Depressive statuses with meaning. About depression in quotes

Do not despair, and if you despair, continue on your way anyway.
Edmund Burke

Depression is a thief that robs us of good memories and the ability to think rationally.
Sheldon Roth

Patience is not at all the state of cattle that endures everything. This is not a humiliation of a person - not at all. This is not a compromise with evil - by no means. Patience is the ability to maintain equanimity of spirit in those circumstances that hinder this equanimity. Patience is the ability to go to the goal when various obstacles are encountered on the way. Patience is the ability to keep a joyful spirit when there is too much sadness. Patience is victory and overcoming, patience is a form of courage - that's what real patience is.
Alexander Men

You won't be truly strong until you learn to see the funny side of everything. Know: you have to laugh at what torments you, otherwise you will not maintain balance, otherwise you will go crazy.
Ken Kesey

These terrible crows - depression, despair and a feeling of uselessness - will always be somewhere nearby, right outside our window. No matter how consciously we want to get rid of them, they will come back to us again and again, and their hoarse croaks will interrupt our sleepy denial. Think of them as a constant reminder of the task before us. Even hearing their croaking, the sound of their wings, we still retain the freedom of choice.
James Hollis

The cave you are afraid to enter hides the treasure you are looking for.
Joseph Campbell

Until we get lost, we will not go looking for ourselves.
Henry David Thoreau

We either make ourselves unhappy or we make ourselves strong. The amount of effort is the same.
Carlos Castaneda

People are like big windows. They sparkle in the sun, but when darkness descends, their beauty is seen only if there is light there, within.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Take all that comes to your lot, as the sick medicines of a doctor are taken, restoring the health of the body - that is the meaning of these bitter medicines; but after all, for the universal rational nature, the preservation of each being's purpose is as important as for the patient the preservation of the health of the body. Therefore, you should welcome everything that happens to you, even the most bitter, because the meaning of such accidents is the health and integrity of the universe. Nature, living by His reason, acts rationally, and everything that comes from it unmistakably contributes to the preservation of unity.
Marcus Aurelius

Depression is like a lady in black. If she comes, do not drive her away, but invite her to the table as a guest, and listen to what she intends to say.
Carl Gustav Jung

I am convinced that no one can "save" his neighbor by making a choice for him. All that one person can help another is to reveal to him truthfully and with love, but without sentimentality and illusions, the existence of an alternative.
Erich Fromm

Nothing is lost yet, even when, from a human point of view, the cause seems lost or hopeless. All is lost only when the soul gives up effort.
Sri Aurobindo

When life seems impossible, there is a more courageous decision than to die. A person must say to himself: if life is really impossible, then it will stop by itself. And if it does not stop, then it is necessary to endure the pain.
So destined. Everyone who has endured great pain knows with what amazing freshness life is revealed to him after that. This is a gift from herself for loyalty to her, and maybe even an approving nod from God.
Fazil Iskander

Under no circumstances is it fitting to surrender great rejoicing or great despondency, - partly due to the variability of all things, which every moment can turn everything in the other direction, partly due to the deceitfulness of our judgment about what is useful or harmful to us - deceitfulness, as a result of which almost everyone had to complain about what later turned out to be the most true good, or rejoice over that which has been the source of his greatest suffering.

There are terrible misfortunes and cruel failures, which are terrible to think about: we fall into despair, as soon as we imagine them; however, when they overtake us, we find strengths in ourselves that we did not suspect, we meet adversity with our breasts and turn out to be more steadfast than we ourselves could have imagined.
La Rochefoucauld

We can never move beyond the past until we can endure suffering and say, “I am not what happened to me, but who I chose to be.”
James Hollis

A miracle is always waiting for us somewhere near despair.
Erich Maria Remarque

It is ignorance or insufficient knowledge of oneself that leads a person to illness, neurosis, and suffering.
Antonio Meneghetti

Suffering aims to save a person from apathy, from spiritual rigor.
Viktor Frankl

We can never move beyond the past until we can endure suffering and say, “I am not what happened to me, but who I chose to become.
James Hollis

Someone said: every person at least once a day goes to heaven. In any situation, we can catch such moments.
Yu.B. Gippenreiter

Deepening into yourself is what is really needed for correction.

To heal suffering, you need to experience it completely.
Marcel Proust

The worst thing is not “fail again”. The worst thing is “I don’t want to try anymore”.
Robert Orben

You'll never change a thing if you fight existing reality. If you want to change something, create new model so that the old one is simply obsolete.
Buckminster Fuller

Sometimes everything turns out so badly, hang yourself, and - look - tomorrow life has changed dramatically.
Alexander Kuprin

When a person is in despair, he only thinks about who will help him. And it is at this moment that it is very important to understand: you yourself are the person who can help you. The way out will appear only at the moment when you stop looking for help on the side. Until then, you look back instead of looking.
Angel de Coetier

The main spiritual disease is erroneous views that do not agree with reality.
Dalai Lama

Oh, my God, but they say that there is no soul! What hurts me now? - Not a tooth, not a head, not a hand, not a chest - no, a chest, in the chest, where you breathe - I breathe deeply: it doesn’t hurt, but it hurts all the time, it aches all the time, unbearably!
Marina Tsvetaeva

Happiness is not a substitute for life, but life itself in its depths. With all its troubles, but also with the strength that this depth gives.
Happiness is unstable, and every day you have to fight for it. The pace of civilization cannot be changed, but it is in our will - I would even say that it is our duty - to be able to be happy with slightest possibility, in the worst conditions, with any gleam of joy, and share this joy with people, and not a gloomy look and breakdowns of sick nerves. The keys to happiness lie in the word itself - “participation”, the collection of all parts, the integrity of being. In contrast to fate - "y-part", being squeezed into some part of life, like in a casemate.
At any turn of fate, you can always snatch hours of contemplation, a creative state, fullness, joy, suffering and thought from her. These gaps must be found. One of my friends gets up at 5 am. And he devotes one morning hour only to himself. In a way, he is meditating. In fact, he is trying to comprehend - himself, what is happening around. Another friend of mine, an accountant, also gets up early and reads history books to understand what country he lives in. It is not necessary for an accountant to work. But for life - it is necessary and even very. Such pauses of contemplation allow us to stop our run a little and wait for our soul to keep up with us.
Grigory Pomerants

You can talk about happiness for five minutes, no more. There's nothing to say except that you're happy. And people talk about misfortune all night long.
Erich Maria Remarque

The inexplicable thing is the soul. No one knows where it is, but everyone knows how it hurts.

Always work. Always love. Love your wife and children more than yourself. Do not expect gratitude from people and do not be upset if you are not thanked. Instruction instead of hatred, a smile instead of contempt. More intelligence than vanity. Extract threads from nettles, medicine from wormwood. Bend down only to raise the fallen. Always have more intelligence than pride. Ask yourself every evening: what good have you done.
Always have a new book in your library, a full bottle in your cellar, a fresh flower in your garden.

If a person came to Dostoevsky and said about himself that he was hopelessly unhappy, the great artist of human grief would probably laugh at him and his naivety in the depths of his soul. Is it possible for people to confess to such things? Is it really possible to complain and still expect consolation from your neighbors?
Hopelessness is the most solemn and greatest moment in our lives. So far, someone has helped us; now we are left only to ourselves. So far we have dealt with people and human laws; now with eternity and the absence of any laws. How can you not know this.
Lev Shestov

When adversity overcomes, one should not forget that they may save you from something worse, and some monstrous mistake sometimes brings more benefits than the most reasonable decision, according to many.
Winston Churchill

Those who do not want to change their lives cannot be helped.

Sadness and disappointment, even more than promiscuity, harm us, the happy owners of torn hearts.
Vincent Van Gogh

The treatment of depression is not in pills, but in wisdom.
Dorothy Rowe

Partly through my reading and partly through an independent but slow process in my mind and heart, I gradually began to think of depression in a different frame of reference. Instead of looking for its causes and thinking about how to get rid of it, I began to look for its goals and wonder how I could achieve them. I could not and still cannot say whether God sends us such sharp feelings in order to bring us through pain to a new understanding. However, I am now quite convinced that depression is often a sign, human or divine, don't know that the victim's life needs to be radically changed; that real repentance is needed; that the black wall within can only be dismantled through the realization that something like inner death and resurrection is required of the sufferer.
Philip Toynbee

The opposite of happiness is not grief and suffering, but depression resulting from inner barrenness and unfruitfulness.
Erich Fromm

Perfection requires an even heart, but this is not only passive evenness; behind all experiences there must be a sense of divine power contributing to goodness, faith and will that can turn the poisons of the world into nectar, see a happier spiritual goal behind misfortune, the secret of love behind suffering, flowers of divine power and joy in the crops of pain.
Sri Aurobindo.

Suffering is the first thing a child must learn, it is what he will most need to know. Whoever breathes and who thinks must weep.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

Suffering! What a great and underestimated phenomenon! To him we owe everything that is good in us, everything that gives value to life; to him we owe mercy, courage, we owe all the virtues.
Anatole France

Suffering is like an iron plow that the sculptors have inserted into the clay mass: it supports, it is strength.
Honore de Balzac

There is only one path to greatness, and that path is through suffering.
Albert Einstein

The world moves forward thanks to those who suffer.
Lev Tolstoy

Suffering is the seed of joy.
Japanese saying

If you want to be happy, first learn to suffer.
Ivan Turgenev

Through suffering and grief, we are destined to obtain grains of wisdom that cannot be acquired in books.
Nikolay Gogol

Whoever does not know how to endure suffering is doomed to many sufferings.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

Suffering makes the strong stronger.
Lion Feuchtwanger

Sorrow is the most useful, the most comforting nest of a person in this world, because no one can destroy this nest.
Fazil Iskander

Sadness is the other side of joy.
Gilbert Chesterton

Happiness is good for the body, but only sorrow develops the faculty of the spirit.
Marcel Proust

Suffering and joy rub against each other. When they rub against each other without a trace, happiness will be born. Such happiness will be indestructible.
Hong Zicheng

There is no greater pain than remembering happy Days in days of misfortune.
Dante Alighieri

There are victories leading to a dead end. There are defeats that open up new paths.
Pascal Bruckner

If it rains in your life, focus on the flowers that will bloom because of this rain.

Radhanath Swami

Our psyche often uses depression to get our attention and point out to us that somewhere deep within us lies a lie.
James Hollis

At first, with each new fall into the mud of sin, I wept and got angry at myself and at God for my suffering. Subsequently, I only had the courage to ask: “Why, my friend, did you drag me in the mud again?” Then even these words began to seem to me too bold and presumptuous; and all I had to do was get up silently, look askance at him, and dust off my clothes.

Sri Aurobindo

You can spend eternity searching for Truth and Love, Understanding and Kindness, begging God and people to help you, and all in vain. You must start with yourself. This is an inexorable law. You can't change the reflection without changing the face.
Nisargadatta Maharaj

Depression is frozen fear.
Sigmund Freud

It's all about thoughts. Thought is the beginning of everything. And thoughts can be controlled. And therefore the main thing of perfection is to work on thoughts.
Lev Tolstoy

The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer someone else up.
Mark Twain

What will happen, I do not know, but what can be, I know. And nothing will lead me to despair, for I look forward to everything, and if anything passes me, I consider it good luck.
Seneca. Moral letters to Lucilius. - M .: Art.lit., 1986, p. 181.

Activity reconciles with any situation.
Hermann Hesse

The lack of meaning in life plays a critical role in the etiology of neurosis. Ultimately, neurosis should be understood as the suffering of a soul that does not find its own meaning ... About a third of my cases are suffering not from some clinically definable neurosis, but from the meaninglessness and aimlessness of one's own life.
Carl Gustav Jung

Time and chance can do nothing for those who do nothing for themselves.
J. Canning

Inspiration is such a guest who does not always appear at the first call. Meanwhile, you always need to work ... and a real honest artist cannot sit idly by under the pretext that he is not in the mood. If you wait for the location and do not try to meet him, then it is easy to fall into laziness and apathy. One must endure and believe, and inspiration will inevitably appear to those who have managed to overcome their dislike. Inspiration comes only from hard work.
P.I. Tchaikovsky

A sick and dead soul transmits its illness and obscuration to the entire psychosomatic being of a person.
Metropolitan Hierofei (Vlachos). Orthodox psychotherapy. - Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, 2007. S. 176.

Weakness and healing of the soul come down mainly to weakness and healing of the mind, heart and thoughts.
Metropolitan Hierofei (Vlachos). Orthodox psychotherapy. - Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, 2007. S. 124.

For the healing of the soul, a feeling of illness is necessary. When a sick person is unaware of his illness, he cannot go to the doctor. Self-knowledge is one of the first steps in healing.
…However, the mere feeling of infirmity is not enough. A healer is also required, and this doctor is a priest, spiritual father who was first healed himself, or, by at least, tries to be healed of his own infirmities, and now heals his spiritual children. …He who has known the great treasure called spiritual health can help others heal. He who has found his own mind can help others to find it. “The doctor is the mind that has healed itself, and by what he himself has healed, he heals others” (St. Thalassius. Good. T.3. P.303)
Metropolitan Hierofei (Vlachos). Orthodox psychotherapy. - Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, 2007. S. 40-41.

The man has ruined his stomach and complains about dinner. The same is true of people who are dissatisfied with life. We have no right to be dissatisfied with this life. If it seems to us that we are dissatisfied with her, then this only means that we have reason to be dissatisfied with ourselves.
L. Tolstoy. The path of life. - M .: Higher. Shk., 1993, p. 471.

From youth to old age, I considered every word or action that led me away from my destiny as a sin. What was it - this is my fate? Where was she taking me? My mind could not yet determine this, and I left it to my heart to decide. “Do it, don’t do it, move, don’t stop and don’t shout, you have only one duty – to reach the end.” "To what end?" I asked my heart. "Do not ask! Walk straight!
Nikos Kazantzakis. Report to El Greco. - Lotus, 2005. S. 117.

If you want to succeed, keep believing in yourself even when no one else believes in you.
Abraham Lincoln

The biggest deception people undergo comes from their own opinions.
Leonardo da Vinci

Almost all the misfortunes in life come from a false idea of ​​what happens to us. Therefore, a deep knowledge of people and sound judgments about events bring us closer to happiness.

Perverted will and false actions, ... heightened egoism, in its ignorant manifestation, causing harm to oneself and others, contributing to the establishment of wrong relationships with one's own soul, mind, life and body, as well as with the soul, mind, life and body of other people … here are the practical manifestations of human evil.
Sri Aurobindo. Collected Op. T.1. Biography. - St. Petersburg: Aditi, 1998. S. 444.

Man is sacred to man.
D.S. Likhachev

Suffering is the only cause of consciousness.

Life is a demand from being for meaning and beauty.
A.A. Ukhtomsky

The factor that most often and significantly affects the state of the brain healthy person, are emotions.
N.P. Bekhtereva. The magic of the brain and the labyrinths of life. - M .: publishing house "Sova", 2007. S. 183.

Things do not change from what we think of them, but the affect and the functions associated with it change depending on the fact that they are conscious. They enter into a different relation to consciousness and to another affect, and consequently their relation to the whole and its unity changes.
Vygotsky L.S. Sobr. op. in 6 volumes - M .: Pedagogy, 1982-1984. T.5, p. 251.

Therefore, Christians themselves should use all diligence not to condemn anyone at all: neither an obvious harlot, nor sinners, or disorderly people, but look at everyone with an ingenuous will, a pure eye, so that it turns a person into something natural and indispensable, do not humiliate anyone, not to condemn, not to disdain anyone and not to make a distinction between people.
Macarius the Great// Philokalia. - M .: LLC "Publishing House AST"; Kharkov: "Folio", 2001. P.166.

I not only act in accordance with what I am, but also become in accordance with how I act.
Frankl W. Man in search of meaning. – M.: 1990. S. 114.

The pathological reaction of the human brain to prolonged stress can develop in two directions. The brain can go into an overexcited state, extreme case which will nervous breakdown. It can also change in the opposite direction - to mental stupefaction due to excessive activity own defense mechanisms. Each of these two pathological conditions from a physiological point of view, it is the result of a constant potential going beyond the optimal range. If it shifts to one side, the preconditions for overexcitation will be created, the shift of the constant potential to the other side contributes to emotional dullness.
N.P. Bekhtereva. The magic of the brain and the labyrinths of life. - M .: publishing house "Owl", 2007. S. 187.

People see that something is not good in their life and that something needs to be improved. A person can improve only that one thing that is in his power - himself. But in order to improve oneself, one must first of all admit that I am not good, and I don’t want to. And now all attention is turned not to what is always in your power - not to yourself, but to those external conditions which are not in our power, and the change of which can improve the condition of people just as little as shaking wine and pouring it into another vessel can not change its quality. And begins, firstly, idle, and secondly, harmful, proud (we correct other people) and evil (you can kill people who interfere with the common good), corrupting activity.
L. Tolstoy. The path of life. - M .: Higher. Shk., 1993, p. 200.

He who intends to do good should not expect people to remove all stones from his path; he is obliged to calmly accept his lot even if new ones are heaped upon him. These difficulties can be overcome only by such a force, which, when confronted with them, is spiritually enlightened and strengthened. Anger is a waste of energy.
Albert Schweitzer

The perfection of knowledge is followed by the sincerity of thoughts, the sincerity of thoughts is followed by the straightness of the heart, the straightness of the heart is followed by the perfection of the personality, the perfection of the personality is followed by the evenness of the family, the evenness of the family is followed by the orderliness of the state, the orderliness of the state is followed by the balance of the Celestial Empire. For everyone and everyone - from the son of Heaven to the commoner - the improvement of one's personality is the root.
Confucius. Lun Yu.

We talk about freedom very often, but how many of us are ready to accept freedom? Freedom is, first of all, responsibility for one's decisions, for one's destiny, for the destiny of one's loved ones. As soon as responsibility arises, we try to avoid it, shifting it to others. We are ready to give up freedom, just not to face responsibility.
N. Berdyaev

Transformation is the purification of human nature under the "influence" of the Spirit. Purification is only a part of a psychic or spiritual-psychic transformation.
Sri Aurobindo. Collected Op. T.1. Biography. - St. Petersburg: Aditi, 1998. S. 552.

I am convinced (perhaps in vain) that there is nothing to do outside the category of development in psychology, as well as outside the category of culture.
Zinchenko V.P. Consciousness and the creative act. – M.: Languages ​​of Slavic cultures, 2010. P.68.

... other people's consciousnesses cannot be contemplated, analyzed, defined as objects, as things - one can only communicate with them dialogically. To think about them means to talk to them, otherwise they immediately turn their object side towards us: they fall silent, close and freeze into complete object images.
Bakhtin M.M.. Sobr. op. in 7 volumes - M .: Russian dictionaries, Languages ​​of Slavic culture, 1996-2003. T.6, p.80.

But forced to live
because I have to
I am to everyone who is with me
mentally bound.
I. Huberman

Thanks to reflection, it (consciousness) rushes about in search of the meaning of being, life, activity: it finds, loses, errs, searches again, creates new meanings, etc. It's hard at work on the reasons own mistakes, delusions, crashes. The wise mind knows that main reason collapses is his freedom in relation to being, but to give up freedom means the same as to give up oneself. Therefore, consciousness, choosing freedom, always risks, including itself. This is fine. Tragedy begins when consciousness imagines itself to be absolutely free from natural and cultural history, when it ceases to feel itself a part of nature and society, is freed from responsibility and conscience and claims to be the Demiurge. The latter is possible with sharp decline the ability of the individual to criticize and deformed self-esteem, up to the loss of consciousness of himself as a man or the recognition of himself as a superman, which is essentially the same thing. The objects of reflection are both the images of the world and thinking about it, the foundations, goals and motives of behavior, actions, actions, the processes of reflection themselves, and even one's own, or personal, consciousness.
Zinchenko V.P. Consciousness and the creative act. - M.: Languages ​​of Slavic cultures, 2010. P.37.

Kills you in extraterrestrial orbit
not the absence of oxygen,
but the excess of Time in the pure, that is
without the admixture of your life, vide.
I. Brodsky

Among the influences that shorten life, fear, sadness, despondency, melancholy, cowardice, envy, and hatred occupy a predominant place.
Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland

Do not grieve in sorrows - despondency itself brings sorrows.
Kozma Prutkov

Most strong souls at times despondent. There are moments when even people of great intelligence paint life in the darkest colors.
Theodore Dreiser

Depression is a rebellion of the body, trying to convey to us the fallacy of the chosen paths.
Sabir Omurov

Apathy destroys the readiness to act, readiness to act destroys apathy. Whatever you want, you win.
Elena Ermolova

    Aphorisms about depression and happiness


    Do not despair, and if you despair, continue on your way anyway. Edmund Burke Depression is a thief that robs us of good memories and the ability to think rationally. Sheldon Roth Patience is not the state of a beast that endures everything. This is not a humiliation of a person - not at all. This is not a compromise with evil - neither […]

In summer, the sun gives us energy. And when autumn comes, people's immunity weakens, the time of blues and apathy begins. That's why autumn depression sometimes called a kind of weather ritual. Due to rain, lower temperatures and reduced sunny day so many people are subject to decadence. Among them there are famous ones, whose quotes about depression, we offer for reading. But not in order to immerse yourself in autumn melancholy even more, but so that everyone can understand that their problem is by no means unique, and what to overcome depression possible and necessary even in autumn.

Quotes and Statuses About Depression

Depression is a period of urgent need for happiness.
Olga Zhivikina

Depression is a very hard thing. And not only for those who suffer from it.
Jojo Moyes

Laziness and depression are a signal system that says that you are not living your life.
Vladimir Dovgan

Depression is when it's easier to manually unload a wagon of bricks than pick up the phone.
Vladimir Levy

The depression that once took root in my mind has now grown into riotous flowers. Black. And prickly.
Oksana Robsky

The treatment of depression is not in pills, but in wisdom.
Dorothy Rowe

Idleness, sad thoughts and philosophical literature can lead to depression much sooner than witchcraft.
Max Fry

Depression is not a crime, but it can plunge a person into an abyss into which even a crime cannot plunge him.
Rebbe Schneersohn

In depression, seemingly incompatible things are wonderfully combined. For example: I am not guilty of anything, and this is only my fault.
Julian Barnes

Depression has its charms: you have every right to act like the last reptile.
Nick Hornby

Very often we confuse depression with the usual melancholy state. Although, in fact, the difference between these two states is huge. Depression prone or people with asthenic syndrome and vegetative-vascular dystonia, or those who have depression every season. But mild condition oppression can appear even in people who do not complain of any diseases. Some severe consequences melancholy will not entail, especially if a person takes vitamins, visit more fresh air enough to relax and spend time with your loved ones. And let quotes about depression, about Bad mood, about apathy will let you know that being sad is not interesting.

About apathy and spleen in statuses and quotes

There's only one kind of work that doesn't cause depression, and that's work you don't have to do.
Georges Elgosy

One symptom of depression is a lack of interest in being active.
John Green

Enthusiasm cannot spur a man on for long. In every work there are natural rhythms. A relatively long violation of them leads to an anguish, to depression.
Fazil Iskander

Self-loathing is one of the simplest definitions of depression.
Jonathan Franzen

If you want to be happy, first learn to suffer.
Ivan Turgenev

Our psyche often uses depression to get our attention and point out to us that somewhere deep within us lies a lie.
James Hollis

Depression is a state when you really want to take your soul away, but wherever you take it, it doesn’t like everything.
Rinat Valiullin

Depression is the inability to create the future.
Rollo May

Why make yourself depressed by watching TV? This can be done by getting up every morning on the scale.
Max Brooks

Depression is just different in that during it we have no reason to be sad, and at the same time we are sad.
Janusz Leon Wisniewski

Autumn weather is unstable. We have the same unstable mood at this time of the year. Quotes about depression should help to understand that this problem affects many people and that it can be solved. And how to solve - psychologists will prompt. For example, they believe that in order to forget about the blues, you need not just pull yourself together, but be patient, tune in to the positive. Our body has great adaptive capabilities - you just need to help it. Cold and hot shower, hiking, physical exercises, being outdoors, good dream and proper nutrition- help to overcome the autumn depression.

Quotes About Blues And Depression

Sometimes what is called depression is actually a feeling of dissatisfaction caused by exorbitant demands on oneself or the expectation of special, undeserved life blessings.
Mitch Albom

Being depressed is like wearing a weighted vest.
Neil Brennan

When everything is already tired - you bother yourself.
Yuri Zarozhny

My schedule for today is a six-hour depression with a bias towards self-flagellation.
Philip Dick

My depression is feeling tired.
Virginia Woolf

Most effective remedy from depression - a boxing gym!
Piotr Kwiatkowski

Until you decide to stop wallowing in misfortune, no one will help you. medicines and no doctors...
Lady Gaga

Work, work, work again - who said that pills help depression? Better means of a twenty-hour working day have not yet been invented! When you fall, you are exhausted so that you have no strength to raise your head, and you forget about everything.
Galina Goncharova

Moping doesn't make sense. The spleen is an activity for elephants and depressed people. And depressed elephants.
Cassandra Clare

Most reliable way to kill the thickening blues - to do something useful.
Boris Akunin

Good music - best pill from depression.
Andrey Vavilin

Any depression must be met with a smile. Depression will think you're an idiot and run away.
Robert DeNiro

Depression is a puzzle. In the literal and figurative sense of the word. We react to life's troubles, experience stress - severe and sudden, or outwardly insignificant, but very long, and as a result, the capabilities of our brain are depleted. After the weakened brain begins to fall into stress from any nonsense, and its condition worsens further. Ultimately it turns out vicious circle.
Andrey Kurpatov

And, of course, we wish that quotes about depression remain quotes, and do not turn into reality.

Statuses about depression.

Hmm... Life is beautiful and amazing... The main thing is to choose the right antidepressants.

The day did not work out in the morning: the alarm clock rang ...

Everything is going well, but for some reason...

You cry?
-No, what are you! This is me cutting onions in bed at night!

You turn on the funniest song in the player and start crying to it - this is depression

And again we are together ... me and depression ... I wonder if we will part a thread?

Depression ... the castle in the air collapsed and crushed the builder.

Think before you think...

It's bad for me to think. My conclusions make me depressed.

I feel myself, but bad.../F. Ranevskaya/

When I fell to the very bottom, there was a knock from below.

Whoever brings himself or another to depression is a semi-murderer.

Taking a bath will help against mild depression. essential oil, against heavy - with a hairdryer

If depression is in the status - definitely a session!

Not apathy. not depression.
And fatigue. and it just pisses everyone off.

I'm depressed 🙁 - talk to me, I'm abandoned and abandoned by everyone.

Maybe the men are drugs? From them depression begins, then wings grow.

When cats scratch their hearts, it's not just like that. They are burying shit.

Do you know that depression is a sign of the complex nature of a creative person?

If I have the status of depression, this does not mean that I have no one to communicate with! This means that I suck!

I cry without tears and without sounds - this is such a special breathing system when you just suffocate. Quiet and without drama.

The status of "depression" does not want to change to "ready to chat" you can't fool my ICQ

Depression is when it seems that life has gone not across, but along the black strip

It's funny ... you put the status of depression and angry, ONE asks why you are angry, OTHERS why you are sad ...

The depression has passed. Even fun. I last puff, can I?

I feel like crying but I'm having fun
I hide deadly sadness behind laughter,
I draw a smile, I joke endlessly,
I live behind the facade of someone else's face...

The Law of Meanness: You Don't Want Trouble, But Trouble Wants You...

Again that evil Frenchman De'Presniak...

I live in prosperity: everything is enough

And I - I'm terribly cynical,
indecent and schizophrenic,
depressive and extreme
aggressive and manic.
I can soak it
And in general - I need to be treated.

it's easier to say "I'm fine" than to explain why you want to smash your head against the battery...

Why is depression so difficult to treat? Why does it arise?

Depression is not a crime, but it can plunge a person into an abyss into which even a crime cannot plunge him. /Rebbe Schneerson/

Born to shop, forced to go to work!!!

There are two types of depression: "Spring" - Nobody loves me. And "Autumn" - Yes, fuck you all ...

We get used to smiling at those who do not feel like smiling, and looking great at the moment when we want to scream in pain.

Depression is a conspiracy of suicidal elements within us. A depressed person is no good for anything else. /Rebbe Schneerson/

You wake up in the morning and you're afraid to live...(that's how depression starts...)

Studies show that 80 percent of the population suffer from depression, and the remaining 20 cause it

Depression is anger without enthusiasm...

It's easier to move your ass off the grater than to study for five!

Depression is when you are asked to smile and you start crying...

Everyone says forget it, forget depression... but you can forget the multiplication table?!

Why is there so many months left at the end of the money?

To the question How are you? She answered: “At first it was bad, and then it remained like that ...”

We crash without having time to spread our wings.

A person has such secret corners in the heart, the existence of which he only learns when pain penetrates into them.

Tell me something soothing)
- validol, valerian, novopassit...

Depression is when you are not happy, the things that painted life with bright colors, and a bottle of vodka no longer helps.

Female depression is when you change hairpins for ballet flats, styling for a ponytail, a smile for bright lipstick

Depression - aphorisms, quotes. How to deal with depression?

Depression is the destruction of those nervous and muscular organs that gradually developed for the sake of the planned future.

You need to live in such a way that others have depression ...

Many are ready to die rather than think. Often, by the way, this happens. / Bertrand Russell /

If you want to be at peace, do not take grief and trouble personally, but always attribute them to the state. / Kozma Prutkov /

Oh, hello, blues! How are you with her, depression? No you! Of course, I have a place for you... Now, I'll just kick out my common sense...

Only those who think only of themselves are subject to depression.

Chocolate (sweet) helps the brain work. Maybe that's why when people are in a bad mood (depression) they eat it ... so that the head finally starts working and throws all the bad thoughts out of their heads ?!.

If you want life to smile at you, give it your good mood first.

To relieve depression, someone eats sweets, someone does yoga, someone breaks dishes or just thinks ... and someone just feeds chickens on a farm in contact ...

When my tears come out, I sit back and watch their performance...

When I don't feel like living, I just go to sleep. In the morning, by the way, I want to go to the toilet. Then eat. And somehow not until death becomes.

It is extremely unpleasant to feel the emptiness in the soul, to see only gray colors and not notice all the beauty of the surrounding world. The feeling of emptiness, the lack of desire to do at least something eventually develops into a depressive state. To get out of this state, you need to occupy yourself with something, and since you don’t want to do anything, you get some kind of vicious circle. Probably, this condition is familiar to almost everyone. That is why different statuses about depression were invented, which allow you to express your feelings.

Statuses about nostalgia

When there is nostalgia in your soul or you really miss someone, statuses about a bad mood and depression will do:

  • Everything passes. Life is running. People are changing. And everything seems to be fine. But sometimes you miss the past so much! For that past life. By topics dear people.
  • Oh God, how much we lost when we stopped writing letters! After all telephone conversation can't be read over and over again.
  • Going through past memories in my memory, I am afraid to meet those from which I feel longing.
  • Even if an important person for you is far away now, he is still there if he lives in your heart...
  • After your departure, only sadness lives in my heart. That's not how they do it loving people
  • I loved many of your shortcomings, and you could not bear my virtues.

Statuses about loneliness

When a feeling of emptiness covers your head, sad statuses about depression and loneliness will do:

  • I feel like I'm drowning in an ocean of loneliness. And for the first time in my life, it seems to me that I won’t be able to swim out.
  • Loneliness is if you clearly hear your clock ticking.
  • There are times when best friend a person becomes lonely, and best friend- silence.
  • I made myself a new friend. His name is Loneliness. He does not offend me and is always there.
  • When you mourn in silence, the mirror doubles your loneliness.

Here are a few more depressive ones that will help throw out your sadness:

  • The disadvantage of loneliness is that soon it begins to bring sincere pleasure. And you just stop letting anyone into your life.
  • I'm not at all afraid to be alone. I already live in a city called Solitude.
  • I love spending time with smart people. interesting people, that's why the best company for myself I am myself.
  • Single people don't like hearing stories about happy couples. It's not fair. It's like dragging a case of beer to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.
  • I need solitude.
  • Loneliness makes you deal with your inner world.

Statuses about depression with meaning

depression is mine new status!!! Treatment from her - your love!

Depression is when your friends try their best to cheer you up and you don't care.

What is depression? This is when your castles in the air are crumbling.

We're together again, depression and me... I wonder if we'll ever say goodbye?

Sometimes you want to run away from everyone somewhere far, far away, and only he alone will find you and say: “Do not be sad, my love, know that everything will be fine.”

Depression is when cheerful, groovy music sounds on your player, but you still cry.

Depression is like an unexpected guest. When she comes, don't drive her away. Better yet, invite her to sit down at the table and listen carefully to what she wants to tell.

Statuses about sadness

To convey your own, you can use the statuses about depression and sadness:

  • The hardest thing in life is to lose the meaning of your existence.
  • Sometimes the only happiness is the opportunity to mourn.
  • There are such moments that the eyes are dry as a desert, and the ocean is raging in the soul.
  • I am not crying because I have become weak, but because I have been strong for too long.
  • Losing love is not as painful as the hopes and dreams associated with it.
  • They say that time heals. In fact, we just get used to living with pain.
  • I look around - and I see summer, the sun. I look into the soul - I see winter and clouds.

Here are some more statuses about depression and sadness:

  • Probably, my guardian angel is on sick leave, since he stopped protecting me.
  • How hard it is to hide your sadness behind a forced fake smile.
  • I'm tired of living in the rain. Probably time to get used to it.

Statuses about resentment

When resentment lurks in the soul, you can use sad statuses about depression and resentment:

  • Getting depressed because of criticism is like looking into a distorted mirror and worrying about your reflection.
  • If you treat me with love, I will, like the sun, warm you with my rays, but if you offend me, I will incinerate!

Original statuses about depression and resentment:

  • It's a shame if your innermost dreams come true for others.
  • Never take revenge yourself, let fate do it.
  • Depression never comes alone. Melodramas, novels and sad music come hand in hand with her.
  • The best way defeat resentment - go eat chocolate.
  • Stop being offended, make friends with irony.

Statuses for VK about depression

If you are like everyone else, then you don’t exist at all!

Feeling happiness is not the goal of your whole life, it is only an indicator of whether you are living the right way.

Only close to death can one feel the true taste of life.

Did not learn to love - it remains to be friends.

If we go towards each other, then you and I are not on the same path.

I often do bad things, but it should be noted that I do them well!

I am often laughed at because I am different from everyone. But I also laugh in response, because I can’t distinguish others from each other.

I'm not evil at all. It's just that no one hugged me for a long time. It's just that no one knows what kind of music plays when I'm sad.

I'm in in perfect order, in very bad, but definitely in full.

Depression is easy to treat sexually, but you don't need to self-medicate.

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