Nitrous oxide instructions for use, analogues, contraindications, composition and prices in pharmacies. Nitrous oxide: a hidden danger. Contraindications for use

Nitrous oxide is a pain reliever. It is used in surgery, with generic anesthesia and in gynecology.

Nitrous oxide is an odorless and colorless gas with a density of 1.527 (heavier than air). It dissolves in water in a ratio of 1:2. At a temperature of zero degrees Celsius and a pressure of thirty atmospheres, as well as at normal temperature and a pressure of forty atmospheres turns into a colorless liquid. Five hundred liters of gas are obtained from one kilogram of liquid nitrous oxide.

In small doses, the drug causes drowsiness and a feeling of slight intoxication. Therefore, it is also called laughing gas. Inhalation of pure gas leads to asphyxia and a narcotic state. Correct Dosage Nitrous oxide medical promotes the transition to a narcotic state without any side effects, including the absence of pre-excitation.

The drug has a weak narcotic efficacy, so it is most often used with other, more strong species anesthesia.

Release form

Produce nitrous oxide in cylinders gray color with a capacity of one to ten liters, the pressure in the cylinders is fifty atmospheres.

pharmachologic effect

Chemically inert gas Nitrous oxide does not irritate the respiratory tract. Almost does not bind to hemoglobin and does not change in the body. It is present in the blood plasma in a dissolved state. Ten to fifteen minutes after stopping inhalation, the drug is completely eliminated from the body through the respiratory tract in the same form as it was administered.

The rapid onset of anesthesia is due to the low partial pressure between blood and gas. Complete anesthesia occurs at 65-70 percent concentration of the drug, analgesic effect- at 35-40 percent concentration. At a gas concentration exceeding 70 percent, the effect of hypoxia occurs.

Indications for use

Currently in operative gynecology, surgical dentistry, as well as other types of surgical practice, anesthesia is used using nitrous oxide cylinders.

Most often in anesthesiology, nitrous oxide gas is used as one of the components of combined anesthesia, combining it with analgesics, muscle relaxants and other anesthetics (including enflurane, ether and halothane) with an admixture of 20-50% oxygen.

In addition, the drug in cylinders is used in the case of: extraction of teeth, removal of sutures and drainage tubes, in periods after surgery in order to remove traumatic shock and also to facilitate others painful conditions that are not stopped by non-narcotic analgesics.

Nitrous oxide is also used in ambulances, if necessary, analgesic for patients with acute coronary insufficiency, acute infarction myocardium, acute pancreatitis, with severe mechanical injuries and burns.

Effective anesthesia with medical nitrous oxide with an oxygen content of 50-60% in shock conditions. In addition, the high content of oxygen in the mixture contributes to the therapeutic effect of oxygenation.

Side effects

The possibility of vomiting and nausea after anesthesia.


Extreme caution is necessary when using nitrous oxide gas if the patient has pronounced hypoxia (impaired oxygen uptake and utilization or insufficient supply of oxygen to tissues), as well as impaired penetration (diffusion) of gases from the lungs into the blood.

The drug is not recommended for use with chronic alcoholism or in a state of alcoholic intoxication, in which it is possible nervous excitement and hallucinations. In addition, the drug is contraindicated in people with severe diseases. nervous system.

Interaction with other drugs

Nitrous oxide in cylinders during anesthesia is well combined with epidural anesthesia in combination with inhalation anesthetics such as ether, halothane, trilene, cyclopropane. Perhaps a combination with muscle relaxants and neuroleptics, as well as with intravenous drugs (barbiturates and triobarbiturates).

The most effective ratio of gas to oxygen during the operation is either 2:1 or 3:1.

Possible harm from nitrous oxide, if muscle relaxants were used simultaneously with the drug during prolonged anesthesia. The patient then accumulates carbon dioxide, which leads to the development of hypoxia, which is often the cause of cardiac dysfunction during surgery.

The negative consequences of the use of the drug can be expressed in the possibility of increasing the depressive effect of narcotic barbiturates and analgesics on respiratory center person.

special instructions

The negative effect of the drug on the liver, kidneys, respiratory, cardiovascular system and the harms of nitrous oxide are negligible. Based on this, this narcotic drug considered one of the safest.

Medical nitrous oxide in concentrations up to 80 percent does not negative impact for vital activity important organs and poses almost no danger to the patient's body.

However, there are harms from nitrous oxide for newborns. In case the mother long time inhaled gas during childbirth, the baby may be born with low scores on the Apgar scale, which assesses the child's skin color, pulse rate, the baby's ability to mimic grimaces, an assessment of the newborn's active behavior, reflex excitability and respiratory rate.

The use of gas can slightly change the elements of the blood and affect the functions bone marrow. With prolonged (from two to four days) use, the number of leukocytes produced by the bone marrow decreases, and depression of its function appears.

The experiments also revealed the harm from nitrous oxide in relation to cell division and growth in case of long-term use. Thus, prolonged use of the drug in the treatment of tetanus can lead to myelodepression and agranulocytosis.

Compressed gas


1 bottle contains

Active substance - nitrous oxide 6.2 kg


Colorless gas, heavier than air, odorless. Non-flammable, supports combustion

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Other general anesthetics. Nitrous oxide, combinations.

ATX code NO1AX63

Pharmacological properties"type="checkbox">

Pharmacological properties


Absorbed into the blood through the lungs. It is not metabolized in the body, it is in a dissolved state in plasma. Half-life (T ½)

5-6 min; excreted completely through the lungs (in unchanged form, after 10-15 minutes), a small amount of- through the skin. Permeability through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) ​​and the placental barrier is high.


Means for inhalation anesthesia. Interacting nonspecifically with the membranes of neurons, it inhibits the transmission of afferent impulses to the central nervous system, and changes the cortical-subcortical relationships. It has a high analgesic activity. Small concentrations cause a feeling of intoxication and slight drowsiness.

The stage of analgesia is achieved within 2-3 minutes at concentrations up to 80% and 20% oxygen in the gas mixture. After 6-8 minutes after a short-term, but quite pronounced stage of excitation, 1 st. surgical anesthesia. General anesthesia is maintained at a nitrous oxide concentration of 40-50% with a corresponding increase in oxygen supply. Enough relaxation skeletal muscles is not achieved. Therefore, nitrous oxide is combined with other means for inhalation anesthesia and muscle relaxants to achieve the desired effect. Awakening occurs in 3-5 minutes. Increases heart rate, causes constriction peripheral vessels, may increase intracranial pressure, depresses respiration.

Indications for use

General anesthesia that does not require deep anesthesia and muscle relaxation (in surgery, operative gynecology, dentistry, for labor pain relief)

Strengthening the narcotic and analgesic effect of other anesthetics (including therapeutic analgesic anesthesia in postoperative period), traumatic shock (prevention)

Pain syndrome; with acute coronary insufficiency, myocardial infarction, acute pancreatitis (stopping)

Pain relief while performing medical procedures that require the withdrawal of consciousness.

Dosage and administration

Inhalation. Nitrous oxide is used in a mixture with oxygen (with an oxygen content of at least 30%) and other means for inhalation anesthesia using special devices for gas anesthesia.

For relief and prevention pain syndrome therapeutic anesthesia is carried out at a concentration of nitrous oxide of 40-70%. For rapid achievement required depth of general anesthesia ( induction anesthesia), the concentration of nitrogen oxide - 70%, maintenance of general anesthesia - 40-50%; if necessary, add more powerful drugs: barbiturates, ftorotane, ether. After stopping the supply of nitrous nitrogen, the supply of oxygen should be continued for 4-5 minutes (to avoid diffusion hypoxia).

To anesthetize childbirth, the method of intermittent autoanalgesia is used using a mixture of nitrous oxide (40-70%) and oxygen: the woman in labor begins to inhale the mixture when the precursors of a contraction appear and ends inhalation at the height of the contraction or towards its end.

To perform medical procedures that require turning off consciousness - inhalation of 25-50% mixed with oxygen.

For children, doses are selected individually.

To reduce emotional arousal, prevent nausea and vomiting, and potentiate the action, premedication is indicated: intramuscular injection 1-2 ml of a 0.5% solution of diazepam (5-10 mg), 2-3 ml of a 0.25% solution of droperidol (5.0-7.5 mg).

Side effects

During the introduction to general anesthesia- supraventricular arrhythmias, bradycardia, development or worsening of heart failure;

After leaving general anesthesia - diffuse hypoxia, post-anesthesia delirium (feeling of anxiety, confusion, agitation, hallucinations, nervousness, motor agitation); nausea, vomiting, drowsiness.

At long-term use(2-4 days) - depression of bone marrow function, leukopenia, pancytopenia, respiratory depression, malignant hyperthermic crisis, postoperative chills.




Diseases of the nervous system

Chronic alcoholism

The state of alcoholic intoxication (possible occurrence of arousal and hallucinations)

lung diseases

Pregnancy, lactation

Newborns up to 28 days

With caution - traumatic brain injury, increased intracranial pressure history of intracranial tumors.

Drug Interactions"type="checkbox">

Drug Interactions

Means for inhalation anesthesia, narcotic analgesics, tranquilizers, neuroleptics, antihistamines enhance the action. Amiodarone increases the risk of bradycardia (not relieved by atropine) and arterial hypotension, xanthines - arrhythmias. Fentanyl and its derivatives increase the effect on the cardiovascular system (decrease in heart rate and cardiac output). Enhances the effects of antihypertensive (especially - diazoxide, ganglion blockers, chlorpromazine, diuretics) and anticoagulant (coumarin and indandione derivatives) drugs, as well as agents that depress the central nervous system and respiration.

special instructions"type="checkbox">

special instructions

Need to control arterial pressure, heart rate, heartbeat, monitor the state of breathing and gas exchange, body temperature. In medical personnel with prolonged contact, the risk of developing leukopenia increases. During use, periodic pumping of gas from the cuff of the endotracheal tube is recommended. Mixtures with ether, cyclopropane, chloroethyl in certain

explosive concentrations. Patients with chronic alcoholism require higher concentrations.


Symptoms: bradycardia, arrhythmia, circulatory failure, decreased blood pressure, hypertensive crisis, respiratory depression, delirium, acute hypoxia.

Treatment: for bradycardia - the introduction of 0.3-0.6 mg of atropine, arrhythmias - correction of the content of gases in the blood, circulatory failure and arterial hypotension - the introduction of plasma or plasma-substituting agents, reducing the depth or cessation of general anesthesia, with a hyperthermic crisis - cessation of inhalation, increased oxygen supply, administration of antipyretics, correction of disorders water-salt balance and metabolic acidosis, if necessary - dantrolene (1 mg / kg) intravenously and continue to administer until the symptoms of the crisis disappear (maximum total dose 10 mg / kg). To prevent a recurrence of the crisis within 1-3 days after surgery, dantrolene is administered orally or intravenously (4-8 mg/kg/day in 4 divided doses). Respiratory depression or inadequate postoperative ventilation necessitates a reduction in the dose of anesthetic (if still in use), ensuring patency respiratory tract and artificial ventilation lungs. If delirium develops after recovery from general anesthesia, small doses of narcotic analgesics are administered.

Dosage form:  compressed gas Compound: Dinitrogen oxide 6.2 kg. Description: A colorless gas with a weak, specific or odorless odor. Does not ignite. Supports combustion. Pharmacotherapeutic group:Means for inhalation anesthesia ATX:  

N.01.A.X.13 Dinitrogen oxide

N.01.A.X Other drugs for general anesthesia


Means for inhalation anesthesia. Nonspecifically interacting with the membranes of neurons, inhibits the transmission nerve impulses into the central nervous system, changes cortical-subcortical relationships. It has a high analgesic activity. Small concentrations cause a feeling of intoxication and slight drowsiness.

The stage of analgesia is achieved within 2-3 minutes when the gas mixture contains up to 80% nitrous oxide and 20% oxygen. After 6-8 minutes after a short-term, but quite pronounced stage of excitation, I stage occurs. surgical anesthesia.

General anesthesia is maintained at a concentration of Dinitrogen oxide of 40-50% with a corresponding increase in oxygen supply. Sufficient relaxation of the skeletal muscles is not achieved. Therefore, nitrous oxide is combined with other means for inhalation anesthesia and muscle relaxants to achieve the desired effect. Awakening occurs 3-5 minutes after stopping gas supply. Increases heart rate, causes peripheral vasoconstriction, may increase intracranial pressure, depresses respiration.

Pharmacokinetics:It enters the systemic circulation through the lungs. Not metabolized, is in a dissolved state in plasma. It is excreted completely unchanged through the lungs after 10-15 minutes, a small amount - through the skin, the half-life is 5-6 minutes. Permeability through the blood-brain barrier and the placental barrier is high. Indications:

Combined inhalation anesthesia (using special equipment) in combination with other anesthetics, muscle relaxants and narcotic analgesics.

General anesthesia that does not require deep anesthesia and muscle relaxation (in general surgery, operative gynecology, dentistry, for labor pain relief).

Strengthening the anesthetic and analgesic action of other anesthetics (including therapeutic analgesic anesthesia in the postoperative period), traumatic shock (prevention);

Pain syndrome: acute coronary insufficiency, myocardial infarction, acute pancreatitis (stopping);

Pain relief during medical procedures that require unconsciousness. Contraindications:

Hypersensitivity. hypoxia; diseases of the nervous system; chronic alcoholism, state of alcoholic intoxication (excitation and hallucinations are possible).

Carefully:Traumatic brain injury, history of increased intracranial pressure, intracranial tumors. Pregnancy and lactation:Nitrous oxide is used by inhalation for labor pain relief. Long-term use may cause miscarriage or adversely affect the development of the child. However, at low concentrations (ratio to oxygen content 1:1) and for short-term use (for 2-3's breaths), the agent is prescribed if necessary. Contraindicated during lactation, so if necessary, stop breastfeeding. Dosage and administration:


Nitrous oxide is used in a mixture with oxygen and other means for inhalation anesthesia using special devices for gas anesthesia. Usually start with a mixture containing 70-80% Nitrogen nitrous and 20-30% oxygen.

For the relief and prevention of pain, therapeutic anesthesia is carried out at a concentration of nitrous oxide of 40-75%. To quickly reach the required depth general anesthesia (induction anesthesia) concentration of dinitrogen oxide - 70-75%, maintenance of general anesthesia - 40-50%; if necessary, more powerful narcotic drugs are added: barbiturates, halothane, ether. After the supply of dinitrogen oxide is stopped, the supply of oxygen should be continued for 4-5 minutes (to avoid diffusion hypoxia).

To anesthetize childbirth, the method of intermittent autoanalgesia is used using a mixture of dinitrogen oxide (40-75%) and oxygen: the woman in labor begins to inhale the mixture when the precursors of a contraction appear and ends inhalation at the height of the contraction or towards its end.

To perform medical procedures that require turning off consciousness - inhalation of 25-50% of the mixture with oxygen. For children, doses are selected individually.

The mixture can be inhaled at an oxygen content of at least 30%, and after the inhalation is stopped, oxygen supply must be continued for 5 minutes (hypoxia prevention). To reduce emotional arousal, prevent nausea and vomiting and potentiate the action, premedication is indicated: intramuscular injection of 1-2 ml of a 0.5% solution of diazepam (5-10 mg), 2-3 ml of a 0.25% solution of droperidol (5, 0-7.5 mg).

Side effects:During the introduction into anesthesia - supraventricular arrhythmias, bradycardia, circulatory failure. After leaving general anesthesia - diffuse hypoxia, post-anesthesia delirium (feeling of anxiety, confusion, agitation, hallucinations, nervousness, motor agitation). Nausea, vomiting, drowsiness; with prolonged use (more than 2 days) - respiratory depression, impaired bone marrow function, manifested by leukopenia, pancytopenia, as well as hyperthermic crisis and postoperative chills. Overdose:

Symptoms: bradycardia, arrhythmias, decreased blood pressure, respiratory depression, delirium, acute hypoxia.

Treatment: with bradycardia - the introduction of 0.3-0.6 mg of atropine, arrhythmia - correction of the content of gases in the blood, circulatory failure and arterial hypotension - the introduction of plasma or plasma-substituting agents, a decrease in the depth or termination of general anesthesia, with a hyperthermic crisis - the cessation of inhalation, increased oxygen supply, administration of antipyretics, correction of water-salt imbalance and metabolic acidosis, if necessary - dantrolene (1 mg / kg) intravenously drip and continue the introduction until the symptoms of the crisis disappear (the maximum total dose is 10 mg / kg). To prevent a recurrence of the crisis within 1-3 days after surgery, dantrolene is administered orally or intravenously (4-8 mg / kg / day in 4 separate doses). Respiratory depression or inadequate postoperative ventilation necessitates a reduction in anesthetic dose (if still in use), airway management, and mechanical ventilation. If delirium develops after recovery from general anesthesia, small doses of narcotic analgesics are administered.


Means for inhalation anesthesia, narcotic analgesics, tranquilizers, antipsychotics, antihistamines enhance the effect.

Amiodarone increases the risk of bradycardia (not controlled by atropine) and arterial hypotension, xanthines - arrhythmias.

Fentanyl and its derivatives increase the effect on the cardiovascular system (decrease in heart rate and cardiac output).

Enhances effects antihypertensive drugs- diazoxide, ganglioblockers, diuretics, as well as anticoagulant drugs (coumarin and indandione derivatives) and agents that depress breathing and the central nervous system. Special instructions:

It is necessary to control blood pressure, heart rate, heart rate, monitor the state of breathing and gas exchange, body temperature. In medical personnel with prolonged contact, the risk of developing leukopenia increases. During use, periodic pumping of gas from the cuff of the endotracheal tube is recommended.

Mixtures with ether, cyclopropane, chloroethyl in certain concentrations are explosive. Patients with chronic alcoholism require high concentrations.

Children. Nitrous oxide is used for children. Application possible infants. Doses are selected individually. Nitrogen oxide is not used for newborns.

Influence on the ability to drive transport. cf. and fur.:Nitrous oxide acts mainly on the central nervous system, the drug is used as a remedy for inhalation anesthesia, in connection with which they are not used when driving vehicles or working with other mechanisms. Release form / dosage:The gas is compressed. Package: 6.2 kg each in metal cylinders with a capacity of 10 liters. Storage conditions:At a temperature not higher than +25 °C. Keep out of the reach of children. Best before date:

Nitrous oxide (Nitrous oxide, Dinitrogen oxyde)

Active substance:

nitrous oxide.

Pharmachologic effect:

Means for general anesthesia. Nitrous oxide is classified as an anesthetic.

Pharmacodynamics. Small concentrations of the drug Nitrogen nitrous cause mild drowsiness and a feeling of intoxication. Inhalation of pure gas in high concentrations very quickly provokes the development of asphyxia and a narcotic state. In combination with oxygen, subject to the indicated doses, the drug does not cause side effects and is used as an anesthetic. The drug Nitrous oxide has a weak narcotic effect, that's why this drug must be applied in high concentrations. Basically, combined anesthesia is used (the active substance of the drug is combined with other strong means for anesthesia and muscle relaxants).

Pharmacokinetics. Nitrous oxide is chemically inert. In the body it is not amenable to transformation, does not enter into the composition of compounds. The active substance of the drug dissolves in blood plasma, practically does not bind to erythrocyte hemoglobin. 10-15 minutes after stopping inhalation, the drug is completely eliminated through the respiratory tract in unchanged form. Partial coefficient: blood / gas - 0.46, brain / blood - 1.0, fat / blood - 3.0. The solubility in plasma is 45% (vol.), which is fifteen times the solubility ratio of oxygen. The analgesic effect is achieved quickly due to low value partial ratio between blood and nitrous oxide. The full anesthetic effect is achieved with an anesthetic concentration of 65% to 70%. At drug concentrations of 35% -40%, a pronounced analgesic effect is achieved. With an increase in concentration of more than 70%, the development of hypoxia is observed. The drug is poorly soluble in tissues, the maximum alveolar concentration (MAC) is not more than 1 atm (105 kPa, or 787.5 mm Hg).

Indications for use:


The use of nitrous oxide depends on the type of anesthesia and the patient's condition. The drug is used in operative gynecology, in surgical practice, in surgical dentistry. Today, the Nitrogen preparation nitrous oxide is used as one of the components of combined anesthesia in combination with muscle relaxants, analgesics, and other anesthetics (enflurane, ether, halothane) mixed with oxygen (20% -50%).

It is used in obstetrics for anesthesia during childbirth, in acute coronary insufficiency, when removing sutures and drainage tubes. The drug is also used in acute pancreatitis, myocardial infarction, post-operative period for the prevention of traumatic shock, with pathological conditions, to reduce pain reactions that are not eliminated by non-narcotic painkillers (except in cases where there are contraindications).

Mode of application:

Nitrous oxide preparation should be used in combination with O2 using special devices for gas anesthesia. Typically start with a mixture containing 70%-80% nitrous nitrogen and 20%-30% O2, then increase the amount of O2 to 40%-50%. If a sufficient anesthetic effect cannot be achieved at a nitrous oxide concentration of 70% -75, other, more powerful narcotic substances should be added - halothane, ether, barbiturates. Muscle relaxants are used for complete muscle relaxation. This improves the course of anesthesia without increasing muscle relaxation. After the termination of the supply active substance the drug should continue taking O2 for four to five minutes to avoid oxygen starvation. For anesthesia of childbirth, the method of intermittent autoanalgesia is used, using a mixture of nitrous oxide (40% - 75%) and oxygen with the help of special anesthesia machines. The patient begins to inhale the mixture at the onset of contractions and ends inhalation at the height of the contraction or before it ends.

Side effects:

Vomiting, marked emotional arousal, and nausea.


The use of the drug Nitrogen nitrous oxide is contraindicated in the state of alcoholic intoxication (hallucinations, agitation are possible), chronic alcoholism, serious illnesses nervous system.


The drug is used during childbirth for an analgesic effect.

Interaction with others medicines: Nitrogen anesthesia with nitrous oxide (N2O(80%) and O2(20%)) works well with epidural anesthesia. In combination with other inhalation anesthetics (halothane, ether, cyclopropane, trilene), intravenous means for anesthesia (barbiturates, thiobarbiturates, muscle relaxants, antipsychotics) under the condition of artificial ventilation, as well as tracheal intubation, provides general anesthesia sufficient for major operations. In this case, the ratio of nitrous oxide to O2 during anesthesia is 2:1 or 3:1.

Long-term use of nitrous oxide, especially with the simultaneous use of muscle relaxants, provokes the accumulation of CO2, followed by the development of oxygen starvation, which can lead to impaired cardiac activity during surgery. Nitrous oxide can enhance the depressive effect of barbiturates and narcotic analgesics on the respiratory center.


When using the drug Nitrogen nitrous oxide, emotional arousal is possible. Use in high concentrations, like pure nitrogen, provokes oxygen starvation, which is the cause of death or serious neurological disorders. To reduce emotional arousal, potentiate the action of nitrous oxide, as well as to prevent nausea and vomiting, it is possible to preliminarily prepare the patient for general anesthesia by administering intramuscularly a 0.5% solution of diazepam (seduxen, sibazon) 1-2 ml (5-10 mg ), 2 - 3 ml of a 0.25% solution of droperidol (5.0-7.5 mg).

Release form:

Gas in metal cylinders under pressure of 50 atm.

Storage conditions:

Store at a temperature not exceeding +25 ° C. Shelf life - 5 years.


nitrous oxide - 97%.

Additionally: Nitrous oxide is recommended to be used with caution in case of severe hypoxia and impaired diffusion of gases in the lungs. With prolonged use of nitrous oxide, in the case of treatment of tetanus, the development of myelodepression and RAM agranulocytes is possible.

Anesthesia with nitrous oxide can be performed in the ambulance for patients with severe burns and mechanical injuries. At similar conditions effective analgesia is needed, which is achieved with a mixture of 50% -60% nitrous oxide (given using portable anesthesia machines). High content O2 in the mixture (not less than 35%) gives the necessary therapeutic effect oxygenation.

Nitrous oxide is a drug that is used as an inhalation anesthesia for certain conditions.

Substance characteristic

Nitrous oxide is sometimes referred to as "laughing gas", due to the fact that in small quantities it causes an intoxicating effect that quickly passes. It is a non-flammable, colorless gas with a characteristic sweet smell.

Soluble in water, sulfuric acid, ethyl alcohol as well as on the air. From one kilogram of a liquid substance, 500 liters of this gas are formed. It does not ignite, but it can support the combustion process, for example, if you lower a smoldering torch into it, it will instantly ignite.

Medical nitrous oxide, together with compounds such as chloroethyl, ether, and cyclopropane, can be explosive in certain concentrations. It is worth noting that this substance is ozone-depleting, and also belongs to greenhouse gases.

Store gas cylinders room temperature, in a special indoors where there should be no flammable substances.

What is the effect of the substance nitrous oxide?

The tool is intended for inhalation anesthesia. With active inhalation, it enters from the lung tissue into the bloodstream by diffusion. At a concentration of 95%, it causes anesthesia, but in such an amount there may be a threat of a severe hypoxic state, therefore, in pure it is practically not used.

In this regard, anesthesiologists usually use a gas mixture consisting of oxygen and nitrous oxide. With this application, only First level necessary stage surgical anesthesia, and there will be no sufficient muscle relaxation for invasive intervention.

In most cases, such a gas mixture is used in conjunction with more powerful drugs, designed to achieve the necessary anesthesia, and also simultaneously use the appropriate muscle relaxants.

Nitrous oxide is rather poorly soluble in the bloodstream, but quickly reaches the high required voltage in arterial blood, which leads to a rapid establishment of concentrations in the brain and in the blood, which speeds up the process of anesthesia.

This gas is practically not metabolized in the human body. After cessation of inhalation, it is actively excreted from bloodstream, is completely excreted unchanged after 15 minutes through the respiratory tract, which is the reason for the rather rapid exit from anesthesia.

What is the indication for the use of nitrous oxide?

Nitrous oxide instructions for use recommends using for inhalation anesthesia with surgical interventions, in dental practice. This gas is often used for gynecological operations and is also effective in pain relief. labor activity. At the same time, the woman in labor gradually begins to inhale the gas mixture at the initial appearance of contractions, and finishes inhaling directly at the height of the contraction or at its completion.

Treatment with nitrous oxide is used in such pathological conditions that are accompanied by unbearable pain and are not stopped by conventional traditional drugs, for example, with coronary insufficiency occurring in acute stage, with myocardial infarction, as well as in the presence of symptoms acute pancreatitis.

What is the substance nitrous oxide contraindications for use?

As anesthesia, it is not used for diseases of the nervous system in a severe stage, this gas is also contraindicated in chronic alcoholism, with drunkenness, as hallucinations may develop and a state of excitement will join.

What is the use and dosage of the drug nitrous oxide?

Nitrous oxide is used in a mixture with oxygen using special devices that are designed for gas anesthesia. Usually, a mixture is started that contains 80% nitrous nitrogen and 20% oxygen, after which the amount of oxygen is gradually increased to 50%.

If the required depth of anesthesia cannot be achieved, with a nitrous oxide concentration of 75%, then the anesthesiologist adds more strong drugs intended for anesthesia, for example, barbiturates, halothane, and diethyl ether is also used.

At joint application with methotrexate, will significantly increase its side effects. Nitrous oxide is also often used to anesthetize childbirth.

What are the side effects of nitrous oxide?

With a fairly long-term use of nitrous oxide, changes in the hematopoietic system can occur, which will be expressed in the form of megaloblastic anemia, and the process of hematopoiesis will also be disrupted.

From the side of the nervous system, there may also be side effects, in particular, with prolonged use, peripheral neuropathy may occur.

special instructions

It is recommended to use with extreme caution in case of the most pronounced hypoxia, as well as in case of insufficient diffusion of gases in lung tissue. It should be noted that this gas does not irritate the respiratory tract.

Preparations containing nitrous oxide

Compressed gas is nitrous oxide, it is supplied in special cylinders of ten liters. There are no analogues.


We talked about how to use nitrous oxide. Except medical use as an anesthetic agent, it is still used in rocket engines and in Food Industry how food supplement, called E942, and also as a packaging gas that prevents food from spoiling and ensures a longer shelf life of food.

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