I wake up in the middle of the night every day. Poor sleep: a comprehensive solution to the problem. Causes of poor sleep at night with frequent waking up

Frequent awakenings at night are serious symptom sleep disorders. If you do not take action in time, then the problem will only worsen, and the condition will worsen. Our article will consider why a person often wakes up at night.

Why do I often wake up at night?

There can be quite a few reasons for frequent awakening at night, because each person is individual. Therefore, it is best to take the time and contact a specialist so that he identifies the pathology and eliminates it. Common causes include the following:


People who often wake up at night are often tormented by nightmares. Usually they dream of those who constantly wind themselves up and see in any situation Negative consequences. As a result, the subconscious finishes the picture and gives out a terrifying dream, after which it can be very difficult to fall asleep. And if you manage to do this, then for some reason you wake up at night again, seeing the continuation of your nightmare.

The only way out of this situation can be your own reprogramming. A person should draw in his imagination only rainbow pictures, there simply should not be a place for negativity in them. It is recommended to watch comedies or read positive literature at night, and watching the news or heavy, depressing films should be avoided. Of course, it is impossible to change your behavior in one day, but you should make an effort on yourself, and then in a few weeks the situation will improve. A warm foot bath and herbal tea before bed will help you relax.


If a person is overexcited and long time tormented by some problem, then he may have problems with sleep. He will try to solve the problem in his sleep, forcing his brain to actively analyze the information. As a result, insomnia will become a companion of a person for a long time.

In order not to fall into this state, you need to relax and let go of the problem. Of course, many this advice may seem like a mockery, since it is very difficult to do this. But, meanwhile, you must definitely try to relax and tune in to a positive resolution of troubles. Meditation can help with this, because when a person enters this state, the world ceases to exist for him. If you can not relax, then you can soak in a warm bath with essential oils, and then drink tea with chamomile.

It is also important to understand that the problem will not be solved from the spent nerves of a person. It is better to draw a picture in your imagination that clearly demonstrates that the negative situation was resolved successfully. Such an attitude will certainly lead to success, and sleep will be strong and uninterrupted.


If a person asks the question: “Why do I often wake up at night?”, although visible reasons for this no, he should remember that he has the following diseases:

  • epilepsy;
  • hypertension;
  • ulcer;
  • angina.

All this can cause night awakenings. Also, alcohol poisoning often causes nightmares and hallucinations, and as a result, a person often wakes up at night. It is very important to control the course of the disease, take appropriate medications, undergo scheduled checkups then you can sleep peacefully at night.

If you're constantly waking up in the middle of the night, this should give you pause. Nocturnal awakenings for no apparent reason human body. In most cases, this problem is solved with a change in lifestyle. You might just want to cut down on your alcohol intake, stop drinking coffee before bed, and stop smoking.

But sometimes things can be much more serious. Constantly waking up in the middle of the night can signal some health problems: sleep apnea, nocturia, syndrome restless legs, gastroesophageal reflux disease or depression. In such cases, only the treatment of the underlying disease can enable a person to sleep deeply through the night.

Luckily, modern research sleep and understanding the symptoms of various ailments make it easy for people to get rid of this problem. Here is an expert's view of the main causes of nighttime wakefulness.

Here are 8 of the most probable causes to which you wake up in the middle of the night.

1. Too cold or hot

Strong night sleep directly depends on the temperature in your bedroom. You should not be cold, but not hot either. In order for the body to go into sleep mode, its temperature must drop slightly. But that doesn't mean you have to be cold!

Signs of temperature problems: If you constantly wake up in a sweat, then you need to change the blanket or sleep in lighter pajamas. Also pay attention to the temperature in the room. And if you're waking up cold because you're trying to save money on your heating bills, something needs to be done about that too!

How to fix the problem: According to sleep research, the ideal temperature for a good night's sleep is somewhere between 16 and 19 degrees Celsius. The bedroom of small children should be slightly warmer: 18-21 °C.

2. Nocturia

Frequent nighttime urination (nocturia) can cause you to wake up several times during the same night. For most people, after falling asleep, urine production decreases, which allows them to sleep continuously for 6-8 hours. But if you have nocturia, then you are out of luck in this regard.

Symptoms of nocturia: an urgent urge to urinate in the middle of the night could mean you have nocturia. But you should worry only when this happens regularly, and is not an isolated case.

How to solve a problem: do not drink too much liquid in the evening. This is especially true for drinks such as tea or coffee, as they act as diuretics. Besides, constant desire going to the toilet at night can be caused by an infection urinary tract, pregnancy, kidney problems, prostate enlargement or even diabetes. Treatment will depend on what exactly is causing your nocturia.

3. Aging

If you are already quite old, nighttime awakenings may be the result of aging. Over the years, sleep becomes more shallow, which can also cause you to wake up frequently at night.

Symptoms of age-related insomnia: you often wake up at night, but get up very early in the morning. Because you spend less time on more deep stage dreamless sleep, it is easier to wake you up. On average, older people wake up three to four times every night. In addition, the need to urinate increases with age. Nighttime awakenings are also facilitated by anxiety, pain, or discomfort from chronic conditions.

How to solve a problem: You can take sleeping pills only after consulting a doctor. This is vital as these medications may interact with other medications you are taking. What's more, many sleep pills are addictive, so you risk getting addicted to them. But if your problems are related to depression or anxiety, these medications will actually help you sleep better. Try also avoiding naps during the day and stop watching TV before bed. Give up coffee in the evenings, it's better to drink a little warm milk.

4. Alcohol


While booze can quickly sink you in deep dream, it won't last long. As the body tries to process the alcohol at night, sleep becomes very restless. As a result, you will constantly wake up.

Symptoms of alcohol-related sleep problems include: If you find yourself waking up every time you have a drink before bed, then alcohol is to blame!

How to fix the problem: it's pretty simple. Avoid drinking before bed! Or limit yourself to one glass of wine (beer) and no more. Because tolerance for sedative effect alcohol develops in just a couple of days, eventually you will have to drink too much to get the same effect!

5. Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea often results in partial or complete blockage of the airways during sleep. As soon as the level of oxygen in the blood drops, your body forces you to wake up as the survival mechanism kicks in. This makes sleep very restless. Somnologists call this "night waves". Each of these "waves" causes you to wake up hours after you fall asleep.

Sleep apnea symptoms: headache, dry mouth and/or chest tightness upon waking, persistent mood swings, and excessive sleepiness during the day. All of these signs can indicate that you have sleep apnea.

How to fix the problem: after diagnosis apnea doctors may advise you to use a special device for the nose and mouth. It helps keep Airways open during sleep. if you have overweight, relieve symptoms of sleep apnea can weight loss. It is also recommended to reduce alcohol consumption and stop smoking.

6. Anxiety or depression


Anxiety or depression often causes sleep problems, leading to nighttime awakenings with panic attacks, nightmares, or a vague feeling of unease. This cause of unstable sleep also leads to the fact that a person begins to wake up very early in the morning. Unfortunately, as sleep problems increase, the symptoms of anxiety or depression only get worse.

Anxiety symptoms: although everyone experiences situational anxiety from time to time, anxiety disorder and depression are serious illnesses. These problems never go away on their own, but cause a feeling of irrational anxiety or constant fear that prevent a person from living a normal life.

How to solve a problem: If anxiety or depression is affecting your sleep, you need professional help. A specialist may recommend cognitive behavioral therapy or drug treatment. Also good help all sorts of ways relaxation. Meditation, listening to music, yoga, warm baths, evening walks and physical exercises can significantly relieve your anxiety, which will help you get a good night's rest.

7. Restless legs syndrome (RLS)

If you wake up with an overwhelming urge to move your legs, you may have restless legs syndrome (RLS). This neurological problem causes discomfort in the legs, and lying position symptoms get worse.

Symptoms of RLS: you may feel itchy, tingly, or feel like someone is crawling on you. Some people feel like their legs throb or hurt. Sometimes such sensations can occur in the hands and even in the head. These symptoms usually get worse at night.

How to fix the problem: With RLS, it is best to completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Changing your sleep pattern from nighttime to daytime allows you to make the most of symptom-free hours and compensates for sleep deprivation. Foot massage, moderate exercise, warm baths, ice packs, or heating pads can alleviate the condition. There are also special medical devices which put pressure on the legs and massage them. Iron must be added to the diet. In moderate and severe cases RLS doctor may prescribe hormonal agents or dopamine boosters used to treat Parkinson's disease.

8. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

GERD is chronic illness due to spontaneous " acid reflux". It occurs when stomach acid does not properly enter the esophagus. Almost 80% of people with GERD have nocturnal attacks of this disease, and as a result, interrupted sleep. Similar to sleep apnea, this problem can cause awakening in the middle of the night, just a few hours after falling asleep.

Symptoms of GERD: acid taste in the mouth, nausea, bad smell mouth, painful swallowing, nocturnal heartburn, chronic cough, wheezing, pain and sore throat.

How to fix the problem: stick to a daily routine, avoid sleeping after meals (because it worsens symptoms), eat only light snacks before bed, avoid alcohol. Caffeine and nicotine are best avoided within 8 hours before falling asleep.

Most main advice to successfully deal with nocturnal awakenings - do not take them to heart. Remember that it is not the problem itself that causes harm to the body, but the constant worries about it. Although the advice of a specialist still does not hurt. Get rid of the reason for your night vigils and sleep peacefully!

Translation and adaptation: Marketium

"Observations on the circadian biorhythms of people are stated in texts on Chinese medicine and date back to the 13th century", – Gwei-Djen, L. (2002)

H It's okay if you wake up in the middle of the night. Sometimes this happens to everyone. Is it annoying? Of course, because we need 7-8 hours of sleep. But if you wake up at 2.3 am, this does not mean that you have health problems. However, only a few of us wake up at the same time every night. Coincidence? Maybe. After all, our brain lives by its own mind, but its “tick-tock” and strange internal warnings are not beyond our understanding.

When we have a certain routine, our brain adapts and reminds us what to do and when. This is a scientifically proven fact. When the brain and body suddenly go off course, including changes in the mysterious sleep/wake cycle, we notice it.

Chinese healers observed daily biorhythms as early as the 13th century, much earlier than Western ones. Our internal energy (called qi) passes through various points for the daily cycle. Violation of internal energy at any point during the daily cycle can manifest itself in emotional, mental or physical problems. it potential problem for health, since every system in our body must have the ability to restore and regenerate.

Here we will focus on the theory of biorhythms in Chinese medicine. More precisely, on the Organ Clock in Traditional Chinese Medicine. We will discuss sleep disorders and reasonable explanations for them.

Reasons why you wake up at the same time at night:

“The daily biorhythm is any biological process, which takes about 24 hours ... These 24-hour rhythms are driven by the circadian clock, and they have been studied a lot ”, - Edgar, R. & al (2012)

1. The problem with falling asleep from 21.00 to 23.00

During these two hours, the arteries and blood vessels are very active. artery problems or blood vessels may indicate a number of health problems. Problems with the adrenal glands, metabolism, immune system or thyroid gland can be the real reason. FROM psychological point vision, elevated level stress, confusion, or paranoia can Negative influence to the sleep process.

Possible solutions: meditation, breathing techniques or other types of relaxation exercises.

2. Awakening from 23.00 to 1.00

Most people with advanced knowledge of anatomy and physiology (eg, internists) know that the gallbladder is most active at night, especially during this time period. From 23.00 to 01.00 the gallbladder is actively working with the fats consumed during the day.

From a psychological point of view, judgment of oneself or others, resentment and inability to forgive can cause insomnia during these hours.

Possible solutions: more restrictive diet, meditation, learning to accept and forgive both yourself and others.

3. Awakening from 01.00 to 3.00

From 1.00 to 3.00, the liver cleanses the body of harmful toxins. Some medications can dramatically activate liver function, which will affect sleep. Diet and eating habits are also extremely important.

Some believe that this period is associated with feelings of anger and guilt. When our mind and body experience feelings of anger and guilt, it is very difficult to fall asleep.

Possible solutions: more healthy eating(eat less fat and carbohydrates); reduce alcohol consumption, especially before bedtime, learn to be attentive and caring.

4. Awakening from 3.00 to 5.00

The lungs distribute oxygen between systems and prepare our body for the day ahead. Like the liver, the lungs also work to eliminate accumulated toxins. People suffering from lung diseases are prone to coughing and wheezing during this period of time.

From a psychological point of view, awakening during these hours can be associated with melancholy and sadness. During this period, symptoms of depression may be triggered.

Possible solutions: eat healthier (eating foods that are good for lung health), stop smoking, find a healthy outlet for feeling sad, sad or depressed.

5. Awakening from 5.00 to 7.00

From 5 to 7 in the morning, our intestines are in cleansing mode. Have you ever wondered why you go to the toilet first thing after waking up? Here you go.

During this period of time, our mind goes into "work mode". Thoughts or feelings due to lack of progress or anxiety about the upcoming work day can become impulses for awakening.

Make sure you drink plenty of water as this helps to cleanse the colon. Your nutritional priorities should also be in order. Concerning negative thoughts then practice mindfulness of the moment and gratitude, as this will help alleviate your anxieties.

Almost every one of us had to deal with a situation when you suddenly wake up in the middle of the night and can no longer fall asleep for no apparent reason. And it often happens that such awakenings from night to night occur at the same time!

Of course, everything can be attributed to chronic fatigue, the frantic pace of life, or to believe that the body has already had time to rest, but in vain - the reasons for such awakenings can be hidden where you do not even suspect!

What does it mean if you wake up between 21.00 and 23.00 hours?

You spent the whole day on your feet and only dreamed about how to come home, fall into your favorite bed, how is it for you - half an hour of sleep and you treacherously look at the ceiling? The reason for waking up during this period of time suggests that just now you experienced stress and are nervous about this, even if you don’t admit it to yourself. In such cases, psychologists strongly advise in the near future to triple your relaxation or “unload” your head with some positive event.

What does it mean if you wake up between 23.00 and 01.00 at night?

Wow, if you have been waking up during this period of time for several days now, blame those who disappointed you very emotionally! And from the point of view of physiology - awakening during these hours hints at problems with gallbladder, which at this time is just “active”. In a word, do not put off a visit to the doctor and rather remember your favorite affirmations and optimistic life attitudes!

What does it mean if you wake up between 01.00 and 03.00 at night?

Alas, if you woke up after one in the morning, tossed and turned for a long time, and the arms of Morpheus still do not carry you towards you, then suppressed anger is to blame! But while you are thinking about how to forgive the offender for your own good, it will not be superfluous to check your liver. Yes, it is between 01.00 and 03.00 at night that the meridian associated with this organ is activated! And here is the ancient Chinese medicine found another reason for awakening at this time - it turns out that you have an excess of yang energy and it's time to harmonize it.

What does it mean if you wake up between 03.00 at night and 05.00 in the morning?

According to physiological observations, the cause of awakening during this period of time may be the lungs, or rather, the problems associated with them. Maybe you are a heavy smoker or just haven't cured a cold? But from the point of view of metaphysics, the lack of sleep at this time speaks of a feeling of sadness (it seems that the best romantic songs and poems are written at this time!) But now you will be shocked by another observation - if you woke up at 03.00 at night and 05.00 in the morning, then , higher powers are trying to contact you!

What does it mean if you wake up between 05.00 at night and 07.00 in the morning?

For some, this time on the alarm clock means getting up early and getting ready for work, but if it’s too early for you before the morning procedures, and at least sew up your eyes, blame the presence of internal psychological blocks (blocks are energy charges that our body releases to pay off conflict or unwanted situations, and which we do not use for their intended purpose or do not implement). Such blocks soon turn into clots, settle in our body and interfere not only with life, but also with sleep! And if you already know how you will deal with them - that's great, but at first it will help you hot shower and muscle stretching.

Well, did you realize that good sleep Is this not only a guarantee of health, but also a sure sign of it?

I often wake up at night and sleep badly - what are the reasons and what to do? Somnologists listen to such complaints every day at the reception, and as medical statistics show, this phenomenon is not uncommon. There are reasons for this, as well as methods for treating this sleep problem.

I often wake up at night and sleep poorly - the main reasons

Doctors distinguish a lot of internal and external causes that provoke this violation sleep. Therefore, it is worth knowing them, and already starting from this, proceed further.

External causes

So to the external, most common causes of sleep disturbance, nocturnal awakenings, doctors include the following factors:

  1. Street noise and noise in the room from working equipment, electronics.
  2. Unsuitable for falling asleep temperature in the bedroom - too hot or cold in the room.
  3. Noise from pets, a child sleeping next to you, a spouse snoring.
  4. Uncomfortable mattress or bed sheets, accessories, a blanket or pillows.

There may be others external factors considered in each individual case.

Internal factors

First of all, the gender of the sleeping person should be included here, as well as age-related changes flowing in the body. In particular, doctors identify certain categories of people who wake up at night more often than others and suffer from short sleep:

  1. Elderly people. AT this case at night they wake up for the reason that they often doze off in daytime hours. As a result, the night rhythm of sleep gets confused and entails frequent awakenings at night,.
  2. Women. In this case, gender should be taken into account not so much as hormonal disorders flowing on certain days menstrual cycle. Gynecologists note that closer to the beginning of menstruation, the quality of sleep worsens, it becomes more sensitive, accompanied by frequent awakenings.
  3. Pregnant women who are carrying a baby at night often wake up from night cramps, the urge to urinate in the toilet, due to the movement of the baby in the stomach. All this is considered the norm, therefore it should not cause much unrest.
  4. Women in menopause - in effect hormonal changes may be observed at night excessive and a feeling of heat, deterioration of health. Due to such factors, women often wake up at night and cannot fall asleep.

Further, the internal factors of nocturnal awakenings include illness and the intake of a number of medications. In particular, some drugs can lead to sleep disturbance as side effects. Accordingly, either you will have to put up with it for the period of therapy, or replace it with analogues that do not have such side effect. In particular, according to doctors, beta-blockers and diuretics negatively affect sleep.

Diseases that can cause nighttime awakenings:

  1. Arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis.
  2. Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  3. Disease of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Pathology of the kidneys and lungs.
  5. Neoplasms.
  6. Consequences of trauma.
  7. Other diseases.

Do not exclude such internal factor, how mental disorders and overvoltage. Stress and depression, constant emotional overstrain at work or anxious anticipation, panic attacks- all this can lead to frequent nighttime awakenings.

All these diseases, as well as other deviations, can cause nocturnal awakenings. And if they bother you more than 3 nights a week, you should visit a doctor and get tested.

How to deal with nighttime awakenings

If the cause of this situation was a disease internal organs and systems - it is these diseases that should be treated, thereby eliminating the root cause of nocturnal awakenings.

In addition, to improve the quality of sleep, you need to:

  1. The temperature in the bedroom was in the range of 18-20 degrees, so that it was quiet and comfortable, without unnecessary sounds and as dark as possible.
  2. Before going to bed, refrain from alcohol, coffee, strong tea, tonic drinks, active physical activity. Don't lie in bed thinking about important matters for tomorrow or soon.
  3. Refrain from daytime sleep, as this will lead to the fact that at night you will not be able to fall asleep for a long time, and the dream itself will be inferior.
  4. The optimal duration of sleep is considered to be 7-8 hours, and if you sleep more than this time, it can cause drowsiness.
  5. To improve sleep, an hour before departure - turn off the TV and computer, if you want - master the practice of meditation, drink warm milk with honey.
  6. A warm bath perfectly relaxes, with the addition of fragrant foam or decoctions of medicinal herbs.

If a person says that I often wake up at night and sleep poorly, you should take this phenomenon seriously, as this may be a symptom serious illnesses. You should consult a doctor for examination and identification exact reason sleep disorders. This will help you get started earlier. proper treatment and avoid potential complications.

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