The best guard dog breeds. Guard dog breeds: for a house or apartment, selection criteria Which dog is better for protection

Guard dogs increasingly began to appear not only in private homes and enterprises, but also in city apartments. They are famous not only for suspicion of strangers, but also for devotion to the owner, physically developed body, good character, and obedience. Therefore, there will be no problems with their training and keeping at home with children. Guard dog breeds were created to protect the owner, at home, so they are able to fight not only with other animals, but also with people.

It is important that the dog clearly follows your commands and is manageable. Interestingly, shepherd dogs (German or Belgian) are considered the best guard dogs. They are medium in size, versatile, good with children and quick to learn.

Most watchdogs are known for their reserved, kind and peaceful nature. They are attached to the owner, but become aggressive and suspicious when in contact with the attacker.

Giant guard dogs

For a private house it is better to choose giant-sized watchdogs that are considered the best guards and, able to defeat even an adult or bring help.

Brazilian Fila

Height - 70 cm

Weight - 40 kg

The Brazilian Fila is a working breed that originated in Brazil. The dog has short hair, gray, fawn or dark color. The dog is considered the best defender for a house outside the city, because it is distinguished by suspicion and anger towards strangers, protects the family, is attached to the house, and is quickly trained.


  • does not tolerate strangers;
  • wool is easy to care for.


  • will obey only a strict and balanced owner;
  • can be aggressive towards other family members.


Height - 67 cm


  • not whimsical in living conditions, easily tolerates cold;
  • not aggressive.


  • wool needs care.

Akita Inu

Height - up to 70 cm

Weight - 50 kg

A large dog is sufficient, the color is red, brindle or white, the coat is hard, straight and thick. It is important that the wool consists of three layers. Loyalty, ingenuity, endurance and love for the owner are inherent in the character.


  • can guard and protect children;
  • easily tolerates cold.


  • you can not cut, you have to constantly care for wool.

What should be a dog to guard a private house? The first thing that comes to mind is big and vicious, but in fact, the requirements for the characteristics of the breed are much more multifaceted. Much depends on the conditions of detention, wealth and composition of the family, the pace of life and the preferences of the owner. The last aspect most often outweighs all the others, but when choosing a guard puppy, it is important to understand that not all breeds have a sentry instinct.

All guard breeds have a number of similar qualities that are harmoniously developed. Generally speaking, the best home guard dog must have the following innate skills:

  • Equilibrium.
  • Ability to make independent decisions.
  • Alertness and distrust of strangers.
  • Self-sufficiency.
  • Ability to learn quickly.
  • Indifference to other animals, livestock and poultry.
  • Tolerant attitude towards the owner's family, especially children.

In addition, the guard breed should be unpretentious in maintenance and have a developed coat. Viciousness, as a character trait, is not so important for protection, in the end, even a miniature becomes a beast if he is in danger.

Important! If you decide to get a dog to guard a private house and put it on a chain, installing an alarm would be a more logical solution. An attached quadruped suffers, cannot perform its functions and literally degrades. The harness can only serve as a short-term deterrent.

It is worth understanding that There are a number of breeds that are not intended for protection. Innate qualities depend on the conditions of breeding and use of breeds during their inception.

Even large, threatening quadrupeds will not guard the house and plot if they belong to:

  • hunting breeds-, and huskies, burrows (terriers), greyhounds. Quadrupeds of this profile show malice towards game, but not towards people. The dog may show aggression while protecting himself, but not the property of the owner. If such a breed is introduced in the village, then it will hunt birds and small animals (for example, rabbits).
  • Fighting and pickling breeds-, - and, Bull Terriers. Serious-looking quadrupeds show aggression towards their relatives, but to people (even strangers) they are friendly, rather than distrustful.
  • Companion and rescue breeds- and Shelty. Dogs that love people since birth give in to the ill-wisher than harm him.
  • Sports breeds- , . They are more like bell dogs than effective guards.
  • - , . Although breeds tend to control territory, they only work in groups. If you put Husky in an enclosure to guard the yard, the ill-wisher will be able to clean your house and steal the dog.

Read also: Border Collie: a large and detailed overview of the breed (+ photo)

Note! To protect the house, it is not advisable to start breeds with short hair and no undercoat. Doberman - excellent guards for an apartment or yard, but they will not be able to live on the street all year round!

Best Breeds for Home Guard

With the basics sorted out, it's time to name the best dog breeds for guarding a private home. Let's make a reservation right away that the characteristic is a theory that can only be applied to purebred dogs (having a pedigree). Any crossbreed and even phenotype (puppy from two "pedigree" parents without documents) may not meet your expectations.

(KO) - a large, fluffy dog ​​that can live on the street without much discomfort even in severe frosts. Possessing a sharply developed watchdog skill, these dogs cannot be deceived or provoked into unjustified actions. Representatives of the breed distinguish between "us" and "them". They attack quickly, silently, in a jump. They don’t work for the public, but they remember and execute basic commands.

Oddly enough, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a dog with little appetite. Under natural conditions, four-legged animals drive flocks for months and “share the table” with the shepherd. Representatives of the breed have a naturally slow metabolism and seem a little lazy. In fact, the Caucasian Shepherd saves energy reserves, but is always ready to work. The breed requires a very responsible approach and correct (in every sense) content. Not recommended for owners or owners with no experience in raising service dogs.

Central asian shepherd dog(CAO) is a large dog, somewhat similar to the KO, but with a shorter coat and usually a docked tail. Unlike KOs, Central Asians social, more gravitate towards human society. They also require a dense, tough upbringing and active socialization. They work better in pairs, but also alone, if necessary, they show excellent security skills. In everyday life, giants are calm, balanced and a little melancholy. It should be borne in mind that the CAO needs walking outside the protected area.

(not to be confused with St. Bernard) is a factory breed bred for protection, patrol and protection. Needs a lot of work and will be an excellent guardian if she has at her disposal a country house with a large (well-fenced) plot. dogs requires deep knowledge and experience with serious service breeds. In the cynological atlases of the USSR, the Moscow watchdog was described as difficult to train.

Russian black terrier(BRT) - a large, black dog with a serious character. Temperament is similar to Moscow Watchdog, but BRT is stronger become attached to the owner and more affectionate with children. Raising a Black Russian Terrier requires endurance, patience and experience. Representatives of the breed are reluctant to work for the public, so group courses for OKD (general training course) are ineffective.

It is interesting! BRTs were bred as part of a government project. Later, the breed became famous under the second "name" - Stalin's dog.

Read also: Hound breeds: description and characteristics of famous and recognized dogs (+ photo)

Giant Schnauzer- also a large, black dog, but unlike the BRT, has a cheerful, family disposition. Risen are active, playful, courageous and very sociable. They are prone to dominant aggression, which obliges the owner to especially sensitive control over the socialization and upbringing of the dog.

- a lion dog, a universal four-legged, possessing the qualities of a shepherd, guard and companion. "Against" the rest of the giants, Leonbergers very gentle with children and prefer to hide than to defend themselves from the pranks of the little ones. Another important feature is the desire to please the owner and the ability to comprehensive training.

- Japanese breed of dogs, which has a very dual and at the same time harmonious temperament. Dogs are very territorial, but as soon as they go beyond the boundaries of their possessions, they are calm as a rock. Quadrupeds are jealous and "fight" for their owner if there are other animals in the house. The breed is a symbol of devotion and national pride of Japan.

Representatives of the breed have very thick fur and a solid undercoat, theoretically they can live outside in winter. From the point of view of practice, it is better to take care of the pet in especially frosty weather and let it into the house at least for the night.

Each person wants to feel safe, to be sure that during his absence at home, the property is under the control of a faithful guardian and an invincible defender. How to choose a guard dog? What breed is best suited for guarding a house or apartment? There are many questions, all the answers in one article.

Almost all dogs, in an emergency, rush to protect their pack, even the kindest pets will not allow their beloved owner to be offended. But some breeds were born in order to become bodyguards or stand guard over the boundaries of the master's property. Others, on the contrary, are brave rescuers and faithful assistants in hunting, they have absolutely no aggression towards humans.

Before proceeding with the choice of the breed of a protective dog, it is necessary to determine the conditions of its residence, and proceed from this first of all.

A pet that will live in a booth or aviary, have little contact with the owner, must have an independent disposition. Conversely, if the owner plans to exercise regularly with the dog, the pet should be very human-oriented.

After choosing a breed, you need to find a good kennel specializing in guard dogs (preferably with working diplomas). Animals bred exclusively for show prospects may be too kind, despite their stern appearance. Breeders whose exhibitors have training diplomas for the ZKS course (protective guard service) constantly work with their wards, educate good guards. Dogs from the working class have a more stable psyche, respectively, they are loyal to others, but if necessary, they will rush to protect the owner and home.

What dogs are best for guarding an apartment?

Choosing the breed of the future ward is an important step, the most common mistake is an aesthetic approach to choosing an animal. First of all, a dog is a friend and a guard, only then external beauty is considered.

Dogs to guard the apartment must be:

  • Well socialized.
  • With not very thick hair (minimum undercoat, otherwise they will be very hot in a typical building).
  • The size of the corresponding quadrature of the dwelling.
  • distrustful of strangers.
  • Owner oriented.
  • obedient.
  • Tolerant of children.

The level of socialization depends entirely on the owner, all other qualities are related to the characteristics of the breed.

Dogs for the protection of a private house

The variety of breeds suitable for protecting a private house is much greater than for apartments. This is explained by the fact that giant dogs can be kept on the site, which cannot be done by a resident of a one-room apartment.

Dogs to guard a private home must be:

  1. Independent.
  2. With thick wool (so as not to freeze in winter).
  3. Bold.
  4. Ardent defenders of their own territorial space.
  5. distrustful of strangers.
  6. On good terms with the owner.
  7. Accustomed to children.

It is not necessary to raise a monster from a guard, ready to kill anyone who approaches the territory. The dog must be adequate and obedient, otherwise, there will be problems with communication, a ferocious animal will not let anyone into its possessions, even if the owner needs it.

Overview of all guard breeds

Dogs suitable for protection differ in one breed trait - distrust of strangers. Otherwise, the pets are all completely different, with different working techniques, principles of protection and appearance.

It is widely believed that large animals have no place in the apartment. But you need to consider the size of the home. For example, the owner of 80 square meters of typical housing is better to have a calm and melancholic mastiff than an energetic German Shepherd. While the owner is at work, the mastiff will sleep peacefully if his boundaries are not violated. Unlike a shepherd dog, which will bark at the slightest rustle, causing a lot of inconvenience to neighbors. Residents of one-room apartments, of course, need to pay attention to smaller guards.

You can not lose sight of the pet's coat. It is permissible to keep dogs outside in the cold season only with thick hair and abundant undercoat.

Very large dogs

Giant dogs are suitable for keeping in the local area of ​​the private sector, in large houses or apartments. As a rule, large, heavy animals have a very calm character. They do not need active physical activity, they are content with long walks at a calm pace.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai) is one of the best territorial guards. It is distinguished by a stable psyche, endurance, the ability to assess the situation and make independent decisions.

Not afraid of frost, can live outside all year round. It is difficult to train, but this does not affect the protective qualities. Not recommended for people who are insecure, not experienced in dealing with dogs. The price of a puppy varies from 15,000 to 60,000 rubles, depending on the number of titles of the parents.

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is an excellent guard for the territory, does not require special training, it is in her blood to protect the entrusted borders.

Not recommended for people with an unbalanced psyche, weak character. Suitable for keeping in the local area all year round. Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that some individuals of this breed are too aggressive.

You can buy a Caucasian Shepherd Dog for 20,000 - 50,000 rubles.

The Tibetan Mastiff is one of the most gigantic and ferocious dogs. They have a very pronounced distrust of others, bordering on outright anger.

Suitable only for the private sector, and only for experienced dog breeders. They are difficult to train, stubborn, wayward, but they will never let a stranger into the territory.

One of the most expensive breeds, the price of a puppy reaches up to 80,000 - 100,000 rubles.

Great Danes are large, well-balanced dogs. Not aggressive, but the owner's territory is bravely guarded if appropriate training is available.

They need long, slow walks. They cannot live all year round on the street, in winter they must be kept in a warm room. Prices for puppies from 15,000 to 50,000 rubles.

The Dogue de Bordeaux is distinguished by its large size and large mass, like all mastiffs. Independent, stubborn dogs are not for beginners in dog breeding.

They do not tolerate a harsh attitude towards themselves, distrust of others can border on anger. From early childhood, they need socialization and training. You can buy a Bordeaux dog for 30,000 - 50,000 rubles.

The Black Russian Terrier is a well-balanced, large, strong breed. Differs in excellent health and unpretentiousness in the maintenance, well transfers any weather conditions. Easily trainable, shows remarkable protective qualities. Needs physical activity and daily contact with the owner.

The price of a puppy varies between 35,000 - 55,000 rubles.

The Leonberger is a very large dog with a thick coat and is not afraid of frost.. Bold, reserved, obedient breed. The Leonberger is well trained, and when trained as a guard, it will be a reliable guard. Loyal and tolerant of children, safe for others - does not have excessive aggression. The price for a representative of the breed reaches 80,000 rubles.

The Giant Schnauzer is the lightest among the giants, the average weight of the Giant Schnauzer is only 40 kg (against 60 - 90 kg of mastiffs and native wolfhounds), while growth is not much inferior to the rest - up to 70 cm at the withers.

Distrustful of others, without unnecessary aggression, active, manageable. The Giant Schnauzer lends itself perfectly to training, is attached to the children with whom he constantly lives. Not suitable for keeping in an aviary - it freezes in winter, needs daily physical activity and constant contact with the owner. You can buy a Giant Schnauzer for 35,000 - 45,000 rubles.

Once the main task of the Pyrenees was to protect the herd from predators, these large dogs were valued for loyalty and devotion to their master. Later, dogs migrated to the royal courts and began to guard the palaces. For a thousand years, the breed has not lost its protective qualities.

This is a reliable and safe friend for children and pets, but at the same time a dangerous adversary for uninvited guests. The Pyrenees have a heightened sense of ownership.

They are excellent defenders of their family and territory. It is important to note that the dog is not aggressive, the attack occurs in extreme cases. Usually, pets scare a stranger with loud barking and a frightening appearance. The breed is not suitable for keeping in an apartment, but a spacious private courtyard with an aviary will be the best home for a pet.

The height of the dog is up to 80 cm at the withers. It has a thick soft white coat. The average cost of the breed is 35-80 thousand rubles.

Large breeds

Large breeds of dogs suitable for protection are usually very active, need training and systematic physical activity. Large individuals can be kept in an aviary of a personal plot, subject to abundant wool and daily walking. Smooth-haired individuals are recommended to be kept in a warm room - an apartment or house.

True Shepherds

A number of breeds are called true shepherd dogs, the direct purpose of which has historically been grazing cattle (there are also gurtogons and wolfhounds among shepherd dogs).

Almost all herding dogs have a tendency to protect the territory, although they do not have bitterness in character. Security qualities are manifested in the process of education, representatives of true shepherd dogs perfectly understand what is required of them, they work with pleasure as watchmen, if circumstances so require.

True shepherd dogs suitable for protection include:

  • price 25 - 40 thousand rubles.
  • price 15 - 35 thousand rubles.
  • price 10 - 30 thousand rubles.
  • - price 30 - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Kelpie (Australian Shepherd) price 25 - 30 thousand rubles.
  • the price is about 50 thousand rubles.
  • price 20 - 40 thousand rubles.
  • Estrel mountain dog price 30 - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Czech shepherd dog price 40 - 60 thousand rubles.

This is not the whole list of shepherd dogs capable of protecting a person, a house, a plot. Absolutely all shepherds are distinguished by strength, courage, endurance and excellent ability to learn various skills. That is why they are so common in different parts of the world, they work in various types of services.

Commonly known as the "butcher's dog". Powerful, strong, courageous, respectful breed. Suitable for work as a bodyguard - a pronounced distrust of others in conjunction with attachment to the owner.

Territorial protection can be trained, but this is not in genetics, although it is difficult to imagine a person who dares to violate the boundaries entrusted to a Rottweiler. Not suitable for year-round keeping on the street, needs timely training and physical activity. The price is 15,000 - 30,000 rubles.

The Doberman, like the Rottweiler, is more of a bodyguard than a territorial guard. The Doberman has tremendous training abilities, due to which it is used in various areas of service, including the protection of private property.

Not suitable for keeping outdoors due to lack of undercoat. Needs active training and training. A Doberman puppy can be bought for 15,000 - 35,000 rubles.

Boxer is a wonderful guard for active people, affectionate and kind with all family members, turns into a ferocious defender in case of danger. Not suitable for an aviary, prefers soft bedding at the feet of the owner.

Requires discipline and education from childhood, as well as long, active walking throughout life. Prices for boxer puppies range from 25,000 - 45,000 rubles.

Medium to small guard dogs

Sometimes in the smallest dogs there are truly lion hearts, a small companion can become a faithful protector of family and property.. Due to their size and attachment to the owners, medium and small breeds of dogs are rarely kept in the adjacent territories, they can often be found in city apartments.

The Amstaff, as it is called for short, is one of the best compact guards. Dimensions allow you to keep them even in one-room apartments (the weight of an amstaff rarely exceeds 30 kg).

A rather compact city dog, it lends itself well to training, although sometimes there are quite stubborn individuals. Suitable for families with children, provided that the dog comes after the child. The instinct to protect the owner is stronger than the instinct of self-preservation. Prices for puppies from 15,000 to 35,000 rubles.

Or the Norwegian Shepherd belongs to the class of true shepherds, guards also boldly, only grows more compact in size. The coat allows you to keep the Norwegian Shepherd in the aviary all year round, but next to the beloved owner, the pet is more comfortable. A very rare breed in Russia, prices for puppies reach 75,000 rubles.

There are, of course, very small brave guards, but even the most aggressive Yorkshire terrier is unlikely to be able to seriously resist the robber. Dwarf breeds serve rather as a "bell" about the approach of strangers.

The variety of breeds provides a wide choice of protection for every taste. But first of all, you need to remember that the nature of the dog depends on education. A good owner has a good dog.

The article focuses on one of the most pressing questions that are asked when choosing a puppy for a house or apartment, because the protective qualities of any breed always come first in the list of frequently asked questions.

If you want to get no less useful information on various difficulties that you can meet under certain conditions or understand how to feed a dog and how to train it correctly, you should pay attention to the articles available on the site or search for answers to questions through a custom search system on this site.

The best guard dog breeds price, where to buy

The best guard dog breeds for private households from the street are German and Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, Giant Schnauzers, Moscow Watchdogs and Alabai.

In a house or apartment, the boxer, Rottweiler, Doberman and Cane Corso will be the best guard.

It is best to purchase any breed of dog in a specialized kennel. The price of the puppy you like is also negotiated there.

Which dog is better for guarding a private house and children, an apartment

Best of all, protective qualities and respect for the children of their owners are combined in dogs of the German Shepherd, Boxer and Doberman breeds.

Dogs for the protection of the apartment and family are the best breeds

Boxers, Dobermans, Bull Terriers and American Staffordshire Terriers are considered the best breeds for guarding an apartment and family.

The German Shepherd also copes well with this task, but it is too “shaggy” for an apartment, which, unfortunately, is noticeable not only during molting, but also every day.

Dog for the protection of a country house of medium size, small, small sizes

Medium-sized breeds of dogs such as the Akita Inu, Bullmastiff, Boxer, American Bulldog and their smaller relatives such as the Miniature Pinscher and Boston Terrier are most suitable for guarding a country house.

Dogs for the protection of the house, which can live on the street in a chain, cottage, enterprise

The best dog that can cope with the functions of protection and can live in the fresh air and be kept on a chain is the German Shepherd. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is also famous for its unpretentiousness and intelligence.

Of the new breeds, the Georgian Shorthair Mountain should be singled out. This massive and hardy dog ​​can perfectly adapt to life in any conditions and is an excellent guard.

How to develop and nurture guard qualities in a dog

For the development of protective qualities in a dog, cynologists recommend adhering to the following rules:
- reduce the animal's social circle to a minimum;
- to teach the dog to calmly perceive the stimuli of the surrounding space - people, other dogs or cats, cars, etc. ;
- develop a sense of dominance in the dog;
- accustom the animal to trouble-free handling.

Dog for the protection of a large area and guard dogs of large breeds

Generally recognized dogs for the protection of a large area are such dogs of large breeds as the German or Caucasian Shepherd Dog and Moscow watchdogs. The Doberman Pinscher has also proven itself well, but it is not so frost-hardy.

Dogs to protect sheep from wolves, dogs, herds of sheep

Shepherd dogs bred specifically to protect sheep and rams from wolves are the Australian Kelpie, the American Canadian Shepherd White, the Bernese Mountain Dog, the Border Collie, the Moody, the Welsh Corgi, and the less exotic commoner German Shepherd.

Dog for the protection of the elderly

Guard breeds of dogs - shepherd dogs and terriers for an elderly person will be too burdensome, since they need to be seriously dealt with and walked for a long time in the fresh air. In addition, large animals strive for dominance and may not obey their master, having seen slack in his advanced age.

Dogs of small breeds - Maltese, Pekingese and Pomeranian - can combine the qualities of a guard and be easy for the elderly.

Small guard dogs of small size and stature

Small dogs with excellent watchdog qualities are Australian Terriers, West Highland White Terriers and Miniature Pinschers. Despite their small stature, these dog breeds are renowned for their quick wit and reckless courage.

How much is a Moscow guard dog puppy

Moscow guard dog puppies on OLX sell for $100-$300. The price for a baby from a nursery is from $250 and up.

Guard dog boy or girl

Some sources claim that males have the best security qualities, but most dog breeders agree that it all depends on the temperament of the animal itself and its proper upbringing. So it is not so important to choose a dog or a bitch as a guard. Choose a new pet for yourself, guided by the impulses of your heart and you will not regret it.

Home guard dogs have always been valued. And today, in a not particularly calm criminogenic situation, guard dog breeds are becoming an excellent solution for protecting both a country house and a private house. What are the breeds and what kind of dog to get for protection? What are the best guard dogs and how do they differ from each other? You can find out about this below with photos and videos.

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The guard is the result of genes and training

In the absence of genes, it will not be so easy to teach a dog to guard a country or private house. But even a genetically capable pet will not always be able to perform the functions assigned to it without proper training and training. Therefore, if you do not know which one to protect your home, then remember that their abilities are the result of regular training and frequent physical exertion.

Not all breeds are suitable for the role of guards at home. For example, hunters, by their very nature, will not be able to perform guard functions like guard dogs. In addition, breeds designed, for example, to save a person, such as St. Bernard, will less skillfully cope with the function of a guard. Naturally, the dimensions of such pets are impressive and certainly, if necessary, they will be able to protect a person in an emergency. But this purpose is not the main one for them, so it is not worth demanding high results from such breeds.

It should also be noted that guard dogs for a private home cannot be "fighters", for example, pit bull terriers or staffords. Initially, such dogs were bred specifically for fighting with other animals, but they usually have warm feelings for people. Naturally, as in the previous case, it is quite possible to teach a dog to guard a yard or a private house. But if an animal learns to hate all people without exception, then this can also be fraught with the owner.

Remember that it is possible to raise a good guard only through regular training, but genes in this case will also play an important role. Therefore, if you decide to get a guard, then we suggest that you find out which breeds of pets are more prone to this. Below is a list of the most capable animals for this business.

The main breeds of watchdogs

The best guard dogs for a private home or yard will be able to fully perform their functions with proper education.

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Rottweilers are great for protecting the yard and private home if you do not live in extreme cold conditions. These smooth-haired pets have long established themselves as reliable guards capable of protecting a person if necessary. In addition, Rottweilers are by nature attentive and alert dogs, so such a dog will instantly respond to the presence of a stranger on his territory. Rottweilers are very distrustful of strangers.

But only training will help to make a security guard out of him. Moreover, these dogs are prone to dominance even over a person, and sometimes they are simply stubborn. Therefore, it is necessary from early childhood. And in the process of education and training, you must immediately stop everything that you do not want to see in an adult pet. If the dog understands that something is possible for him, then it will be much more difficult to wean him.


By their nature, Dobermans are very determined dogs that do not like to yield to either a person or other pets. Therefore, in order to keep this breed safe, start working with it immediately after the puppy enters the house. Of course, in addition to the fact that the Doberman needs to be explained his security function of the yard or a private house, the dog must also be properly educated in terms of behavior. The dog must unquestioningly listen to the owner and understand that the main person in the house is a person.

But if the dog is properly trained, you will get not only a fearless guard of the yard and a private house, but also a reliable bodyguard. And believe me, his reflexes will allow him to react with lightning speed to danger, and the magnificent strength of the dog will help to cope even with a big enemy. In addition, even in the photo you can see that the Dobermans are very fast, so in a few seconds he can be at the other end of the yard if necessary. The Doberman is a dangerous weapon and must be trained to respond to the owner's commands.

German Shepherd

The German is one of the most popular types of guards. The guard dog breeds that exist today have not been able to absorb as many positive qualities as the German Shepherd. Such dogs:

  • very smart;
  • sensitive to the problems and mood of a person;
  • distrustful of strangers;
  • especially unpretentious in content;
  • excellent for training.

With the right approach, it will not be difficult to teach such a dog security functions. In principle, even without learning the standard commands, the dog will understand that the yard is the territory of the owner and will warn the person about all the strangers who come. However, this does not exclude the need for education. Germans are not only reliable bodyguards, but also excellent friends - even the most angry dog ​​for other people will be affectionate and playful with the owner.

Moscow watchdog

If you decide to choose this breed, then you probably know that it was bred specifically to protect the home. This breed was bred in Russia and is considered one of the youngest existing today. dogs are very strong animals and naturally vicious towards strangers.

Representatives of this breed need regular education and training, as well as strong physical exertion. If the dog is brought up correctly, then it will combine the qualities of a reliable guard and friend for each family member. In addition, these dogs are not demanding in maintenance and care, so you do not need to know any special nuances in this regard. When training, encourage the animal and give him treats - this way it will be easier for the “Muscovite” to learn commands.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

If you decide to choose this breed, then do not believe that these dogs are very vicious. From the photo and video you can say the opposite, but it's not. Of course, they will be distrustful of strangers, but in general, dogs of this breed are good friends and love children very much. Naturally, it is impossible to say with absolute certainty that they are crazy about kids, but nevertheless, they are very patient with children and their antics.

But it can take time to teach a dog to behave properly. No matter how smart the dog is, it must go through the initial training course and know all the basic commands. Do not let the animal understand that it is the main thing in the house, over time this can have sad consequences. A pet should always know its place and understand that a person is the owner of the house.

How to choose the best home security guard?

This question is relevant for many owners of private houses. When choosing a reliable security guard, you should proceed from several criteria:

  1. Dog size. At least it should be medium, but it is better that the dog is large. After all, even a poodle can inform the owner about uninvited guests, but a big dog will be able to drive away the attacker. If you still prefer small pets, then keeping two dogs is ideal. One will perform the functions of a "call", and the other will frighten strangers.
  2. Thick undercoat. If you want a guard, it is not necessary that he has a beautiful coat, but he must have a thick undercoat. This is more true for those regions where there are very severe frosts in winter. A Doberman or Rottweiler may not be as comfortable guarding the yard in the cold, but then you must provide the dog with his own home. An aviary or booth is suitable for this.
  3. distrust of strangers. The five dog breeds listed above have this quality. But a large St. Bernard with a thick undercoat will be useless if he loves people in general.

Video "Watchdogs"

Practical information about watchdogs is presented in the video.

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