puppy.
  • Whole milk, natural milk and milk porridges- up to 4 months is mandatory, after, according to the individual preferences of the dog. In some adult dogs, lactose is not absorbed and drinking milk leads to intestinal disorders.
  • Cottage cheese (calcined and homemade), yogurt without additives, yogurt, kefir, low-fat sour cream, depending on the taste preferences of the pet.
  • Cereals- rice, barley, oatmeal (for puppies older than 6 months, infrequently), buckwheat, pearl barley, wheat groats. This should also include rye crackers, which you should not be zealous with.

  • Vegetables- carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, beets (limited), raw potatoes and stewed cabbage, tomatoes.
  • Fruit- apples, pears.
  • Greens- onion, parsley, dill, spinach, lettuce.
  • Oils- sunflower, olive.

The German Shepherd is considered to be the most versatile working dog breed. But in order for a small and stupid puppy to turn into a real and faithful friend, painstaking, daily work on education and training is required.

First of all, you need to understand why you need a service dog in the house. Will she participate in exhibitions, competitions, or is she only needed to protect the house? Maybe she will become the basis of a new nursery? Will she live in an apartment or in a booth on the street?

The answer to these questions depends on the place of purchase of the dog, its class and pedigree.

Before you get a German Shepherd, you need to understand why you get it.

For home and family, as a friend for a child, you can buy a dog through an ad, through a club, in the market. Even if not from eminent parents. An exhibition, working or "breeding" dog should be looked after in a well-established kennel.

Boy or girl

It is important to determine the gender of the future pet.

Bitches are more sociable and obedient. They are smaller. But it is worth remembering about such physiological features as estrus and possible pregnancy.

Males are larger, more powerful. No problem with unexpected offspring. Boys, as a rule, are more aggressive, more stubborn, striving to take the leading place in the family. They have better health. But males require constant control during a walk - they can run away from the owner for a female in heat. With poor upbringing, they mark the territory in the apartment.

When choosing from several puppies, many rely on chance: whoever crawled first is yours.

Important. Puppies should be weaned from their mother at the age of one and a half to two months. By this time, the psyche of the puppies is formed, the character begins to appear. Social bonds are established between puppies, they learn to communicate, learn the laws of behavior in a pack.

How to check health and exterior

Inspect the puppy before buying.

First of all, you need to find out how many puppies were in the litter. A bitch cannot feed more than ten full-fledged puppies. The offspring will not be healthy even if the dog has bred more than once a year.

When buying a dog, it is carefully examined. In a healthy purebred German Shepherd puppy:

  • Ribs do not protrude. Average fatness. There are no red spots or pimples on the abdomen.
  • Smooth, shiny, neat, not very long coat without tufts near the ears and neck. Parents of black and tan puppies should be the same. The more burns, the better.
  • Pleasant, "childish" smell.
  • Clear dark eyes, almond-shaped, not convex. Puppies can have blue eyes for up to a month. After light eyes are a marriage, like a different color.
  • Pink clean mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. Nose black, wet.
  • The ears are set high and free from rot and discharge. Ears should not "stand" until three months.
  • Strong bones.
  • Straight, strong forelegs with well defined joints. The curvature of the front and hind limbs indicates a possible rickets.
  • The hind limbs are strong.
  • Steps are confident, smooth.
  • Small lumpy paws with thick elastic pads and dark claws without extra dewclaws.
  • Scissor bite with a gap of about 1-2 mm. Grown teeth are considered a marriage.
  • Wide shoulder girdle, short, not sagging and not humpbacked back, wide hips.
  • Straight tail, not thrown over the back, not twisted into a "donut". In the rack, the saber-shaped tail is lowered down.

Before buying, you need to find out how many puppies were in the litter.

Liquid unstable feces, bloated abdomen indicate intestinal diseases or worms. To test your hearing, clap your hands loudly next to the puppy and look at his reaction.

Important. Having bought a puppy, do not forget to take from the seller a list of the necessary vaccinations, measures against worms, and the diet. Specify the rules of registration, joining the club, payment of membership fees.

Temperament and character

The German Shepherd should have a calm, balanced character. The puppy should be keenly interested in others, be friendly with people, active. Unjustified growling, barking speak of an unstable psyche.

How hard is it to raise a German Shepherd?

An ill-bred German Shepherd is a danger to others. From the very first minutes, the puppy must be shown "who is the boss in the house." The shepherd dog dominating the owner shows aggression in case of displeasure, executes commands whenever he wants, rushes at guests, passers-by, cats and other dogs, runs away for a walk.

An ill-bred German Shepherd is a danger.

German Shepherds are considered smart and easy to train. The main thing is to start training in time, give the dog enough attention and patience, identify and use for the benefit of the inherent instincts, abilities, and personal characteristics of the pet.

Training and education of a German Shepherd puppy

A puppy begins to be brought up immediately after his appearance in the house. When communicating with a growing dog, they show firmness, calmness, and attention. German Shepherds should not be caressed or picked up too often. The owner must be restrained, but kind.


Don't let your puppy sleep in a bed or chair.

German Shepherd puppies are curious and love to play. Pranks should not be encouraged, but the punishment should be adequate. You can punish with a slap of the palm, a jerk of the leash, in rare cases with a weak blow of the twig. You can lightly press the puppy to the floor or grab it with one hand around the neck, with the other lightly squeeze the muzzle, repeating the command “Fu!” or "No!". Do not lift the baby by the scruff of the neck, or by the paws. The puppy is punished immediately after the misconduct, in a minute he will not understand why he is poked with his nose into a gnawed slipper.

You can’t let a puppy sleep in the owner’s bed, relax comfortably in an armchair, joyfully jump on his chest at a meeting, take food from the table and from the ground on a walk, beg.

Before four months, puppies have molars. The puppy just needs something to chew on at this time. In order not to punish the baby in vain, they remove shoes, raise curtains, tablecloths, enclose beds, sofas and armchairs, give him rubber toys, balls, jelly or sugar bones.

First teams

From one month to two, the puppy is explained the general rules of the hostel. They are taught to respond to the nickname, to know their place. In the first months of life, a puppy should not be locked alone in a room or tied. In order not to break your teeth and spoil your bite, you should not pull hard on a stick, a toy clamped in the dog's teeth.

From the first month, the puppy is taught to the commands "Come to me!" "Walk!", "Place!". While these commands are not fixed, they do not start other commands, otherwise you can psychologically overload the puppy.

From the first month, puppies are taught basic commands.

To train your dog to the "Come!" command:

  • Say the nickname and the command "Come to me!". When the pet starts moving towards the owner, praise, repeating the command: “Come to me! Well done. Good dog". For each arrival on command, the puppy should receive a treat and a stroke.
  • After a while, they stop giving treats, limited to verbal praise and stroking.
  • They say a nickname, clap their hands, whistle, show their favorite toy, when the puppy starts running up to play, they call: “Come to me!”. Encouragement is a game with the owner.
  • If the puppy is already walking on a long leash, then with a freely released leash, they give a command and slightly pull the reins. Show a treat or a toy. Command. After the approach, they are encouraged with a treat and stroking.
  • If the puppy does not obey, then the owner can pretend to leave. The puppy is afraid of being alone. As soon as the distance becomes "dangerous" he will rush after. At this time, the command is pronounced. When approached, they are rewarded.

Important. You should not pronounce the command several times in a row. The puppy can get used to and approach the owner "for the tenth time."

First months

From the age of two months, the puppy is taught to the leash.

Training begins with short (10-15 minutes) classes, 2-3 times a day. Use game, imitative, methods. The execution of the command is reinforced with affection, delicacy, verbal praise.

From two months old, the puppy is taught to walk on a leash. Walking in the fresh air begins a week after vaccination. Initially, the duration of the walk is 15-30 minutes, then the duration is gradually increased. At three months, the puppy should walk at least 3-4 km a day.

During walks, the baby is taught not to pay attention to transport, passers-by, dogs, cats, birds. They do this by changing the place of the walk to a more lively one. The puppy needs communication with peers and short "free" walks without a leash. It is advisable to walk during the daytime so that he receives the amount of ultraviolet light he needs.

Do not allow adults, especially stray dogs. They can scare the baby, which will lead to a cowardly-aggressive type of behavior in the future. In addition, the puppy can become infected.

The Basics of Raising a German Shepherd Puppy

The kid should actively get acquainted with the outside world. You need to let him sniff new, unfamiliar objects. If they scare him, you should approach the "danger" and show that there is nothing to worry about.

At 3-4 months you can start swimming in the river. This strengthens the bones and muscles of the growing dog. Most willingly, the pet will follow the bathing owner or his favorite ball into the water. You can not force to go into the water against your will, throw a puppy into the water.

From the 3rd month you can start swimming in the river, this will improve the health of the young German Shepherd.

During this period, the puppy begins to accustom to cleanliness. The kid is not punished for puddles and heaps, but they are taken out for 5-10 minutes outside after eating. After the puppy does "its own business", the puppy is praised. It is very important to observe the regime of feeding and walking.

Distribution of roles

At the age of two to four months, the distribution of roles in the "flock" should occur. The puppy looks closely, tries to determine the leader in the family, he tries to dominate. He can start snapping, growling, biting during games, proving his independence and superiority. It is very important to prove to the puppyhthen all family members, including children, are more important than him, higher in rank.

By the end of the fifth month, the puppy should firmly master the commands “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Stand!”. Team "Come to me!" must be carried out unconditionally.

By the end of the fifth month, the dog should know the basic commands.

In males, by the age of five months, sexual instinct begins to appear. The boys begin to jump on the owner's leg, other puppies, small dogs. By punishing you can drown out the sexual instinct, it is better to distract the dog with a toy.

Puppy at six months

At six months, they choose a training system and continue to reinforce the previously studied teams, adding to them “Aport!”, “Fu!”, “Show your teeth!”, “Crawl!”, “Voice!”.

Commands are worked out while giving them by voice and gesture, giving them separately. They begin to learn how to overcome obstacles, calm behavior in transport and on busy streets. Cultivate endurance.

From the age of six months, they begin work on developing the simplest skills of special training:

  • alertness to "strangers";
  • finding things by the smell of the owner;
  • trace detection and processing.

From the age of six months, a German shepherd can begin to be trained to develop the simplest skills.

Teenage years

Many puppies go through a "period of fear" from six months to a year. The dog is afraid of foreign, unfamiliar objects, loud sounds, pronounced smells. When frightened, the owner shows calmness and confidence with his whole appearance and voice, gives the command “Stop!”, approaches the “dangerous” object, touches it, demonstrating that there is nothing to be afraid of. After that, he calls the dog, gives it to sniff the frightened object.

At 7-8 months, the period of puberty ends, the formation of a type of behavior. Dogs begin to mark their territory, get nervous.

growing up

The formation of character, active physical development continues in German shepherds up to 4 years. At this time, they continue to consolidate and improve the protective and protective innate instincts.

The basics of training a German Shepherd are laid before the first year of life.

The basics of training are laid up to the age of a shepherd dog. In the future, until the end of life, the German Shepherd can improve skills, teach her new activities and commands.

German Shepherds successfully pass all types of training:

  • Domestic: General course of training (OKD) and Educational training (VD). Courses Controlled and Protective City Dog (UGS, ZGS), including the execution of the main commands: “Come to me!”, “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Stand!”, “Fu!”, “Show your teeth!”, “ Near!”, “Place!”, “Aport!”, calm attitude to the shot and loud sounds, overcoming the stairs, boom, barrier, blank fence.
  • The Russian complex Protective Guard Service (ZKS), which, in addition to OKD, includes: finding things by smell among other things, guarding things, immunity to thrown food, protecting the owner from attack, guarding things and the owner, detaining, guarding and escorting the offender.
  • Stutzhund (SchH, IPO, IPO) course, developed by the International Canine Federation to identify the intellectual, mental and physical data of the German Shepherd.
  • Fartenhund (FH1, FH1)- development and testing of the search qualities of the German Shepherd.
  • Sports training: Agility (Agility), Mondioring (Mondio Ring, WorldRing Mondioring), Obidiense (Obidens, OB), Flyball (Flyball), Weight pulling (Weigth pulling).

Important. Without a SchH certificate (according to international rules), dogs are considered unsuitable for breeding.

Watchman education

German Shepherds have an innate guard and watchdog instinct. Sometimes, without proper upbringing, these qualities are manifested excessively: the dog shows aggression at any attempt to approach the owner.

German Shepherds have a good natural guard instinct.

Good watchdogs are obtained from dogs that have completed a full course of ZKS. When training at home, they encourage the dog's alertness when strangers appear, do not allow them to play and take treats from strangers.

Basic Mistakes

When raising a puppy on their own, many owners make typical mistakes:

  • when learning commands, they give a command after physical coercion;
  • allow strong jerks of the leash;
  • give commands with the same gestures, in the same position, under similar circumstances;
  • the correct actions of the dog are not encouraged;
  • workouts are monotonous, monotonous, too long;
  • a stick, a toy during the game is taken roughly with causing pain to the puppy;
  • the dog is given little time, walking less than two hours a day.

With experience, the owner can independently instill the necessary skills in the dog. To participate in exhibitions, sports competitions, you should take specialized courses from a professional trainer.

Also watch a video about the initial training of a German shepherd.

Before talking about feeding, the owner of the puppy will have to make a choice regarding the form of food. You can cook food yourself, while the content will come out many times cheaper than when using purchased formulations. However, natural food requires time and attention to detail so that the pet grows up healthy and receives all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. If we talk about ready-made foods, the manufacturer took into account the age characteristics of the puppies, included the necessary minerals, you just have to pour food into a bowl.

  1. Always keep the utensils you feed your pet clean.
  2. Change the water every 3 hours in summer and every 5 hours in winter.
  3. After finishing the meal, wipe the puppy's face with a paper napkin or towel.
  4. In the first month of the puppy's stay in a new place, be close to him during meals. Watch the location of the pet, adjust the height of the bowl according to its features.
  5. The food you feed your dog should not be too hot. The best option is room temperature. To properly check the mode, dip your ring finger in the middle of a bowl of food. If you are hot, leave the food to cool.
  6. Make a strict meal schedule, meals should take place strictly at the same time. Otherwise, the puppy will start having problems sleeping, lethargy will appear, and growth will slow down.
  7. There are times when a pet refuses food for unknown reasons. In such situations, remove the bowl from the puppy's field of vision, offer him to eat after 30-40 minutes.
  8. Food for German Shepherd puppies should not be too dry or, on the contrary, liquid. Cook food in such a way that it resembles sour cream in consistency.
  9. Experienced owners of German Shepherds unanimously say that feeding a puppy should be done after an intensive walk. It makes sense to listen to them.
  10. So that your pet does not disturb digestion, monitor his food hygiene. If possible, let the dog rest for 1.5-2 hours after the meal.

The right choice of dishes

  1. First of all, you need to take care of the bowl for the pet. It can be clay, metal, ceramic, plastic. The last option should be excluded, dishes of this kind fidget on the floor, preventing the pet from eating normally.
  2. In small puppies, paws often part, especially for individuals living in an apartment. Organize a feeding area based on the flooring. If your home has laminate or linoleum, place a non-slip mat under the puppy's bowl. It can be fabric or silicone.
  3. It is known that at the age of up to a year, the puppy's skeleton is only being formed, as a result of which the frame is extremely fragile. For this reason, you need to place the bowl in such a way that it is located at the level of the neck or chest of the pet. Otherwise, during the growth period, the puppy will constantly bend over, which will entail a curvature of the spine, a high croup, weak bones in the front paws and chest, problems with swallowing and digestive activity. You can adjust the height of the container using special stands, which are sold in all pet stores.

Features of the diet of puppies

Two-month-old puppies need to be fed 5-6 times a day with an interval of 3-4 hours. Pets who have reached 3-5 months, it is enough to feed 4 times a day. Starting from 6 months and up to a year, the dog is fed 3 times a day. After this age, it is necessary to transfer the animal to two meals a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Age: 1 month

As a rule, puppies are sold after 40-45 days after birth. During this period, the animal's diet includes dairy products (in particular, curdled milk, milk and cottage cheese), several types of meat, oatmeal and rice.

At this age, puppies have a rapid metabolism and a relatively small stomach. For this reason, portions should be small (250 gr.), but substantial. As mentioned earlier, meals should be made every 3-4 hours.

Make sure that the puppy receives meat every day 2 times. It can be raw beef, cut into pieces or chicken. Both products contain the optimal ratio of BJU, due to which the pet will begin to grow before our eyes.

You can also give boiled meat, but it contains less enzymes than raw meat. Boiled beef or chicken is recommended in cases where the puppy has a stool disorder or a general malaise associated with digestion. To properly cook food based on boiled meat, boil oatmeal or rice porridge, cool it, crumble the meat. Dilute a little with water, if the mixture is thick, check the temperature and give it to the puppy.

It is strictly not allowed to mix meat porridge with milk. The recommendation is relevant for the reason that after the assimilation of milk, casein is produced, which slows down the absorption of nutrients by the stomach. In this case, the meat must be mixed with round-grain rice or oatmeal, but not with semolina.

Cottage cheese must be given for breakfast, but not in a dry form, otherwise the pet will choke. Mix 200 gr. product with kefir or yogurt, add a raw chicken egg. By and large, puppies refuse such food, but they need it. Therefore, teach your pet right away, do not fall for tricks if he suddenly decides to refuse to eat.

You can cook cottage cheese with your own hands from kefir. The second option: mix fermented baked milk with raw eggs and pour into boiling milk. No one will definitely refuse such a delicacy, the dairy product turns out to be fragrant and tender.

Age: 2-3 months

The digestion of dogs at this age is already adapted to plant fiber and protein without any consequences. It is time to add natural oils and vegetables to the diet so that in addition to porridge, cottage cheese and meat, the pet receives other minerals. Portions should be 300-350 gr., Feeding frequency - 4 times a day.

  1. Add a teaspoon of olive or sunflower oil to meat porridges 1 time per day. Periodically feed your puppy boiled carrots between main meals. It is worth considering that chicken eggs should be given no more than 3 times a week. Cottage cheese, porridge, meat - no change.
  2. In the summer, focus on fresh fruit, many "Germans" have a passion for watermelons, melons, peaches and apples. Treat your pet with treats 2 times a day. Watch the stool, in case of negative consequences, reduce the consumption of fruits and give boiled chicken meat with rice porridge.
  3. At this age, the puppy can already be given large marrow bones so that he develops his jaw and grinds his teeth. If you keep a pet in an apartment, it is enough to pre-weld the bone. For animals with access to the local area, it is better to choose a raw option.

Age: 4-5 months

Starting from this period, the puppy needs to develop ligaments and joints. Also at this stage, there is a change of teeth, as a result of which the basis of the diet should be foods rich in calcium. The dog is still fed 4 times a day, observing the portion size of 300-400 gr.

  1. The change of teeth weakens the cartilage tissue, so the pet's ears may not rise. To promote full development, add collagen to food. It can be found in confectionery gelatin or topical food supplements (for dogs).
  2. At the age of four months, the puppies develop an intensive skeleton, in particular, posture. To help the body and lay the foundation for full development, gradually introduce chondoprotectors into food. They are sold in a pet store, most importantly, follow the instructions clearly and do not increase the amount without permission. An alternative to the drug is Artra, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.
  3. As for the main food, it remains the same (cottage cheese, meat, porridge, vegetables and fruits). However, now you need to feed the puppy not boiled meat, but beef tenderloin from the head. It contains a large amount of gelatin, which favorably affects the formation of the skeleton.
  4. You can cook a broth based on beef, veal, chicken, and then fill it with meat porridge. But do not make it too rich, so as not to burden the pancreas. The broth can be replaced with food gelatin: dissolve it in water and mix into food (cottage cheese, porridge, a mixture of vegetables).
  5. Contribute to the rapid change of milk teeth by molars, give your pet marrow bones. It is also worth focusing on calcified additives marked “puppy”, pet stores sell a special series for German shepherds. If you are having trouble choosing, consult your veterinarian.

Age: 6-12 months

When the puppy reaches the age of six months, you can cook cereals not only from pure meat, but also from offal (heart, liver, stomach). You can not give the dog thin bones, strong teeth can easily gnaw them, and the fragments will fall into the esophagus. Puppies 6-12 months old should have three meals a day, the serving size varies from 350 to 450 gr.

  1. At the same time, every month you need to reduce the amount of cottage cheese eaten for breakfast, and at the same time increase the amount of meat. If you are a cable owner, remove milk from your puppy's diet completely. In the case of bitches, the product is given daily.
  2. At this stage, the owner of the puppy needs to add active minerals, chondroprotectors, calcium and other vitamins, based on the weight and age of the pet. Do not forget about vegetables and fruits, feed them to your puppy between main meals.
  3. To diversify the diet with cereals as much as possible, you can add buckwheat, millet, millet to the already existing rice and oatmeal. Combine them with each other, mix in raw or cooked meat / offal. Break a raw egg (sometimes chicken can be replaced with quail, doubling the amount).
  4. It is allowed to give the puppy sea or river fish 2 times a week. However, these days you can not feed your pet with meat. You should not abuse fish, as its composition destroys vitamin B in the body of the dog, which leads to digestive difficulties and stunted growth.

The basis of feeding a German Shepherd puppy is considered to be meat, cereals (except semolina), fresh or boiled vegetables, fruits. Do not forget to pamper your pet with marrow bones, mix in nutritional supplements, gelatin, calcium. Choose the right bowl, adjust the height of the stand. Follow the schedule of meals, increase portions according to age, walk more in the fresh air.

Video: German Shepherd puppy training

The German Shepherd is smart, beautiful, quick-witted, easy to train. Dogs of this breed can be both loyal guards and loyal friends. Shepherd can be kept both in the apartment and in a private house in the yard.

In order for the animal to be healthy and cheerful, develop correctly and bring the owner a minimum of problems, it must be fed in a balanced way. Sheepdogs are not picky about food, but you still need to pay close attention to their diet.

The basic rule when feeding a dog is avoid overfeeding. Particular attention should be paid to this if the dog moves a lot after eating. Overfeeding a shepherd dog is fraught with obesity, the development of atherosclerosis, and a deterioration in general well-being.

Sheepdogs are prone to stomach torsion: this organ in their body is too “loose” and can be strongly displaced and twisted during active physical exertion.

How to organize feeding?

For puppies and adults, the approach to feeding differs mainly in the number of meals and the pattern of introducing certain foods into the diet. For an adult animal, the following can be indicated important moments of feeding:

  • Meals - twice a day, at the same time;
  • Feed only after a walk, so that there is no torsion of the intestines;
  • If the dog refuses to eat within half an hour after the walk, then the bowl must be removed so that there is no free access to food;
  • The main food of the shepherd should be unchanged, the rest - as a supplement (for example, if you picked up oatmeal with chicken liver - this should be a daily meal; fruits and bones are an addition);
  • Food should be at room temperature.

Important to remember: The dog should always have a bowl of fresh water.

Psychological aspects of feeding:

  • Don't let your dog growl when you touch his bowl, he needs to know who is superior in the relationship;
  • Do not go along if the dog is mischievous and refuses to eat or tries to extort favorite treats;
  • Train your dog for fresh vegetables from an early age.

Advice: give preference to fresh vegetables, as boiled ones retain few vitamins. Meat can be given fresh, but in this case care should be taken (regular prophylaxis with anthelmintics).

Proper nutrition for newborn puppies

Newborn puppies feed on mother's milk more than 10 times a day. There are situations when babies are weaned from their mother after birth or an adult dog dies. There are cases when weakened babies cannot independently receive milk from their mother.

In these cases, you can use the following recommendations:

  • Feed milk for the first two weeks of life using a baby bottle, dropper, or syringe (cow, sheep, or goat milk will do);
  • Volume - up to 2/3 cup per day, food temperature - from 27 to 32 ° C;
  • After two weeks of age, the portion is gradually increased to 2 glasses, and the number of meals is reduced to 6-7;
  • By the first month, meat, cereals, vegetable purees and soups, cottage cheese are introduced into the diet.

Important: As soon as the puppies open their eyes, they are taught to feed from a saucer. If the mother feeds the puppies, then by the age of 2 months they begin to be transferred to independent nutrition.

Diet for puppies from 2 months to a year

The fundamental difference in feeding a German Shepherd puppy from other breeds is tight calcium control. Its excess can lead to pathology in development. Giving puppies vitamins with calcium is not recommended.

A reliable guideline for determining the correct nutrition is the weight of a shaggy baby at the 6th month of life. It should not exceed 60% of the weight of an adult. If the puppy weighs more, then you need to reduce the amount of high-calorie food in the diet.

Menu composition: a gradual decrease in the proportion of milk, an increase in the amount of meat, vegetables and cereals. You can combine natural products with dry food (do not mix at the same time!). With this approach, in the morning, puppies are given food that is specially designed for puppies (can be soaked in water), and in the afternoon - natural products.

Advice: with a combination of dry and natural food, one-time portions are halved! Preference should be given to super premium class feed, the quality of which is confirmed by veterinarians.

  • From 2 to 3 months - 5 times a day, 3-4 incomplete glasses of food per day;
  • From 4 to 6 months - 4 times a day, 1 liter of food;
  • From 6 to 12 months - 3 times a day, 1.5 liters of food.

Feeding an adult dog

  1. For energy - carbohydrates (rye bread, rice) and fats (vegetable and animal);
  2. For the development and maintenance of tone - proteins (meat, cheese, dairy products, eggs);
  3. For vivacity, health and good mood - minerals and vitamins (vegetables, cereals, fruits, special vitamin complexes).

The opinions of dog breeders on the choice of food often differ. Some consider it unacceptable to feed a dog with dry food, while others, on the contrary, are delighted with this method. Based on the opinion of veterinarians, one thing is clear: a shepherd dog can be fed premium or super premium class dry food.

Natural nutrition: pros and cons

The disadvantage of feeding with natural products is time costs. Not everyone has time to think about and compose a menu for a dog, as well as to prepare it.

Benefits of natural feeding: the owner is confident in the composition of the products that he gives to his dog, natural meat will not replace any superpremium food. Introducing meat into the diet with natural feeding is much easier than combining it with dry or wet food.

Features of a diet from natural products

You can determine the daily intake of food for an adult shepherd dog by subtracting 2-3% of the dog's weight. This indicator is on average 1200 g.

Feeding scheme:

  • 1/3 - meat (fresh, scalded or subjected to non-durable cooking), fish 1 time per week;
  • 1/3 - porridge (rice, millet or buckwheat);
  • 1/3 - vegetables, dairy products.

Remember: when eating natural products, a shepherd dog needs additional vitamin and mineral supplements.

Bones, rye crackers and fruits can become a delicacy that is given to the dog 2-3 times a week in small portions. But you should be careful with the bones: in shepherd dogs, they can cause constipation.

Ready-made feed: pros and cons

Ready-made feeds - wet canned food - are divided into economy, premium and super-premium classes. The main disadvantages of wet food are imbalance(even super premium food is not suitable for daily nutrition). Wet food has several benefits:

  • Easily digested;
  • Almost all dogs love them.

Dry food: pros and cons

Economy class dry food has only one advantage - cheapness. But this is also doubtful, since dry food of this category is required 2-3 times more, but there are a lot of minuses:

  • Poor quality raw materials;
  • Imbalance (even when stated on the label);
  • flavor enhancers;
  • The shepherd dog will need constant vitamin and mineral supplements.

Economy segment feed is only an emergency option, which can be used no more than once a month.

Premium and super premium foods are made from quality raw materials and are often recommended by veterinarians for proper feeding of shepherd dogs. Feeds in these categories always have a clear purpose depending on:

  • From the breed (only super premium class);
  • The age of the dog and its weight;
  • Activities;
  • There are medicated feeds designed to prevent diseases of shepherd dogs (associated with the gastrointestinal tract, for example).

The main characteristics and differences of feed

Index Premium Super premium
Calorie content (nutritional value) per 100 g 300-350 calories 350-400 calories
Offal (to increase the weight of the feed, usually of little use) + (small share) -
Price Medium and high High and very high
digestibility Not more than 75% More than 90%, often up to 97%
balance Often - not suitable for shepherd dogs with sensitive gastrointestinal tract, additional vitamin supplementation is required Fully balanced (especially those designed specifically for this breed)
Cereals Sometimes not very suitable for shepherd dogs More often - only corn, which does not harm the body of a shepherd dog
Availability Can be found in major supermarkets Sold only in pet stores, via the Internet, in veterinary clinics

Feeding rules

Feeding with ready-made food is regulated by the instructions on the package, but most often it is 700-750 g (premium) and 500-600 g (super premium) per day.

Advice: if the dog sluggishly eats dry food, it can be soaked in kefir or water. When switching to dry food from natural food, you need to move slowly, gradually replacing the diet and stretching the full transition for 1-2 weeks.

What should not be given to a German Shepherd?

  1. White bread, pastry, vermicelli;
  2. Beans, potatoes, peas;
  3. Sweet, smoked and salty;
  4. tubular bones;
  5. Spices and condiments.

The diet of a pregnant shepherd dog

Are you sure your dog is pregnant? A puppy-bearing dog needs to be fed 3 times a day, thus increasing the daily amount of food by 1/3.

Particular attention should be paid to cottage cheese and cheese, increase fish consumption to 2-3 times a week (to increase the intake of calcium and phosphorus).

Increases in the second half of pregnancy proportion of fruits and vegetables. In winter, additional vitamins A and D should be given.

From the 8th week, the shepherd dog is fed 4 times a day. From this point on, bones should be excluded, and meat should be almost completely replaced with fish (150 g of fish to replace 100 g of meat).

Meals in the last week should be 5-6 times a day.

Nutrition plan for a nursing shepherd

  • The first day after childbirth - liquid fermented milk products;
  • The first week - no meat and fish;
  • From 2 weeks - three meals a day, enriched with calcium and vitamins.

Do you know how to care for a German Shepherd puppy? How to feed him in what month of life, so that the baby develops correctly, looks good and grows up as an excellent dog? You must understand that your pet is not a toy, and prepare for all the various difficulties that you will have to face.

The care and maintenance of your pet includes the following basic points:

  • habitat;
  • walks;
  • hygiene.

Territory of detention

It should not be located on the aisle, where a draft is possible, near doors and heating appliances. In the bathroom or in the kitchen, the dog should not sleep either. Having chosen a decent corner, you need to lay a special rug or mattress there, on which, ideally, it is best to put on a pillowcase. This is very convenient for maintaining the cleanliness of the bed. Prepare a few pillowcases so that you can change and wash them in time.

Prepare for the fact that at first your beloved baby will do his dirty deeds at home, because for now he still cannot stand it. Gradually, it is necessary to teach to relieve the need for a walk, immediately after feeding or sleeping. Always reward your dog with a delicious piece of his favorite treat as soon as he does a "wet" job. Thanks to your efforts, by six months, the shepherd dog will learn to relieve himself only in the yard.

The first days the puppy may whine loudly, missing his mother and his former home. Therefore, do not leave it in a dark enclosed space or tie it. Try to calm him down with kind words, give him a toy. But it will be unnecessarily constantly stroking or squeezing the baby: this way there is a risk of instilling unnecessary qualities.

Walking on the street

Shepherd just needs stable. You can start walking your pet only after everything has been done. As mentioned above, the best option for a dog is life on the street, where there is a constant opportunity to run around in plenty. If there is no such option, and you live in an apartment, then you need to take your pet for a walk every day, gradually increasing the time of the trip. It is best to take walks during the daytime to take advantage of the natural ultraviolet rays of the sun.

The first walks should be short, five minutes will be enough. At the age of two months, hikes increase to half an hour, while at 6-10 months it is necessary to devote two to three hours to festivities. From two months you can teach your dog to a leash. While the baby is small, physical activity is contraindicated for him, as he runs himself, it will immediately become clear that it is time to go home. When the pet gets older, it will be very good for psychological development if he communicates with other purebred dogs in specially designated areas. But stray dogs should not be allowed in - the risk of disease is high.

Now consider the hygiene of the German Shepherd.


The eyes are clean, without discharge, with a clear look. It is necessary to worry when your dog has inflammation or redness, unnatural lacrimation; if he blinks a lot. With these symptoms, you should immediately contact your veterinarian or use special eye drops. You can also soak a cotton swab in chamomile infusion and rinse your eyes with it.

Teeth should be brushed once every three months with a special tooth powder. You can also purchase fluoride-based bones from pet stores. Artificial bones made of leather are also suitable for this purpose, which will cope with cleaning the fangs and massage the jaw of your pet.

Ears are cleaned once a month. This can be done both with a tampon and with special-purpose means. Be careful when watching your baby's ears. They contain a small amount of odorless sulfur. If redness, wet discharge are visible, a bad smell is felt; the pet scratches its ear, shakes its head - it means there is inflammation. Don't hesitate and see a doctor.

Now let's take a closer look at how to feed a German Shepherd puppy.

The basics of proper nutrition

With regular and normal feeding, you can raise a healthy dog. A diet that contains everything and micronutrients contributes to the maintenance of good physical shape and longevity of your pet. The puppy's metabolism is much faster than that of, but the ventricle is small. Therefore, it is worth feeding the baby often, but in small portions.

German Shepherd puppies eat from dishes attached to a special dog stand. Bowls are at chest level, the dog lowers only the muzzle during meals. With the growth of the pet, it is necessary to raise the height of the stand. This is necessary so that the spine, joints of the front legs and neck do not bend during feeding.

While the pet is eating, try to fix its stance: put the hind legs so that the hocks form an angle of 90 degrees, and the front legs should be parallel to each other. It is advisable to have nickel-plated bowls, one of which, with water, is always worth it and the drink should be changed in it about three times a day. Keep food temperature barely warm. When the baby is finished eating, wipe his face with a clean cloth.

There are two types of dog food:

  • traditional;
  • canned food, dry food

The first year in a puppy's life, proper nutrition plays a huge role, keep the diet balanced. Follow the order of weight gain correctly. Of course, preparing your puppy's food yourself is much better than buying ready-made food, but no matter what system you choose for feeding, remember that each dog is individual, with its own preferences. It is possible to switch from feed to fresh products and vice versa, but you should not mix them. Before you make the final diet, follow the pet.

There are several rules when drawing up the correct diet:

  • follow the diet;
  • meat alone is not a complete diet;
  • an overdose of vitamins A, D, calcium leads to volvulus;
  • in the daily norm of proteins, there should be 30% of the main complementary foods in order for the muscles and skeleton to develop;
  • You can't overfeed your puppy.

For the first week of living in your home, the puppy must be fed with the same food that he ate at the former owner, otherwise the stomach may be upset. One serving is needed so that the baby eats everything and licks the bowl. If he continues to stand near the dishes, then there was not enough food. It is not necessary to immediately give an increase, the pet can get used to begging for snacks, it is better to wait until the next time. Depending on the time of your rise, it is necessary to carry out the first feeding, but no later than 7 o'clock in the morning. The last meal should be given at 10 pm.

From birth to six months, the development of the puppy is more intense, respectively, the high calorie content of daily food also increases. At two months, it is advisable for a baby to give a small amount of cartilage or raw bones, because a purebred German is still a predator. In order not to interrupt the appetite, bones should be given after the main feeding. This dish is rich in minerals. If the pet does not eat bones well, then they are of poor quality or the baby has a toothache. After six months, over the next 10 months, development levels off, the need for complementary foods increases. At 16 months, the shepherd becomes an adult, the amount of food put in a day, and the regimen remains so until the end.

Puppy meals should be frequent, with the following frequency:

  • up to 2 months - 6 times a day;
  • from 2 to 4 months - 5 times;
  • from 4 to 6 months - 4 times;
  • from 6 to 10 months - 3 times;
  • after 10 months - 2 times.

traditional food

By choosing natural products, you are choosing the right approach to your diet. We will analyze in more detail what is best to feed your baby.

As mentioned above, a third of the feed should consist of protein foods. This is meat, mostly raw, eggs, dairy products. Feeding a puppy with cereals alone, it is impossible to raise a good dog. In addition to protein, the diet also includes carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, fiber and minerals.

Meat must be given in raw form daily, finely chopped in advance. Giving minced meat is a bad option, if the baby eats it, then the stomach will not digest it. Thanks to this meat, the pet grows healthy and strong, it is the best material for building muscles and bones. It is necessary to start feeding with meat from 50 grams to a month, they already give 100 grams per month, 200 grams in two, 300 grams in three, etc. The daily rate is best divided into three to four times. From meat it is recommended to give the following options: veal, beef, horse meat. Fat is best cut off, it can cause indigestion. No pork!

Offal begins to be given to a puppy at four months three times a week. Although the baby eats them well, they will not replace meat. The liver is given only in boiled form, in order to avoid the entry of worms into the dog's body. In addition to the fact that it is easily digestible and rich in vitamins A, B2, B12, nicotinic acid, iron, zinc, copper, the liver also has high dietary properties. The udder, lungs, heart, kidneys, scar, spleen begin to give from six months. May contain such useful elements as vitamins A, B, calcium, minerals.

Poultry by-products such as skin and entrails have a high energy value. Tubular pork and bird bones should not be given to shepherd dogs at all - the dog may choke. In addition, sharp fragments of such bones can injure the esophagus.

Eggs are a nutritious product, it is enough to give them once a week in the amount of two pieces. Only raw yolks are eaten, which can be mixed with porridge. Raw proteins are not digested. They can also be served as an omelette.

Dairy. We will give the first place to cottage cheese with a high content of calcium. 350 grams daily will be enough. Chilled cottage cheese is mixed with whey and served in a mushy form. Then come yogurt and kefir, which have a good effect on digestion. It is best to give your puppy unboiled goat's or cow's milk daily.

Fish is rich in substances such as vitamins, trace elements and minerals. Serve only boiled, without bones, twice a week. But you need to be extremely careful when giving fish to a puppy, as freshwater species can be infected with tapeworms. We advise you to give fish after a year. Very useful are squids that improve the properties of wool, containing vitamins B6, PP, B12, B2.

Dairy, animal, vegetable fats are an integral part of the pet's diet. They are based on vitamins and fatty acids, thanks to which the baby grows healthy and immunity increases. If you have cooked lean food, then be sure to add butter or fat to it. Daily allowance: 2 grams per kilogram of body weight. Up to three months, 10 - 15 grams will be enough, from 3 to a year of months it is necessary to give 20 - 30 grams already.

Carbohydrates in some cases can replace fats, giving the puppy energy for growth and proper bowel function. They are found in sugar, vegetable fiber, starch. Enough 10 - 15 grams of carbohydrates per 1 kilogram of weight.

Bread and cereals are not the main food, so they are used in small quantities. From cereals, give preference to rice, millet, buckwheat, boiling them in the form of porridge with the addition of vegetables. Hercules is given after six months. 250 - 300 grams is enough to give daily. Bread is given gray or rye in small portions in the form of crackers soaked in low-fat broth.

It is better not to give legumes to a shepherd dog, she does not eat them well.

Vegetables can be given grated, making salads with a little vegetable oil. Boiled pumpkin with porridge is well suited for vitamin feed. Stewed vegetables are well digested by the stomach. It is advisable to periodically give the baby tomatoes, which he eats with pleasure, especially in winter, they do an excellent job of cleaning the teeth from plaque. For the prevention of worms, add a clove of garlic to your pet's food. But potatoes are best eaten raw.

Herbs are excellent vitamin bait. Of all herbs, it is better to refuse sorrel - it causes acute gastritis.

Fruits and berries are perfect for a diet that needs to be taught at an early age. But give up grapes and citrus fruits.

Mineral top dressing should be in the diet every day so that the baby looks good. Pharmaceutical sulfur can be given a pinch along with meat to improve the quality of wool; sea ​​kale has a good effect on the color, due to the high content of iodine. Eggshells contain calcium, should be given in powdered form from 1.5 months from 0.5 teaspoon per day, increasing the dose to one teaspoon three times a day by four months. Meat and bone meal must be added to the puppy's soup 2 times a week. When the shepherd grows up, this flour is placed in a separate bowl next to the water so that she can eat it whenever she wants.

It is not advisable to give sweets, because of them the baby does not eat well. If you want to pamper your puppy, give him cheese or raw potatoes.

Follow the right diet. Be careful when caring for your pet. When feeding a new complementary food, monitor the state of the digestive system and possible allergic reactions. Snacks between main feedings are not desirable. The puppy should eat in a quiet, calm environment so that nothing distracts him from eating. This is necessary for excellent absorption of food.

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