Folk remedies for insomnia for women: what will help normalize sleep. What herbs you can drink for insomnia - real grandmother's recipes

There are many reasons for insomnia. Stress, a strict diet, a monotonous diet, hormonal imbalance, physical activity just before bedtime - all this can interfere with a serene night's rest. Some herbs have sedative properties and can improve your sleep. In particular, these are chamomile, St. John's wort, valerian and some other less well-known herbal remedies.

Sedative properties are also characteristic of lavender essential oil. A relaxing bath with a few drops of this oil is an excellent preparation for sleep.


Passiflora, or passion flower ( Passiflora incarnata), treats insomnia, reduces anxiety, fights seizures and various nervous disorders. Similar to valerian, this herb increases GABA levels in the brain.

Scientists from the University of Maryland say that the side effects of passionflower are less pronounced than those of valerian or kava herb (intoxicating pepper).


This herb has been used to treat depression since ancient Greece. Chinese healers used motherwort to treat their patients with insomnia. The Romans also knew about its sedative properties.

Motherwort tea is best, but be aware that it affects blood clotting and, in rare cases, causes stomach upset.

Cat mint

Chinese medicine has been using catnip for over 2,000 years, including to combat insomnia. And the European Aesculapius of the Middle Ages treated scarlet fever with its help.

American herbalist Phyllis Balch says that catnip contains special chemicals - isomers of nepetalactone with a sedative effect.

Pepper intoxicating

Completes the list of popular herbal sleeping pills intoxicating pepper, or just kava. This herb is especially effective for sleep disorders and increased anxiety caused by hormonal changes in the female body (menopause). But without medical supervision, you should not take it, as there is a risk of liver damage.

Along with herbs, the most seemingly simple and obvious actions can help in the fight against insomnia. Get outdoors more, do some yoga, use the calming power of essential oils before bed, go to bed at the same time, include foods rich in B vitamins in your diet. And sweet dreams to you!

Women are more prone to stress than men, this is due to the high sensitivity and susceptibility, as well as the characteristics of the female body. Against the background of everyday fatigue, nervousness and loss of healthy sleep develop. Traditional medicine offers herbs for insomnia for women - natural remedies for restoring sleep. What herbs are considered the safest? How to take herbal preparations correctly?

Herbs that help fight insomnia in women - motherwort, valerian, lavender and others

Herbs for insomnia: list and contraindications

Medicines of natural origin are considered more gentle than synthetic drugs. However, it is recommended to use them only after consultation with your doctor.

Herbs used in the treatment of insomnia:

  • motherwort;
  • Melissa;
  • chamomile;
  • mint;
  • lavender;
  • valerian.

Decoctions and infusions based on motherwort are effective remedies for insomnia. But they are contraindicated in pregnancy (cause uterine contractions), ulcerative gastritis, hypotension.

To prepare a decoction 1 tbsp. l. herbs are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 1.5-2 hours. Filter the drink, add water to it and drink ½ cup before going to bed.

Melissa, chamomile, mint have a calming effect on the nervous system, increase immunity. Their use has practically no contraindications (with the exception of individual intolerance).

A collection of herbs for insomnia, which has in its composition mint, chamomile and lemon balm, can be consumed in the form of tea every day. To prepare a decoction in a deep bowl, mix 1 tbsp. l. each of the herbs, pour 2 cups of boiling water.

Tea is infused for an hour, filtered through a sieve before drinking.

Take the infusion daily, no more than 3 times a day, pouring half a glass of broth and topping it up with hot water

Lavender oil is used in aromatherapy to relieve tension. But no less useful and effective in the fight against insomnia is a decoction of grass and lavender flowers.

To prepare tea from aromatic herbs, pour a teaspoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes. Take a decoction 3 times a day. Lavender tea is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Valerian root has a pronounced sedative effect, increases drowsiness. In the treatment of insomnia, a root extract (tablets, alcohol tincture) is used, as well as a decoction based on dry raw materials. To prepare it, 2 tablespoons of chopped root are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water.

The container with the drink is tightly closed and wrapped, the broth is infused for 4 hours. Drink tea 3 times a day, 100 ml each, adding 1 tsp. honey.

Phytotherapy for insomnia is no less effective than drug treatment. But remember that the use of herbs is possible only after consulting a doctor.

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If a person has a persistent dislike for drugs, herbal medicine is the best solution. Herbs gently and effectively affect the human body. Using herbs that calm the nervous system, you can solve many problems, including nervous tension, insomnia.

In contact with

The causes of overexcitation can be varied:

  • frequent stress, overwork;
  • constant conflicts;
  • character traits;
  • some mental illnesses;
  • chronic diseases;
  • headaches;
  • anxiety;
  • a state of depression;
  • the habit of working hard;
  • low self-esteem;
  • poor nutrition;
  • sleep disturbances, chronic sleep deprivation.

Interesting! Lack of sleep can be both a cause and a consequence: little sleep - the nervous system is overstrained, problems with the nervous system - insomnia.

With nervous strain, you should not immediately run for potent pills. You can try to relieve overexcitation with the help of herbal decoctions. The following 7 herbs are suitable for soothing sleep:

  • mint dilates blood vessels and relieves stress, normalizes sleep;
  • lemon balm calms, removes irritability and acts as a light sleeping pill;
  • motherwort helps to fall asleep quickly, helps to eliminate various nervous diseases;
  • chamomile, in addition to a positive effect on the nervous system, relaxes the muscles;
  • thyme normalizes sleep patterns and blood circulation in the brain;
  • yarrow saves from strong nervous shocks, tantrums;
  • oregano has a hypnotic effect and relieves pain, relieves irritability.

Important. All herbs should be purchased at a pharmacy or grown at home, in the country. It cannot be guaranteed that the herbs growing somewhere in the forests, fields do not contain something harmful. Especially if you drive along the highway and collect them along the road.

The process of taking a bath in itself has a relaxing effect, and with the right selection of herbs, the effectiveness will increase several times. These 7 herbs are perfect for baths:

  • horsetail relaxes muscles and calms the brain;
  • any coniferous branches or cones will relieve irritability, overexcitation;
  • hawthorn helps to get rid of nervous disorders;
  • dill has a quick calming effect;
  • sage relieves fatigue and gives strength;
  • motherwort has a hypnotic effect, relieves symptoms of depression and nervousness;
  • lavender helps to normalize sleep patterns.

Worth remembering! The correct proportions must be observed, otherwise, instead of being useful, such a bath can be dangerous and harmful to health.

You can buy goods in pharmacies not only with herbs, but also with ready-made herbal preparations, as well as herbal medicines. But do not forget that despite the apparent safety, you should not get carried away, you need to drink soothing herbs and pills according to the instructions.

Soothing herbal medicines and herbal preparations from the pharmacy:

  1. Motherwort tablets or tincture.
  2. Peony tincture should be taken by patients suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  3. Valerian tincture is an excellent natural sleeping pill.
  4. Negrustin, Neuroplant, Deprim - drugs based on St. John's wort.
  5. Persen will help with severe overvoltage, stress, insomnia. Consists of mint, valerian root and lemon balm.
  6. Novopassit consists of St. John's wort, hop cones, valerian, passionflower, lemon balm, hawthorn, elderberry with guaifenesin. It is necessary for anxiety, chronic fatigue and overexcitation.
  7. Herbal collections of phytosedans No. 2 and 3: motherwort, mint, thyme, hops, licorice, oregano, valerian root, sweet clover. Normalize sleep, soothe after a nervous strain.
  8. Dormiplant contains lemon balm and valerian. Promotes early sleep and relaxes the central nervous system.
  9. Phytohypnosis makes sleep calm and deep, relieves spasms. Consists of escholcia, passionflower, green oats.
  10. Alora contains an extract of stratotsvet, passionflower. It is used for stress during menopause, relieves cramps.
  11. Herbion is sold in the form of drops, consists of lemon balm, valerian, peppermint and hop cones. Needed with a sharp anxiety, overexcitability, inability to sleep.

Herbs can be used to prepare teas, decoctions, infusions, baths, compresses, and even pillows for sleeping.

How to make a pillow:

  1. Collect fresh hop cones and dry them.
  2. Fill them with an old unnecessary pillowcase.
  3. Use in place of a regular pillow. If uncomfortable, you can put it under the usual pillow or on it.

Sleeping Tea Recipe:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. herbs: valerian, motherwort, mint, lemon balm, chamomile.
  2. Pour 2 cups hot water, bring to a boil.
  3. Cool and drink 1 glass half an hour before bedtime.
  4. You can add 1 tsp. honey - it also has a calming effect, and also contains many vitamins.

Calming tea recipe:

  1. Mix 3 tsp. green tea, 2 tsp. mint, linden, St. John's wort.
  2. Cover with 1 liter of boiling water and insist in a thermos for half an hour.
  3. Drink 1 glass three times a day.
  4. It is allowed to eat 1 tsp with tea. honey.

Relaxing bath:

  1. For an hour, insist 0.5 kg of needles in 1 liter of water, then boil for 10 minutes.
  2. Pour the resulting broth into a ready-made warm bath.
  3. Lie down for 20 to 40 minutes.
  4. After the bath, without taking a shower, go to bed and drink a soothing warm tea.

What herbs can be used during pregnancy

Many things are contraindicated for pregnant women, including some herbs. But there is a list of those that are allowed and used to relieve the CNS overstrain of the expectant mother. These include:

  • valerian;
  • motherwort;
  • hawthorn;
  • Linden;
  • mint;
  • Melissa;
  • chamomile.

Do not abuse even herbs, it can adversely affect the child. You can not drink even the lightest herbal tea without first consulting with your doctor.

In order for the treatment of the nervous system with herbs to be effective, it is necessary to combine them correctly. It is necessary to select herbs that are suitable for a specific problem: what contributes to quick falling asleep does not always help relieve overexertion.

About herbs for sound sleep in the video:

Sound and healthy sleep plays a fundamental role for women's health, beauty and attitude in general. A prolonged sleep disorder leads to a state of chronic fatigue, apathy, irritability and a number of irreversible consequences for the female body. Folk remedies for insomnia for women are able to normalize the emotional state, restore vitality, stabilize metabolic processes, give relaxation, relieve anxiety and worries.

It's no secret that the less medication a person takes, the less harm he does to the body. The chemical composition of drugs has a pathogenic effect on a particular system of the human body, even if you do not notice it, but on the contrary, you feel better and healthier. Many drugs cause addiction and painful "withdrawal" syndromes when you try to stop taking. It is not surprising that people who care about their health prefer folk remedies to combat sleep disorders.

Some over-the-counter drugs calm the nervous system well, relieve irritability and irritability, but their effect is rather slow and effective only with minor disorders: Motherwort and Valerian tinctures.

Modern pharmaceutical companies offer many herbal medicines for insomnia, including: Afobazol, Persen, Novo-Passit.

Also, there are prescription drugs of synthetic origin that have a more powerful effect, while not always safe for the nervous system: Phenibut, Melaxen, Dormiplant.

Official medicine has in its arsenal a cure for any disease, but in practice, they are not always effective and useful. Taking pills for insomnia is the most extreme way out, because you can successfully normalize sleep with the help of proven traditional medicine recipes.

Traditional methods of insomnia therapy

Insomnia in women can be triggered by a number of life factors. Most often, these are stressful situations, depression and obsessive-compulsive disorders, poor nutrition, addictions, strict diets and the presence of any pathologies. In any of these cases, the use of folk recipes will not have a negative effect on the body.

Honey therapy

In folk medicine, honey has been used for sleep disorders since ancient times. This absolutely harmless remedy has a hypnotic effect, is instantly absorbed and quickly affects the body, calming and relaxing.

Recipe 1

Vitamin cocktail of honey and walnuts 10 minutes before bedtime. You will need 3 tablespoons of honey and the same amount of chopped walnuts. Mix these ingredients and pour the mixture with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Once again, thoroughly mix all the ingredients and take 3 teaspoons orally before going to bed. If desired, you can drink the medicinal mixture with warm water.

Recipe 2

The classic recipe for honey sleeping pills using kefir. Take a glass of warm yogurt and dip one and a half tablespoons of honey into it, stir well. Drink this drink just before falling asleep and you can be sure that you will have a sound sleep.

Recipe 3

To prepare, prepare apple cider vinegar (4 teaspoons) and honey (half a glass), mix the ingredients and take 3 teaspoons of the mixture 20 minutes before bedtime. If you often wake up in the middle of the night, you can also drink a similar amount of honey-vinegar paste. This remedy has a strong sedative effect due to the interaction of vinegar and honey.

Healing herbal preparations

Herbs for women that help with insomnia can not only improve the process of falling asleep, improve the quality of sleep, but also stabilize the mental state, since these processes are inextricably linked.

Recipe 1

Necessary components of the collection: mint leaves (40 g), valerian root (30 g), dried hop cones (30 g), motherwort shoots (20 g).

Dip 20 g of the resulting collection into a glass of boiling water, then, using a water bath, heat the mixture for 20 minutes, then let the drink cool, strain through a strainer, and add clean water to the original volume. Take folk medicine for half a glass, 4 times a day.

Recipe 2

Ingredients of the healing drink: valerian rhizome (30 g), hop cones (20 g), chamomile inflorescences (30 g), lemon balm leaves (20 g). Pour boiling water (500 g) 1 large spoonful of mixed natural raw materials, let it brew for 40 minutes, strain through cheesecloth or a sieve. Drink an infusion of 150 ml three times a day and your nerves will be in order, and your sleep will be restored.

Herbal monotherapy

The use of herbs and plants in the treatment of insomnia has no actual contraindications, the main thing is that the natural ingredients are correctly selected and applied. In rare cases, individual intolerance to certain components may occur, so it is important to carefully monitor the reactions of your body to a particular folk remedy.

Recipe 1

Infusion from the rhizomes of wormwood. Take 30 g of dry raw materials from the roots of the grass, pour 250 ml of boiling water over them, put in a dark place and let it brew for 40 minutes. Then, strain the resulting infusion and take half a glass inside, three times a day, before meals.

Recipe 2

Take 1 tablespoon of dried dill and seeds, pour 350 ml of boiling water and leave to brew for 20 minutes. Drink a healing drink 3 times a day, half a glass.

Recipe 3

To prepare a folk remedy for insomnia, we need 3 teaspoons of crushed hop cones. Pour vegetable raw materials with 250 ml of hot water. Wrap the container with a towel and let it brew for 3 hours, then, using a strainer, strain the infusion. You should drink 1 glass for the next dream.

Recipe 4

Miraculous wine broth with dill. Prepare 60 g of dill seeds and pour them into a saucepan with wine. You can use any red, dry wine for these purposes. Turn on low heat and boil the seeds for 25 minutes. After that, wrap the pan with a towel and leave for 2.5 hours. Squeeze out the resulting product and strain. Drink wine infusion 10 minutes before bedtime, 70 ml each. Your sleep will be strong and restful.

Recipe 5

Infusion based on valerian roots. Dry, crushed valerian rhizomes (2 tbsp.) Determine in a container for preparing the infusion and pour boiling water (500 ml). The recommended infusion time is 8 hours. Medicinal drink should be drunk 4 times a day, 15 minutes before meals.

An effective method of combating insomnia is taking therapeutic baths. This procedure has a relaxing effect, especially if natural ingredients are added to the water. The most effective result is given by baths with the use of hop cones, lemon balm, valerian and essential oils. Try to stay in a warm bath for no more than half an hour in the evening. It is desirable that about 2 hours have passed since the last meal.

Loss of sleep in vegetative neuroses

Autonomic neurosis is a set of pathological syndromes that indicates dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. A proven folk recipe, the main component of which is blood red hawthorn, will help to suppress the painful symptoms of this condition.

For cooking, we need dry hawthorn berries, in the amount of 2 tablespoons. Pour the fruits into a container and pour 250 ml of boiling water. The berries need time to infuse (3 hours), and for a greater effect, you can put the container in the oven, wrapping it in a towel. After some time, carefully strain the drink and drink 2 tablespoons, three times a day, 20 minutes before meals.

This recipe perfectly copes with the painful manifestations of menopause in women, symptoms of hypertension and vegetative-neurotic pathologies.

If the cause of insomnia is a headache.

Severe migraines can also be treated with folk recipes. Consider the most effective of them:

Recipe 1

Prepare 2 tbsp. l. dried oregano and 1 tbsp. l. peppermint. Pour the components with 500 ml of hot water and leave in a dark place for 45 minutes. Drink one glass three times a day. Contraindications for admission are pregnant women.

Recipe 2

For cooking, it is necessary to insist the root of elecampane in boiling water for 7 hours. The proportions are as follows: 2 teaspoons of dried raw materials per 250 ml of water. Be sure to strain. Tincture to use a quarter cup, 25 minutes before a meal, 3 times a day.

Herbal sleep pillow

This way of normalizing sleep came to us from ancient times. After filling the pillow with various herbs, you will feel the delicate aroma of dried plants, which will have a calming effect on the nervous system and give you a long-awaited relaxation.

For insomnia, the following fillers are used: hops, oregano, lemon balm, pharmacy chamomile. It is not difficult to prepare a healing pillow on your own. Collect inflorescences and leaves of plants in the spring and summer, and then dry them. If insomnia bothers you in winter, then just buy the necessary medicinal herbs at the pharmacy. Your sleeping accessory can be either single-component or filled with several types of herbs.

Essential oils for insomnia

With difficult falling asleep and intermittent sleep, the following types of essential oils are most effective: lavender, cypress, juniper, cedar, orange. At the same time, you can combine different types of oils with each other.

Essential compositions are applicable for massage, aromatization of the room using a diffuser or aroma lamp. Also, do not forget to add the essential concentrate to the bath. Such baths are allowed to be taken every other day. You can apply a few drops of oil to the temporal region or drip on the corner of bed linen.


This non-pharmacological method of insomnia therapy is characterized by music therapy. The essence of this technique includes listening to special music converted from the patient's electroencephalogram. Modern possibilities of computer processing make it possible to obtain a special melody from the diagnostic results of fluctuations in the electrical activity of the patient's brain. "Music of the brain", as a method of treating insomnia, anxiety and stress, has a certified certificate of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Music therapy does not provoke side effects and, along with its high efficiency, can rightfully be considered one of the most effective, official methods of treating insomnia and a number of other neuropsychiatric pathologies.


An innovative method of non-drug treatment of sleep disorders, used in stationary conditions. The essence of this method lies in the impact of bright light (solar or artificial sources) on the patient's brain systems. Thanks to phototherapy, it is possible to reconfigure the course of the biological clock by exposing the human neurotransmitter receptors and systems responsible for the production of serotonin, norepinephrine and other components of neurotransmitter metabolism to light rays.


Psychotherapeutic methods of treating insomnia come to the rescue in cases where a person is unable to cope with the problem on his own.

For the treatment of the disease, psychiatrists use various approaches and diagnostic methods, the main of which is cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. The specialist will acquaint the patient with hygiene and the regime of sleep and rest, help to establish and adjust the rest regime, give valuable recommendations on controlling thoughts and anxiety.

Diet for insomnia

It is important for women suffering from sleep disorders to carefully review their regimen and diet. How to eat to restore healthy sleep?

  • fill your menu with fresh herbs, fruit and vegetable salads;
  • reduce salt intake as much as possible;
  • include walnuts and raisins in your diet for insomnia;
  • make it a rule to regularly eat oranges and carrots;
  • berries, in particular strawberries and blackberries, will help bring the nervous system into harmony;
  • do not drink coffee in the afternoon, but before going to bed, give preference to warm milk with honey.

An integrated approach is important in the treatment of insomnia. In addition to the use of herbs and infusions, it is important to pay attention to your lifestyle and eating behavior. It can be dangerous to resort to the help of sleeping pills, due to the development of dependence on the drug. The best solution is the traditional recipes of traditional healers, combined with the correct daily routine and nutrition system.

Prolonged insomnia can be a real torment! It takes strength, does not allow a person to fully relax, and worsens the general condition of the whole organism.

The insomniac sufferer becomes nervous, irritable, feels constantly tired and cannot concentrate on his daily activities and work. I want one thing - just to fall asleep, but sleep becomes a luxury that one can only dream of. When sleep is disturbed, immunity is weakened, and a person often gets sick, chronic diseases become aggravated.

What are the causes of sleep disturbance?

Long-term stress, hormonal imbalance, a strict diet or too monotonous diet, high physical activity before bedtime can cause insomnia. It is possible to overcome insomnia, and it is not at all necessary to do this with the help of medications, which can not only give negative side effects, but also addiction. And this means that their doses will have to be increased all the time, driving yourself into a vicious circle of problems.

The benefits of phytotherapy. Medicinal tinctures for insomnia

Today, according to sociological data, every fifth person suffers from insomnia or sleep disorders to one degree or another. And this problem concerns not only the elderly, but also middle-aged people, women and men, and equally, children.

What remedies will help overcome insomnia? Should I just go to the pharmacy and ask for "sleep pills"? Is it worth it to see a doctor, or is it better to pay attention to herbs for insomnia, the decoctions of which have a milder effect than chemical preparations?

The range of herbal medicines today is very large, and tea for insomnia can consist of one herb, or be a collection of herbs, each component of which complements and enhances its effectiveness. Medicinal herbs or a collection of herbs used in this case, first of all, have a calming effect on the nervous system and allow you to relax, get rid of nervous tension, but it can also relieve painful spasms, relieve headaches or migraines caused by stress.

Herbs for insomnia, and how to collect such herbs correctly, were also known by our grandmothers, who preferred such treatment. Herbs have always helped to solve the problems of poor sleep, and not only decoctions were used, but also tinctures, evening baths with herbs.

Herbs to help with sleep disorders

The most famous and used medicinal herbs for the treatment of sleep problems are: motherwort, chamomile, wormwood, lemon balm, poppy, oregano, dandelion root, peony, hawthorn fruit, St. John's wort, poppy, mint, hop cones, blue cyanosis, passionflower, magnolia bark, lavender, Baikal skullcap, and Ivan tea. With the right dosage, they will not only help restore a good and sound sleep, but also relieve tension, restoring harmony and lightness to your thoughts.

Of these, only poppy is a dangerous drug that can develop addiction, and you should not drink it without a doctor's prescription.

Home Remedies to Improve Sleep Quality

For women with a higher emotionality, the situation with poor sleep is more common. And in their first aid kit there are always such sedatives as: tincture of valerian, lily of the valley or motherwort. Also, universal in its properties - chamomile is always used by mothers, as a soft decoction, for the best sleep of too active babies. Melissa, like mint, is added to tea to improve its taste. But many do not know that this herb helps to restore sleep.

The herb for insomnia is used as an insomnia tincture, tea, compress, bath in aromatherapy, or as a decoction. Each of the herbs has its own characteristics and norms. Baikal skullcap is best taken as a tincture. Valerian can be used both in drops and in tablet form, and is rarely prepared on its own, like motherwort. But if you still bought valerian roots, they are poured with cold water and insisted for five hours. Patrinia is insisted in the same way. Mint or lemon balm, chamomile - added to tea or brewed instead of tea, and drunk with a teaspoon of honey. You can add these herbs to the bath and soak in it before going to bed. Such baths are a pleasure for women, which means that the treatment of insomnia will be pleasant! Used to treat sleep problems and wormwood, which is included in the soothing collection. Lavender helps not only with sleep problems, but also with nervous disorders, which can also cause insomnia.

What tools are right for you? How to choose your herbal collection?

If you are spinning for a long time and cannot find a comfortable place to sleep, and falling asleep takes hours, then you better take a collection of valerian root, sweet clover, oregano, hawthorn fruit. It also includes motherwort, chamomile.

If you have a light sleep, and you often wake up, and then you cannot fall asleep for a long time, the best collection for you is evading peony and oregano, valerian, dandelion root, St. John's wort.

For those who, upon waking up, no longer sleep until morning, or sleep little, need a collection of herbs such as oregano, fireweed leaf, motherwort, primrose root, elecampane, hop cones, lavender, juniper berries, sweet clover.

With increased drowsiness, when a person feels lethargic and sluggish during the day, and at the same time sleeps badly at night, it is better to use such a useful collection of herbs as - yarrow, St. John's wort, leuzea root, tansy flowers, mint, agrimony, angelica and chicory ,

Top 7 herbs for insomnia

These herbs are the most popular and effective for sleep problems, and their decoctions are taken both in collections and on their own. These include: chamomile, mint, motherwort, St. John's wort, Ivan tea, lemon balm, wormwood and lavender. They are harmless, but they should not be taken in large quantities. First of all, make a decoction of the herb and drink a small dose of it to make sure you are not allergic or intolerant to it. And only after that it can be used for a course of treatment.

Sleep disturbance has many causes. And having found out them, one should approach the treatment of insomnia in a complex manner, using all means. To do this, before going to bed, try to put all your daily problems out of your head, with the calmness of Scarlett Oh, Hara, the heroine of the famous novel Gone with the Wind, who always said: "I'll think about it tomorrow!". Be sure to ventilate the room before going to bed so that the air in it is fresh. Do not look at night - "horror stories" or thrillers, which can later cause nightmares.
Pamper yourself with a warm bath with aromatic oils and herbal teas that will not only help you calm down and relax, but also take care of the beauty of your skin.

Make yourself an herbal decoction, and take it from two weeks to a month. After a month break, the course can be repeated, or just drip yourself a motherwort if you feel a strong nervous tension that lasts more than one day. You can also use bags of herbs that are sewn into the pillow.

Use the means that are most pleasant for you, and they will definitely return you to a good sleep! But most importantly - try to reduce the state of stress, which is probably the main cause of insomnia!

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