What are the bad badies. BAD - what is it? Are dietary supplements harmful or not? Not a single vitamin

Natural dietary supplements, or dietary supplements, were invented in order to compensate for the body's needs for vitamins and trace elements.

Dietary supplements cannot replace good nutrition

They are also unable to cure or prevent disease. And unreasonable intake of them in large doses can do harm to the body. What are dietary supplements, how are they useful and harmful?

Food, drug or vitamin?

Not being drugs, dietary supplements are an intermediate link between them and food. The official wording defines them as a combination of natural (or identical) active substances intended to be taken with food or incorporated into food products.

What is the difference between dietary supplements and drugs?

By developing a drug, pharmacists partially "delegate" to him some of the "duties" of the cells of the body. Most drugs are synthesized chemically. The order and duration of taking medicines are quite strictly regulated.

Dietary supplements are a "cocktail", all the ingredients of which are predominantly of natural origin.

regulation physiological functions and biochemical reactions Dietary supplements are carried out by eliminating the deficiency of a particular nutrient.

You will learn all the details about how dietary supplements differ from drugs from the video:

An important difference between them and medicines is the order of administration. Many medicines for short span time, the manifestations of an already existing disease are removed. Long-term use of dietary supplements helps to "delay" possible diseases practically healthy people.

What is the difference between dietary supplements and vitamins?

If we talk about artificially synthesized vitamin-mineral complexes (VMC), then, being drugs, they contain therapeutic doses of active substances, which, entering the body with food, play the role of "catalysts" that spur biological processes supporting life energy.

In dietary supplements active substances present at doses that do not provide a therapeutic effect.

In addition, supplements are not only VMK, but also liquid concentrates, instant teas, protein shakes and isolates.

What are they needed for?

Before answering the question, dietary supplements are good or bad, we note the main purpose of their appointment - to balance the diet.

Judge for yourself: modern Agriculture, despite the depletion of the soil, gives a good harvest, which is provided, to a greater extent, by numerous "top dressings". Depleted soil does not have time to "give" the remnants of mineral and other substances to early ripening fruits. The same applies to cattle breeding with the use of numerous animal feed. The result is that the population experiences a deficit of the majority nutrients. And the benefit of dietary supplements is the ability to eliminate this deficiency.

For more information on why dietary supplements are needed, see the video:

Subtleties of classification

Depending on the direction of action, the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences divided dietary supplements into:

  • Nutraceuticals. Recommended for persons without diseases and people with chronic ailments as sources of micro and macro elements, amino acids and proteins, fats, carbohydrates;
  • Parapharmaceutics. complement drug therapy, support the functionality individual bodies and their systems, affect metabolic processes;
  • Eubiotics or probiotics- sources of living microorganisms useful for maintaining the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

How does it work?

Supplementing food, the preparations of each of this groups ensure the improvement of individual systems or the whole organism.

Recovery and "cleansing" of the body

For women, men and children

Are dietary supplements harmful to health?

Despite the many advantages associated with saturation of the body nutrients, Dietary supplements have their drawbacks. They are subject to certification, which means only the absence harmful substances. But with unskilled selection, components of additives that are harmless at first glance can do harm.

So, mint-based preparations threaten a miscarriage in a pregnant woman.
Ephedra herb extract, which is often present in dietary supplements for weight loss, is close in composition to narcotic substances - it is dangerous for hypertensive patients and people with cardiovascular ailments.

Some dietary supplements for weight loss can cause problems with the heart and blood vessels

Taking certain drugs based on herbs with an estrogen-like effect (licorice, red clover) can introduce an imbalance in the hormonal background.

Are dietary supplements with vitamin-mineral complexes harmful?

What such dietary supplements will bring to the body - harm or benefit - depends on the measure. Immoderate doses of drugs with high content fat soluble vitamins(A, E, D and K) inevitably leads to their excessive deposition in the liver.

Excess, for example, beta-carotene, under the influence cigarette smoke launches oxidative processes, the consequences of which can be compared with the detrimental effect of two packs of cigarettes smoked a day!

And uncontrollably swallowing "water-soluble" ascorbic acid, instead of increasing immunity, you can get kidney disease.

The main thing to remember for those who decide to make dietary supplements a part of a healthy lifestyle is that their harm or benefit directly depends on the reliability of the manufacturer. Back in August 2013, Rospotrebnadzor banned the sale of several dozen food additives. Therefore, in order not to fall for the bait of the manufacturers of "pacifiers", visit the official website Federal Service on supervision in the field of consumer protection and human well-being and study the register of dietary supplements that have passed state registration.

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By law, dietary supplements should not contain potent, poisonous and medicinal products. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with dietary supplements. But, as always, there are many "BUTs", and here are some of these "BUTs":

  • One supplement contains several active components, each of which is potentially safe, but no one knows their interaction in the body.
  • The vast majority of people who use dietary supplements do not know the content of the substance in their composition in their body, which can lead to an increase in the content of this substance. Often the lack of any element in the body is a much more benign condition than its overabundance.
  • No one knows for certain the interaction of dietary supplements with drugs that the patient may be using or will use. According to the composition of the dietary supplement, the doctor can only theoretically assume the result of its interaction with the drug.
  • Even a person who considers himself healthy can have some kind of disease. Influence more supplements for the course of the disease has not been studied.

The fact that it is necessary to study the action of bioadditives is beyond doubt, but the vast majority of manufacturers do not conduct any clinical trials of their products, and if they do, these tests do not stand up to criticism, and manufacturers are not interested in these studies: too many funds need to be spent to confirm the effectiveness and safety, and positive result unknown in advance. In the most likely "best" case, the firm will receive next result: the product is safe, but has no therapeutic / preventive effect. Unfortunately, manufacturers prefer to spend money on advertising and promotion, rather than on evidence of the effectiveness and safety of the advertised/promoted product.

We are all sometimes ready to believe in a miracle, especially when we are sick or when we want to lose weight, eating only cakes. This is what unscrupulous manufacturers take advantage of. The thing is that the treatment with dietary supplements, unlike drugs, is not subject to strict state pharmaceutical control, the rules for their registration and certification are simplified, they can be sold anywhere without a prescription. And this provides many loopholes for charlatans, including the ability to promise customers anything without bearing any responsibility for it, while drug advertising is tightly regulated by law.

Main danger dietary supplements in their relative youth (they appeared in the 60s of the 20th century), and, as a result, their effects on the human body are poorly understood. Who knows what consequences in 10-20 years the dietary supplement taken now will cause if it was invented quite recently? Increased dosage even the most useful components can adversely affect the body. There are cases when microelements such as selenium, chromium and cobalt, in case of an overdose, negatively affected the functioning of the kidneys, caused nausea, diarrhea, dry skin and other consequences. The pyrrolizidine alkaloids found in some herbs are toxic to many organs, especially the liver. Therefore, in some countries, coltsfoot, henna, medicinal oxen, butterbur, cross, field sage are withdrawn from use. Chinese herbs the road to pharmacies in the USA, Belgium, Great Britain, and Malaysia is closed. The reason is the same - complications from the kidneys.

Is it possible to lose weight with dietary supplements

Most dietary supplements for body shaping have a hygiene certificate from the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, but this does not mean that a respected institute recommends their use. The certificate only indicates the safety of the drug for health. Clinic doctors medical nutrition IP RAMS believe that dietary supplements for body shaping can only be auxiliary means(along with diet) and should be used in consultation with a nutritionist after necessary analyzes. If you only take pills and do not follow a diet, in best case it will be possible to lose 2-3 percent of the weight, and you can even add kilograms.

In addition, a third of the dietary supplements sold in our country do not bring any benefit, or rather, they are not dietary supplements at all, but slapped on hastily in some unknown LLC or CJSC "dummy". There are some that are completely harmful. For example, about half of those sold on Russian market"diet pills" contain psychotropic and strongly active ingredients. According to experts from the Narcotics Control Board, such pills should not be dispensed without special recipes. In addition, in some types of dietary supplements, substances were found that are prohibited for use, as they belong to the category of drugs. Those “addicted” to such “diet pills” get used to the “fat burner” by the body, and the fat people face a choice: either stop swallowing the pills and immediately get fat with new force or increase the dose.

Dietary supplements in other countries

Most foreign countries there are laws regulating and regulating the distribution of dietary supplements.


In the United States, on October 25, 1994, an Act of the US Congress "On Amendments to the Federal Act on Food, Drugs and Drugs" was adopted. cosmetics with the aim of setting standards in relation to nutritional supplements” (“Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994”). work is administered by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration - the Ministry (Department) for the control of food and drug quality). The FDA monitors the quality of products using a system of 12 independent companies located in different regions of the country and carry out the entire range of work for evaluation, certification, standardization and control.

The Commission on Dietary Supplements exists within the US National Institutes of Health. There are authorities in the country that control certain issues related to dietary supplements, for example, labeling. The sale of dietary supplements and products containing them is carried out in special stores and departments of supermarkets, as well as in pharmacies.

Interestingly, in the United States, labeling for dietary supplements is given a lot of attention. great importance. This is controlled by a special “Commission on Dietary Supplement Labels” consisting of 7 members approved directly by the President of the United States. Members of the commission must be highly qualified specialists in the field of pharmacognosy, medical botany, traditional medicine, production, research, distribution and practical issues of the use of dietary supplements, legislation related to these products. The Commission's primary task is to review label information and make label design recommendations. The Commission may request any amount of money and any information from any Federal Department, Agency, or Commission that it deems appropriate.

FDA policy is aimed at making the consumer decide: dietary supplements have nothing to do with drugs. Therefore, the labels of US supplements may contain very limited information about the purpose of the use of dietary supplements. Only three indications for their use are allowed to be mentioned:

  • the expediency of using dietary supplements to replenish any component in case of its chronic insufficiency,
  • the possibility of restoring with the help of dietary supplements any violations of the structure or function of the human body,
  • goal of recovery.

In addition, the manufacturer is obliged to provide the label with a clear and legible inscription stating that such recommendations are not approved by the FDA and the product is not intended for treatment, prevention, diagnosis, etc. Finally, the manufacturer must, no later than 30 days after appearance of additives on the market to notify their FDA guidelines.


In Germany, the quality of dietary supplements is regulated by two documents - "Regulations on the activities of pharmacies" and "Regulations on the declaration nutritional value". In Austria, for the characteristics of dietary supplements, there is such a definition as "Verzehrproducte" (the average between food products and medicines). Their sale is carried out after the appropriate certification.

Legal acts defining the procedure for the circulation of dietary supplements have also been developed in Belgium, the Netherlands and Greece.

How to protect yourself from dietary supplements fakes

  • Buy dietary supplements only in pharmacies. Although there are also fakes there, the probability of fraud is still many times higher for “hands on” traders.
  • Remember that a hygiene certificate is not yet an indicator of the effectiveness of dietary supplements. He only says that in this preparation does not contain harmful substances.
  • Read on the label who designed and manufactured the product. Medical institution, a pharmacological enterprise, a research institute, trust more than an unknown joint-stock company, LLC or CJSC.
  • Pay attention to how many types of dietary supplements are available from this manufacturer. If the whole bunch is a bad signal. For serious clinical trials one drug takes at least 5-8 years, and given that dietary supplements appeared in our country only in the 90s, it means that the manufacturer can have no more than 1-3 types of drugs that have a positive effect on the body.
  • Carefully study everything that is written on the package. According to the legislation of the European Union, it must indicate: the manufacturer, the list of ingredients that make up the dietary supplement, calories, weight, storage conditions. The label must contain data on nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), vitamins (in milligrams) in percentage terms and by daily ration. The manufacturer is obliged to convey to the consumer clear information about the method of use of the supplement and its dosage.
  • Among dietary supplements of equal composition, but different in form, give preference to more “watery” ones. Solutions act faster and better than, for example, tablets or powders.

If you still decide to start “treatment” with dietary supplements, consult your doctor. But only not with the one that advertises and sells supplements, but with an independent and not interested in making a profit. Be healthy!

Natural dietary supplements, or dietary supplements, were invented in order to compensate for the body's needs for vitamins and trace elements.

Dietary supplements cannot replace good nutrition

They are also unable to cure or prevent disease. And unreasonable intake of them in large doses can do harm to the body. What are dietary supplements, how are they useful and harmful?

Food, drug or vitamin?

Not being drugs, dietary supplements are an intermediate link between them and food. The official wording defines them as a combination of natural (or identical) active substances intended to be taken with food or incorporated into food products.

What is the difference between dietary supplements and drugs?

By developing a drug, pharmacists partially "delegate" to him some of the "duties" of the cells of the body. Most drugs are synthesized chemically. The order and duration of taking medicines are quite strictly regulated.

Dietary supplements are a "cocktail", all the ingredients of which are predominantly of natural origin.

The regulation of physiological functions and biochemical reactions of dietary supplements is carried out by eliminating the deficiency of one or another nutrient.

You will learn all the details about how dietary supplements differ from drugs from the video:

An important difference between them and medicines is the order of administration. Many drugs in a short period of time remove the manifestations of an existing disease. Long-term use of dietary supplements helps to “postpone” possible diseases in practically healthy people.

What is the difference between dietary supplements and vitamins?

If we talk about artificially synthesized vitamin-mineral complexes (VMCs), then, being medicines, they contain therapeutic doses of active substances, which, entering the body with food, play the role of "catalysts" that spur biological processes that support vital energy.

In dietary supplements, active substances are present in doses that do not provide a therapeutic effect.

In addition, supplements are not only VMK, but also liquid concentrates, instant teas, protein shakes and isolates.

What are they needed for?

Before answering the question, dietary supplements are good or bad, we note the main purpose of their appointment - to balance the diet.

Judge for yourself: modern agriculture, despite the depletion of the soil, gives a good harvest, which is provided, to a greater extent, by numerous “top dressings”. Depleted soil does not have time to "give" the remnants of mineral and other substances to early ripening fruits. The same applies to cattle breeding with the use of numerous animal feed. The result is that the population is deficient in most nutrients. And the benefit of dietary supplements is the ability to eliminate this deficiency.

For more information on why dietary supplements are needed, see the video:

Subtleties of classification

Depending on the direction of action, the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences divided dietary supplements into:

  • Nutraceuticals. Recommended for persons without diseases and people with chronic ailments as sources of micro- and macroelements, amino acids and proteins, fats, carbohydrates;
  • Parapharmaceutics. Complement drug therapy, support the functionality of individual organs and their systems, affect metabolic processes;
  • Eubiotics or probiotics- sources of living microorganisms useful for maintaining the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

How does it work?

Supplementing food, the preparations of each of this groups ensure the improvement of individual systems or the whole organism.

Recovery and "cleansing" of the body

For women, men and children

Are dietary supplements harmful to health?

Despite the many advantages associated with saturating the body with nutrients, dietary supplements have their drawbacks. They are subject to certification, which means only the absence of harmful substances. But with unskilled selection, components of additives that are harmless at first glance can do harm.

So, mint-based preparations threaten a miscarriage in a pregnant woman.
Ephedra herb extract, which is often present in dietary supplements for weight loss, is close in composition to narcotic substances - it is dangerous for hypertensive patients and people with cardiovascular ailments.

Some dietary supplements for weight loss can cause problems with the heart and blood vessels

Taking certain drugs based on herbs with an estrogen-like effect (licorice, red clover) can introduce an imbalance in the hormonal background.

Are dietary supplements with vitamin-mineral complexes harmful?

What such dietary supplements will bring to the body - harm or benefit - depends on the measure. Immoderate doses of drugs with a high content of fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, D and K) inevitably leads to their excessive deposition in the liver.

An excess of, for example, beta-carotene, under the influence of cigarette smoke, triggers oxidative processes, the consequences of which can be compared with the detrimental effect of two packs of cigarettes smoked a day!

And uncontrollably swallowing "water-soluble" ascorbic acid, instead of increasing immunity, you can get kidney disease.

The main thing to remember for those who decide to make dietary supplements a part of a healthy lifestyle is that their harm or benefit directly depends on the reliability of the manufacturer. Back in August 2013, Rospotrebnadzor banned the sale of several dozen food additives. And therefore, in order not to fall into the bait of manufacturers of "pacifiers", visit the official website of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare and study the register of dietary supplements that have passed state registration.

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Currently, customers do not experience a lack of products on store shelves. On the one hand, this is good, but less and less can be found balanced in composition. Due to the use of nutritional supplements, our diet has been enriched with various taste sensations, but the content of vitamins, minerals and essential trace elements has dropped sharply.

Right now in pharmacy chains can be found great amount biologically active additives who are recognized to solve the problem. In the article we will try to figure out, dietary supplements - what it is.

What are dietary supplements

If you deal with medical point vision, they do not belong to the mandatory components of nutrition. They are not needed for a full life. If a person's diet is balanced, then he receives everything he needs from the products that he consumes.

With a deficiency, it is quite possible to change the situation for the better by taking multivitamins, since there are a huge number of them in pharmacies. Then the question arises: dietary supplements - what is it?

Such additives are obtained by extracting from various organic and inorganic complexes. This process is quite lengthy and complex, which requires manufacturers to comply with all production technologies. Since private companies are more often involved in this, it is sometimes not at all profitable for them to comply with all the rules.

Because of this, there are situations when poorly purified substances get into the tablet or they are not there at all. For full assimilation, it is necessary to observe a combination of components among themselves, and this is often not done. As a result, most doctors confidently assert that dietary supplements are practically useless for the body, it is quite possible to live without them.

Well, if instead useful pill the package will contain ordinary chalk or a neutral substance, and there are cases when even combinations that are hazardous to health come across. So think after this, BAD - what is it, benefit or harm to the body.

The composition of dietary supplements

In its composition, all supplements have various food components, biologically active substances. Among them are the following:

  • Squirrels.
  • Fats and fat-like substances.
  • Vegetable oils.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acid.
  • Triglycerides.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Vitamins and microelements.
  • Enzymes of plant origin.
  • Probiotics.
  • Beekeeping products and many others.

Despite the fact that dietary supplements can be purchased at any pharmacy completely freely, without a doctor's prescription, it is worth considering before using them. It is better to consult a doctor to weigh the pros and cons, calculate the dosage and the need for use.

Classification of dietary supplements

Since they are most often prescribed in medicinal purposes, then their classification is based on this use. There are two classes of dietary supplements:

  1. Nutraceuticals.
  2. Parapharmaceutics.

The first group of drugs is designed to eliminate the lack of nutrients. It includes all synthetic vitamin preparations, amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids. Taking them, you can normalize the diet of both adults and children.

Parapharmaceuticals, or they are also called bioregulators, affect the body differently. They affect the functioning of organs, increase the body's resistance to various unfavorable factors external and internal environment.

Bioregulators act more powerfully and purposefully. They are usually prescribed for the prevention various diseases. But very often it is quite difficult to separate these two classes among themselves, since the same drugs can belong to two groups at once.

History reference

Traditional medicine has always played an important role in the search for remedies and methods of treatment of various diseases. At the dawn of human existence, this was a common need, since official medicine had no such development.

Almost until the middle of the 19th century, medicine relied on the experience and knowledge of folk recipes that had accumulated over the centuries. Information was collected, recorded by famous scientists of antiquity, for example, Hippocrates, Avicenna, Galen and many others.

Despite the widespread use of plant objects for treatment, with the development of the chemical industry, they learned how to isolate active substances and, on their basis, produce medications. Gradually they began to displace folk recipes. At present, we continue to observe this process, when a huge number of new drugs are synthesized every year.

It was assumed that it would gradually cease to be used, but it turns out the opposite. Modern synthetic drugs as a result of use give a large number of side effects.

Again, more and more often we try to get rid of our sores. folk remedies to do less harm to your body. Medicine did not wait long and decided to use it. So a new generation of medicine appeared - dietary supplements. What is it, briefly if, then this is the official successor traditional medicine, only in a slightly different guise.

There are many supporters of the fact that it is dietary supplements that can finally cure a person, and not traditional medicine.

Despite the fact that they have not yet fully figured out, dietary supplements are good or bad, but in medicine they are usually recommended to be used in the following cases:

  1. To quickly fill the deficiency of missing substances, for example, vitamins, trace elements.
  2. To reduce the caloric content of the diet in order to reduce body weight.
  3. To meet the needs of a sick organism in certain substances.
  4. To increase resistance to adverse environmental factors.
  5. AT preventive purposes to prevent metabolic disorders.
  6. In order to change metabolism, for example, to speed up the elimination of toxic substances.
  7. To restore immunity.
  8. To normalize the intestinal microflora.
  9. To regulate the functioning of the body.
  10. Many dietary supplements are excellent antioxidants.

Based on this, we can conclude that biological additives can be prescribed to almost every person, the reason and justification for taking can always be found.

Principles of using dietary supplements

The use of additives is based on some principles:

  • The principle of functionality and consistency. That is, the impact should be complex, since the work of organs in the body is directly related to nutrition.
  • The principle of staging. On the different stages diseases, it is desirable to select various additives. For example, at the first stages, it is necessary to urgently eliminate the symptoms of the disease, and at the end of the treatment, eliminate the toxic effect of taking medications.
  • The principle of adequacy. It is necessary to prescribe dietary supplements, taking into account the nature of the disease, the features of its course.
  • syndromic principle. Purpose biological additives should be made taking into account those symptoms that are pronounced.
  • The principle of optimality. In the treatment or prevention of diseases, the dosage must be selected individually.
  • combination principle. Dietary supplements can be combined with food and other drugs.

Analyzing all the principles, we can say about dietary supplements that this is a substance that must be used in combination with other therapy during an illness. Supplements alone cannot be cured.

Although supplements are not medicine, but there are some rules for their reception.

  1. Reception must begin with a small dosage to see the reaction of the body, and then you can bring it to the recommended by the doctor.
  2. For more effective assimilation, biological supplements are best taken at the same time as food.
  3. If the dietary supplement contains calcium, then it is better to use it half an hour before meals or after, so as not to affect the acidity of gastric juice.
  4. If a dietary supplement is prescribed as a supplement, then it is advisable to take it in the first half of the day so as not to disturb the night's sleep.
  5. Dietary supplements containing live microorganisms must be stored in the refrigerator and used between meals.
  6. Do not use more than the dose prescribed by the doctor, or the one recommended on the package.
  7. You can not take several types of dietary supplements at the same time.
  8. Biological additives are stored in a dark and dry place. Not in the refrigerator, unless otherwise specified in the storage instructions.

Considered the question: "BAA - what is it and how to apply it?". Now it is necessary to study the pitfalls of taking such drugs.

Danger and harm of dietary supplements

It is already known that dietary supplements are obtained in a complex technological way, a whole orange can be contained in one tablet, but its cost will be many times more expensive fresh fruit. Trying to help their body, some use supplements in large dosages, but all the excess is still excreted, which means that our money flows down the toilet.

Here are just some of the dangers that await when using dietary supplements:

The benefits of biological additives

It is impossible to take dietary supplements as a medicine, this is a common food supplement. Although use with natural ingredients that our body needs can be beneficial. Given this, it can be noted that dietary supplements can prevent the development of many diseases or assist in their complex treatment.

  • For the prevention of certain diseases.
  • Replenishment of the level of vitamins, minerals.
  • Strengthening immunity.
  • In the complex treatment of chronic diseases.

Differences between dietary supplements and drugs

If you ask a pharmacist: "BAA, what does it mean?", then, most likely, he will answer you that these are substances of plant and animal origin, that is, completely natural. There are some features of supplements that distinguish them from drugs:

  • The active substance is contained in small doses.
  • Softer effect on the body.
  • Not toxic.
  • The body tolerates them more easily.
  • Very rarely cause complications or give side effects.
  • Can relieve the toxic effects of drugs.
  • Do not accumulate in the body.

After studying this information, you already doubt that dietary supplements are harmful.

You should not believe everything that is shown and advertised on television, each body is different, the reaction to taking dietary supplements can be unpredictable. Take care of your health healthy lifestyle life, and then you will definitely not need biological supplements.

Periodically, on the pages of our website World Without Harm, we consider the benefits of a particular dietary supplement (here we talked about the benefits and harms of spirulina), or, to put it more simply, we talk about the benefits of a particular dietary supplement. However, recently these substances have been constantly at the center of the controversy, and scientists and doctors do not stop saying that dietary supplements are not always a help to a tired body, but in some cases they act as a deadly poison that looks like a time bomb . Today and tomorrow, after taking the miracle pills, you won’t feel bad yet, but here’s what will happen to you in six months, during which you will regularly take dietary supplements - no one dares to say ...

A World Without Harm has decided to join this discussion and invites you, our readers, to this discussion. Let's try to find out for ourselves what are dietary supplements really - a great creation of chemists, or is it still poison?

The history of the invention of dietary supplements

Differences between dietary supplements and vitamins

Well, since the composition of dietary supplements includes mineral and vitamin complexes, and in terms of their composition, these preparations are almost similar to the content of vitamin complexes, is it not possible to put an equal sign between the benefits of dietary supplements and the benefits of vitamins and close the topic of the harm of dietary supplements at the very beginning of our research? Do not rush to such obvious conclusions, our dear readers. Dietary supplements from vitamins that are sold to us in a pharmacy are distinguished by the fact that full-fledged laboratory and clinical researches none of the sold groups of such dietary supplements were carried out, in other words, there is a medicine, but to say how it will act on groups of people, which side effects he, what effect will be from taking the supplement today, tomorrow - the manufacturers of dietary supplements cannot, because they themselves do not know.

It is not enough just to combine a complex of vitamins in one tablet and call it a useful dietary supplement.

By the way, according to the scientists themselves, they do not undertake to talk about the absolute harmlessness of any of the biological additives that are offered to us on the market today, only one dietary supplement option is considered by them as one that has really proven itself. It… . Everything else, in their opinion, requires additional research.

As we already know, It is the composition of a substance that determines its properties.. Therefore, since the statements of scientists are so unambiguous, let's try to find out for ourselves possible benefit and harm of dietary supplements. And, the composition of these dietary supplements will help us in this.

So, reading the composition of such supplements, we see that they consist of harmless plant or animal components. In other words, we have before us a natural product without a drop of chemistry, which, well, simply cannot be harmful to you and me, since it has the safest composition in the world. However, manufacturers of dietary supplements insist that the inclusion of these drugs in the human diet is not only possible at will, but simply necessary, because otherwise the human body will suffer irreparable losses and losses. useful substances and will not be able to function normally, this, in turn, will lead to malfunctions in the functioning of organs and systems and to the emergence of new diseases and the progression of chronic ...

However, if you carefully read the composition of dietary supplements, or ask about them, you can find out that all of them, in varying degrees, still contain chemical substances. Here is the first deception. And supposedly increased concentration vitamins, which should enhance the benefits of dietary supplements and raise it a step above ordinary vitamins is fraught with serious consequences. Because, an overdose of even useful substances and components can cause disease. Doubt? Then what do you say that beta-carotene is able to provoke the development malignant tumors in a person who does not smoke. A nicotinic acid in excess, it can destroy the liver, zinc causes increased bone fragility and becomes the cause, an excess of magnesium does not normalize the functioning of the nervous system, but leads to even greater malfunctions in its work, and chromium is completely capable of slowly but surely destroying the health of a person who, like and was treated with dietary supplements, but still died.

Groups of dietary supplements and their harm

In fact, all dietary supplements on the market can be divided into 3 groups, and each of them, unfortunately, contains a potential threat to our health. Let's talk about it in more detail...

  • Food supplements- this category includes mineral and vitamin complexes designed to replenish necessary stocks in human body these beneficial substances. Moreover, manufacturers of dietary supplements promise to do it for the maximum short time, which means that horse doses of vitamins will be contained in such supplements. And, you and I know that an overdose of vitamins also does not bring us anything good. Moreover, the use of useful components, albeit in such uncontrolled amounts, can lead to the fact that a person simply loses the ability to absorb natural vitamins in adequate doses and quantities. And, as you already know, this is a serious problem.
  • Cleansing dietary supplements- this category includes dietary supplements that help cleanse the body, its systems and organs, as well as those supplements that can help you lose weight (for example,). Most often, the composition of such additives includes trace elements and components that have a laxative or diuretic effect. And by regularly using such supplements, you just constantly remove excess liquid from the body, drive away swelling (- find out here) and cleanse your intestines (find out). However, the effect of "cleansing" unfortunately does not apply to everything else. Furthermore, permanent reception such dietary supplements leads to serious irritation of the intestinal wall and stomach, which in turn can lead to increased blood pressure, blocking the work of blood vessels and other irreversible disorders in the human body.
  • Recovery dietary supplements- another group that includes antidepressants and restorative drugs that can help get rid of stress, relieve nervous tension, soothe nervous system. However, unfortunately, manufacturers of such biologically active additives forget to mention that the composition of such products contains substances that are included in the group narcotic substances. It is thanks to these components that after taking dietary supplements, a person has a feeling of lightness, high spirits and a surge of strength and energy. Everything would be fine, but since these substances are of a narcotic nature, as a result of their intake, addiction develops and in order for you to feel “good”, you need to already large dose. So, if you want to cure your shaken nervous system, remember that dietary supplements in this case, on the contrary, may not help you strengthen it, but completely destroy it, besides, you will become an addicted person ...
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