Meadow lumbago - photo, medicinal properties, description, application. Application and contraindications of meadow backache

MEADOW PUMMY (Pulsatilla patens Mill. Family Buttercup - Ranunculaceae.)
Backache meadow is a herbaceous perennial plant that has a powerful vertical rhizome. It blooms until the leaves bloom. The basal leaves of the grass are lowered, dissected into three segments, which, in turn, are divided into 2 sections, each of which “carries” still pointed serrated segments (2-4 in number). During flowering, the flower stalks of the meadow lumbago are covered with soft dense hairs. Sleep-grass has a "veil" formed by three leaves fused at the base - it is annular, divided into linear, very hairy lobules. Flowers are broadly bell-shaped. On the backache "sit" 6 ovate-pointed, blue-violet hairy leaves, having a length of 3-4 cm. The stamens of the meadow backache are yellow, they are slightly shorter than the leaves. The fruits of sleep-grass are 3-5 cm long and have a very hairy style. The flowering period falls on the second half of spring (end of April - May). For medicinal purposes, leaves and roots are used, which are harvested during the flowering of the plant.
The grass is widespread in the European part of Russia, in Belarus and Ukraine. Most often grows on the edges of coniferous forests, dry slopes, open sandy hills and in pine forests.
The name of this amazing plant is shrouded in mystery. Since ancient times, backache has been considered a powerful magical plant. Many rituals, signs and beliefs are associated with this fabulous plant.
The people gave him many names: a snowy tulip, a snowdrop, a dream-grass, a dream book, a dream-dream, a dream-potion, a sonchik, a lamb, a beaver, a windflower, a one-month-old, a cowbell, rumbling, a borehole, a samsonchik. In Western Europe, because of the early flowering, the lumbago is called the Easter bell.
The Russian name "lumbago" is associated with a legend. “When Satan was still a bright angel and in his pride he rebelled against the creator - the Creator, Michael the Archangel drove him from high heaven to damp earth. Satan with his demons hid behind the Backache - the grass, and Michael the Archangel threw a thunderous arrow at him. An arrow shot through that grass from top to bottom, from that lumbago the demons fled and with Satan himself fell into the underworld. And from that very time, the demonic power is afraid of that grass and runs from it for 12 miles. It saves from influx, from the prisoner of the eyes, from the lesson writhing, from damage and from any demonic obsession. This is the king of the grass.” (Pechersky III - 1831).
You should collect the backache only with pure thoughts, according to the morning dew, pick it in silence, while making your most cherished wish. Dried plant contributes to a rich and happy life.
Ancient herbalists advise carrying the plant in an amulet with you as a strong amulet against evil spirits, and then the devil will not even come close. An unkind person will not cross the threshold of a house in which there is a backache-grass. "He who carries grass with him, the devil flees from that person, and in the house - keep good, and build mansions - put at an angle, you will live harmoniously."
Another name for lumbago - sleep-grass - was interpreted as a plant that brings sleep. For many peoples, it is associated with the idea of ​​​​sleep. Perhaps the very appearance of the plant, densely covered with soft hairs, fluffy to the touch, suggested soft slumber, peace and rest. In the Scandinavian epic Edda, it is said that as soon as sleep-grass was placed under Brunhilde's head, she immediately fell asleep. The “Pechersky Paterikon” (a Russian literary monument) tells how, during the all-night vigil, a demon in the form of a warrior walks around the temple and throws sleep-grass at the lazy monks, to whom the flower sticks, he forgets his service and falls asleep.
Hunters claim that bears get drunk from this spring flower. They say that one day at the beginning of winter, a bear dug up an unknown root, licked it several times and went into a den to sleep; seeing that, the man himself licked the root, after which he collapsed to the ground and slept in the forest until the very spring. When he woke up, people were already plowing the land and sowing bread. This was the root of sleep - herbs.
Sleep - grass has prophetic power, if you put it under the head of the head at night, it will show a person his fate in sleepy visions and relieve insomnia. It is also believed that anyone who falls asleep on this grass acquires the ability to predict the future in a dream. It removes damage and heals wounds inflicted by a sharp tool.
Here is another very beautiful legend. A young girl went to the spring forest to collect scillas. She walked farther and farther, collecting the best flowers in a fragrant bouquet. The girl did not know that this forest man (goblin) was looking after her and luring her into the wilderness. The forest sorcerer led the girl to a deaf clearing, surrounded by huge pine trees, deep cliffs and a high rock, and on the side from which she came, dense thorny thickets suddenly grew, passing through which, there was nothing to think about. The girl stood in the middle of the clearing, looked around and was very frightened. And the forester, meanwhile turning into a handsome young man, came out from behind the trunk of an old pine tree, stood in front of the girl and said smiling: “- Do not be afraid of me, red girl. I won't harm you. Only one thing you must do, become mine, for in this forest I am the king and master, to whom everything is subject. "Never!" the girl shouted. But there was no way to retreat, and she entered into a fight with the forester, who again turned into an old grandfather. This monster jumped up to the girl, grabbed her with his hands. Out of fear and disgust, she hit the woodsman with all her might. There was a crack, as if a dry branch had broken, and the ugly forest spirit released the girl, clutching her face with her hands. He fell to the ground and began to writhe. In the meantime, the girl tried to run away, but she could not even take a step. Some unknown force held her in place. It was the woodsman who brought on the girl a terrible fatigue. Her hands dropped, her legs gave way, and she fell in a wondrous dream. The girl, like a white cloud, was covered with the blueness of the spring sky, melted before our eyes, and soon completely disappeared. And in the place where she lay, a beautiful purple flower made its way out of the ground, substituting its velvet head for the warm rays of the sun. Therefore, they called the flower a dream-grass. And that its fresh leaves are poisonous, this is from hatred and disgust for the evil forest man. And the healing properties, which are rich in dried leaves of sleep-grass - from a generous and kind girl's heart.
The plant contains saponins, coumarins, ranunculin glycoside, which breaks down into glucose and protoanemonin, resins, tannins, organic acids and phytoncides. Protoanemonin has a pronounced bactericidal and fungicidal action: it destroys mold spores, bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus at a dilution of 1: 60,000.
The plant has a bactericidal, fungicidal, expectorant, antispasmodic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action.
Backache is a strong antitumor agent and is used to treat cancer of any localization. Particularly good treatment results have been noted in the treatment of breast cancer, gynecology and lung.
Traditional medicine uses meadow lumbago as a good hypnotic and sedative for increased nervous excitement, as well as associated headaches, dizziness, insomnia, hysteria, convulsions, dysmenorrhea. As an antispasmodic, sleep-grass is used for whooping cough, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, and migraine.
It will also be useful backache meadow with heart failure, which is accompanied by ascites, tachyarrhythmia, with renal and hepatic colic, with glaucoma, with diarrhea. In folk medicine, lumbago tincture is used for diseases of the female genital area, and sleep-grass infusion during labor pains to reduce pain and speed up childbirth (a teaspoon of grass in a glass of boiling water, insist 3-4 hours, drink a spoonful after 2-3 hours). Meadow lumbago stimulates the production of FSH in the pituitary gland (follicle-stimulating hormone - the pituitary hormone, the regulator of the development of ovarian follicles in the female body and spermatogenesis in men), increases the level of female sex hormones (estrogens and progesterone).
Pulsatilla has long been used in homeopathy as a wonderful venotonic that helps thin the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Hence, its use in varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids is justified.
In scientific medicine, backache is used for stage 1-2 hypertension, slows down the heart rate and stimulates breathing.
When used externally, sleep herb preparations have an antimicrobial, antifungal, irritant, anesthetic effect. Outwardly, the infusion is used to wash wounds during dressings, make lotions for fungal skin lesions, and a decoction of the herb is added to baths for the treatment of skin diseases. Tincture is used for articular rheumatic pain, gout.
The plant is poisonous and requires very careful dosing. Sleep grass strongly irritates the digestive tract, so it is not indicated for use in gastritis and nephritis.
Dried grass is used only after a month of storage, when it loses its toxic properties.
Mode of application:
1. Tincture of roots: finely grind 1 part of the root, 10 parts of 40% alcohol, leave for 7-10 days. Take 20 drops 3 times a day in 50 ml of water before meals for 30-60 minutes. With tumors, paralysis, rheumatism, numbness of body parts, rub sore spots with this tincture. Juice from the root is used to remove warts, grass baths - for eczema, scabies, rheumatism.
2. Herb tincture: Pour 1 part of the herb with 9 parts of 40% alcohol, leave for 7 days, strain. Use for rubbing externally, inside drink 30 drops 3-4 times a day for 2-3 weeks.
3. Water infusion: 1-2 tbsp. l. herbs pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain, take 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day.
4. Water infusion: 2 tsp. lumbago herbs pour 1 glass of cold water, leave for 12 hours. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day to restore normal cardiac activity during arrhythmias.
5. Herbal baths for eczema, scabies, rheumatism: brew 1/2 cup of dry grass in 1 - 1.5 liters of water, leave for 2 hours, strain and pour into a bath of water, putting the patient there. You can stay in such a bath until the water cools down.
PANKOVA OKSANA VALEREVNA (methodist - consultant on traditional health systems)

Meadow lumbago is well known to the inhabitants of Russia and Ukraine. It grows in pine forests and on their outskirts, on sandstones, hills. The flower is popularly known as

Lumbago meadow: description

The plant is perennial, herbaceous. The rhizome is upright and sturdy. The flowering period lasts until the leaves bloom. It falls at the end or middle of spring.

The leaves are located near the roots. They are divided by triple segmentation, and those are further divided into two parts, each of which has sharp ends. The leaves are down. When the flowering period begins, a thick hairline can be seen on the peduncles. The flower petals themselves are wide, bell-shaped. Usually there are no more than six leaves on a flower. They have an oval shape with sharp ends and a blue-violet hue. Width - no more than 4 centimeters, the color of the stamen is yellow. The fruit is covered with a dense layer of hairs.

Thanks to these characteristics, the meadow backache, the photo of which is presented below, is difficult to confuse with other herbs.

Medicinal properties and application

Grass backache meadow was considered magical. Even in ancient times, it was used from the evil eye - they made amulets or simply kept it in the house. It was believed that the flower brings good luck and prosperity. And those who had bad intentions used sleep-grass in the form of poison. With its help, they could intimidate or eliminate an opponent. A stupefied state from the roots of meadow lumbago has long been discovered.

As you can see, this herb has certain characteristics. Each part of it is useful in solving a specific problem, but only the leaves of the plant have healing properties. They are harvested when the sleep-grass blooms. The leaves are a very old and proven medicine in folk medicine. Most often, the plant is used as a hypnotic and sedative.

Grass meadow backache has an antibacterial effect, and is also able to relieve various inflammatory processes. The prepared infusion will help in the fight against arthritis. Among the people, such a remedy is also used in the treatment of whooping cough and bronchitis - the tincture provokes coughing.

Part of the meadow backache, which is located above the ground, is used in the treatment of diseases of a gynecological and neurological nature, the digestive system, and kidneys. It is recommended during the period of the menstrual pause in women. It also helps with fungal infections, infectious rashes, in the treatment of wounds.

In the use of meadow backache, one should not forget about its toxicity and toxic substances. To do this, you must follow all the rules and recommendations for use. The most important thing is that only the ground part of the grass is used for medicinal purposes. Moreover, it can be stored for no longer than six months. Collect backache should be only in the middle of spring. In the summer there is nothing useful in the grass, but rather the opposite. If you do not take into account such information, then you can not cure the disease, but worsen the condition of the body even more.


Recipes for making a safe medicine with meadow lumbago:

  1. Tincture. Approximately 50 grams of dry grass is poured with a standard glass of boiling water. The herb should be infused for about an hour, after which it should be filtered with gauze or a bandage. The recommended dosage is one tablespoon. It should be consumed an hour before meals no more than four times a day. Treatment with this tincture can last from several weeks to months.
  2. Baths with a decoction of sleep-grass. For cooking, you will need about 200 grams of dry meadow lumbago and one and a half liters of boiling water. The longer he insists, the better. You can prepare the solution in advance. For example, for an evening bath, it is better to prepare a decoction in the morning. Such baths help with various dermatological diseases, fungi, thrush in women.
  3. Alcohol tincture. Prepares very quickly and easily. It will take 20 grams of grass and 200 ml of vodka. It should stand in a dark place for about a week. Apply the resulting tincture only externally. Good for arthritis and rheumatism.

Efficiency in the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus (one of the most dangerous and severe bacteria for the human body) has been proven. In traditional medicine, it is treated only with a long course of antibiotics. Naturally, herbal treatment can be safer and not have a bad effect on other organs.


Meadow lumbago has a variety of medicinal properties. But do not forget about the opposite poisonous side. As with any remedy, there are contraindications to the use of sleep grass.

It is strongly not recommended to use the tincture for pregnant women, as well as for people with diseases of the digestive system, especially in the presence of an ulcer or other inflammatory processes. This also applies to children under the age of three and people who are allergic to this plant. Those suffering from hypertension and arrhythmias should also avoid treatment with sleep-grass.

Herb in tablets

Now traditional medicines are made in the form of tablets, which include meadow backache. Often they are prescribed to people with psychological disorders, neurological diseases. This tool helps to get a person out of depression and stress.


Unfortunately, at the present time, the future of this plant is in jeopardy. The meadow backache is rare and special. The "Red Book" is the document that contains all endangered plants and animals. On its pages you can see the grass we are considering. In the near future, this type of perennial plant may disappear, because people, despite contraindications, very often use its roots. After the extermination of the roots, the backache no longer grows, but people do not think about it.

If the meadow lumbago disappears in nature, humanity will lose a rare species of medicinal plant.

For those who are not well versed in herbal treatment, it is better to consult a specialist. In addition to its healing properties, if used improperly, the herb can be harmful to health, especially meadow backache, which has a huge list of toxic substances in its composition.

The herb is known in China, Bulgaria and many other countries. A powder is made from meadow lumbago that can heal wounds and burns. Also, the plant is an excellent tool in the fight against acne and other skin diseases (boils, blackheads, blackheads). The main thing is to use it according to the recommendations. It is advised to use the plant for people suffering from gout and often suffering from a rash of purulent acne.


Now you know what a meadow backache is. The photos presented in the article will help to get acquainted with its appearance in more detail. This plant has a lot of healing properties, but you should not forget about contraindications either.

Backache is also called sleep-grass. This plant is considered perennial and herbaceous, which belongs to the buttercup family. Pulsatilla has a vertical or oblique rhizome with a low stem, which is covered with soft hairs. The main leaves of the plant are distributed on long petioles. Leaves are known to appear later than flowers and wither in autumn. The flowers do not differ from each other, they are shaped like garden tulips. Seeds of lumbago are carried by the wind over a long distance. This plant is distributed throughout Europe, Asia, Canada, North America. You can meet sleep-grass in the European part of Russia, Siberia and the Far East. Backache is very fond of dry deciduous and coniferous forests. Such a plant served for various rituals of magic. It was used from the evil eye, attracted wealth. Since ancient times, it was believed that if a person falls asleep in such grass, then he can become the owner of the gift of foresight. Some hunters say that bears often get drunk from the shot.

Procurement and storage of shot

Backache opens and blooms in April-May, it bears fruit during the summer, then it is worth collecting the raw materials of this wonderful plant. However, it takes half a year to weather the poisonous substances from the grass after drying.

Application in everyday life

Artists used to get good paint from the shot, they rubbed it with fresh juice to eliminate pain during fractures and sprains. Also, the herb was used to reduce pain during childbirth. In Yakutia, for a long time, scabies was treated with an ointment from sleep-grass, and there are also rumors about the cure of sexual impotence.

In our time, backache is used to decorate flower beds. In Bashkiria, horses are treated for glanders. Sheep and goats love to eat this grass in early spring. In summer, the plant should be avoided by people and livestock, as it becomes extremely poisonous. Dried grass loses its poisonous properties only after five months.

Composition and medicinal properties of lumbago

  1. Backache has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. There is a sedative effect, lowering blood pressure, slowing the heart rate and respiration.
  3. Official medicine does not use such a plant.

The use of lumbago in folk medicine

Antimicrobial decoction from lumbago

They take two tablespoons of dried herbs and pour them with 500 milliliters of boiling water, after which the mixture is put on a small fire for five minutes, removed from the heat and poured into a bath, which is taken for about ten minutes. This decoction also has an analgesic effect.

Decoction for infertility

They take one dry lumbago flower and pour it with 200 milliliters of boiling water, leave it to infuse for twenty-five minutes. They drink the resulting drug in two sips, this should be done within a month, then there is a break for twenty days, after which the course of treatment is repeated.

Decoction for glaucoma

They take ten grams of lumbago and fill them with one liter of water, put on fire and evaporate the water to half. Drink a decoction five times a day, one tablespoon. You can take a break for a month, and then repeat the treatment again.

tincture for rheumatism

They take ten grams of dried raw materials and pour them with half a glass of vodka, put them to infuse for seven days in a room with limited access to sunlight. The tincture is squeezed and filtered, rubbed on the joints, reducing pain.

Pain reliever during childbirth

Three flowers of grass are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused until cool, drunk every two hours.

Shot against insomnia

They take five flowers of grass and pour them with 200 milliliters of boiling water, insist for twenty minutes, filter and drink one tablespoon three times a day.

Tincture against impotence

They take five buds of the plant and place them in a jar of water, after an hour they take out the buds and squeeze out the juice, which is then added to a glass of vodka, left to infuse for a week, filtered and drunk thirty milliliters a day.

Contraindications for use

  • A fresh plant that occurs in spring is very poisonous because it contains anemonin.
  • When the plant comes into contact with human skin, a chemical type burn of the first and second degree occurs.
  • If you take a poisoned herb inside, you can get a burn of the intestines, renal epithelium.
  • The plant should not be consumed during pregnancy, gastritis and hepatitis.

In the article we talk about the open lumbago - what it looks like, where it grows. You will learn how to prepare decoctions, infusions and tinctures from it, and how they are useful for the body. We give advice on the proper collection and storage of grass.

Pulsatílla patens (latin - Pulsatílla patens) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Ranunculaceae family.

The name comes from the word "pulzare" - "to push". Even with a slight wind, the flowers begin to sway, as if someone is pushing them. The Russian name was given because of the shape of the leaves. They seem to be shot through - dissected into many slices.

Among the people, the plant has been given many other "talking" names: dream book, backache-grass, upland backache, snowy tulip, beaver, cow backache, windflower, shoot, arrowhead, razlapushnik, samsonchik, sheep grass, rumbling.

What does it look like

Appearance (photo) of the open lumbago The open lumbago has a thick, vertically descending into the ground, or oblique root.

The stem is low, straight, covered with small hairs. The height of the stems is from 5 to 40 centimeters. When fruiting, they lengthen.

The size of the leaves does not exceed 3-4 centimeters. The lower leaves, which appear later than the flowers, are on long petioles and fall off in late autumn. An interesting feature is that the grass has a “veil” of three leaves fused at the base.

Flowers in the shape of a garden tulip (only smaller) bloom in mid-spring. Large, compared to the stem, bells reach a diameter of 8 centimeters. Petals are painted in blue, blue, purple colors, with a bright yellow center. Soft hairs give them a soft silvery pubescence. They protect the plant from spring cold and night frosts. The flowering period ends in May.

In the wild, up to 50 flowers appear on one bush.

The fruits are multi-nutlets with oblong columns. Each fruit is endowed with a long outgrowth. In another way they are called "fluffy achenes." When there are a lot of them, the head becomes like a mature dandelion.

Pulsatilla grass is propagated by seeds, which are carried over considerable distances by gusts of wind.

Where does it grow

Places of growth - Central Europe, steppe and forest zones of the European part of Russia, the Urals, Siberia.

Prefers soddy-podzolic soil of meadow steppes, edges of forest-steppe oak forests, clearings of pine-birch forests. Occurs on dry sandy soils and chernozems. It often grows on almost bare limestone in small clusters.

Likes sunny places. Does not tolerate a lot of moisture. During the period of spring floods and melting snow, it can simply get wet and die.

The grass is listed in the Red Books of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Estonia, a large number of subjects of the Russian Federation.


Sleep-grass is not recognized by traditional medicine. Specialists of traditional methods of treatment have appreciated the healing properties of the plant for a long time and use it to treat many diseases.. For the preparation of medicines based on the lumbago, its stems, leaves, flowers are used.

Open lumbago (photo below) is a poisonous plant and is not used fresh as a medicinal raw material.
For medicinal purposes, the grass of the lumbago is used. The lumbago is a very beautiful and charming flower. Due to its decorative properties, florists collect the plant, like other garden crops. Recently, breeders based on sleep-grass have been deriving other varieties of flower crops that can become an ornament to any garden.

Chemical composition

Sleep grass contains:

  • anemonin;
  • ranunculin;
  • protoanemonin;
  • essential oil;
  • fatty oil;
  • tannin;
  • vitamin C;
  • organic acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • alkaloids;
  • tannins.

Medicinal properties

Open lumbago has the following healing properties:

  • hypnotic;
  • relaxing;
  • sedative;
  • painkiller;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • enveloping;
  • anesthetic.

It is recommended for functional disorders of the nervous system, anxiety, neurasthenia, headaches and migraines. Normalizes sleep. Also, the grass improves the emotional state, improves mood, relieves hysteria, relieves depressive attacks.

Improves the condition of people with stage 1 and 2 hypertension, stabilizes the heartbeat. It will also be useful to use a lumbago in heart failure complicated by ascites and tachyarrhythmia.

Sleep-grass has an expectorant effect. In alternative medicine, it is used in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, whooping cough, cough.

Effective for rheumatic pains, sciatica, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis.

Helps to survive the premenopausal period. Relieves symptoms of PMS. Relieves cramps in the lower abdomen. In the old days, they were given to women to stimulate childbirth, as well as their pain relief.

The plant has anticancer properties. It is prescribed to men with benign tumors of the prostate gland.

Sleep-grass is an excellent antiseptic. It has proven itself in the treatment of boils, eczema, fungal skin diseases caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Heals wounds, burns.

Used in the fight against sexually transmitted diseases.

How to collect

The plant is harvested during the flowering period. When harvesting the lumbago (photo below), do not forget to wear gloves to protect your hands.

For collection, it is better to choose places of intensive growth of medicinal herbs. Healing qualities are found in the ground part of the plant. Gathered in dry weather, cutting the stems with a knife or uprooting.

Dry sleep-grass, laying out a thin layer, in the open air, in a shady place.

Raw materials are stored in paper or linen bags for no longer than three years. An important condition is that the room should be well ventilated and cool. As the plant dries out, it releases toxins that can cause poisoning. Therefore, inhaling sleep-grass vapors is dangerous to health.

It is possible to prepare medicinal products from it only three months after collection. Until this time, toxic substances are still present in the plant.

How to apply

Decoctions, infusions and tinctures are made from the lumbago. Decoctions, infusions, tinctures are prepared from a well-dried plant. Used externally for wound healing and skin diseases. The decoction is drunk for coughs and women's diseases. The tincture is effective as a rub for rheumatism.

Decoction to normalize sleep

A decoction of the opened lumbago is used to improve the psycho-emotional state. He is credited with good sedative properties.


  1. Open lumbago - 2 teaspoons.
  2. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Fill the raw material with cold water and boil for 1 minute. Insist half an hour. Then strain.

How to use: Take 3 times a day immediately after meals. The maximum dosage is 2 tablespoons.

Result: Relieves insomnia.

Infusion for external use


  1. Open lumbago - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over crushed dry grass and insist for 12 hours.

How to use: Dip a cotton sponge lightly in the infusion and gently treat the affected areas.

Result: Itching, redness disappears.

Such an infusion can be added to therapeutic baths if you are worried about joint pain. Sometimes the infusion is used for oral administration. However, this is worth discussing with your doctor.

tincture for rheumatism

Most often, tinctures based on lumbago (sleep-grass) are used for rheumatism.


  1. Open lumbago - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Alcohol 40% - 100 ml.

How to cook: Pour dry raw materials with alcohol. Insist 7 days in a warm place, avoiding sunlight. Strain.

How to use: Take 10 drops 2 times a day after meals. Can be thinned with a little water.

Result: Redness and swelling of the joints disappear.


  • pregnancy;
  • pyelo- and glomerulonephritis;
  • gastritis;
  • hepatitis.


Taxonomic position:

  • Domain: eukaryotes.
  • Kingdom: Plants.
  • Department: Flower.
  • Class: Dicotyledons.
  • Family: Ranunculaceae.
  • Genus: Shoot.
  • View: Open lumbago.


The lumbago has about 40 species and varieties. They are distinguished by color, number and dissection of the petals.

Here are some of the varieties of this plant:

  • Pulsatilla ordinary;
  • Pulsatilla red;
  • Backache yellowing;
  • Pulsatilla is multi-notched;
  • Meadow lumbago;
  • Pulsatilla mountain;
  • Albanian lumbago;
  • Alpine shot.

Some types of backache in the wild or in the garden can live up to a hundred years.

For information on how to plant a backache, see the video:

Pulsatilla revealed infographics

Photo of an opened lumbago, its useful properties and applications:
Infographics on open lumbago

What to remember

  1. Absolutely all types of lumbago are poisonous. Beware of skin contact with the juice of this plant, which can cause severe irritation and chemical burns.
  2. Before use, make sure that the raw materials have been properly stored. When opening the package, there should be no foreign odors, impurities of other plants.
  3. If you decide to take an herbal remedy by mouth, be sure to consult your doctor and discuss the appropriate dosage. Sleep-grass is a very powerful remedy that, if used unwisely, can harm your body.

Sleep-grass, sleep-grass, sleep-grass,
Overcome me with sleep, overcome me.
How could I think yesterday
That I will part with my beloved.
I put a flower under my pillow
But I don't sleep, I don't sleep, I don't sleep
And already, as if in reality again,
I see my love nearby.

A. Buzni (sleep grass, sleep potion) - Pulsatilla pratensis (L.) Mill.

Russian name " lumbago are associated with the legend. Somehow, an evil spirit began to hide behind the lumbago-grass. One of the archangels, in order to deal with evil spirits once and for all, threw a thunderous arrow and shot through the grass from top to bottom. Since then, the unclean one bypasses the lumbago and does not approach him closer than 12 versts, and on this occasion it is written in an old herbalist: “Whoever carries grass with him, the devil flees from that person, keep good things in the house, and build mansions - at an angle put, you will live harmoniously.

Another name - sleep-grass - was interpreted as a plant that brings sleep. For many peoples, it is associated with the idea of ​​​​sleep. Perhaps the very appearance of the plant, densely covered with soft hairs, fluffy to the touch, suggested soft slumber, peace and rest.

In the Scandinavian epic Edda, it is said that as soon as sleep-grass was placed under Brunhilde's head, she immediately fell asleep.

The "Pechersky Paterikon" (a Russian literary monument) tells how, during the all-night demon, he walks around the temple and throws sleep-grass at the lazy monks. Whoever he hits, he immediately falls asleep.

Hunters claim that bears get drunk from this spring flower. The magic plant was also used in divination. Collected lumbago in the forest with conspiracies, brought and kept in the water until the full moon. On the night of the full moon, going to bed, they put it under the pillow. If a girl or a young man appears in a dream - be a happy year, if something unpleasant is seen - grief cannot be avoided.

The plant's herb is used for medicinal purposes. Among the people, it is considered a sedative and hypnotic, used as a birth aid. It is used externally as an analgesic for rheumatic pains.

In modern scientific medicine lumbago not used. It is used only in homeopathy.

Lumbago- perennial herbaceous plant with a vertical dark brown rhizome. Stem up to 20 cm high, unbranched, densely pubescent with soft hairs. Basal leaves are pinnately dissected, also shaggy from a large number of white hairs. Simultaneously with the leaves, a peduncle appears with a drooping large single purple flower, similar to a small tulip. Perianth simple, with six lobes, pubescent on the outside. At the base of the peduncle there is also a pubescent bract. Blooms in April - May.

growing lumbago in pine forests, on open sandy hills, along dry slopes in the west of the European part of the country from Leningrad to Nikolaev region. The grass of the lumbago contains anemonin, saponins. The extract from the leaves has a strong bactericidal and fungicidal effect.

Applies lumbago and in veterinary medicine. Poisonous. In many areas, it is actively destroyed by primrose pickers. Protected, listed in the Red Book.

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