Name of dentistry. Choosing a name for a dental clinic or office

Question from Andrey Kimov:

Hello! Help come up with best title private clinic, you can cool or creative) Or tell me how to call the clinic? Also, if you know, give examples of the names of clinics. Thank you!

Answer to a reader's question:

Hello. You did not specify which clinic you need to come up with a name for: dental, pediatric, cosmetology, surgical / operating room, spinal, medical, veterinary clinic etc. But we can generally answer your question and give examples.

The name of the clinic is very important step to a successful and long-term business, because the right name for your clinic will help attract a lot of customers, including regular ones.

Below are shown and painted five tips that are needed in order to choose the right and beautiful name for your clinic.

1. You should try to avoid any resemblance to any popular brands.

In no case should you "plagiarize" the names of any popular and all famous brands. Not only are customers unlikely to reach out to you, but the brand from which you brazenly stole the name can sue you and your clinic for copyright infringement, and this is at least administrative liability, if not criminal. So it’s better not to play with fire, and you definitely shouldn’t have such terrible troubles.

2. You can not use prohibited words and expressions.

If you use undesirable, and even more so, offensive terms, words and expressions. It will turn out for you that even with advertising, quite a few clients will contact your clinic. Examples of such undesirable expressions (adjectives): Parliamentary, Ministerial, etc. This is what you want to avoid!

3. It is undesirable to use geographical names in the title.

You should beware of these words, because if you want to grow a really popular clinic, then in any case try to avoid such words as Earth, Saturn, Africa and do not use in the name of your clinic.

4. Do not use legal terms in the name of your clinic.

This is an absolutely stupid idea, and you will never get new clients or high income, since the client first of all looks at the name, and not at the quality of the services provided in this clinic.

5. It is not entirely appropriate to use the name or surname of the owner in the name of the clinic.

This was a fairly common occurrence in the past, and still occurs today. Of course, you can use this method, but still it is not recommended to do this. Look up some rarely used words in a dictionary or somewhere else. Our Russian language is very rich, there are enough words for absolutely everyone

Here are examples of good clinic names.

If this is a dental clinic, then the names are best suited: "Smile", "DentAs", "Hope". These names clearly and clearly can acquaint the client with this clinic.

If this is an ordinary clinic, then the following names will suit you: “MedFord”, “MedCenterService”, “Diamed” and others.

Dear readers, tell me examples of successful clinic names in the comments!

Dental services are always in stable demand, and such a business is rightfully considered one of the most highly profitable. However, there is a lot of competition in this area, so successful work new dental clinic largely depends on the right marketing actions, especially at the opening stage

It is known that 95% of new enterprises fail during the first period of their existence. This happens for many reasons, including bad branding. For example, an extremely poorly chosen name for dentistry can scare off potential customers even at a subconscious level, and, conversely, an original and memorable name only increases the flow of visitors. To create a successful brand, you need to use proven methods and principles of naming, which are recommended by experienced marketers.

Naming principles

Exist basic principles naming, which are good criteria for a preliminary assessment of how well the name of the new dental clinic or office is chosen:

  1. Name uniqueness. Ideally, the brand should have no analogues, according to at least, in the region where business development is planned.
  2. name attractiveness. It is recommended to find out how attractive the name looks in the eyes of potential customers.
  3. Ease and accuracy of pronunciation.
  4. Market fit.
  5. An associative series that occurs in a person after he hears or sees the name. Negative emotions should not be present.
  6. Ease of memorization. To test this criterion, you need to show the available options for several names and ask the respondents a week later which names they remember. These will be the most memorable brands. This testing option is offered by Anthony Shor, a recognized specialist in the field of marketing.

A mandatory naming procedure is a legal examination of the name for the absence of legal restrictions on the use of the chosen name

What should be the original name of dentistry

The name of the dental office should not be too long and difficult to remember

A well-chosen brand immediately attracts attention. When pronouncing or reading such a name, only positive emotions and associations arise.

In the process of considering new options, you should not modify the names of existing clinics in the region using the prefixes super, plus, VIP, grand, etc. It is better to opt for the original brand. Also, do not focus on the geographical aspect of placement. treatment center. For example, an office with a sign "Voronezh Dentist" sounds strange and dissonant.

Nice name for dentistry. Selecting a suitable name by the method of associations

Next, 2 practical methods for choosing a good name for dentistry will be presented. The first way is based on associations. Negative emotions of fear and fear for one's health are the strongest negative experiences that a person experiences. These are the feelings that many people who suffer from toothache experience. In addition, unpleasant associations arise that are associated with the upcoming visit to the doctor and procedures.

When choosing a name for medical center a list is compiled of words that carry negative emotions and associated with dental treatment. Then antonyms or phrases are selected that are opposite in meaning, but with a positive emotional coloring. It is from these words that the name of the medical center is formed. The result should be a name that evokes positive feelings and is associated with getting rid of pain.

How to Brainstorm a Dentistry Name

The second method is somewhat more complicated and is based on the principle of brainstorming. This technique consists of two main steps:

  1. Brainstorming starts with creating a list of words that are related to work in some way. dental center. The features of the services provided, the results and benefits of treatment, the technologies used, etc. are taken into account. For convenience, you can make a table where the phrases will be grouped into categories (benefit, result, technology, service properties).
  2. After the table is compiled, a combination of words is performed to determine the most appropriate name.

When using this technique, all words related to the topic of dentistry and understandable to an ordinary person are taken into account.

Practical Guidelines for Choosing the Right Name for Your Dental Center

When developing a brand of a dental clinic, it is necessary to take into account the focus and profile of the treatment center. For example, for a children's office, a name from words associated with fairy-tale characters or the world of childhood (rainbow, beaver, etc.) is suitable. If an elite center opens where expensive prosthetics or implantation of teeth will be performed, then the names will be suitable precious stones and minerals that are associated with beauty, grace and strength (diamond, pearl, mother of pearl).

Middle-class family clinics may have a name associated with the center's line of business (pearl smile) or family (family dentistry, my dentist). You can use allegorical names or words that evoke pleasant associations (Renaissance).

If the reception is experienced doctor having a high reputation, then the office may be called using the name of the doctor. Names made up of words with the roots "dent", "tooth", "stom" are also considered suitable. Often use names in Latin (Art Dental, Dental Star). The table below shows the best names of dental clinics and unsuccessful brands of treatment centers as an example.

In the current article, we will offer examples of the name of dental clinics, but we will not recommend them for use. Because important feature naming - the uniqueness of the option. And we will talk about the basic principles and rules for its selection. In order to thereby stir up the reader's "reason" and help come up with something of his own. Original perfect.

Why choice is important to think carefully

Many people believe that starting your own company involves a lot of difficulties. Among which the name should not be listed. What could be simpler than this? If a company produces sweets, it can be called "Taffy", "Truffle" or quite corny "Chocolate Factory". However, competitors may have a similar train of thought. In addition, buyers and clients remember boring names much worse or ignore them altogether. After all, the name of the company is its face, part of the image and in most cases a guarantee of success. And if the founder is careless, indifferent, indifferent to his choice, one might think that the products - goods, services - also do not deserve attention. Because they can be executed in bad faith, of poor quality. Also, a name that does not have a soul can interfere with development, scare off partners. The reason will be all the same doubts about the seriousness and reliability of the founder.

Some marketers compare the name of a dental clinic or other company to a tattoo. After all, hastily made drawings rarely please the owner. Moreover, some of them have negative energy and adversely affect human life. Even the cartoonish Captain Vrungel noticed this feature of any mark when choosing a name for the ship. The situation is similar with the name of the company. Which ideally should become a powerful marketing tool. And not lead the company to ruin and collapse.

How to name the company?

The name is necessary for registering a company, opening a bank account, concluding a contract. It should be unique and create a pleasant image in the minds of people. However, if you plan to open one dentistry, and not a whole network, or if the company will be located in a small town, it is permissible to make much fewer requirements for the choice. In this case, you can not rack your brains for too long. And determine the ideal name, guided by general principles:

  1. Associations - "Don't hurt the tooth", " Tooth Fairy"," Beaver.
  2. Occupation - "Pearl smile", " healthy tooth"," Goodbye, caries!

Many founders turn to clients for help in such cases. Inviting them to suggest the name of a dental clinic or choose from previously selected ones. If the doctor managed to earn a resounding name for himself, he can even give the clinic his last name, composing a similar name: “Dentist Efremov”, “Smile from Antipov”, “Dentistry of Professor Ragozina” and the like.

Successful businessmen approach business quite differently. They spend unimaginable amounts for many to find a profitable name. After all, they know better than others that a good name should be beautiful and appropriate for the company’s activities, contain offer, evoke positive associations, offer unique and high-quality services. The following names of dentistry can be cited as an example: "President", "No Pain", "Dynasty".

Basic principles of naming

  1. Do not use a title that describes the product. Due to the fact that the company will be represented by a commercial. In which they will sound like that key features. In addition, competitors can easily borrow a similar name. And it will not be easy to prove plagiarism.
  2. Select the removed option. That is, not reflecting the characteristics of the product at all.
  3. Compose a name without including time references in it.
  4. If you want to use a foreign language version, you need to understand the translation. In order not to get reverse associations.

How to make a simple name?

Given the above tips, you can make up the name of the dental clinic:

  1. Taking syllables or letters F.I.O. founder.
  2. By adding particles "dent" or "stoma".
  3. Hint in the name at the activities of the company. To do this, you can use any words or combinations associated with strength, whiteness, brilliance and the like. The most successful options are: "Diamond", "Mother of Pearl" and others.

Lucky name

In the article, we repeatedly mentioned that the name of the clinic should evoke positive associations. Based on this, in order for the name to make a favorable impression, the reaction and emotions of consumers should be taken into account. It is also worth noting the importance of another criterion. This is the meaning of the name the maximum number of people. Therefore, it is better not to consider options that can mislead or misinform the consumer. For example, calling dentistry “Russian Knight”, “Beautiful Rose” and other options is dangerous because a potential client, being in search of the necessary service, simply will not consider this company. Thinking that she is carrying out unnecessary activities for him.

Next important nuance about the pronunciation of the name. It is believed that those brands and firms that are easiest to remember are gaining popularity much faster and are more in demand. After all, their advertising works like word of mouth. And covers more people, which means it attracts customers much more effectively.

When choosing perfect name dentistry should not be guided by the geographical location of the firm. If at some point the brand is promoted and the founder wants to open a whole network of clinics, he will have to “rename” and lose customers. After all, they will look for the usual name. And not finding it, they will go to competitors. Therefore, it is dangerous to choose a name for dentistry, given the nearby street, metro, bus stop, etc. This may prevent further development.

Foreign titles

Currently very popular English-language company names. And all because Western craftsmen evoke a feeling of reliability in most Russians, they personify a guarantee of quality. Therefore, many founders choose the following words or groups of words as a name for a dental clinic:

  1. Dentalway - literally a dental path.
  2. Dentalstory - dental history.
  3. new smile- new smile.
  4. Be smile - be a smile, smile.
  5. Smile clinic - smile clinic.
  6. Smart dental - smart dentist.
  7. Dental House - dental house.

In Europe, the following names of dental clinics are popular: Dentman - a dentist, Pearl smile - a pearl smile, Picasso - Picasso, Hi-Tech Clinic - a high-tech clinic. But other names that can also be found abroad are unsuccessful: Golden Dent - golden dent, Golden dental - golden dental, Dentsick - sick dent.

Associations with doctors, their work and teeth

Earlier we have already talked about the efficiency of using the "dent" particle. It is especially popular in suspended titles. Because it hints or directly tells potential customers about the activities of the company. Such names are in special demand: "Dentalika", "Dentist", "32 dent", "Ice-dent", "Dentoklass", "Dentist", "Dent Studio", "Denta-(style, design, classic, bravo, suite, master)", "Dentville", "Denttown", "Dentstreet". Also, the words "bracket" and "implant" are often used in the name: "Bracketstom", "Bracketline", "Bracketville", "Bracketsystem", "Implant-(service, master, pro, center, city, dent, world, grand) ". However, such names may limit the range of services of a dental clinic or cause misunderstanding. After all, potential customers may consider that the company provides only the services indicated in the title. That is, you can put braces and an implant in it, and you will have to pull out, treat teeth, do cleaning or whitening in another place.

To simplify the understanding of the company's activities, in Moscow the names of dental clinics are often used even too obvious. For example, such: "Tooth and tooth", "Zuboder", "Zubnik", "Dental (doctor, standard, doctor)", "Dental (strength, clinic, help)", " new tooth".

Name of children's clinics

All parents and doctors know that most children are insanely afraid of dental treatment. That's why it's important for a dentistry designed specifically for toddlers, schoolchildren, and teens to choose a soft or neutral name. Which will distract the child, form a pleasant impression, help to calm down. A great option for the name of pediatric dentistry would be the following ideas: " White Fang", "Die Hard", "Beaver" or "Beaver", "Fangy", "Zubrenok", "Dentosaurus", "Dentist", "Nutcracker". You can also use even more veiled names: "White (rhinoceros, elephant, whale, unicorn)", "White (crow, boat, bear)". Or images fairy tale characters. The most popular option in this case is the name "Tooth Fairy". And they are also in demand: Belozubka, Zubushka, Doctor Zub. AT extreme cases the founders choose the image of the doctor most beloved by the kids - Aibolit.

Suitable option for family dentistry

According to marketers, the best name for a dental clinic is "All yours!". It indicates the same attentive, courteous, friendly attitude towards different clients. In addition, it hints at the general availability of services. That is reasonable prices. But since this option is already taken, you can consider others: "Seven I", "Thirty-two", "One to One," (Factory, alphabet, school, harmony, city) smiles, "(Magical, charming, white, sunny ) smile", "Smile!", "Familiar doctor", "Dr. Belozubov", "Tooth (health, wisdom)", "My dentist / dentist", "Stoma", "Family dentist / dentist / doctor".

Use of proper names

Very often, names are used as the name of dental clinics in Russia. various gods and the name of the stars: Apollonia, Athena, Aphrodite, Galatea, Demeter, Aurora, Adonis, Andromeda, Helios, Altair, Orion, Asclepius, Venus, Diana, Fortune, Freya, Lada, Bereginya, Titania. The names of world famous healers are often used. Hippocrates is the leader among them, less often Asklepiades, Dioscorides, Areteus, Galen, Ibn Sina. And sometimes there are more distant names: "Tibetan doctor", "Russian healer", " Eastern sage". In addition, many founders prefer to include their own name in the name. As a result, the clinic will bear similar names: "Doctor (Martin, Bormental, Grooming)", "Professor (Popov, Dumin, Egorov)", "Dentist (Shanin, Luzhin , Lopatin)" and others.

Unusual name

Earlier, we have already said that when choosing a name for your company, it is important to remember the relevance and uniqueness of the final version. It is also important not to copy or imitate famous brands. In general, experienced marketers recommend approaching the issue creatively, showing imagination. The result may be the following original titles dental clinic: "White coffee", " White gold", "White Crow", "Doctor Sundae", "Thirty-Third Tooth", "Pearl Galaxy", " Milky Way", "Piranha", " Fresh breath", "Iceberg", "Everest", "Crystal", "President", "ProfiDent", "Green Apple", "Alternative / Option", "Best Stoma", "Doctor Smile", "Hollywood", "Club Hollywood smiles", "Thirty-two carats", "Optimist", "Panacea", "Seal", "Healer", "Aesculapius", "Healer", "Chance", "Apple".

Numerology and energy of words

Each word that exists in the Russian language has a special energy field and affects people differently. To choose the right name for the clinic, you need to check it, taking into account this factor. To correctly determine the vibrations, you should write the letters of the alphabet on paper in a special way:

  1. Arrange the numbers 1 to 9 horizontally.
  2. Place them under them by letter.
  3. When the row ends, you need to move on to the next one.
  4. The result will be three rows of nine letters and one - six.

When the previously described manipulations are performed, we analyze the name for dentistry chosen from any proposed list. Matching letters and numbers. And then adding them into a single number. As an example, consider the name "Stoma": 1 + 2 + 7 + 5 + 1 = 16. We also divide the final number into numbers, add them up: 1 + 6 = 7. Then we look for the value in the table below.

People who decide to open their own company, no matter what direction it may be, do not even think about how serious the issue of choosing a name is. Therefore, his decisions are often left in the end, making a big mistake. The reason lies in the fact that coming up with a name that attracts customers and brings profit is not at all as easy as it seems. After all, for a company to be successful, it must sound. And for this, its name should be easy to remember, evoke exclusively positive associations and correspond to the activities of the enterprise.

Company name, company name great importance for her success. Especially in the field of dentistry. An insignificant detail in the name can both attract and repel potential customers. Here are some recommendations for the future owner of dentistry.

The name should not be too long, pretentious, cause negative emotions, contain adjectives superlatives. It must certainly be written in Cyrillic. The names of stars, popular characters, names of branded companies, hints of nationality should not be included in the name. To find the right name, you can conduct a survey of friends, acquaintances, people on the street, by phone (about 50 people). Offer your versions of the names, sincerely ask for the opinion of the interlocutor, because he may be a future client. If you want, announce a prize for the best name - for example, free maintenance for a year.

The name of dentistry should be simple, easy to pronounce, memorable, harmonious, evoking pleasant associations. It is possible that the name of the activity sounded. It’s great if the name turns out to be bright, original, pleasantly surprising. It is not recommended to add such additions as "plus", "VIP", "SUPER", "Grand" to the names already available in your city. Look through the name of all the dentists in your city, so as not to repeat yourself, or come up with a name that will be advantageous against this background.

Do not rush to make up a name from words unfamiliar to the majority of the population. It is excluded to introduce symbols into the text of the name. Search the Internet for the names of dentists in other cities. You can even find entire lists of titles.

It will be good if the name reflects the features of the services of your particular dentistry. Do not try to add the names of cities, districts, regions to the name of the enterprise, for example, "Moscow Dentistry". You can choose a couple of suitable names and “test” them for memorability, for ease of pronunciation in a conversation with friends.

So, you have chosen a good option, rest assured, the customer base will be steadily growing. After all, searches on the Internet, directories, advertisements are conducted by name. If it meets all the requirements, even future customers will remember it.

To stand out from the competition, you will have to work on choosing a name, because dental offices, many clinics are opening. Among them there are identical, and therefore unmemorable names.

Write down phrases that characterize people's fears and doubts. Some people are afraid to go to the dentist because they are convinced that something is painful. If the name reflects hope for a different outcome, you can arouse curiosity in potential customers and, at a minimum, fix this idea in memory. Some suitable words are: pain, hole, drill, nerve, shame, etc. The more words there are, the easier it is to find ideas for a name.

Change the options into their opposites or appropriate positive words describing the benefits of the procedure. This is how ideas will turn out: pain - anti-pain, hole - integrity, drill - beauty, etc. For each word, you can choose several options.

Improve the received phrases and reduce their number to ten. This is possible through discarding the unnecessary, adding something, etc. For the word "anti-pain", which is good on its own, improvement might look like "removal of pain" or "getting rid of". If there are many options, it makes no sense to work further with all of them, so leave a dozen of the most unusual ones that can be remembered.

Next to each possible name, write how people can shorten the phrase in conversations or SMS. This is important, because clients will remake a successful name in their own way and will tell their friends. The word "deliverance" can be remade into "deliverance" and perfectly understand what in question. Perhaps some reduction will be liked immediately and become good name clinics.

Check if the name matches Domain name, and whether it is busy. If everything is ok, it will work perfect option because people perceive it well - when there is harmony in everything, there is joy, peace and trust, which is especially important for medical services.

Useful advice

Imagine how the name will look on the sign and seal of the company so that there are no unpleasant surprises.

Coming up with a successful, catchy, “selling” name for a company is not as easy as it seems at first glance. AT last years Entrepreneurs realized this and began to seek help from professional namers who develop the names of firms, services and products. More and more advertising companies and freelancers with linguistic and advertising education offer naming services, but they are quite expensive.

To name a company for free means to do it yourself or with the involvement of employees of the company. You can find a beginner naming specialist who is willing to work just for the sake of experience and portfolio. If you decide to name the company yourself, follow the simple rules.

First of all, the name must be remembered. Many firms have completely meaningless and unmemorable names, for example, Asta-M. What is Asta-M? What can such a company do? Her potential customers will simply pass by: they hardly have the time and desire to understand this. You should also not call the company by its own name or surname - there are an excess of firms with the names "Tatiana", "Marina", "Alekseev" and the like. In addition, it is also completely incomprehensible what such a company does. In addition, you may want to sell the business after a while, and selling a company with its own name is quite difficult.

The name should depend on the profile of your company and on the target audience for which its products or services are designed. It is not at all necessary to call the law firm “Pravo” or “Lawyers” (especially since law firms under such names already exist), but its name should be associated with the subject of its activity.

If your company's products are designed for a youth audience, then the name should "cling" to the youth. In this case, it may contain elements of slang, catchy words, exclamation points. It's good to come up with a bright logo. A company that provides services to businesses or offers products to the mature and wealthy should have a more solid name, and excessive flashiness is inappropriate here. To determine if your target audience likes the name you came up with, it is best to “test” it on several representatives of this audience (for example, acquaintances). If they like the name, then, most likely, other people who have similar incomes, needs, interests, etc. will also like it.

Before developing a name, it is worth searching the Internet for your competitors - what are they called? You will be able to evaluate successful and unsuccessful titles, understand which suitable titles are already “taken”. Having come up with a certain name, it is best to also check on search engines if there is a company with the same name in your city.

It is good when the name of the company is not just original and catchy, but when it evokes positive emotions. The easiest thing to remember is what you like. In addition, a client will initially be positively disposed towards a company with a positive name.

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Useful advice

Good day, Dear friends. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, but come up with a name for the company - not an easy task. A sonorous, catchy word (or a combination of words) will eventually become a recognizable and advanced brand (more details about brands can be found in the "Marketing" section). Today we will talk exactly about how to name a company, having considered the main aspects.

You are lucky if you have your own dentist. A specialist who has been treating you for many years and whom you unconditionally trust. However, if you do not have such a dentist, search good doctor can take quite a long time.

  • 1. How to evaluate a clinic?
  • 2. Expensive does not mean quality

When choosing a dental clinic, the first thing you should pay attention to is the manners of the staff. Any clinic begins with the registry. Politeness and responsiveness of the staff allows you to tune in the right way. A telephone or personal conversation with the administrator should weaken emotional stress to create a comfortable atmosphere. In the process, you should receive answers to all important questions about the cost of treatment, time of admission, guarantees, technologies, and so on. If you get rude on the phone or in person, go look for another clinic.

The work of the dentist must be organized correctly. First, the doctor must conduct an initial examination, assess the condition of the teeth, give detailed recommendations on the treatment of the problems found, to offer options and name the cost of treatment, to advise on the issues that have arisen. If any of the steps was skipped, it is worth looking for another doctor. By the way, you should be comfortable in the presence of a dentist and, in fact, during the initial examination, if you don’t like something, the treatment itself can become a real torture.

Focus on the price level. Not always excessive high price service speaks of high quality. Many proven clinics successfully operate in the middle price segment, providing safe and quality treatment. Claimed high price must be justified by something - special rare equipment, the latest technologies, very high level specialists.

A professional dental clinic should be equipped with modern equipment and necessary materials. If you are offered to undergo some procedures elsewhere, this is a bad sign.

Find out about the guarantees that the clinic gives. Ask about tools and hygiene standards. AT good clinics use disposable consumable(cups, saliva ejectors, head restraints, bibs, masks, gloves) and modern facilities anesthesia.

In modern clinics, all kinds of areas of dentistry for children and adults should be represented. This allows a comprehensive approach to the treatment of patients, enables doctors to choose the best treatment plan.

Always find out if a particular clinic has benefits for regular customers. Many institutions have discount systems that significantly reduce the cost of dental treatment for the whole family. Information about discounts can influence your decision if you have to choose between two clinics that are approximately the same in terms of quality of services provided.

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