Application of anti-reflective coating on glasses. Anti-glare glasses: advantages and principle of operation. Multifunctional glasses coating

Computers, smartphones, tablets have firmly entered life modern humanity. Though work, even a house, but a person most spends most of his time in front of a computer or laptop screen. At the same time, the natural desire of anyone will be to preserve vision and protect it as much as possible from the negative radiation that any monitor and screen generates.

What does a person want from a monitor or tablet screen? It must accurately reproduce colors, have no dead pixels and have a sufficient viewing angle. Good brightness will not hurt, so that there are no glare on the screen in the sun.

A good monitor should not create problems, especially for the eyes.

Most of the debate today revolves around several topics related to screens and vision:

  • which screen is better - gloss or matte?
  • Should I install anti-reflective film?

In dealing with these issues, many consumers forget that 90% of the quality of a good screen is the matrix. Therefore, the first question that should worry every consumer is which matrix to choose?

How does the quality of the matrix affect the laptop screen?

Main a sign of a good matrix directly for vision is the viewing angle. After determining the matrix, the following questions of convenience are already coming up, for some it is more convenient to work with a matte monitor, for others with a glossy one.

In total, there are three groups of matrices:

Liquid crystal matrix (TN) one of the cheapest and available matrices. She responds quickly, but her viewing angle leaves much to be desired. And yes, it distorts the colors a bit. Because for the view is not the most the best option, but its cheapness does its job.

The picture below clearly shows the viewing angle of the TN matrix and the IPS matrix. After that, there are no unnecessary questions about which laptop screen is better.

The best in terms of viewing angle and color quality is an IPS matrix. Based on it, LED monitors, etc. have already begun to develop. For vision, such matrices are the best, but they are also the most expensive. They are always used in professional monitors and screens. AT difficult conditions such a matrix has better readability. Bright light, sunny color do not distort the image.

The example below shows how much juicier and better colors on an IPS matrix. When working with such a laptop, the eyes will get tired much less.

Monitor with MDV-matrix has collected the advantages of the two previous matrices- he took the color reproduction from IPS, and the response speed from the TN + Film matrix. But such a matrix is ​​not as dynamic as others. Perfect for artists and photographers who care about accurate color reproduction.

Highly detailed classification matrices is described at the following link - classes of matrices.

Gloss or matte - what do the eyes vote for?

It does not matter what the user owns, a tablet or laptop, whether he has a computer installed. The debate about which is better is still going on. At first glance, the matte surface of the screen seems more comfortable and pleasing to the human eye.

Matte virtues

Unlike a glossy surface, matte, first of all, does not glare in the sun. Since a laptop, like a tablet, a person can constantly carry with him, then his work on the street can be unlimited. A glossy surface in bright sunlight is extra way spoil not only vision, but also nerves.

But besides the reflection, there is also color reproduction and brightness. And here the matte screen begins to lose ground to gloss. If a laptop, like a tablet, has to be used everywhere, then you can choose a matte screen. Moreover, the laptop cover can always be adjusted to obtain the desired viewing angle.

The matrix is ​​of great importance. If it is TN, then it is better to choose a glossy version. If IPS, then the matte screen will be the most comfortable for the eyes. Especially if the user often works with numbers and documents. The matte screen will strain your eyes less during many hours of such work.

glossy beauty

People are weak, and very often, when choosing a laptop, a person is guided not by common sense, but by beauty. And it is very good if beauty implies quality. In the case of glossy screens, only a good matrix can guarantee the quality of the screen.

The image on such screens seems brighter and more saturated, which seems to help the eyes rest more. But with such reflectivity, the screen with its glare is very tiring for the eyes. Moreover, on such a screen you can see every drop, mote, which also interferes with the eyes.

On the street with such a laptop or tablet is a complete torment. You need to look for a shadow, twist the lid of the laptop. From the sun glare, the eyes begin to hurt even more. With a good IPS matrix, this effect is slightly less, but it is not completely excluded.

True, in a room with ordinary electric lighting (and not behind the back of a person sitting behind a screen!) The viewing angle of such screens is much larger than that of matte ones. Yes, and the black color here is more accurate and deep..

For clarity, further on the link, a very good test of the operation of both types of screens on films, graphics and office applications is the battle of screens.

Anti-glare coating - saving and protecting the eyes?

Very often they sell laptops and tablets with an anti-glare coating already installed. But there are also anti-reflective films that are relevant not only for tablets. Is it worth it to spend money on buying a laptop with such a built-in option, or is it better to buy a film?

Below is an example of a shabby anti-reflective coating. And this is his main problem. It quickly becomes unusable, especially since few users wonder how to properly care for it. And then the monitor screen looks very impartial.

Anti-reflective films are much cheaper. And since any user will buy a protective film for the same tablet, there is no point in buying a tablet with such a coating. It is better to buy a film with such a coating. The task of the coating or film is to protect the screen from glare when exposed to sunlight or bright electric light. And the cover really helps. But the film beats him in this sense. It is much more comfortable for the eyes to work with such a film.

The coating is very quickly torn, cut and spoils the entire look of the laptop screen. Therefore, when buying a glossy laptop, it is better to immediately buy a protective anti-reflective film in the kit, it is more reliable and more convenient. Although over time, dust will begin to clog under it and it will have to be changed. Although the film makes the screen a little dimmer, it is also protective at the same time.

Protective anti-glare film

You can read about how to remove a spoiled coating from a laptop screen.

So that the user should always approach the choice consciously and familiarize himself with the topic at least minimally. And it doesn't matter what he will choose - a screen and a matrix or a tablet. The health of his eyes depends on this.

An anti-reflective coating is a special coating applied that diffuses direct sunlight or a beam of bright artificial light, which serves to improve the quality of image perception. human eye and cutting off the high spectrum of light.

For mobile devices

In the bright sun, it is simply impossible to see what is written on the monitor of a tablet or smartphone. The reason is the intense reflection of the sun's beam, the appearance of glare. To combat this problem, there is a special anti-reflective film that is simply glued onto the display. mobile device. The film is quite inexpensive, and also protects the device from scratches and bumps.

Computer monitors and large LCD TVs have a factory built-in anti-glare coating. It is a special multi-layer deposition on the monitor. The anti-reflective coating literally scatters sunlight or artificial light that hits the surface of the device and prevents glare.

For optics

The glasses also use an anti-reflective system. This system implemented on the basis of an anti-reflex coating that reflects glare and improves the quality of the lens. Anti-reflective coating works best in high-index lenses, as they reflect significantly more light than plastic lenses.

The use of anti-reflective coating in glasses allows, in addition to eliminating the effect of glare, also to increase visual acuity.

Technology has spread to Sunglasses. However, please note that it is impossible to stick or spray such protection on glasses, the application is carried out only industrial way in the vacuum placement of the lenses in a special setup. The thickness of the anti-reflective coating layer is only 0.15 to 0.3 microns, and therefore the proposals to "upgrade" your "special coating" are nothing more than a hoax.

For the automotive industry

Anti-glare technology has also gained ground in the automotive industry. The same technology as in optics is used in the manufacture of windshields.

Such glasses have good color reproduction, scatter ultraviolet radiation, allow you to maintain high image clarity, scatter and block the reflections of the headlights of other vehicles.

Glass is produced by the method of magnetor-sputtering technology in industrial conditions. Anti-reflective glass will allow you to experience driving comfort in all weather conditions and at any time of the day. True, such glass costs a little more than usual, but is it really worth saving on convenience and traffic safety?

Life modern man hard to imagine without glasses. There are several types of them - corrective vision, sun protection, protection from rain and wind, or just an accessory in addition to business style. The importance and benefits are truly undeniable. But apart from clear benefits wearing glasses has a number of significant disadvantages. For example, in sunny weather glare may appear on the lens. At office workers it can only cause a feeling of fatigue. Active people, often exposed to direct sunlight, you should still prefer anti-glare glasses instead of standard sunglasses. Consider the main advantages and disadvantages of the accessory.

Anti-glare glasses are very popular with drivers.

Anti-glare glasses perform several important functions. Positive effect provided by a special lens material. The glasses filter out the reflected rays of light. As a result, the eyes do not focus on the light. Visual acuity is maintained.

The lens structure of anti-reflective glasses is designed to absorb harmful blue rays. Safe for perception (yellow tint) remain. The main advantages of using anti-reflective glasses:

  1. Eliminated dangerous impact on vision from fluorescent lamps, as well as a computer.
  2. Provides a safe brightness for the visual analyzer.
  3. Glasses can increase the contrast of the monitor.
  4. It can be used in combination with other means as a prevention of the development of myopia.
  5. Protects the retina and lens.
  6. Prevent the development of photokeratitis (complex form sunburn with damage to the cornea).
  7. Eliminate the main signs of fatigue: redness of the visual organ, increased secretion of lacrimal fluid,.

Prevention of most of these problems significantly improves the quality of life and performance. Negative sides, as well as contraindications for the use of anti-reflective glasses are unknown. A stylish accessory can make life easier for both the elderly and children.


The accessory is especially popular among drivers of vehicles. After all, glare of light often dazzles people behind the wheel and leads to emergency situations.

Additionally, glasses perform a corrective function. Therefore, they are prescribed to people with visual impairments. Ophthalmologists recommend wearing them when sitting at a computer monitor for a long time, as well as while using other gadgets.

Choosing glasses for drivers

To choose the right accessory, you first need to decide on the color of the lenses. Manufacturers have developed several simple recommendations for users:

  1. Drivers with 100% vision are advised to use glasses designed only for driving. vehicle. The color, as a rule, for such an accessory is gray. The dimming ratio is in the range of 70 to 90%.
  2. If you experience constant eye discomfort from stop - signal lights, as well as traffic lights, choose glasses with green lenses.
  3. Anti-reflective glasses of brown and yellow shades have universal properties. The luminous flux from oncoming traffic is significantly reduced. They are able to relieve eye fatigue, as well as improve visibility during bad weather conditions. They can also be used for computer work.

Please note that the quality of anti-glare glasses depends not only on the material of the lenses.

Useful properties of anti-glare glasses for drivers you can learn from the video:

Also pay attention to a few details:

  1. The frame should fit snugly around the bridge of the nose, as well as the ears. She should not squeeze her face. At the same time, glasses with a too loose shape can fly off at the wrong time.
  2. If glasses with temples located above or below the frame fit the shape of your face, choose this model. Such an accessory will provide maximum visibility (in viewing angles). Peripheral vision is also not limited.

Special coating reduces harmful effect computer and other gadgets.

Anti-glare goggles, like other accessories to improve visibility and protect the eyes, do not have an expiration date. Despite this, the duration of their use directly depends on proper care. Manufacturers advise to perform several simple rules:

  1. Protects against various damages (scratches, shock) classic case. An inexpensive accessory will help extend the life of your glasses.
  2. It is also advisable to put napkins in the case. Use only a special cloth for cleaning. Microfiber is suitable for wiping. But it is also allowed to use disposable handkerchiefs. The soft material will help clean the lens and will not scratch the special coating.
  3. If heavily soiled, use warm soapy water. Do not clean glasses with anti-reflective bleach, ammonia, glass cleaner, or vinegar. Special solutions are sold at optics dealers. Pay attention to the composition. The content of antistatic and antiseptic will help get rid of dust, as well as harmful microorganisms.

The anti-reflective glasses do the job perfectly. Their coating can protect the vulnerable visual organ from the influence harmful factors environment and long work at computer. Do not use glasses that are chipped, damaged or scratched. It is very dangerous. Follow a few simple care rules and your glasses will serve you for many years.

Coatings are increasingly becoming an integral part of spectacle lenses, significantly increasing their consumer properties. Hard coatings protect the lens surface from scratches. Lenses with anti-reflective coatings not only look more aesthetically pleasing, but also provide the user with high quality vision and visual comfort.

Therefore, the technology of applying various coatings to spectacle lenses is being intensively developed, improving the optical and mechanical properties of lenses.

Currently, coatings are applied to both mineral and organic spectacle lenses. AT last years multifunctional coatings applied to the surface of organic spectacle lenses are becoming more and more common. They consist of a hardening, multi-layer antireflection and hydrophobic coating.

AR coating

An antireflective (“anti-reflex”, AR-coating, “anti-reflective”) coating is used to increase the transparency of a spectacle lens and reduce the reflection of light from its surfaces. When passing through a lens, light is partially absorbed and reflected from its surfaces due to different refractive indices of the lens material and the surrounding air. In this case, the reflected rays lead to the appearance of interfering reflections and reduce the clarity of the perception of the image.

The action of antireflection coatings is based on the phenomenon of interference of light waves, in which light rays cancel each other out. The residual reflection of light from the surface of a spectacle lens (residual reflex) depends on the quality of the applied coating and has its own characteristic color (green, blue, lilac, greenish-yellow, gold).

Spectacle lenses with high-quality anti-reflective coatings practically do not reflect the light falling on them. The residual reflection of such spectacle lenses is very weak and usually has greenish tint, or such lenses are absolutely transparent, i.e. achromatic.

However bright color residual reflection, according to many manufacturers, is not a disadvantage, but, on the contrary, makes such lenses attractive to a certain category of buyers.

If the antireflection coating consists of a single layer, the reduction in light transmission occurs only in one specific part of the spectrum. Therefore, to cover the entire spectrum visible light apply several coatings corresponding to different parts range.

An important property spectacle lenses is their ability to stay clean to maximize light transmission. This is especially important for spectacle lenses with anti-reflective coatings, which even a small amount of water or grease stains on the surface significantly impairs the effectiveness of the anti-reflective coating.

Therefore, users of such spectacle lenses often complain that their glasses are more dirty and harder to clean. In fact, pollution is simply much more noticeable on coated spectacle lenses.

Hydrophobic coating

To protect the lens surface from “sticking” of dust and grease particles, a hydrophobic coating is applied with the so-called “Lotus effect”, which has water and dirt repellent properties, as well as some antistatic effect, as a result of which polluting particles are less attracted to the lens.

Hydrophobic coating improves lens fogging resistance even when sharp drop temperatures

This coating makes the lens smoother, preventing water droplets from sticking, which increases its resistance to fogging even with sudden temperature changes (“anti-fog effect”).

At first glance, the perfectly flat surface of a spectacle lens under a microscope looks completely different - with peaks and dips that trap liquid drops. Very thin silicone films fill these irregularities, and there are no drop traps on the surface of the spectacle lens. Liquid easily rolls off the surface of the spectacle lens.

The hydrophobic coating also reduces surface tension. On water-repellent surfaces, a drop of water does not spread, thereby reducing the contact area with the surface. The hydrophobic properties of the surface characterize the contact angle between the surface of the spectacle lens and the drop at the point of contact. The larger the contact angle, the easier it is for water droplets to roll off it.

In recent years, new coatings based on fluorosilicone have appeared, in which the contact angle for water has increased to 112-115° (for a lotus leaf, for example, it is 180°), and for fat - up to 70°. This means that the surface of a spectacle lens with such coatings becomes not only highly hydrophobic, but also lipophobic; repulsive fat.

Hardening coatings

Highly refractive polymers and polycarbonate, which are currently the most popular in the production of eyeglass lenses, are softer than glass. Therefore, in the manufacture of organic spectacle lenses, hardening coatings are applied, which increase the resistance to abrasion of the lenses, i.e. increases the resistance of the spectacle lens to scratching.

To obtain hardening coatings, special varnishes are most often used, which are applied to a spectacle lens by immersion or centrifugation, followed by heating. A hardening coating is applied to both the outer and inside spectacle lenses and is often part of a multifunctional coating.

UV blocking coating

It's no secret that UV radiation is harmful to the eyes. Polymeric materials have a high degree of filtration ultraviolet radiation. Polycarbonate absorbs 98-100% of the radiation of the medium and long-wave energy components of the UV range, which are the most dangerous for eye structures.

Any of the specialized optical plastics has a much higher degree of UV filtration compared to optical glass!

The degree of protection of spectacle lenses in the UV region cannot be determined visually

The ability to filter out the potentially dangerous component of the solar spectrum is associated with the phenomena of absorption, polarization or reflection of the radiation flux. Special organic or inorganic materials are introduced into the composition of lenses (UV absorber, photochromic pigment) or applied as coatings to their surface.

The degree of protection of spectacle lenses in the UV region cannot be determined visually based on the shade or color of the lens, as well as the degree of darkening of the spectacle lenses. These absorbers do not change the color of the lenses, so a high-quality clear spectacle lens can absorb almost all eye-hazardous radiation.

Modern multifunctional coatings provide high quality of vision and comfort when wearing spectacle lenses, have a certain aesthetic value and ease of care for them. In addition, coatings significantly increase the life of glasses, which is important given the current high cost of branded spectacle lenses.

The discomfort of the organ of vision that a person experiences as a result of negative radiation emanating from a variety of gadgets is called a computer syndrome. The anomaly is detected in 70% of patients who spend a lot of time during the day at the PC. Anti-glare glasses help reduce the risk of myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism. The main thing is to use them on a regular basis.

A unique layer is applied to anti-reflective lenses, which has the ability to filter out reflected light fluxes, leaving only a safe sector yellow color. Such eyepieces completely absorb the harmful blue rays. This is very important factor, since it is this sector that has the greatest negative impact on the visual apparatus.

In a world filled with numerous gadgets, people great amount time is spent in front of a computer monitor, not thinking about how tired the eyes are from light reflections. When using protective optics, the negative impact is minimized.

Those who have problems with refraction should consider buying anti-reflective products with diopters. They act as a protective barrier and correct existing deviations.

Indications for the use of anti-reflective lenses

By appearance the product is no different from ordinary eyepieces with diopters. However, if you look closely, you can see green or blue overflows on the surface. This is due to the fact that the lenses of anti-reflective products are coated with a unique coating that reflects glare - the main reason for the loss of visual acuity when working with a computer. Also, an antistatic layer is applied to the product, so that the lenses do not attract dust particles.

If a person has an ophthalmic problem, he is prescribed anti-reflective lenses with diopters. Of course, the product does not provide 100% protection against negative impact technique, so remember to take regular breaks from work so that your eyes can rest. It is advisable to be distracted from the monitor every hour, the duration of the rest is fifteen minutes.

Also, doctors advise anti-reflective glasses in the following cases:

  • Regular work with gadgets for a long time;
  • Tendency to dryness of the mucous membrane;
  • Cutting and burning in the eyes;
  • Increased lacrimation;
  • Sensation of sand under the eyelids;
  • Photophobia;
  • Redness of the sclera;
  • Chronic fatigue of the visual apparatus.

The difference between polarized and anti-reflective glasses

Even in specialized salons, these two concepts are often confused. To learn how to distinguish between them, you first need to decide on the definition of glare. These are spots that appear on a smooth or raised, glossy surface that reflects light. Thus, it turns out that any surface can glare (with sufficient illumination and at the right angle of inclination).

Light polarization is a more complex term. It manifests itself when the rays hit the plane at a certain angle, reflected and propagated in the vertical and horizontal direction. The more reflective a surface is, the more damaging glare is to the eyes. Vertical polarization conveys information about the shades of the object and its contrast, while horizontal polarization generates various noises (blind spots, reflections, etc.).

Glare appears regardless of the time of year. Rays can be reflected from the water surface, snow. In conditions of poor visibility (for example, in heavy fog), glare adversely affects visual acuity, since parameters and colors are distorted. The eyes get tired quickly, the person begins to experience discomfort.

Anti-reflective products are a completely different term, since such a surface should not give shine or create glare. Such optics include lenses with a unique coating that makes visual system transparent. Such eyepieces are often also called enlightened.

Anti-reflective glasses reduce the amount of light reflection from the lenses, while increasing image contrast and visual acuity. If you look at a person in such products, you can easily see his eyes, and not see your own reflection in the glasses.

So let's sum it up. Anti-glare glasses let in more light without forming reflections. Polarized optics have less throughput, but also blocks a variety of interference well.

The principle of operation of anti-glare glasses for a computer

The PC monitor emits the entire "bouquet" of light fluxes, but most of all the blue and violet spectrum. These waves are responsible for excessive load visual apparatus, since they are part of UV radiation. Short rays scatter before reaching the retina of the eye. Thus, clearing the way for green and yellow long-wave streams. For this reason, the picture on the monitor often seems blurry. But red rays are considered useful, because they restore the metabolism in the tissues of the visual apparatus.

Anti-glare glasses block violet and blue light, preventing damage to the retina and lens. These eyepieces protect your eyes from electromagnetic radiation from the PC display, as well as from excessive brightness and glare.

Computer optics is designed to transmit orange and red streams, they have a beneficial effect on the visual apparatus. Also, the products block harmful short-wave impulses. As a result, image contrast and color reproduction are improved.

Anti-reflective lenses reduce drowsiness and increase efficiency by 30%, as eye strain is reduced.

Working principle for drivers

The sun's rays, especially in the summer heat or snowy winter, can lead to an emergency on the road. Since they almost completely blind the person behind the wheel. Some car enthusiasts use regular tinted sunglasses, but they only slightly darken objects in the field of view, without protecting from glare.

For the first time on the market, anti-reflective glasses were released by Polaroid Corporation. Therefore, products this manufacturer considered a classic. Initially, the role of the polarization layer was played by the thinnest plastic film, which was applied to the surface of the lens. The protective coating was located on top of the glass, which caused additional inconvenience, since it was often covered with scratches during transportation.

Modern technology allows you to hide the anti-reflective film inside the lens, which prevents its damage.

After watching the video, you will additional information about optics for drivers with a polarizing effect.

How to choose anti-reflective glasses

When choosing such products, first of all, you should decide for what purposes you plan to use it:

  • Glasses with tinted lenses provide maximum protection from UV rays, scattering glare. They also significantly reduce the blinding of drivers by the headlights of oncoming cars. They make it possible to comfortably drive vehicles in the fog and reduce eye strain;
  • Yellow lenses block UV, glare and reduce snow glare. They are recommended for use in low light conditions, in fog or on a blinding sunny day;
  • Brown eyepieces also block harmful radiation, reduce headlight glare, relieve eye strain and allow you to drive in foggy conditions.

In any case, before buying, you should consult with an ophthalmologist who will help you choose the best option.

Rating of the best

Anti-reflective glasses are presented in a wide range. However, there are several manufacturers that have proven themselves in the market, offering consumers a quality product.

night view clips

The product is used for daily wear. Lenses improve image clarity, brilliance and color contrast. Has high UV protection. The advantages of the products include:

  • The use of unique technology to protect the organ of vision;
  • 100% UVA/UVB blocking;
  • You can read in them, provided that the room is well lit;
  • Suitable for people with visual acuity problems;
  • Minimize eye fatigue
  • While driving, it protects against the blinding headlights of oncoming cars;
  • They allow you to see well even at night.

The cost of the product is approximately four hundred rubles.

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