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In the section on the question Is it harmful to sleep a lot? given by the author survive the best answer is Long sleep causes some serious health problems in people. Heart disease, diabetes, reduced life expectancy are some of the factors that contribute to prolonged sleep.
The duration of sleep for each person is individual. It depends on the state of health, on age, on the work schedule, on the level of activity and on the amount of stress in life. On average, a person should sleep eight to nine hours. But there are people who sleep much longer, and not only on weekends, but also on weekdays. This ailment is called "hypersomnia", which means pathological drowsiness. People suffering from this disease are constantly sleepy, they have problems with memory, low level energy, they get tired quickly.
Scientists believe that not all people who like to sleep for a long time suffer from "hypersomnia", since many other factors can affect the duration of sleep. Alcohol use, depression, use of certain medicines- all these symptoms can make adjustments to the duration of a person's sleep.
Scientists conducted long-term studies, after which they determined which serious violations can occur if a person sleeps for a long time. Thus, it was found that those who sleep ten to twelve hours every night can acquire such diseases as coronary heart disease, diabetes, obesity, as well as long sleep shortens life. It has been found that those who get only five hours of sleep live much longer than people who are used to sleeping ten to twelve hours.

Why is it bad to sleep too much?

    It would seem that the more you sleep, the more our body can rest and gain strength for the next working day, but in practice this principle does not work.

    In order to fully gain strength, we need to sleep only about 7 hours and that's it - we are ready to work and move again. The principle the more the better does not work in this case.

    On the contrary, if a person sleeps more than he should, he feels, to put it mildly, not very much, moreover, this is fraught with a set extra pounds, in general, even sleep should be in moderation.

    I can say about myself. If I sleep more than I should (for me normal sleep- seven or eight hours) or I will sleep during the day, then I feel like broken troughquot ;. I have a headache, I feel lethargic and tired.

    It’s harmful to sleep for a long time or not, let the doctors decide, but a very long sleep affects a person’s well-being not in better side. For example, if I sleep longer than usual (and this can only be on weekends), after sleep my head starts to split, and then you walk around the rest of the day broken all over, there is no mood, you don’t want to do anything.

    Because spending too much time sleeping will harm your real life. In addition, it has been medically proven that a lot of sleep is unhealthy due to an increased likelihood of developing various diseases such as diabetes. Therefore, you need to sleep 7-9 hours a day and everything will be fine.

    Topic! It’s impossible just like that sleep a lotquot ;! Well, there will be no healthy, well-rested person to sleep, he simply cannot! He either didn’t get enough sleep, accumulated lack of sleep, or was not quite healthy, there is anemia in the spring, beriberi, weakness. - Therefore, I do not recommend joking with sleep - it will come out more expensive for yourself! And I will also say that there is a special (5%) type of people who are characterized by insomnia. They go to bed late and often cannot fall asleep until the morning, because their brain spontaneously twists thoughts in their head - it solves the world problems of the universe)) And until they decide, they will not see sleep! Sleep here is like a salary for the work of the brain. No work, no rest, sorry)) That's it - keep it in mind! And then you will raise such a crane early, and he did not sleep the night! - Can't it?)

    Too much sleep is really bad. Research in this area has concluded that long sleep can lead to the development of depression. Oversleeping also increases the risk of developing diabetes, set excess weight.

    Long sleep provokes the accumulation of fat in the body, increased drowsiness and apathy, there is lethargy, drowsiness, long infusion into reality, because dreams capture brain.

    In addition, there are severe headaches, migraines, pain in the temples.

    Sleeping a lot is really harmful and it has been proven since medical point vision.

    Also, according to numerous studies, excessive sleep can lead to a decrease in socioeconomic status, as well as provoke depression. The average person needs 7-9 hours of sleep to maintain energy.

    Here is what oversleeping can lead to from a medical point of view:

    1) Diabetes. According to medical research, people who sleep more than 9 hours have a 50% higher risk of developing diabetes than those who sleep about 7 hours.

    2) Headaches. For many people, oversleeping causes headache. Also, people who sleep a lot during the day and sleep little at night can also suffer from headaches. For example me, bright to that example))

    3) Obesity. If you sleep a lot, you may be overweight. Again, according to medical research, people who sleep 9-10 (11.12) hours a day are more prone to obesity in the next 6 years than those who sleep 7-8 hours.

    4) As I have said - depression. Most often associated with depression bad dream, lack of sleep. But studies show that 15% of people suffering from depression sleep for a long time.

    Sleeping a lot is harmful, first of all, because sleep takes away from us the time that can be spent for the benefit of ourselves and our families, and besides, many people suffer from headaches due to excessive sleep, because everything is good in moderation, you can’t sleep more than 8 hours necessary, but less is also not desirable.

    Because life is passing by. If you sleep in the day, then you will be contrary to natural biological clock organism. As a result, you will be half asleep, and laziness does not lead to good. It is better to sleep 8 hours and at night - then you will feel cheerful!

    because you sleep all your life and there are so many interesting things going on around you, you need to sleep in retirement when your strength is already exhausted, it is very difficult to move.

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Why too much sleep is also harmful. Harvard version

Sleeping a lot (more than 8 hours) - is it bad or good? Scientists from Harvard University They believe that too much sleep is just as detrimental to memory and thinking as lack of it. Why? Find out from this article.

We recently brought you a Huffington Post study on the effects of sleep deprivation. It turned out that just one day of lack of sleep can lead to overeating, deterioration of attention and memory, excessive emotional excitability and other negative consequences. If you do not get enough sleep systematically, then the risk of stroke, obesity, diabetes mellitus and other clinical changes in the body increases.

But, as scientists at Harvard University recently found out, excess sleep is no less destructive than lack of it.

The study, led by Elizabeth Devore, involved a group of women members of a large prospective study of the health of American nurses. Sleep habits were studied between 1986 and 2000, and they were interviewed three times about memory and thinking over the past six years.

Devore and her colleagues found that women who slept 5 hours or less at night, and those who slept 9 hours or more, had lower performance than those who adhered to the norm and slept 7-8 hours. In addition, it was found that the lack and excess of sleep makes the subjects psychologically two years older, compared with volunteers who sleep 7-8 hours.

Our research has shown that keeping a regular sleep schedule (7-8 hours is the average) can help preserve memory; clinical interventions based on sleep therapy should be studied as they may help avoid mental deterioration.

Why memory?

This and a number of previous studies demonstrate that sleep-deprived people have a higher arterial pressure, diabetes and constriction are common blood vessels. As a result, blood flow to the brain is reduced, which, for effective work needs oxygen and glucose.

Lack of sleep can also impair memory in other ways. It was found that in the body of mice that were not allowed to sleep, the transmembrane protein beta-amyloid is formed more intensively. In humans, beta-amyloid is the basis of amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's disease. Their concentration in the brain leads to a deterioration in memory and thinking and increases the risk of dementia.

Much is not enough

According to scientists, people who spend more than 9-10 hours a day in bed have poor quality sleep. And the quality of sleep, in turn, also affects memory and thinking.

Thus, sleeping too much is just as bad as not enough.

12 steps to perfect sleep

  1. Follow the routine. Go to bed and wake up at the same time. Get into a good habit before bed. For example, a relaxing bath.
  2. You can sleep or have sex in the bed. Don't read, watch TV, and don't eat in bed.
  3. If you can't fall asleep within 15-20 minutes, get up and walk around the house. Do something soothing. For example, read under a night light. Do not turn on the computer or TV - the light from the monitor or screen, on the contrary, will excite, not "lull". Feeling sleepy, return to bed. Do not set your alarm ahead if you fall asleep later than planned.
  4. Go in for sports. Put at least 45 minutes of daily exercise into your schedule. Exercise in the morning and do some yoga before bed to relax your body and mind.
  5. If possible, schedule complex stressful tasks for the first half of the day. Having solved them, by the time you go to bed, you will feel calm and peaceful.
  6. Don't go to bed hungry. But don't eat right before bed. Craving for a bite to eat at night? Eat an apple or a light salad.
  7. Avoid caffeine at least 2 hours before bed.
  8. Do not drink at night so as not to wake up and run to the toilet.
  9. Don't drink alcohol at dinner. Many people think that it helps to relax, in fact, alcohol only worsens sleep.
  10. Make sure your bed is comfortable and the room is dark and quiet. Use, for example, a sleep mask and earplugs.
  11. Breathe properly before bed: slow deep breath and exhale.
  12. Taking a nap during the day is good. The main thing is not to overdo it. About how much and how to doze off, read here.

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7 reasons why sleeping too much is bad for your health

The night is over, the day is coming, a pleasant melody wakes you up ... However, something went wrong. Instead of feeling energized and rested, you barely open your heavy eyelids and feel drained of energy and clumsy. Immediately after returning home, you go to improve your condition - to sleep. It is a pity that the effect is not very impressive ... Why can't you sleep a lot? What happens if you spend too much time in the arms of Morpheus?

Why you want to sleep a lot: causes of excessive sleepiness

A lot of sleep is harmful, but sometimes you really want it! But it's one thing when we are talking about the periodic removal of fatigue and stress, and quite another - when a person spends more time in a dream than it should be according to generally accepted standards. Why?

  • Increased drowsiness is sometimes associated with specific diseases such as hypersomnia, or sleep apnea, and is also a symptom of problems with thyroid gland or diabetes.
  • An increased need for sleep occurs in people who are very active physically, often tired.
  • Many people want to sleep a lot in autumn and winter, when there is simply not enough light.
  • Sometimes increased drowsiness occurs while taking certain medications.
  • A "drunk" party may continue in the form of an increased desire to sleep.
  • Finally, there are people who simply love to sleep in principle.

Why is sleeping too much bad for your health? What happens if you sleep more than normal?

1. Diabetes

Studies have shown that, oddly enough, it provokes both too little and too much sleep.

2. Obesity

Observations of scientists confirm that people who sleep 9-10 hours a day are 21% more at risk of obesity over 6 years than those who sleep 7-8 hours. But pay attention: lack of sleep causes the same consequences!

3. Headache

This problem often appears in people prone to it, especially on weekends and holidays, when there is an opportunity to sleep longer. The same thing happens in people who sleep during the day, which disturbs their sleep at night. Therefore, they suffer from morning headaches.

4. Pain in the spine

It is harmful to health to sleep a lot also because the spine can suffer. The times when passive lying was a means of combating such diseases is fading into oblivion. Now doctors recommend daily physical activity which brings much more relief.

5. Depression

Insomnia is usually associated with this condition (and rightly so). But about 15% of depressed people sleep too much, which experts say can worsen their condition. Why? Because habits associated with regular sleep help fight the disorder.

6. Heart disease

Studies involving 72,000 women showed that those who slept 9-11 hours a day were 38% more prone to heart disease than women who slept 8 hours a day. Doctors are still investigating what is the secret of this addiction.

7. Shorter life

This is true in a figurative sense, as we spend more time detached from reality. But people live less and in the most direct sense. It remains to be seen what this correlation is based on, but the researchers argue that people with depression or with lower sleep generally sleep more. social status(which may be related).

How many hours of sleep does a person need?

The list of diseases and problems is quite long, right? So it's better to get enough sleep, but within reason. What is our need for sleep? Doctors recommend spending 7-8 hours a day in the arms of Morpheus. The hygiene of this process is also important. If you go to bed and get up at the same time, avoid late use alcohol and caffeine, sleep on a comfortable mattress in a ventilated bedroom, sleep will become for you a time of real relaxation and recovery, because this is his main mission.

Is it bad to sleep too long?

Many of us love to sleep in. It has also been observed that lack of sleep in many cases makes a person look like a zombie, lethargic, lack of initiative, and sometimes irritable. Those who are unable to sleep well due to various reasons, envy those who can afford to sleep an extra hour. On the weekends, many prefer to stay in bed until lunchtime to make up for the lack of sleep during the week.

Recent studies have shown that long sleep is the cause of many serious problems health problems, including heart problems and diabetes, and can even shorten your life!

Too much good is bad too

Sleep duration different people need different. It depends on age, health status, work schedule, amount of stress and activity level. Average Centers for Disease Control and Prevention They say that ideally you need to sleep 7-9 hours a night. Chronic “oversleeping” is not only when you try to sleep in longer on the weekend, but also when you regularly sleep a lot. This disease is called "hypersomnia"- pathological drowsiness.

It doesn't matter how much sleep people with this ailment sleep, whether they try to nap during the day or sleep too many hours at night - nothing can help them get rid of sleepiness. Moreover, those who suffer from hypersomnia experience anxiety, low energy levels, memory problems, and fatigue very quickly.

However, scientists believe that not all people who sleep too long have hypersomnia, since excessive sleep can be affected great amount various unrelated factors. Depression, alcohol use, certain medications, sleep apnea in a dream (a condition in which a person stops breathing in a dream, and thus his normal cycles sleep) - all of these things can lead to too much sleep.

What causes too much sleep?

Several long-term studies have shown that hypersomnia can cause a wide variety of severe and debilitating symptoms.

coronary heart disease. A survey of approximately 72,000 women in the US found that 38 percent of those who slept between 9 and 11 hours each night had coronary heart disease.

Diabetes. A study of about 9,000 Americans found a link between sleep and increased risks development of diabetes. Although the scientists did not establish a direct link, they found that people who sleep more than 9 hours a night have a 50 percent higher risk of developing diabetes than those who sleep 7 hours. Scientists believe that "oversleeping" in itself does not lead to diabetes, but only accompanies some health problems, which then lead to the onset of the disease.

Obesity. According to other studies, people who sleep 9-10 hours every night are 21 percent more likely to be overweight over 6 years than those who are used to sleeping 7-8 hours, even if their eating habits are about the same.

Shortened life span. Some of the most disturbing research findings have shown that there is a possibility that "oversleeping" leads to more early death. In 2002, scientists from American society Cancer spent the most great study to find the link between sleep and mortality. They analyzed data from 1.1 million Americans aged 30 and over over a 6-year period. It found that people who slept 8 hours each night were 12 percent more likely to die during the study period than those who slept 7 hours. What's more, those who got enough sleep for only 5 hours lived longer than those who needed 8 hours or more.

Based on these results, Prof. Daniel Kripke from University of California in San Diego reported that “People who sleep an average of 6.5 hours can be sure that this normal amount time, in terms of positive impact to your health, you don’t need to sleep longer.”

How to learn to control your sleep?

If it seems to you that 7-8 hours sound sleep without breaks is not enough for your body, you should seek the advice of your healthcare provider who can determine why you are sleeping so long. If you suspect that your fatigue is due to the fact that you do not get enough sleep, you should pay attention to following list what you need to do in order to develop healthy habits sleep:

- Wake up strictly in certain time every morning, including days off.

- do it regularly physical exercises and schedule challenging workouts no later than 5 hours before bedtime.

- Cut down on caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, especially late at night.

Don't eat big before bed.

- Make sure you have a comfortable bed.

- Start ventilating 30-40 minutes before going to bed. Turn off the lights, try to calm your mind, listen to slow music or read good book before going to bed.

Almost every person in their free time from work and affairs seeks to sleep off. This is usually due to lack of sleep during working week and the desire to "catch up" on lost hours. If you consider yourself to be fond of long luxuriate in bed, we dare to tell you the bad news: this habit can cause great harm to your health. According to the latest data, long sleep can cause the development of many diseases, as well as provoke mental and physiological disorders in the body.

We introduce you to the 7th backfire, to which the habit of long sleep can lead. Maybe it's time to get up?

1. Increased risk of depression

Last year there were special studies, during which scientists found that sleep duration is directly related to depressive states. Participants who slept between 7 and 9 hours a night were only 27% more likely to develop depressive symptoms, while those who spent nine or more hours in bed increased their likelihood to 49%.

2. Brain function worsens

Studies have shown that those who sleep more than 10 hours a day experience brain disorders. Moreover, prolonged sleep negatively affects the state of memory and concentration.

3. Decreased chance of getting pregnant

A group of Korean scientists who studied the health status of more than 650 women who agreed to artificial insemination came to startling conclusions. The onset of pregnancy was most often observed in those women who slept from 7 to 9 hours a day. Those who slept 9 or more hours were much less likely to get pregnant. However, the reasons for this phenomenon have not yet been established, because many factors affect conception.

4. Increased risk of developing diabetes

American researchers who have been studying the relationship between sleep duration and the risk of various diseases for 15 years have found that people who sleep more than 8 hours a day have a 50% higher risk of developing diabetes than those who are not used to lying in bed for a long time. . At the same time, this pattern took place regardless of other disease factors, such as weight, age, and smoking habit.

5. It leads to obesity

Gaining excess weight is possible in people sleeping at night for 9-10 hours. Every year the risk of the disease increases, even with regular physical activity and normal nutrition.

6. Increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease

The experiment, which involved more than 72 thousand women, confirmed the fact that excessive sleep provokes heart disease: those who sleep every night for 9-11 hours increased the risk of the disease by 38% compared to those who slept 8 ocloc'k.

7. It can lead to early death

People who sleep between 7 and 8 hours a night live on average 15% longer than those who sleep more than eight hours a day.

Reevaluate Your Sleep Habit Immediately! Adults get enough sleep from 7 to 9 hours a day. Oversleeping can bear Negative consequences for your health. Is this hour or two in bed worth the risk? Let's say even more: excessive sleep more harmful to the brain and health in general than its lack.

Take care of your sleepy friends, tell them what they are risking.

Why do they drink tea? There are connoisseurs who prefer to drink only elite varieties of tea, enjoying the drink, conducting tea ceremonies. Some drink tea to quench their thirst. Many people choose tea for a pleasant tea party in good company. This drink relaxes, tones, saturates the body. useful properties. But isn't it bad to drink a lot of tea? Can he do harm?

A large amount of tea: harm or benefit

Excessive passion for tea can affect work internal organs, general condition organism. Why can't you drink a lot of tea?

  • milder in effect than coffee, but it increases blood pressure, causes insomnia, affects nervous system. Drinking tea often, you may encounter nervousness, irritability, and a decrease in concentration.
  • Tannin found in leaves tea tree, is a toxic element. It affects the output gastric juice disrupts the process of digestion.
  • In green tea high concentration fluorine. It negatively affects the condition of bones and teeth. Drinking in excessive amounts can lead to a condition resembling poisoning.
  • Those who are concerned about stomach ulcers, frequent bouts of heartburn, need to be careful not to consume too much green tea. Although black tea should not be abused either, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it also negatively affects the gastric mucosa.
  • A lot of tea is harmful, because it is a diuretic. Uric acid deposited in the joints, leading to arthritis and gout.
  • Women suffering from PMS a large number tea can feel an increase in unpleasant symptoms.
  • drink tea in large doses dangerous, it can cause headache, dizziness, insomnia, lethargy, sore throat.

As you can see, everything is good only in moderation, tea is no exception. They should not be abused. Especially, you should not drink a low-quality product, tea bags, consisting of tea dust. It is necessary to follow the rules for the consumption of tea so that it cannot harm.

Why you shouldn't drink yesterday's tea

Tea leaves contain over 200 different chemical compounds harmless to human health. It is recommended to drink only freshly brewed tea so that all substances and compounds are not destroyed. As soon as the tea infusion stands for several hours, vitamins C and B completely evaporate. With prolonged brewing in a thermos or cooking on a stove, tea leaves chemical processes, which completely change not only taste qualities drink, its color and aroma, but also the composition.

Which insisted for a long time, you can not drink to people suffering from problems with cardiovascular system. In it, which is harmful to people with diseases of the central nervous system. The increased amount of guanine in yesterday's tea is harmful for people with gout.

Is it bad to drink tea at night

In the evening? At night it is not harmful to drink only clean water. And then in small quantities to sleep until the morning healthy sleep. But coffee and tea at night will lead to insomnia, anxiety, anxiety. At night, our body must rest, relax, and not digest the absorbed liquid all night, including the heart and kidneys. Therefore, evening tea should be avoided.

Do you drink tea after meals

Rules for drinking tea

  • Should not be used strong tea, it will cause headaches, insomnia.
  • It is recommended to drink the drink 40-60 minutes after the meal. Those who drink it on an empty stomach experience nausea, epigastric pain.
  • If you are taking medications, you should not take them with tea.
  • The temperature of tea should be no more than 65 degrees. Too cold and scalding drink is harmful to the body.

How much tea can you drink a day

Everyone determines for himself how much tea is optimal. For some it is enough to drink two cups of tea, some without problems drink from five cups.

Experts believe that up to 5 cups of weak freshly brewed tea can be drunk without fear that the drink has a negative effect on the body. In small quantities, tea will only benefit, share with everyone useful substances that are in it.

Fans of strong drinks should not exceed a dose of 2-3 cups. No more than 3 grams of tea leaves are placed on one mug. Then only 5-10 grams of pure tea will be consumed per day. It is better to brew tea in small portions so that you can drink the whole amount at once.

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