Why dream of swimming in a clean river? Why is the river dreaming

In our dreams, we often go somewhere, fly. And we swim, and in a variety of waters. In this case, the water can be clean, transparent or cloudy, even dirty. In the morning, of course, everyone wants to know what that would mean. Therefore, let's try to figure out why you dream that you are swimming.

Interpretation according to the Modern Dream Book

Now there are a lot of dream books, and the interpretations in them are the most controversial.

As the Modern Dream Book says, swimming in night dreams is a harbinger of success if you enjoy swimming.

If you dive underwater while swimming, such a vision can lead to possible disappointment.

Swim under water - in reality you are waiting for anxiety and the struggle for your interests.

If a young woman swims with her girlfriend, in real life this may mean that they will love her because she is charming and sweet, and forgive small love sins.

Interpretation according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima also give their interpretations of why you dream that you are swimming:

  • If swimming gives you pleasure, and the water is clean and clear, such a dream promises you success in business.
  • There is a dream in which it is very difficult for you to swim - this may mean that you have taken up a business that you cannot handle, and therefore doubt that you will achieve the desired result.
  • If in a dream you see that it’s not you who are swimming, but another person, and an excellent swimmer, this is an omen that if you concentrate all your strength and energy on achieving your goal, you will definitely succeed.

Interpretation according to "Dream Interpretation from A to Z"

Why do you dream that you are swimming, "Dream Interpretation from A to Z" gives us its explanations:

  • Do you dream of people swimming and sunbathing on the beach? In real life, you will not be lucky in love, your dreams of reciprocity will be in vain. There is a second interpretation of such a dream - your friend may turn out to be a traitor.
  • If the dreamer swims in the pool, he will face a difficult choice between two people he loves.
  • A dream in which a woman swims naked, and men appeared on the shore and she cannot get out of the water means that in reality she will find herself in a difficult situation when she has to choose what to give preference to - her aspirations and ambitions or duty to her loved ones.
  • Scuba diving - in real life, your hope of achieving your goal will not come true. And this after, when success is already very close.
  • If you saw in a dream men swimming naked - expect unfortunate grief. But they will be insignificant and you can not focus on them.

Interpretation according to the Idiomatic dream book

This dream book gives us explanations of dreams, depending on a number of nuances.

If you swim easily, like a fish in water, you are currently well oriented in the current situation.

Swim in a dream against the current - you may have a conflict with the people around you, or you will have to deal with internal disagreements.

Going with the flow in a dream means that you live in harmony with others.

If you swim in shallow water, in real life you are not capable of doing significant things.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Let's get acquainted with the interpretations of other dream books, why dream that you are swimming:

  • For example, the Wanderer's dream book, a night vision in which you swim not alone, but with someone, explains this: separation from this person may await you.
  • The latest dream book says that if in a dream you swim in clear water, then you will have good health and the fulfillment of your wildest desires. If the water is dirty - in reality you can get sick, if it is bubbling - you will have many tempting offers. Another interpretation offers us the latest dream book. Swim in a dream as a crawl - a prosperous life awaits you, and if you are sick, recovery awaits you.
  • According to Tsvetkov's dream book, if lovers swim together in a dream, an unforeseen separation awaits them.
  • According to the Russian dream book, if you swim in a dream with great difficulty - in reality you will encounter great disappointments, if you are confident in your abilities - success awaits you.

Why dream - swim in the river?

Night visions in which the dreamer swims in the river are interpreted based on the nature of the dreaming river.

Gustav Miller believes that a dream in which a person swims along a calm and clean river marks the successful completion of all his undertakings. And if the dreamer swims in muddy river water, then in real life compromising evidence may appear on him, which can ruin his life, put an end to a successful career, or lead to a break in romantic relationships.

The seer Vanga interprets in her own way the dream in which you swim in the river. If you go with the flow in a quiet river, such a dream portends you prosperity and well-being. If the water in the river is muddy, you may expect minor anxieties, but they will not disturb your usual way of life. When the dreamer swims with his soul mate in a quiet river, their family life is in complete harmony. Well, when you dreamed of a river that boils and foams, this can be a cause for concern. If a pregnant woman dreams that she is swimming in a raging river, she should especially pay attention to his interpretation.

According to Sigmund Freud, a dream in which you swim in a river means that you will fall in love and lose peace.

Swim in a dream in the pool. Interpretation according to the dream book of Yuri Longo

The swimming pool is associated with sports and a healthy lifestyle. In any case, this small artificial reservoir is most often associated with positive emotions. In such a positive way, Yuri Longo explains why he dreams of swimming in the pool.

If you swam in a pool in a dream, an important meeting awaits you soon.

We swam in the pool with the skill that you have in real life - very soon you will have the opportunity to receive a profitable offer that you cannot refuse.

If the dreamer enjoyed swimming in the pool, this is evidence that you cannot break away from everyday worries and you need at least a little rest. Otherwise, you will just exhaust yourself.

And if for some reason you didn’t like swimming in the pool, in real life you will have to part because of the need to leave. It could be a business trip or vacation. But time will pass quickly and imperceptibly.

If in your nightly dreams you saw someone from your loved ones swimming in the pool, a time of great change is approaching for you. Moreover, they will affect all spheres of your life - family, professional and others.

Why dream - to swim in the sea?

In many dream books, the sea seen in night visions is a symbol of life and great power contained in the human subconscious. Different interpreters gave explanations for such dreams, based precisely on this position:

  • If in a dream you are sailing on the high seas, then, according to Miller's interpretation, you are dissatisfied with neither your financial situation nor your spiritual world. And a dream in which a young woman swims in the sea promises her the fulfillment of desires.
  • According to Tsvetkov's dream book, if you swim in the sea alone, success awaits you in future endeavors. Swim with your loved one - you may soon be separated.
  • The Muslim (Islamic) dream book interprets a dream in which you see yourself swimming in the sea as a sign that you will need to gain new knowledge in order to achieve your goal. If in your night vision you swim perfectly under water, you have taken on a difficult task that you can easily handle.
  • Freud believes that swimming in the sea in a dream in itself portends joyful feelings in reality.
  • Interpreter Hasse explains why he dreams of swimming in clear water. Such a vision promises that peace awaits you in life. But if the water in the sea is dirty, expect minor troubles. Did you dream that you were at sea in a strong storm? Your life is entering an active phase.
  • Meneghetti in his dream book considers swimming in sea water to be a positive sign. If you are just swimming beautifully, in reality you are confident in your attractiveness. If you swim away from something, this symbolizes your attempt to avoid an unpleasant situation.

The nuances of dreams

Everyone knows that the meaning of any dream depends on the number of details you remember. For example, if you dreamed that you were swimming in a dream, it is very important for a correct interpretation to clarify the place of bathing:

  • If the dreamer bathes in the source, in reality he is really waiting for his cherished dream to come true. If a person is sick, he will recover.
  • If a person in a dream bathes in a river or in a pond, and the water is clean at the same time, such a dream promises him well-being.
  • If the dreamer swims in a clear lake, marriage will soon await him. If the water in the lake is dirty, expect problems, which, fortunately, will end quickly.
  • Whether the changes that await a person who swam in a dream in the sea will be good or bad depends on whether he enjoyed swimming in a dream or not.
  • But swimming in the ocean in a dream predicts fateful events. This dream symbolizes changes that can turn your whole life upside down. If you swim in a quiet serene ocean, a period of stability awaits you and your surroundings. And the waves in the ocean in a dream are a symbol of new horizons in your life, bold ideas and brilliant prospects.

Often dreams allow a person to understand the current situation in reality or look into his own. If you look at what dreams of swimming in the river, then, as a rule, the dream will have a positive meaning, indicating that a person is in harmony with himself and the world around him.

But in order to more accurately interpret the dream, you need to disassemble it into its components. After that, you need to turn to several dream books, as their interpretations may vary. Ultimately, information should be summarized and appropriate conclusions drawn.

Dream Features

In dreams, the river acts as a symbol of life. , in which one dreams of swimming in it, should be interpreted depending on what the river was, the water, what actions the bather performed, and also on a number of related factors.

What was the water like?

Bathing in a dream in a mountain river on a moonlight portends a sleeper to progress at work. And if this happens during the day, then in reality a stormy but prosperous life awaits a person, he will always be able to avoid the dangers that threaten him.

Swim in a calm river flowing in a flat area, says that life has long been stagnant in all areas. Such a dream warns that it is time to take action to change the situation.


In some dream books, crossing the river means various obstacles and delays in the implementation of the plans. But, if the sleeper left the river, having overcome all obstacles, or during the transition he saw the shore well ahead, then he will be able to successfully complete the business, even with a slight delay.

It may also indicate that the sleeping will commit some unsightly act that will cause a lot of gossip and gossip, and will cause great damage to his reputation.

In other dream books, a dream in which the sleeper crosses the river says that he wants to radically change his life. But he warns that a person is in a hurry to implement his plans. You need to be patient and wait a bit so as not to harm yourself by hastily making often wrong decisions.

See the ford of a quiet river - to a quiet life, and if it is stormy and fast, one should expect groundless accusations and troubles. Crossing a river with stones and rapids means a difficult situation is approaching, from which it will be very difficult to get out.

If in a dream a person crosses a river over a bridge, it means that in reality he will achieve his goals very quickly. The obstacles that arise on the way will be easily overcome, life will become rich, successful and vibrant.

To cross in a dream a frozen river on ice, means that in reality you need to be wary of the machinations of ill-wishers and be very careful in your actions. The slightest mistake during this period can turn into serious trouble.

With whom and where did you swim?

If the sleeper bathes in a calm and clean river, surrounded by a large number of people, then in reality he will receive large sums of money or a good offer in the near future. It can also mean the acquisition of new profitable acquaintances. And swimming in a big company in dirty water speaks of the collapse of all plans.

Swimming in a dream in clear water with friends portends a fun party. If a woman dreams that she is swimming in the company of a stranger, then she will have an easy love adventure. If a man in a dream bathes with an unfamiliar woman, he may have a rival. Swimming in the river with relatives dreams of unexpected guests.

Sailing on a ship

Sailing in a dream on a ship along a calm and clean river means prosperous and happy in abundance. Such a dream may portend the receipt of an unexpected inheritance or the successful completion of a transaction.

If a beautiful picture opens up while swimming around, such a dream may portend a happy marriage. Sailing on a ship on a muddy, stormy river is a dream for the onset of a difficult period in life. If the ship is small, then the sleeper does not balance his income with expenses.

jump into the river

A dream in which the sleeper dives into a transparent river speaks of the successful completion of current affairs. For women, a jump into the river means new pleasant acquaintances or reconciliation with a loved one.

If in a dream a person jumps into a river from a bridge, it means that in reality he wants to end relationships with people who are unpleasant to him. Diving into the water in a dream suggests that you need to be more frank with your partner.

Swimming in a river in a dream, like other actions, can have different meanings. It all depends on the circumstances under which it was done. Therefore, before drawing a conclusion about the meaning of your dream, you need to conduct a complete analysis of it. and turn to several sources for help in interpreting it.

What we just do not sometimes have to do in our night visions. Dreams are a mysterious, magical place where everything is possible - and most importantly, any action means and symbolizes something.

Whether it's a fantastic flight in the starry heights, or a simple walk around the city, these are all important signs, and they are important to understand and decipher. With the help of dream books, it is easy to understand the meaning of sleep, and to find out, among other things, why you dream of swimming.

Water, as a rule, is associated with the emotional sphere and feelings. But after all, you can swim in a dream in both dirty and clean water, in a fast-moving river or a calm lake, in a stormy sea or an ordinary pool.

Of particular importance are dreams in which you had to wash in the bath, stand in the shower or bathe in the bath. All of these symbols are unique and important in their own right. The action itself, the quality of the water, and the dreamer's feelings are important.

You can find out for sure why you dream of swimming after you remember all the details of your vision. The plots and varieties are as follows:

  • Swimming in the water.
  • The water was very clean and transparent.
  • I had to swim in cold water.
  • Take a bath or be in it.
  • Stand in dreams in the shower, wash in the shower.
  • Take a shower or bath and stay in the mud.
  • I dreamed of swimming in the sand.
  • Take a shower or bath and get dressed afterwards.
  • Being in very dirty water or mud.
  • Swim in a muddy river.
  • I dreamed of swimming in an icy river, lake, sea.
  • Swim in a beautiful clear lake.
  • Wash in the bathroom.
  • Swim in the sea in a dream.
  • To be in a dream in a pool.
  • Be in calm, calm water.

Each such story has its own meaning and significance. Whether you had to find yourself in a dream in a clean or muddy river, you dived in the pool, washed yourself in the shower or steamed in the bath - the dream book will help you understand what this means and what to expect from reality.

What would that mean?

Do not rush to rush to the dream book - remember the nuances and details of sleep. If you confuse a detail or a moment, you will get an inaccurate interpretation. Treat the interpretation of dreams responsibly, because we are talking about your destiny. And remember that it is not the dream books that are responsible for it, but only you yourself, and the decision is also up to you.

1. The dream interpretation assures that swimming in a dream is generally a good sign. A bright, emotional life period awaits you - you may have to fall in love, meet a new friend, or experience many joyful changes. You will not be bored, in any case, a new period in life awaits you, bright and full of experiences.

2. It is easy to understand why you dream of bathing in any body of water, but in clean, clear water. Of course, bathing in clean water means health, a surge of vitality, healing, getting rid of anxieties and blues, great happiness and many joys. Expect all the most pleasant and joyful, miracles will begin soon!

3. If you dreamed of swimming in cold but not icy water, for example, in a icy river or even standing in an invigorating cold shower, this is a very good sign.

This is recovery! And not only in the physical sense of illnesses and ailments, but also in the spiritual sense. Longing and anxiety will go away, health, harmony and a wonderful feeling will come.

4. As the dream book says, swimming, steaming, or just being in a bath in a dream is an unfavorable sign. Bathing in a bath symbolizes ailments and diseases that for some reason you do not pay attention to.

It's time to worry and check your health, so as not to get a whole bunch of problems later! If you dreamed about this - do not be lazy, go through an examination, be more attentive to yourself.

5. Washing in the shower means new opportunities. Now is the best, just the perfect period for planning and undertakings, for bold projects and risks, for achieving big goals - you have prospects, and fate smiles at you. Take action!

6. Such a dream, in which you bathed, but still got out in the mud, means that in reality you are used to not completing your affairs, and from this your life is not good enough and prosperous.

Try to start to finish everything that you start. And you will see how the real everyday life will begin to change for the better for you.

7. Did you dream that you were swimming in the sand? This vision means all the most favorable for you. Joy, pleasant surprises, peace and harmony in the soul await you.

8. Swimming in a dream and then dressing is a wonderful sign. You will receive a new post, promotion or even power, take a leadership position, your position will improve significantly in the near future.

9. Being in unpleasant dirty, muddy water, or even floundering in mud is not a good sign, but don't worry. Perhaps now is the time for a not very favorable life period, but our whole life consists of different bands - so now is the time of the dark band.

It needs to be treated calmly and wisely, not to take any active actions, not to make decisions, to wait out a difficult period. It will be replaced by a happy streak, there is no other way!

10. Being in a dream in a pond with muddy water is unpleasant and does not mean anything good. Be more careful in reality - gossip is accumulating around you and intrigues are woven.

There are dishonest people, imaginary comrades, it is worth looking around. If you were in contact with muddy water in a dream, just be more careful and careful.

11. Sailed down the river? Expect new developments, and perhaps a rapid stream of change. You have to live at a fast pace, be more active in order to keep up with the course of events in life and keep up!

12. Being in a lake, pool or other body of water with ice water is a surprise, and a very good one. Some unexpected action will surprise and even shock you, but will lead to very positive and good changes.

13. The lake is a symbol of eternal wisdom, purity and tranquility. If you find yourself in a dream in a beautiful, picturesque lake with clear blue water, you will experience wisdom, new experience, harmony and understanding of things. Your life will move to a new level of awareness.

14. But staying in the bathroom is interpreted by dream books as an imminent disappointment. Do not rush to trust all the people around you, especially unfamiliar ones, do not entrust anything and do not wait from others for a while in order to avoid disappointment.

15. The sea is a good sign. You are expected to start a big and promising new business, a successful enterprise that can greatly change your whole life. The main thing - do not be afraid of anything and go sailing!

16. Swimming in the pool is a symbol that an interesting new person will soon appear in reality. It can significantly affect you and your life, change a lot in you and even affect your destiny.

17. If you swam in calm still water - and in reality a period of harmony, peace and tranquility awaits you. There will be no worries, fears or problems.

Water is such a multifaceted and diverse symbol that it is worth changing only one small detail, as the whole meaning of visions changes dramatically and strongly.

Therefore, interpret your dreams competently, slowly, listen to your intuition and your heart - and make informed decisions, because life is not a dream. Author: Vasilina Serova

Why dream of swimming in the river? The dream interpretation gives such a plot several interpretations. A dream vision promises successful undertakings, romantic relationships, successful work, but also warns of troubles and diseases.

Family happiness awaits you

Swimming in the river in a dream is interpreted according to the dream book, according to the details: was it behind the current or against it, swimming or on a boat, overcoming obstacles, or everything went smoothly.

So, sailing on a boat on a calm water surface promises a successful course of affairs, a happy family life.

A man dreaming of boating with a girlfriend portends an early marriage, family happiness.

Mutual love

Why does a girl dream of a plot with a man riding her in a boat? The dream interpretation promises: she will soon receive a marriage proposal.

If a woman dreamed of seeing herself floating in a boat with a man along a mountain stream in a dream, it means that some strange circumstances will happen that will lead to a long-term relationship.

A young man swimming in a river in a dream and seeing a bathing girl promises a meeting with a beautiful stranger and a love adventure.

Water freezes - complex changes

Why dream of swimming in a river and suddenly being on ice? The dream book warns: the dreamer's desire to change his life is commendable, but you should not get carried away fanatically with such changes - this will do harm.

To stay under the ice in a dream without the ability to swim out - the current worldview will collapse (religion change is possible). Such a vision also portends a disease.

Did you dream of sailing on a boat on a water surface that was frozen? The natural course of the sleeper's life will be disturbed.


Swimming across the river means: soon your wishes will come true, you will achieve what you have long dreamed of.

The dream book gives another interpretation of the dream: to successfully swim across it - to triumph over your enemies.

Swimming in a river in a dream and seeing turtles swimming is a good omen. A dream promises success at work, unexpected luck, new good ideas, their implementation.

There is a lot of work to be done

Did you dream of swimming across a turbulent stream? The dream book says: you have a lot of work to do, which you will spend a lot of effort on. However, the result will be worth it. Work with full dedication will bring rich fruits, reasons to be proud of yourself.

Why dream of swimming in a river that turned out to be muddy? Perhaps participation in a dubious enterprise or a dangerous adventure. It is advisable to try to avoid this, since then big troubles and regrets are possible.

What was she like?

The dream book advises to pay attention to what the river was like:

  • clean - health, longevity;
  • cloudy - deterioration of well-being;
  • cold - a surge of energy, good health;
  • dirty - become the object of gossip, envy;
  • shallow - difficult times, lack of energy.

Also, swimming in a clean river means: a successful life awaits the dreamer, the success of your undertakings, mutual understanding at home. Was the water dirty? Obstacles will appear, so the achievement of the goal or work will slow down.

Let's try to figure out why swimming in the river is dreamed of, according to most dream books. According to the Ukrainian dream book, swimming in a river with clean water is a great happiness, and in a river with cold and clean water, a great health. But if the dreamer bathes in dirty, muddy water, then such a dream promises great trouble and trouble.

What if you dream of swimming in the river?

All dream books are one in one, swimming in the river with warm water to trouble. It can be both a negative turn in business and health problems. Dream Interpretation Hasse says that swimming in the river tells the dreamer about his strength, endurance and excellent self-control. But swimming in a river with muddy water according to Hasse's dream book is a small change in life. And if the dreamer bathes in the river in clothes, wait for the inheritance. But the dream book of Simon Canonite says that swimming in a muddy river is a sign of minor troubles or changes. But swimming in a river with warm water, according to the dream book of Canonite, is of great benefit.

When interpreting a dream in which bathing in a river takes place, it is important to remember what the water was like, all dream books say the same thing, that a river with clean and dirty water dreams of different events, and the temperature of the water in the river plays a big role. So for an accurate and complete interpretation, it is necessary to take into account all these nuances.

There are many different dream books, one of the latest is the dream book of the 21st century, and he interprets swimming in the river as follows. The dreamer himself bathes in the river for the arrival of guests or great joy. If the water in the river is clean, then the dreamer's life will be long and carefree, and if the water is dirty and muddy, then unfounded accusations await. If the dreamer sees children swimming in the river, expect great joys. But if you dive into the water, you should beware of unexpected troubles. According to Medea's dream book, if while swimming in the river, the dreamer finds himself in a shallow place, expect difficulties in life.

What portends?

Swimming in the river according to the idiomatic dream book speaks of a long life. The dreamer floating down the river is overcome by laziness, or he has successfully adjusted to the existing circumstances and can simply enjoy life. If swimming in the river leads the dreamer to the river rapids, then dangerous obstacles will be encountered in life, not everything in business will turn out as planned. And if swimming led to a waterfall, there will be a big trouble, the dreamer should be careful to start something new, and you should pay attention to health. If the dreamer drowns while swimming, expect collapse on the personal front.

When interpreting any dream, the main thing is not to forget that sleep is a reflection of daytime thoughts and experiences, and if the dreamer dreams of a vacation, of how he will dive into a warm summer river, then the dream in which the dreamer bathes in the river does not carry anything bad, he only reflects the desire for reality.

In conclusion, I would like to say that when interpreting dreams, one must take into account all the details of the dream, who bathes, dressed or undressed, where he bathes, what sensations the bather experiences, on which day the dream occurred. Only by adding everything up can one correctly evaluate the warning sent by the universe.

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