Elastic stockings for varicose veins: how they help, how to choose the right one, advantages. Sizes of compression stockings on the labels - Printing House "Two Maples"

Choosing medical underwear is not an easy task, the solution of which requires not only a doctor's consultation, but also some knowledge. Compression products are intended to enhance the effect in the treatment of vascular diseases, as well as to maintain muscle tone, or in the postoperative period to prevent complications. There are a huge number of types of compression stockings, so it is quite difficult for an ordinary person to figure out which product is better to buy.

Tights - selection rules

Medical knitwear after a thorough ultrasound examination can only be prescribed by a phlebologist, taking into account the general condition of the patient and health problems. For some patients, it is enough to wear knee socks. Stockings are used when there is a deterioration in the condition of the veins throughout the leg. The length of the product can be - to the middle of the thigh, or to the inguinal region. For the treatment of more severe pathology, tights are used.


Do not try to choose medical knitwear without consulting a specialist, otherwise you will not only waste a significant amount of money, but may also aggravate the course of the disease. Products can be transparent and opaque, winter and summer options, simple and openwork, with a pattern and with a 3D effect, paired or monostockings.

How to determine stocking size

Choosing compression stockings

The choice of size depends on the medical purpose of the product. The therapeutic effect on the legs is achieved due to the dosed distribution of pressure, the smallest indicator of which falls on the thigh area. Thus, the ankle and shin are subjected to pressure of 100%, the knee - 70%, the thigh - no more than 40%. When buying stockings, pay attention to the manufacturer's advice on determining the size and degree of compression, because only in this case the positive effect of wearing knitwear is achieved. The most accurate values ​​are obtained by measuring the fundamental parameters of the lower extremities in the morning or after an hour or two of rest in a position where the legs are raised up. It is necessary to know the circumference of the ankle, calf, knee joint and thigh (measurement is made 5 cm below the inguinal region). Knowing the basic parameters, you can determine your size according to the table specified by the manufacturer. It is best if your measurements are in the middle of the interval - in this case, the product will be worn as comfortably as possible.


Don't buy compression stockings based on height and weight alone. Such products do not have a therapeutic effect, but can only be a slight prevention of varicose veins.

Choosing a class of compression stockings

Compression stockings are not measured in dens (DEN), but only in millimeters of mercury. Anti-varicose knitwear with an indication of the number of dens is not a medical device, and its use can even harm. Choose medical underwear only from trusted companies, and remember that it is expensive, as it is made from hypoallergenic wear-resistant materials on specialized equipment using the most modern technologies.

1 class

Grade 1 (light) - 18-22 mm Hg. - this option is used to correct minor vascular disorders: edema, heaviness, pain in the legs, etc.


The choice of compression stockings must be agreed with the doctor, who will select a model for you based on medical indications, the severity of the disease and the expected amount of time to wear. The modern market offers a wide variety of medical underwear of various styles and shades, however, it is necessary to buy such knitwear only from trusted manufacturers, otherwise the desired effect cannot be achieved.

How to choose the right compression stockings

In modern life, almost every woman, and many men, are faced with How to help yourself? This question can be answered not only by the doctor, but also by you. The way out is compression stockings, reviews of which indicate their high efficiency as both a preventive and therapeutic and rehabilitation agent in the treatment of diseases of the lower extremities and in the postoperative period.

From the history

The production of medical compression stockings began in 1929 with the production of medical compression stockings in eastern Thuringia. In the 1920s, this was the only place where knitwear with compression properties was made.
Now products from this miraculous material are sold everywhere. Compression products are not a panacea, but they help people with health problems live more comfortably, move freely, reduce pain, recover from surgery and simply maintain their health and beauty.
Today, manufacturers produce compression stockings in various colors and of different quality. How to choose them? After all, there are even with patterns, and if you wish, you can buy very elegant, beautiful stockings. But is it only beauty to consider when choosing? It is advisable that a phlebologist explain to you how to choose compression stockings.

Classification of compression stockings

Compression stockings, whose classes are designated 0 - 1 (0 - mild and 1st compression class), are suitable for the prevention of diseases of the lower extremities. Class 0 is recommended in the absence of varicose veins, but in the presence of complaints of heaviness in the legs. Class 1 is when there are stars and nets on the legs. Such stockings should have good elasticity, hygroscopicity, excellent breathability and not irritate the skin.

Compression stockings (compression class 2) are intended to alleviate the suffering of sick people who have problems with the health of their legs and who have been recommended by a phlebologist to wear such stockings. As a rule, these are people who spend a long time on their feet, walk a lot, work mainly in a sitting position. These stockings are also called anti-varicose stockings. They are in great demand among people suffering from diseases such as varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, patients who have undergone surgery, who have complaints of swelling, cramps, arching pain in the legs, etc.

3 classes of compression (pressure not more than 45 mm Hg. Art.) should be used only as directed by a doctor. The specialist of the medical institution should explain how to put them on and wear them correctly. Such stockings are prescribed for patients with varicose veins in the complication stage, with valve aplasia, exacerbation of post-thrombotic disease, etc.

Compression stockings: how to choose?

For the correct choice of such products, it is necessary to take individual measurements: thigh circumference (5 centimeters below the gluteal cavity), calf circumference, ankle circumference, foot length, height from the floor to the level of the previously taken thigh circumference measurement. In order not to be disappointed when buying compression stockings, you need to pay attention to the quality of knitwear, compliance with standards, the presence of elastic, latex trim, how suitable this color is for you. The manufacturer is also important, since a fake may not meet expectations, and it is unlikely to show a full-fledged therapeutic effect.

Compression stockings (compression class 2)

The compression pressure of such stockings is 23 - 32 mm Hg. Art., no more than 33 mm. rt. Art. The compression effect is strictly distributed: in the ankle, in its narrowest part - 100%; in the shin area - 70%; in the thigh area - 40%.

Compression stockings (compression class 2) are considered a complete medical product. Due to compression on the superficial veins of the legs, blood is discharged into the deep veins. This contributes to an adequate outflow of venous blood and reduces venous insufficiency of the lower extremities. Also, due to compression, lymphatic drainage improves, and this significantly reduces swelling, improves skin and soft tissue trophism. Depending on the pathological changes in the patient's venous system, the doctor recommends a stocking compression class. Leading experts sometimes prescribe wearing compression stockings as a necessary tool for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins.

As a result of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as genetic predisposition, women suffer from varicose veins more often than men, 3-4 times. The first signs of this disease appear in almost half of pregnant women. It is during the growth of the fetus that the growing uterus compresses the veins of the pelvis, respectively, the pressure in the veins of the lower extremities increases. The veins experience a huge load with a sharp increase in intrauterine pressure and, as a result, greatly expand. As a result, there are congestion in the vessels, dysfunction of the valves and a painful condition of the affected areas of the legs. Therefore, doctors usually recommend that all pregnant women wear compression stockings.

It is advisable to wear compression stockings after surgery. They support weakened muscles from sprains, contribute to their recovery, restore and contribute to the normalization of blood circulation.

How to wear

Stockings must be worn throughout the day. Putting on medical stockings on wet legs is difficult. It is also not easy to put them on after applying the cream. So before putting them on, the feet must be clean and completely dry.

To put on such a product in the morning, you must first prepare the legs. They are lifted and kept for some time in this state for the outflow of blood. Before putting on stockings, to protect them from damage, it is necessary to remove jewelry from your hands, it is advisable to wear rubber medical gloves. When putting on, you should pick up the stocking in your hand, put it on your foot, gently and slowly pull it over your leg, smoothly letting go of it.
In order for such stockings to keep well on the body, they are equipped with wide silicone inserts, which are located next to the elastic bands.

Both modeling and therapeutic compression stockings are in steady demand. Good quality stockings are hard to find commercially. Legs are the object of attraction for a woman, so each of them tries to find such products for herself in order to look elegant and sexy. Over the age of 50, many women begin to gain weight, and therefore the load on the legs increases, which forces them to wear such hosiery more often.

How to care for stockings

Stockings are removed before going to bed, washed daily (at least once every two days). Therefore, it is imperative to have two pairs of stockings, preferably of a different color (matching the color of the dress or skirt). Wash them by hand, with ordinary soap or powder for delicate products. It is impossible to wring out and even more so to unscrew them. When washing in the machine, if it does not work out otherwise, you must select the delicate wash mode at a minimum temperature and without spinning. After washing, put the product on a rag or towel, leave for 15-20 minutes to remove excess moisture, then dry in the usual way away from objects that emit heat.

Compression stockings should not be dried in clothes dryers or exposed to high temperatures: they will become unwearable. If stockings are worn every day with proper care, they will last you one, maximum two months. In the future, you still have to buy new ones.

Compression stockings: reviews

Currently, there are a number of specialized manufacturers of compression stockings and, in particular, compression stockings. Before buying such products, it is advisable to ask for reviews about the company on the Internet. As a rule, products that are produced by firms with favorable reviews justify themselves in the process of wearing them.

Another option not to get into trouble when buying compression stockings is to strictly adhere to the recommendations of a phlebologist. Based on his professional experience, he can advise you with knowledge of what products are best for you and where it is better to buy them.

Compression stockings: price

High-quality imported compression stockings usually have a high price. Stockings of domestic production can be found cheaper, but they do not always come close to imported ones in quality, especially when worn for a long time. They will need to be changed much more often than quality products. Therefore, do not save on such things, on the quality of which your health depends.

Contraindications to the use of compression stockings

In case of skin infections or damage to the skin of the legs (burns, rashes, ulcers or cuts), you should not start wearing compression stockings (compression class 2) without a doctor's recommendation.

If your limbs have grown too large, too swollen, your doctor may recommend that you use elastic bandages for a while before using compression stockings.

Do you experience discomfort, burning and tingling in the limbs when wearing during the day, or notice that the color of the legs has changed? This means that you should see a doctor. You are probably wearing the wrong compression stockings. How to choose them correctly, check with your doctor. He will solve your problem.

So, we examined from different angles the question of what compression stockings are. The price and reviews of these products are directly related to each other, and also to some extent determined by how they are classified and applied.

Compression stockings are divided into two main varieties.

Anti-embolic and anti-varicose stockings

put on during the operation to avoid air bubbles entering the arteries. Such bubbles can clog blood vessels and disrupt blood circulation, which is a threat to life. Anti-embolic stockings worn for several days after surgery to avoid blood stasis and thrombus formation.

Anti-varicose or orthopedic stockings are designed to prevention and therapy vein diseases, which can also lead to the formation of a blood clot.
These products are also distinguishes compression. Stockings come in both closed and. Especially for women, they are created, outwardly indistinguishable from decorative ones. For men, it is produced, which can be worn both with one-sided varicose veins, and paired with a stocking of lesser or greater compression.

You can understand what the difference between the types of stockings is with a simple example.
During and immediately after a routine operation, the patient will wear anti-embolic stockings. When postoperative period ends, anti-embolic stockings will no longer be needed.
If varicose veins were treated surgically, in the postoperative period the phlebologist will recommend that the patient wear anti-varicose stockings to avoid recurrence of the disease. In some cases, wearing anti-varicose underwear is indicated throughout life.

Varicose veins are a disease that occurs in different patients with varying degrees of severity. To figure out what type of medical stockings is needed in a particular case, we introduced the concept of compression classes.

Compression classes for medical stockings

Compression class- this is the degree of pressure (in mmHg) that elastic stockings exert on the legs.

Preventive class compression allows prevent development varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency. The compression exerted on the legs by such stockings ranges from 15-18 mm Hg. Wearing such underwear is indicated for overweight people, hereditary varicose veins, and excessive blood clotting. Prophylactic Compression Grade Medical Stockings patients can choose yourself.

Wearing stockings 1st compression class at the initial stage of chronic venous insufficiency allows a noticeable improve the therapeutic effect. The compression exerted on the legs by such stockings ranges from 18-22 mm Hg. This class of compression relieves the condition of patients suffering from edema, varicose veins and spider veins on the legs.

Stockings 2nd compression class used only as prescribed by a doctor. Wearing shown when chronic venous insufficiency without trophic disturbances. The compression exerted on the legs by such stockings ranges from 23-32 mm Hg. Elastic stockings of the 2nd compression class are used for superficial thrombophlebitis. These stockings can be used for edema correction after injury.

Compression stockings 3 classes exerts pressure on the legs in the range of 34-46 mm Hg. This is the maximum compression class that is used during treatment severe and complicated chronic venous insufficiency. Such stockings help fight with lymphatic edema, and are an essential component thrombosis prevention deep veins. As well as knitwear 2 compression classes, it is used only by doctor's prescription.

Doctors advise using this, first of all, in order to prevent varicose veins and thrombosis, which means taking care of the beauty of your own legs.

These diseases are easier to prevent than to treat, and there are more reasons for their occurrence than it seems.

In addition, compression stockings are indispensable during such an important period as pregnancy.

And in the treatment of a number of diseases associated with blood vessels.

Compression stockings of the first preventive degree of compression

Do you have swelling and heaviness in your legs in the evening? It does not matter whether you spend the whole day on your feet or at the office desk. If yes, then this is the first bell about the need to pay attention to stockings of the first degree of compression.

But first, about how this jersey "works". Elastic knitted fabric, based on the well-known microfiber, elastane and latex, is woven in a special way. It allows you to properly distribute the load on the veins and blood vessels, preventing blood stasis and swelling.

Moreover, unlike conventional slimming knitwear, compression knitwear distributes the load in the right way. The maximum compression is on the shin and knee, and the minimum is on the hips. Thanks to this, normal pressure and blood circulation are maintained and restored, which means that the consequences of excessive stress on the vessels and diseases such as varicose veins and thrombosis can be prevented.

The 1st degree of stocking compression is the easiest and, indeed, preventive. These are sold in ordinary stores and pharmacies, this class of underwear does not require special certificates, unlike medical. But, nevertheless, you need to select it individually, be sure to consult with your doctor, and even better a phlebologist.

Who and how should wear antithrombotic stockings of the 1st degree of compression

Who and how should wear such jersey? Daily fatigue and swelling of the legs is the first bell that you should pay attention to and take action. Heredity is also a very important risk factor. Any appearance of small spider veins on the legs is a signal that it is time to think about prevention. So, at least, about anti-thrombotic stockings of the 1st degree of compression.

The name sounds ominous, but it's actually not all that scary. Are you on your feet all day or do you have a sedentary lifestyle in the office? Both of these can cause vascular problems. Frequent and long flights or transfers also exacerbate the possibility of the occurrence and development of varicose veins. Even increased physical activity in the gym can trigger the onset of this disease. Compression stockings of the first degree of compression in these cases are simply irreplaceable.

Overweight women who avoid diets and sports also fall into the risk group. In addition, today doctors recommend wearing such knitwear to everyone in the very early stages of pregnancy. Even for those who do not have a predisposition to varicose veins or its first symptoms. The impact of such stockings has no side effects - they are used solely for prevention purposes.

Such knitwear looks exactly like any other - you should not be afraid of some kind of healing, which means that you should not be afraid of an unaesthetic look. Especially if you turn to products of well-known brands with a good reputation. And, of course, you should not save on your own health, which means you should not buy cheap fakes.

At the same time, compression stockings of the 1st degree of compression do not have to be worn constantly, it is better to do this in courses. A week or two is enough for the condition of the veins to change for the better. If the stars have disappeared, and the swelling has gone, then you can return to regular stockings and tights. But from time to time a course with such knitwear should be repeated without letting the problem take its course.

Therapeutic underwear: stockings of the second degree of compression

But this jersey in no case should be prescribed to yourself on your own, even for the purpose of prevention. No self-activity - otherwise you can harm your own health! Compression stockings of the second degree of compression are exclusively medical underwear. It is used for obvious manifestations of varicose veins and their progress, as well as maintenance therapy before and after vein surgery. It is prescribed by a doctor, such knitwear is necessarily certified and sold only in pharmacies.

However, second-degree compression stockings are strongly recommended by doctors for those who have complications during pregnancy. Swelling, fatigue and pain in the legs - such knitwear removes these symptoms unmistakably. You should not be afraid of such appointments, you should forget about them and return to your usual things as soon as your weight and hormonal levels return to normal after childbirth.

The principle of operation of anti-embolic stockings of the 2nd degree of compression

In medical terminology, stockings of the 2nd degree of compression are called "anti-embolic". The principle of their action is the same - they reduce and correctly distribute the load on the veins, but in much more complex cases than just leg fatigue and swelling.

In such models, pressure or compression is much stronger, so you should not use them without medical indications in any case. Compression stockings of the 2nd degree of compression will be needed if you have surgery on your legs, they are prescribed both before and after it. In this case, they act as a corrective and therapeutic agent. They will be needed by those who have any operation and a long period of rehabilitation. And in order to prevent them, they are also prescribed to those who are prescribed bed rest for longer than a week.

The degree of compression stockings for surgery and childbirth

This jersey, which appeared in medicine ten years ago, literally came to the rescue in cases where surgery and long-term treatment were previously required.

Despite the fact that they are indeed prescribed as a remedy, you will have to buy them yourself, which means that you yourself should choose only high-quality models. You can’t save on your own health, which means you need to give preference to models of proven pharmaceutical brands, preferably European ones. Their products are widely represented both in large pharmacy chains and on the Internet, and in order to avoid mistakes and disappointment, it is necessary to carefully study all the information before buying.

The degree of compression of the stockings for the operation, usually the second, must be specified in detail in the certificate. Details of the impact and the effect of use must be discussed with your doctor. These models, despite their medical origin, are quite practical, comfortable to wear, as they are sewn from hypoallergenic and breathable materials. They provide the optimal temperature and water balance, which allows you to feel comfortable even in such difficult situations. Please note that stockings of the 2nd degree of compression must have an “open” heel. This is done to facilitate control over the condition of the legs.

Stockings for childbirth of the 1st degree of compression have the same properties. But they are prescribed and begin to be worn by those who care about their own beauty and health even in the early stages of pregnancy. These models are indispensable directly during childbirth and during the recovery period. They have a number of undeniable advantages not only of a medical nature.

These stockings are practical and as comfortable as possible - they are easy to put on and take off, comfortable to wear and even machine washable at medium temperature and delicate mode. They do not need a special belt - they are perfectly fastened, thanks to special elastic bands, they do not press or pull the thigh. And in appearance and convenience, they differ little from ordinary knitwear.

Compression stockings is widely used to maintain the correct, from the point of view of physiology, pressure in the lower extremities of a person. Such stockings are used in the scheme of complex treatment, as well as for the prevention of this disease. Special underwear for veins in medicine is commonly called medical knitwear. It is also called compression or anti-varicose underwear, medical knitwear.

Pantyhose, socks, as well as compression stockings for varicose veins are recommended to be worn by phlebologists. Such underwear must be worn with, lymphedema and other problems with the blood vessels of the extremities.

What kind of compression underwear is, which is better - compression tights or stockings, the doctor will tell and recommend during the appointment.

The therapeutic effect when using such underwear is manifested due to the fact that stockings, leggings or tights support blood vessels, compress an enlarged vein. This, in turn, evenly redistributes blood flow from dilated to healthy vessels.

Such underwear helps to activate blood circulation, improve tissue nutrition.

If you choose the right compression stockings, it will help reduce the risk of developing blood clots .

Another important argument in favor of the use of such underwear is that there are almost no contraindications to the use of medical knitwear. It does not cause side effects, but at the same time it is a good method of preventing the progression of varicose veins and helps to maintain the veins in a physiological state.

How does compression underwear work for varicose veins?

Previously, when medical knitwear was not produced, varicose veins were treated elastic bandages . However, their use has several significant drawbacks.

  • First of all, elastic bandages have to be applied for a long time, and in order to get the desired effect, this must be done correctly.
  • An important disadvantage is the inability to wear an elastic bandage all the time. Unaesthetic appearance does not allow wearing it daily, while, for example, compression underwear Medi and knitwear from other modern manufacturers looks very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Despite the fact that bandages have a low price, it will not be possible to save money when wearing them. After all, such a bandage very quickly becomes unusable. Therefore, it is better to learn how to choose high-quality knitwear and buy compression underwear for varicose veins.

What is compression underwear for and what is its effect? By squeezing dilated veins, such knitwear provides acceleration blood flow through deep veins. As a result, it is eliminated venous congestion , which is a prerequisite for the development of varicose veins. Those who are interested in which compression underwear for varicose veins is better should take into account that it is worth buying high-quality products. After all, branded high-quality knitwear provides a graduated, that is, a gradual decrease in pressure from the hand to the shoulder or from the lower leg to the thigh.

For example, a good online store for compression underwear for varicose veins offers stockings that provide maximum (100%) pressure at the bottom of the lower leg and partial (40%) in the thighs. It is this distribution that is the most correct from a physiological point of view, and therefore provides the greatest therapeutic effect. With this mode of pressure distribution, the outflow of blood is normalized due to the following effects:

  • The work of the valve apparatus improves and returns to normal.
  • The enlarged lumen of the peripheral veins of the thighs and lower leg, especially the subcutaneous ones, is reduced.
  • Increases the effect of the muscle pump. When muscles contract during exercise, blood is pushed up.

Effective compression underwear for pregnant women. But when choosing such knitwear, you need to be guided by the individual recommendations of the doctor.

How to choose compression stockings?

Before you choose compression hosiery for varicose veins, you need to clearly understand that such underwear cannot eliminate serious causes of venous insufficiency. Therefore, it is used before radical treatment. Medical knitwear mimics the situation, as if veins that have expanded, removed or sealed.

In addition, it is important to understand that non-surgical treatment of leg diseases should always be comprehensive. Only in this case the effect will be maximum. It is very important not only to wear compression underwear, but also to apply ointments and creams prescribed by a doctor, to practice folk remedies for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins, and also to lead a healthy lifestyle.

In order for the effect to be most noticeable, it is important to choose the right medical underwear. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the reviews that can be read on the network, and the prices of underwear, but also its quality, compression classes.

Compression knitwear is usually divided into three types:

  • hospital - that is, one that is used exclusively in a hospital;
  • medicinal ;
  • prophylactic .

But, regardless of whether knitwear is needed for treatment or prevention, it should be bought exclusively in specialized stores or at retail outlets that are official dealers of medically recognized manufacturers of such underwear. It is important that in such stores, consumers are sure to be helped to choose the right size of a jersey, since the effectiveness of the treatment depends on this. To find the perfect underwear, the seller first measures the foot in four places. Next, a special size table is used, according to which stockings or tights are selected.

As for different manufacturers, reviews of their products can often be found on the net. Many women write about how high quality the Sigvaris knitwear is, which costs between 4000-5000 rubles. But there are many positive reviews about the Medi knitwear, the price of which is lower - about 3,000 rubles. You can learn more about this underwear and choose the compression hosiery "Medi" on the official website of the company. The compression underwear of the Venoteks and Ortho companies is also of high quality, the prices for which are slightly lower - from 2000 rubles.

You can purchase underwear in four degrees of compression:

  • First class compression (18-21 mm Hg) - preventive knitwear, the wearing of which is indicated in the following cases:
    • during pregnancy ;
    • with a tendency to varicose veins ;
    • in the presence of initial symptoms of varicose veins: if the veins are visible under the skin, after prolonged standing or sitting, the legs hurt, pronounced spider veins can be distinguished on the legs, and edema appears in the evening;
    • if a person leads a lifestyle in which he is forced to sit or stand a lot - in the office, driving a car, behind a counter, etc.
  • second compression class (23-32 mm Hg) - the most popular underwear. Compression stockings of the 2nd compression class are used for the purpose of treatment varicose veins , thrombophlebitis . In the hospital, hospital knitwear of the 2nd compression class is also used.
  • Third compression class (34-46 mm Hg) - compression stockings of this class are used for patients with trophic disorders and severe venous insufficiency.
  • Fourth compression class (from 49 mm Hg) - this class is used very rarely - for men and women with lymphatic edema.

Before you buy stockings or tights for varicose veins, you should decide exactly what kind of underwear is better to buy. Those who buy anti-varicose tights for the first time should not immediately choose compression class 2. After all, it may well be that for the vascular system it will be too strong compression.

First, it is better to buy inexpensive underwear - the price of class 1 compression tights from some companies will be quite acceptable. After wearing it and gradually getting used to such underwear, you can later buy more expensive orthopedic tights for varicose veins.

For the purpose of prevention, only linen of the 1st class is used. If a person is already developing varicose veins, then a phlebologist will help you choose tights. You should also ask your doctor about how to choose compression stockings for pregnant women so that the expectant mother feels good when wearing such underwear. In this case, it is important to choose the size of anti-varicose tights or stockings so that they do not cause noticeable discomfort.

But no matter how enthusiastic the reviews about this or that underwear are, you need to understand that it will not work to cure varicose veins with it, since wearing underwear does not eliminate the causes of the disease. Compression knitwear helps to stop the development of the disease and prevent the appearance of new veins affected by varicose veins.

In hot summer weather, it is impossible to wear such underwear, therefore, during the summer, you need to use medicines for varicose veins and use other methods to combat this disease.

In order not to damage the product and get the greatest effect, you need to know how to wear compression stockings correctly - this is indicated in the instructions.

Regardless of the price of such underwear, it is able to hold compression for about 5-7 months.

Before purchasing such underwear, you need to clearly know how to choose the right compression stockings for varicose veins. Special quality standards for compression stockings have been defined. The most important and strict among them is the European RAL-GZ-387 .

Any manufacturer aiming to produce knitwear that conforms to it must first pass very strict certification in Switzerland or Germany. Therefore, if elastic orthopedic stockings for varicose veins have such a certificate, this indicates its high quality. Knitwear with this certificate provides pressure, which is distributed over the limb (40-70-100%), and is therapeutic. The standard is evidenced by the packaging of products, as well as the presence of a special label.

To choose a good product, you need to focus not only on how much such stockings or stockings cost, but, first of all, on the manufacturer and the proven point of sale of the goods. Indeed, in the domestic market it is very easy to make a mistake and buy fake medical stockings or tights. In addition, in specialized stores, the buyer will be prompted how to determine the size, both for men and women. In proven stores, you need to buy compression stockings for pregnant women.

Since medical underwear is worn daily, it is very important to choose a hypoallergenic model. Therefore, you need to focus not on user reviews, but, above all, on personal feelings. The linen must bear the sign of the European eco-safety standard. Oeko-Tex Standard 10 - this ensures that the product is made from a material that does not cause.

How to put on compression stockings correctly?

When buying treated jerseys, you need to know how to put on and how to wear such underwear correctly.

Most often, people seeking to prevent the progression of varicose veins wear compression stockings of the 2nd compression class. After all, both the efficiency and the price of compression stockings of the 2nd compression class often turn out to be the most acceptable for the patient. However, it often happens that products of the 2nd degree of compression are very uncomfortable for a person to wear. Moreover, most often the 2nd class of compression for men and women turns out to be inconvenient precisely because a person puts on such a product incorrectly. After all, you can’t put it on like tights for a child, gathering it into an accordion and pulling the stocking up to the thigh. Both tights and socks or stockings should be put on slowly, gradually straightening them on the leg.

Such underwear will be difficult to put on for obese people. To facilitate this process, special tools can be purchased at the store. How much these devices cost depends on the manufacturer. Compression stockings should be worn with gloves to avoid damaging the underwear with your nails. In addition, if a person is wearing medical or other gloves, then the underwear slides better.

If underwear of the second compression class is uncomfortable to wear, in some cases you can limit yourself to the first class. Moreover, the price of compression stockings of the 1st compression class for women and men (Ortho, etc.) is lower. However, the price of stockings for varicose veins on the legs depends on other factors.

A person who wears therapeutic knitwear should have smooth feet - without roughness, calluses. You need to cut your toenails short and file them to avoid the appearance of puffs on the underwear.

It is better to put on such underwear in the morning, on rested and, accordingly, not swollen limbs. In this case, both the legs and knitwear should be completely dry.

Those who are interested in whether it is possible to sleep in such stockings need to understand that there is no need for this, since during sleep the load on the limbs is minimal.

If the phlebologist prescribed the patient to wear class 3 products, it will be more difficult to put them on and, accordingly, more time will have to be spent on this. To do this, it is better to use special devices.

If the size chart provided on a particular site seems incomprehensible, it is better to ask a specialist about how to choose the size of compression stockings for surgery or for everyday wear. After all, if the size is chosen incorrectly, it will be extremely inconvenient to put on and wear such underwear.

It is important to properly care for such products and know how to wash and dry them.

Compression garment care

When buying orthopedic underwear for women and men, you need to consider that it is most convenient to have at least two pairs of such knitwear. After all, you need to wash it daily to get rid of dust, specks and dead skin particles, which can very quickly damage the fibers of the linen.

Washing is carried out only by hand, using baby soap. Such clothes cannot be washed in the machine. It is necessary to wash at a temperature not exceeding 40 C. It is forbidden to iron and bleach it. Do not use conditioners or rinse aids. After all, they also destroy the structure of the contracting tissue.

Dry the compression hosiery by spreading it on a horizontal surface. You can not twist and wring it out, you can easily get wet with a towel. It is not allowed to dry knitwear in the sun, the battery in a vertical position.

You need to be very careful with silicone strips, which are important for securing linen. During washing, it is better not to wet them and wipe them with a disinfectant cloth.

What to wear with such products depends on the taste of the woman. But, as a rule, knitwear from modern manufacturers is very beautiful and elegant.

Contraindications for wearing compression garments

Before choosing compression stockings for varicose veins, you need to clearly know if the patient has any contraindications to wearing them. Medical knitwear has several such contraindications.

Wearing medical knitwear is absolutely contraindicated in such diseases:

  • endoarteritis ;
  • orthoarteritis ;
  • thromboangiitis obliterans .

Under these conditions, it decreases vessel lumen , and the systolic is reduced to 80 mm. rt. Art., so it is strictly forbidden to reduce pressure in the lower extremities.

Very carefully you need to wear compression underwear for those who have problems with the skin and high skin sensitivity.

Stockings or tights should not be worn for allergic manifestations and inflammatory processes on the skin, as well as for bedsores, open wounds.

If varicose veins appear as a result of a disease diabetes , such underwear also cannot be used. Compression stockings are not to be used if septic phlebitis , cardiopulmonary insufficiency severe if circulatory problems occur at rest.

You can also meet the opinion that knitwear can provoke atrophy of the muscular layer of the walls of the veins . When a person stops wearing medical underwear, the opposite effect is likely, due to which the venous wall will stretch, and varicose veins will progress even more.

Of course, it is not possible to check the condition of each vein in a person wearing such underwear. However, most phlebologists consider this theory erroneous, citing the following evidence in favor of this:

  • a person cannot wear medical knitwear around the clock;
  • if the veins are compressed, then the blood flow in them decreases, but it does not stop;
  • as a rule, atrophy of the muscle wall develops if a person has a genetic predisposition, and also if a local specific inflammatory process develops during venous stasis, and when using knitwear, these phenomena decrease;
  • sometimes, after stopping the use of linen, a person initially feels a little worse, since the tone of the venous wall decreases for a while, but we are not talking about atrophy.

Also, after the end of the period of wearing such underwear, it may seem to people with varicose veins that it has become more difficult for them to walk. Therefore, many people prefer not to refuse to wear it.

Thus, compression underwear, which has been used for many decades, is a convenient and effective method of prevention and treatment of varicose veins. However, before you start using it, you need to consult a phlebologist. The doctor will determine what the patient's condition is and help select the most appropriate product.

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