Father of Jesus Christ: Does God Have a Name? What are the different names of God and what do they mean

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Many people have their own ideas about God, which is not surprising. Nevertheless, it is highly desirable for us to have a clearer understanding of God. In Scripture, He repeatedly said: "I am the Lord your God ...". It is important for you to seek Him, paying attention to both His Omnipotence and Love. Yes, God has many qualities, such as Justice! Other features are listed below. Here it is important for you to understand that God, when dealing with a fallen angel - Lucifer and a person who fell under his influence after original sin, is forced to take all this into account. God sees the arrogance of Satan, who wanted to become a god: “And he said in his heart: “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on a mountain in the host of gods, on the edge of the north; I will ascend to the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High” ” (Is. 14:13,14). Therefore, God takes into account the confrontation that has arisen between Satan and the person captured by him (from the side of the body). We all live in a sinful body of flesh! In this regard, God placed His Word above everything, including above His essence. This is also due to the fact that the creations created by him are significantly inferior to Him in many respects. Therefore, God had to come down to them, laying down the rules of life. They also trace the possibility of a certain confrontation between Satan and man against the Creator. In His Wisdom, God created (in addition to natural) spiritual laws, setting them out in Scripture. God gave us a conscience! God has not hidden Scripture from us. Also, His living Word resounds on earth through the prophets appointed by Him. Be sure to note that God's Truth has established spiritual laws by which God also rules on earth. You need to see them!

Today, many people rely on their own justice, putting a person and his rights in the first place. Such a point of view is wrong. It is because of this that Western civilization fails in many ways in spiritual matters. Yes, man is the pinnacle of creation! But who created man and why? It has long been said: “Let us hear the essence of everything: fear God and keep His commandments, for in this is everything for man” (Eccl. 12:13). It is also written: “Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, “The spirit that dwells in us loves jealously”?” (James 4:5). We are clearly told, "For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God" (Deut. 4:24). It is important for you to see both the Goodness and the Justice of God. Many of His qualities are revealed through the names by which God called Himself. Read about them carefully! Otherwise, who and how will you worship? Keep in mind that as a result of your worship, you will acquire a certain spiritual development. It will affect your place in eternity and ultimately your final status! There is a hierarchy in heaven (Luke 19:16-19). The day will come and your spirit (inner man) will come to God. You will be extremely sorry if you do not prepare for this. Read the first commandment: “Jesus said to him: love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind: this is the first and greatest commandment” (Matthew 22:37,38).

So, let's start with the Old Testament period. In the Torah, the name of God represents Himself, and His divine attributes.

Tetragrammaton (Heb. YHWH - Yahweh or Jehovah) is a four-letter unpronounceable Name of the Lord, considered to be God's own name, unlike other epithet names of God. The Jews attributed great power to the mention of this name of God and were afraid to pronounce it. Hebrew uses only consonants, so it is not known exactly how it was pronounced in antiquity. In everyday life, in prayers they say "Adonai" (Lord).

An indirect reference to this Divine name has become widely practiced.

Elohim (single-root words for him are El and Eloha, as well as the Arabic Allah).

Adonai - Lord

HaShem (Name) - some Jews considered sacrilege to even pronounce the word "Adonai". They just said "name".

Hosts - (Zevaot, literally "(Lord of Hosts") - "Lord of forces"

El Shaddai - "God Almighty", "God is the Provider".

El-Olam - "The Mighty God"

El Elyon - "God Most High".

Also, one of His qualities is often added to the name of God.

YHWH-Ro" and - "Jehovah is my Shepherd" (Ps. 22:1)

YHWH-Ir "e - "Jehovah will provide" (Gen. 22:8,14)

YHWH-Shalom - "Jehovah is Peace" (Judg. 6:24)

YHWH-Rof "echo - "Jehovah is your Healer" (Ex. 15:26)

YHWH-Tsidkeinu - "Jehovah is our justification!" (Jer. 23:6)

YHWH-Shammah - "Jehovah is there" (Ezek. 48:35)

YHWH-Nissi - "Jehovah is my banner" (Ex. 17:15)

YHWH-Mekaddishchem - "Jehovah who sanctifies you" (Lev.20:8)

In Messianic Judaism, the name Tetragrammaton refers to the Father and the Holy Spirit, who are the first and third persons of the Godhead (Elohim), and Yeshua to the Son.

The Old Testament is not a collection of archaisms, as some Christians think. After all, there we are shown the nature of God and given numerous examples from the lives of great people. Also there we are given advice for many occasions in life. When God gave his people commands and laws, He had three purposes. First, God showed and outlined the area of ​​safety for his people! Second, God warned of the consequences for those who break the law. Third, God wanted to build close relationships with those chosen ones who responded to His desires! Please note that the Tanakh was given first to the Jews, and they see a correlation between the names and the character of a person. God gave them this understanding of the significance of the names of man, and applies it also to himself, because he desires to give a revelation to people about himself and his character. Therefore, to understand the names of God is to understand God's revelation of Himself.

Therefore, once again we will read about the names of God.

El Elion - God Most High; ruler and owner of heaven and earth; one who commands (Genesis 14:18; 2 Samuel 22:14).

Elohim is God. This is a plural name, showing us the plurality of the one God. God said in Genesis 1:26, "Let us make man in our image." It means two or more in one (Exodus 35:31).

Adonai is my Lord (Genesis 15:2; Deuteronomy 9:26; Psalm 50:16).

Yahweh, the Lord or Jehovah is the one who always is; permanent "I AM"; eternally existing (Exodus 3:15; Psalm 83:18; Isaiah 26:4).

El Shaddai - The Provider, literally - "many-breasted or Almighty, possessing all power; constantly pouring out care for His children and satisfying their needs (Genesis 17: 1).

Hosts - "Lord of hosts" (1 Sam.17:45; Ps.23:10, Is.1:24, etc.).

Jehovah Shammah - The Lord is there; He is constantly present where we are (Ezekiel 48:35).

Jehovah Shalom - The Lord is our peace and fullness (Judges 6:24).

Jehovah-Jireh - The Lord will provide for us (Genesis 22:14).

Jehovah-Nissi - The Lord is our banner and our victory (Exodus 17:15).

Jehovah-Tsidkenu - the Lord is our justification; The Lord who clothes in His righteousness (Jeremiah 23:6; Jeremiah 33:16).

Jehovah-Rofe (rafa) - The Lord who heals us (Exodus 15:26).

Jehovah-Po-xu (pa "ah) - the Lord who loves us, the guiding Shepherd (Psalm 23:1).

Jehovah-Mekadish-Khem is the Lord who sanctifies us (Exodus 31:13).

Jehovah-Yasha-Gaal: The Lord is our Savior and Redeemer (Isaiah 49:26; Isaiah 60:16).

What is God's name?

    There is only one God and this is Jehovah the father of Jesus Christ)) read the bible and find out everything)))

    I am Jehovah. This is my name, and I will not give my glory to anyone else and my praise to carvings. Bible Isaiah 42:8

    The God of the Jews is called Yahweh or Jehovah. I do not understand why everyone should consider the Jewish God as their heavenly father, the creator of all things.

    Each nation had its own gods with their own names. The Egyptians have Osiris, Isis, Horus, Bastet. The Greeks - Zeus, Hera, Dionysus, Apollo. The Vikings and Germans have Odin, Thor, Loki, Freya. The Slavs have Perun, Veles, Svarog, Lada.

    The name of God must have a deep meaning, not just a bunch of letters. The name should show some quality of God, in Russian it is most often an adjective. I, personally, counted 56 names in the Bible, but, for sure, I missed a part. Here are some of them: Creator, Living, Existing, Master, Almighty, Almighty, Holy, Eloh (God in Hebrew), Jealous, Almighty, Waking, but the most important name is the Father, for it shows the attitude of God towards people, shows that God has paternal feelings for him.

    God has no name. God is what God is. God is all that is. And all of us and all that exists is God.

    God is a spirit, He is multidimensional and omnipresent, but He also has a personal side (dimension, manifestation, hypostasis), to which a person turns to interact with the Almighty. Christ, the material and personal manifestation of God, is He.

    First of all, first decide for yourself how to understand what G-d is. In simple terms, this is the Creator of everything that surrounds us. Once my spiritual mentor at one of the lectures spoke holding a pencil in his hand. In this pencil there is nothing but the Creator of the universe.

    According to Jewish tradition, the name of the Creator is practically not pronounced. It consists of four letters and in the tradition of most nations this name is translated as Yahweh. A number of other pronounced names of the Creator are mentioned in the Torah, they are used only to designate certain qualities.

    The question of God is a very fine line and it is important not to cross it. Everyone in the heart has faith in him and his own idea. It is customary to address God through his Son Jesus Christ or his Mother, the Most Holy Theotokos.

    The answer can only be found in the Bible. The name of the Father of Jesus is Jehovah. And in prayer to give thanks for the sacrifice of Christ, you only need Jehovah. Hosea 12:5 is a book from the Bible.

  • Reply to nv13volk

    Among Bible scholars there is no consensus on what is considered an epithet of God and what is not. The following is a far from exhaustive list of what various biblical scholars consider to be names for Jehovah. It is important to note that many theologians consider these epithets to be nothing more than the names of God. Is this really so - judge for yourself:

    Father(s), Deuteronomy 32:6;

    Teacher (yara), Job 36:22, Isaiah 30:20;

    Shepherd (raa), Psalm 79:2;

    Creator (boreh), Isaiah 40:28;

    Eternal (kayem), Daniel 6:26;

    the All-Knowing (el decot), 1 Samuel 2:3;

    Good (Good) (tov), ​​Psalm 24:8;

    God of truth (el-met), Psalm 30:6;

    Savior (moshiah), Isaiah 45:15;

    Hosts (Warrior) (zebaoth), 1 Samuel 1:3

    As you have probably already noticed, the above titles or the appeal to God can hardly be considered personal names of the Creator. There can be only one personal name that uniquely identifies someone, otherwise its meaning as a personal name is simply lost. Moreover, how can such concepts as father, savior, warrior and the like, which never play the role of personal names even in relation to people, become such in relation to the main Person in the Universe? On what basis is such an assumption made?

    You quoted a verse from the Synodal translation, compare it with the New World translation.

    The name of Jehovah was excluded from the Synodal translation.

    Whatever the motives of the Russian Orthodox Church, ignoring the name of Jehovah in its translation does not relieve it from the burden of what it has done. All those who made that unfortunate decision should remember the words of the prophet Malachi: So you, priests, this exhortation. If you do not listen, and do not pay attention to it, that you may give glory to my name, says the Jehovah of armies; then I will put a curse on you, and I will curse your blessings; I will curse this also, because you do not pay attention (Malachi 2:1,2 PAM)

  • God's name is Jesus. The New Testament specifically says that the name of the whole trinity is Jesus, which means Jehovah who saves.

    Judging by the fact that God is one, and there are many nationalities with languages ​​​​and dialects, it can be assumed that he is not named in any way ...

    Even to prove that God is not called in any way, I can give one more argument:

    Man appeared many millions of years ago, then he still did not have speech and coherent sounds, and since man was created in the image and likeness ..., it means that his vocal cords can only utter incoherent sounds, which means that he does not could tell his name...

    So my answer is:

    God has no name and no one calls him!

    To God, in order for him to hear you, you must turn mentally, and not by fictitious names. Whoever can comprehend this art of communication will contact God and will not only be heard by him, but also accepted.

    What does God look like?

    The name of God is the Tetragrammaton, that is, the Inexpressible. It is not given to a mortal to know the name of God, but this name is encoded in the Torah. In order to find the name of God, you need to rearrange and combine letters in the Old Testament, this may not be enough for a few lives, but this is the knowledge of wisdom. The eternal search, the main ideology of the Cabalistic teachings, whoever seeks will find.

    I think the true name of God will not be pronounceable for you and me even if they write to us on paper because of its length and complexity. But this is not what is important, what is important is that whoever can approach the Creator in his deeds and thoughts is the closest, he has the most chances to know the true name. And now, at our level of spiritual development (or degradation), it is much more important for us to move in the direction of development than to try to guess the name of the Father. It makes sense to find even a subtle and invisible connection with him than to try to get something from knowing the name. Spiritual work is the most difficult and theoretical knowledge of the Bible does not automatically make us believers, so the main thing here is in the soul, and not in the tongue.

    God is an abstraction, and an abstraction cannot have a name, since it cannot and does not need to be identified. The name is needed in order to distinguish one from the other. The natural elements have no name, the cosmos has no name. God is an abstraction in the virtual world of a person, so all attempts to give a name to God come down to associations of different people with something familiar to them. Since the associations are different for everyone, there is no point in these attempts.

    In fact, this is sacred knowledge. It is believed that no one can know the true name of God.

    I propose to consider from this side. If we take it as an axiom that the Lord is the father

    ours and we are members of his family, then we will try to transfer this sending to earthly conditions.

    Here is a family of dad, mom, child. Dad walks the child in the yard, son in the sand

    nice, dad is away with friends. The son wants to call his father. Two options. The first is he

    his name is dad, and everyone understands who he called. The second is his name is dad Vasya and many

    people like to think if dad is Vasya, then there are other dads. Do these thoughts of theirs remind you of anything? And, by the way, Papa Vasya becomes somehow uncomfortable.

    the question is - what is your name? - the answer was given. - What is in your name Mom? Jesus, having come to earth,

    in the name of the Lord, canceled the sacrifice, replacing it with a prayer that begins - Our Father ...

    Where do you see the name?

    God is triune - God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. In no other religion of the world did God resurrect, except for the Christian one.

    Now God is called differently: God, the Universe, the Creator, the Almighty, etc. It doesn't matter what you call him, the main thing is that he is in your heart. The Bible gives many names for God, some translated into our language, some left in Greek and Hebrew. In the Old Testament of the Bible it is written: Do not pronounce the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not leave without punishment the one who pronounces His name in vain.

    YHWH - He is the One as He reveals himself .... You can argue endlessly and not find a consensus, because communication, like faith in God, begins with the desire that He produces in a person ... The most correct in my opinion is to start with oneself.... if a person is visited by questions about the Creator, then it is logical to ask the question to the Creator himself: Who are you? and He will answer, as it is written: Seek and you shall find...

    The Bible says that God is One, but the Bible says that in different eras God had a new name, in the era of the father the name is Jehovah, in the era of the son Jesus Christ, in the era of the holy spirit there will be a new name for God. The Bible is interpreted in different religions in different ways, and the true word of God is hidden from people, I think this is a mystery that no religion can unravel.

    In any case, God is the creator of all things. And each person has the right to turn to him according to his need and discretion. God is the only truth, knowing which people begin to work real miracles that defy any scientific explanation and common sense. Take, for example, the imperishable monk Khambo Lama Itigelov. During his lifetime, he possessed truly phenomenal abilities inherent perhaps only to Jesus Christ. This man, according to legend, left our world more than 75 years ago, will still remain incorruptible. His body is currently in Ivolginsky Datsan in Buryatia. According to the scientists who conducted the study of the body, it corresponds to the body of a living person, without any signs of decomposition. Here we are most likely dealing with human suspended animation. In other words, a state close to the state of deep sleep. This the state was created by this person at will until a certain time, after which awakening will come. And then, according to the prophet, people will see real miracles and acquire true faith in God, which by that time will practically disappear.

    Jehovah is a corruption of the name of God. In the Higher Worlds everyone has cosmic names. If you, for example, rest or sleep, then they never sleep on top, and they do not rest, and they work. Therefore, God gave the third Commandment:

    3. Do not pronounce the name of the Lord your God in vain; for the Lord will not leave without punishment the one who pronounces his name in vain.

    It is better to say Heavenly Father or Father.

    Good question. Which god? There are more than 2000 of them. Well, the first ones that came to mind: Yahweh, Zeus, Yarilo, God forbid Neptune, Cthulhu and others ...

    God has many names: Love, Existing, Creator, Yahweh, Sabaoth, Almighty, High and Exalted, Living Eternally, Holy, Am, Alpha and Omega, First and Last. The personality of God is so many-sided that He has many names, respectively, but they all reflect His essence. And we must not forget that Jesus is God, He is Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace.

The article was written as a result of a controversy with Jehovah's Witnesses

For research, a new translation of the books of the Old Testament, made by the Russian Bible Society from Hebrew, was taken.
The translation is notable for several reasons. As the editor of the series M.G. Seleznev:
“The appeal directly to the ancient original distinguishes the series “OLD TESTAMENT. TRANSLATION FROM ANCIENT HEBREW" both from the Synodal Bible (the Old Testament part of which in a bizarre way combines the readings of the Jewish, Greek and Slavic traditions), and from those biblical translations of the last decade, behind which not the Hebrew, but the English "original" shines through.

Translations are made from the standard scientific edition Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Stuttgart, 1990). Where the Hebrew text is obscure or obviously corrupted, we try to follow the most authoritative and reliable reconstructions of contemporary Old Testament textual criticism; in particular, materials from the Qumran manuscripts are used - for the first time in the history of Bible translations into Russian for a wide readership.

The principal feature of our translations is the orientation towards the modern literary norm. We are convinced that the Russian language is able to express all the stylistic and semantic diversity of the biblical text, and the translator does not need to resort to clumsy literalism.

The publication of the texts is accompanied by a historical and philological commentary, which should reflect the untranslatable features of the Jewish text (for example, a play on words), as well as acquaint the reader with those features of ancient Eastern life and worldview that are reflected in the Bible.

Consider what is the name of God

In the very first book of Genesis, in the account of creation, we read:
Genesis 2:4
When LORD * God created the earth and sky

Commentary on this verse:

*Word LORD in Russian translations corresponds to what is considered by Jewish tradition as the real Name of God - יהוה . It originally sounded like Yahweh e′ , but then (apparently, already after the Babylonian captivity) a ban was formed to pronounce it aloud. Instead, it is customary for Jews to say "Master", "God" or simply "Name".

In the book of Exodus, God reveals His name to Moses:

4. The Bible revealed to Christians the only name of salvation - the name of the Lord Jesus Christ:
“10 then let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel that in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, he has been placed before you in good health.
11 He is the stone that is neglected by you builders, but has become the head of the corner, and there is salvation in no one else,
12 for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”(Acts 4:10-12).

Old Testament. Translation from Hebrew. Genesis. - M.: Publishing house of the Russian State University, 1999. - p. 23

From the "Bibliological Dictionary"
Priest Alexander Men
(Men finished working on the text by 1985; dictionary op. in three volumes by the Men Foundation (St. Petersburg, 2002))

To the file of me See Krotov's catechism for names.

BIBLICAL OWN NAMES - see Onomastics. Wed Tetragram.

THEOPHORIC BIBLICAL NAMES - see Theophoric biblical names.

NAMES OF GOD IN THE BIBLE. In the Holy Scripture God - the Creator and Provider - is called differently. Each name of God has peculiar features both in terms of its meaning and in terms of its historical and genetic roots. “The names of God, including the sacred tetragram, are only symbolic projections of the transcendent in the immanent, only touches of the Divine, lightning-like illuminating the darkness, the rays of the sun, blinding and not allowing one to look at oneself. This is a schematic imprint of the Divine in the human” (Prot. S. * Bulgakov).

EL - the general Semitic name of the Deity (cf. Ilu, Ilum, Allah). It is rarely used in the OT (eg, Num. 12:13) and sometimes refers to pagan gods (eg, Ex. 15:2). Etymologically, the word El comes from the concepts of "strength", "power". It is included in many * theophoric names (Israel, Ezekiel, Elijah, etc.).

EL SHADDI - an equally rare form, usually translated as God Almighty (Gen. 17:1), in the *Septuagint - "Pantocrator". According to *Albright, this name probably meant "God of the Mountain" (in Syria, "Mountain of the North" denoted the seat of the Deity).

EL ELION (in the Septuagint "God Most High") occurs predominantly. in poetic OT texts (e.g. Ps 7:18). The first mention of this I.B. we find in Genesis 14:18 that the priest of El Elyon was Melchizedek, the Canaanite king of Salem (Jerusalem?). In the Canaan-Phoenician language, a similar name is attached to the god Baal, Aliyan, which means "strong".

EL ROY - God Seeing (Gen. 16:13), was probably also one of the ancient names of the Deity.

ELOHIM, or ELOGIM, is plural. hours from ELOAH, the archaic name of God, used in the sacred. poetry (including in the Book of Job). Along with the name YHWH, the word Elohim is the most used in the OT, beginning with the Book of Genesis (syn. trans. "God"). It is assumed that they preferred to use in *Ephraim. Sets the form of the word Elohim has a relict character and agrees almost everywhere with sg. number. The exception is those rare places where "elohim" denotes a host of heavenly hosts (for example, Ps 8:6; syn. trans. "angels", see Art. Monotheism).

The root "ilei" in Afro-Asiatic languages ​​means "located above". The word is not of Sumerian origin. "-im" is a form indicating plural. h. husband R. Akkadian does not have a separate "el" word, but many Akkadian words begin with "el" meaning "high", "above", "above". Note. Ya. Krotova, 2006.

ADONAI (Heb. My Lord, church-glory. - Lord) is also a common Semitic name for the Deity (in the Greek version, Adonis). In the Septuagint, it is translated as Kyrios, and for the sake of reverence, this word was replaced by the pronunciation of the holy. the name of YHWH (as in syn. and many other European translations).

YHWH - conditional pronunciation of the sacred. name with which God revealed himself to Moses. From the 3rd c. BC. they began to replace it with equivalents (ch. arr., the word Adonai). Apparently, to remind of this, in the Qumran copies of the Bible, four letters of the sacred. the name IHWH, or *Tetragramma, were written in the old letters *of the Phoenician alphabet or replaced by the word Adonai. For the same purpose, in the manuscripts of the Septuagint, the name Yahweh was written in Hebrew *square type, and later *Masoretes supplied the tetragram with vowels (*nakudot), taken from the word Adonai. When in the Middle Ages Christ. biblical scholars turned to Heb. text, they read the tetragram as JEHOVAH. This erroneous reading has been firmly entrenched since the 16th century. First, in grammar. reasons, refused it *Ewald (19th century). At the beginning of the 20th century archbishop * Feofan (Bystrov), having collected all the holy fathers. evidence of the ancient pronunciation of the tetragram (YAO, YAU, JAVE), came to ending. the conclusion about the incorrectness of reading Jehovah and the preference for YHWH (YHWH, YHWH). In theophoric names and * Elephantine papyri of the 5th century BC. priest the name is abbreviated as YAGU.

According to Genesis 4:26, the name YHWH was used by the earliest ancestors of mankind. The pre-Mosaic origin of the Tetragram is indicated by the theophoric name of the prophet's mother (Jochebed, Ex 6:20). This is indirectly confirmed by the fact that in Canaan there was a veneration of YEBO (a name close to a sacred name). However, in Ex 6:3 God tells Moses, “I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob with the name 'God Almighty', but with my name 'the Lord' (YHWH) did not appear to them." Such is the syn. translation, to-ry archbishop. Theophanes questioned. He noted that in the original it is not about a new name, not about a tetragram, but about a new Revelation, about "a divine property, designated by a tetragram." This property is connected with the very meaning of the word YHWH. It comes from the verb "to be" and is explained in the Bible itself by the words of God: "I am who I am", the Hebrew "ehye asher ehye", which can be translated as "I am the one who is" (Ex 3:14). The Existing One is the One Who owns being, Who Himself is Being; all creation comes into existence from Him alone. In Revelation, this name is interpreted in connection with the power over time (“the Lord who is and who was and who is to come”, 1:8). Thus, Moses received a new ontological and soteriological. Revelation about Being; just the holy he could take the name from the tradition that existed before him (see Art. Kenite hypothesis).

The NT is dominated by two names: God (QeTj) and Lord (KЪrioj). Christ the Savior Himself almost always calls God the Father or the Heavenly Father. The Aramaic word ABBA (Father) had the character of intimate trust and filial love. This is what the children of their fathers called (see v. Jeremias).

I.B., especially the priest. the name YHWH was surrounded in the OT with reverence, for the name as such was considered an expression of the essence of God and man. Sometimes the word Name was used as an equivalent of the word God. “The Biblical attitude towards the names of God, i.e. deep reverence for them and faith in their strength, has been learned by the Orthodox Church since ancient times ”(S.Verkhovskiy. On the name of God, PM, issue VI, p.45). This reverence was transferred to the name of the Lord Jesus and formed the basis of the "Jesus Prayer".

l Jehovah, NES, v.20; R. E. Brown, The phrase "Ego Eimi" ("I am") in the fourth Gospel, "Symbol", 1985, No. 13; archpriest B u l a k o v S.N., Philosophy of the name, Paris, 1953; V lch and n o in S., God's names in the Old Testament, "Spiritual Culture", Sofia, 1984, No. 8; Chapter A., ​​Jehovah, PBE, v.6, p.194-205; priest Lebedev A.S., Vethozav. dogma in the time of the patriarchs, issue 1., St. Petersburg, 1896; ep.M and xa and l (Luzin), Bibl. science, books 1-8, Tula, 1898-1903; book 2, Pentateuch of Moses, 1899; [O le s n ic k i y A.A.], On the ancient name of God, Proceedings of the KDA, 1887, vol. 2, no. 5; archbishop Feofan (Bystrov), Tetragram, or the Old Testament name Jehovah, St. Petersburg, 1905; ep. H r and n f (Retivtsev), Religions of the ancient world in their relation to Christianity, vol. 1-3, St. Petersburg, 1873-78; *J e r e m i a s J., Abba, Studien zur neutestamentlichen Theologie und Zeitgeschichte, Gott., 1966; L o c k m e r H., All the Divine Names in the Bible, 1975; *R a d G., Theologie des Alten Testaments, Bd.1-2, Munch., 1957-58 (English translation: Old Testament Theology, v.1-2, N.Y., 1962-65); *R i n g g r e n H., Israelitische Religion, Stuttg., 1963 (English translation: Israelite Religion, Phil., 1966); *R o w l e y H., The Faith of Israel, Phil., 1957 (bibliography about I.B. is indicated in both works).

The Jewish race treats names and character as synonyms. To understand God's names means to understand God's revelation of Himself. Just the names of God found in Scripture:

Yahweh, Jehovah - Existing, I am. It is believed that this name combines the male and female principles "Iya" and "Hava". By the way, it was "Hava" - that was the name of "Eva".

Jehovah - Nissi - The Lord is our banner

Elohim - Creator. Generally speaking, plural

Adonai - Lord

El Shaddai - The provider, literally - "many-breasted"

HaShem (Name) - the Jews considered it sacrilege to pronounce even the word "Adonai". They just said "name". In our manner, they wrote "G-d" instead of "God"

Sabaoth - Lord of Forces, Lord of hosts.

Jehovah - Shalom - Lord, peace

Jehovah - Jira - The Lord will provide

God of Israel

Emmanuel - God is with us

Jehovah - Tsidkeinu - - our righteousness

El Olam - in the Russian synodal translation "The Strong God"[

1. El Elion: God Almighty; ruler and owner of heaven and earth; one who commands (Genesis 14:18; 2 Samuel 22:14).

2. El Shaddai: Almighty, possessing all power; constantly pouring out care for His children and meeting their needs (Genesis 17:1).

3. Yahweh, Lord or Jehovah: the one who is always there; permanent "I AM"; eternally existing (Exodus 3:15; Psalm 83:18; Isaiah 26:4).

4. Elohim: God. This is a plural name, showing us the plurality of the one God. God said in Genesis 1:26, "Let us make man in our image." It means two or more in one (Exodus 35:31).

5. Jehovah Shammah: The Lord is there; He is constantly present where we are (Ezekiel 48:35).

6. Jehovah Shalom: The Lord is our peace and fullness (Judges 6:24).

7. Jehovah-Jireh: The Lord will provide for us (Genesis 22:14).

8. Jehovah Nissi: The Lord is our standard and our victory (Exodus 17:15).

9. Jehovah-Tsidkenu. The Lord is our justification; The Lord clothed in His righteousness (Jeremiah 23:6; Jeremiah 33:16).

10. Jehovah-Rofe(rafa): The Lord heals us (Exodus 15:26).

11. Jehovah-Po-xu(pa "ah): The Lord loves us, the guiding Shepherd (Psalm 23:1).

12. Jehovah-Mekadish-Kem: The Lord who sanctifies us (Exodus 31:13).

13. Jehovah-Yasha-Gaal: The Lord is our Savior and Redeemer (Isaiah 49:26; Isaiah 60:16).

14. Adonai: My Lord (Genesis 15:2; Deuteronomy 9:26; Psalm 50:16).

15. Tzur: Rock, stronghold (Isaiah 44:8).

1. « Elohim» . This name is the most common in the Old Testament and can be found in Genesis 2:4 ( note: in the Russian synodal translation, this name is translated as the Lord). This compound word is written in the PLURAL and clearly refers to the Deity in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. "Elohim" can also be translated as "gods" when referring to the "gods" opposed to the true God - God the Father. It is very important to know what the Lord said: The gods who did not create the heavens and the earth will disappear from the earth and from under the heavens"(Jer. 10:11). The Lord Himself also said: I am the Lord, and there is no other; there is no god but me(Isaiah 45:5). There is no other Savior, and the Christian who has doubts about this should study Isaiah 41-48. Name of God "Elohim" means: "God is mighty" or "God Who Creates".

2. « elelion» . This name occurs in Genesis 14:22 and means: "Lord God Almighty" or "Lord".

3. « Adonai» . This name occurs in Genesis 15:2 and means: "Lord Lord", "Teacher" or "God Owner".

4. « Al Olam» . This name occurs in Genesis 21:33 and means: "The Lord, the Eternal God", "The Lord Revealing Himself" or "Mysterious Lord".

5. « Jehovah-jira» . This name occurs in Genesis 22:14 and means "The Lord will provide".

6. « Jehovah Rapha» . This name appears in Exodus 15:26 and means "God is a healer".

7. « Jehovah Nissi» occurs in Exodus 17:15 and means "The Lord is my banner".

8. « Al Shadai» from Genesis 17:1 means "God Almighty".

9. « Jehovah Shalom» from Judges 6:24 means "The Lord is Peace".

10. « Jehovah of Hosts» from I Kings means "Lord of Hosts".

11. « Jehovah tsidkenu» from Jeremiah 23:6 means: "The Lord is our justification".

12. « Jehovah shamai» from Ezekiel 48:35 means "The Lord is there".

13. « Jehovah Elyon ” from Psalm 7:18 means: "God's Blessing" or "The Lord is our Blesser".

14. « Jehovah-raa» from Psalm 22:1 means "The Lord is my Shepherd".

  1. Lamb of God. John 13:29
  2. Alpha and Omega . Revelation 1:8
  3. Resurrection and Life. John 11:25
  4. Second person. 1st Corinthians 15:47
  5. Door to heaven. John 10:19
  6. Emmanuel. Matthew 1:23
  7. He who searches hearts and inwards Revelation 1:23
  8. True vine
  9. Foundation stone
  10. Lion from the tribe of Judah
  11. good shepherd
  12. First and last
  13. Last Adam
  14. Way and truth and life
  15. Light of the World
  16. Word
  17. Son of David
  18. Son of Man
  19. morning Star
  20. Bread of life
  21. Bread that came down from heaven.
  22. King of the Jews
  23. This is I (Greek "ego ami", a type of Hebrew "I am")
  1. Bible. John 15:1
  2. Bible. 1 Peter 1:6
  3. Bible. Revelation 5:5
  4. Bible. John 11:12
  5. Bible. Revelation 1:10
  6. Bible. 1st Corinthians 15:45
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