I have very heavy periods. Abundant periods: causes and treatment. Very strong periods

Abundant periods were, for sure, every woman. But constantly arising, such a symptom indicates a violation, most often in the hormonal sphere.

Why could heavy periods appear and what to do with them very

Menstruation is not the most pleasant period of the month. For many women, it is accompanied by abdominal pain and weakness. But if, in addition, very heavy periods begin, this creates additional discomfort, and besides, it may be a signal of pathological changes in the body. This fact is not just worth paying attention to, but it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Of course, each menstruation is different: the cycle, the amount of discharge and well-being can vary significantly. On average, during menstruation, a woman loses 50-80 ml of blood. Usually in the first days these are strong discharges, and already on the 3-4th day they become much weaker.

With a normal amount of blood per day, a woman needs 1-2 pads. There are also those who, from a young age, have very strong periods, in which case this is just a feature of the body. But if they become abundant in excess of the norm every month, and before this was not observed, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

You can understand that not ordinary, but very heavy menstruation has begun, by the following signs:

  • critical days last longer than a week;
  • more than 150 ml of discharge appeared;
  • the presence of clots in the blood.

If you had to deal with these symptoms, it is better not to postpone a visit to the doctor.

Causes of very heavy periods

Among the main reasons why the discharge is abundant, doctors call:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • uterine myoma;
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • endometrial polyps;
  • ovarian cysts,
  • malignant tumors of the endometrium or cervix;
  • blood clotting disorders.

Hormonal failure is most often characteristic of teenage girls who still do not have a stable menstrual cycle, as well as in women close to menopause. The balance between hormones (estrogen and progesterone) during these periods is unstable, which leads to bleeding.

- a neoplasm of a benign nature. Often occurs in adulthood. If it is present, menstruation can go up to 10 days.

Endometrial polyps are a kind of growth that appears on the walls of the uterus for various reasons, an infection, an interrupted pregnancy, an infection.

Malignant tumors of the endometrium or cervix - women encounter these diseases much more often than it seems, cervical cancer ranks first among malignant tumors found in women.

Blood clotting disorders. The cause of this pathology may be von Willebrand disease, excessive growth of the endometrium.

hyperplasia of the endometrium. Growth in the uterine cavity, exceeding 16 mm.

If a woman has recently had a caesarean section, the first postpartum menstruation is often very heavy. After a few months, the discharge should return to normal.

If all diseases were excluded, the woman did not give birth and did not take contraceptives, very often the cause of such a failure in menstruation is an unhealthy lifestyle, stress, physical and psychological stress. The lack of vitamins and fresh air in a similar way leave their mark on the body of a woman.

Clinical picture

When blood is released very abundantly, this is no longer just a symptom, but an independent threat to the body. Massive blood loss causes anemia and is quite capable of leading to death.

They last more than one day, the general condition of the woman worsens, the following accompanying symptoms appear:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • weakness;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • pallor;
  • states close to fainting;
  • fast fatiguability.

This condition should not be ignored, it can be brought to a complete loss of consciousness and the need for urgent hospitalization.

It is also worth noting that the cause that initially caused heavy menstruation can develop into another disease (for example, endometriosis appears due to hormonal failure).

What to do

To determine, you need to see a doctor. If a woman feels very ill, blood loss is large, it is better not to reach the hospital, but immediately call an ambulance. An indicator of such a need is a hygiene product that becomes unusable in an hour.

Trying to stop bleeding on your own with the help of grandmother's recipes is not recommended, and even more so because of their use, delay calling real doctors. It's not worth risking your own health. Consult a gynecologist for advice.

When examining a patient with the above symptoms, a complex of studies is most often carried out to determine the root cause of bleeding. It is not uncommon for a situation when menstruation began to go strongly at once for several reasons.

Patients with complaints of heavy menstruation are prescribed such examinations.

  1. Ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries (performed intravaginally). Detects malignant and benign tumors, cysts, hyperplasia.
  2. Hysteroscopy is a modern way of carefully examining the endometrium, thanks to which it is also possible to take a sample for a biopsy (insertion of a thin probe).
  3. General blood test + tests for hormone levels.
  4. Hemostasiogram - determination of the level of blood clotting.

Before examinations, it is almost always necessary to do a curettage: dead particles of the endometrium and blood clots are removed from the uterus. This procedure will help not only improve the quality of the examination, but also, which will contribute to improving well-being.

Treatment for very heavy periods

Only a doctor, after a thorough examination and analysis, can say that it is well suited for treatment. If a woman begins to regularly menstruate in larger volumes than usual, and the examinations did not find serious reasons, most likely, it is necessary to address the general state of health. You will need:

  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • consume as much vitamin C as possible;
  • reduce physical activity;
  • take blood thinners.

It is better to consult a doctor about the correct appointment of the latter.

If we are talking about bleeding, it is stopped by using such means.

  1. Aminocaproic acid, Vikasol, Calcium gluconate - antihemorrhagic, hemostatic drugs.
  2. Oxytocin, Methylergometrine - stimulants of the uterine muscles.

To get rid of anemia, the use of folic acid, B 12 is prescribed. Problems with hormones are solved with the help of hormone therapy. For this, in most cases, oral contraceptives are prescribed, which suppress the production of the hormone estrogen. This treatment helps to reduce secretions and prevents the development of endometriosis.

Polyps are removed surgically, while fibroid treatment depends on its size and location. To relieve inflammation, physiotherapy is considered an effective method.

With the development of malignant tumors, iron deficiency anemia and the absence of the result of drug treatment, surgical intervention may be required.


If earlier the discharge during menstruation did not differ in abundance, but at some point they began to go very strongly, this process cannot be ignored. Thus, the female body warns of a failure that has occurred in it. This can be either a consequence of fatigue or age-related changes in hormonal balance, or a message about the development of a serious illness (or even several). With severe bleeding, it is better not to delay calling an ambulance. If the condition is not so critical, in the near future you need to go to the doctor for an examination.

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If a woman during critical days, the amount of discharge coming out of the uterine cavity exceeds the usual amount, then it is considered that she has heavy periods. This phenomenon is scientifically called "menorrhagia" or "hypermenorrhea". Many processes in the body can provoke such an anomaly, ranging from hormonal imbalance to oncological diseases. In some periods of a woman's life, heavy bleeding during menstruation is not a pathology, but refers to a variant of the norm.

In this article, you will learn about the reasons for which hypermenorrhea occurs, when such a condition is the norm, and when it is a sign of the disease, and what are the methods of treating this pathology.

What periods are considered strong

The menstrual cycle for each individual woman is individual, but in accordance with medical standards, its duration should be in the range of 21-35 days. Monthly allocations should go for at least 3 days and no longer than a week. The normal volume of menstrual blood released during this period is 80 ml, but it can vary between 50-150 ml.

If blood loss for the entire period of menstruation exceeded 150 ml, such regulations are considered abundant. A woman cannot independently measure the volume of blood released during menstruation, therefore, for an independent assessment of this parameter, it is customary to pay attention to the number of sanitary pads that a woman has changed per day. Normally, there should be no more than 4 of them, but if there are more than 5, then heavy bleeding is diagnosed.

When is not a pathology

Abundant bleeding during menstruation is not a pathology in such cases:

  • with a genetic predisposition, in which case abundant regulation appears in a woman in each cycle throughout the entire reproductive age, while there are no additional uncomfortable symptoms and deterioration in the general condition of the woman;
  • in a teenager during puberty for 1-2 years after, the hormonal background normalizes. Abundant regulations in this case are the result of hormonal changes in the body, and they may well be replaced or their long delay;
  • menstruation can go intensively and during the period, at this time the attenuation of the reproductive function of the ovaries begins, as a result of which there may be various, including heavy or scanty blood loss.

Symptoms of pathological menorrhagia

Symptoms of hypermenorrhea caused by pathologies will primarily depend on the type of disease.

It is necessary to pay attention to the color and consistency of the regulation, and not just to their number. A pathological symptom is with large clots, as well as the need to change hygiene products more often than every hour and a half.

There are several other symptoms of abnormal menstruation:

  • intense pain in the lower abdomen;
  • general weakness, dizziness, headache, bruising all over the body for no reason, frequent nosebleeds, bleeding gums, a woman often faints;
  • with inflammatory processes in the uterus, against the background of abundant blood loss, body temperature rises.

If you have at least one of the listed symptoms, then heavy menstruation is caused by pathology, and you should consult a gynecologist.

It should be remembered that there are two types: primary, which occurs with the first menstruation in adolescence, and secondary or acquired, it can occur at any age, but provided that before that the woman had normal menstrual flow.

Why does the intensity of secretions change

Consider the most common causes of very heavy periods:

It is only a gynecologist who can accurately determine the causes and factors that provoke heavy discharge during menstruation after a series of diagnostic measures, so do not self-medicate so as not to harm your health, but immediately seek medical help.

What to do with heavy periods

The method of treating heavy periods will depend on the cause that provoked them. The course is prescribed individually and may include both medicines and folk remedies. In some cases, lifestyle changes may be enough to correct the cycle, and for certain diseases, surgery may be necessary.


To make menstruation less abundant, the doctor first prescribes. The choice of a particular drug depends on the factor that provoked the increase in secretions. Most often, drug therapy includes such drugs:

Iron preparations and vitamin therapy may be prescribed to eliminate concomitant symptoms.

Folk remedies

If menstruation is going strong, you can supplement it with folk remedies. They are not a substitute for the main therapy, but only enhance its effect, so the intake of any herbal remedies and home infusions must be discussed with your doctor.

There are many problems associated with menstruation. These can be severe pain, a change in the duration of the cycle, heavy periods (menorrhagia), the appearance of painful symptoms that accompany menstruation, and so on. The reasons are different: from natural (the structure of the body, the peculiarity of the uterus, heredity, weight loss and gain) to those acquired in the process of life (diseases, infections, unforeseen circumstances). But despite the huge number of reasons, in 90% of cases it is possible to eliminate the problem.

On average, during menstruation, the body loses up to 150 ml of blood, and the duration of menstruation is up to 7 days. Normally, menstruation should be more or less painless, without loss of strength and loss of capacity. Of course, deviations from the norm are not uncommon. Most often, adolescents who have just begun menstruation and the cycle has not returned to normal, and women older than 40-45 years old, who may experience disruptions in the usual course of menstruation due to age, diseases, approaching menopause and even ectopic pregnancy, face this most often.

Problem Definition

If a woman has to change the pad more often than every 2 hours, take hemostatic drugs, take time off from work, then menstruation is considered more abundant than normal.

As a rule, the body is able to recover during menstruation, which does not cause a breakdown and loss of normal capacity. Otherwise, it is necessary to find the cause of such changes and eliminate it.

Heavy menstrual factors

There are many reasons for strong periods. The most basic look like this:

  • Hypothermia (both during the menses themselves and throughout the cycle);
  • Overheating;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Gynecological diseases (also sexually transmitted diseases);
  • Hormonal changes;
  • Genital injuries;
  • Other.

As you can see, the reasons can be very different. Each of them requires detailed consideration:

Blood thinning is also promoted by alcohol, especially red wine.

Help Needed

First you need to understand what is the matter and what causes such consequences. There are options when women suffer from abundant and painful periods all their lives, due to heredity, but even in this case, help is possible. The most common situations are when menstruation has become more abundant as a result of some changes in the body or due to external influences on it (for example, trauma). In both cases, it is best to immediately contact a professional and start treating the body so as not to cause even more serious consequences.

It happens that circumstances do not allow you to immediately go to the doctor, and you need emergency help. In this case, there is a huge amount of hemostatic agents (for example, Dicinon), which will help to urgently reduce the amount of discharge. But repeated use of such drugs can adversely affect health.

There are times when the female body suffers from too much discharge during menstruation. Here you should pay attention to the possibility of bleeding.

Bleeding differs from strong menstruation by greater "purity" from any clots and has the most abundant character. The causes of bleeding are much more serious and require immediate medical intervention, because they talk about severe violations of the functioning of the female body.


There are many medicines and dietary supplements containing vitamins and other beneficial substances for women's health. It can be both individual vitamins and groups of trace elements that affect the menstrual cycle. Such remedies are not medicinal, therefore, in the presence of diseases, injuries or pathologies, they will not save you from the causes of heavy periods, but will only have a good effect on your health in general. In no case no need to self-medicate, because often this leads to serious consequences that worsen even more the state of health.

Abundant menstruation is a sign of a violation in the gynecological sphere of a woman. But there can be many reasons for this, since everyone's body is individual. In medicine, there is a certain discharge rate, which is equated to 150 ml. If the monthly comes out more in volume, they can already be characterized as abundant. It is very important to react to the situation in time and understand why such periods appear, the reasons, because this can be a symptom of a serious pathology in the body.

Signs of pathology

Very heavy periods are medically known as menorrhagia. In this case, the woman will also have blood clots in the discharge, which may cause additional symptoms. Additional signs of pathology are:

  • if during the period of menstruation a woman has aching pains that have significant intensity;
  • during this period, there is dizziness, a feeling of weakness and health worsens;
  • during menstruation, it is difficult for a woman to maintain her usual working capacity;
  • heavy menstruation makes a woman constantly monitor the change of hygiene products, every 1-1.5 hours;
  • at night, a change of hygiene products takes place at least once every 2-3 hours;
  • all pads and tampons have the maximum level of protection;
  • can increase up to 10-12 days.

All these signs are characteristic of heavy menstruation, which means that they indicate the development of pathology in a woman's body. In fact, this situation is quite dangerous, since a significant loss of blood in this way can provoke the development of anemia, endometritis, and even inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus.

Menorrhagia signals serious problems in the reproductive system and requires prompt help.

The occurrence of menorrhagia

Strong periods occur against the background of deviations in the functions of the reproductive system. But this situation can be provoked by many diseases. Therefore, if abundant periods appear, the gynecologist will tell you what to do after a thorough examination. This will allow you to establish the true cause of the pathology, and therefore prescribe the correct treatment.

Abundant menstruation can be triggered by the following factors:

  1. Imbalance in the hormonal background. This reason is often found in young girls who are just beginning to restructure the hormonal background. At this time, the menstrual cycle is set. Speaking of the older age group, hormone imbalances can occur years before menopause. Also, strong periods can appear against the background of taking hormonal drugs, and especially because of improperly selected birth control pills.
  2. Polyps on the cervix. Such formations appear on the site of the external os of the uterus, and the trigger for them is inflammation of a different nature, hormonal problems or injuries. All this provokes not just heavy menstruation, but even bleeding.
  3. Endometrial polyp. This cause is a single or multiple outgrowths. They cause very strong periods. This situation occurs against the background of infectious diseases, hormonal disorders, but the most common reason is the consequences of an abortion.
  4. Myoma of the uterus. This formation is benign and it occurs in women aged 30-40 years.
  5. Many diseases of the pelvic organs can provoke heavy menstruation. This is especially true of infections and inflammations of the genitourinary system.
  6. Cancer of the cervix or endometrium. In this case, the tumors are malignant in nature and pose a certain threat to the life and health of the patient. The appearance of such tumors increases.
  7. Intrauterine contraceptives. Not all women accept the use of condoms. Therefore, they use different protection, which allows you to secure sexual intercourse. If a woman notices that after an intrauterine device has been installed in her, her menstruation has changed the volume and nature of the discharge, then it is urgent to get rid of such a remedy. Thus, the body rejects the foreign body, so the woman will have to look for alternative solutions to problems.
  8. Problems with blood clotting. If a girl is diagnosed with von Willebrand's disease, then she will have strong periods. The fact is that with violations of blood clotting, the lining of the uterus during menstruation turns into an open bleeding wound. And such a situation can be quite dangerous for the health and life of a woman.

Etiology of the disease

What are the other reasons?

  1. Emotional condition. Everything in the human body is interconnected. If a woman's lifestyle is such that she constantly has to experience stress, anxiety or other negative emotions, then she may have serious problems with menstruation. If your period is strong, then you should pay attention to your life and work.
  2. Changes in the environment. Abundant menstruation can be a reaction of the body to stress, but not psychological, but external. A change in season or weather, moving to a different climate zone - all this can provoke changes in the menstrual cycle. And here we mean not only the volume of secretions, but also changes at the beginning and end of the cycle.
  3. genetic predisposition. If there is too much discharge from the very first menstruation, then it is quite possible that this problem is transmitted from mother to daughter. As such, no treatment is required.
  4. Loads. If the lifestyle is associated with constant physical exertion, or shortly before the onset of menstruation, the woman had to endure serious stress, then this may affect the discharge.
  5. Childbirth. After a woman gives birth to a child, she may experience heavy periods. The pathological situation will not be only if the menstruation lasts no longer than a week and the discharge does not have a bright scarlet color.

As is clear from all of the above, the causes of heavy periods can be completely different. Some of them do not pose any threat, while others need to be given special attention. But to find out why heavy periods have arisen, you should seek help from a doctor. It may turn out that a diagnosis will be immediately made at a gynecological examination and it will be enough for a woman to undergo a course of drug therapy to solve the problem. In other cases, more serious and qualified assistance may be needed. The effectiveness of treatment always depends on the timely response of the patient to his condition.

Form of pathology

This disease can be primary or secondary. In the first case, the disease occurs in still very young girls, when they have their first menstruation and the cycle is just developing. This is due to the fact that at this age there is a restructuring of the hormonal background, due to which it becomes unstable.

In the second case, adult women who have a constant menstrual cycle already suffer. And here the situation is more dangerous, since strong periods can indicate serious disorders in the body.

Regardless of the age at which menorrhagia occurs, a girl or woman should seek medical help. This is especially necessary if heavy periods occur regularly. The fact is that hypermenstrual syndrome provokes a lack of hemoglobin in the blood, and this will already significantly worsen well-being, up to the onset of anemia. Therefore, it is better not to play with your health, but to seek help from a specialist.

Diagnostics and therapeutic measures

To establish the causes of heavy periods, a woman needs to seek help from a gynecologist. He will examine the inside of the vagina and external genitalia. To collect as much information as possible, the specialist may prescribe the following examinations:

  • biopsy;
  • ultrasound procedure;
  • hyperoscopy;
  • scraping;
  • taking blood tests and smears.

All this will make it possible to understand, in such a volume and whether it is provoked by an ectopic pregnancy or fibroma. The doctor will tell you what to do in such a situation, since depending on what the tests show, therapy is prescribed.

As for the treatment of menorrhagia, the following methods of assistance can be used here:

  1. If the problem lies in the hormonal imbalance, then the woman will have to undergo medical treatment. She will have to take combined oral hormonal contraceptives for a long time. This will saturate her body with female sex hormones, which will reduce the production of menstrual blood. It helps prevent endometriosis. In each case, drugs are selected individually.
  2. If the problem is inflammation, then the effect is with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs. When menstruation is very strong, physiotherapy may be additionally prescribed.
  3. When menorrhagia is caused by the growth of endometrial tissue, the woman is given an intrauterine system with levonorgestrel. This allows you to reduce the thickness of the endometrium, which means that the volume of menstrual blood will become much less.

Surgical methods are used only in difficult cases.

These include: trauma to the genital organs, physiological pathologies, the occurrence of iron-containing anemia, fibroma. The operation also helps with recurrence of existing diseases or if conservative methods have not given a positive result.

It also happens, of course, that the examination of women does not reveal any serious violations. In this case, the doctor may advise using alternative treatment methods. With the problem of menorrhagia, decoctions and tinctures from such herbs as nettle, burnet, shepherd's purse and yarrow help to cope. The remedy is drunk 3-4 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. They must be taken during and after menstruation so that the course of treatment takes 2 weeks. But it is worth knowing that such options help only if there is no serious illness.

In fact, if during menstruation you provide yourself with a sparing regimen and include iron-containing foods in your diet as much as possible, you can avoid the appearance of menorrhagia. Such measures will help the body to be in good shape, which means that menstruation will be painless. But if alarming symptoms and uncomfortable conditions begin to appear, then it is better not to joke with your health, but to immediately seek qualified help.

Abundant periods can be an indicator of individual characteristics or a pathological condition. In addition to causing physical discomfort, they are often a cause for concern. Women should know what the abundance of blood discharge depends on and what to do with strong periods. First of all, you need to contact a specialist for a detailed examination. The doctor will help determine the causes of heavy periods and prescribe the necessary treatment.

The main reason why menstruation is abundant is the pathological conditions of the uterus. Blood during critical days is released due to contractions of this organ. In a healthy state, they are rhythmic and intense, therefore.

The diseased uterus contracts weakly, the muscles cannot hold the discharge, so the woman develops, or, as they are commonly called in medicine, menorrhagia. Common pathologies of the uterus that affect the amount of discharge include:

  • benign or malignant neoplasms - fibroids, polyps;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • adenomyosis;
  • diseases of the cervix.

pregnancy related

Menstruation, which is accompanied by profuse blood loss, may be associated with pregnancy and appears in such cases:

  1. During childbearing. It is not uncommon, but it is not considered the norm either, because it is often a symptom of a miscarriage.
  2. With an ectopic pregnancy, when the embryo ruptures the fallopian tube.
  3. As a result of a surgical abortion.
  4. . The first menstruation can be heavy, especially if before pregnancy the menstrual flow was very strong due to the individual characteristics of the woman or the birth was complicated.

The first month and a half after childbirth, the body is cleansed and restored. This process is accompanied by abundant blood secretions - lochia.

Diseases of the cervix

If menstruation is characterized by a large amount of lost blood, then they can be a symptom of cervical diseases such as:

  1. Polyps are neoplasms that are easily injured and bleed, thereby increasing the abundance of secretions.
  2. Cancer tumors - provoke the release of large amounts of estrogen, which affects the amount of blood. Its color is bright, often scarlet.
  3. Endometriosis is an abnormal growth of mucous tissue that flakes off and comes out in the form of secretions, increasing blood volume.
  4. - Covering the mucous membrane of the cervix with ulcers that can bleed.

Diseases of the body of the uterus

Very heavy menstruation can occur due to pathologies of the body of the uterus. The most common are:

  1. Uterine fibroids - refers to benign tumors that appear in women of childbearing age.
  2. Adenomyosis is an abnormal growth of the endometrium (internal mucous tissue of the uterus) and its ingrowth into the muscle tissue of the organ. It is most common in women who have given birth in their 30s and 40s. This dysfunction of the endometrium provokes very heavy menstrual bleeding. It develops against the background of hormonal disruptions, but the etiology of the disease has not yet been fully investigated.
  3. Endometritis - inflammatory processes in the mucous tissue of the uterus, the most important symptom is the violation of the menstrual cycle, in particular the fact that the blood is released more intensively.
  4. Polyps - increase bleeding in the same way as formations in the neck.
  5. Malignant tumors.

If there is a combination of diseases, then the unpleasant symptoms increase. For example, in practice it occurs quite often and requires close medical attention.

Reasons not related to the uterus

Abundant menstruation can be caused by causes not related to diseases of the uterus and appendages. Most of the pathologies that provoke menorrhagia develop against the background of hormonal imbalance. But sometimes heavy menstruation occurs with violations of the circulatory, endocrine systems, and in some other cases.

Blood pathology

If a woman has genetic or acquired problems with blood clotting, then the cycle is characterized by certain features:

  • heavy periods are observed due to the fact that the blood does not have time to clot;
  • menstruation is longer and can last 7–10 days.

In addition to the fact that poor clotting manifests itself monthly during critical days, it is noticeable with mechanical injuries of the skin, manifested by nosebleeds and bleeding gums.

The causes of this pathological condition are most often medications and a deficiency of essential trace elements.

Anovulatory bleeding

Abundant menstruation also occurs with anovulatory uterine bleeding. The normal menstrual cycle consists of 2 phases:

  1. Rejection of the endometrium and restoration of tissues for readiness for fertilization - begins on the 1st day of menstruation. At the same time, the egg matures in the ovaries, after which it is released from the follicle into the fallopian tube, provoked by the release of the maximum amount of luteinizing hormone.
  2. Formation in place of the follicle of the corpus luteum, which secretes progesterone. Ideal conditions are created for the fertilization of the egg: the growth of the endometrium slows down, the surface layer increases. Shortly before menstruation, the amount of the hormone decreases, the endometrium stops growing, oxygen supply is disturbed in it, the cells die and come out with menstrual blood.

With an anovulatory cycle, ovulation is absent, respectively, the corpus luteum is not formed and normal hormonal changes do not occur. In this regard, the endometrium does not stop growing and it becomes abnormally large. Abundant bleeding is the result of rejection and release of this layer.

An anovulatory cycle occurs in isolated cases in healthy women under the influence of external factors. Most often it happens:

  • in certain age periods - during puberty or menopause;
  • in special conditions - after childbirth and during breastfeeding;
  • in stressful situations for the body - nervous tension, sudden weight loss, physical and emotional exhaustion;
  • with pathologies - infertility, inflammatory processes, endocrine disorders, disorders of the nervous system, genetic and congenital diseases.

Reproductive system disorder

Anovulatory bleeding is common in girls who are in the process of puberty.

Despite the fact that in a teenager such a phenomenon is considered physiological, experts recommend conducting a hormonal study of the pituitary and hypothalamus systems to exclude a pathological anovulatory cycle.

Its main symptoms are:

  • basal temperature that does not change at the second stage of the cycle (during and after ovulation) - in a healthy state, it grows;
  • previous amenorrhea;
  • too abundant or prolonged (up to 15 days) discharge;
  • periods leading to anemia.

Weight problems

Bleeding during menstruation can occur due to sudden weight loss or weight gain. Strict diets do not provide for the presence of all trace elements and vitamins necessary for women's health, so the possibility of hormonal failure is not excluded.

Excessive fullness is often the result of a disorder of the endocrine system and hormonal imbalance, against the background of which most often there are heavy periods.

According to statistics, most often excessive bleeding during menstruation occurs in girls who lose weight on sour-milk mono-diets. Kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese affect blood clotting, thinning it.


Menstruation is more abundant than usual, may be the result of short-term or prolonged stress. Experiences and emotional upheavals affect the release of hormones, which can lead to imbalances.


Most of the causes of heavy periods are associated with diseases caused by a malfunction of the endocrine glands. All of them are accompanied by a violation of the normal hormonal background. The most common are nanism, diabetes insipidus, hypothalamic-pituitary obesity, hyperhydropexic syndrome.

In addition to excessive menstrual bleeding, symptoms of endocrinopathies are weight loss, skin deterioration, apathy, nervous system instability, and headaches.

Iatrogenic causes

Iatrogenic causes of disease include the actions and statements of medical professionals. Among them there are those because of which menstruation is strong. This may be successful or not surgical therapy, the effect on the body of medications, the use of certain contraceptives.

Surgical interventions

Too heavy periods can be the result of surgical interventions. The most common:

  • abortive termination of pregnancy;
  • scraping residues after miscarriages;
  • C-section;
  • damage to the uterus during childbirth and its correction.

Taking medications

If menstruation is very abundant, you need to pay attention to the recently taken medications. According to the observations of experts, such a reaction is most often caused by:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • anticoagulants;
  • antiplatelet agents;
  • contraceptives;
  • hormone analogues.

intrauterine device

Very heavy periods can occur after the establishment of such a contraceptive as an intrauterine device. In this case, the discharge should be strictly controlled by a specialist.

Symptoms of heavy periods

It is not so easy to determine on your own which periods are considered abundant, due to some factors:

  • the volume of menstruation is individual and depends on age, genetics, lifestyle and current state of health;
  • the amount of blood during menstruation differs depending on the day of the cycle: on the first day they are plentiful, in the last days - the most meager.

Symptoms of pathological heavy and painful periods, which indicate the need to urgently consult a doctor, are:

  • duration more than 7 days;
  • pain in the lower abdomen and pelvis that does not go away on the second day and later;
  • general deterioration of the condition: headaches and dizziness, loss of consciousness, nosebleeds;
  • elevated body temperature, if inflammatory diseases have become the cause of prolonged heavy periods.

First aid at home

With heavy menstrual bleeding, it is necessary to take the following measures:

  1. Control your psycho-emotional state, because experiences can only aggravate the situation.
  2. Try to observe physical rest and lie down more often, while the legs should be slightly higher than the body.
  3. Eat healthy foods, in particular foods rich in B vitamins and folic acid (nuts, bananas, legumes, tuna, beef liver). Coffee and alcohol these days are recommended to be excluded - at least in the first 4 days of menstruation.
  4. Take vitamin complexes. Take medication prescribed by a specialist.

Special medicines that can stop the blood, such as Dicinon, will help make periods less plentiful. It is recommended to take the drug only after the approval of the doctor.

In addition, there are traditional medicine: decoctions of red raspberry leaves, comfrey, shepherd's purse. To prepare them, you need to pour a teaspoon of dry grass with a glass of boiling water and hold in a water bath for 10 minutes.

Taking drugs and herbs is not a therapy, they only relieve the symptom of heavy discharge.

If strong periods are one-time, then they may indicate non-dangerous temporary changes in the body.

The reason to seek help from specialists is abundant painful menstruation, which are repeated for several cycles in a row and do not grow thin on the 5th day of the cycle. It is important to undergo an examination, determine the cause and apply competent treatment.

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