Feeding medium breed dogs with natural food. How to feed your dog natural food. Animal world. Is it possible only meat

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One of the important aspects of keeping a dog is the bedding, which is usually called "place". It should be of such size that it can stretch out on it to its full length and feel comfortable. Bed dimensions: dog length + double leg length. Your dog's bed is her main property, her kingdom, her resting place, where she experiences the feeling of maximum safety and security. A sick and dying dog is looking for his "place".

If you want the dog not to interfere with you, give her the command "Place!". A pillow that matches the size of the place should not be too soft, otherwise it will spoil the dog's coat. Therefore, it is necessary to stuff the pillow not with feathers or down, but with horsehair, sea grass or similar hard stuffing. It is recommended to wear a pillowcase with buttons on the pillow, which can be removed and washed as needed.

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When keeping a dog at home, provide her with eating and drinking utensils intended only for her. Broken bowls and plates are not suitable for this purpose, since the dog must be taught that it can only eat from its own dishes, and it is forbidden to eat from someone else's. The dishes should be massive and stable enough so that the dog cannot knock them over or drag them in their teeth.

In order not to stain the floor, the dishes are placed on a coarse cloth or a wooden stand, in which a hole has been sawn out that exactly matches the size of the dishes and helps to fix them. For a dog with long ears that should not fall into the bowl during feeding, it is better and more practical to have a narrow but higher dish than to hold the ears with hairpins. For large dogs, it is recommended to place the dishes on a raised platform, such as a footstool. The water container must be heavy and shaped so that the dog cannot knock it over. The dog should always have water. Food and water bowls should be side by side.

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Another aspect of dog care is feeding it. Dog known to be a carnivore. That is, the main food for her is meat. But still, be sure to ask the breeder from whom you will take the puppy, what he fed the animal so that there is no too abrupt change in nutrition. What to feed a dog of this breed in the future and in what quantities, it is best to find out in the club of lovers of this breed.

Each type of meat has its own importance in the dog's diet, so it is necessary to alternate individual types from time to time. Only pork is better not to give the dog - pork fat is poorly digested and sometimes causes serious digestive disorders. Whenever possible, it is best to give your dog raw meat. When cooking, not only proteins are modified, but up to 60% of vitamin B, chlorides and phosphates are lost.

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Puppies are usually picked up at about two months of age. By this time, they should have their milk teeth and be able to eat any food. But despite this, feeding puppies has its own characteristics. First, in the third month, puppies need to be fed four times a day. Then, up to six months, the puppy is fed three times a day, and later they switch to the feeding mode of an adult dog. Youth is the time of formation of the body in both humans and dogs. How you feed a dog in the first year of its life, such will be its health and how long it will live depends on it. Remember! As soon as the puppy has eaten, remove the food and do not feed anything until the next feeding. Then your puppy will never get fat.

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It remains only to mention the products that can be bought ready-made, mainly various canned dog food. The quality of these foods will, of course, vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, but in general they are quality products that contain all the nutrients a dog needs, at least as an adult.

Dry dog ​​food are divided into two classes: the so-called ordinary food, which are sold in all stores, and "professional". Only pet stores and veterinary clinics have the right to sell professional feed, as only there are specialists who can answer all the buyer's questions. The most balanced nutrition made from quality products can be found in the professional food class. These are usually the most expensive foods, but also the most nutritious, which reduces their consumption. Since the foundation of dog health is laid in childhood, it is necessary to recommend these foods for puppies. The daily portion depends on the weight of the dog and must be strictly observed. Fresh water should always be placed next to a bowl of food.

Speaking about the content of dogs, one cannot ignore such an aspect as walks. Walk, especially with a young dog, it is better where she will remain in sight all the time. At the same time, it is desirable to stay away from roads with heavy traffic. It is highly desirable not to bring it out for the time being to the dog playgrounds. After all, there the dog can not only learn bad manners, but also catch some kind of disease, and also lose all his skills. But the worst thing is that the psychological connection with the owner can be broken.

It is advisable for an adult dog to walk two to three times a day so that it can fulfill its natural needs. But walking with a dog is also a natural physical activity, and what is just as important - communication with the outside world. Here everything is like in people - a person traveling the world, constantly communicating with other people in various situations feels much more confident. In dogs, everything is the same - a dog from childhood accustomed to the street, cars, crowds of people, communication with other dogs, cats, etc., feels much more confident and its nervous system is much stronger. Therefore, one of the two - three walks should have a duration of at least an hour - one and a half.

As soon as the puppy has been vaccinated, it needs to be walked. Small puppies get tired quickly and need to be picked up from time to time. As soon as the strength returns to your pet, he will begin to ask for the ground, breaking out of his hands. Puppies should not be walked for a long time in the cold and rain - they are very likely to catch a cold and get sick. It is better to start walking in quiet places where there are few people and other dogs, introducing the puppy into the outside world gradually.

If possible, be sure to take your dog for walks in the country, on a hiking trip and for walks in the forest. Unless, of course, this is not quite an indoor breed like the Maltese. During such long trips, the dog will learn to behave in a car, public transport, crowded places, and so on. The dog is taught not to pay attention to the noise of a crowded street, a car.

The appearance of the dog primarily depends on the condition of the coat. The quality of wool is greatly influenced by proper nutrition, as mentioned above. It is necessary to devote 10-15 minutes to caring for a dog every day, this is not much, but you will like the result: a shiny, even coat, no smell, the dog will always be clean, it is pleasant to stroke it, the almost complete absence of wool on the floor, furniture and carpets. For care you will need: a horsehair brush for cleaning wool; a comb, preferably branded, with round iron frequent teeth, it combs better and does not injure the coat; scissors with blunt ends.

Daily dog ​​grooming includes brushing, removing dead hair, and brushing. The brush must be washed after each use. Several times a week it is necessary to comb the feathers on the tail and paws, the ears of the dog. If you feed your dog with natural products, then the ears should either be washed or wiped with a damp towel after feeding.

Daily inspect the dog's ears from the inside and, if necessary, wipe the auricle with a damp cloth, any baby wipes, preferably oiled with calendula or chamomile, are suitable for this purpose. Wash your dog's eyes with tea several times a week.

A couple of times a month, cut the dog's hair between the toes of the paws, this will allow you to collect less dirt on the streets and the paws will look well-groomed. If necessary, trim tangles behind the ears, underarms, comb out the burrs and small debris from the wool. Trim your pet's nails once a month.

If you live in the city, then in winter it is advisable to use a special "paw polish". This will save your dog's paws from the salt. Lubricate the pet's paws in the morning and after that you can walk. On the carpet and floor "wax" does not leave traces.

It is not recommended to wash a puppy up to 8-9 months, especially in winter, unless he was very much taken out in the mud. It is enough to wash his paws and stomach after a walk. If you decide to bathe the puppy, make sure that he does not catch a cold. A healthy dog ​​does not require constant washing, but if it has a smell or the coat is dull, quickly greasy and becomes frizzy, frequent shampooing will not help you, you need to contact your veterinarian. You can bathe your pet with shampoo no more than once every few months. It is best to use a special dog shampoo.

Unlike ready-made feeds, natural feeding is a labor-intensive method. The owner of the animal will have to spend time cooking and carefully consider the diet. Before choosing this method, it is necessary to study all the nuances of how to properly feed the dog with natural food.

Some owners confuse natural feeding with table food. This is wrong. Even the best food "for people" is harmful to pets. For dogs, cook separately.

On naturalka adhere to the following rules:

  • components are prepared separately and mixed in a bowl before feeding;
  • the dog should eat a portion in one “lick”: if the food remains, it means that the dog overeats, over time he will develop obesity;
  • provide constant access to clean water;
  • vitamin complexes are introduced into the diet - it is almost impossible to independently calculate the amount of nutrients in the daily menu;
  • dairy and meat products must be given in different ways;
  • meat and offal are given raw, pre-freezing in the freezer for 2-3 days;
  • vegetables are rubbed on a coarse grater or chopped;
  • cereals are boiled, it is possible on the broth;
  • meat is cut into pieces of different sizes, taking into account the size of the pet - so that he gnaws them;
  • products do not salt or pepper;
  • you can not mix natural and dry food - this will lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

All food must be fresh. It is stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

The dog is transferred from dry food to nature gradually, over 2 weeks. Additionally, they give probiotics, otherwise you can undermine the work of the digestive system.

Advantages and disadvantages of "natural" nutrition

It is believed that natural women are cheaper than dry food. This is only partially true. For large breeds, feeding natural food will actually come out cheaper. They eat a lot of food, and most of the daily "natural" menu is occupied by cereals, vegetables, offal.

Small pets eat little and are very picky. You will have to literally “dance” around them in order to persuade them to eat a piece of healthy food.

However, natural feeding, in comparison with dry food, has important advantages:

  • independent quality control of products;
  • straight - as close as possible to the natural, "wild" diet of animals;
  • variety - the menu can be varied daily, which is especially important for small breeds.

This type of food is well suited for dogs prone to allergies. They often have negative reactions to the components of industrial feed. By preparing your own food, you can eliminate the allergen.

Natural has several disadvantages:

  • high cost - in most cases, it is cheaper to feed with industrial feed;
  • large expenditures of time and labor - every day you will have to cook not only for yourself, but also for your pet;
  • it is easy to deviate from the rules of feeding - the owners may make a mistake when calculating the required amount and ratio of products.

But the main drawback is revealed when you have to leave and temporarily leave the dog with friends or in a hotel. The attorney is unlikely to want to cook. Therefore, the animal is gradually transferred to industrial feed, and then returned to the previous diet.

It's even worse when the trip is unplanned. The owner has no other choice but to hastily hand the "nanny" a bag of ready-made food and hope that the pet's digestive system will not suffer much.

Do's and Don'ts for Pets

A natural diet should include:

- Dairy products. They give kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese with a fat content of 2% to 9%. Skimmed milk is not included in the menu, as it is poorly absorbed.
- Meat. Beef, veal, turkey, rabbit. It is better to give not tenderloin, but sinewy meat. Chicken is added carefully - some dogs are allergic to it.
- offal. Liver and lungs (infrequently, they provoke diarrhea), udder, scar, heart, stomachs.
- Cereals. Buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, barley.
— Vegetables and herbs. Any, with the exception of potatoes, legumes, cabbage. They cause gas.
- Fruits and berries. All unsweetened varieties. Rarely added as a treat.
- Eggs. Chicken or quail, raw, 1 - 2 times a week.
- Sea or ocean fish. Enter 1 time per week. Pre-boil, remove sharp bones.
- Cut it off. Add to ready-made liquid food, best of all - to kefir.
- Crackers or biscuits. Just like a treat.
- Vegetable oil. Olive, sunflower, pumpkin, linseed. They are given a portion. For small breeds - a few drops, for large breeds - 1 tbsp.

Fish is not as nutritious as meat. It has half the protein. Therefore, it is given 2 times more.

As for the bones, the opinions of breeders and veterinarians are different. Some recommend giving raw spongy bones and moslak to gnaw. This will help train your jaw and clean your teeth from plaque. Others prefer only artificial bones sold in pet stores.

One way or another, you can give bones to dogs with a full chewing apparatus and no diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Also, sometimes you can pamper your pet with unsalted hard cheese, nuts, special treats for animals. It is useful to occasionally introduce a little seafood, sea and sauerkraut.

Important! The dog is strictly forbidden to feed the following foods:

  • sweets;
  • bakery and pasta;
  • onion and garlic;
  • grapes and raisins;
  • smoked meats;
  • pork;
  • fried, spicy, pickled, peppered, salty foods;
  • corn, semolina, soybeans, pearl barley;
  • tubular bones;
  • river fish.

An adult dog, starting from 8 months, is fed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Usually for “breakfast” they give fermented milk products, for “dinner” - meat with vegetables.

The animal should not be overfed - this will lead to obesity. The pet must eat a portion at a time. If food remains in the bowl, reduce the amount.

Approximately the required daily volume of products is calculated as follows: 6 - 7% of body weight for puppies, and 3 - 4% for adults.

Calculation for an adult dog weighing 15 kg: 15 * 0.4 = 600 g of food. For a puppy 15 kg: 15*0.7=1050 g.

When choosing a menu, the proportions should be observed:

  • Meat - 30%;
  • Offal - 20%;
  • Cereals and vegetables - 35%;
  • Dairy products - 10%;
  • The rest is 5%.

These are average values. For a domestic and elderly dog, the calorie content of the daily menu is reduced. For a young, active, pregnant or working dog, the amount of food is increased.

It is possible to formulate the rules of feeding natural women only in general terms. Each breed has its own characteristics, which are taken into account when compiling the diet.

Natural nutrition is considered as close as possible to the dog's natural diet. Its main ingredients are meat, cereals, vegetables, offal and dairy products. Although this method allows you to independently control the quality of food, it takes a lot of time and effort.

If you ended up on this page, most likely, you can be congratulated either on one of the most important acquisitions in life, or as much as possible to prepare you for it.

By purchasing a Yorkshire Terrier, you become the owner of a faithful and reverent friend. And you have to take care of your friends. First of all, this means the need to think about the diet and diet of the dog.

Yorkies can be called quite demanding guys. This applies to both attention and food addictions.

Be sure to keep in mind that the entire responsibility for the health of the baby lies with you. It is from your right or wrong choice that his appearance, the condition of his teeth and even his mood will depend.

Yorkies are selective, this is not the kind of dog that you can feed from the table and not think about compiling a special menu. This can harm the dog in varying degrees, from digestive problems to death.

Moreover, Yorkshire terriers often refuse to eat on their own and wait for their owners to hand-feed them. That's an example wrong upbringing, all in your hands.

Of course, every dog ​​is different. Even its appearance will depend on the nature of your pet. Playful and agile Yorkies remain lean, but phlegmatic dogs that do not know the limits in food are at risk of becoming obese.

Owner's task keep track of all the features of your Yorkie in time. If he is prone to uncontrolled overeating - limit him in portions, if he is inactive - regularly take him for walks and put him on a diet.

Newborn care

The Yorkie puppy spends the first days and months with his mother. The life of tiny babies weighing from 80 to 120 grams is completely dependent on mother's milk supply. The sucking reflex in babies is innate, however, if you notice that the Yorkie cannot cope on his own, gently hold it near the most filled nipple.

In general, problems at the stage of natural feeding should not arise. The first two weeks are very revealing, so puppies need weigh daily. A normal weight gain is considered to be at least 5 grams per day, after a two-week milestone - at least 10 grams per day.

If suddenly a situation arises when the bitch cannot feed puppies on her own, it is necessary to introduce into the diet her milk substitute and feed them every 1-2 hours. It is desirable that at least a day the puppies eat colostrum, otherwise they are likely to not survive.

How can you help the baby? Prepare milk formula from cow's or goat's milk, one yolk, cream, 40% glucose solution and oil solutions of vitamins A and D. Be sure to heat the mixture to 30-35 degrees.

What should a nursing bitch eat?

The health of puppies directly depends on the nutrition of the mother. During lactation, the animal requires a special approach to nutrition. Lactating dog eats up to 4 times the normal state.

Carefully monitor the quality of products. In the diet, the first days should be present dairy products(low fat) porridge And large amount of water.

Further, the dog should eat habitually: either dry food or natural. Among the dry food, you can choose a specialized food for lactating bitches. During feeding, the number of meals increases up to 6 times.

Feed for a lactating bitch must meet the following criteria:

  • nutritional value;
  • the percentage of protein in the composition is from 24 to 28%;
  • high content of minerals and vitamins.

Feeding puppies

Starting at the end of the second week, you may want to consider introducing complementary foods. Add one food to your diet once a day.

Great for starting weaning goat, sheep or cow milk(warmed up) kefir And fresh cottage cheese. Literally a teaspoon. After making sure that the complementary foods are well absorbed and do not cause problems in the dog's digestion, increase the number of complementary foods to 2-3 times a day.

Important! Do not forget that calcium is necessary for the development of the baby and the formation of bones. Keep a close eye on the amount of food you eat.

Starting from the middle of 4 weeks, you can diversify the diet by taking meat. Finely chop the raw meat, add some warm water and give the puppy a sample. After a couple of weeks of such nutrition, you can give boiled meat several times a day.

By the end of 6 weeks, the puppy's nutrition will look something like this: 2 milk meals, 2 meat and 2 more with mother's milk.

It is important to properly approach the diet of the dog. It directly depends on puppy age.

  • From 3 to 6 months - 4 meals a day.
  • From 6 to 12 months - 3 meals a day.
  • From a year and older - 2 meals a day.

Dry food or natural food?

This is the eternal subject of dispute for all veterinarians, breeders and owners of Yorkshire terriers. We invite you to make your own choice, having familiarized yourself with all the nuances of various food options.

Industrial feeds are divided into 2 types: canned and. Many of you have probably heard about the dangers of dry food and all sorts of kidney diseases in dogs that eat this way. Most likely, this opinion is a greeting from the past, when low-quality goods flooded the markets. Currently dry food is considered a good choice thanks to a balanced composition that provides all the necessary vitamins and nutrients.

An additional plus to the choice of dry food: there are foods on the market that offer a nutrition system for dogs of different weights and ages. They already include everything necessary for the proper development of the Yorkie and you do not have to worry about the correct nutrition.

Most hosts lean in favor of dry food due to a number of reasons.

  • Availability in free sale.
  • Easy to use: It takes less than a minute to pour the food into the bowl.
  • Convenient to use when traveling.
  • No need to buy additional vitamins and supplements, everything you need is already included.
  • Long storage time.

TO supporters of natural nutrition most often include breeders. They motivate their choice by the following factors:

  • Less harmful.
  • Big variety.
  • No chemical additives.
  • Easily digested by animals.

A significant disadvantage for a busy Yorkie owner will be the need to devote time to cooking separately for the pet, as well as the need to select the necessary complex of supplements and vitamins with a veterinarian.

Diet with natural food

If you decide to feed your Yorkshire terrier natural, then give preference to the following products:

  • boiled meat. Yorkies love chicken, turkey, and beef. 50% of their diet should be meat.
  • cereals: rice and buckwheat. They must be cooked until tender. The use of wheat and millet porridge is allowed.
  • Ryazhenka, kefir And curdled milk.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese. Please note that it is better to breed it with fermented baked milk or kefir so that the dog does not choke.
  • boiled vegetables in a small amount: carrots and zucchini.
  • Fruits: it is permissible to introduce apples, banana, melon and watermelon into the diet.
  • boiled sea ​​fish 1 time per week.

Feed Yorkies based on the calculation of 1 tablespoon per 500 grams of animal weight. You need to prepare for the dog separately, food from your table will not suit her.

How to choose a dachshund collar? How to potty train? How to care for a puppy? All this is in the article on our website.

Do you know what is included? Read our informative article.

How to carry a toy terrier in a purse. A must for all owners.

What is strictly forbidden to feed a Yorkie?

Never mix dry and natural food.. You must choose one path and follow it all the time.

Forever remember the list of these products and never give them to your pet:

  • Sweet. No cakes, pastries or sugar. Even if it asks a lot. Never and in any form, if you do not want to treat a diseased liver, diabetes or teeth.
  • Salt. Don't salt the food. Salt for dogs is pure poison. Spices and other strong-smelling spices can deprive your dog of his sense of smell.
  • Yeast dough And bread.
  • Mutton And pork- too heavy meat for Yorkies.
  • Bones. The Yorkie is not the type of dog to be allowed to chew on a bone. Unless toys from a special store.
  • Grape And raisin harm the functioning of the kidneys.
  • Raw fish extremely dangerous to the life of the dog.
  • Onion in any form.
  • Any seeds And bones due to their possible content of cyanide toxin.
  • Alcohol.

And most importantly - do not forget that next to the bowl of food should always be filled bowl of water. Drinking plenty of water is very important.

Treat your dog's nutrition responsibly, feed it quality foods or food, and avoid illicit foods. Don't feed Yorkies too hot or cold food.

Give your dog 15 minutes to eat, then remove the bowl. Don't worry if he hasn't eaten in those 15 minutes, just offer again in a few hours.

If you are in any doubt, consult with breeders or veterinarians, and then your dog will be well-fed and healthy.

The main dispute of dog lovers - dry food or natural? It is comparable to the debate between vegetarians and meat lovers, and most likely will never be resolved.

Veterinarians give the choice to the owner of the pet. And if you are one of those who prefer to prepare food from natural ingredients, you need to clearly know what is allowed and what is better to exclude from the diet.

The cornerstone in the question of how to feed a dog with natural food is the correct distribution of products and the choice of the optimal volume

Before making a choice, keep in mind that it is undesirable and difficult to transfer your pet's food from one mode to another. Firstly, this will have to be done gradually, and secondly, the dog may refuse the “new” food.

Needs and diet

To ensure a normal metabolism, the daily norm of nutrients requires the content of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and water. The selection of quantity and volume is individual, depending on age, weight, breed, season. On average, the amount of proteins and fats should be half of all food, the rest - carbohydrates. Do not forget about vitamins and mineral supplements.

The cornerstone in the question of how to feed with natural food is the correct distribution of products and the choice of the optimal volume. Up to six months, the dog should eat food in the amount of 7% of body weight, after a year the volume should be halved.

As a rule, the menu of natural girls is monotonous. Only the type of food and the sequence of distribution are changing. The main components: low-fat dairy products, lean meat and offal, vegetables and fruits. As an additive, cereal products are used, which are not recommended to be given too much and often because of the detrimental effect on the body. Carbohydrates contained in cereals are easily absorbed by the body and can disrupt the intestinal microflora.

How to feed a natural dog

  • Low-fat meat dishes from chicken, turkey, beef. The meat can be given raw or scalded with boiling water. Do not feed pork to your pet. It is recommended to alternate with boiled sea fish. Liver, hearts, lung should be given no more than once a week.
  • Kashami. Give preference to buckwheat, rice and millet. Exclude the rest.
  • Thermally unprocessed vegetables - cabbage, zucchini, carrots, fruits - apples. Useful greens (parsley, dill).
  • As a snack and tasty additives, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, and cottage cheese are used. You can not pour milk to the dog - it is poorly absorbed and negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Menu for the day

So, the dog's diet consists of three food groups. They must be included in your daily diet. Menu example:

Cost After the walk, give your pet a porridge of corn grits (alternate weekly with other types). It can be boiled in water or broth. After put grated apple, but not sweet. This fruit contains, in addition to easily digestible iron, various useful acids that prevent the development of obesity, liver and gallbladder diseases.

The third breakfast ingredient is cottage cheese, which can be flavored with fermented baked milk. Dairy milk has more protein than meat. In addition, it is processed faster by the stomach and reduces the accumulation of fat in the liver.

Dinner. The second meal should be expanded to four components: meat dishes, buckwheat porridge, vegetables, bran.

The meat should not be cut into too small pieces. If the dog does not particularly like raw, it is recommended to pour boiling water for 3 minutes. Thus, the top layer will be boiled, and the middle is raw.

From vegetables, choose carrots, a week later cabbage, after a while - beets, etc. Flavor with corn oil. Small portions of bran are best mixed with porridge. Also add herbs.

From vegetables, choose carrots, a week later cabbage ...

Items to be excluded:

  • Sweets, coffee, tea - contain caffeine, which affects the heart and nervous system.
  • Citrus fruits, grapes, raisins, persimmons - in large quantities cause nausea and vomiting.
  • Potatoes, rhubarb - adversely affect digestion.
  • Raw eggs, fish - lead to a deficiency of vitamins or make them difficult to digest.
  • Onions, garlic - cause anemia.

Having got a dog, not everyone thinks about how to feed it properly. But nutrition is the key to the health and appearance of your pet. From what the dog eats, his well-being and, in some cases, life depend. What is useful, and what is better to avoid in natural food?

First, let's figure out what natural food is. Such feeding provides a minimum of chemistry and a maximum of natural products. Natural feeding should include meat, offal, fish - 40 - 60% of the total diet. Vegetables and dairy products - 30%. And only the remaining 10 - 30% is porridge. Now let's take a closer look at each component of the diet.

Meat, offal, fish. It is in this order that they are written for a reason. After all, the main ingredient is meat. It is completely optional and not even desirable to give the dog tenderloin and meat of the first grade. Chicken, turkey and other poultry can be given, but this is purely individual, as some dogs have an allergic reaction. For gourmets, lamb, hare, venison, horse meat are also suitable. Only pork, which is too fatty for dogs, is banned.

Offal is an integral part of the diet. They include tendons, kidneys, heart, udder, beef tripe. About the scar, he is also a beef stomach, I would like to talk separately. It should be given raw and unprocessed. It is the black, inner layer that contains many digestive enzymes, vitamins and microorganisms, which we so carefully choose in the store in the form of vitamins, paying a lot of money for them. After all, even predators, having caught prey, first of all eat a very healthy and vitamin-rich stomach. But an important point - when feeding a raw scar, in no case should you skip deworming.

For fish, one feeding per week can be given. It is also a very useful product for dogs. Preference should be given to oceanic or marine lean fish. Serve raw, be sure to remove all the bones.

It should be remembered that all of the above should be given raw, frozen for 2-3 days, in large enough pieces. You can simply treat with boiling water before feeding. In no case should you make minced meat, it simply does not make sense, as it is digested too quickly and does not release useful substances.

Vegetables and dairy products. Let's go through it briefly. Vegetables - cabbage, carrots, greens, lettuce, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumber, etc. only in raw form, while adding 1 - 5 teaspoons of vegetable oil. Dairy products - kefir, fermented baked milk, whey and low-fat cottage cheese. Chicken egg 2 - 3 times a week.

Vegetable food - rice, buckwheat, millet, semolina, oatmeal.

What foods should be avoided. In the first place are sweets, they are not only useless to the dog, but also carry hidden threats in the form of deviations in the body. Sweet fruits and, in particular, grapes in large quantities. Pasta, potatoes, legumes, white bread, peas, flour products, onions are also not recommended. Tubular bones that can damage the digestive tract with splinters. Smoked food and sausages.

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